richa rajoriya ppt_epco pdf

Post on 09-Aug-2015






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To create awareness about the oldest art of planning of

structure which is in sync with environment conservation

To present the scientific reasons behind few of the very

basic Vastu Principles which can be implemented in modern


To motivate people live in healthy and energy efficient

environment so that they can avoid negativity and destructive

thoughts and life can be in harmony with natural forces

Vastu means to dwell and Vidya means science. So, Vastu Vidya is the

sacred science related to designing and building houses.

Vastu is rooted in Vedic philosophy, which emerged around 4500

years ago.

Vastu aims to balance between the home (the microcosm) and the

cosmos (the macrocosm), bringing health, wealth and happiness.

According to Vastu, the external and the internal are interchangeable,

for the underlying energies that govern the elements, such as wind or

fire, are the same as those that control the organs of the human body.

The Hindu mythology contains a large pantheon of Gods

symbolizing various transcendent and invisible forces.

Gods directly relate to Vastu Vidya are derived from the

Vedas which are among the oldest literary works of mankind,

possibly dating from 25000 BC.

The all nine Vastu Dieties, (left to right)

Top first row: Vayu (God of Wind), Kubera (God of Wealth), Soma (God of immortal Ambrosia)Middle Row: Varuna (Lord of Waters), Vishwakarma (Architect of Gods), Indra (King of Gods)Bottom row: Nirtti (Lord of Demons), Yama (God of Dharma and Death), Agni (God of Fire)

The east is the direction from which the sun rises, ushering each new

day, thereby representing the essence of all beginnings; the west

indicates the opposite, for as the sun we are reminded of endings, the

unknown and darkness; north is the direction of polar star, the fixed

point in the sky that denotes stability and security; the south

represents the past and our ancestry.

No building can be constructed or properly arranged without a plan.

The plan used in Vastu is Vastu Purush Mandala which is a three dimensional yantra (a diagram mapping cosmic energies) encapsulating all the forces acting on

any given space.

Purusha symbolized as a man with his stomach facing earth, it is embodiment of all cosmic forces.

His head is positioned towards the north-east of the plan of home and home starts acting like a body of Purusha.

The Mandala takes the form of a square representing the earth in its fixed aspect with the eight compass directions, for it is believed that a square plot exhibits the

same qualities as the entire organism of earth.

In India, it has long been understood that health and happiness do not rely

solely on things such as food or exercise.

If the mind is upset, then the whole body is thrown out of balance, including

illness. The energy channels of the body, or nadis receive subtle cosmic

energy referred to as prana.

Vastu stipulates that if prana functioning properly within the home, it

ensures good health, wealth and happiness.

Those who ignore the advice of the Vastu Shastra will experience continual

sorrow and disappointment.

If we translate prana in English, then it would mean life and the only thing which sustain life on earth is Oxygen.

So prana is required to be incorporated in the house which can be obtained by ether element and the air element.

By providing sufficient open space in the house and a good ventilation system (prana) can be maintained in life.

This is scientifically true as well! If we have deficiency of oxygen in the house then the inhabitants will suffer from suffocation and anaerobic respiration conditions.

This will continuously disturb their energy level, sleeping cycle, mental and physical health etc. so those inhabitants will naturally not able to perform nicely in their field of work a this will automatically bring sorrows and disappointments in

their lives.

In my opinion, all the modern engineers and planners must practice

VS, as with its recommendations the life can become more easy and

happy going.

It is not just a mythological description of orientation, planning etc.

but each and every recommendation having its scientific reason.

Some are known while research needs to be carried out for rest.

In my thesis I have tried to give sufficient reasons for the Vastu

Shastra being an eco-friendly practice of construction.

According to VS, there is an intricate system of energy lines covering the earth like a grid. These lines run from dipolar magnetic points of north and south and from east to west, along

the path of the sun.

A plot of land demarcated in the shape of a square or rectangle exhibits the same characteristics in terms of the movement of energy as the entire planet Earth. Using the

image of the square, the ancient Sages calculated the proportion of each compass direction. The four major compass directions North, South, East and West form a cross and are at 90

degree to one another.

The earth’s axis is tilted at an angle of 23.5 degree; the Ancients divided that number into 360 degree which leaves an average number of 15 degree.

Therefore an angle of 15 degree is taken from each corner of the major directions of 90 degree, totalling 60 degree in all, and leaving reminder of 30 degree. Therefore it is

calculated that each major direction has an angle of 60 degree and each of the junctional directions, such as N-E has an angle of 30 degree.

By calculating the proportion of each direction the Ancient Sages were able to calculate which area of any given space the different

directions influence.

