richmond stockyards repair - · make a new grade dfro"will/°tm poplaor...

Post on 09-Sep-2018






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Thursday. November I t , IISO. MT. VERNON 'SlbWAL, MT. VERNON. Ky.

By Mr*. OUa Cox

Tobacco grading is the chief occupation in this community everybody is. in a rush to get their crop oh the early market.

Mrs. Okla Cox spent the week-end with her daughter, Mrs. Thomas Ward at Brod-head.

Mr. agd Mrs. Edward Cox'and son, Kenneth, of Lexington, visited Mr. and Mrs. Jason Cox over the week-end.

Mr. Andy Cox and Olen Mar-tin are employed at Frankfort


Walter Atkinson was here from Dayton, O., a few days last week visiting the family of D.B.'Chandler. T

• Mr. and Mrs. Everett Simp-son were here over the week-end from Cincinnati, visiting his sister, Mrs. Naomi Chand-ler.

Mr. Jim Smith ahij Mr. Matt Stevens .were fishing at-Walk-er's Fishing Camp last weelc.

E. P. Chandler was with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. S a 5 l u ? ' Cox, who works fori Chandler Saturday.

was h e r f S i ^ w M k g t 0 n ' I Mr. and Mrs. Bill Carson was here this weelc. i r e u p { r ( J m B r o d h e a d F r i d a y

• J , M r s j X L

W M " t i n night with her parents, Mr. and vis fed their daughter, Mrs. | M r s . D B. .Chandler.

*1, Sunday evening. | Miss Jewel Brock is attending Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Martin; School at Brodhead and stay-

and daughter. Opal, were ini ing'with her sister,-Mrs. JeSs Richmond, Sunday afternoon. Proffitt.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Martin Some of the ladies of the and children visited Mr. and I Holiness Church have - been MtS.,J-,.?-(Dolley Sunday. 'papering the - parsonage. •

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Swollom | Opal Brock and baby of Cin-have moved 'to Harry Stall's cinnati, are here with her place near Horse Lick Creek, j father.

Lloyd Cox is visiting his sis- Mr. and Mrs. Billy Harp of ter, Dorothy Ward, at Brod- Dayton. O., Mrs.' Nina WJise, head this week. ;and son Prescott, of Brodhead,

•Mr. and Mrs. J. H. HayesNyere visiting their grand-visited relatives in Three Links parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Sunday. . I Chandler, Sunday.

POPLAR GAP By G. W. Allan.

Mr. .and Mrs. Dave Singleton of Dayton, O., have returned to

M t Vernon, who has been In Berea hospital three months. She doesn't seem to be im-proving. ••

Most everyone here is busy stripping tobacco.

their home after a weeks visit. -I- W A R D Mr. Charley Griffin was in By Mrs. Juanita Scott

Lexington last week for • a | T

medical check up. Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Bullock of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Higgins Vernon spent Sunday with

wish to announce the arrival , M r a n d Mrs. Curt Bullock and of a baby girl, Glenna Sue. i f a m u y .

had'as w " £ k S ' guests'Mr^and' **— r- r tj«n . . j .lo..«>,»<>•• week-end in Ohio, with friends. Mr. ahd Mrs. Olen God by Mrs. E. J. Bell and. daughter,

Linda, of Richmond, Ind., and Mrs. George Bell of Fort Worth, Texas.

•Mr. and Mrs. Earl Recce ef Cincinnati, spent the week-end with relatives here.

' Mr. Clinton Allen was down

moved to Iheir new home Crab Orchard Saturday.

