ric. cooper, vegetine...spring of 1876. fashionable millinery axd l^ancy goods. the latest styles...

Post on 02-Jan-2021






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on Morris Btraat near7SMUB O f BU1ISCIUPTIOH


w , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8 2 . 0 0i • m t f a a , - _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 . 0 0

m o n t h s , - - - - - - - 61


t'po:l and Queenstown

D tile following StaiBublp lines:


ion Eoglund mid Hoy-,! Conk of frnlitudwoatr-tsa.

, B ,EI«otlrollBi™t,Bovo,,K.J.



' P. SriCKLK,

" Counsellor at LawAND



enter, and Mluildpr,ling promptly attended to.

B|»ni'piI)LACIi\V>!LI, St., nut I,, Oafo*4 » »'l»J'«lni)il.iirm!ll.

Contracts, token, BuiT material runiMHnl.

l> # 6 OornirVBIackwullBnd Bnrito* Hit,.1

j. . DOVER, N. J.

> t/B. JOLLEY, Proprietor.\

Counsellor at Law,AKD MASTER IN. OHANCEM, •.

Office to *ho NaHonnl Union Bank BnJklltiK ,

^uarrIU.UT., : B0W3B, N.J.'


\n , J.«', COI.IJ.VS,

OFl'IOli ami HEKIDI'.NCB <>|>i>r,Hilo Uic


LLIJ. MIONITLV Vrn:Nl>i:l) Til HAt flit XIOUT.

•?8'», ATTOBNEYB * CODN8ELL0IW ATj1 i , LAW. • •

,', ". DOVElt, N. .T.bonMnnftrSUh, Ifi71. 1-lyr

, 1.1[. SBtaiuU'lm. A' <-• Kin™.



•- Counsellor at Law,, N. J.

'iirnishing UndertakerAUCTIONEER AND OOSflll

JJJOMKn OP piOJyH,promptly nlttiuilod to.

j C. MAIUI:, Jr.,


v»:n BnowN'SDiitio STOII r

Oor, Blsiokwoll aa^.Sussex Ste,Mm ' D O V E l t . N. ,7.



c Carriages and. Sleighs,J j OrK».ryD««rlptl,n..

1,0 it Bluckiroll ua'tvifgia St., UOVKU, K. J.i IMrtlruhr attention palil tu ri-pnlrintr ftmlijflntloE . «J_

J l | - > O V E K 14UUIUTOIIY.

i U t t y a w . iDUES ANUMINJ511AI.8


Doror Morris C.iiaty N. J .

Allen Palmer & Son,Cfti-pcntei-s


\ jobbing promptly attended to.

S. J._PAL,MEll, Architect.

Organs and Melocleons1 - Repaired and funed

[.rraiiftl?. lo «.nj jiurt «r l lonln Cvnnty. A.1-jrc, \v. s. wnianr,'

Purer, K.I

UD » . 83UMI,1TMJU




S US-SEX- STREET,n.oinBraihoiu.ysiosiiororia

, .BOVEE,N'J. .

met . Tha TCrjr.bcBt b m i u , of




DESIGNED (am] Gxccntei), tntl raatGrial furnlsbou.


faralBficil, and contractB-takotl {or all work.I t o bo« reroreotoB flvcn «« lo oBMdty In

VT'"'"° U M "A'. Beemer,


BlockwU SU, near Snssei, Dover, N. J.


£ - . Fo* deacripUpiMiof Properly BO Jpartfi-Bli

Business Ciivds.

ii. A. B'ENNETT, M. D ,H O M C E O P 4 . T H I CPHYSICIAN & SURGEON,Cor. Blackwell & Warren Sis.

(OppDRito Dover Hank,)BOVEB.H.J.,

of TTouicn ana CliilJrcn, ana of (ii<E)0BUdEnr Bptcbltlos. •

Office Hours: 7 i i 0 A. M., 1 to U »nd 1 to 8 P. M.1 S M I


SURVEYOR.Snrvoys, Lcvclsand Grades

maao for Publio and Private Improvcmonta.


[Near l!:o Clrial I!ri(lsi-.]



Civil Engineer and Surveyor,



A JUD40N COG,. UCEH8ED AUCTIOKEEB'Evon ana coiXEcrron or issnttAiuE

ItKIKIEN SlllEET, DuVKU, N. J .— e r a tort at M. If. niclHintoii'a store, cir at

my ruililoucc trill rerelv. ntonipt atU'Ulinli.Kcunml-linml cood* uf all ileatrl|]ll(iii. IHIIIKIII* ulil. • l t- iy

IUSTICE OF THE PEACE,Ofllco nn IHacklvcll Street,

DOVEn, N. X(Mbcllollfl atleniloil to wltli dililteliw;.Altw, Aitwltix HID licit lifo ami Flro Inanr


iflk-o nvtT C1E0. IUCOAltIJHACo.'n 8TOIIE,




OKGAN.lrm. Call a( D. A. Demt\ f f3 PtnroliiroH St., Dovur, N. J. 48.tr

mts. A. BEEMERIiTnow ready with nil tUo now ntjleg for

SPRING of 1876.Fashionable Millinery


l^ancy Goods.THE

Latest Styles & Newest DesignsX orroaiTE NATIOKAIJ UNION JJANK

cnaoraa, HOVER, K. J.Tlio lnrKCBt DUII meet complete stouk or Milli-

lory and i>niiuy OCKMIB In IJD fount! (n Doverdin prising

oniictHt I fa* 8, FLoweps, Vent'ei'H, l l i b - o n s ; Kticen—realami imitation--ISecktlcB

nucl - l'.un'R, Collnra,Lace mui Ltaon

lets, CriMies. Moni-niiiu Jloitnets

R i C . COOPER,Mason and Builder.

»Oonlr»oi.takonforr.H klujBor Mmon TCork

LIME. rLASTEll AND-OESEST,; FurlriBlfoil Bt^hort'ndUtio.

Wco undur VTbal rna Kri Ofilmi," Doror,

~"S7 R. OSMTJlir. .-•. - • D e n t i s t , • • •

I AlOKKISTOWN, Ji. J. ,ilo l'ropnutdr for'Morris connty of FoUom'.

: Uoltl P i l . l i t .gn S p e c i a l t y .

iqnta XUronB .Osl.lo Ua., Ac, &c, ko. *o.

Grandin House. .00 YARDS FKOil B. L! * W. DEPOT

T. V. OKANDIN, IVoi.'r.

Kicolleiil/nccotninoilallonB.fi'ir tranalont nrrjunncnt bdardurs, alao a livery afld hoar ".iblu.tUeliDdtotliebmiHO. •l'BHaonjieriUi .

itand from ltinlu'i. laku alid Lakfl JlopatconK

• W. S. & IS. F. DeCAMl1,


Toi Iron.Orei onil.llineral Ptojort

r. O. ut B0ONT0N, H. J..Vu.S. DKC*MP. . KD. F . DEOI S - l y • . • • • • . - . •



POUT ORAM, NT. J.TniOll oil tlio niincijial linen of atonini ,iVTES. A!f« DltAiatlONUJlE.Vf UllITA[K


RESTAURANTfor laclicn aii<t tentlomcn, BLACK WELL St.,UOYElt, N. J., lotweon SIIOHUX olid MoniK HtK.





m.iei»tcri, Onlurs luftat lUo H tick la llmmn,povtr, N; J., allwiilafl tu promiitly." E5-2W • •"•



iHardware, Iron .and Steel,





deii Warp;fl(l.. Housekeeping Goods,

u s o , .•• . • • •


Lime, Cement, .Plaster,

JWtrintdwn, Sept. 23(1,1874,


R B a l l l i l i c n i n , J.ry,)p^iu,l;ni]11n,a», .lS.ItlMntiiaU.in. l i l tumiie I'uiu*, . .le .Vavur- in l AEHc,CUItlJ;ijvi.r, Apoi,\1. Pile*,- UUA <ir l.tvHn3,18. OjHillmltiir, and boioorV.V.iU Zra,,19. tntnril i , ii'iiiutrtf.ionic, Iiulm.ii.-j', .M.IVIiouiiluii-rourti, YiuLtfii oounki, „Sl.A«hmn, ?j.u,..-.4 3).™tUiw, . , .SI.IS-rlM-^-^'-rc-.lnfitwli^iHr", .» . HcroAiUlf...:«.-Mphiu;!*. Bn.-I Itiif, .31. (icuernl i J-iyiy.lliydtailU-.tiiuj, .Bi. ••ruj.-yii'ul wau'yl^rroHW. .... . .10. Hc>u<HlcUl>rnif, pitklicsl nuia n^n.7, ,M, NCI-OHB DeltlUty. EJuii»y.l V.-i-u:. 1

i l i y diMlmnjM I

Bl.l'nlHftillcHoilM, ivI.H.t: - •, . . BO>_ lH»w.«0 of l leur i . j-lu;(.i'iu(. , « ... 1CJ((, nf|>)Wl.cr.n, ulcwjikvleorM .-.v-... . JOIi. CUtUlllU C'OJIB15*"0""1" ' l ' 'I*-'4-'1'*! W

FiXtTCASTJ,l • , . " . liu»w

t?"TJ»eao rtinrillcii nra aent by (hoio oraliifrlf i j ' i ID n i y i:ut't un i t e

id n( J. Jf, TtUIH'X'S ifrng iloro, corner iuuk.rt.il mid Himunt BU., niid Vmifilit t Kitire, now corner (Inifj alore, DuTerj N. J.

A lino RBBnrtiiiL'iit bt

hignons, Switches, Braids, Ac.Also, it Tory lirpc variety o

ZEPHYR GOODS,Ami a fluo utoclt of ~

IKIICH' Furnishing Goods.iyoryllilug (if tlio boot niatorial an - tnadu upif the roout comJICtent BBsIsLants.'


Stove and Tin Ware Store,0RWI$F'S RALL BUILDING,


itry, that ho lim c«t>liliBUoa t._ . „ .raru rntalitliilimGnt t\ tlio aboie itftuu,

imler Uio supurvlifon >f Wr.J. flHITH.welVmown BH nu exnorfonuot? stovo deafer arid tm>in.il.i. Tlio elocli or goodn rotn-isling or tlioalcBtflntlniimt unproved -

PAELOB & KITCHEN STOVES,RANOES nnd HEATfiliS. tinrc him Icon putn^-mlara cotintqnumlf Ilia VERY NEffiaX

lOHUlKQ.'at tlioinwput IIAItD-rAM rrlccx.)ur Block of tin ware of ovary rtiMwdpHou tn

coir, nittl clicaii. Calf unit KB our fluuiic"ro piirchinlng rlfdwlicrc.

JOS, J. COETVIN.cmimns , N, J. . Oct.JiUt, IB7fl, 45-tf

VEGETINEHliCBBt tbo root or Incase by pijrir^luc tlta

01], reEinimp tlialirerani] kiilncya tit lionl

.notttTilo.iiamo'-nscompgnnd, wlildi i ln-ply jmrgeB tlio bownli, bill a mire, plena tutrcmeilT nlnch iannrc to purify tlio ulnoil am]tlicrebPrvHloro llio l iol lh >-

• V K

of thn Llood, by many_ „ _ , owtnp to 1 ta «roat HIICCC

,11 tliioRHOH of UiiR nrjtnrc.VEGETIKEVEGETIKE

DMB-n[>tdKMlvoluvilit]i..mo r«1io Impca byparglpg BU"i eroallus 11 facllll^na appotltc, bntnfsinti natnre in ckuniin aaii puntjInR tliuwlialbftflum, loadiuR t l a patioot enilaally to

„ liy"gorop'of our brat pliynkiina, bnt IIIOHCmost Inen-dulom ttircRarrt tn tii ninrlt a—

Uf moBt ftnlnnt frtondfi ni ' l snppnrt(.rs.

InBtonior bnlnB -a )>uffi;(lMi|i tocillclno liaitwnrietl HB nn.yiip to 1|« pronnnt' nstunli'lilnfrBnccDB«ih,v notual merit in uuriag nil (IISL'SHCIiif tho HIcoiT, iirwhutiivor natnt*. "

:s » Eontmi tiliystciaii, l inaa nn .equal an (Ioil niirlflrr. •• Hearing or Its mauv wnmltirrul

-•eg, Viet- all Dthur munition fiad fhiftii, IT(H-XcA tho!.hbratory and coavincetl mynoir of ItsKoniilnu merll. I t in nrcparLil'from Lnrkn,•oo.8j.nS licrlis, CftOli of WBIQII IB Ul^hly cITuo-

•; anil thoy nra compnnndDd In unch & I —

reeonunemlcil bjr pn.vnl-mcBripntniM'tho Lout purifier

. . -.. llin Woaa yet discovortJ, andRiiDiktiifU pralso wlin-havu Ijecr

rt-ntored^i ticnllhi ji-. •

HinnfffEDED.:':! . floatohi Fell. 13,19U-

r.H.Tl.;8TCvnsat . • . ;.Dii!rHir- Alxiulnro vcar aliico I:Touii

usinfr HDTorAt bottles. >-»w -»..»-. — .» ..vr-,...Bud (llBoonUniicil iUnBO. I feel qullo co&fl-dmt Hint lliordfs no nieulcma sii|icrlnr tn rfor Ilinsti complaiDtn Tor wlileli It IB eapcciall'prcnircC, Mia would oliccrfBlly rrcot-imentl tto tiinso wlio foci Itut tliey no oil Bomothtnft Ii

itoro tlicin toporloctUcnltli. -' " .Jk>8i)fctrn))i* yonn,

u . ) , . rr/iTiNPn.L.Firm or ii. JI. JWtliiftl.l It Co,,-10 Hlato BUMIBimmi.

]K«slr4fbtlffobottlrTETraErurrisboil ma by your agent, wy wife, fain linedltU great terieflt. ° - \For a. longtime «ba liaa Imcii troublcil ijttliiPBn atiil cnatlvcnoBH; tbcao tronblcR

-ffontirolyrpmoviKlbylbcuBOorVEGEXISliowisnlBo troiUilod wllli Dynpopiia. anil

lcnorttlDubilily; andbni been gicntly uenc-

TI109. GILH0B5,2201 Walnnt Strcot,'FEEC WVSELP A JVEW MAN

A max, MflM., Juno Jet, 1&13,Jin. II . B. STEVEXH t . '

Dear bir-TLroncu the addco and carnoit'rsaasioti or Her. B. B. Hot , or tliU phco, I

davo neon UtiiiB VfaETINfc forof ivlilcli I IIBTC lufforcd for yciri.

" only two linttlcH ind 11 rend) fuel

Rpimrt Prom n Pracl lcnl t ' l icmisl millApotliecnrr.

Dear a!r-Tlili ta to certify that I liivo sold' - t a l l 1W 1-8doipu (IB5J botlk-n) of—-

ETINE since April 13,1870, and canVEQETISE sinco April 13,187U, niid'cflUBay Dial It baa RIVQII1 tUo W " HattHhclitany roniody for fho cotapliinin fur wbloh'recommendud, thU-I ttwr iold, Bcpro i.TdarpaaioiIffitiioQtauiuonfiny cnetoincn I

lr.iinta..'Xtni pcrfocUy.c • • -cBJieBorBcroruIoin 'fiVEOEl lN- alnno in t


or Bcrorulom Tnmora ijoingl l N lnno in .tbti.Tlclmty.

t r l l nno in .tbti.Tlclmty.crr rcnpcDtrollir y«nrH|AlaiLHANi'4fl31tro8dwi S i B i t q i


uii' MM/A.

• I. CltEAVZn.

Anil ii> lima (It tUc Jin s-if iiititlien,, tlmt l!,.-w,(rditl Oud

Uin» find (!Xin-rf.sl(i]i In tlujjieu'i'dnl ni 'iiH lo J'-aifi 'utjiUi itfFpfi('n inn

WliiiiiTjiiitinj-. «liicll ilrniVfl Hi-: MooilAud luUn uivuy llu- life we tc-i,

Bill! wii'kulli'uiil ftir liiiimiij enoAA.,liHnT, , , M . ! . • ! , . M I v.

And (<a<v Hint binuln-dK if IHH n aimWlicrn dally Hinrviiig «'"tu great w<3tllb

Ui(J iiiHnj-«ifliiK uK'i-irlit'l/u ; -Ut, Ouvenii-r uf linmatkn,

Saw IbaL tlio Ork-nliil nun"AroMiandfliion miVru^m.iti,

IVI10 hnd mi JOOLI whun tl.iy wua iloiio.

He llttroon Bam lilmiiulf Ilio !attl<Ta ruacli ihe guilty and i,lu cnusu,

And fuund the Cadi, In a in nub,lVa» (J iiiff it wJlbiu Ibo l»w»,-

Wib HpucuUtlng trltb tlio coin,. And rained ltw piico lliat k-nr cutild int,

TI.WJ ttfood uuJdu iu iisayhiy mini),Lnu(;liliig nlMilii lilm at thu .<111-nt.

IIu Iben'otiou split uno i>r«lutuTnhHng tlilnCadi ta bin Hidit,

Who cumoriflit lti, will. niTurt ciciit,And pok> bu BHiiBiml Inim inunii. frig lit.

" Cntli, a <iik'uliotr>i uu in)- bruin;'|ull n)c \y\\til Oooa tlio Uw Uy down

Uonjiiictiiijj ib'nto whuhnurd llic |;raln,Uoliuvcri Etarviut; iu cucli tmvn ?"

"Sucha Kr«at oiiiiip," tlio (Jadi wid,"pL'torvuB tHojuiiiabuiiiiiluriiu-alli."

And tlicn lia flaalii-d frem rw!* to ixl ,Aud litirrlodly M dtoff lib brualb,

Fur well bo know Dial l|U o«» vjori]CdiildliriuKliinmlfunlolliG tomli;

Wliltu JiMtlH i'am^ji U i i ^ Htlfi-'U : -11 Vour Inw, bad DIBE. aliull be your dixim

Tlml very day a Iiuftdlesn matiV'M ptacud upon tlio public square

Anil 1'ornlons, pnnlc-plriokcn, ranTo aoo t i c losBmi pictured llioro ;

O'er him, wltb bin bluo 1, lias jialnU-d -Them) (cordH, to iimlio tlioir meaning Hiir

' ' Duliotd{ (bu otio by ovll tainted—A Cndi -yn ho ro|,bnd iho puor,"

Neit Asy full IUHIO' ope<( llioir UIHH,And corn van olicapur (hail lj«f'<ro ;

Tlio boatdtro roared i)|jaijt ttiuir tin*,Aud gavo unto tb1 citrcnoly iwor [

Tlio atar»Ing faces ouuu inoru Binitod,A» did tboir Iningry unyuUli trano ;

Wbllo aged «im. a.Ud tlintroti mllil,I'ult lljftt iho I?rupbot lived Btmlti, '

Tiitinep Mirza, may you live Ibnu'Co tilf-m* Ilia r»i*-uiT Eaahrti Land {

VDU bare n mind and heart full ntruap,And coiiKcloticu fur a nublu stand;

Cli) 011 fti einivnRo—jiraclfoo innru—TIIOMKII (louUli'as fitruiigo il secmu to la

To livat 11 Vok'c n-oiti Free tin 111'n slicruGmnmontlliiByati for tyranny,

TimWitouiTenoj : Dallai-a anil sonso.

Cuu a jftchtsujau ba nailed a siiuiinor-aclt? , , • • ;

Js'a blgatouD a JitUo BUIDU grownimvldor ?

'lint qalion produpes most .murrlu-

Faaha. arrivudlio found only 1(JO nicii t<^jposo h im , aud tin-w, l'j'it;|iii'li<:il

iguiust tlieiu, run awn.v lit t!it! <\rtn llrti.It thus i i o t cvon a)>[»-Av'tl)ut they flixurff t lmirgl ins . fUl'tllM'U WifiitUtii (iill(?!c

Turk killtid o r vuiimU'd. Tliu iulmbi-inil.«, \mnti Htrid:.!n, luui i u tiiiiiic uU«tii[iU;d tu 11/ ; 1'iit tlio towu luulijix'iiilj lic-uii »nniHiu(li!Ll( niitl tlie.y >vfioiitlior driven buck, or out (1n\vn in MmlofiK A t [he HiHironih a( t?m Ii.'wlii-Juzoukit l io iuliulfituiibi of oi^l i l 'ur »)iit>it'ifjliboriug villatjos, four s tr icken, hudbnuiloncil t l icir IIOIUOH imd tultau iv(-

aud tliey iinw titluil tin! Hli'ccts, er.yiiij:mid scroiiBiit»K with friijht. Ay «Jt iv-

ilflnco Imd nnw cca-ifd. nr mthi!i- unnoue liis recently bei>n olfinwi, Hall^1'iitiliH Imd nut l i iug Ui dn Lut niarali in-to the town, urrest tlio lrtuiottt of tliu in-urTi'Rlini) and rastoio unk-l". IIIHII'IUIif tills, linwovoi1, lio Uruiicfitt ii|i iiis iir-iileiy, ami without ai ' i imuming "llidilncfl to autrciirtor, ciniiim-'iiiwil u IVJIH-laiilniont, rntdlWi{y (liru.viu^ llui li(ir.>»(-10 filiolla in to ihesfi (ti'uwds i»f HliricUju^oiUQU uiid ouiKLvoiic Unt i l titidiit^lii

iio ilin of (lio bomt>;irrinwiit reiiuinulo 1,hrough t h e utre^ls. Huliz, 1'iisli.t wan

^n'- -re liimyell [i fULldurta ' *l?llC lu^.ll'^llif iiis cannci) , (ho wruiiiuing of

•lud witb tlio tmAAo wail of twinim utulmd CIIKLII'UII, mudu sweet miisio to Iiis

U*H, imd" Ho ltr«luiig(!(l Uio cntortiiinlout, Ho iviaiicd In upp j t hyl i l jv tlio firc3of imni ing Iim

JO ("toboa of il'tuio wbiuli 1IM]L'L1 fiumtlio ii)outli3uf tlio cannon. J t w u s ns^funnd linrmteja liiud ofaimisonmitt. Tdoroworo no Bterii-ovt-'d wen tlicro to give

ui book bull foi' ball timi ^liell forsljoll,i4t. oii|y womun itnil ulilklrou \ylifi IIIITM'ored u-itii plllolsB t n J gi 'ouns; ninl liotout in nod tbe joyous umicmt until mid-lglitF T h e n tbo louil-montuoil (Jog.t ofnr oL'naod llioir oliiuioi'i tl)i\v liml dai\outlp woi'l: 1 i t wm uaw tlifl Itiyii u( tlioilirc. *pmiilff tlio n igh t AIKI tlio nex t mun i -

oiifurcd tlio pluoc, a n d tlion boguu itsccuo of pillule-', vioifiion nnd u.tusijiicroonlv eqnula l by tin.I af U-iUik, Xeitlii>r

go uor s«x woro spared. 'Clio town mmullageil, then l ived; ub' tut onu-foiirlli>[ t he houses twro linineil ;',po<iplR werotut dotvu in tbo streets, oh tlioir nwu

slmmlitoi'od u n ; tlioir own.adw • - *

What ia tlio mnit I'Opulur fabric forttsido itvni* ?—Muriuw. •Tlio CHuleiiD.nl Show did fU-st jiatu on

tlip " quttrter " atretcli.

l'ilcliy tlirknesa " lifts been bo im-fed na to rend " idttimiiioiiB ub-

scuritj." -

"Why is n coDijinsitor lilio' n ctif>l)lo V—BCCOIIHO lie can't got tiloog without aStidk, ' ' " ~* **** •* "' " '•""•*- - • ••'

A ton of hoiioy foil on n. Oalifoniiailind ki)hil htm. flWt tiro Ibe iiBDa ul

If a lady yawns half a. dozen tinws iuinccessioti, young oiiin, you may getfour lint. . . _ . _ .

A Bioux motto:. "Whito man bi?ninart-^Ua fnriiUb br.iintt; ted innn lioniibrave—lioUnook 'om out." '

Mr. Woclihagcnikdowogituigcuatorbonfell dowu etuira a fuw days mma t\pdbroko hia name iu throo pieoos.

Wbca a young lad; and geniloinaajavoa controversy nbimt kiajinij, llioygenerally [nib tkuir headu together.

A fit, Louis parrot lins Icnrnod toimitate a dinuor-boll', aud sbo makes agood deul uf troublo lur tho fitmily.

Query for natnralwls ; If a bird in tboinnj fa wortlt two ia tlie btisli, ia a malem the face worth two in tho ground.

'A.wfi]l-n)D-]iIei] arm is pietlicr with-nit hracoloLe ; boaidos, they ato Ikbto

W scrdlflli - a - folluw's air.-Wliio_rtl'e flrinfl,or tho brucolot"/

Aro tlicso eggs poached ?" iniiuiroda QiiKtomer of a oulorcd rcstiinrunt-kecpcr,ftt nn'Alabama Hlaticin.' "Tea,,aab," joulicd Sambo. > . l )o- is—Jat ia,da ohiolton ,wat luiil *ot_ war." . .

A, wcfitcra girl viRitcd n lunnic slutoand naked for " I'np Heiirt Builed Down,with Orcaso and Care/1 ,-md " WUen ISwallowed Hoino-inade Pies." Tinotorlt at oiico rooogaizwl what aba UQ*s i r e d , - • • • - -

If n mnti will only Plait with ft fixednnd bonoinblo purpose in lifo, and ]ier-BJsleiitly-iiUfDiptto curry it out (o tliobust ot bla ability, unilibaiayotl by failuroor ilelay,, the lime muy he long in-coming,' hut it will, wbon (hut [>ur[»tsonil) be achieved.

Jones, iftliwe nc-ro liur^inrain rayhonso; and Ikncw it, by jiiiK" I 'd—-"

(,Well, Smitli, what would you tin ?"'il would do whatever they rcijuir^il oi

jio, InoTorliad ray *-oy in tliat luntsoyet; rind it'n too lato to oomnionoe now—yes, too late."

Aw—Why is tliat ttab—aw—Hto uwomavknblo qnndwupod ?'\saiil n tnvnllof tlio Dundreary order, whan pruiiicna-ding ou tba bench tbo utlier thiy. 'X'lioyall pavo it up, ami lio trhnn[iliftutiy n;-plied | "Buo-use—aw -it'a wiiut. yo"eu.ll—aw—a taulog, nnd tho lwunod pi,is a laught'oj, yon liuow."

lily—"loo\hndi- too liJid, IJnilnyOnly your necon.l morutug hero, midfonuroqolio ittoxirated 1" Qttrdctiai'—'iNoah.u bit I .Look ftgin my huljuli;itsli becnuso Vtct new ! Mhienh n fnco miyou raust fiit Hflhed to, und than you'llfind I nin't iwU »»ilru«ki»ll »s I mightnbpcm to n utrungtr |''. .

For tho pnst wcelt it'Im's lioen BO hotdown on IjitUo Hiver Hint tUo outfish bayo been obsci'voj to crawl u\i outof the water, lio down beneath thn sluutvtrees, not! fan tliciinselveti -with tboirloila,—JSxcamge. This is ruthor a ' ^ jnarration, .qnd i» tfJlshnUtf n Icrrjalilccatuatrophs- • .

. 1'bolftw of .order fa n liiinj?- that ittiaunily loobotl upon with liitiilTLTciico,but itsbrnad inHiiCDUnia nova* noticeiby ii mim nqtititftpr.iio lias .wnsbodioiiSunday morning, wliun diBaovoi-inf; thottliovo is no towol In tUo ronni. \ia rtssorUto tlio subtle ilodgo of drying. InV neckend cart) with a pair of HOOIEH,

: Ho was carving nt Hlm'Or, v*i\nUw.,thCincinnati Tbnet, and thongbt lio in ustalk to Uio rwtbetio-Iookins angul'ou bisripfit, '.'How do you libo Deellmveii ?"said bent a ventntc. .".Well .cooked,"BUO said, interested in tbe biinincss utham?. Tlitis (loe« aeaussinl rcnwrJf oftenliwnlco unejipectfltl linvflioflics,.

A pwtor ou(- "ffost \yas jn tljo liabit ofbcBtpwiDgn kipa upon tUp fair Ujifl 67 libfomalo parislioncrs. Ho liissed tuowiluof na editor,',wbo, lvjsbins tp cljna.izoboiutics, 'befltowfil a hist upon tlioyoung wife of tbe aforesaid pastor. Tiioeditor w n t , JIOIBO tbnt nigltt a visorman with about two iuohoj of pnrnsul iiihisleftcye; ' ' • . " " .

