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Post on 17-Jun-2018






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Richard Winfield

Hello and Welcome

Host – Fiona Macpherson

Presenter – Richard Winfield

Q & A Host – Jane Barrett

Why do we use profiling systems?

To understand how we operate

To understand how others operate

To understand how we operate together

So that we can become more effective

Profiling systems

Myers Briggs Type Indicator

Popular with professionals

But …

Insights colours

User friendly

Memorable profile language within an organisation

DISC Personality Profiling



Wealth Dynamics


User friendly

Memorable language

Team building

Applies to people

Applies to organisations

Applies to markets

1) Do you have experience of MBTI?

2) Do you have experience of Insights colours?

3) Do you have experience of DISC?

4) Do you have experience of Wealth Dynamics?

5) Have you completed a Wealth Dynamics



Roger Hamilton

Wealth Dynamics was developed by Roger Hamilton as a result of studying wealthy people to discover the best strategy for business success.

He identified eight core strategies, which could be applied by others.

Like many psychometric tests, Wealth Dynamics is based on 5,000 year old Chinese philosophy from the I-Ching (Carl Jung).

Wealth Dynamics relates profiles to work roles and business building.

The Chinese related natural energy frequencies to seasons of the year.

Organisations, industries and economies follow similar seasons.

Wealth Dynamics

Wealth frequencies

Dynamo Spring intuitive innovation

Blaze Summer extrovert magnifying

Tempo Autumn sensory timing

Steel Winter introvert multiplying

Energy frequencies & seasons

Wealth frequencies

Wealth Dynamics profiles




Deal maker





Profile strategies

Each profile requires an entirely different strategy:

a different team

different mentors

a different wealth network

different financial fitness

All profiles make great leaders – in the appropriate time and place.

Reading a profile

Reading a profile

Creating value


Wealth = Value x Leverage

Wealth Dynamics shows you how to find the people of greatest support ; people who can leverage your value – and whose value you can leverage.

To identify your minimum team, move three profiles clockwise or anti-clockwise, then move a further two.

An ideal team should have a balance of all eight profiles (or energies).

Team of three

Creator profile

Creators are task-based and naturally ask “What”?

They are visionary and able to inspire others – but over optimistic and easily distracted.

Richard Branson Walt Disney Bill Gates

Star profile

Stars are task and people based. They ask “What?” and “Who?”.

They are vibrant, energising and quick to deliver, but they can be overbearing and controversial.

Oprah Winfrey Bill Clinton

Supporter profile

Supporters are people-based. They ask “Who?”

They enjoy teambuilding and networking, make good cheerleaders, but often seek too many opinions and can be easily defocused.

Jack Welch Steve Ballmer

Deal maker profile

Deal makers are people and activity based. They ask “Who?” and “When?”.

They are outgoing, entertaining and approachable, quick to spot opportunities, but often too quick to please and can get carried away.

Donald Trump Rupert Murdoch

Trader profile

Traders are activity based. They ask “When”?

They are balanced, observant and insightful, create loyalty easily but can get bogged down in data and miss the big picture.

George Soros John Templeton

Accumulator profile

Accumulators are activity and data based. They ask “When?” and “How?”.

They are reliable, careful and deliver on time, but they often procrastinate and can be slow to build up momentum.

Warren Buffet Paul Allen

Lord profile

Lords are data based and love detail. They ask “How?”.

They are controlling and cautious, and see distinctions that others miss. However, they have little patience with social niceties and can struggle in presenting complex ideas.

Lakshmi Mittal Gordon Brown

Mechanic profile

Mechanics are data and task based. They ask “How?” and “What?”.

They are innovative perfectionists able to spot inefficiencies in the system, but can seem aloof and removed; their communication style can cause friction.

Michael Dell Jeff Bezos

Creator: to build a better product

Star: to create a better brand

Supporter: to lead a team

Deal Maker: to bring people together

Trader: to buy low and sell high

Accumulator: to collect appreciating assets

Lord: to control cash generating assets

Mechanic: to create a better system

Assignment of roles

Proven concept – creators for new projects

Brand attraction – stars focus on new business

Operating team – supporters to lead the team

Market connections – deal makers build relationships

Tradable entity – traders to negotiate

Bankable asset – accumulators project managers

Cash generating infrastructure – lords are best analysts

Licensable system – mechanics to improve the process

Eight stages of enterprise

Any questions

Further information

“Your Life Your Legacy”, Roger Hamilton

Forthcoming Webinars

Contact Janet Barker for further information

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