Mr. Jess Bray, Jr., of Ohio, spent the week-end With, his

| parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Bray,' "

Pfc. Wajel D. Payne, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Payne, Spent last week with homefolks enroute to - Camp Stoneman,

from Richmond, Ind., qver the week-end. - -Si .— —~~

A few of the citizens of this

Lewis^and "wi l l / ° to j ol'^he^ffradiuited 2L°2S2£ make a new grade from Poplar " he graduated from SouUi-Ga#., to. the new rural highway ^ s t e rn Signal^ Schwl Qamp last weelL I Gordon, Ga., from a Military

Mrs. Sarah McGwire spent Cryptography course with & rat-part of last week with her , '"8 of Superior Private daughter Mrs. Frank Mullins,1 P ayn® ,ls

ua graduate of Mt Ver-

and Mr. Mullins and family. I n o n H l g h Sc"00*-1 I Mrs.. Arthur Payne and Mrs. /-•D t r tT T . Lloyd Payne were Sunday Lr t f t f cW g u e s t s o f M r . a n d . Mrs. Earl Mrs W. H. Coffey ! " Cromer.


8 inches and over In diamatar for making Axe handles. PRICE

GRADE A - - - 9c par handle \ GRADE B - - - 7c par handle GRADE C - - - Jc par handle

—ALSO— 52" - 56-" - 63" and 75 inch LogB for mak-ing Jack handles and Cant Hook handles. Logs must be 14" and over in diamatar and clear of knots or bird packs.

_ PRICE GRADE A - ; $60.00 par M feel GRADE B - - HO.00 par M feat

to McKee. Kei yard by January 1.

6 . P. Link Handle Co* McKEE, KENTUCKY

Agent—Mr J. S. Thompson


Mr. Esmar Hayes returned to his home in Dayton, O., after spending several days • here with his sister, Mrs. W. R. Cof-t Farm Planning fey and family, and his brother, Ed Anderson of the Poplar G. C. Hayes and Mrs--Hayes qt Grove neighborhood said, "I Winchester. - |want to get this farm to mak-

Mr. and Mrs. Osborne Cof- 'ing me some money," when he fey of Richmond, Ind., are here 'was shown the soil capability visiting her parents, Mr. and map of his farm. He bought Mrs. Jim Smith..' 'a farm that had been rented

I Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Coffey | ° u t many years. It has spent last week-end with Mr. I1**" tended in corrf and tob-and Mrs. Robert Coffey and son, ; a c c o u n t " m u c h °f ' h e *»' has Robert Jr., in Richmond. Ind. eroded away. No livestock They were accompained by Mr j"3* been kept on the farm, and Mrs. Orvil Coffey and ' ,M,r- Anderson made an open daughter, Eleanor, of Berea. |ditch last spring, using dyna-

' Miss Emily Wolfe spent Thurs- , m i t e . to c a r r y the water from day night with Miss Nell Wanda several springs across a 12 Parsons. ;acre bottom. 'The ditch carries

| Mr. and Mrs. Lysses Baker 8 stream of water that was spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. making the bottom useless.

• Tom Mink of Brindle Ridge. Fescue, ladino clover and lespe-Joe Howard, who is working deza will be seeded on that

in Richmond: Ind.. is v i s i t i n r 1f l ^ f 1 > the .spring. .

with homefolks.— -—Using, the. Lillian Anglin was in - a s a 8uide and with the aSsis-

Wednesday night with Misses | , a n i ' e ° ' the Soil Conservation Eliza and Mima Coffey Service Technician, Ed selected

Mr. Lillian Anglin was in 2, n e w[ permanent location for to see Mrs. Martha Franklin of ,™? tobacco. Cov,er crops, fer-

- tilizer and manure will be used to conserve the soil and build

"'fertility and yields. A few fences -will be relo-

cated to fit the use of the land. ; Permanent hay, permanent

it will be treated with Jime, rbckr phosphate and ' fertilizer.

"I may not get all of this done next yiar," Ed said, "but I'll get part of it then and fin-ish it as I can.. I had some ideas on it .but that Is the rea-son I wanted some help on lining it all out I warft to fix each field right as I go." After discussing the best way to plow-in and seed a big gully Ed got on his horse to go back across the Creek to help strip tobacco on a farm operated with his brother.