TlicTtirfcUit' uimsfutlvr, Unfixh Ilil^irju,ii vt lJaui(


1_»!«iiiaicliiiiK t l m i t K

befm-o Urn l i t t l e I m.til a l-e^iiueitt*-ai i-Oficlr.- iir.-.ii^, two

t lmw IMU.WS of m-iimiv.v. n:,.1 ,1 fjr.Min.iiiibcr of JJHblii-li./.mik". I t wouldset'tu (Jjitt tlio iiiHiti-g-ciJt? iuu} niily uhmitiiO()ai(JU UVIiltitl willl llill^Uf'ls ill' llflliH.i'liu re.il Imd only luiivu.s or pi 4 >I , tha tItelura tlie^n trn'ulrieti were warn hf rvi-ryljody, Onti homlnid und fWiy "uf tiibuat armed Inid gone out <m one"ruiid UmtrdTulitr-BiiKHnljtl; to (li^niic- tlio way,utid IUU ou .tlio other rinul ; fur it sul dil l i'j di:l uut liavo p

tray II10 army n-oitld eFub a r i d l f

C whiriiio. Wtwn H:it):

l i

gId tpo ]t h(y nil;!)!, [it

f imnn'ng hnsen m J

ytiiiup Kirl o t i i ifci i , oiitru;<i!d by thru.-'

KJHH-I, t<) lull Ilk' pn'l.l- |,hl nisi"!, ItudHllOtj«p.tii;,' tonwird with u shrit'h, Ihruw heruruiH ii.-..iiii.1,bU h'.tli u-i-i-iiiug, nnd t r yMIJ; !(• lO.iuM liim with bcr own doliunte)>.»-l.v. IMV.-M HJ| . in VHIII; tho l w ] M j'.[-i-l .,!i it--! «-:.m--.;% i:i(1 tlit* futtii'r tuii]a»t.'lit.'i--lh.;sw«i.1 vdiiiiK ci i l iimi till>f JJJIJ »U1 muii—U'li ihwi hi each uther'*

HM. [hli.>:ilil.|ii>i>hapH,lH»u'pnnliT maili-u f.w ilivalliiiK Hf tlnwe littrrow.ifilutjtil.s. tint i:vttrywhn-ii bom I

tint Turk* tuiikinn ii|ic»ii tliu Eii»'iisli ..

in f.n1 W j i itgitfat lh,'if eaainirti, Umliiiigui IM r.irr.id uu.lRnutrnrt, nnd bdiuvin—WKt cs:i ipcriiliii" tlihlj! ol ull—111!liny JJ;IVC unr n|'j>j-uwi| i;i •everythingtlicy do.

M'lu*t-ii1lir>llnTiiiBl!i I'ukcii.

Siiinctblns About S l ln t r .fiilivr, iilic gol.l, bus IICKH knowi

ii(ai;il from im'-histtn'ia iiiifi.jiiifv, IILI'lioticctlifi iuiriuits(krivt!!l tlioir CM " t !

Ouo fucL U iOf Wlii<;!i v


A p:ir>igr,tpli in Bniulny inoruiiig'iitne-tr-J'feaa nift 'J'rihuiiit luiiiouiici'w/jii'tllijit IT10 Hi. INiil fur liuiiw u

II. Tj.,\*mii]H&Cit. lind «(pw in ttt inHouiuiiiiriif lihn V1AMW hnllUlo rulios

t'lj vvt'n) projHinwf? for t!j» uuirla-U ofllioUiiih-dttUMv*. rhe'riiniuiiibnir.ih'robt-Bfiirnwrlv juiwil Ilirou«|, St. l'.nilin Itulk to VMr,}«i\ Sew rnrk, i\»>\

' K U ili l th.'luillotl

, wlmro theyiiri'piml for niurkct/

$»w, howovr, a vary Inrgt) pri'jfurtiouif tint nilui tintlu of tliu N'orthwest 'Mitied tin IIIHTJ, tlio lmus'i ulhulwl toi)mv» mHwrUw unwiuHy trow 32,000 toifJ.ODO i-ohm duve t from tlio (mltmimJuw. Havural othor l inns in HI l'uul

to (jcalt'i-ht Mw> ii t n

Mjjuvl'1. II. KiHtnuun th« olh-etorif niliiut for tlm lionst- of Y'.mvf &: (In.,"

mid \IQ hootuvi Wm onilmiious iwitnma)}yW llio in'igilhd KOitrccs"«)( Kiuiplv, tn«ii:l|»il imo M n j j F o r t IJciiloii. "I'roin[u/iul I lio r»bi>ti me sh'i^}.:,] by luml

SI'iUiirnU Hid tliiiiimi lo Mt. Paul nmln SI . P.ml to Clii«.ig<i und X u * Ym-k.iw ij.ifSily luogns unt nnunally l«»-iiiiK oiiLMiiii^i-iiRHl, utid ilutir ulti-u oxlmmti ' in i» imM'oly 11 qnn.ttii.ii uf

P l t) bi l ll>vt-r Iliurliilv i\nvliiri imitiii .v

liiri'o louiilUinB. One herd mugeaa lu i i^tlio Iteiul waters of tlio Arkunms audI'lidta tivi'T-i•; n Ktnallw nnc bi-m-'scs

Uijj IIni'ii mi t in t i i i ia midl i I h d i

jli Ami-ri<i..:i (Mitl-muut:HliiiK to.MiiJ.ir K-istnun.

iiil o.-iu uul.v li<» foJiiid iu nbuntO herd

plaint* In 'hidi

in, uliiloh

KiiliCVH iiud pain In 'hid rcffin, uliilo:iio great amsH ttwka their home north>f thu MiHHiiin-i . and si trend IIICIIISOITOS:<> tlio Siiska>uhowau and west ward tothe ll'-aky iiintrt'ljiius, P i in i ior l / , too,it Wiirt ttnpiiuiiod that llio buiTiilo bavo[ilinii^i3il limit' haliils uiul tbo immeuhuUevih uorl/i of iVinHunci filisy (hero nilllio year round, Thoru fit'oios to ba no(J 111 wilt v in RceuriiiRfuriigo in Iho Nor th(liiriup the wiiitor, fur buflirfu kiJlod inJauimry nro iw f a t . aa at itny o ther

n, wliilii tba incut is miioh butlui' in; it-Ih 1111 in Slimmer. Tlio tidftiki,

with thoir foet nnd horns, scrape Uio>- from tbe pruiriua, end cut tlm dried

wi'Ii ft roii'n.i JIuJDr EtiHtntntithat domoHtif.'oaltloin Moutnnti also

i Uvo tlirongh tlioicartliHtouca. O k l p i u n u a i l womoi i l i cp fim wild, ami Ilvo through tlio winter'intr for tnertJY nnd Qhiluu<4 a u t f i n f a u ^ mi'iottirtoil utnl'unc.irctl for, and in lilt)un-iimhjy lii 'tiiiT'ir poii'ilir;! ulilir; lui-1'•I'viiifj uni tunud in comparatively goodcutb tlie BwUt rind OBttain inti-o. It inougbtthiit 3,00(1 pooplu wei-o Idlloil inia tiluoD aloiiO, of whom itbput 400 wereiiabihiuti. of tljo town, nud tlm rest,im tlio noigliborlng villages wlio had

nkon refufjo licrc. But wo wui« nutiDtcd horo with tlio BCcnes of Imrrou,t awnitcil us r.t Rituli. Huliz Panhn,

inliho Acbmot Agliu, lwl aantc tuuugliu b»ve Iho bodiiia burial wfiliin the [oliwiu(f Ihroo tluva, nml thus tu'cjvor up

..-Jt bus been icjioalot) ngnili niiil.iiijiijy,l|at UIGHO uots vvoro pQL'|)atmlm1.liy tbeUaabi-Jiiuotilis only, and uni by tlltireg-)!«r Irofljjs, will n groat ilwil in inatlo ol

u blalembul aa Blunving tliu uia.wucrcajre com mitt oil without ttiocdasoiit ol

Iio nulhoritics. If tho- Btalcioeiit \VJS-tli nnytluiiR, tbo. conveceo ought to

batruo—I hat if llio niassnftrea wcro_coni-witteil by Ibo rcgnJiir iroujjs, tliou thp•itborltictiuro. rcopousible. Now, m itippcus, wherever tbero wero any r^ i i -

\UVAIOQI>3 to eoinuiit maBancvos, tbej ?i-vullcil tho J3iwbi-J?n?oiiHs to utroctly.Uere, as Mr Sgbnyim' will slinw in bisrojjort, 2'ognlar nud iwogiiJnr troops wereequally cruoj, pititous nnd ferocious; nndi t <. _ r* . . . . I.. . . . i - -. _?,i . .1. i_,.q

H a f i B htnob Aglia,


p r ;in DO loss guilty tlian Aoh-

• • ' •ob Aga,TIIGHG maaaiorea woro committed by10 order uf tlio autboritics, mid that in

wbjp Iho inon aba enmmitte.} tliyni havobeen rownrded with docorntious nnd pro-motions. ' •

Iti Patrigiimhii wo vrcro tiliovo in lliolins of tho chinch, befora wbcro hud

stood tho alter, a 'Hick spot npcokodtvittt cateiuod honca, ou whiah hy n bo-aflt offlowcra. This wna Ibe-rmnainti

if a priost, Theodore Pooff, ciglity-ilvoyears of age, who bad been mizcii am]tortured in tlio bnpofl ofobtniuing icovi-y. luutiliited nnd mill treated in ways

wliicl. only Iho foul iH.fi/jJiiiiJw.. ot nTurk could invent, thon Ijillcdauil bnvnt

ro bcfoi-Q tlm ulUir. . Iif nnollisr placeslioivii a Ultfclc' sjwt .Hiew (t»

Tim tlionry of tlmsc most, fauiilinr withtlit- B,ib]iH|t in Unit, tlio liuft'ilo nud tboXiuliuu will ] jumb togetbur. Tlioiightlio Inilinn ia in coualaut pm'sui t of ihi»uoblo gume, tho buffalo never nvoida b isBnvaj(ft persepiitm*. On tlio coiitrnry,llio Indian will cafnbtful) Iiis cumpiugfjroiiud, und tliun ftolitiilly di'iva *lheliiitTulo to within u Hliort Uislnmio o i biuwigwam before bo kills dim, t h u s IIY<>U1-ingnti.v cxtcudi'd. tranaiiovtatian of t ho,Vuw UMOH lo tlio pluoo. whovo thoy iiroilivssed'^yttuS'KiiitiiftB. N o w . ' o u - tliotither hand, ihu buIT.ilo, l iko tlio Iiidinn,Bceina to" liiivomi iimttnctivi) aversion t otbo white man, nnd wben tho oinfgnuitwiig'111 pud tbo vailrund car shall peopletbo West and Northwest, tlio liiifRilo willBtnAi now nud uioro iicousiiiblo fialls;and Iltmlly, wlien ha is sui roundod onnil HUICM, ho will lio down itnd die, nndwe'll bnvo no more buJTiilo roues. Sleiiii'jw l iving will reinunihci' when flia P a -ciiloslojjo was fine vnaf hnKHo l ange ,while to-day there ia urnvcelv.n buftiloio l)c,Boon west qf tlio Hooky Mountains .Bu t it IB ridmilloil t l u t it niny ba n lungwhile heforo tlio last hi:fl'.ilu uliull \yw*in bis race, Tor a rns t ruuRa of cotiuti;v

B j H nand (

u t boLwoen tlio Xh hiand (licHufiknlchcwnti, n h i i i n t i a u l

I w d i u c grbuuil I»r the biifl'.di>, uiultlici-o 13 no pcrtuptiblc diminnl ion of( t o prodifrionH herd lhat romna over Unati(to

crtuptiblc d i m i n l i n oherd lhat romna over Unf

anacc. Tliproiivc Ciillootoil niniiiiilly atFortlJonton nlmio nbtitit 133,000 robes,tieuriy nil of whk'li nro taken frntn tho

t N t l h d d y t tboKrratImliniffl

nN i i o m herd, and yet tbo

und tradon Und ti it

ild llibd wnu, Diincijo Eitr

difflculty now iu gettin^Uieni fmm tlioiroriginal itwiier.4 tlinn they did years ngo.

. lun- Vktor tiiniiiuirl ami hl« Do.His Utifcsly pncirally riHos nt ilvo in

tljo mtmring, aud attest pup of qofFuoHtiolls in tho garden. At olglitnu'J'Uut-n-diiyaand Sundays ho preiutlcs over the

" ;)f JUijmturfl—tbo council

lieuten tialf lo dt-nth. nnd then Ibrowiiausalcss on « hunt of wood nml bnnllivo. ' • " , . •

There wua an old inan licrc, Zw.ttkoUayndjieff by. U'JIIIL*, «jiitlilic benefactor,u l i b a m l oiKitribiilur tn lhubC.iool fund,who in niutttr supportc.1 .Ltilf Urn wid-

omivviifd fur liin t'liHi'itu'.H io Oliristiutii r . d T u r k iiljyo. U o WOH JiUcwi*) BUIK-

Oil, ttirtiiron, «oti (Hiil/:i'Pitte(l. Hut eyeswero p u t ou t , uutl, after imdci-going tho

iff, wnHlallrin»tinRuubour. After-ward ho gntiih

o p t o , uuil, tt H'arful torinoulH, lil f d h'i

tin-ol u o t arfu o r i n o u , liu WU inowon a lieu[> of wood h'Uiut; ov' Clem}, thu[icoplo ilu uot know'wbioh, nudb\iriicd.Ihpj seized tbo [irioit Nestor, and colj(f Jijs titigcm oua by QUO In czlort woa-

', 11 ml, us thtt pour mi}u .liiitl rionc tovo thorn, lliojr tiynfimiodby outtingoff

bis limit.!., v.ihi finally his licud. Wottro HIIUWU in th» jMyd of 1 ncut little

tlio iiudicniiDH be may liuyc promised. Atttrejvo lio ljjviikfjist?, Dxinyli but liylill,"

iHtiuly sprious' repust" being BUfAt HUIO bauq nets he never tonch«y

huumthUiirbnt MbtJ_]n»>v»blo wlfhWftwo Manila on tlm hilt of \m sword, t;ilk-iiiy ty bis neighbor, whii is tlma •con-but tbo clinnu of bta Majesty's nouvorsa-tion and tbo cxQtiisito urbanity of hf

tion fur tin sltgbt nn iuccnvenietiva.Victor Euiuiiuel linn prnihially acou.

, i fittero HIIUWU in th(» f 11 ncut littleuttiige, nuibmvcM.I iu tree", n gnivi1,lesiiiu ufiH'li a Koimn K;IS Uua^m^ <t&

linn of 13 wlio tnul JIIHL rutiiniL'd IIDUICLOIII iruliunl uliun tlio t.-.Jiiblea be^tiu,

ad talion no par t in the outbreak.Tbcy bad BdKciI htm, mid in wave

iotl put ciil l)ia (i:uiila una liy one iatiio pi'iMRUcu nf IHH inoLlicr, tlion killed

im, What u n d o tlio:;c at'U inoro terri-ilc wnu Unit m a n y oE Ihoin wore enm-nittcd in the prenenca of \\\n Wuoiiiug

o( vioUtns. Awl lhj?y wore repoiited bytho hum]red, Bu t ic WIIA n o t only oldnml y o u n g iqon wlio fiiilfu-cil: n-ttoicu,yotin™ 'g i r ls , . oh i ld ien , . infunts, werurutlilt-asly slauglitetml. 'i'livue Turks ,tbeso nlroug, buurdud men, jtiuhcit iu>fants up out of tbeii'. (li-adlcd * u itli iheii '

!oi]OLs, UuHiul thuu) iu tbe air, caught. ,111 nguin, &D;! tluii;; thsin nt tliu huadupf t he Bbriekiu^ inotliuni. Tboy cur-lied little Itiiljes iibmit tlio trtrcuts mi t in

ioiuta of their biivuiiot*, with t b e l r p u o ,\i\\o heads aiul iiviua ilroDjjing^nrtiumt

(|io barre ls u l llioii1 Runs, imd t im bloixlMrcaniing di»wu over their bauds . Theyout off t ho h a u l s of uhildrun, mul uam-pollfid n tboroh i id ien . ta en r r y . Uio slilibleeding heads nliont in Umir ariiin.

liavo oscjipcil oulrngo. .'i'Uoy nil ctwli toponly. I n titliL'i plucea wlieiu tlitilings occurred tho wonwn huvcHhowcda bcsilatiou to &pc.il>. Here , l i o n e v i ^llioy did not lieaitnto to Hpoali out, Ont-rngcB werin ci)nirhi(li»l ao publinly, mip u a r u l t y , tluit ll)u.Y foci i t wqnlii ' l t j n •!•-less (u t ry t o hid,o tliolr shamo, nud theyshow i t openly, Tlicpn nota

tamedlituwolf U> jm Uio f f r p iof tljo winter in 'Rome, b n t ho seldomoeotipieu t he Quii innl . Acaordincr tiSigiior FoiTnot'lo, hcJiud not boon lonjin tliiit -pnloco lioforo hn iliKtinvoreii 1tmp-tionr iu bis boilmom, I I cinnminii-rated witb ft rrtst guJlor.y. in whicli thnK U I R and I Hi a X u k l l k l f 20uiiantos wil bout ^ t t

J bfHToycr, to laid toward thof A I UU M

w t!|)ittc(lll t

i p o Tncn tlio houses, but in

d i h!|)itt(l H a l ^ tlio houses, bllio nttceta, in tho yard.i, in the cmin».

Tho oriinca thut wcra committed Ijorenro boyond tbu-roncl) 0? oauggGi-ation,Them ivera HloriotircUtod us thut immaddoiiirig iu thcii-nlntcity, lh.it cniifillio heart lo swell in a burnt of nujm-.tnnl rnpo Lhnt can find vont only in pity-ing, u*i!lo&q team. Wo wero told of 11

Vi totamed-lituwolf U>f tl i t i '

pyUio ffraaier

b t h ld

invalkoil for

mulct- Itd hNe<?uieJ, bfHToycr, to lai

Oostlo of Ht, ADOQIO, UUl i l i t d

do-' h[ to iiivcaiigiitn, iLiid ordered Ibo

lour to IK? bricUvd up . WOOD a l t e rvaril ho iliseovereO « Gooi-ot dttav in flu

'all, which comnniui(!iil':d witb ft uuurmits i imso lesdiBF, »i> I" Ihu.rmtt. lt,U>n

,;tu hricboil - u p . -h-ii Btnna tbirt nootituliliscovery wlifiiiovor liN Majesty elucpa nttlio Q u i n t a l trco nngo blao't i]t>p al-joBloe'Mit t he futit of tlio royal bed. Theaefattl.Ciil soi'viloi'H• o luy no ouo h u t thoK'tig, never lwrfe, junl woulJ slivuwithout ftfiv parloying tbe first pai

* tho room.

1\\wa if* nih h i

o! history connectedh i h i l.ho origin <-*f ohurotv potvs v/bU

can not help but pmvo interesting. Intho early day of tho Anglo Saxmi nm"flomii of tbti Noi'nwn -otiureliOH, » BIHQLhonoh aiPirdt'd Iho nuly sittiup nccom-inoJutiouf tar inutulitsra or visitors. Inthu ycir of 1IU9 thn pcoplo aro Kpukennf ns sitting on Ibo (-round or Rtnuding.At n hitcr period tlig pooplu in I it id needlop.'nr three-leggwi Ktook, und theywero nlooeil in no order in tho chureli.diroutly nrtor tha Nor-inan CoiiqucHtfioata eamo in {uahion. In 1387 a decree•us issued that none tibnuld e;ill nnj

_a;it bis owa except noblejipii nnd p:it,-rous, eucli cutcrinit imd h"liliug tliufirst ouo ho fmni'l. Fimn 1IV10 tu 1C39Beats ftoro ntipntpriatod, " A crowlmrguarded, Iho otitraucc, lioiirlug tha intlinlof tho owrnir, I t wna in 1133a thut (jul-torios were tliDuybt nl And us curly m1014 pew.tworomrttngptl to ntTVtvt oom-fort liy liL'infj Imizcil ov oiishiuiictl,wHtlo tbo sides ttvouiut Woro t>o hif,'!i ntto hiilo thti fluuniinutH—a devico of the"Puritans Ut avoid lt«in(j aeon liv tlio ofll-

•, who rpphrtod tlioss ivlio did nothuw

M iiwiiiri'il. The. uttvcMliitjMj] (lie lii^t

lit! n-A COIIHMiuurva nml ,from Africa. Not nn oiitu:<; of Kilvnf hiever yVt bi-nu disiiitviM-i'd wit.liin tinkiif/lfi un..:1 bruaddi nf tfiu Atrium eontiueur, rich us it i:t in wiittT-wurn iiml-lci«f W"lil. N«ir fiimM it bavo coma froiriiuini, ivlu'ro, coutnirv to iionulnr faucy,Hioro wist i,o inln'ci of j.m.oi.H roclafs,mid, Hi lieu tlu'coliuiisn of (l-ilcuiklu, noutof prtjuioiis stones.

HllVi-r waa nuo of tliw fow uictaU f(ina^tatcof purity, ami, IIH Gitcb, cmu<

nit. Hilver minespsist, and huve";cil, mive during tha TnrkiuliJI, in QWUBC j f>ut it isproU

lilo Uiut tin* v ntly 6ti[>eri(jr miuea tKuuin -iuldud thu liirgwtt projiortioi) «11 - -'fwT nwJ in oliuwto (imoH. Tlio

is widely dmtrihuk'd—Verm aiPtiliiud, Italy Bud 'J'urdiry, Tbmee tiiGonuiuiy. oontriinitiiifr each u alii'niibliuaf to tbu liiirvost. Vliou mulallnrj[nlvuiicct* a «t;i^u or two, it became prof-itable to t'Xtracf tiio p rcbiituBC of nihvrwincli in to lie found in neiirly all lead ;and HUM worn raimid Homu two-thirda oftliu mtiro iiiiwnjit of stiver in use at tbo;ime of the diticovtiry of Amentia.

AJllniimh «iIvor, ua LViinpuriJil witii,">ld, is hut m-litoni tqioltflii of in tholIoiUL-iiu pouiim. ilhfifqueut mi'ulion in

iinuuft tbcJewH. Tbo sheltof, (Jio ophnbmd tbu Inhiur, vcm of gilver. Bo,ii roil fib out tbu ancient ai tluouf;lioiitiio muilitovitl world, wiw (fio hiittc oi'tholuiiin^e. OiirnncMlm-;. snuiiping their•ifvur putmiua, which Wt!i'u ui:iilu in Hieorm of ii afout. soft dim, iniirlieJ wif u, di'iiply-iiidenlwl ci*fn>it, oouhl (jivuliaiigti withuitt hitvin^ta miort lo tbon\w.v tiKiIimn of copper.

Kilvur lms ninny advantages, It canic melted at u very miidoiutn dc^reo o[eat; i piisv to baud unJ noMor, or pol-ih ; nml, when burnished, in inoro bnl-iiiut tlmu any other metal. I t i twograu

bletuiahca nrc its HoffacsH, wliicli cansftHcutu itnd pluto to Bufl'iji' griovons loss'bywuar mul triir, and its remarkulilu liiibii-ly to ttirniBh ; not thut fiilver iy i-ustlyusteil or oxtdizeil, us iron nml cupjtiirr*», but tlmt e%'or,y parliolu of tiiilpLiiii-Imitiiig in the utmoH[)huri! neciiH to buittraciud by iho puie( hrigbt metal,•lilvitr, not gold, wnu thn fatiuuTini] nf nnrn-efiUlipj-H. When Sir Kohert-Ptiol in-,uirod <»f it bewildered Hmwo nf Ouui-nona, "What wah n pound?" lie mustnivo liuowti. uotler than IIIH .henrem.

Hint ilio original oound of Hilver, lli'stjoiued into twenty, then iutowxty, nndirjaeiitly into eiglity, Hliillings, wim thorim ntuml-noinl of UritUh lituuicc.

Coliunbiis. ax with his pinks uuil cum-eh ho foruud bin wnv Lhrou^h woeii-lO'ls nnd lufllmc winiln to Iho Went[ndies, could nftt bavo guessed that tliu•eaiilt of his ndyouturoua voyago wouldo nit eitniorjiunry riao in prieii.1, or,but Corner to the Hiiinc thing, a fall inno purolmsiiiR poworofiiiiit.u.v. rmiKlugMIII twenty to tuirly ppr cent. Thu huge

imiplies of nilrcr ivliidi. tbo Siiiiimli'icovcrjes jioured into Enropo irqbolndrry mnrhut- fr<nn th" ftiltio to the

Black Uea, nud WM gmLlmdly foil wher-ivor meu bnuglit nud suld, from China

SUvur foil iu TUIHD, and ROU, whiohmd hitherto hccnioiufld in iucnuuidera->len,imnlitii!a,i.ii'li;liiL<[l,vb.v«uch mightyiouiniouwenlllm iia HIOKG of Plorouce,leuoa, mid Venice, began to be with,.ruwn from ornamontal imqiosGs to uup-tlytbo rovnt miutn. 10vi!rywhni-e tbc.imiliur inotal lost much of its intiiuaiovurtb. Tbo old crusado, tho Frenchirown, the London steiiins, conkl notny wlinttliey'hnil boiiRiir; bofurra tliatiiquiaitivo Oconoao o^ilorod the oocituiiglnva>' to tbe Atlnnlii of tlio ]>otita,

Ouly .Tiinnn, jculoudy Bliut uguinstWftstern intrnilerH, rumaino'l uutsidu tbuiouiuicrc.ul brotlK'rhooil of nations, anilthen. Homo yodia tiavv, JapuueHu jjurt.sI'erc tlrat opened by treaty, HOIUO <H ouriiorebnutfl, in feverish liasto, reapediiioraious but Bl-ort-liVcd [irofita byliuili'ig with oustoniors wlio npprai.icUilvor nccardiiijf'li) tlio vnlito tot njiou it

Tbo groat uocmniilntiou of silver plate,nuil. iu I'nuicp, evtin of silver furniture,which existed iu the sixteenth nud seven-toenlh - cuutmios, of tea supplied tbo*>»cw» of v.»r in time of need. Tilore.hnti once, a liiujj, hard pressed, ctmUlfuiso a frt-sU' itrniy by jjoranndtng hisiubW to ecud their ]>hito to tho molting>nt, Tbnt lingo • liomil of bullion unaone Binoo disappcured, nnd tho min'u ofnDat'o.nintrifis have for iuiin.y .yeam Jn-mrrcd hoavy loasin (-onsL-quouco of tha

uecpssity cf maUiiigpo(n1 thoprnpotuulrubbing antsy of n portion of llio PUV>Ktnnce of Kliilliug, frnuc, nnd florin.

IL ia vctunrimblc that tlio cnvly cniiiierois of Peru iiutl Meijeo, \I*1IDU riflingIt' Lrc.iEUi'tw ot tho iiutivo mou£r~"

eamo njion inueli gold, but lilllo B_'ho nuuM of otbur cnnulrifts, wlioucocinno a full half of tho wlialo known,

of bulliiMi, hnve, uuder SpuiiiahrnJo, furni.fbrd very lifrlo gold, but apreut deal of silver. Mu Into as the reign>f 'ticorgo' the Kt'comi, the Loutlon

Gazelle remisaiM all Jjiiropc ns.brc!ith-lossly waiUdfl till, tho Ring of Spaineliould isatie the toyal portniseion to mi-

" ""'.Uio ingulf mul bars, Jyi»s in thou Mum at aiiulior offCfldiK orVifio, nndnlTnrd la tiiq.trudi's of foreign oauutrieaiv-ftt was 'realty Uio Jifo-bloo'l of .oomninrpo, firm Mt>Ttrnii silver mine, "Hieirnporty of Ouiint IteRlut'brottgltt.intorflCtity yeaw » not [iroilt pf a million

sterling; mid tlmro wcru mines in Chiliiiul Pent which proiliiOc-d, eucli of thoni,i/lro!" to tbo xuhio of ?IOVLM*II1 hundrcilpoittuls a year. ,, -

Tbo urnouut of gold iniscd, slnco thefirst O'lliTornian nuggets wero pickedfrom thn nvPvinR.1 uf A quartz nief, ttiirtv.yenrj n^o, is roughly reoUoned as equal-

? (hat of nil thu fjoid Ihen in rirculn-m, It snya mncli for "tho complex

_ ..nnieliT of our civiliption tlmt prieeihavo not- nctun)ly doubled iritbiu thattime. Aa reyanln silvur, wo have, HIUL-Clio discovery of Amoricn, reoeivod abouty

us much us whs ini

m theh,~~ of Uio Utter PlantagcueU; hut tbo

>Le liiib been lunch*greater tliun iu thocata of fjolij, ami tbo Uomauds ol IndianmVOImm havo foi' fifty yenrs been a

irlona ilrnin on thp resources of Europe.Tbo legendary wonders vt Voto.n uud

Hazutaplt.u seem HUcly to bo surpassediu our own tiinos, by tlio exlraordiuuryyield of tlrnt Itocfcy Jlouiikiu ranco,whioh, iiudor various names, forum tlielmoUiouo of North America. ."Itisinnt-(er ot uoloricty tliat ivitliiu n taw mouthapaatnno_Qmpled.|)ro[li3hnvehoeiininpedl),y.lucky Bpeoulutocs, and ihnt ninnymillion omtcm ot virgin oro barn beenextracted frotn tbo stony liillsides ofWyoming, Ntsvnda. aud Idaho, TbeGhUitiu uud Veniviaa tainaa wco chicflv-*' -ii enormous depth, liable to b'uGhUiticf" nnOooiK-d, nnd uituntod amid votcanio rooks.

aa fiiirdo(\v5 and tba scarcity of fuel.^..Jei- it costly to work tlom Tbltoclty Mountain mlvcr mine!, ebiefly i"riititfjlitiff trnitsitioii rook, nra easy, towtk, nntl present Huh veins iu'teniptintT

proximity to thu htirfucc. 'while labor,titacliiiicn- rui'.l cipfiitl nra nil fortlicum-

Tlio gain of i-no is, nuhappily, veryoftcu tha In.v of ini(i[iu'['. atii) EitroiitjaocountiicH fL-jl, in (liii iircs-iuro of l i igbl>Hce» Riid tuxulimi, Uio iudirccl consc-

:iee« of ttlt) wouJorfiil tliscovci'ies ol;r, wliieb in America huve giver

euui'ietencG to mnn.v, and, tn Homo, mid

A man of Me-iiuto tendenciesclironologint.

lion •iillh. millers j e t inoi•everely, fur bor rntK'Ci lias williiu n yoi.ui* twojoat a toutli "of its nfllctnl vnluenor, imlecil, in it may to fl_ n limit tftho probable cffeclB o[ tho Abrupt influ:of silver.—All the Year Itowiil.

