rights, relationships and recovery – one year on paul martin chief nursing officer

Post on 05-Jan-2016






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Rights, Relationships and Recovery – One year on

Paul Martin

Chief Nursing Officer

Context Mental Health a national priority Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003 Kerr Report National Programme for Mental Health & Wellbeing Delivering for Health Delivering Health, Enabling Care Rights, Relationships and Recovery Delivering for Mental Health – HEAT Targets Focus on Health and Wellbeing – mental health still a national priority Response to Kerr

AIMS? To improve the quality of life for users and carers To increase opportunities for social inclusion for users and

carers To build on the rights-based legislation To provide better prevention, promotion care and recovery

services that meet the mental and physical health needs of individuals

To link with other initiatives to drive a cohesive change agenda

What do we and service users want?

We all want nurses who: Care for us and about us as individuals Who listen and who explain Who develop relationships that inspire confidence

and hope Who are trained with the skills and techniques that

match our needs and aid recovery

Don’t MH Nurses already offer this?Yes but…

We need to better appreciate that good care is often delivered under difficult, stressful circumstances

We need to build on what we have and always look for opportunities for further change and improvement

We need to develop a profession that is better skilled in psychological and psychosocial interventions

We need values based care and support - focussed on recovery We need good access to education and on going training We need good supervision and support We need to retain our skilled people and benefit from their expertise We need more people to take up ‘the leadership challenge’

Support for change? National Implementation Steering Group Local Implementation Groups Financial support for NHS Boards and NES Work streams led by NES, QIS and HEIs Ongoing in-year monitor of progress Annual report and conference Education and training support

What change has happened?

Review of pre-registration programmes – working towards a new national framework

Student selection strategies are involving service users and carers Values based training Recovery focused care and treatment Essential Shared Capabilities published Competencies for working with CAMHS, older people and

forensic settings Access to flying start for all newly qualified nurses

What change has happened? Supervision and leadership courses Developing the role of Nurse Consultants in mental health

in psychological therapies, dementia, eating disorder Developing the role of support workers Some nurses prescribing Physical health of patients is being driven by nurses as is

substance misuse Reviews of care planning and documentation

Areas for Development We need to be better at sharing good practice and using information We need to measure change We need local ownership and leadership of this agenda We need to address new ways of delivering care – Tidal Model,

recovery We need support for change in acute, CAMHS and older people

services We need opportunities for planned rotational development We need to develop community referrals We need whole systems ways of working

What next? We will reflect on the national and local positions and agree next

steps and a timetable for action We will discuss ongoing supports to drive this agenda forward

locally, regionally and nationally We will encourage innovation and sharing of good practice We will build this agenda into the attention on patient safety and

patient experience – using patient stories We will support all measures to improve access to training and

education with appropriate supervision and support

Last thoughts Let’s all work together to build on the solid

foundation and good work so far – Scotland is in a good position

Building on lessons learned Let’s all work together to use the wider service

delivery agenda to help deliver our objectives Let’s lead from the front, advance together, and not

push from behind!

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