If properly designed and oriented then the house will absorb all the positive natural energies, thus ensuring the well being and

contentment of its inhabitants.

With proper care and attention, the design and layout of houses can echo the underlying energy patterns at work in the cosmos.

The house naturally becomes a part of the fabric of the universe, vibrating in harmony with it, which ultimately benefits the entire


The human body too has the characteristics of a magnet with

head acting as a North pole of a magnet.

For this reason Vastu recommends not to sleep with head

pointing North as the two similar poles will repel each other

and this will cause disturbance in blood circulation. The

blood’s basic constituent is haemoglobin, which is an iron

compound, and for this reason, our whole body acts like a





With the beneficial rays of the morning sun entering from the east and the

earth’s magnetic pull to the north. The Ancient Sages of India visualized that

cosmic energy is received from the N-E and moves towards the S-W.

The N-E direction is known as Ishanya in Sanskrit, meaning purity,

representing all that is good in the universe.

According to Vastu, there should be no doorways and exits in the S-W corner.

By keeping the SW corner blocked, the positive energy entering from the N-E

direction will be prevented from leaving. The S-W corner of any home is

called as preserving zone.

The Sun is symbol of pure energy, shakti. Even in Vedas, the Sun has been

given due respect and honour.

The most auspicious prayer in Rig-Veda is Gayatri Mantra, which is an

invocation to the Sun God, asking for his protection.

There is also famous Surya Mandal Stotra, a section from Indian epic

Ramayana. This part of an invocation to the Sun made by Lord Rama at the

request of Maharshi Agastya before he enters Lanka to do battle with the

demon king Ravana.

The Surya Manadal Stotra is made up of twelve verses or stanzas, which

worships the Sun’s movement into the twelve houses, representing the twelve

calendar months.

Orientation plays a crucial role in Vastu Shastra. The East is the position from which the Sun rises every day and therefore represents the quintessence of all the

beginnings, so the occupants of a building derive maximum benefits from the Sun’s eastern rays.

The morning sun emits ultra-violet rays, which contain more light and less heat than later on in the day.

UV rays trigger the formation of vitamin-D in our body when the bare skin is exposed to the sun.

These UV rays also acts as purifier, killing germs and disease carrying bacteria. As the sun moves towards the west it grows hotter, emitting more infer-red rays, which

are detrimental to the health.

Earth enjoys optimum levels of heat to sustain its fertile environment. Three

quarters of its surface is covered by water, which in combination with three

of the other four natural elements air, fire and earth make life on Earth


According to VS, there is an intricate system of energy lines covering the earth

like a grid. These lines run from dipolar magnetic points of north and south

and from east to west, along the path of the sun.

A plot of land demarcated in the shape of a square or rectangle exhibits the

same characteristics in terms of the movement of energy as the entire planet

Earth. Using the image of the square, the ancient Sages calculated the

proportion of each compass direction.

Being a civil engineer, I do not contradict the facts like RCC is a

strong, durable and economical material for building construction but

just want to highlight the super efficient structures of India which

were based on Vastu and are safe for taken into use even today.

This is not just due to material used, but also due to correct and

efficient planning in accordance with cosmic, geomagnetic and

gravitational energies.

The following is one such case study of the world famous temple of

South India, Tirupati Balaji Temple. This piece I have included from

the book “Vastu Vidya—the ancient art of placement” written by

Juliet Pegrum and foreword by Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen

Tirupati, in southern India, the abode of Venkateshwara,

the Lord of Wealth, is reputed to have perfect alignment

in terms of Vastu principles.

It is the richest temple in India, some say in the world.,

receiving a staggering five billion rupees in donation a

year from the 100,000 pilgrims each day.

There are three main temples at the site: Tiruchanur, Tirupati and Tirumala.

Tiruchanur is the gateway next to the Swarnamukhi river, which leads to


Tirupati is the largest temple complex, situated on the plains between the river

and the mountains.

The actual shrine to Lord Venkateshwara is located at Tirumala temple, which

lies on a hill that is part of the mountain range designated as Eastern Ghats.

This is the heart of the Tirupati, the peak and final destination at the end of an

arduous climb. There are paths leading in from all of the four directions: east,

west, north and south.

The period between 3 a.m. and 6 a.m., just before sunrise, is called

Brahma Muhurta. At this time the sun is in the north-eastern section

of the house. These quiet hours are ideal for Yoga, meditation or


From 6 a.m. until 9 a.m., the sun is in the eastern part of the house,

which should be low lying to absorb the beneficial ultra-violet rays.