Tlio follow who couldn't get a ju1

on Urn Cuutciuiinl- Qroauda, bna matup bia miud that Pbilnanlphia ia not tinproper ploeo tor tho-rjiint,

* 1'hi' lt|»torh-ut Jlamicr of KlerliiifT

livery ttnirth your tljo iturtojoirenhilulrd nnj n;vm.,.(l. fi .m H I - rod of tsounliv ID tlif (idier. hy pnhVu- un-H\ii»dl).VH»Itf-i.«W,««<l 'an-i-*t-it«l innfjut ovury (i.HicL'ivublf! wav lo ili;f<,inte iictioit and ncnh-aline tbu wiiin!umnmo nN|jJrJirr; iudlriilujil for Hit'It-i! of PrcHidi-nt in n WHV iliiY^icnt fnllie di'Hiiribcil cuiiHtiluti'Hiul im'LbciI'oiitvutiouH, niku-ilioijH, strifu. uiid h,(ii'tic.»H me kiuJled—ilsldgutuB, many.hemuf i-seeiitiouiililu chnracter uud uiworthy ol twiitidciwe, nwn, namewlium itry willing to b'u b r ibed , nudbribed oatmot hi; iiuuifsbed, a r e clioshy jn-rmniH nu belter than them mivtiH

u convention r o d dictntutlie [leoplii whom tln>y filial I vote fur oiJi*er lo bo their Ohht Majantmte. Tinrumors of tho Const i tut ion, uuticiput-iig iiiuuy of those ilitlicuilies und uwurc

» h o uf tho dangon* thai attend embhU.auUtsHtwl pojmhir national clcutiotier ambit ious uml uitscrupulimn 1L>U'

. . . endeavored to i>]anu thtrnboit'o i.Jbiwf Miipintralo i-cmatu from jinbliiMtnaiotinn uud nnpry oontruvurny by itcerniedinla und aonttapeiit ttwuvie.i.Hits CoiiHtitulion ns orimuullv fmniudrovMml that iHi-h atnto hlmll lippuilit utimber ol eleclm-H &tunl to the whoieinuber of aenattn-B ami rqircsontnt ivcsi wliii-li llio ulotfi inny Im i-ulitloJ,

Tfjeaa i:}wloni, BO uiifioiitled, »i'«ro.t«

iu tl'eir- rciipccUvi' states anOnr two iiersons, (>le, T h e p b m w _

laonUur. The JYcaideul, \iee-Ptw'-t, aoniitorauiid uioinborsof Coug

mist In- chosen or eluded to tlioir respecire <iflice«, litit fhctaraol President au' icp-l'reflideut ni-c to bt» appointed. " Nn m t o r nr rrprujcntni ivu, eto., abull 1.'ppaiitted an e lec tor . " "Xivo seiiutui,mil ba cfioneu by tlio legis la ture ," ale,

•«rg of Ibo l l unse of K u p i w i u'aliaH ba cftomm every txaaudy*

iy tUo pt'O'ilo."*

Et. niiH olmonslv. tha in ten t ion of tbeitntra of IliuOoiihfiintioo that thoulcais should Im ii*i|ioiutct], no t cliascn or'(•\c([ 1>v ii po'inliir vote. They wore(:wi n|i|iiiiri((itJ hy tlm lezhhitiira otist of Iho Ktiitcs in Iho eiu'ly yea r s ofi) govcruumut. Tho legishituro ofcli i(n(« was t<i direct in what tcunner

leolora wi>rft to be appoiuk 'd—whet l ipriv ooi ionnvnrvolu o r a joint vote of[{'jjisliidire, o r uy tha governor nudtitil, o t otliorwi.qc. tha ConHlittitjonnut i i ieseribe—that vim reserved toadites respectively. It wns clearly

ut to bo n popular election, rtio elee-ira appointed were to meet, not col-fltivisjy nt tbo sent of government o^ntuy central point, but iu thoir rcspec-;ve stalea, uuil to caat their votes foro [lersons for President nnd Vioo-fsiilont* r Tlioy wore not,-hovrever,

emiccntrnte otspeaify which of tbe0 HIIOUM bo preferred, but ono lit leastthu pcraons voted for HIIUII not ho uu

ibubitant of tlio name stale with them-llVlffl, . .-*hif) lunohtnecv to inuko P. Presklent.

• will ba ronicinbered, wna beforo thenysof modern (vlegrapliaaudrailrotuls,nil us all thu oleetorH ttppoiutccl were loolo ui thoir reapectivQ htatos on tbo

ilny, itAVjts Eiotiuvcd thut cunoorf,illii!iition, udtubiuntiou, poraoualv3, or anyisttiUHlvo uutiotittl contro-' would bo obviated. Men of nm-agoiujd clmntclRi', in whose judg-'

itnl and iuldl^uHiiu ibo publia Iiutl^ifliloiicc, would, it ivns exijebtcd, hepointed, (mil tho clcotdra, poHsesaingiiriotiBin, integrity nod candid juJg-

icnt tliat would lead theui to disccaa tlioiliject (lifipnssioiiiitolv wliou they meet

u tlm Btntai, ironld votofor two ruon,mo of wbom migiit ha" a local favorite,mt oue nt least would be qualified to ad.-linisler tho governinont. -It was notipectod that any one after Qen. Wash-igton, on whom all wero united iu therut instance, would ho likely to receivelie rofiiHred noustitutional mnjority &ud

1 cliMoii by tho vote of tbo cloctorn ia,mir colleges., Iu tlia^ ovout tho. cleo-nml vota would bo meroly n noininntion.

L'lio reiireaentaticns in Uon^ress wouldbun, voting-by. states,- each stnto 'to c?st>no vote, select from tlid five' persona•lio rectivetl tho higliesfc 'un'mber ofIcotornl votes thti iiuliviJunl who should

ri-oskioiit. By tbo proecua n nutn-'er of cbitefimon, Ilvo at • least, wouldtmio beforB tlm a Jtitry.It waannticipntail tlmt only, tho.ox-

itcmeut nnd inaduena nlt'endiug (i pop-lur election Qf tlio Bxeeutivu ur Oliicf

_ would-be nvoidDa, but tbujirinciplo of ntate equality wouk"

'a jiroscrvcd and eo forced ia tbo finaileU.'1'tniiintioii. wbon tharo was IIODmtrecrncnt of n uiujority of the electors,Unfortunately for,tho successful irork-np of tills carefully elaborated plno,here was iu * Uio violently contestedPresidential olection ol 1BO0 BUCII • unityLttiaugtlic Roiuiblican oppodenta of tboyinms Aduiinistratibu, thnttlierb vriio between Jeffei-son nud Burr, . .„ .fid eaoli nn equal unmuev of' votes a ail

n. mujority ovar tboir colnpotitors ; butNeither of thp two -principal candidatesreceived a higher vote than tlio other.Every elector, who .voted for thornwhether appointed. \ty the .Legislature3r cfwsen by (hit people, intended JvVTeraou ahouH bo ' rresidont. Under

ise circumstances tbo defeated party,-bo iind voted for othci candidates, nndr'craagainst ball) Jefferson nml -Burr;laimcu that the cboioa of tbo, republic

Tfflsior Burr; andnsbytheConetitutiiCongress waa ia tbo ovcut of a tie voto

decjdo between the, nu.aaperntetj aniljioBt revolutionary proceeding tooU

ilnoe.. This unhappy intrigue anilliuso of powors, which, threatened forHmo tlm nationnl Iranqiiility, lwl to nhange, culled nn nmoudmenf o[ tho

Conntittition, bv. .which tlio politicalfabric tlmt had beon BD carefully undelaborately conatructol in 1787brokea down.—Hon. Gideon Wetiet,Tha Galaxy /or September.. - •'

. l'cto's Cpou lluut.Old miclo' Qua, eaya tbO'Nniv Orleans

Suttetin, is not us young"aa,be toed tohb, so wlion ho waat'eoon Ii nut ing- ___otber M'RIII lie took little Fete with hiiritg carry tho game.' Tho dogs Boon Biaoje-a, who took to a- emnll tree,

which Fetn climbed anil shook him outuf, when thn dogs mado short work ofliim. Pcto tied *:ha coou's litad legs to-gclher, nnd. running n etiak between

ihinjr hiin over his'shonldcr, lientlAs coon liiioting was a matter ol

3 witb oldGni, nni( rint of fun,hoy Bturtcd home. As they wero wnlk-g nloitp, tho coon, wlio liad baly licoauuued,' enrno too, and suddenly form-l.a violent'attachmaiit to Fetor by seta'

iug iu his toatli a prominent. part oJPotor'a hotly; which proceeding causedUio boy to drop his stick and bounco in-to tlie air, witb n yell tliat almost frigtit-cncil old Giis out of his wits.- -Wlion histrnok tho ground again ho didn't st<fo explain, but shot, by old Gus likoluarter hnrac, the coon standing out ntright miglos fwm hia body. Tho' tlogaBturlcd after fete, ami na bo nluakcunrounil a feuco corner, a big "jallei•ioip" mtido a snap at tha coon- amcaught'him. Piito kept on, but ILicoon stopped r g h t . tbece, .aud ns u>struck" tliu ground Jmlf » ponnd of frcslmeat n&J a strip of blue ]pans fell frotuhis month.. Peto woars very loose trous-ten, now, nnd don't care to' hurt coons.

Twenty Brooklyn ladies TOtedon tinquestion ; Has A young ladj tbe r ight 'kiss a gentlemen with whom BIIO Ink'n evening 6rivo?-'Thqro wero nin

teon votesJri-affirmative, thooaene^ativo Votes was east by a 'woman witlred hhir anil a glass pje. ' •

An intermission of tw«inty*foiir liomccoitsd tho.Bocoud part of lliaWagnc

muBicoI festival at iiayrenth, in nrd'jr IcthoBrooUlyu Arens siys, Rtva time fr,luebnrinl of UIOKO who died from ciianstJon during tlio first paW>

It eonsoleii tho Now'Orlenns Uetiubcuu thuL Cliurlcy.ltuGH will noon Gobenough to find himself. - - >

Wolvt's In KussJa.

Vologilii'.'wiMi mi ni'ii "f JB4,UWB-in«n'wrsU, th'-.v liillcd J-l.ntHi bmi of f«»w

Kuziin fcinnT-iei-t, in a Kpuw of onljCli.OOJ nf|llill-0 vri- lf*, lh«\V itill*!(l (i,filKILtrKeu'nil 20.0(11) niu»ll, uf nn ng'.TOK'iteviilneol iifll OUO niblcd, Uia |ioptilt:tiouuf tiiwpivt:riiiiictilb>'lupi»_I.vl,7ir>,r]tiO.In tho HI. P-tt'Kbtirjj fiovLTiiment tlielosses II IT HUialli i1. i».n ''v.'ii f lit'iT, in tlie

wolves to tlm esM-iir of 64',00O roubles.'In fortv-fivo HitHiiuii govoruinontii, cx-

'ln^ivc<if tli.< JJultinprnvinccsand X'OIHIUI!il,(J\X) head nf cJiitlc wen; dt:stroyo(l intiiwyiar, iniiliiri/i n 1'is1* to the coautr-,)f over 7,1SOU,0(1') nmbka, fmara than35,0(10,000.)

Haasiu i« « thinly ;-ujtnli.toJ country,nil, pwhnjiH, tlie above Ui»» :i[j|)fara ovennoiv Kh'ikiuii wlicu noiisifiertMl in rcfer-JHPP to itiv.i. r,i,iiij.!{ii!»ido L-i lit out ofli« foity-livf.1 giivuniumuts, Ibo low on

remaining ibirty-fighl imn-iimtinK '<»w inutrclia on .-v,'i-y ilreintiuc of 2,7

L'lTH.Tin: nmoiiiit tlmt. w . lve i will e i i f iy

)onui>u3. I JJ ' I IVO o r Ibroo hours n jjnirill eat tliu half.ol1 u IIOMO ne igh ing 85!)

nLuiinofl, MiLy i b m l t j g goi'o Hum DO Jiilo^mrnuiuH. A d a u -

Lroiis pociiliarjlv in t-iiuic UicU ut wnm-v> tn ha .lend. "A pt'iisuut full ml a wolfH>nKnt}y dt-id on t b o g r o n n t l , bent h imitb 11 fi idsol, an 1 touK liim Imiuo onis Mmim- for Uia Miko uf his »l;iii.. I uia iiittht ho henrd a tio'iHtt, mid fouud

ntiiutd "il Iho titbL-. . ItjumpeJ lithniiit, nml his wif.', wlm itisliutl for

i;Jp, bumii bits IUIUI o» bw rt 'Uini.Th.Miu111hur.of WOIVOH in IliiBKia cau-

nt be II'SK I him 17IMHHI, nud they ent ofithonul gaino n)Mo _UO,0i)O,O'Jtl l inul .1875 in) U'SM than twol i imdivi l l i i i iaan

.tLj^a wtiro iluiitmyeJ by -wolvirf. Atiioi; h jfw'ili))r*l bcUvcun tliuueciuioiicd Ity cat tin plagues nml

o as again fit tlm-'o enustil by wolvi-s.d. exU'iiordUinry nv it miy ueeui. tlmpurtioii of dniiiiigo dtinn by wolvesDinnuri'd with cuttle plagues is nato 240.

('iiiliuir Mcc. w.<ii .Miri iron.

racab Iteeae, of Piltsl)iirpr, P.i., hudigenilearorcd to caiislrnct a inucliinucut hiudened cold stctd. Ho neenm-

isbL'ilitat, Iciimb by nicwuu of n anwsoft wrought iron—merely a circular

BC—rolating nt high velocity. With\v Rpccd Hi is would not out ut all j butlien running about 25,000 feet perinnte the diHQ out tlirou^li stool rapidlyin^ im immeiiEo cnBcwdo of apurks in

operation. Il was fouud on etnroin-j - tho dubri* bemmtb tbe iliuu that theiirttnlen of uteel were not Blmply nibbedr They were welded together iu nramid liltc 11 etiiliLgmitoor tho snoweles ou tho top of Mount Washington.lifesflor Hcdriek uuccrtnined thut renluouhu'i tiiltejj pliico uniODg tho mrti-s of otocl. Tlw dine is rery Httlo

:ated, but tho steel is actually melted,'om ilowH.j- Yet tbo bar on cither aide1 the cut 13 not lieated enough to drawic temper or oxidize the metal. Solidira ot steel of two or threo inches iniiuietur uro thus uut through iu 03any ruiuutcn, Tho Eoft meUl disc in•out toxly-lvto inches in -Jauastei*, Tliokeil hancJu may bo pasactl tbrooch Jho

tn* etrenro of (IVIIIR fiiwrki, duringoperation, intiiout being burned,

ee the purticlcs of melteil nititnl are ino condition known as (ho speroidal

A Consciomloua Uog»I Imd had Ibis th>g for several yearn,id bad uover, ovuu in I m puppy howl , ' -•own h i m to Bteal, NcnertbelesB, oni o occasion lio waa vary hungry, and i n "io room wheto I wna reading, • nnd heus sitting, thero wn» 'within cosy reach

ivory mutton cb,oj>. I wm grontlfprised tbSeo liltH" Btcnltliily"re_iove" 't chop nnd tnko it nnilcv tbo sola.travor,*I prolonged »ofc to observe

-hat had occurred, ami waited to BOO'bat would uapiHJU neit, Tor fully naartcrot aii hour this'terrier remainedid er. llio sofn without nmk'iug a BOUDAit iloubtlcsa enduring au agony of aon- •nding teeliags. HvoatnitUy, howarer,.mscienco came off victorious, for,_._,.irig from bis plitco of canocnlmcntid carrying iti Iiis mouth tlto stolentop, he canic across the room and laid10 tempting inorsal at my foet. Tholoiitoat lie dropi'ccl tlifl stolen property,a bolted ngaiu und^r.tho Bofa, nnd from ••tia retreat no coaxing could charm himjr. several hoars olterwnrds. Moreover,hen during that titnojio was spoken to

ar patted, lib always lurned away MBbead in a ludicrously conscience-strickenmanner. Altogether, I do not think it

oultl bo possible to imagine a'more, .Ltiafnctory faxliiliittoii of camcianca byl animal than thia;'for it must bo re-...icmbored, aa nlrcndy eiateu, tbat tbo . -articular nuioin) in (incstion »ros never'utpn'in Ilia life. . . . :

' ^ Tom Coiike, Tlio Actor. •At a trinl in tbo Court of King'Boncli in 1813 between certain wiiHieihlishem, us (o nn alleged piracy of an '

irrniiRoment of the song of " I b o Old-higliab Qentlcmon," Cooko waa rabpoe- .loci ns a witreas by ono of (lio part.'"

On his cross-oxtiniinatioo b y 'nmoa Scarlett for tbo oppositeP3LII^ •lint learcd counsel questioned iiirirfctiii; *• "Now, Rir, you any that ilie. two radio*lea nro tho satnc, but difforont; now, .-hat do you mcun by that,' eir ?" ' 'To this Tom promptly answered—, ' " ""I said tliai,tlio notes in the two cop-

a were alikif but witb diflerent accent,ic one being tn common time, Iho oili- '• in mx-cigbt tinio; nnd eonseqnentlyio position of tbo accented notes wasifforent."'"Now, pray, sir, don't beat about tLo"

IUBII, hutexjjlaiu to tho jury, who (ireropprwod to Lnovv notliing nuout musio,Iho uicaning of wlint you-cull accent."

Cooko : "Accent in muafo ia a certainvcaa hid upon a- pnrlienlnr no>o,* inio onnio irmrmcr ns you' • would lay a

itresa upon any pvea iroril.'for tlio x>ur-losc.of being batter uuilprstood. Than,f I wero to say, 'Yon are an, «« , ' it•eats on aea ; but ii 'I TYCW3 to sny, 'Yi>uiro nri ass,' it reata'on you, Sir -'Tames/*

Hbouts of laughter by i io whole nonrtolio w ml tiiia repartee. Silonco ut lengthiQvingbeeu obtained, tbo juJgo, withuuch »uoming gravity, accosted the•onnsel fhus— • •

"\TO yon fiaticficd, Bir'Jnio.eo?"Bit Jauiea [wbo'hud becomo scarlet iu •orn tbau-unme), in af^ent hufi", (aid"Ilia witness niny go down."

How TO GET llicn:.—Nothing ia more?_sy than to grow rieli. I t 13 only to:rnst nobody—to befriend uouo—to getivorytlung and save nil you get toitint ourselves nnd everybody bolon^intr:o ua—tn bo Uio friend of no man, andJava no nmn for our friend—to liettp in-creal upon iutordat, coat anon cent—tom mean, roisornble, and despised, lorsome twenty or thirty ycara-rtina richeswill como ns stiro 03 dtscuic tin<l disan-ppiotnieiit. And wlion »ret',y nenilvjbougli wealth iB collcctoa by a disre-•\niof all iho ebaritiea of tbo humaniBTl.nndat Hie expense of every en-

joyment, savo tbnt af.wnllowingin flltliymeuncess—death cones ta finish thowork—tlio body is buried in n ]JO)I», tboheim danco o *3r it, aud ibo npiril goes—whero 'I

Tho Chinese of California felt outrag-ed by tho oriiitnncD which requires tboshonff to cut tlio Imir of liis [trisoHeiB to11 uniform length of one inch. This favrims proved pro'itablo to Uio city trepsury,the Alotigiititm jtrcferriflp lo pay hisflno mthet? than to go tojnil; nnd nowsteps Imvo bceu bikfaOfby.tho indignantqueue waiirers to test the constitutional-ly of Iho ordinnnce,

At an auction of miscellaneous arti-*— out-of-doorj it began to epiin le,. —j o bystander ndviaed the auct ou-

cer ttatholiadfaotfer pntun cnumi- " » ns the H2it article.




TO THE FRONT! ^^mvsss



D O V E R . :N\ J.


1 THE FAMOUS HISTORY S p r i n g G o o d s ! Compare lOI lr f i d 1)6PRICES QOUTED bv


All \\ oo! Sail. S

silt Hix«I Cassiicere. 3

Kver Ik-lure Offered All Wool (lieviot.

in this Xarfcel. f j n e j j j 2 t t j

5eir Style Plaid.

V/oMwl Plaid.

Bla-k Ilia onal Frinee

Albert 5

Workinz Pants.

i! :h~* PEICE3,




- " 1 8

'• 15 ..,.-=

Tiie <aire -.-alt by M. L.

Ftl l iCo. from*l2toIS'

1.5011. L. Tel! A. Co. for #1.23;

• z^'A fy~-"ni^f: t h e p&r-pSe i>i|


FOUND AT LAST,Until Yon'Look in





3NT. 3".,




Dovr.ii, ,\. J.Secured frcm the County

' Records the History of

the Civil and Crim-

Suits BLACKWEIL STREET,- . - . . , , / *^WJ«M«£, I***-1

tV/titf Ure &!fe»4 >AM» i.*. tfc* W>, ' » / « v n ">al UM 1*>* "«?« «tws -it;. a J *K£ i l l ,> u M ,^ l t , ,,„ i tjrf „ ^w. «*1 tl» » a "•» £-i;

JtiUHlEI). ' f.-Ji. : r^r^ ii^. .t : . _ i^*: ..r


•lu&ja'taz iaTxj llrr <W>ii/z» *b.Ji=ij* ul:

* i " 1 * 4 ! « j j bltt^f p («k« l t y tb* fair. TV.* 1

• CppaV&iJtX »» «« be« to th* Tlft^^il t™» fL> •

tvwtlitJj f^ia ]nAsL-% la* J.rM6 * [//;altt * 4 ii** AtMWASA •* X^'.l'A. 7 -

- ! i; l *> it'viie. II UlUt t"t IS^'Jj '/'^- . /^* t^*» % '> ft s-j *. eWrjM, icjwal;


• " S * * " ^ ? " " ' — "• ! - t t > i t - t In M * k-« IMIVIP f ,a 'M Jii ' *** WIPE*! i>X* I'JJtil, Ktu * « (KMttn .

* • Xtotltj. tiw

! We g re the Uil* oj i]«r V*//t z* Wilort:

tag JM4 }**&


^t op jgndatlf/ awJ fir/til/ JZ-AI

c t i v«x%n**#2UBt[ in >!l tbrwea bt1hr. Pfetin^rijo Ctw-ti, bareto farm • "Prerf^ttma AJtooee.

11M iwill t*e *Ai'nrjrj

the Jattas for I

4 tbt »II*-\j. It will ia«4 [

- j

s - .-'5 Hf3fe


-AS ttt miltaee «l tbt


\*Mt*»hntAfA Hi'l J5Uy fc«t biffb,*m faint-hj waA&t, ft HI, kittingU had woandftiff mwnX Ab

j *A witb tmUib^ th/5 rope*



, . .„ _-_ ti Wlj *il [*f ifw e t A1J AtU i* i n f i l l . U/w««r. fc«tt-1iwj u v*ll *» L«i4^ , ("f v*>:rj')


Avutt'uattM uiet Irith,Uvi'wm xwUDM, VfK.

jon tb« l*/(/«t

rat W///J majority,tint \*/\tt\, 'Hiti f 12(//

lsi, . ' I te /airwtt Uat, Unvever, In« Hepfember cbcUnn prettWioff Uw

iffn llw If.-1/j 17,000

y Thin kbi/rtt that t i e |x>litfr.»tititun »I Maim U ftU/at th« MQU M then.

ItM ooJyftTW, ban n t lu t \xxn captured.TUt Uuit^J KUUsi intlK/ritf^t lifliion ili«-(y/r*:r«d idat lie v u in Hj«ia, rmcnxAzdIn iu&ndnalhitipiDhh Horfniintul V>«/T««tbiw, »wlb« «ru talom r/u (wardA » t w l , *t V/fo, Uit »^k . H« vjll Irts tn t t / iCot^ Bwlfrow tUnos to thiacoaHtrf, tlic Hpanbih ttorerntatnt, uI\vfti0i there i* no wtrtditlon tf<-nt/ fz-Mi»K. fl iriK UJM fa return tor a niffi-nurk-^y rec^ntl/ «t*n4wl to IfitrM,

bubt/raUldtuit timsel/ Ctrint, *t>JUAhmn tarry oil bbr dwirioe,Llx*j f i l l e t of xaurdsr. At -KfOM nlvw*ifilafati • - - -

p A i ^ t a i JI. ffeard, tbe '-)t rsn obtfac law J£/ra. WjlJiam II. rfeil, (JW Boodaj, IU entered tfiaui

1^7, &«] WM Mucett«d with ittA7 tor nabyy«ni fttck) np*r of bis deat£.

re la Il fkhfitbon wu »otio-

mutt f^wdlj it&ntxA wggm.

}fur toon

• J t f c i n f w of neciitrzt« of vlmiwton on illantil It*; CIMC of tli«

fjlilicii ue vtrrj (jolrt i'n Now 3hut all Belize In latlUru. The HKlat« iH thegrtat b«tlkfroaoA

t t idj/artic*i M«UI c t ot ridory.T%I qtUDlitlco of pataiom ttrn

) sod Kentoolj ore cxnaivg JDK Y l l^! l J

n'Miral'^1 Ctuiu. Fri t im Adarnii fuf]«T(-nior, nif] thfi Nftv Turk Di-fnoItHVniH/iuinstAl Lrttfwt lUihinvm In th|dfw<i f>f JIorai!'> Hoyirtour, nlin ili^Ilia h(/Dor, Tlie OiuDPclIcut Dcrnwrut*bftvo plft/x' RlchtrA I), lluhtmnl in iinm<fnation /or Gcmrtwr rj{ tint Klatit.

jr oncmfHd iu 1619. Xlieir tuxumIlia flint year • « lew tliahSI.fXX). bnow liava tofwiiouariwi fu Cljfin, J sIndfi, Afrif», Hcilcfl, RrnonR ttm AicsM ludiuiiff, in Norway, Hwtdcu,rn»n/, und at I tmao; mid, j(i;thBi« in"tlicr plftc^*. They ha*o iu U r iIninJM : Malo miMiuiiariui. W ; feniiulouorictt, 00 ; nstivo l i c lpn , JfiO

f M A S l I |(J7mftaifxjnn, MAS; n c ^ I u , |(J7«. I!,',(.•«(•, they barn largo field* <>( IIUUKmlwiifinir, TJirtr income avvtouehentf800,OW aiiDiiallK Tbo fyan\ of Uio

•^jtitticni Mel hod lit Cliorcit wan org»D-IMII in 1Mb. In 1600 ft Itul mi-«!(,!)-uriiw lnCIi in*nnJ otnonjf tlio Wntarnluiliaua, and now it JIM raiuIrittNiin inC'lifnn, ttrnzU, M P I W > , K T / W.«t nniijuniuig Ilin Imlmnf.

to iwallow lior ooemlmi.nnjili (room eoatimio/dtad Inn), but ttiejr

lri !i S i I b

Calm pi^'iliotiuflfJn ol Hpn(<j|^arinto tint /dtad Inn), jriisrerrctnrn to tlirir n*!i to Spain—Ibej

r In tlo Cootnl l E s t aff I f

illHappcar In t lo C o o l anil EastarnDejjartwonUfluff (Iio f»rt»U doroarwltlioai. Tlin mcrdlMi polfry: of theHj'ittif*lj government towxnl ltt> own

' nmnlii I* in no my , man (ctriblr tUn-itUyod than In dooming lha yoalh aridmflnltomlof tbo DBIIOM te ferttin dcntli

: in Ilia futn! jiinftim rif Cuba,

\dieditye«L«bsiVHi,N, Y.niinK.

._ fur Ibo ruboilJIiitf rOHtl'iOsr'lcD bus b<xa ffireo oat.

Tin Cbrutbti Babtntlt hat 1>O..-D 1niliwwl fn ;o[nn at J (bjr of m t .