Any farmer can get the same help Ed got in planning .his farm- A complete -plan should be in the farmer's mind, not just what one field, one branch or one hillside needs.

DEEDS— • Pete Burke to Edward Burke,

10 acres near Brodhead Guy Francisco to Mae Chaf-

lin, real estate fn Livingston. Mae Moore Chaflin to Char-j

lotte Francisco, real estate in Livingston. - :

Ruth Hendrickson to L,u'cy' Rambo, real estate in- Brod-i head. • Bob Brown to Mollie Brown,' 135 acres east of Mt. Vernon.

Ben Chesnut to Mose Mul-lins, 97 acres in county.

Arthur Clark to Stanley Mc-Guire, 120 acres on Brush Creek.

R. H. Moore to Rose Mary; Cummins, land on Calloway [Branch. . I A. E. Blackburn to Lloyd* Blackburn, 60 acres on S k e g g ^

Since that day, fifty years ag;o, when the first automobile chugged down Main Street, to the amazement of people, dogs and horse*:

. . . since even before that, when there were no cars, and the principal petroleum products in use were kerosene oil and axle grease: . . . year -after year, Standard Oil products have continued to_bt_thtr. .


"Yop'v^^Bf tiJ be good to *ftr> «tot in front. After sixty-four years of service to the people of the«South, Standard Oil products continue to lead in popularity because they continue to lead in performance.

You'll find your neighborhood'Standard Oil dealer matches the dependable quality of the proddcts he offers, with the extra service he renders,

Creek. Lloyd Blackburn to Harvey

Mink, land on Skeggs Creek. Jonnie French" to Mrs. Mae!

Owens, real estate in Miller ad-| dition of Mt. Vernon

Chris Peters to Warren Poy-nter, real estate on Roundstone, Creek. j

Henry Alcorn to John Ren- P h n n o 1 1 1 ner, 22 acres on Renfro Creek.1 ° n e 1 0 0

Ben Chesnut to Myrtle Bur-j nett land on Cove Branch. |

Anderson Romer to Delora Romer, land on Roundstone I Creek;

Howard Renner to Mary Ren-ner, land on Skeggs Creek.

Clotine Deatherage to Rosa Baron, land on Roundstone i Creek. I . _BicharcL.Ml .Hood to Robert. Blowers, five acres on Round-: stone Creek.

Robert Blowers to Landa I Hood, real estate on Round-stone Creek.

Isaac Bowman to Amos Bow? man, 45 acres near Brush Creek.

M»lvin Hughes to Charlie Marler, 41 acres in county.


Ml. Vernon. Ky.


Richmond Stockyards Is Now Open On Thursdays

Sales Starting At 12:30 So The -Farmers May See Their Livestock Sold and Receive Their Checks The Same Day.

Sales On Saturday Starting At 1:30 All Major_Buyers Represented For Fat Cattle,

Feeders, Veal, Hogs and Lambs

u s e j Charlie Pence Managers N. B. Ogden

by more !


P h o n e s 1 5 9 3 - 7 4 0

farmers than any 4- other powdered


We repair all makes of sewing machines

Free estimates made in home.


ROY U. TURNER Ml. Vernon, Ky Good Fcr. Lite!

Singer Sewing Machine Company

Your doctor says that your body requires milk every day of your life to

health and vigor Order the best from

3-01AMOND Enaoflam*nl R I N O


|1 00 WIIXIY Somerset 238 E. Mt. Vernon St. Ph. 830

$ 7 5 0 DOWN HJO WttKlY




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15 JEWELS W e A l w a y s H a v e A S t o c k Of C l e a n U s e d

C a r s R e a d y T o D r i v e

" T R A D E "

D Furatshmp Policy

by fir*

liulc. Comuh ui (tr



Kinds Co**. Henderson

Mt. Varnnn. If j


• v ; j : • ,, ., - • ^ * V / J


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