This is the time for bathing and preparing for the day, so the east is

good location for the bathrooms.

The time between 9 a.m. to 12 a.m. is known as Surya

Bhagawan, when the day properly begins and you start to feel

hungry. At this time, the sun is in the south east part of the

house, which is the prime location for the kitchen. This is also

the best time for preparing food to be eaten later in the day.

The kitchen and the bathroom are both wet areas of the house

positioned to receive strong sunlight to keep them dry and


After food, it is time to rest, so the time between 12 a.m.

to 3 p.m. is called Vishranti, the resting period. The sun

is now in the south, the best position for a bedroom.

Between the hours of 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. is the time for

studying and work, and the sun is now in the south-

west section of the house, the ideal location for a study

or library.

Vidya Shala is when the sun is in the west of the house. The period

between 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. is the time for eating, sitting or reading.

The west is the best location for the dining or sitting room.

Traditionally the north-west of the house was where the cow shed

would have been located. The time between 9 p.m. and 12 p.m.,

when the sun is in the north-west pat of the house, was the time to

attend to the animas. Modern Vastu practitioners recommend the

north-west as a good location for another bedroom.

The time between 12 p.m. and 3 a.m., when

the sun is in the northern section, is the time

for darkness and secrecy. The north is the best

place to hide treasure or valuables, to keep

them protected.

This ideal layout for the house is written in the ancient

Vastu texts:

Bathroom shall be in the east, south-east is the place for

kitchen, south is for bedroom, south-west for wardrobe

or dressing room, west is for the dining hall, north-west

for the cow shed. Treasury shall be in the north and

Puja room in the north-east. This ensures good

distribution of the solar energy.

The first and very basic step for any home making is site


The directions and environment of the site plays a great role

in the lives of the inhabitants.

Vastu starts from the road, so the nature of the site can be

determined by the direction of the road or roads that border it

and is referred to as north or south facing plot.

Sites with two roads bordering the property are known as

“corner site”.

It is very important that the corners are neither rounded or

cut across.

Extended north east corner: positive for the house

North Extended south-east corner: extending south of the south-east corner

has a positive effect on the health and harmony of the females of house

A south facing site: a site with a road to the south can cause

problems. It needs special attention from a Vastu practitioner,

especially if the road is at lower level than the house.

An east facing site: the road lies to the east side of the property. It is

a positive location, as the east will be unobstructed by other

properties, allowing the morning sun to penetrate the site.

A west facing site: in this example the road is to the west, thereby

blocking the north and east. This site is considered neutral.

A north facing site: this example shows a property wind

a road running along the north. Having the north side

unobstructed for the free flow of cosmic energy is also


A south-eastern site: if there is a road to the south and a

road to the east, this is referred to as a south-eastern

site. South-eastern properties are well located and are

especially good sites for women’s organization.

A north-eastern facing site: a property that has two

roads bordering it, one to the north and one to the

east, is called a north-eastern site.

If the two roads are lower than the property, or on

the same level, then this is considered the best

possible site. If the roads are higher than the

building, this will indicate possible financial

problems or problems with fertility for the


A south-western facing site: this site shows a road to the

south and another to the west. According to Vastu the

south-west should be blocked, but in this situation the

south-west is vulnerable to negative influences. This is a bad

residential site, although it could be good for business

purposes. If the roads are lower than the site, this accidents,

and criminal activities, and should be avoided.

A north-western facing site: a north western site is one with

a road in the west and another in the north and is

considered neutral.

Ancient Vastu practitioners believed that every substance has a living energy, with some material transmitting positive and

others negative energy.

Certain rocks such as sandstone and marble, are considered to have a very positive influence on the inhabitants, while others such as granite and quartz, constrict the flow of blood in the

vessels and cause health problems.

The ideal apartment block should be made from either brick or stone, not glass or reinforced concrete.

Wood and timber structures were dominant in ancient period.

The timber is a natural building material which if used

judicially then can benefit the mankind for generations.

The Vastu Shastra always recommends the methods of house

planning and construction which is in harmony with the


Unlike today’s construction practices, the Vastu Shastra

always maintained the balance with ecology and development.

Each and every point mentioned in the Vastu Shastra gives the

message of environment conservation and helps human find a

peaceful environment for living.

The Vastu Shastra not only recommends the use of wood

or timber but also defines the way trees should be cut


This profound research done by the Sages clearly reflects

that even in that era they were concerned about the

safety of environment and measured in well advance the

future living conditions and life style of humans.

In Vastu Shastra treatises, a detailed study of cutting,

fabrication and disposal can be seen.