J im ntmr Virnnh Citr, Nffradn BInluJrjft l ™ f««t under «roand.

O.^T tliErlr vMiai cf 7fi)l»w ciaro rxvn Iraricil nt ftarannal,

Tlit nutltTtial Jolit wax rc<liic;ij ovelirr^: in ill i'm* IiuL motitlt,'

The Hiilor/ of Driven Walk.I'tiT tl.ii Um.-fit tj/ cur tauten, mtny

<\i>ui li»ve Jdvcii w«H* la thin lucxXilr, irn rtfjiitfcW to jrtiblitdi tho foIIoirinBj

^ I^nelct of tlwHtat«i rircuil tawrt cf Ibf timt

ij uf Kev York, Kurtainlatr tlie* Tilldt,t l\m «H j*t«nt of CM, N, W. Orem rfAilif-nrf, 1« tJw cabniiutlon of • vtrj Inter-trtlfiH If Knl CKltt, nvnainft ow 11 yciini,nn<l hut u hat M wftll iu K w m l lnl*tert, fntlul it cmen nil driren wfilU. In 1WI

JJI Sf fJ b i dI Sfr, Jreen TTMI nbingarrdmnnt—tlitTCUi Kow York »u|onU*rf, »t CorUuwI, ofwbicb lii Ucftirti) colcmel, ul i tWM d W

i/iul, UiiiffAcLuMnuitoof It - l « l«med Uu»t Uw re!j« wen«« *"U« cmr toldicn dnmlc froai,iat Col. Mallijna 1*1 Uen oom-

«l Ui «tim.«(lirr im «tonnl of beinii cutfrom WBI*T. To «tve hii own rwBWnt

a «lin:liir ffct*>, Jfr. Oretn miKgentetl toi>ffl«ntlulftru4 m%ht ! dfr J t

» u

m%ht !* d f r n JotowelT oalclly mada by

t k l

mda byn u » lli a p i^ . iL. or^rwl one of

Uieiffl, U'.vU Madsn, to makn tlw einnri-mMl hich proroI»|Krfcct well.. Unfor.

for Mr. (htm, »t U.i, jnnctore, U

p o m c e r , wTn mullBM in I bof »MUf«. 'flw JfEh L*. wwnot k'

rt'iMbl U Albi

Uaglflo. O Din eorawimj of i o r

U«r fort* about W«J

& a U d , Imt, finrily,other «»n UM »rficwiuHmfc

C*ernor of ttin HUt* of Nnw Vwk ],„llored from bin eomnund. ItctunilniF

CortUnd, lie found on indJcttnrat swiltbim for uwaalt with intent to kill. Tbl*eWB* not triod ontii the «prioB of 1MB, v ^

m. (lnat ntal mrrenl KennralM to Cortkndtuttify at to Uin anny cwtmm in COWH ofjtiny. HJO Jury Mnaqntctl, but n you.iM wu cnUrcd and Green onjored a third

ctonr. Iieat, Mudun, rocoatimo, whiJo3ol. Grew * u in r-'wliitgtoji, went toIM wrtiv, *nd A worltntna of Jiln, L

th«tr IKI ural&nUttlwETiK"!»e tb

%\,M4,WA II ltill* bar4en U in tt* ll/*rri, whKh CCJIWI*«-U tU j*jw«*

of 7 per cntt difidecdt on ttodc U tl*e tttaf/'/v*r tlTI.Wt \#r mil*, l**idai to te- t l7 MTC«DL TO fcwAiitliieral« fdmatl<Mrxr iaM TU rwdwu Loilt, in t*»witbAiaU* t n d r > l<Mthui ti.VM.Vj'ijet tbb> rj*J b aetully rowtgwiftd for tW,tfW«0 l ti h*w rf IOW 0*n «M0Win h*w rf IOr//) in txicib, t*t*Ue* lb/*%* bowo^UtAwltag,b u l*«ra MlWnsd. Ul« ot/^wt of tLU J-*-

f^cluKmnaajind Weatera]Q« U/sdi ftw/ontloff r* t3.tai.lCOwnoaulln« to n O ^ K S 3C T

y m*ntM fulep&ttra iU funded ae!5fT.ttl 31. W!w*»er p k u « «*;thit Ifals e"[n[«Dy4i <aaart eoon{[l t

ow* nearly fffor inillwiw more wiiLMtjIna •ny fntrrut ihmon. Kcwtble wtn illprefer 10 Uli«Te tlul the "dill" ctmU tbeOMumny *t U**t*M wnth M tb* >-fand«ddebt," Miotly, 7 p«r uc t . or MftT&J furUs »bole. Tim toul tortlfcn to Iw wetIberefun. In e w M of all wining* of lea*«line*, Wf'/ro Ktotkboldcn can fj«taccat,i<iJ1,734,«CI. Tliiii mm, J«!nrf«l from thettHU'JW alraulyu>c^o to be the setaal

'it Ui8i b

yur,iuid paid 1

W/J tb«tat Htmonnly price

est , dUfdnfUotill t h t I did

r e s t , dUfdnfUoti * , ,t follow* that It did notcntnUu«0 d

l *-iiS,OCO. WUro did fl UK »Thn* Mnrria and KaM c boudj, to

tliB amont of ««,CCH.«33. liow l>era brad ,and ore intlntled in llui Jl#Unwnt of thai

y, January 1, J WC UwoKb »at idid in tho 'veueral-Ubncfl idie#t furl«r3If lB7C,"ftfwil la I W « Manual inB U J f c f l Bud W«Um

uld iioteani iu <lift;nd i jolxto fli in trlji

nric«of ma), wtut inf; b««ipcctfi'?jwtycar il*»ld aboal 3,4tfi,U>) la.* o e

tlNMmW, oraLout^l.03 ptrtail, tie-rtr«wtiorliD({it TbefniKlii

tn.UI.MU fd for fDOvlriK 2--,_-. touifjos mile, wiViUt Zi vmU]>tT

mile, And tho Mine year Die iicitu) eo>t otIrnmrporttni; fraiijbt on tlte I'cuiujInuUroatl T U 1'.-M UVID twMblrJit of ouc ctnt JKTLoo per ruilo. Ttifl ptoflU of ttie wrornnTweni Uicreftffu fttloortU woUjitr W B J « -mile, or, rrti 3,400,000 low* of coil cam««l aule, r, ,40,

anuo of ftH ;nll«, alxiot UWtfU.t t e jjartoftbfl $13,7*1,757

Hat nowl

; , axiot UWtf. \»idM wtutever jjartoftbfl $13,7*1,757 ok-

(JUDCII by M]A of crnl wi* pnfit Hat nowwe b v owl

UDCII by M]A f pe bnva owl fcclJing At the MCtino t

. 29 nt fln orem«e nf W.01 pur ton. Tliejany will tura to cot down iU cironnTKjrtJiUon, noil ilxtirofiU on CA, nt tUn yfani vilWn'i, tint artnae aaa-Uon jniat tort y«r wuf.'iJl, awl tbe

Incline fcl/iO j**r ton. Hoinawherc, rritb

my tiM Iu oUtiil a 1**" wLfel*, *l (nil}1

fair, will nht « iJ j «ifM rmt Uw % i,tfl&,'jH>i

ofnirtnt t«p!.«//.'/«iw/r* (vfttji-**ul K M-i U'tt'U in it'Ur W \*j \n~

•1**,*. an'l ffuUlu, wilhcfll jitUiit/ft ndf.lUrHi-,

SHERIFFS SALE!BJ'taUTU'UvrvRibtiB.Pilaierta.&ctLtnJ

n,i.li.<VlG,L A VEEELASD, X f

J. J«/t4i V. Etaz «_.IT. t*. d* two, ct l«r. Ia


Bi7 rlrlM <;f ili! jbcte tUU^ •riti trf ftviI I t d u in mj budi , I abill etpwe 1&JT »*>

at fUUUC VK.S'UUE. at tbe I'aikd fjuttiUoUi, in Harmiwni, V, J^ cm

MONDAY, the 16th day Octobern*?t. *. D. me,bet»«u UM bwntomM.aM& */tlrxk P.M.. tint i* Io aif,at2o'cUck ID tliet-tUnuun tif uW Atj, all Utal Iract, ptrctrl trf

tii pttrant* htrtlnttiet t*nvn\uij•wi, aitutc. Iji&x aiv) Uio j fa ibe ~•r, in tlv> lUmoly ul Monii «ad Hu


rrf l>/*er, in tho CJeiaal* uiN<« Jem?, WDK V>t Ko.be^laaatapolDila tbe MmtbwecWlr iFlril iti-cet aa ibo*n n wa a nap cf tbe kiU wft|j« Clirjli*! Fanfl tu4e bv fnolt P. ADuicu(cJoowoofllt'tD tB«lJ(irriiewiDlTr*«wd*ii)J*riJ» in hwik V 7, >BO rpoint u dittfnt 25r*J fet ott


WTio (rfceM ZUDJ by prtteikd«4 ilob-gobUna, and Appuittcn^ ««1 Uurebjtztortecf tootxj Inra ilmt jioci"!*.

Ia t if CsBirty <pf Hcrrla £sd State cfHex Jerfey. fa the 762? 1723.

TAKE 2TOTICE. The Largest Stock ot Bo yf;and CMl&xerfs Clothing in the County. '

*• T3£ E-51.T

Clothier and Merchant Tailor

SPRING and SUMMER GOODSFo.- lbs CEXTEXSUL I t l B . ISIS, cosiiiti-g cf


j A (TsmiJels E « ol DUCOSALS lor CCMT5 aod TESTS. Tie blest Bjte ofFLilD STUKCS ta 1IE.VS YOUTHS EOTS1 >j>J CHILDEETS TVEiB.


Pnotel for «T«» Partlwfer 1792,


»a being printed ia orilcr te prnclaeetvork at *a ea/ty d»jr n&J all ordtaccompanied with tbe wjnej wiO beplaced oa oar book* M rweired, «n'Jc r t l


Watches, Clocks and Jewelry.!

A i [ w u W d U> m>r cerei!» itwsRtl THE FISEaT '


*r S;iTtr*n* rait


21A " t i d ^ l « TJBIZ C5Z H CEZ1ILTIXDCCT.D TU1CL3.

ewiDlTr*, a*td U

lira, arnitjcd kt fluOtofRr llktunlft awl i

Irota'tbe besiltDlsx cjnwf m h>: So. tta tiodt- - - ' f> JlAtiie M, Tsrvjfii (v/ uit)

ite, uliibeeiniuii^cor'II aiw tDciiKuiDcurotr tit Int Ko. II ibiv

J*y tvnttjetl 10 ilietw Hnrio^, wire of HJDIMI

' <im tiid Ujriowas, poiatajaac ibe tbtiorlinccrriitlve&nriQit'* 101, fijacai

. . . , . gtl drgrec* ami fnrty minnU* WMI (*.boqdrwl ind «»eo fwt to tbf ccnUe Jim 01bloci Ho. % t i IIKWO on raid m*p; (I) »k.nrnld (im'f« MUB oofiu ililflj-oae tfctr«*f tad

HtoA in joor nlMCTif>tix

L O U I S A. V O G T ,


M0BBI8T0WTr, H. J.



?2" D O V E R , KT. iT.


. flfi j fwl Iu l ie ]4J4* ol UKfdliurns tract uf (ami cootty«l Ljaida ind wib tn Ilbfatrd Itcrmaaa

MsldjledJuly l5Hi.lB73.anrt f»«^n] illorrit ouintr leeurdi t>f (k*d* Iu lr*Aee IfcJ, Afl,

WKttSON A. PRZEHlS, fihorlff.AuRDtt Bib. 1U7B. ft'r. f, W.<

w e

ROOFS.VTbr cot mala junr It*fi bit a lifetime, ami

i*n lDe«|t«iiuur a oeir roof eiery 10or *ear*. Itcao he i uue: irjfn] nu Hlatofali.i wjilnnLODly rti.Jl ilia tBtct*oX « teraoaioJ, bat lUlf.-M n o /r.m Fire.

OLD ROOFS.Protect ytvr linlWInf i hj B.Iig HhU m a t ,tiicb ucilbr.r ci*^lt in wiotur nor rant In

mmtntr. Ohl ibincU) roofi citi tw palaiedIduklne mack Utitr, and Uitlnc l n g thnow liiBgkt wtinom Itio Mint, folb*onl ufrrtiinelloit On l*a

iti pc longer, for oDf-

l l


bonl i e l l i t . On l*tajel tljinjtlei

,0 ill op the bblu anil puna, an'fgirei a newlxltDUal ruol, ibtt Uala fur y t in . Corlisl«an<d fhinjtit, itbrinRi W I Mr plieci and-p» III**) Ibtfi Tb(t piint rfnufri ~-

J*. •••$»* *Vfc

TlIC AlCMRAX Pl»nx-~KO" - =J. wilU . . . . ,

jc*tt ill KpnlfMo ID1 ic«iaipriif- —-

tbil illwi

Luwrlran*, AllltfmKnolldiw b»d tallnr

l rrauilj Tcli *„ 5v,rrau


M tad litnctrtliorn,„ 5 , o r Htoniacb, nctrtliorn,

Hick H'adatbe, CodftenuJlin n»r i U Cra h i t

l l

urn wiui Ittt ;oir witiiont tine a w ofi-pnrtnl. Go tu jiiurDrapsilt.Tonfflitrn and Rut a unula txiltUi tor lOocnli

I trr it. Two I]OMI nlll nuicrc yoii.- Keg.a/nIzoTOrflnln. '

bat cbin^tt tn » otiiform alite culor,' ' -lit* lad porp(u*» »UIB,

OXT1X CIH IltOV KOUFI,_. ird mtur li iht Ut l palnl in Iht?

<r d'jral.ilitr. [1 bai 1 lirarj twdr, iitj.lj iri, rtjiitiJi try JJMI, ccstractfl !>/ ,i t t liuv irvl uaier fneln nor icalfi, Ouo


NEW HOOFS.HUM, tuanArht, ttclatiei ind dnelliDga a

ipeeiaiiT, HiUriita CbispleU fur a nmr .*ie«pM Hit Itwfcf tln>>Ur llnoflioK ecu Ital abentbur tb« pttM ur r«-«bf&RU c. For P/frat«twt, bares ami tmildint;f " «lt d»-tcript|onaIt la fir iB[«r1ur Io any utlttrf roofing ID UI*

" torcoatenitaea\a lajJae.aoilcanLitwa

firr-nf (|DillltM eftlD, al oiie-tlilnl tbv'cvit. KoT\tl frrGIt&V£Ij flaw*

•• i.-» to ia»« r»-«hlnilin(t—itflti Iraki fffnffUDill; and clieapl/ in roof* of all kind*" a 100page took Irco. Wrlto lo-diy and i»k for It.

r yog« HUTK Jloonwo Co, Locmo.4 Orlir «U Horn VorK. AGENTS WANl'EU.

ontfli ind urritnry,BM Hreii4myt How l*otl.


IH M * read* artin fer tfcc P«J1 SA4 Wmt«Tivk «iib t hrgw'j in«TM*«l ttock of




^Tsf Tar :l<* Eonnl , £%cm, Wihtws, ti 6

CENTS' FLIl.MSniSC GOODS, ci«.rrjaa

to^^JltW* ******""door to ttc



E. LINDSLEY & SON, Agents,

SOVSB, ia. a-.







*Lkfa i n BnnaEsciDt<4P b U nnitd la '»««)




3(isrtt« Crrat.]




^MI; <1M Trackh«i lutotrntta.


Warren Boiler Works,piiii.LirsnuiiG, s. J .


Stacks, Heaters, Bnciete,



On Hand and for Sals:

One 29.17.-t'. £ei3n> 7)Q« Cotkr.Gas Is H^r. CprigLl Suikr. *OneS-II.-P. Cprijbtl

• tl*n by Ittttr tor Ctrriar;? aw] tifeijh Or-

vlial pr.rr«M) tbrf are wartta], aiul MrMllDSBtoney (Hbagb to o/rtr tim atoooa: Y./si

EECOMJ-HASD £OILE£S teHEljt or aoi








Lireriiool, Queemtomi , Ulua-sow, l.ouilonrlcrrr, London,

Uriilol or CardltT.VorTICKETBaad rirtlcalanapplr to






FAMILY BIBLE,WCTD BBPEBtSCES, printeJ ttom an totittirarm te% el tltutitjpa pUw«, coauiothg oier100 piE« owre uf tb« Uit than in* ordinirrQnirtoB*'— - " • - • • - • • •-'• - - '

ib« world,E b i i l l

EHCSlJBEDESflBAVl^tetl. It U ibe graad^t Uknd it a cirajtfeie coc/l

It U ibe graad^t Ulile iua cirajtfeie coc/rl<x>cdja of

lltww[«JEr.and contxlnx»»"ocoibrraa lllmtrated PtoDooci-ioj: BiUe Dic-

ijmary, with UO tORnTto-p ; C n lHelpi to ibe Kind? tf tbs Bit.

le vltli Hi^nificcol Vinn awl Dt*niutirelet; IWigiuai Vtooa-inilleat and Crttd*bo Vfmid; lllMtnl Sataral UUior, i n d

I'wlaiih] Metro; Kamlljr Henml: Pac^lmiit^ior Anciral M«nimrr:Pl»; IHttblM, MirwJeaaDilW»«>DfM» nl f h r m ; l=«rlptoro l»iffitoliJ««UiI.laiDt.l.Mapi.amlrayiroibtr lltiuc»,em-ndos


EOTJSD IN THIS WOKK,j -nrtmt nljlfti of tinrlin-, rrom (7wO lg i aAt*) a Hit of urge Ijpe

QUARTO BIBLESi t price* from tltolTXO,

cooUmln; thn CooconUiico, rialrni ID Jfttj-owJttt tttiltn, Fimilt Ilecord, etc., Letter illot!irilrf lli*n iDf otbor cheap VAUln.

I am »lw iMc to procure tbo"LIHRAKY OP POETOY AKD SOXG,"

or any other ir J. B. Poril ft Cn.'apnblteilhni•nil In fact, anj vert:ofinj veilkDawnaqiiiorUpatliil.cr'aprieeB. l i '

DRESS.GOODS of fashionable stylesTymrsr AXD =^.isrc-s-

G O O D S ,




Coffees, Canned Fruits and Vegetables.



N E W s:E»iti:isrG- GOODS.


Clodng oola leot 8121JIEB !>BESSGOODS, La^u, On^nJkt, GrrridtDM.Uius,'8win,TuitUxit, Io l» aoU .itfeoutretudIo

room ror FALL OOODS. .all Lln^ of DRY GOODS ;<jr tlie



33 W, 8. BABBITT.

ici: USE

OT^SS CAMBl'JCSLad rEHCALES, Jaai Kccind at m.- ibiliin


rduwd at Iwnkrupt uJe at ;


if. a




dnire Io aSDcocn tbe rpUosios tpcc&I u dT1HKLY BACOACt'S-RUT:

IN LLAMA 1.ACE POISTS.lS,Uat«3.M .-. IkdoeedtoEO.



STOVES, tfco.


berth jwrt Ale asil U k l R L TTC 1 ^ 0 JUKE


A SrECULriV «o<l (niploj pnlj imcticalLUXBEJS to- th!* brsneb of tbe trad.*.

PUnixadipoeificsttonigirfo^ben rrqaired.

R O O F I X G , G U T T E I t S , & c ^

el lairnl market nle>.

Wood and Iron Pumps and Pipe


DRAIN TILE, a3s£z£s,

nit ios i of HI kinds for DRIVES TVZLLg,

Oar EMty jraxi wperifot* la tbe above Iradeox.U<M if* to U M A with CDnSiVnce oar aUtitr

to d o i n j and all wot* in ttiia luw oftraile t jIbe tnliie mlrhctioa of tbe capkjer.

ALL "WORK GUAnAriTEED.Sitlriiclorj rcrereoec given vhn nqnired.D. s. ittry. a. A. IIOKISCT«K.

1S76. 1876.


Merchant Tailor,M O H R I S T O W . V . X . J . ,

r: la wllb a [Treat deal of pleaanre that 1announce to oiv frieud* and nnine

t t f ht o

Enera, Inat fur mfrieud* ae than a

nnineroaa coi-



3UBSEILLES, He.illulrUitfCtr'sprleca. ;


A Co., Portland, llaintj.

rdi»«tboroe. Hahinlci

rntb n IIM. snsfos


at kin tltsrj tanner frzM.

W. 8. 1I.UW1TT.rmlowii, Jayni l , 19C7.




. LAWPS,KZl0iiEHE,ic,4«.RortmeoloIdrDSTfUlarrpXHU

illoi! o[ Perlomer;, To; ,1 aod WxiiiisCmba aod UrotbM.Y.faliittula. i t n-aifcroi toeonneraco <UU «s !,•»» lor

" ! e : jou can irarelisae ol oi *hat«rer yop canat anj DtaMlaai .lrn5 •toro.iiKlat uiiafactor;priced. Careral attention iri'en to difpcniioirol fteicrlplioni. Dcclintar; nines cloieir ibCloirtd in prim .; 33.(1

• S5. : . . : . : . . : : „ • • a $,

1 '• a ;: « J:AI! Ibf thoro Bood* are He*I L l i m Goid are oEkrtd 11 nconul pnc« to dote.


a Jtdoction cl 10 per eeot. o^aTt ulta of PIand Fincy Grtrailin'f 001tide or nor job 1nlijch are < •fiend at C, 12| anil 2Q cli perTli* In-*, *»uirimtnt nf CIIMICG LIGHT n \ lANDMEWUMPIlLSIKamirT-flxfraiTbeUdt 10 ct«. BI«tbed Uailio Ia the wot



BErabteribtrofftnforuIaliliFarra ton

« RocUwij rirtr It t u 1 D f

QUAETBH OF A CENTURY,I litre beei> aile ta miultter la their winU iathe line of CLOTIIINU wiib imall proBt tint

ptetmro to mjutlf, and wiib increaiinjteilooiotbeia; aodlbit I am now pre-

pared with a fall line or SEW GOODd io cirethem better BABOAINS Ilnn cur befurc.

irecleipcr novtbsn tliov Lave beta.andTOD bavoonlr toitepfnacd tile

• look at my FINE CLOTUS *od llA\DaOiJ£CAianiEliES to mkkc yon lor^et all about.

HARD TIMES-:The 6PBLSO STILES Ure ailaincd tliat

happr medlDtn for lencthi and i !u that nacneed bwitatB abvol ordering girmenu fearin';lh(T will be oat of TtabJaa in a ttw rounihs.

For Qonble-bre-*ieti Frock Costa. Iba Frc&cilind English diagonal wornttd are tbu taailworn, and fur

BUSINESS SUITS"at] sixea of n u n i and enecu arc in togn*.

SPRING OVERCOATSirccct locfj, aad roada of Black atid Oironl

. mficd diigooals. The

CUTTING DEPARTMENTnd it will bo my utmost onflotTor in tbe fnlore,

ntlre BBtUfactioo, both in tlie flttins and n>^-OEof tbctr gannrnta. &HIRT8 oide to order.n j a rail lino of GINT8' FDIINDHIINQlOODHao Itand. Aha m j;iucl MsorimeDtcf


MERCHAXT TAIWII.UorriBlawii, April l*t, 1870. . IO-tf

CENTENNIAL BOOK.•»!*%_'_'«••*•• Boul foreircnlar;

Oa., PbHadelpbia, n

P a w . E

. Io O. P. RORTELL & Co., K MwmpUle* or 100 JMJM, contain-1000 tU

. TOLETI . •-.•:The oSlco rooraa ««r J, E * Q Kcrson'B

tat ntoro, on Bhdnrell 8L, BOTEI, N. J.Theflo rooma an fitted up in fint-dan stric,rutdaro mitablo for'anr kind of an office.RENTLOAV. For pftrtipnlarB. call on or od-Ireffl J . a i a . PIHItSCN, Dorcr.1 Dover, Why fith, 187a . • " 31-tt

i U

ITHE IRON ERISjlfg VTtltDAY, T. 10, 1H7G,



Tlirungb Mail, D.lj A. I I . ; Ofiwegu Eipre i

MtU.M. ' iUan tou Espi-i'SK, !!.!Hi 1*. M ; Essti

C.WI 1'. M,; Uackttlaluwii Eipa-un, G.G11'. M

Uurrinbtir(f Hpteiul, 111.40 P . M.


HarrMiuru Spudal, 4,30 A. I I . ; Dover H i

prow, C.C0 A. 11 , ; JJacioiUlottn Mai), 7.!

M . ; Eaatnii Esprceg, B.40 A. M. ; BinKlmmp

BkpicM, 2.17 r . M.; TlimilKli Hall, 2.511'. H,

ftjraniaii F.tproM, 7.50 V. M , ; Kan Ion Accoi

m'nd»Uon,8.27I' .M,








UnrafmnniilfeC»ll»»vlJ]u1'nrt drainDonor


A. M . '(1.45o.haC.507.112


WAtt l

R IH3.65U S4.:io4.4(14.5U6.10


Weakly Statement of Iron OreP iBBIKQ TIIE HACK.ETT3T0WN SCALES, VI,



Spp^robor Utli, 1870.' BTATIOB FUOH. ' , TOSH, OW1

mltaw.j '. 211 1?

Ctat8ioi-K.lt. (ilmlouB, Comiii'H, •ifdanLUQ, Vnuattt aud Cbuu*r Junction Station*,)

FortOrsm. •



1,014 1731 11

517 C7

Z'. 15,10


Rut let si an (1st np niMiiiui loo.

Qood tlniP to flail Ilio Ceiiteniiiid.

Dnittra t re glvlnij I'too

II. O. Buricfl will troct a

Tall o

lionso i

Il'nn flmiioT mills oul si raw Itals will Boot

V bo"called:nl"

Wfr Tha bonrd'H at Boliooloy'n Slouiibtii nre

nsfir.noir y nil pvo>:,

imf", ."ho -Jntly jiapi'H all vpaok ouBOiiragliigjy o

$Si».lir" ICalHr.ilo.

•V'M^.O I fMiD vit w i a aptclaturur luulitar-

%: natiu o'vlflu much.

: 1> ' Tno rool wfatlu-r bos Imd an rtf-'Cl on ih«

; '•}•. inalrltnouml martoI.

V>. Mr. James II. Siinntmi and bin ttvuimy* «rc

; ' '.,-Jat ttin (jreat E n>atiloti.

i^r-: Thcro*reniiw810patloHttih>ttio iii'wAsylnm

£')], • — no men ond 101 wnintn;

U f "Olmrlif" Lunacy vlmlnl IWrintowti hf:f: t; wwk arter an nbsi-iire of Iff yran.

%{-' Anon of Wm, l'erron.orAUouMinf.burt lit-

?c';£nrni liroteo hy «» accident on Sfjitila.p,

lat.ro orri to Lit lie Prairie,'WiManiin. "

I t r im. Tmne W PenrlnjvO. A. OiM.i. and I.

*• 0 CoopiTvWtcillboCuiU-iiiifullliftiWtiili,

Bfr. Lo.i'B A..V»fft, iic-nmnanlc-i (Vile-/IV.

•0. Vl'gt, Of 111) IlJtllUT, Ifl VIcitltlK MIUHHUI.

I l l ' Htmctl Hint (i lloouliin si ore liCGjior tinsftiiiml tiD.KO wuHll of liad tiobts on hln bnolig.

It li unhv'iil ii'in-In B'IQO^ partridges before'tli" Ut orKovembar JiuleaU or Ilia lxt orOclo-

L e r • •• '• '

T»v lthe doors'or Ibo Monition Ilnnse, Wednu

.lilfc'llt. • : .,•;_.-..

y : Aloimo Dr&nip, of Pine Dronlt,- formnrlv of

<thiK crailnn, lus puiclnsid lliu Di.DOt In Hotel''

nt Dunailiu. t .. • . . . • , ,

'"f Tbo"Uii-linnies,"ut Itockownv 0tv-u H nil)

; visit iholrlrleudaofDovur Ojiincil next Tu 08-

',;-3at erining,

^ T l i o bnrn of Wro. talto, of Kirjflli (gm- TiJTc,

doalroyod nlth all its content by an

Hilary flru la Ktwuic.1

J lenrn tho D.T.. A W.road will pat ( per

, dividend tbn Ojtobor (|itarter, instead ol

tj per coat, na hormordro,

^Tho Orponwnnd TAUS Upturn an1 a Club will

a now clnb hmtao at tlint lake at a coal


$Ei-Qov. Randofpti wlirdoilvur the anunal

^•iddr^BB bt'foro tbn IT. J . .Agrfenililttil Boclety

i££gat Iho Sttlo Pair noxt^otli. [ •_'; ' • : .

i ^Vv Hon. John Hill la t u b e tlio Coofr.roanionn1

*-j$' candidate at Ibo coming Republican Convontlon

:$&"'it Pnionon on the 20th tout. *'. .

';??£ Mr. Win. <tcliocr in matting cxtotiKlvo uddi-

•$>' tlona to Ills HUB anil well pulrcnizod Bummer

vv;-'- boarding house at Di-akovllio.