1. Select any auspicious day for wood cutting (using Panchang and

Nakshtra), especially in uttarayana.

2. Performance of all rituals for the like santi, etc.

3. Marking of the trees for cutting.

4. Testing of the right trees for right application.

5. Tree cutting should be as per the recommendation like, for some

trees, first the branch and then stem should be cut. Whereas in some

cases it should be vice versa.

6. Never uproot the tree by cutting another tree.

7. Never cut the tree from the root, but keep a distance of one hasta

from the ground.

8. Never cut the tree without proper testing for hollowness, diseases,

strength, age etc.

Maya recommends to avoid cutting the following types of trees:

1. Grown near temple premises, ghost houses, ant hills,

crematory, lakes or walls.

2. Having been grown on the sides of the roads or in central

place of the town.

3. In the residential areas.

4. Infested

5. Habitats for various birds and animals.

6. Affected from forest fire or lightings.

7. Twingled with other trees or creepers.

8. All nissara and asara trees.

Examinations: the very first examination is visual examination, then

the odour, taste, sound and temperature of land.



Good: White, uniform

Medium: Red, yellow

Avoid: Black, blue


Good: Sandal, curd, ghee, flower, camphor, gomutra

Avoid: Blood, liquor, bad smell


Good: Sweet

Medium: sour or spicy

Avoid: Salty or bitter


Good: Like mrdanga


Good: cold in hot season and hot in cold season

Avoid: all the time cold or hot

It can be proved that the sloping directions can determine:

1. The degree of heating of land in summer and hence, the

wind direction and its effects.

2. Direction of flow of sewage water in monsoon and, hence,

the best way of land orientation in a particular region.

3. The sloping in east direction is advisable as the morning

pure rays of sun will enter the house easily and will create an

optimistic atmosphere.

4. Moreover if the slope is given towards the south then the

most troubling heat radiations will enter the house which will

affect the dwellers and also create health issues.

Doors should not be placed in opposite direction i.e.

N-S and E-W

This is so as to let air circulate in every room of the house and not just flows in one direction making it difficult to work

in that place due to wind.

If main road is passing by in the front of the door then this will invite noise pollution in the house and the inhabitants

will not be able to rest in peace.

The placement of windows can be decided on the basis of lucky and

unlucky energy positions.

The Vastu Shastra in 81 foot Vastu (ikyasi pad vastu) helps

finding us the positions where lucky and unlucky energy

influences. In 81 foot Vastu, at houses where Ish, Agni, Surya,

Som and Bhrama resides, those houses absorbs the positive and

lucky energy.

In these houses if sun rays falls, then it makes the life of inhabitants

energetic and active. While, the houses where Yam, Pitra, Dwarpal,

Asur, Pap and Rog resides, such houses a reflects negative and

unlucky energy when comes in contact with sunlight.

If we construct rooms in complete plot area then, there

will not be any space left for trees and garden.

By leaving such houses open and unused for living, the

garden can be planned which helps maintain the

greenery and beauty of the house and also helps

circulating fresh air in the house.

Vastu also recommends the plantation of certain trees

and plants where negative energy is prominent.

The plantation of Tulsi, Neem, Gular, etc helps in

generating positive energies and hence rectifies the

Vastu Dosh in any house.










I am highly thankful to the authors and publishers of the following books which helped me gain required

knowledge, understand concepts of Vastu and broadened my my way of thinking.

1. Mittal, Dr. Deepawali: Vanaspathi Vigyan Evam Bhartiya Jyotishshastra, ISBN No. 978-81-9097958-


2. Pathak, Prof. R.C.: Bhargava’s Standard Illustrated Disctionary Hindi-English, Fifth revised and

Enlarged Edition.

3. Shastri, Dr. Shankar Lal: Sanskrit Vangmaya Me Paryavaran, Edition 2003.

4. Arundhati, Dr. (Smt.) P.: Vastu Vidya in Manasollasa, ISBN No. 81-901708-1-3

5. Joshi, Motilal: Sanskrit Vangmaya Me Paryavaran Chetna, Edition: First, 2001.

6. Mishra, Dr. Nidhi: Ayurveda Me Paryavaran Evam Samaj, ISBN No. 978-81-7054-522-4.

7. Altekar, Rahul Vishwas, Vastusastra— Ancient Indian Architecture and Civil Engineering, ISBN No.


8. Bhartiya Vastushastra Parichaya Pathyakram; Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan Manitvishwavidyalaya,

New Delhi 110058, ISBN No. 81-86111-47-6.

9. Pegrum, Juliet: Vastu Vidya— the Indian art of placement, ISBN No. 81-7822-047-4.

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