V; "Nalllalllyo," colored, iiDibeotiunerittidae

; ; ^ the tliicr who atolo (ha silk drcHtaa rroio Mr.

^ • | Hindi's roaidenee, Itorristonn.

jfe' From Ilie pfotaroa />/ Mm and Wheeler IK

£j" tha Ballolln ono would think (hoy had bonn

p | flRbtlugand hadrocDWedbkokeyes, ... ['

igl Lnlberll Ball.arMinlnontcuiBrn of Orson-

«jt> wood Luke, and for ttunj joara foroimnof tbc

~i'.i' Itingvood. Iron Wurlia, diud on Friday of last

•ir Ur. Vctinior's now bo»r(Unfl lioitso at Bflcca-

? Bunna iiabDol enclosed, and Mesure. Allen A

''," Moalnclou aro now ongngod In doing the

/ . pinmbjng and tinning,- • ' :;

i\ V L. U. flliiart, of New Tort, tba ballJoref the

••' 'v^Dovor FreBb;terl«n Oburch organ, bns jiiHl

•V'Vplaced mi instrument worth HfiW in the

I ^IlacbottHtonnBoDiinarr.

y $ . -V Ono row or neatly turned bitching post"

•J-?JiaV£Mfll<Ba tho jilaca -of the old i-ulUn^, and

:> | tn t l ta adcaiied improvimunt in tho ttont ill

& Jolio fiats otllo:rii?lown baa Invent™! a very

S.ilmpluLat eafu wliifflotreo fastening.. Itoh&H

2 revived quito a largo nnmher or m i e n la:* SjTor, thoflrot placocanvafacil. "

-• threeeltlzoiiB nf Boontonhiro boon arrosto.)

^ and i.bllgid to Rivo bunda to ap^csr nt tlio

:; n It tirtnorCourt, tuttiiiwer to tlio ubar 'o ut

; flxhin^ with nets In tlic BOL-IQWOV rivtr.

- ; SitnnnlWorsfln.Meilflfller.wWecuimi'uliiiB

} with tho BtorjB tn llna placo will ha renu-m-

V_bcrod, tins been ladiotcd by the BUPBOI Oraim

i"jBiyroriitc»liagftcnprwnrormfromailiHtilk'ry-: i . Onoortlto moBt appropriite tlmiRa in the

•\vnj at flowor beds in ttda cmuly IB tbat in

front of tho llnnmon IIoiiBe, Murrlalowu, tin-

, border of *rbtch is mnd» of a combination or

. i > » t t ( M . . . . , • . . . . ! . .,

'' AB Turenco Munday Id luck again no may

- lonli Tor troullo. Artur n vtult to Trcntiin1 til

eleven months In arritcd ii» iwirn on Wi'Oui!*-

day nlfiht.nna celebrated the tvcnt.wiih *

control drauk.

'.• Parties arcconpltiinluRUliontthcircbll 'renV

dinnerB being sluluu from tho nnu-rtiom or tbu

ii'liuol bontp. Tho bearing ofRiicli thlTign

rasktB on-3 rogrct t int tbo trhipiilug post vw

.pvcrnhiiliabcd. ,

Tuo properly of Daniel Drew, nt Madison,

Ailjoliitas the Tlicologlcal t=cuiiniiry,h eitnlnni-

Jrg shout 130 Lcics, ibo rcsliluo of the Oibbmm

iarm, If to ha until el auction IIIKUT (ori-cJojinro

iinFnilty noit, . • . •

Ho must b a u been" n camtoliucc fuisalo'ollilof ivlio stolo a uncoil ioail of npploi from tbcorchard of tho lalo Uahton Ont-riu" or ilorri?Towattip, wliilo tba obsequies of tlie dflocasnlncrabdujrubserved.•• • ' = ; . :

Wo rogrcUo learn iliat Horiiiuer Jl..'lltowii,r

acompesiloronthe Cu i rbcn It llntaiaituil,died in Trenton on Sunday evoning. IIo wtsrvBonofMnj. Jan. IT. Drown, i t idt young mm.of cicoHcni prom/sa. * . :

Messrs. Bamnoi Trctrartlia and "John YVJitl-fard hvie opened a eoiirectlonery ai Cilmntl,Mlclitnan, in tho tinko Superior mining region.3trg, Trewaribafwlll continue tin- Iiutlucworllic old BUnd iiithis plnco.'. .

At tlie Centennial: tt. Lindsley, L'nn,., and his

IJTOtber-in-lap, Dr. Dal lwin, or St. Pan!, Slim

onto, wiUi tbdr ladles; Mn. Than, ndsht and

Mrs. 0. D. SimpnDn, of Tfoodport, "nd lire.

JohnT. Wood and son, of Darcr. :

TlioBa alogatrttnkndallv Bjru at flia rail-

road Blatlom in this Button drnoto tliat tlie

Bnromor 'haunts of city

depopulated, and tint via shall enjoy by onr-

flGUo4tUJUio8lbrantlr.it eenso HIP yenr—

thoBcisun Ihit brin»« ns tliL lirantilnl (tnte

flftlifl changing fnrcah.

Vta paMIili olaiwlnre tn nrf ' tr from tinTribnoo icipootlns tba oftilri of tha I)., L. AW, road.. Its awcttfon'tbil tbo'U.' & E. road IsmortRaRcd'rort^OOOhilnMirtocl., Xlio roadiatctnaih/iiortgi^od for 115,000,000, and of tbfaaraonnt part ! • (tillualssucd, routining,ta bonjed ni tho out»',s ntiing ben it vr.ro nscdj Ibpa; lor constrncllon tu i

llcy. Ur. Aiktnco, <>r M*tli«m, ii epoti

Kiruof Ntw Jurwy, llfty-nlx milta fruiHI It nud Ino bouig riilo frum Newark. 1!

llu.la It nditliiilillul ru-Ktili^ iibun.

llricli" roni'.-ruy, rflio Iwo ye.-tHt J tbu HIK'fltH UI till) UlUlh lltll

. H Mr>mituiu, «i(ti amateur dram

puifninmoeca, haB ndiipl"(l iho rtn^e ft

• nun is tnkiiiR boi] flthewhtnj. Oiui of SIi

'Wilwm'* \l<:()xu\lr:r» \* MRR creeled in Not

iruVsitv Y»rl;,El M'limh )>]JICC it IB )>iop»ti-dT*rt cijjiit,

At Itiu Uciicli blKnr uTdogH UL'II] lant xtei-k

'Jiiladi'liihla, the U^ t premium, a «nn Valu

I me, vna anirdod to Mr. Citoa. tl. Itaymnnd,

ir Morrln Plaiiii, r.ir liaviiiR tlio bo it

">rn io thu United titntcx. Tboprlzo nun tin


liuitbur KillRore of tbu liuittetdon Cemocn

B tu bu ('[imjiliDn ti wl upon (lie migin&l poeil

CiiHiaii in bin papi'T tlila wotik. It IB liopo

ha', fur Imr peavo or nil ml the fair Ida But

I'i'di'il In obtaining Hit Jct-lro HU ardently ox-

iri'HPcd iu tbi'lBsi liiii'B of tbc llrtit 1.6 H

II is mid tlic vrrdiliin of tbu late

;X'Dtnm-lgo \k Co., have com(-incj iritli ih

iHhini; Julin II. Tulmndce, non

town jail, in u critulunl m\t, Tliu Gun-

i will i,xk lor exlrudl

in r tu ' " ' n l bi-tufl

Throe proniioeiit cillzeiiH of Ibis lown lufl

mddi'iily fi.r tbu Coiiiei.nml Ktpwttion LIIC da;

welt. They didn't late tbtir wivfB will

Iliem, and tbc li>dic* nr.- imliKtintit, Q- they

:nn be, noil If i» 1IO[K'<1 (list tulwr "hub-


I'HNm. Allen A Mnufn^lon ol tins place liavi

i aiipoiuted Ihe agi-nln of I). I'. Qruiu, tin

mice, fnntmtntrucliriff drivrn wclln iti'lili

lull. They arc alao vMmg, triiomd uraasloi

tiro, to mnko n pat(i>ruclciry nrmn^i'iiioiit

with ilmui' fur wlotn HIM linw pot uovn lTollf

rtliiikindia tli»|ia»l.

We art liidebiod l.j Mr. 3m. P. Woodhnll rot

Jtno flno specimi-iiii or "Early Rours," i

flletidld eating oppto grown ujwci Lh faftier't

lacii at Flandern. . I bo fruit in fury targe anil

roirsin ctuiura n mtiflx >-l«-ui i'f a fuut in

ml they touch ca:b oilier.

At tlir meclinjior tbcKUteDoird orEduca-

OII IB-I wcrk nn *n(Miflntji>u was iimdo fur tin

malion ora mwat-hoiil dl»trhl bv tho peopli

' K<(iile. , to he mijn nut of Hi" Clutlmm mit

mx Hill dlitrieti. A cnnwtrraUo time wai

petit in dlrciiBBlnR Ibo nutlcr, and it wa* bit

•r uatll tlic HoremliermerltitE f>l ibe Dojrd

Tlic Omul Powder Works at Eraki'Villo nrt

I Hh>ii|iiiiK lar«e qiinnlilliB or djiiamlio bj

i canal fur the fiitat bTnnt at Holl Gate,

ilcb will be made aliont tlio 23J IIIBL. nnloe-

il.onld an nit Bonner. Tlio rtiretit brt-tk In

•Mniil B-nn-tl n Btop nRU iu Iliop

ii tlio irk.

Frar.lt CIVH tonm innde a lively mna<rooRli Inwn yfatei-daj1, starting frum ihomo uti MorrlnBlriiol ami trflvornlnR Morrm.ictimiH, OIVIIHNI, Ckwtmtt Jinfl I'rn*p(.eiCI>IH, iliouci: lliro.isl. Ubcbir.tll Bln^ut n^olii,ii on" oi tmrn un Ilia .Mnri-'utnwti road. TUoyTBnlrpiHdncarihn Union hVliuol l inn*.d i.ton^o in my b&il not iujarcil Uictim-UcBrihmvnpon tpirllcle,

Tim Dturd of Esanihicrn uf. Cuiidld-jl<-n Toridatalitp tit West Tiiinl xnnt It. tbc ILiclionsaekMdmny, on HuliKdav; nt leu i/Hnck in lliciininj:. Thereytisre molvp cnnrljtlntci-'flvoiiirBprtti'it, flvo from MOI-IIH, mid two from

ilhvu fnmi MotHii. Tli« ni'muin couliniicilmi t n lo in-i) uud irnw Hia-o to IIVM. Timumluutiiiu will bn coti'luili'd uoxt Hnlnrdiytlie same lilnca at ten A. M.

Wl>llx Marfliol ArmftftgowaB in Puit 6mmWcduL'sdny Irana^ctltia buoliieuB he was

HJ;MJ s»Biiltea by D-iulol LnuKliliq, wlmKRlit lilin in Iho throat twhiluofr lili guard,re IJIH clmliluB, and iwuuld-Oonbtlo»B have

uno liim further Injury bad It not,bi.-cii fur ttai-ireaoa ol jwrlics iu?ar. A warianl WUBrorbUarroat.hutuo avoided it byda-ijf. Tito Mtrslml is a fen He 6 si, honCB'

itUrer, ond lh« rogiion lo whom Im Is a terror,iuld bo tLVlircly |)niii«limeiit i/oausbt.

Tho flroH nn lUo \VTiIpianv incndoiTH na &'BO

IOBO on Ihe Troy nictuloITS tro Bt 111 burning

tli nuaUtoil liny. All thulmimlnK ones e?y

at afloralionry ruin tba burnl district TTIIIcovered writb anlpo, and 'they expect to led

lomsnipo-on tboaitfnlo»stbtn jp«r tbnn overforp." Tlio proulcd faBleulty' will alicnil

oportsmin In limiting them howovcr, ns HIP

earth In burned to a depth or ovor uii teel inploceB, wliilo tbero aro no <lopi

martf Ibo deep end truaolioroui Rjiots; anntborfilcnlty IB tlicro bomg nothing to nliclior

i, dogn, nr birds, tho^amo will keep atespeotful dlslBncfl.—Daaner. ,

We received a call on Wedocstlay from Mr,nraHcrclianl, ofa]oomtngtoD,II!inolB, whonow vlnitiug hli father, D. 1*. Merchant,rj., cif Ironln, Ur. Merchant Js

ear nnd' purveyor by piufegirlon, ii largelyd In fltnklng float aharta and oflicrcriaff prajaola, and Is tho projector and

iilidcr of tlio famous water works of tbat ulty,itch coDBlit In part uf a well, Troni «l)fey can be supplied nitb S,(KW,0ffl/ gamlor dally If teqnutil. Ho thluki theitora niigUt bo applied .lo Dover, and liarjrahwl na nomo pipors on this and otlict

TLIi, ccrUini*, li rAtbera UartlinR "FriceCiirreul;" but ft wui only in keijimg wftb BUCU

igulflcsut ailvvrtiitinionta as .freijuoutly op-poarud iu ibo papers ot tliat day: "Ono Tliou-

Dmhnt K-'warJ" rur ibu recover* of • ' mya man, Tuncy j ur •' Thirty Bjuniab Mitkd«»," for tlio1 rtcovcry of my rumway

"Mnlntto fellow, Jack," "i'qrtypaperdolliiHwortli only one Iu ipodo ;" and tbo faot

lucronacR our wander, alike at tlio pHtriolinrauf the jitoplo «uJ fliddk-rv, nbich wae nufBulc-ntto lii-ut) Ibu Arifiy Irou open aiulinjr or being

ely diebuntiuil,

luavo tb!a clootny Bide of tlio picture, aiittlu Hlillo, it is null lo record tlio fact thai, un

Iwiuly-t'iBhlh of Uueembur. 177U, wlilietuuw"atiirm wai raging," JUrllu Wi

„ HI paxaiiil tlirougb Tronluc, ou her way tu*lurribtuw u-; anil ttiat a trtxiy of gallant Vir

us, Htuuunud ibere, wero paraileU to diuunr, lu-ing very proud to OWL bor as i

Virginian, und tier htiHhttnd BIBO. ULIO fliionuw VUBI'B Da; in Murr.eiuwu [ and DUW, it

10 Kurd msusi'H), jnn m«y gco tbo vor:inar Iu wineb her dlgulfled form iinn oneuenrtileuled. Tiiuvrifi) arihoAaiuilcati Cotn-anOL-r-iii-ohleriecoivod nor uomjiauy, did tbo

11 HI in uf I w Family, mid ovou appcuroiJ, neca-bionally, ut tuo - A>B<'Dihlv BJIIS," Ibat Wititor

IM.'I) bi Aiuerlcun n'ulTii, It U n jiluamoi\iuVi, wliiuti wiia onuc told' me by tbo Iut. Auby Vmi, danclilor nr Ua.il and Aim

Kiiclu-I. B.mo i,f iho bJifn to lUuuverind, aamuK iliem, " tbu stately Miidami

idtl," timlher «r Dr. Bern Jludd, dn>ueLilieir iiiHi, mndti t oal\ on Lady Wash

jluii,, iitii), un uilu ot tbcm nr<iT>*nrtliid, " wo nero drvxH d Iu our irniRt cleguui

BilliH mill mfnVs, onil HO wore introduced to btiidjubip. Aud dou't jon tblnh, uu fmitid hoi

with u ijieckicd bumiiapun apron on, nod tn--etl in HmitinR g, itocuiugl tjiio ' '•y liandinimuly, and ihru reKnmed her knil-]•. In tlie euurnii of her uunvirstattdu, she

HHitl, voiy kindly, In us, wbltel BIIO niado hecvdluH fly, that Araorlean Ujtoa hbuiild bintu-r» of milnm ly to tlioir cuuntrytrotnun ; • ••o unmt bucouiu [Ddonondi-nt of Kuglaud byuitig Tviibmit tbogu artlclen nliich vroukD onrsolvuB. WliilHt ojr husbands andrutlion aro example* nf patririiiEin, wic ciamp'ea ft IDIIIBUV 1" " I do doilare,"iu( onu of tliciii, advtnunU, " 1 timer felliliaiuiid ilia rohuktd In mj life 1" It Is vcHSBIIIIO that Marlba Waslutigtiin, vilb liuilliiig-uocdloB and linmusnuii (Irt'an, mlfial ba aJiniltod lute llMt HIUIU circle m b ulodoi'ii " rullpbnrH;" nud yet she dout MnaMill fuby, in HIIH little Hcnun, proving lieruWfio worthy cumiuiiuin ol tho iliustriaUB Woubt»t<in.

Pinni dticnnitntp, nut Vury important iticmxtilfcp, nu Kuttii'ltincti ilcrlro imprutiivi

tcrlpilun for AxB tnbly Bain inn l Winti'MK Bitll hi

unlly. on iho Dvlaiigroe la puy the mn

w j j | n a doubt prove

. &. V! ut, taking th>!lrin MnaancliiifcttBOiidtbe

SI.1 E. mil 1-ruxb.vtcrlE!to liold a Ji.mt pi.

n 1 8..I. DooHtllo »rimal vacations. Tliofornioi

ti NonYmk.Kal>btitb Schonlti

mo .ioht Prida/, but

Icmfiit voatlitr jirtrLiitcit. On BelnrdayAcatlier TTOB fnrorublo bin tlic tinder^taiid-coiscerulnRpldilfliiE nut BO yoodj novor-I.csa guodty liumbur, itl*poBr(l to liavo umat tlmpt

JR*lhi:nil ia Mr, JI. 31. Suveri'd iiiicnuiii, wbtro they vrura enrdlally ivol-

mied nlth tbu privile^a ofealinfi ALT. tbutbcj irinlitiil. Thai l.inJ oi fntit, bpw-miwl ton*, plenty to bo mttl'Ii nf an

iducoincnt onaiiub an occ»cion. KnirkOuucUtiuilscortivtroathniid ntil iicnrllly cnjuy«d

In 31. D. dii]iliTC[lj;ooJciiitigiiualll[cflKsmil ulUli for fun, ivbllo tliu Itovorood

nl bin aniintila situ tinien.-d'h'.'nrtilj' Intoiprry-miitlngivith ilie children. All Hcemcil

OIIBII tbo |p£tivi[lej Dinl tportlvL'n'cM ntocraHlun. Turtinafilctc tlio nffsir,^ Hue of

ourcc to C. A, Hownll'a giticrry Mtiro vrbiirr1!CH, Ac, 'irerb readily riirulxhcd nnil ni

nd lly nujoyedj nflcr vhtrb .tLu com[«injicd to ibe orchard vnji lung and gtail-

its* u 'listi-n to onporluno ri;marks by Ur.Jiiolittie, wliloli OIOHW.I w »f tlic meTfifsVplo

i!ii»rtbo H'aton. : . .' .

A few days c£Q a man, accompanied with livedruii, appemod. nt tlic fintn or Mi*. Jacob>k jiiat at nlgtit tai askwltlte prltih^e o!plug In hl» barn. 1'IIIH llr . W. wan unnih-

is to allow, but oti.'tvitncaalnir* tlio piLlnhlui*(liliuii ol tbo abildren nnd leurulti™ it^atd been tlioir Mad fortune, bu renilllv toutcm iutd Im houBc,)iad thorn «»)icd, fed ondrniaucd niiti coinrortnfjlo Iietla fit ^ufcli ioit. Tlio jouujjest cbiidncB bul four years

Id, ond al fool-jioroand object* o' i-ii.v. Tboorntjtoi] ibat ho had been Ibdiicci] fnimrborji, Kow York,' to I'lttslmrg, Pa.; liid

silcdtarj^t (mplnjmont; linil luafbu wifeViMRoti liin RMy back tbKoirburj:, a Jiataneoibont Uve hundred nillci willi bit ciplian

lildrcn.tvbo bail not been atloved tlio Iniurja bed since uiarticg. TIIIB sltiry mid theidilion nf tho pnrtici.correfipundod so noilitJIr. IT. CTUKldo;«'d thorn yennino obJcetH:hrrily nnd nclcd UtirnrJa them acL-artlingly,

AndiiQH-nl)iOuih fiilk, hopp, charity, (best;ireoj hiit llw gn'ntent nf Uumo ii'cimiiTT."

roffd waiifnff at astorg larlyln ibsntnra.iS for tho clerk U> rut in annpitcaranco wouldcm o denote an inifrorcniont in tbu Union.iis Bceao wni obgcrraulo at Ur, 3, SIjcLtir'n ntlociiunna quite recently. ,A praj(n£ bant! hu Leen organ'ztiilfu tbc Sf,

Church liera nitb Mr, John Greek t* loaderind A. M. Haiiter Itorolarj. Any inrnrmiliun

BilCd concerning Ilia orj;anU(ilIiiir mil hernUbcd by tbo latter ou appruuhuinn by mail,oilienrUc, -Tlio bind lias aa a loader oua ot

9 moFt riliciDnt ond Miernftlc riiridmn j;'in-

;mcn in tho comity, nutl ono who never tireswoll-tloing. AB far na voy thowled^o gncH of

10 other ineaibcml can oaf I lint the; nro [ttnojlo and Eoaloua tnun.

Hie Conntjf Xodj-o of GODII Vtmphn JiolJtel thoir, quarterly icfsipQn in JIQITISIO*!tin JOtli inat-jUntl ftom tbo re port a thatto reached tno, am led to think that h i lit u-

,ion ban jirofltod amazingly by x chango of

ibma o[ its oDlciali, oRpeclatly the Hecrcttirj-.

[ wontd connrettilatij them aa (ha vftwlon nt/in-.IfoBtcdnttho Itaciiiwj - - - -

May wljdom .contJmiE



11T BF.V.J. F.Tffl

' J r n r y .

Ilia iahrvsliuff to asm-lain i)ji? prices ofvarioiij arliclLB naid in Ilie Camp, that Winter.On ilie tv.-t'Dly-i-cvouih of January, IJitarl.master Levin wruto: " Tbu JuMicca, at theirmi-flinf!, etnahliHbcd lh« (nil,JU-ing jirieen to liegivea for Hay and Oraiu thrbugboui thoCimulvfuf fi[ornn], from thu lat nf Ducuniticima, to the 1st ur February nuji, or until t ieIHulaliug Act Uke place.

'• fur Hay, tut Quality, £100im

" lor ooa borne, 21 hvarn, 6 dulu" " " i»r nijilit. i "

Wheat,]i(irbilBb*fl, 00 "llyo, •< » 35 {'Com, " " ;w ' •IJuukwliootaudOals, 2U

piditiuii failud or n'aiieing ita ohjci

iM j ;n i rd. Htlil, Qtllina of the K«azuKct, van mte it would "gbsvr ti^fiiiiarit's wiib wtmt leal and alacriU-an" will vuiLraco nvury opporluuilturf im-knnnt b.;wia, tu prutnci

eSt nr tlui country by In raw ing tn ibtir Ircf'dani ana initepfiidenca

a e . J t r . u a i j l D l b . l - H O . ) AD

inn of lliu Iliildlo

e: " T b

minescd lo their ro-

i ciiitiil qitutn of an;

ior cxiMuea \rlMi may kaMiwum-H in tin

mtiun nud miii^irlotu. Joining AuroinM:

> bt-lil It' MnrrlHtuwtu Hif present winter nf

. Huluciipilmi Mi-iiuvi Iu lo pttd

linndH »f a Ti'tnsitn-r hcrmft-ir tn ho np-

led.i (iriiune 4i)OdiillBpaid '[itt,x 4t«) Ulitii paidi Lntvniiieo 1110 dulU pniililliioHiiu . it'U diilts paida-iit ltiddlo' ' 100 dulla piiiii1.11. lhuriBiin 103 dolUpald:. Hradu 'i(KldollH|iahl.Hamilton -JuO (IUKM pafil•h TiKhluiuii 4O0 duilft paidibba ' 4UU dolla paid 'l>lonU li>UdullKllaldllurmnluKnli) 40(1 doha |mta

<" fi,.liiic«l.^" 100 dull* njlil•will P. 1>. OJM.)•id 410 (lollsml 400 dnllBl>d 4110 dull!pi! 400 dollsptUDOdolllpil 400 tlull*>d 4 0 <|olln

\A 400 <1«1<Hpd 4tO (loll*pd400(!nlU

iiii m ooiiiJKJ -*t>0 doll*

' pd M> diilMdOudnllipatd400 (IIIH* IIBW •400 doll* nihlUM tliilli paid

inDrft)8r • 40(1 dullj paidSUTUDC I'1" Jo»i paid."

Tlio amounts ttius " p u d " conBtituld tbocmeiriiot itnpwiug BBm 6r ibtrlceu thonnaml,i buiidrad dqlmrs " for tho support of ainclng ABBerohir IUB present winter or 17B0,'[an I Irankiy coQfc»a ttiat tlili p iper produced

ID uQootnfurtnbla sonnation In my mind, by tlioomovrliat barsh contriHl bctnocu tho daoolng

l-iioQBcd offlcow, at Q'llan'a lavero,ind the "hungry r u i n " at Kltnbal-blll. 'TlioiVifetnblv was iiot «o welljud-fanliloiiablo RplDhdor BB rniny *. Ball In ourdiy. Mo dnubt i t v/a« rather i plain affair, of

kind: and ypt it rernlinls ono luat, vtlijlono dlsltnguiihcil n a n vtora tripping 'Itlte

iubt Itntaatio loo," i n woll-wnrmcd ronmp,o woro, at Ibat very timei'sd Captain Wil-Tuitie bricD tuld i t , a great many teat* In

vhHi tlierfi n t ro soldiers without coats and

Juo. WasJjIngtonIt; Clnirliornu

ird aterlniBil. Hjzen

.a WartbliiRlanlionj. Urtitfit•iBj.irHUgg . •nnjft« 'JhuinpuQn[.Jsokumol. TbdinnB Proctor

ito.Olnoy ••-InB-Abcof •itubort Bnkinc

wroteliad uundiliuii fur wunt or clntlicH, bliutn( andBIIDOK; aud lhosocaiaiiilt«m« circuni-IJIICUI nra nceumpiuicil h< a want of tiro.likum.'' (Tb.fbL-r's Military Journal, 1H7.)Troni tliiBo iEtttM, written by actual wit<

tiuos, wo nro atilo ta lattheir otwughor fools toId im in appreciating tbu cuudltoti of tliojiny.

yI may


propriately do so tbh htslottcat

oiiusrnnb witb au original lottcr or Wmbtng-

m, dbieb has uevor yol been ppbllabeit, end

nhlcb ia'ft rtury atrlking co uraotilaiy on.the

difncuitioBof h\, poBiliou^Iio IBAI Winter bo

In MorrmtniTu. It was found aiming E

infoolt-d, nnd perishing*, iu tho


il colds of thatnlutor of UtiOj" and that there YCTQ patin

ml Ibo camps, on Kimbal-bllt, t b a t ^ c nmarked wltli real blood cspiosBod from tho

neked and rinztui feet or soldlere nba bad


Huivovcr, I du not allmle to this con trustiieuliar to lout placi- anil llioao mtn, for f»

umtton, pli'iily crnwnwl wlibjtlfcn wheat mii gaunt .amirags nnd barefiwt; daiialnff and

lyinp, nro facts nul in contrn«l in olbur place*iC6hloO'Harasa"nn(l Itimlial-blll, awl at otbiItncft tbaD *!ibo pre«tnt winter ol MSO"TliurrlDeliialDbJccujniHrolncIiiff tlio atib-iripi'loii-naper here IB IU idion tbo kind ofirretiiiy.on which our Jlerolntiwn iras c«ra-iltcil to rely, Ilcro wo find ilie Icadmsi Monjstowo; naylpg 0 RDni for Ibo danclng-aHiernjiil landlord, tbo ralnlBlfru of a littlDUiftntiii!, nhlab, nominally, IB largo onougirlhoiniih flgurca' of Firth Avontio millionitui bill iicuncr IncpecMon jbows that 'bim of tbirlcen tbannml lollara wii nol'northI nucb a« tlirco hundred wlvcr dollore, Doc-orTbatclior jtayt, tigulDcanllf, ''I bnvo jnst

In tlionowspaiitrau ftdvirtifleuient olTer-jt or an nrtlclo /jrty dollara. Ttin Is tlio

Iraull nhtvti U tendered to rcquito as for ouri(\fi', BmTirmga, and priTBtiona, while inscrvien o'oiir comitry. It \ft but a.aordldncc, tven fur our common purposes; wliilomp i but lliona vlto have familici do|H>n

t nil Otcm, at littyic, tro mlucn] to a •!&•,dlllon." Tba ifilcmof (bo Jt

rnopa, In their'.Jcrrty, declare

! to tho Leglslatnro or

mcdlpg In Jo no Its I.

.to prsviil In tlioir

r n-Kudnot procure for his family a

\ahritil tibrstt*ib»t the pa^-nf a Colonel

roiihl not imrdiaa ant* Tor lilu homo i ttiat a

nmmun bhorer or aiprcsi.riplcr rccaiTcil four

ineh Bt an American oflleor," '

rirothutrcircBrasUncci, lotus ralher

dm iio tban coudotn ih'iso bravo rum, at Slor-

nlown, vba wrro Btrlring to invest the atom

ireriticu of tliat Winter witli BO-JO thing nf

ic fiayar flril rnore trlvnlonsConrleuoaof r»»|i.

nnblo Ufa;

An for Pfilitlng, tbcro wnt bat lilile, therbcSr.nl rxncdltjon beiiif,' tbo deieont or a de-uliiiiput nn Fltnton Iulaud, nailer Lord 6Ur-iih', TliPotprotalionB raised oytlila «pedl-

Ilon Bra ijuila aittcringly (old lo an unpublishedItiT cf Joseph LeiriH( Qnarter-ranelcr. ITorltr-A, nn n ditto of "January lGili 176(1."mt ho liail orders Trotn QcncrBl Oroon "lo•oeuwtlirPBlinntlMdrtcdeorsleiBlm tnp.irndpriday Mflraltig at this pott tml nt Mr, lilm-u'* • • * • • * . I did nnt fntl to cjtcrtvFfslf oa llio.w'casion, audlba Hneittlroteii

gniueii ucscrrcd tjipInuHt-. Abont fivolmndrDdoalJcfilcd, (lio innjuritj-of,

rblcb TTCTU loitjnl vitli tranps, art 111 pry. &a,ieo B\C&* and tu inmip'tnoro arc to returntiled witb (Icrei from tba British Hogatines',Btatrn Inland, csocpl somo fcir Ibat am to

bo londod wilb** wonotlca Brltlfib PrisanorB.About SOOQ traffic aro (fouo, nailer tlta cam*mnnd of Lord fitifllng, wtlb a dulormlmlion to

|jpmovo all SlatcuUBland, lug and baggage, to. . . ..i. - . . . - - , l 9 )

ii tw. tily^^iiiiil or that January, <juart<ITL,'«h unite in quite a niiuducd tn'iipp'iseymi Itavu licaid uf Hie mcctmi<te fxjwditha to tilAlen Ithmi. It nIHITO but anmvcH-ii nu vuluiblo jiurpo-iwcil Ilie inclination ol our lnlinbilauttikr." (MS. Latter J.IrfwiH.) IIIIH e u

dltionwns nt a time iflitn " tlir. mid na i b

iljotitfivelinudrud ofbad tbeir feet tmi"a.

Tliu iiicniv, by the v»y uf retalinwtity-liftli nf Janimi')', cniHiud tu ]'IUibclLiwn and bnriit tlie X»*i n-huuxe an-1 I1

iaii Church. Tbynlmi " pi u ml tired tbobuoflofJouautahHinilli." Tbeuaint niglit, »nolU(party "lumle »n txc iriiinn to Nownrli, nut-printIhe guard Ilinrc, loci: Mr. Justice Hiildi'ii DIal hiu bull, anil would u«t nufler him to dimsI lay olsu look llr. Ilnlieit XW\, hnnit tliAcadeny, aim went tin" *ilb prnei|iitntiini,

^lim'MJtovjiltinzcIti! ajirnkn uf thix Jittico clilotiai) ••arcbclniaBlmratortuiiirbaljl

iL-ttu, F^btuary 'Id ami 1Mb, 17WI.) It wonirvelloit9 tlmt HcOtlwi survived Ibat tnatehn fueli ivenllKT, In.m Nn^.rk to Kt* Yorknit (Iio tniijtli raau iroH ucrml (lifrclff byirutnl Okptors.

Hut lntVt Iho troops tnniij;)i tn e i t l OLDIlri('iie'BiStlortu"thoCiiluii[!liir tha Uur.

tonn Militia" gives IIH a in a it mirrowiniwif. "Tiie Army,"wriUM tlr'iono.inJQ.ry,"i» upon ibo I'jnit nf dinuandiiig foiwatittifprovliione; tbc puor nolJiurn luvmihuiii ftr Ht-viTai dajB without miF, tiid tli.ro jnot being moro tliau a nufilclcncy to wrvc onIlcGimrul In Hio Magaziun, l'rovitlmm arBiiBiXi.it bcBl; bu! tilt' la!» toiTll'Ii- siormtbe di-plli (.f the tnofft n»<l Uio diifti in Ihirnada prevent the iltllo elocii from t-ouihuforward, which ni iu rvadincuH.at'tbodlsUnSIoRuailien. Tlila In, therefore-, tu Vcijnent JOIIu call upon (ho Milillu-oniceri nud men o-our ltsttatl/nn to ttihi oil their texim amirsai ibe road-, from' tiotwien IIIIB and HacklUtoivu, tbiro being a amall trunulitv of pro-IfluaF, Iberc, llial cannot come until tlml iniic. Tbo roads must hu U'jit open bv tinubabltanta.or Ilio Army cannot be mihaiHled.

Ami, nitleBo the Rood poonte itnmctliaioly laudrir KKHiitliiik'u in rorwanl nuptiiitiD, lliu Aiiu.vnut dlnlmnd. The dircul coiiBcrjticucea o;ich an event» Villi not ttirturo your fvoiiegt

witli n dcKcrlntion of; but remember Iho BiirronndiiijritiliibltanU will export ceo tbe flrsimclBiicbaly effu-ctfl of BUCII a rnyiitu CTII,"(-Toll U S I on'H Li TO and Corrcgpondoiioe nf No-ibnliielGrrcno, I.'. 140,)

Ou Iho eluvenlii of Jannnrji, Qrcono wrote

"uncb woathor as VJP baro bad, nevor did Ifed," and tho uwvr was io deep ami clrlfli

ilia tire drive over the Inpn uf tbo fencta

Ho then describes the suffcringa of tb» toMksnd adds, " they liavo displayed a degree

iBgiiBiiimity, utiJcr their biifferinR", whichlines Iliem tho highest hnimr." (Ihld, 143.)

On Iho tentb of March, JoFCpb Lovris (oti* hix

inperlor officer," I eliould bo lmppr t*1 teceUiboulp6rty thbussiid i3oi:nr» to piimmlo tli

»HKonor« lo stay in Camp until ^Eay, which wi

prorcut tho troops from auITcriaf;-" Aud o

iho twenty-eight of tlio same montli, ke ORHIwritcB, " I am no lonncr abia to procaro atingle tenm to rcl'evo the dinlrchBCt cf om

ly, In In Inp iu a . apply of wond, or forward

• • I wieli I conil Inhabit nom'int from tl)OA?(]n.<sdIitl ci)D)(j)flttitnid a bniiHO fillt'd witb numny ntnl iifFomfio to Etiard end' jirolect m«.'id? wuurc aro nnr roaomccii llvd?JIV in • most pitiful niluation and

Imuiit dlBiractcd ivttli calk that it lauulin umjirorto anivror." (MS. Letter orX Urw.)Hut tbcro ia nnolhir lact wblcli- atlfla tiepax sbmb tn ttilu |tluLui'u u| sniTerinif. ulnec

rr»m Thanbcr'a Military Journal, wo havo Ibiiauntcuce, In nbkb, irith no litl'o ctul.i tbn

gayi, " having lo this Into sea ion-FebruaryI4lli-ln our tents, experienced lUogreatFil in-

'Ciiicnco, wo ba"0 now \ho" latipfpcltoti nf|tig poHPL'MuIon of tbo lo™-liutE just com-id br'tiitr'•aldlari>l*tili*»ro wo ptiftll b|

ilorliible nrconiniodalihns}" and

;lu<] ivlr

• uicKBlb

Wo a

, be ys,


oldlom > hi

n Ui tup-

BOti, Esq., of Hcndlum, Kow Jcrsoy, a, son orRiWd Tbowpson, who Is rurci-rtd lo

in Una nrticlo. Il will be remembtrtd that tho

[rest Bnnw-ntorm nltlch caused such dfotroBiu t h a tintnr), began on the Ibtrd or January,

17E0. The futnlno wliidi threatened tbo Army,Minoil Vaabington to wrile a lottor " to thu[agfBtratosbfSpw JorBar^ffljtcli leputtllihcdi HpirU'B fdltions or tho Writings ot Waibint-l'n. Acflpyorthatlctlorwai iuclnscd ID theittor wblcli IBIIOW publislipd for tlio flrat timp.I ii it valnablo Iplfcr. BB sbontnii that (V»»h-ujtot'i "IntcBriiy ivns »io»t rure, hid jaillca

mcBtinflnxiulo.'1 . •

ITEAP QcAnrEBB, MIUHUSTOWH, January 8,1780.

Pin,—Tlie present.distresses ol iho Army,

with wbleh you are well acquainted, barn do-trmlncd mn to call npon (ho rmpwtlvo Coin-ts of tlie Stuio for « prnporifon or Krain andittlo, according to tho aliilitlra of oneh."For this purpoie, I have odihrsBud ths!

[iRiitrales of over; Comity, to induce theminnderlakB Ibo bnsineus. Thii modclhnve

prcrcrreil as tbe ino least inconvenient lo tlin; but,1nraKOlhpn.'qalHillr>niliou1d

nothft compliml witli. we rnnst tbcu mine tlip

supplies our

bU I h

i in tl"TbU I have •l(nillctt*ta tbn Shfil.it"ten.

Ihavoiiltclifil uponyitt lomiprrlntotid tin•ntinn of »ii« Jiieasiiro in Ibo Couut.v nf

BorKcn, wblcli In to fiirttUU Iwo Inindred Imadi «t t :o nod elKbt lint.tat hi|Hl..<U ..r (rrnlu."Yim Kill iiroD-'Cit, tbbn, with all di-pjrch,

ml cnillilft nnon Iho Jmrtlcc*. will ilollver ihetiolnicd Afldrtw, enforcing it nitli a ninro

pnrlicalnr detail «f (hBgnflL'ritijisorilic Iroop*.tn cmivlnco llieai nf the neirnuilj of

tlitir t-icrllniii. Vun will, nt Ibn mrao llmr,lot ibiuii ddltatcty know tbnt you m-» [iintmtt-cd IticaEO thoyilo tiot lako up tbc biiRlccMn

icdialely, to i)«B'»t" Ira|>rw« tbo irllBlni,d for tbtonsliont.|bo Cim»trt Vou willa for en tmnicilinto nnewr, cnil cnvcrn

ronraairttecordbiBl.'- l r 1* u 0 n «r««]iH«"W">.rou will omrart with Ihoin a pniptr pl»u Tnrtbo roenption or iho orlkW and t lu lime nfIho dolivpry, sbioji,/or Ilio wli^lc, In to bo InTuttr days nrtcr yonrapiihoatlnii to thenj. TlioMrncra*«llibrinRtliDiriinlnanilattlloi<i(blsihco, wbero tlie gniin Is to ho intiimircri an Jhnrattloostlijialodbvany tt't of tho llaaln-ralcn, In ronjuccllDn with Hip I'omnilBsury,

Brp. Votlies, nlio vill Iw eenl U> jnn for tbupurpojo, and ccrtinoHles Rlren by tho Conir

try, specifying the qimntil r of om-li nr<icloho lormi or paynlcr i t- 'i'^ct0 *'<> t o l l c

jnaly settled witb Ibo ownera, who nre toio whether thoy will rtcdvo the (ireiionlct pnco-nbicli. If preforrcil, I* to ba In-

icrtctl-or HID market price at Ibo time nr pty-' " i the answer

TtboJIcslstratfH.joiiwillBonilaicwtrattliatit l»,

"In case nfrcrjsal, J'DU nill U'^ili tn imprcBS111 yon maUe up tl"> qimntllyrLcjuifp.!, 'J'hii

you will do with us miiHi teaiicrnm ns pi'iselbta,ba.vliiKr<'(prdliilhi><il?cknr

caah indlviduiil, dial nu family may liPdt'privod,FUliaiftaiirp,-' Milvli mmtre

tot la be hctedcil la flic itsprew, T'> eniMticnto this btulnoH* with UHire cflcct

and l(?sBinccinTcnloticr,vcn wltlonll ttjiou Gilo.iol Fell and any other wotl-mToctcil ncttvo man-

• - i tlicirin the Coiinfy, and endeavor to oiif;*^0 Hidadciuoo stjil maiatoncs. Vi-u aronUn unltiniized to (mpress wafifltis for the tnriKtwfrtHontf Ibo graiii.

"If Um MccuLrntuH nadorlako lliu buniai'xB,

Ulch I should inflnttnly prefir, on evtry uc-

onnt, you will caikayor to jirovci! niiiia llicrnuasalgn railUfar Ilio rocapllnn atul nifpwft-Ion of httcli srotn as tho ComtuNpary Ihinii*

rill not \is immcillitolj nenUnl in the Camp.

" I bavo rtpoacd this trout in ?<m from a

erf. ct cQnfltlcnoe in .vour prudence, eoaJ, nndroBpoct for tha rights of oltliciiH. Wtitlf your

linrcj «ro ail.ipiad to \ha umerEoncy, anilconFaltnliat you owo to Iho atrvlcc, lam

iDailwl you will nol furgot tbat/AH'wrt) nreipellcd by ncccaiiiy'lo' tako tho property of;uis fur the support of tlio Army, an vrliain

their safoty depuwli, van bbould liu cnreftil tr


l t

p ,that w« biro a rctjKot for Ibelr

viaU pot lit do any thing nbioh, aud orcn tlioii otrn Rood, do

" I ita, Hlr, with %rv*i tfn\w\ asul «nt((im,

•••.,•«, WMmstiM.1 1 1 ' , ri. AftfT reailiiiK tin- M!(-r I" tin- .Iii

:od.vouwtl! «[:al it.

" L T . Cot. DKIIAIIT."

Reiigicus.TbflSt t i tvI i i i rnt i™ Ci.niniHliu nftlii-V.

C. A. iii inalJiiK nrr«iiKHitt:iitM l<>r ilu: KJonveution, nlMti'lixun.iin llu--slli, -litlim\i or tbJH mtiiilli. A Aiili.ciiiiniiltleubnH lippuintL'd tD^atiipluio l!iitarrni|;ciiiei]lii. 'inwui»# M-JMM'MM* will ho duruti-d in biuiiK

tbu alteniootia tn tlio couniilcnitirni ui lot;nd plans Tur work, tud ilie cr. niim nii'ntlirill bu for ndJreHjcs and devotional exurni*

Pruiitiueiituiiddldliiignl-ticd Hpcukcm will

ed to pnrtici|mto m tlio uvi-niug be Bui onHaeli inmrcnt Uae tteca cJ> vo/f'fwd Ilintagi' l u l u llic |J3Ht .vr-'nr, lbi»ii(,')i '"(.' c f l o r l

llato CiHitinittfP, nnil uiw- ulitt 'th m•iatiuns lisvo liven furuiort. H

dutitly cxpuetea tlial tbe icpurl of Hietco will E r t a l l ; BIIUIUIKIU Kit Ai;tiifUjiroduco etlti dtuoii r r««ui(w diiiii>u Ui* i-ouiinrear.

A Flee Untlmdint Oruve meutiiic will bv hit Htauliuiic, N. J . , iilxmt ttin-t-iiitarier* nmi ID south of tlio tailmud di-|iui, iitor .no . . • ,

5UHHC, CO)SMl)Olldtoff U*bllll*d(ljr" CV'JlN.JJ . *^'IN., ul ii• f- rast seviili, n l th ,,ii-udiinf{ In I

uul hmtiL'. Se rv i ce in be lie a ui«,Friil.y,-< nrdnyaudou DieHai.lmtli,inomii

ternoun and ttvouluji iif isach duy. Jtuvn. all

r o r i , liristoJ flora Alleutuwti, Vo., ami «t),

l u c l i o n «re cxpccitd to bn j . r . w n t . 'i'l.i

leiillng lakca tiiupUcoiiftliel'oiirtli

Ldiiiu fur Iho Uuvcr «:linrj,-i'. 'I'lluro will b<

nu services Iu tbu I'rou JKtliodiKt Clintili i

dubbullJ, Kt.']>lc-Uibi'r21tli.

l kv . \V. W. Halhiwa;, of 'M-svy Cliy, hi

.•eipleil lliu uiili in tliojiaitorttti; uf tho l're

Flirtnu I'linrcli of Ditvcr, auil will mtu r iijioii

i»Unlio«tiuJ,.t niu 1 - ... 0

been inga ;cil iu tbe ministry about 7 j 'ean

Will li.iiiil rJilcJi xtu^u npeu!*! JMM'HIc

, in mi nblc pruacltcr utul i-aruoat worker,

tu already cieatod a viiv fivurublo ini]ireHS

uix. We wl»h biin a IIHIJJ, piuuiuiiit and i

oiuruj nailoral relation witli Ills i>uopli>.

Eiiginet-r. Eil. King ami Tom Kuunati v|4i

io 11. V,. Cbnrdi last Habbath, KpenUlift to tin


i tho bVkuluir. AB tbuy gavo jmitti u | tbu

ipuiunceof UioiruhL-ckereii liven muuyfact

c.v ttuQiimiii nlth tours. '1'liL'iu nit'll aru tluir.

Hiar!min tvork for thu Hautt-r nnd nono or

<(i ]jnur Iu V>'inh ihciu OoJ aptul.

lkv. W. II. Mcllridt ia Inking u tow wuok

icalioQ iu HIISH-I. Iliti )mlptt will bo fllle

tiucasunun, anil In Ibo cvtuiiD;} hy Mr, Tuuk liPort Oram. Tbu BucmBiitnia I'rafins XJam

ill ciiiidiii:t a survirc at Juur o'clock and borcaotit iu tbo evening.

VKA Uvll, ihe ei-pufiiimi, singing picubcr

alum; tu put Ibo Mlory i>r li a checkered lift

iio a book, an that tha public may mo bow

-nat IM th(TaalTitioti that imvtd a ureleb liL<


Itcv. Dr. Mngin received four persons in bit

iiteb at fkasant Orova on Sunday—Iwu h\

iIT and ixiti by profunxlun ol foilb.

n«v, A. L. Clork.of O w n rurt.T^DKltliiiKi,loecupy tlio pulpit of Ibe Dover Prcahytrr

.. Church to-morrow,

lkv. Mr. Glen proadiud bit Sabbath to iooil conRrt-eation on tlml'reo Jlellindbt camp


Tlio Prenhytory of Morris anfl 0range inenti

' 8uutb Ornnun nextTucsiiay.

Tlie ltiicuawaj rrefibylerlan fiabbatli Rcboi)

•Id a plc-nte last Saturday,

A Day of Mislmpa. •

Hsiiirday evening lunt was an eielllue uno iu

, ihb imnnl du11n«a uf the tuwn beiiif;

miuwlial rilicvcd by a nunibT of inl»lia|i

IUIO tir wlileti, uivcmsil of tbo danfer attaehud

tiicni, nuro rtally JutKoraiis,r

Tlia b ill opened in tho arternoou hy a tnulau-

iul; limln nliu uvidutillj UIOIIRIU lis vrau made

Tor a Uglier calling tlian loivlng a boat, al-

'nipling to commit rnncida by pU'cl]iitaliiiK

ilf in tbo canal. 1'ernuit.r.v toiiitd.-ratlotii

Bavcil lilrp.

At about six o'clork, Hi JIgisrs. J . Huwiri

mpBon and Mnca ICtnff were. nlU-nipttnc loin tho rallrond I rack it tbn 'west Iliackwll•ett crnBRHijt their lumn 1 into mo frijliloncd

tlio shanty there and allied,, causing on

irtl uf tlioir wnfiou to cnl cati«b.t between ill

ink and rail, Another sudden Inro Hire>hciQ ouLwilh.8roit-viulutioarUoib itriLiofc on

heir beuiln. Tlio lornicr cccsjud *it!i B*uisDs, but Mr. King vaa tDvcrelj linrt

nod . fur a while. - Tlio liotfcb proceeded

irclj down tho itrcut and wits soun slopped.

A'litllu tator.jmt ni " the shades of Digit!

lomo witb a liqtBO-whlcli, .liolng ditiuk.

d a t a lurriflop4ce,ba(dMo'(rcac^ dicro.

•ecottlo^'ont oftoirn tlio looliab

in into tba nagun or Ur. Chan, ban

ivay. containing besides uiruwir, Ills wife,,

and child, all of.wliom were thrown otit,

.nd tba wlicol of tlielrwtgou woe brnken. Tin

ither lyirty were also tLrownoutandthaBlialls

~ ictr vrogdn broken. Forlnnatoi; uom

Bonnuily lojuixd.

HickoVnumbor ibruo nccurrctl a littla after.' 3itidc»l* who OTi0out|ycamo Train somi

tlio muunUin regions Ua'coibontB. starlet} tntoward Woodport in KU otd "biicli hoard'

iffon and Ijoinsnrot'ollcdbyadrank.on Lomoid very fjst. ffhen ucar tbu roshlenco of

:.' Bylvoatcr Dickrf«on, ono or tinwalk and tba other giving the hprao a and-

in c|A| pama put hmtiidiately after, llieroling no mi) board to s|)Btnln him, Tlio homeion lyrncd and broiiglit tho veblolo back t(aver. Tno owner tlionj-lil ftnhjnl aahard d

i borae tliat bi<l been drinking us itc lynch I in a alarm,

Aiiotlinr drunki-u horse slir'cd out ahomu'duuk, within well-known hoiol keeper o

ir.iriroro Duvor, bv nay of Sussex niroct,tied into Clinton, and enmo hack towardn nj- way of tlia road Dial runs nlon^ tbeir bnnk. WIicu fn (lie tear of Ihn ongfne

iu9C tbo fooiiHh animal jnm|icdlnlo tlic

On the Fenos.j'iii# liciii- nr jnifil«'ti|lhopoi\ I '

ii T.ir

'ci>ty in inn tnn, (nil )licn went up tinuk, thrt>URh tLc Iniitlu-s nn tbcopjioiiilo Hide,id in t|>lnc in ciirnti np a ptlc of lumber In

reor uriJIekcrsiiii's blucUmUli ibgtJ Um cairiEtr. Auftlnrm nns raited tbetau TTai- In tlid yvir, luiitoniB Ftio tnuenniiil tlio ME Inn 1IIIII:IQ, Ltii tbd parly found llplace nnd iu tbn t*.nHioii ilnsenlu'd, (b

ctijfntci) beer Btaading a lilllo nnyoC itondeilng bowburse eonld l>o si cCuroiinilodir l t

lur cfienpin-; .tbu jieidli of the witter, la gutliod nn shore.

-Ktv t r drive diunkeii hnr

lly tlio cftudiltotix of Iht act inn I law tl'nu SinIHnpriropilatD CD tpencu dlstilct wharo 1,

ople will ronlrilmla tin nmrr, for ihe pil

(iltlnining n Mnur.v fur ilio pnpiU, endillci'imihiiio fl<) ai|ii|injly cmii vtnr (I'crclei, (iu uniuiliUiit' ibn tfiNtii t will do \\\\

r,r, pinliiiiB it a m y ency wolicr for ovcrjilrict to nlilain In n fuw )B*r* B good libra)?it, allboiifih ilnw Itw linn hi'ei in force for

i',ll"» IfUj TET,V fl'W itinll'l^tl llBTC Jlp

its proyljioiiK.Vic nre RldtJ, limtCT'T, totioiu tlmt Hie P'

hnaut Init . i ikn Hin nutter Iu liapd,id that tbrou^b tbe iuctrumcnialltv of Hon.

ml>n< lk-neh, tlmniiulmit Tir nn Mcol!outirr linn U<ea toracQ la our public fitJincctcikd In tnlkcltnn over I JO nmoi

.•wirlcndp, ohtninndtha Slnto appropriation,id secured a gilt of nbmtt tn'ruly-iive Uatiki

Hun. VUiniiiL'l Ni!cH, nrJhilium, oml ni)it a library of nuurlynuo l.off.lred bnnliilicM in iho nclinjjl lutit ifrot. It nor

'nininn for tlia jvooplo to cqnllnno the goodnt , aud till IJ up n library UU Blinll In) aedit to Iliem iipd u fomoit ol proilt to tbe

!i1ar«, " •

howiltimlldlollr. U«cl,'ttixnm|>lc In tbrT O.ifltnols? It only ncda ono good,rgftlc man in cticli to ea-uniptiith tboliming, ami wo hnpo mmn to tic n bio'tonunct- Iliat Eclioollibrarlm nro beingitmiI-'dlusllpartrf of tho county.


\ Dumucmlli) cnuipn!([n gltib hiit W u or(i:in-

L'd tn 5[nrrl^town, nnd his Hung, otil a lni'£O

3 in froul of itn liciuIqnnrterG. Tliey bnyo

tn orginijn] an flttlljurj ci>n)naiij> vltli tlie

•:niiig*nioerfl: Gmi.LoircCiptain ; DuniL-y

id II. Oj11«i;licr, Qnnncn.

An ulT'Tt l]Hi Ijfcn madp lo Indues JTa««rhards lohcenmo a oatidliinlo rorUonsrem.

know that lio lias ivcr been nrorno tottoil lionorJ, hui wo fiirtbcr fccow that If Itied ho would make mi excellent and prac-lIloprCHGutntivr.

tlUuDi-inucntic Blnlo Jiieclord C.mvtti-loiiTinnlnyJjDrfinLViinlynnflriprrwniLil0. U. JEorailiiR nnoua ot tliuYict-VrcB.dcnta

id Jutncu ti, Cuioninu nn one nf. tbo BccrouincB,•.JJouu Hnrd was dolesato from Jiauilolph.

1 ruii,ii!.-eil ;.>• t'.i.--|>"-l'iMf<-, rn.l tli.' iinllvii

•"• •ii.jc-ii.f ft.lioiili-i.ri'.Hiilciniia,to rn t i i r. u u r .r.'-ml IVrry BirHW.ii* jimt n-itt tin* rceipiiiiiKII , b-raiidiM.f KIIUI' nuilcisli |

I ,.. „ , „ „ . ,,..,( l l i i ri'il-llllH liKMV KUHJItCLCO IItu \*- |nwK.'Mnil of. We have kn»*ii Terry

1 uiiiiy M-.r*, and liaVL never ktiuwn biin io"un Iho fcin.'c." IloJnia panini Itimuyh tura eimfieifiti, mitt heretofore no mm e«nld .uifjlit ngaiiiht him [mlitica!ly-ltl» tianiu<ynoiioiii(iiH of drm (KTHCJ1—I'firry would hi

;iiKHi'titi(m uf bit iH-iii},- " nn tin: fuiiiw," HOJIUMIUVH nnscrt tu liie tnt\: :iiui he (jeeapi.U'li n dviiiHivt' po.'iifoii. lint liar McnA hx.'<'ii in lli^ ].oshjwi<iii nl i milk Up to t

Vl'l'k, Ulul il * i« tin: 'il lit;lil Of till' Chl'blOli

•'.rbc.-iw tin- dudli lynf tht: aiilniiit. I t vi|'lta"ilru III hilch tliu l>«a«t tu » btiSM

<> Imlil ttif \vbi|i tlit: lit llc trljm enjoyed ablie vllU|;c VVJH nhvaya umidui'ivti lo heultb. VI.IIUI nut lie M> l i g n u m to MiKKt'et that I'cu<'1<i.,l<',i:ii;,K.ll.'<>in liu fii,nd« cir ru th in 'nulr, tut be uiiiAt ttc-kiKiivkdgu thut tbu Ittti>»» him " w i ll;c tvucuP L m t HalurilB,vniiiix the pit v.n« rut'tuHcil iu a Hold ruiinliivcr wilh hiflduiix KI-UM» nnd oppltn, and ye In<< mil satinflucf~l! ooiilil tmt stand jirofpcrilI duii^-lilad muBtly in pmlurta new, aiJ .iL.i iuii Jlflilu «f edvet ur . li i-i-t'

(o tiio road, amt nicamlcrtd hack m

till iijiou ibo Mooilnavtd

«l illerlng li: ufH turneil |i. ojilo iu their btdlit ii'lliuii-u In Ihia ruxprcl WKK mn ntl

JU, ami -lion an ixniniimtiiui-uf rure plaik-kly followed. Nut H fluid of curn adjaciiKfHppJ, and il.cn Ibu attempt to tabo jiBRion by Hlmtbgy iviiHiippnreiitlj'llio workit a iiinmcul, Alun I nliutbaso itivtiition <.an in this tlmt .olmtructB the niy 1 A pinktni'c flvn lniil in bilglit I lint tho lira bit ion <milo ii too firi-nt, ant] In a nut tier mninrnl It

• as hanging in Uiefonm with n I'li-huiln hibody tu Ibe diplli of eljjlit i nc I if s, and Riiotho'oft loBst'r cimnl. 'nip|iouronlnul IIIIIIK tliu

ivnrndfd uuarl.v' funrhnuri, wlinn doyliyb'ought rtiliel Ho wan diacovcrcil, tlio pieletrcd tnun buiuith ulm, and lio wnarullovimn bin Hifriblo situation. As ho wnilune a. sleilgo-ha miner w»» brcuglit into rcqnirin on lloaday niurulr.H and Perry wan relictbU mulo and tho mule of !il« sufferings.

Comma Oouncil Proceedings,

The AugnjtuicfltiiiBor the Common CnuuciIK tiold un Munilur uvoniuy. I'li'iont,-Alderrtnan lluacli nnd Ilaucc, and Gouneilmot• Hn^aagd, Folmr tud Drown. Iu tlie ahniMiol tbo Mayor and Iku order, A] dor ma incli niH ulccicd Iu preside, Thu uiiuutc* ou la«l tnecltng vrcro rend nnd approved.\ iHillLIgn IntinM. II. Morris, a iking |>oiiwloti to urect a until ur bulb ou tbo cornetmdoof Uroirn'l drug atort', Sussex ilr«ita on motion io rur rod la Stwct Cuuimil tco.t'ho following bills v,oio prcaeiiled, referred

u l'iiiasico Committee, reported correct, aiu'rilored paid: Corpuratlon I'»y Hull foiuignat tic.ij; Uoi:rU County Hacliino ant

n Company, word fjr corporation nutl ollininlicd the Firs Department, tl8,l»i IleeDici'nlmcr, aturo, t i l 00; Cbui. II. £aglca, wurlio for ntrtct Conimisiioner, I13.&3; D. 0

,,J4, feed for corporatlun teams, f 10.20.Tho Street CoinniisHlouor roported Hut l lrIt. ltuoinor bad i&ado irrmjtmenlB foi

fhifiUli walk.

The nmtlor of tbo Imacnrlly of Ibo railruaciiiuj'H* property ou Orcliard anil llorriiits was noit illBcnaicd, aud it was roioirei

lul tha Chiirtuao of HID Strcul Committee waiIlia Superintendent of 111* road andlilm to put ilovru tbs niilewalk un the

irclmrd street ptoptrt/ unmcdlatclj; also tctheir properly on Morrii Btrsot. Tintiou furlbsr directs tlia Chairman to re.

irl nt ll

irncd. -COUIUJII uilj

For Vie Ladies

Just lie na arc grown tvesry of soil blown und

try MIIL>, Dam« KiEhlon, to rellcra uu or

til, lolia UH that iboaa colors ito no longerEiixitt, bit that "liuntor1*- gnon" will Im

10 proviiing colnr for fall slid winter. Haltb ornamented with green feathers,

:OBBCS will bo mado of green Bilk, ctsbafore,•i's-hairclalh tntlollur Tmbrica-in hct,i WHO nim to bo fnhionnblo must prei

decidedly green appearance, BlonduB willnndonbtcdly n<joicB trnil b» cmandingiy glad )iut what about tha tafortnnnto dorotoet

ilon who cannot Isj olaimB to clear CDliunx, for bo ft known (hat croon hatdtncj to iinlio ia lW skins look anything

charmlogT Jloirorcr, t apny of brlgbiwers or knots of ribbon, Judicioaily in-inged,ill help to couuleract iho .(lutDajIng effect or

rather dingy color wbjoli is already pro 'ounccdbcaulffol forao olbcr roaaon In tbv

Il than, buoauao it in fatiiluusLlu, Otvlnttbo decided objection just mentioned, it uubtlill -bet Uur aral brown mid navy blue

11 bo called upjii to abdicaiu in ravor cr thinIT \>n-landi>r, aud lhs> pjoLabiJitlen are dialthrto trill burn their ndhoniita, na mnny

II find It illfllcull tn ,;\v,, x\? thu clors lliey



Tlie telum gamo of bah bi-twtrvu tbo V>B. 0. ofDrouktiide.And I lio QntckMepof Chester, wnt played on thu p-oumlH iingh nnd llundyB of kl'iiidlani, on fiatn

lull. TbeyainowaBiimpircditorj tu both nluua by Sir Ocorge I^tti

Clicitcr, KLOHO ilfciufnns wero notrrotl by n dnjiL> discufilon, l'lip fullcIho score:

QCI0KHTI3'. • O. ll.

Umkc'Jdh, !l fir , H. B., i, f.

2 72 74lurabick.Mb. .4 4

••ncbarii.c. * "oilliull, c. f.

Loatii lit h.rd, p.


Cmmi:l,e.Gar-nbraut.3d b.V/. Vem, r.I,C l l l f

. Vm, r.I,Carlylcl.f.-Honfall o fDean, n.DurktT, IB! II,Ilyram, 2d b,I k Q l

27-1S' T.ilnl, -

KXH nr i>MKnH.

UsitiUK-OoorgoN^UJLIIH - SfcMsrfTuir, (n'tUu

" The Worst rul

A p»rty uf 8ii yuniif; men of flavor liavo

;nu<l n enntract, ltjjullj- dmtrn l.y a lawyer,

ttio Wrnw ol ivliieh nu ono nl thorn can iiottl

iiiS lad; for tbe a|ncoof tbrco months, frompl.Oili, uniler penalty or rorMUnga battlenine anil a quirt of pu.iMitfl. Tbo co:erio hujioHi-d of Iwo very'* frank "veiling relloirn,i irlirtiniiamo m ussodalod Tjiiili the i-nrty.'ulsorBdon,finowliosa nlibrcvalcd baptin-

ml name Is tbo name ns thnt cf n famous nWiu jvrlicr, aiir,tlier\tboffrnnDBac(igiiontenuauio of au ttniicnd^'o, vlthuiit whieb a

(1 w<»t)i)'!".' r&iy iiiironitui'lalili', niul iinoltierbelievu tvill "aticiiie " nliout Uti reaolu-•rv Huio lio nuctn a VDIHIJ; luily, Ii in

tint tho moil linpojaililuwngir we ever yetird of, and one enn expect to hear nf n. ehutii-

,finu nud iiuniiiit callation vcrv conn,"'. H,—Since (lie nliuvo ivafi id (fpfl we under-1mil Ibat tbo Imly ocijiininliiiiviiB of tuoao'inn genOiwn have rtnt and resolved not tn:ak lo any nf.Ilium fur ilu> ^jiaco of flstfenir*. RotTiisViiuislit,

A Setd Oasr.

One dny lint wocii an inFunt cliild or Mr. andm. Itniriw; nri'urt Orniu, died and was

incd on Bunilay. On Wednesday iho family3Isr»l'al Armiloso \n» Romwhiit dlbiutbeil

npmmuoa of Jlrs, Horrls, iyho BBIIIii'liad killed lirr clnld, nnd wantod to bo er-

lt,l nutl punched fur it. On being qnci-ud us tn liorv eho bad hilled ibo infant, oboHad Ibat Bliolimlatlnttd Its [oodanil alarved

lodtiatb. Then tlio began In talk in a ram-wny of impossible tilings wldeli c/oatly1 dmt'lUo Um or her liltlo ODD Imd PDd mi llic noor motliir's mind ns to causa

[crangeraeot. Wo einco learn lint film Ims:omo vlolenll? liisunr, and tncasurts are

;ingtalioti to baVB.hor vent tn tbu Asylum.i hardly tnucina iinyllnuR mum Badmother buing Imprt'swtl wilh tip idea

.1 ulie hud kilkd lice liltlo one, whin therem iloubt tlial, mullicrJIko.-flho wouldrcn her own llfo to have preserved Nutiirnprlng.

I V Engineering mil Mimnp Journal or Kit

<h sny* oi1 Atuurlcua piR ; 1V« nolo (alia ofti.ni* ofTliumnaIron Co'mpan.v'H iron Km.

ml 2 a and 20f> lorn of Cravo all nt ijunti-

im. Ouo cr two uttbo'prorainoiit iron com.

lies appear lo bo well supplied with orders,it Iht) utliiH's eauHuno to en m pi a in of n lack

qfcinedi. We qtinto No. 1 Mi miry nt fii;

2, IJO; nnd fui-L', 113 will {JO.

Tliu formation ot n HafUst Society nnd Ilie-action of a IIOUBO ot worship in Rtroni-lylUeil of in I'liillilislmrg

Project/or the Erection of Blast Fur-PHCB3,

H'illinui •'.•.it. n. ll, caatfihatea toII.'' Kiicim- • in:.: nnd Mining Jon run! cI.IKI nvt'k tin "iiiiiihi; imrt of u imiier uu tliuh«vu Mil.j.rl bum whit-h wo eiln.ul:

'I'lie f!X|Ji'rit-uu(? of tin- iron trude dnrinp;tin- Iiu,t thrci. year* Inih plninly uhuwu thnt iu

Inture tbi) stricuHl uotmumy <if jtroduc-tion will In iied'awiry to Uio nui-cew 'jf ittiiroii.w.irku, Muuv fmnintft iww in » » •

v will hnvelo be iKirimimtillj-liIownimt,IISP tliey «uintit t<nnin'tc_. iu ccist of pro-

ductioii. viiii otlicni •niwrfwing f^realt-r nrl-iiBi'H. uud will )M> rcphtivil. M (rule rn-i, widli uuwfadiueci*, eitlu-r iu tit* mineItttttir lomtioiiH, nml nil ibfi ui.l wiiicli

cbuttticiil und ciiHiilutriuR wiencc, an will iw

The Rationale of Croquet. Port Morris.

nty Htqimtitcirimit Thiirlnw *w|wl i-PNjnct IUH hwmtv *Ho comj^tcly t-stub. 'ou'^Y.^i'^iiiy "to"v;inv1..hH(<iltt" the noeul' l i^Ui&AiueriNi UH mit «ulv to d«iy ft« of- t l w t i u u tur tnuitwn of twUool ilirtriiit No.fdrtu to umplncff it byBmiicotljcrinmiwinent, ; i ; (jbut evwi to wllirarij fi.r tbc i"(,nt iNirtopjioM- ' , j : J t e ftnin-riuu^ik-iit. suited tlwt c^riain oftiuuiuuoil WI>IIIUH«III1 wcll.iiit-«niii(| \*»- t h e UK>I1 m U . n ,lt l h v ^ h o o i d i l l t r i d r h a d

Uk. Mlio at Iliht .litl unt cuiiiiii-c-biiud llw.r,.T,rc.,.i.i,.,Hj, l.ii,, (hut. J,v wiiv ft orot,'*t

le livHi nf i in t e l i i -n . f i iu i ' i i r u U i wi l l \,a renirwl, liotli in their t\m\%n nnil in tlmir

u i | ) rny <if jirudurtiiiiipi|Mlpu]titK-l.


ill uViioud I

ti -J

._ , _ . , . . _. . jt.'il ui' will iiiclutiIbn loc.itinunml di'tiif-n of nn irrin-Wf.rli

>intiri»iug two MIKI i'iiruuc<», vitli tiiuiGL-etrtiiry Kiuiiunoiit of builera, outis , ei:«•'«, ck'CRtorH. (itir! vlhi't upl>mteiini>ffR.The tirimipiil w»t uf tlie iron uuiuhcli irThu tiritu'ipjil went ufthe UuilcilKljiti-Bit> ii in b e L g l i

'idk-y in PcnnHvlvuiiiii. T b e (urunccs i ulint lUw Imvu tlm udviuitii^K .if \><ij it hiiiiply of ewil

l i

iuK l

|.ply,Iii Hi.'

l tlnx, nnd to li y . K curly till of then i,

I, fora liirgo jiart of theirtie ore l.c.Is X

e lir

ftlTlftiiicfi nf Kwtem Pf; wnrki'd ont, nndOPftofKow Jemsy (.how

ta itppareiitlY Ittettmustihla napply, i t introlmhly tlml the 1'ciimjvlviiuinfumaeoB will,i the future, take ii uti 11 krgitr iirjiwrltdu' tlidr cuta from Now Jureey.Tho iiiuonnt of coil neccswiiy to iirodtica n

iu ufjjigiron Iwiug IUSH tlftn tlio ninmint"oru, it will, (feiK'Tally, bo more jirofttnljle

ill, g y , juiHi)oi1tbo coii] tothD uro Hum tb o

tlio eotii; liutiro, in thin cme, Nortberusw Jersey would ujmoor to bo ii prcfernlil

•' • ' " b i l i Yulley for works de

Iiunily iMJci'i«airy to •ciw*i<h-r (Jw mur**)* tbrtifitii't. I'Xcftid BO ff>r PN it n4ateii Iu tilplim-re; ICJ wlmni the wiw Kii^uutiuu ofi'1-rtaiu imllmr in fluptrlntively npiiroiios."Hctli your tunin^ aui reiaembtr wb«uvdtir turn cwiuuti." AIM^- do not jrtay ' " • " " -Hum trtdvt boiirH a dny, SundnjB ex ,

Tbft ririfpnti! Ka iuo *'f ^rc*|iu't wa« Ibutkuown (J bfliev(!) IIH ilie Newport jjiniP, inHliifh tin- privilege of.rmititt-criKitiet wanhllowt'il mily tojii rover. Ib i s form oftbe

Iny proTi'il loo DKitiotounun for Amtjriaiiii^IfiiruisliuJ IrhilKtlo t>ii|wrtuitHy for IhiHtiliivol'KJi'iJI. 'J'lie firinJcjje ot Ihe rtnvran tlii-rcfurt' voiiftircj on nil the lmlN (lirxv-

l.i.ufscri.tiiil), nl lirst limited by tbc mili-inK of" I'"""* iw roHiir<l«iTomictiiiK llirnatnckl l . hut liujilly iinliniitcil ei«i-t tbat n newpoint Jiintit \m wiiiiu before tbo MIIID UUI iiicrnqiiiitcil twire in ft turn 1*y win pluyer.Kow il will bu readily wen thntthrj lulro-iluutinii til'theaj ncwfeiitiirejj not only mill-liplk'd ojijHirttiuitien for tho f xereihii of KWHt>n tbc jinri of tlin JI! iverfl, but ulmi nivo risetn iion-(itiotilions aillicL' for now rules; amilbc liittur Imve IIGUII Mtill fnrthc.-r tntiltinlieil(o hiiit the Umteotiudifithutl phyevn. lieunuwe win Kmrcely find two million thnt jicr-Ii:i!tly ngruo IUI to rules for croqnut, nnd tin

HieUt biin thut, by wiiy »

UBiimst tin: le^nlity <>f tlie electionKliiiiniinu uf Um mtifitiua and jndfiu nt tloe-linn, Mr. Nutluin DIIVIH, wfus n r e d o u t vfWlinhiiiftUin, Wnn-iii Co. N. J., nud uot a" la id voU-r " of tkjbool diNtrict Xo. iWl, uudHint cnmi'ipieutly Ilie I'k^tion WIIB null nudvoid. Ki-coiitl, 'tlmt Mr. Mit-link nnd IniMowery Jwvjjjy hi-uu IIOIIIJUILUII for the office

fniHtee for ;i ywirH, wliou tbo ballot« wen*miUd it wus f.mnil tbnt encb lind 2

n tie. nilluer

id lrules for q u e , nn

liiH, thnt •'whons doelors «li«-f " U l l ili r o free." Uulesa tli en" nil

tliu i>lnyem on a jmrlicniar Dccunioii ngree touse n imrtiunliii book, it is folly for one play-

tuuiipcnl to bis lioolt to iHJttlo il eliwputodlint, hermiho thu hook vf tlio other party

no rigiit to vole, it wiw ilucidod by Ibo nm-jority of tb-jHu premmt to rn-ojicn tbe Jmils

1 ullow Home votiTrt wlio lijul jnntcunto icmi thtir hnllutii, wliitli wcw done, nnd

llic rvmilt wiH (but Ur. Mcflk-k »'iw elentedijority 6t out. I do not doeni it HC-In niicrt wiml ht«iU'iiinnt/( vac madeHtiiH'riiitciidL-nt in n-Rftril to thoHnilice it Iimt tli« fiicU iw dnve

iUUcd Kern uiltnittctl on nil hnnilsmu3 by nil, irtifiH.

-Mr. Tlmrber ikridcd tlmt tbe election ofSir. Mooliik wus illtgiil, beeitiiho they oughtto Iwye tiikon ii new bullot. from iho hegui-niiiH iiintmJ of n»H)pL'ning tho polla. It WHSJiiH «;iinion (lint tbe wbole j)roetedinjjH vt tiu:eloctiou were illi-fe-ul; liecimtw tbo notice oftlie uieutiiiK wm addrcKned to the legid voterxof w:lioul district K<>. Dili to iiKBomblo nt thof K<:ho


l! fo

liL'Ii Vullw forj.it! iroitotmiilu

mly hcen m-ngmied liy prnn

•drks de-fflCt

lien Itt'rnI'ort Or.in

!•')![> ll.iV" i>!!l!lNtjw Jcrwiy, nt Stfliilinpe,ngwood, Kruniiliu, nnd SccnnciiH.\\ HU rcterencri to ibo oreH nhielt may be

>tained nrnr thn jtmnitNed Hito, n uch infur-dion IK given in tho "Qeolouy of the RlntoN e v J o m y , " l y l ' r n f . Gooli . Cook, niul

i tho "Annual Gi<u]ogicii[ ItcnortH of tlicIntu," hy tlie tonne author. *ITI I87O U new hnpnlBo WIIH given tc Hit-" luteruHt oftlilH Suit**, by tliti diKCovcry.. JW iniuen (orraliier lliu re-dincoven- ot

Id OUCH), whiehtoiitiiin urex HO free from!j)]jon)s)ifllo bOHiiiliibJu fur tlio JJJJIIJU-

inny dicUto iniieiHely the" contrary, \vimlIhtiii in to bo thine uliotit it? Tim bring** iwlo tlia "rilionnlu of croquet." fjoiuo wouldsty, lei tin) [iliiyim tloeiilo, if they can, whinbule Miuii'tM tho moKt rtmotuxhle tiu<} tithrpt;. Or if neither in rationale, uuilte it neuulo. Knt pliiyent mmiot idwuyn ilu thin,iunw KcltiHliiiuKs will K'fttl to a deciKion litivor of the rub which nt the thin* is niwtivomblo

Tim Giiuli)ginL'iJ lleiHifL fur Iti75 trivet, tlioilyntH oi im oro iroui uu otieuiiin neurIKWOIKI, which cuntuiiw only .(I.'.S perit. uf pboHphonw, nud no Btiltilmr, nndlitiniiH tha fuel tlmt Htnoml other uiinoH«oivfnriifnh(iif{<)ro of like jmrity. Aa

IIIVHIH nmilo in 1H75, hy Mr. J. It. Uritton,l'liibideliibiii, of ii miifjiictilo from Oretnnd, Dhow* only. 1)33 jwr cunl, of ],1WH-jriiK, in nu orocoutuiuiug<>2.17i)cr centmotdllGltou. It tumid to bo fol,,,d i»«t uLniudiincp, ] t Js cniiuojitly miiUiblotnnkitiK UewiCiucr Htecl, uud am be put

tbo nmrket vary cheaply, Inrgo iimsHiiH ofbBlufi nfaDra tho wUcr-lovot. A coiilwctBiiiJ to huvo becu iimdo tu miinily Ilio

. . . HtcclU'orkH nt HurriHbiu\;, with,0110 toiiH of tbiH ore tier yonf.Tbo writer ihou givtH imnivbt-H ,.[' Iliii^-

iotl, Greuti Toud, AVmiiique, nud Klutelund ores, nud Miyu thiit n. immbey of olUi

•OB might Lo given, including tho wcll-ran iiuignolilcs of Iho Dover rt^iun, butubovo mo HUffieicnt for our inn-pom-,u upending vf HiuvtitoufH which njjgbtl

n\ nt tho ]irofHiBed worlw ho givo« nnulysiid notes tlio TIIIUO uf funr differcut deposll

ihiHRoctlon, viz:. inn tine endued blnlth WHICH I one, fromqturry uf Dnuiel CIHCD, ucnr MUCH

iraiu County.I. (« from Turliny Ifonntnin, nenr Mont*e. I t in exuiunively worked by tbo lioou-Iron Coinmuy for use in their furuncea.

Eft n (rua dolomite, wuilo nnd cryntiillliie.:it. ia n white, cryHbilllno dolomitu htm\t tho New Jersey Zinc Coinpnuy'n mine,Sterling Hill, ]>e»r Ofjilennhnrff,V. hip, wliiti', crvtibilino HIIICKIOIID fromVf. Iludii's (inni-ry, nenr Jluitlyntoiiville.

imtl 11. luivu liwn tirtod tit the Itiuy-.il Ftirunncs, nud, nn nitylit ho expeetedin tbo auiilyjiCH, with excelh'iit d i ed ..II. nnd IV. nro from u i-.iugo of 11[IIC.-K[OKOk which exit mis fur nmny mlfcH (Iiroit^Ii

or ollicrwiKo n^eor.ling nn tht' bulliHjiuto IHII frienil or n fw. Then tlio

. . . befit thing in for tbe owner of tbo cro-quet uronml to Imve ji H.vntcin nf rules l»wliith nil will ngl-eo to adhere wlirii plnyfngwith hlui on thnt ground. ItrguLiliiuiuL i\.<:outet of ilio gnmo will mva a grmt amountnf dinpntu ufteu, find soinctiineH even iiru-vent hurd feelings, Tlw latter will nmo a\times on tbe IJCKI rt'gulnied gronml, tuid theonly mlo Unit <ippb>n Htrittlv to t lo earn k,nvoiU plnyinij with imtnlnnt ponunis nnhwyon are iKiuieeRed of u yielding cliHixwitioii.

Tlio name booby in iiiijilicd ton ball Uwtus not nuidc the'firMt nrub. Tbo monl ru-

tionnl rule fompels tho booby to repeat hil>liy ut OIK'I1, nuil until tlio tlmt nrcli \n mnduOlhorwiHc it nooel jilayor, who vraa np])ointedlo piny Itrttl, nilght rojillynmko nrmugenioiilHlo pluy lost by pltiying booby at tho stnrt.It in nu nbnniinatiou lo Rood players lo bnvafl 11Iiiyer oii tho erontiil thnt strikes bin or herImtl when t,tnmlitiK directly behind i t Suchn hliiw in pmcticuliy ft piwh nnd uotnregn-lur blow; Thu ball mi fib t on well be pickciluii aud nillnd with the linnd. Whoiia bullrolls Ihro'iijli an im-h in regular order and hyiiH'iitiH nf ilio iTj^uliir play of either friend or

thojq leeting

Mr. Uitvix WHO not a legalvoter, rould not. nml dill not vote, thereforeho ought licit to tmvo Iii cli jniufe Judge ofKluctHmundpiVfsiilinj,'tiflicernt au dectiouwlif-ro legal votcrt; only wt-ro utllud to oxtr-ciso tlii-ir right to tied trustees for tbeirpubliu HC-IIOOI. Ito Koid, however, thid huwould not (u>ci<1o tbitt non. Ilu would uubiuit(lie question U? HJC HUiii: fiujjiiriutfudciit nndbo guided by It in deeisiou ill tliu matter.

Bo that uKittirr r.-hbi. lloauwliilo there islext of Bmpturii I would rcconiniDiid to

fd i d i li ithe jirnyt;i-ful ithis bootleHH -nH yoi hnv

of uli pnrticxntrovertiy; " D o unto other*

" 7Jli i

tliet'H do unto you."

nhni-t for

I i / '

HIMIH li i j ^ ifni>. tjio unli id mndc, whereverroll nftonviini. Hut this mloK H i h t ir h b l l

i in repiny o, wherthi

tho bullnn this m l is diHmil

nmr H;iiin thnt ir thci bull rolls hiirkfront of tiiu nrdt thu point iti IOHL Tli ownrut howver would ptiivunt n pluycr from

I l l h l l l t

I'll lO

Tluirwliir our fiiuidiiy Htilioul had it uin-, liut jiic-iiie in tln> wooiK- 'ilio children

enjoyed UIUIUHCIVUH in rowing oil tbn rcw>ivvoir Jiud Hwiiifjiwy.

I Kjieiik from uxjicriciico .when I «ny thoilinntr WHN excellent. 'J'he ln-licH connectedwith the K'hool (li'iiRrve Bpecial credit, notonly for the excellence of tbo dinner, hut forthn titfitc displnyud in " Hetting of tbo lablo."Mr. Tniiiulyn, ihe Inle teiwhcr, wou there nudrend en original pi ~~~" ' ' * *II viupoem,Home of tha Indies ant! yeutlemnu nctive jinrt in Retting tip thin pleasantHooinl (jnUierlng. 1 would hnvu obhunod nopy of it for publication laid I pot feltwurcd thnt, iii order to mako hifl words

rhyiiia properly thn jtoet Itad Rtretched Ihetruth BO badly that I hereby publicly iuwert a

t u r , watt tp written l»y ituhol

very IJOIKI mid no)iio\rl.ftt funny ns nand into it vri'ra worked tlio nanaes of

who took

y nt I herbypart of tlm poem WUH a U—. 'Hicy bad a Kthool meetin

Oli l h i d i t i t HI

k wbfchexkuls for nmuyi iiorUiern p;irt uf Iho Hlnto.fbo condmling jmrt of tli lieli> in mmn

l' tlin »tnp(i.«Hl

South Stanhope.to II notlvu ^ivon, tho legal v

School UiHtrict No. 117 in tho Couuty ofsrrifl, Kew Jcrwiy, convened ut 1ha xcbool

m WcdiUHdity ovening, Heplcmbcr

Tlio lcertjug wii» called to ortlar by Mr.uk O'Niol. Mr. John Ofiborn wiw elccteitinuan nud Sir. A. SI. .Toneft Rucretnry of

.«meetftig. ' t

Tlio ChnTnnau sUited Hint ilia object of tlioloeting was to fihow Unit tlio late nction of3 now board of trustees In discharging ourichor, Sir, Ooodvnu, nud employing W.tsell wan contrary to tlio unanimous vcice

tho])racticoitf«iiiyiout an encmy'rt lull' iuer« W|IQ jluHira.«ot .toT l tb p i t

, , d n , nudittsell wan contrary to tlio unani

th l M F F Q


ltho people. Mr, F. R Qnindtn movedit tbo trustees report to thin lueetiEg theiriinnu for mailing this change,

otion jvhn iloeidcrl m tho nminativc.t'iiero he'mfi Bathing m Oieir rejinii to

imint a rciuovnl, it motion vrns inndo toitiuiio Jlr. (londwin n» tenehar in ourilia nohool, whieh motion wan decided iunfUmtitivo by a uaaniuioua vote with - the•ption of two trusUicn (Mr. H. V. WooleyA. J. Dmie.) Tlio nmuo of >V. Besflellthen presented which was rejected by. niihuons vote. Mr. P . F. Gmutlin inoTed

it tbo trustees reconsider their action intployinR W. UCEHOU and that they reinstate*. GoodwLi nnd inidtc tbeir report to thisictlng, whieb motion wan niinnimousl/ do-'cd in tlio affirmative,

Iho rejiort ot Iho Irustcos being n refusalclnugo their nution, Mr. II. Lott movednl Iho two trustees, (3. V. Wooley and A.Drake,) who hold to their employing Mr., Uisfloll an n teacher Dgtunst llio ununl-

.«» voice of tho people, bo rcqttoBted to•esign forthwitli, which motion van unani-- msly decided in tlio affiiuntive.

Mr. A. M. Jones then moved thnt the pro-lilo nud reeolutioiiE herein nttnclicd ba

read wliiclt reiiidtcd in (heir ndop-iii by n uwaniinoiw vote.

lnEAMutj; AVU iiEHonrnostf.r, tho citizeiiH of School District No. 37, iubo County of Morris, and Stnta of Newloraey, iwaciiihled hero thin 'WedneBtlayivcnlug, Bt'iit. i:ilh, 187(1, to JuwerUiia tbo

opinions of iho majority of tho legal voterso( Dm riiftirict in n'CTrd to tbo Into actionof uur honorable Doflrd of TrustflCH inremoving our tencher, Mr. Goodwin, wiUi-

it JUBI citune; tbcrtfore, bo i t • •.jMttijTFn, n» i t wn hereby- express ouripproval of the action fcikcn by tho Trus-

_ i nnd uiiauiuiouulj protest agointt the aarao.Tlmt vie exprcay our coiuplcto salfsfoction"io nbility nml incthotl of Mr, Goodwin

teacher, nud tlcHtro his contintuince usin thlx HCIIOUI. ' -

'Ihnt v?o feel wholly tivmtfanad with thov-nomineo for'tho petition na teacher an,ng u'itltout any experience nnd otlicnriflo

iI, ptt by cipostirinot hi luc, aud by piny-liemsclvcti wcuk Jtuic

t'o thn Moadior .vim _ _,CM wlm toiuliino in Ihemsclvcti wcuk'uionl wilh gvMt utreiigtlr of muscle. Noth-ing in gained liyproqnHlng uhnll' Icyoiulthe limitH uf thu ground, mi it must bo Im-

ili/ildy fefurai'dr JIcuco ihoao (jont)D-tt (V), who in croqueting nn enemy's hnll

o n ulow """"• ' • - • •

fromtiio field of ninuun'mnit nniln position in n hlnnghtcr bonnesniitli'H nlinp,

1uila«lnictil)le croqnat mU havo beeu fu-..itcd hy covering Iho nitdlct hoaJH with

hard indiiv rubber. Throo msulttt nro ox-pee ted from tlio lino of such mnllotB: & grcntHiving of biilb, o. pratcolion to tho uonw ofBonio phycrH, nnd n diminntlon of tho noisoof wliiob oi/mo iiorvout) jwoplg coiapluln. .

In this article tho utlenipt lias not booni II do tu furnish a, complete Hit of rules nn iilido to UiU popular nmuHemcnt, only to

-iacius controvcrtod polnU'nud suggest ncourse that will render tlie game nn <iinttso>mont rnlher than a anurco of contention. Asui niiiaHenieiit it IB luinnlcefl, but Ti-heii j ro-dtu-'llvo of BtrifCf there it

_ i _ D_ ...ndinrguiisUiiclicrKO larjjo n wliool nn this.""tEBOLVEO, Thnt tho two TIIIBIOCB (S. V.jolry Mid A, J. Dmio),-who h d d to their>]iointiiig of n new tenclier ngiuuBt thoinhnoiiH voice of thc'psople, ht) rctiiiCKted'eclgn fortliwitlt. ''nsoi.YED, Thnt the wliolo minutes of thinting ho pnlilinlicd toguther with theselutions, nuil n copy of tlio nnmo Bent toCounty Superintendent wtl i ft requestbo givo Iho mnttor bin most •sevirms

jtion. • iu inolioii tho incetbiR adjourned. '

JOHN OSlKHtN, OuiinimiLII, JosEfi, SeerctArj1.loutli KtAiiliope, Sept 13th, 187(1.

.IHtrgnl Outrage.

Tlmrsilay of list week a lady about fiftyi ofij;* wan iiassiiiB alouff Ilio tnv\ i t tbo

id ofK'jongliutnPond,nhcnabowas roughlyiltcil by a young man namrJ Ellbou

tries, a Inborcr in Ibe ctnpldy nf Mr. Jamesiclmtd, wlio attcmptedfocoiuiuK iv diabnl-

nutrCRC nnnu lirr, but failed in IUR PDIpotto,.lioitgb tho lady's clothing vaa Homuwbat

i in Ilio dcxpcKito enconnttr that foUowoJ.

nrnitit was Mauoil for Iiis nrrcit and oQkcrxxu on Monday ot this week eucccutied in

tiring him Ho was hroufiht before Jnaticoo win, in default ofljail, committed liirn to

riMtonn jail to a via it tlie action or tbol O w n d Jury.

has l>rwi s«Ias clirnt ths nci^bbor-;hiB nnd praying when'opportunity

riled. He if iviiirnlly «• implc-luintlcJ, cudtbotipht by i-nii,f ibat 1)

it ho <IIi1 liv ullior parties.e iiiellL-d I

lyoupws nlong.thc streuta ndw-ai upcimroon tblns lo liear tlioI)VO'DHI BWi'fll; wurbltJ lo Um muc o

Fort," tlio following t. . . '.

Until 1lJ0foi-Vsftbc)*DivfBar?(-Tbc spoons nro bu tbe way, '

lam tbu lichen im the table,l ' t l h U t h i "

dayn itierigc

11 l


QiAt llmu Ilio iirchln hcat-d this doligbl.nuij- lie sot i t troik tmnifilUtoly tn com-

rait It tn uiflDor; and cccompliriiea the fe.it Iti t would ii>. it his patient

mutber ten durs of li>rd \rtnk to boat itito binbbpd Ibe words of Ilio crlginij,

ld ptiivunt n pluycr fromngh nn ureli llj-nt nmde it

dntngo; «R, Tlf i l l

„ luJhtli((» R!titl KIM. _ . _ „ . , . . . ,

A man who udVHliiw linlf do l l i i r . audcntontho Centenniid groumln nt Pblludulphia. himIUBU to tha Cunttiuniul, w e n though he turnsround iumiodifttely nud yoos wi t without soo.hi|j any of tho exhibition, If, wheu ft balli« tikyed, i t niiiUcu a point on tha groundnuif tlion rolls agniiiiit unotlicr unil nntlor theforco of tho mxino 1)1 ow, i t him cloudy ro-queted thnt bul l ; nud tho player has no rightto drive h b or her ball ngniDBt it a HCCOIKItime nnd then talio two ntrokea oul t ia ownball. This howcrerhdlBputed ; but us thereh no ttrgtwicut fii^iiuNt facts, lot nn pass on.A lUucb in ui troiy nn aociduutiil roijuct-cro>

Tho lattor nnwe from tho former,_ . . , .«iut' iliffrreucuf u iuybe avoiduil byniliipliug tliB BiigKeution. However a flinchwill ht-ldinii occur if tbu foot ho Anulyplacedon oiie'H ki l l a l i t t lo-below tbo top aud outbe Kidn nj)ponitu to that to bo strnek by thouinlli'l. If thu tin.ll i« pluyoil ont of tu rn , tho"Imiut courifl Is tn rotnrji t t tn tlio nvl^iiinl

lui'O nud nuicpl nil cdviiiitiigeg jintl dlwid-niilii«en. Tiiin given tho beat tjitinruction;Ithoiigli iilcrii jUKtiee u l g h t d c n m n d Uiattho

uhyei KlimiUl losa hla regular tan., und hishull IIB left wheru it was wheu Olunorcred,o*im though tn hut diiindvuutaco.

Eithorlrlendor fou'l'nB Uio itudoubicdrittht, nfler properly'i-oquetiug n rover, locroquet thomltor iitminxt tlio lont poiutortho Blnko and BO render the ball dund. Huttho-pnictico nf uiiivins tho right toetrikoight tostriku

ftmoug piny-IO slightoflt of-

tl) lo tho opposite Hiilo. JIore*ovcr, tbo.-,_.librinift of tlio gamo iu jiuulhihtl«d hyderiving ouo'iiida of nyilftycr, nud such »c-liiin in olUm n poiifessiwi of vreaknvim.OooJ p l i ^w for tlio HIILO .of cii:onrii[;euicut(•ouendly fiivor very poor tiluvont, oventhough llic hitter nro foen, DiK[ifncod or In-lorrnpted linlld Rhonlii nlw.ivs ba plneod' iuIho ;m*iUons which thoy doul t'ess iroulditions which tboy doul tess vrould

ciinied but for mieli' nccldaut. ' Cro-Eoh nro mrn-b nbiiEOiI, bpttt by cipostiri*n Mwitliorwhnn not hi lu d b i

Mining Acct'danUFlumstead, nged 6j yearn, a i

iu dumpiujj oro uL tliu Uickuruuufell from n txcxllo work a. distance ofe feet at the miuo oa Thumdiiy night

Inst nod fractured bis skull. He wan nltveyuKtentay afternoon b«6 gradually failingNo Jiopps nro pntcrtnhied of hk reepvorj


p auualtit, aged 10 ycanr, son oflEainiltou Vnnnatla, of Jiicfaon Valley, bar-ren County, undertook to cntclt n horss it) aHeld. ou-TuuMky,-KepU-£tli,-wlien it kickedhim iu tho lieml i y t of tho eknll wiTiuhctl, nnd Uio tnjiirieti inny provo fnlal

The latcrs of hmUwhent cftUcH will wiitcliilio appcarauca of frost iu fiiiHKes ami War-

iiilienf where wo iccriro our fiiiimly..» it will need ubuiit two weelai jet Ui

_ m good crop of.tbbi cereal. It HasKOWCII qiiito Inte ou account of thin drouth

Tho total eif tntalle proiiorly in ^Vnrroniuuty, ftB fixed by (tie n'BJiBor in $24,iH'S,-

•U0-n decroMQ ot Si 15,101 Tbo totnlmoutit of utjos to .bo raised for county rur-

l l i i S C ' J S O O K I I SU(t!!n22

ileliglit io OXGCIUO f • "sufllcient lo beatini>, had liettc

apply forr a b lul i -



ThonigbtecnthfnirofthoAVftvron (lonnly . (•'. .grieiiltuml Society will lie liehl nt BeJvf- . ,ilero on Tuesday, Wednesday, T h u n d n y tind - •Frlttay, Oitolier :t, 4, C nnd 0, lR7ft / . -*

The carringo factor>- o[ Inane DoUon, . n t •'~'-'CI lueincrvilb, tjuwcK Comity, wna tlesttoyeii • ^by.im inrentiuiry firo on Situdny night. Tho .y ,'luss in S;i,G(JO, iuhnien for 3I,COft - ' , . ' . .

Tha Sepiomher term Df Wattaa County : . .CotittH tioginn nit'IHicKdiiy next. As ffiainl " , . ' 'there wil l be plenty of criminal hUBtncas. ;',',-'• ,j

Tho Staffltoard of Eduealion liiwniipoint- •'"*£ . 'cd Joseph S, Smitii Con»tv JSniicrlniendfeiit • • ,'orHclioolaofWarou. * ; ' ' >-' ••

i last week lind na exciting ''$•',:'•?School TniHti'O (lection nt which SOO ' ivotes were polled. ' ' , . , ' - ,

Tlio SHSMGX Gmitfjoffl will go to iho Con- '.:' '.

inuiid, by way oftho,Mf(Uni\iI railroiul oil '.:,"&•.

A Deserving Officer,

We regretted whoii wo learned tho flrtt oftills wook thnt Hiont OfQcer Fnuidaco, whohani now been on duty Jar three •yearn, hodresigned his place bocnuso tlio compcosAtioiihe rtjoeived would not support his' funtily.At tlio solicitation of n number of lrionds,bovfevor, ho again went on. duty Thursdaynight, nndaneCort -sill - bonudQ to mokehis position moro remunerotive, IVa'all ltnoVthat " Qua " is a valnablo officer, and in hislonesome and disngrocablo task well' carnaevery,dollar ho rccoiveu,-und moro. lionever titdriui Iiio duticn hj keeping ih a com-fortablc place, butatall'lioura of Iho ulgbtand in oil kindB of wenthor nuiy bo found, athia post, corefnlly euar^ins tho .propertiesof Im patious. Httrcly tho buHlncssintereataof tbo place demand somo sucli p™'-0*^00.and our busiaeHH men Bucrald. seo to i t thatho IH not denorted in. UIQHO hfird times afterhaving proved himself HO valuable and

wfliy, afro Mm a liberal support. .

A Buggrttloo,

n.EniTon:—It bne given no great pliid Ibat tUo kind c»ro of Supcrintcmleatsoner hai provided % means for tho proloc-of Ibo public by placing w, flajman at tli

crowing In tbo wet tern end of IllneVtvcll Bt.But uven this Rfoat tuionct of good nccotn-plitbed might ho maJo «. littlo better. It bdifficult lo ecu & tnun from either direction alHits eroding and tho danger is doubled, lour'orrcapoudent, with nborto unit E ,ibont to cross tho track tbo oibor evening,iDcr tlio jiassngoofR triln, nxd vast onlysqved by (ho iraraing ot a by-standcr frombeing crnohtd by a train cowing Drum tbiopposite dirrcljon, iho noiito of which wnidron-L'cdby Hint of tho ono which bed just

d L t t th t bLet mo (BRCCBt that t cnti>, TI

cnuld bo erected at i\ itmxM c r . 111,1

The Coul Trade .

o I'bilndelphia Ledger, tbo organ *ot

Gi'funl comblnnlion, Bays:

ll is probable tliat from this tlalo fon

rcspondmc u


»cd for saveral yotrs at a correi

The managers of the coal

indcritood to bavo Bellied

upon a phi) for fat uro action. It in reportedthat nil will ipruo to making up the ichedales.fur September on tbe Imls ol tbo pricei ob-Uim-d nt the recent auction ulo, and tbit thoSew ,Jurccv Central nudlbo'LeblRb Valleyltailroid' Companies mil KIBO Irauo on tliatlutiU. Tho Dulawaro, Lwkiwanna andWestern vrlUooatlmto coal sales Independently,-id probably ofTer cub'month a reasonaM

itiiitiiy by ftnotion.


Tlio "Convocation of Nowarli," comprisingtlio EplBCOpal GhurchoH ia the Cauuliea ofEKSOX, SIIBHOX, llarriH nnd "Warren, with tliotowniiliip of Summit, in Union cotiutj, willineot at Zion clnircb, BtlTidcro, on BlondnynndTuewlny, Sept. l l t l innd U'tli.

MiRsionary scnHcc oil Moudiy, at TiflO r.it., wben addrafwes wiU bo inndo by Hoveralof tho clerg)- on tlio JEfwioawy work in thisDiocoso. ' • , ,

Hcpiep trlth Hdy CoainmniOD oil

Q you •

who' n»uiult«d his

n iu llountOlivo "lownshijt, district iJ", on Wcdiiebdny

, dome funaud thero \TIIB IUIK of it, hut I must eftvo it

next week. The uii mi ten of tbo meetingto ordered to bo printed in two of the

couuty nnpiirH nnd I take it for granted tli«lin* will lieoue of them, M you will liovo opart of ii nny way.

I tdioiild think the man y ...rifontBouth Hlauliopo- the other day Yns

old enough to know, hotter. I hops ho willbe a'ilinnied of liitnwlf when ho geta sober.

Y. M. C. A-

The Y. It. C. A. of this placo will ngnhierupy their old inmrterB, ou RUBSOU Struct

to-morrow nitiTiioon. fiinco thoy held tlieirlast Hcrvico there the room hiis-been rcaova-tedaiul renaireu, nnd new imnrovomentHbi>vu W u mudu. ltev. It. S. Twmk* ix <--x-poetcd Iu he present aud nddrcKS tho Amocin-tiun. A. collection will ho taken to wuihit iudefraying tlio expense of tha work thnt Imsbeen ilonc to lha room. . •

the 20th huit.

ThaBuatcxhc2:2:2 mCe in tlio

c J[j-B(icFill Irot in thetiming mcoiingat Fleot-

Sussex County Democratic ConvEnliontrill meet on Monday, September .MB*-''

Liulucr TcuedcU, ono of tho bluest rcHl-doiiU of Nowton, died on Monday.

ServoiM Oebllll}-. ,

Tilat weakness t r depression: a weak ex- •,luislod feoling, m> energy or courogo; the '

result of nieutftl c<vor-.vork nidCBcrcliom ornnino .irnin upon tho lyBlctn, i s '

olvftp y ,

tired by Hnrnphrcyn' Ilomcbpathiu-.ppciilo No. 2S. I t tones tin and i

iniparta sttvugtlii the Rlnu&i noddoipotidoney,

ml energy— nlons tho drain

yonrswitb perfect succor by thouBands. Sold1 by dealer*. F r k v t l per .single, vial, q r tSpcr ..packipc of (Ire viaJa nnil fl! ylol «f potrOer.Bunt l.v niuil ou lucbipt cT \n}va. MUiC^Humplircyft' Ilomoofmlhlo Mof Jcltio Company,C02Erondwoj,Kew York.. j . .. 27-ly

A100 r i n c BooK-how to ttavo re-BhingHing,atpjJ icaka efftcitiall.v, mill preBprTO'oId robfj otall kitidfl; also sitniilo imtmotioti!) far ttytngnow roo(», will lo sent free tu the reader* ofthii payer. Bend your cddreBs lo K. V. filalcRooflng Cd., 1 Cedar St., Now York. ' .



F A N C Y GOODS? &c.,. ».


Newspapers and Periodicals,




WAI.12topi.sna »n

Gilbert's Pure Confccliorspy.

ot nino A. «., ' tho liar. D, V. Vi'edoh, 1).of Madison, pnmcHng the Bcrmon.meeting nt eleven A. U . •


It DOVEK, N. J. ; u ^


The Iron Era



" - • • " B E S T AIT 2 A K T ,




:^p: , .v/:.V;:;V: ;-:- ;::::-/;--: X - T ? - ^ : : - i-zzz-.v- COAL, WOOD,

t"]C. BEEMER t PALMER •*--"2~--°r••-"—•- , r W i l . ; . y i ? g t t M T A

™ —rvv^Itfl. DICKEBW, — • ™»;tMl to Se?nt'f Uunk. a

ai Horn




KSTA JS1.ISU.>IK.\T. W o o d & •WiiioTT W a r e

, _ . . . , „ , , . . . . - - , . HARDWARE,

. . . . - . „ , . , , , . , • - • , , . iron and Steel. :

(ia- l'ipr; anil fitting*-.


BI.Ai-KV.-n LI. -ST.

T.™ 7 0 7HZ !"}•"••••>" ;;A>"ET.

(JOVEK. .V. J -



Capital, - $100,00ai|S^9^nV.:iX"f.;'° THURSDAY. CTTCS «:n2.- i J rsr

:fHg|H|S Freeman Wood,


™ L^-»V ;rii.---=-,Ji f*-..W - i : J.I.'."







WEAXX"S PHOSPHATE. IBane Dull. <j'C3D0. PandieflC-


WOOD sawed in stave lengths.

STOVE. - -EGG, - •


-.S5.OC- 4.75

- - 4.5L


Dover Savings Institution.


I* H 1>T£[I/-£.14*15 -

u f l ] GCM!h.tt+ to • (tik* l

,« ; £3] aa


ICE CHE-i",*

CLOTHS, MATTINGS, Ac, Ac, ' - • ; - - j ^ / ^ ;";.:. 4 t ' - J ^ S ^

PRINTING HOUSES ( , o w ( l e r _ F u M . a n ( I J H H J , , , ^ ^ ^ , ^ : : ^ ^ -

GREAT REDUCTIONMaterial* constantly on ,,_„,„..,,,..


' VT'^i'Ajl

iEiiirra SAIX r DO:IE, - -

I-.'. . ' - I .". ! ! L.

Xorllif-ni New 4<-r>«y.

nuyn HOOKS,

M.lVin-VlriOIJ V.-AV UIIJ.S.


I'AMi'jn.i.T rovi:ji.s,








Cor. IMtXvtW ana Xorri5-S!rs>l!.DEXTISTUV

HTI/iOS COC1TT. Jar* t-i;.

-;a. A.L'. t;Ti- SliMlAED, Treir.--


»•;: f;i.v


3UHDEES' EAKDWASE'1 I'LL? 1^ -iZj-Z.7.




itosw '.'.;• KI.V.Ji-OCB U J C S - T > i" F i <"-' i-:. .'.-.:* 'A Yi 'A. it- I

Lehigh, Scranlon, & Bituisinous;

Stoves. Stoves.THE OLD STAND.


Hot Air Furnaces,




ALL ni.f."I/i OFAt, CX-vTKl .M




S. R. OSMUN, Dentist, :


MACHINE SHOPS,M. Iloasland, Proprietor,




Choice Lots in Doyer, ;


Freeman Wood, !

'THE SIEECII.IST WHO BLTI1-1E1SES!I ins astoaass is nr. wrao,.STATS.: I/lSGEST .\SX> SVCCFS.lJ*.


C <%~Tt B O M T E .





iMascns' Material, &C.!T





Oaoit i a d o t b « Kmriiui; *tb« cdkrtioD ol* i , a atuIilvcieilkispeTtilxafti.cbeck*, Ac.


D I B E C T O B . S .


n tt« :>« ia


t puj f&r old Irou-^t<r uttn in «cfam


] Sussex St., Doyer, 5 . J.

The Old Reliable Market in

Chill iiiul Dry Sand Rolls,! . X E W Q U A R T E R S ! i Bergen Street, near R. R.



Account liook Ilcii(llii!,'s,

Hall TIfkclH,

Hank .Notices,

JtondH mill


! • j Engines, Pumping Machines,; • i .'XL SlZiy OF


J«t.iLTi/.|t'i:ijuni^ i ii;u

, I Hoisting Apparatus

Law Cases,Bill Heads,

BHIs of Lading,

JiillH of Fare,


Hiwlness Ciirdti, ^

CertlllcatCH of Deposit,

Ocrtlllwitcs of Stock,


(.'oiiiiiiiitulloii 1'ickctN,

I)(!p«Hlt Tickets,

Dmf IH JUKI Not™,

Klecllon Tickets,

Kxti'a-tliick TlckctN


Pcsllvnl Tickets,

Freight ltill HCIKIK,

FrclRlit TnrllTn,


Hotel Begisters,

Inland Bills of Lading

Insurance Notices,

Labels, '

Law Blanks,

Jimmy Bceeiplfl in Bookfl, Faawigt

TickciU) on Cimlo, Prices Current

Circulars, Policies, Firo nml

Li/o Ina., llcstmirniit

Tioliota, Wrnppors,





. at](1.cvuryll)lnff JDinginabio in tlio JOBVpWIITlNO lino, .d in us a mil nun-'', JDODnr jirlcdt Rnd Mi onr BpooIni

, (Ml M L ,

ni.»* *n>tF

J. P.. BEEFIERa l b ; nti».'/T«'l t i l r^MV':-!!;^ ilrlz'i in


ouHt:m?.XSTr.E¥T, two »3«rt *«atli f.f tbe


IIEET, lnjnoi;, \ LAUB,

lt>i:K, VKAL, KilU.-iWiE,


. »ut lJt»IIT.VE»H,j V,*klcli<tl ind lent\rj.




FIRST.caiM tljn ntock w Wge »t nil limn anil

inmtrsM wri Tariety rrfPnKKH MKATH,Hi;OAH CUltED HAMB, HALT 1'OItH,KKKHH and HALT HHH, utut all kltuU n(n a ' l T d V E O B T A B I E B i t b d

S E C O N D . ••cutin'' (iiwciiil ixiiriH ftr€ talfin tliat IIIt filmll li'i hlwbYR KJlKflll, GOOD nml

(;i,KAS, tl,o VcfftMAr-H I*1«IK received dall]w wjtiii iw they itpjicar in Ilia N«w YorlWnrktU, uni] n-iU m rnpiilly that no N(JI1<#W\* urn KSHI fntin.1 DVJOI UI« premium.


ix a rfll« «l tho murkol, oil ciwtviatn leirmimttod ulthfi, nn.l JMIKIIMM IMIOS .lolivcnfrwi --if (Iminc.

FOUJITH.__ratiwj llni priccti urc uuufo to F.ult tl

Iioclcct t/oolm 01 tlift J^'JIIIQ in thesu lirncs<\ttn ctitnn wafftM durnnnd ctcap eutubles,Ubcrul (liBfonnt tit-Inn imuli Iri tbtwo nlin

.•ij- n .jimntlty at 2 tiiri'i. '


FRANK COX, Proprietor.

H. P. SANDERSONTHuv* r,.».W asil. i f-»r llio 7.11 aiul XVtntci


LIG1IT AKD HEAVV.HjMikri., It la B. ]|lckr.r;F.(H>kc*,7-fll.>l1 '. . _ — *i.A. ^ >.. . I . V . I »i 1. *i..__!?_

ttiio»t(il ll jrWb<iL'l»,fttt.IiL't


uxinrrH siiftliirlido c

;t;i|icrlciico in tlio Csrr'U trj bit A cotnpctvijt Jn,-t..rl ivitli tlial,U.lllKN>,

tlu'lr onlun may• in article

_, mumlUej lioolitainulaUiiynllirriilan,.

Orrlrra l>r loiter ror Carrlaun ID<] mW\l Or-»,icol. .1,1 In .BlUWy III1..1 I.7 .UtlnB foirliat purpmo tlioj aro ninturf, antl Bcndinemm, LIHIIIKI. lo civnr Hi.) amounl "

if irlido cntintctti! with ll.oljui.lri>ny i^rnonii r»*orincr mo ultli their onlroty niKiti tny fnrniifiliiK >I'*n> with iinililtin totlitir wnnli, and at an n

l ) l t l d t y d

r.flANDEliBON,OpJ>o«[to DOVLT Depot






Liverpool, Queemitotvii, Glas-gow, lamdonderry, LoiidoD,

JlriiCol or Cardiff.YUT TICKETS mil r«rllcular« apply lo

E. LINDSIEY & SON, .1 J > O V E n , N . J .



FnrnUlietl at Shorteat \o l i co .


Turned and Grooved to Order.








\ A.T COST! i





rmtniind after ttifi L

fliuV Block la (tola. Thin U nul intoiiili-d loirmr cnittomcnt iui] then iu;I| at aid prlcei, batBagenulno offer, tbootibfcribcriiitondfiiff la«liro from the rnmtlura bntdiit'es mil cutrri[«m tnotbtr

cii;;sTr.n, y. j .

UNDERTAKING.BoJlc* p a v;WU or without Ice, and ill

\ Votlcn

p[liomttcrlilNorttio \m\o\-M furniihDd it Vnf

uti pnBiCimj.l of allUlniri^ tn tlio trailn,j^rlptic', I fee] rntifldonttUfaclwiilpr and reasonroqu.ro luch icrriccii.

I*. 0. YAW0KII,

(•.(Orimodern •ri |l '*"t f* iliarln™ ccnttiik-ralilc

pr.TrortniU«1ullfI; tcniril tlionu m

Insurance Agouts, ,oincc ou i.oniiank uuiidiM,! BOOTS and SHOES',

Morristown, N. J. j'jivix ROM, OEO. II.I1«J», 'STEPIIJ;:! RUHME

A. J COE, Collector,novmt, s. .7.

COMAmBS IIEPIWSEXTED.American Uatnal Ine. Go., of Hewark

II.J., Axeuover $1,09.000Kataal las. Co., of Newark

[. J., Auets oVer 600.COO

Fircmos's Hntiul IBB. Oo-, of Hetralk,H.I., AucUover 500.000 '

Qerm&niii Untcul Im. Co., of HewarV

H.J., Oapita), . 100,000

Xtna Imnranco Compan , of Hartford,Oonn,, Assets, S,000,000

OoDtineotal Imnrasco Connany, of HewToiL OaplUl, 1,000,000

Ifntnal Becailt Life Ini. Co., ofNcwaTk,H.J.. A.MU, 6,000.000

r> o v K *JB


N . J .



TAHKS ana OEE BUOKETS,coniiUinUy on hand.

RKPAinlSCl PIIO3I1TT.Y ATTESDED TO.VnhT to Blorri. County Uaclihio k Irnn Cii.

fl5 •.

GEO. W. DRAKEHAH ntMoTtu ma uut i r TAIIILT


TotlioUrxo Ino »toro TWO DOOIW AHOTE1118 OLD HTASD, (laiulj occupicil l>y J. \V.Tliomjn in) and ono door from Uairorii, Han &Co.'a clotbliw *lort,f li«r»bo will bo ploaicl loica i l l bin ol'l cuslomcn sml m»ny nnw ones.



Custom Work an() JobbingPROUTHiV ATTENDED TO.

Geo. W. DRAKE.


att*n!i',n give. to KRPAIE WORK.


. E. & G. H.'Ross a Breese,

la t be j ai/pe-ir in tbcat reuoTuLla prie<^<

k I fmitktU, atnl v>Iil at reuoTuLla prie< <

Tbe bigtiitt curlet prk«a told In cai.li, fnr&*r HVk., Veil Kklci and Hbccp Kiirn, Unglitat the laarttl. Cuttnmen mprrliid),/ «ai;'jDnn Tncidayi 'iYton'iaji ib'} i'aiardaiR

the laTnciday


GEO. RICHARDS & G 0 , ,li

wnt i>--j f . ^ _ .t.\u. traixai i s *



HARDWARE!aron|>k.|c KIIH* of


Mechanics' and Farmer's Took,




FISHING TACKLE,Illank Keys anil Kcl'i Filled


S. H. BERRY'S,BJaclrwell St., near Morris,

O O V B T t , N- .1-A t Mi 137




?lansaml6ncclflaitlnlii,r'irlinildlliK.,Conlraclit k l l r i l / l W l

Jobbing in Gerferal.DccemtetMtb 1670. " " i-jr.




CKOCKKRY, Tin, Woo'dtn miWillow Wore.

Groceries a)id Prorljilons.

Fjncv Orntflnin; Cinucil llo'^, Diiii Frails,Tt-:i, Catfnt, tfuifim, Hiiicca anil t w o -

llili.s [I U,,. < ; „ « , , UicJ



HABDWAEE:Jrr-ii, Ktw 1 »n<I M1D.DK )Ukrw

Powjt-r and Fuic, 8n:arn mil (milih* iri'l Carnonl«ni' TWJIB, SorallLlndi, .

to (jfTurail gowli at dwipesTnt tCoE.Iir,ACI£V,'I-:LL»n(lSU


a Of




h"jx! mid

i ciuMei

N. J



pulilio iliat IK, \13t jmrclmtil a | ,

NEW unil IIAXUSOME HEAHBE,tiigntlitr wilh Jiowm, «!nl all the trcewaiy

wiiujiuifiiij tut tlifl IUCCCMIUI «trjiri[{

MET.Vi CASKETS, COFFINS,8IlIlOIjn.H, ICB BOXES, uni! CTerjtlilng per

IRIOIIIO tnHi. I HUH mako limy Iron-la Rive my penoul attcnllon In ill eua

Mllc.l in.l will rmicaTur '"'rcqnlrciiKcut rates.

meet illInn.





lll CKWKI.L Ht., I>(hTR.K. JaililrcKfliir iniil | D


on tbe r*id !*i dit x fir.in


By M. Sigler,AT LOW PF.ICE&

177C. 187G.Agricultural Implements,


uno tcexrexj, tnurtu, fp^ru, ma, ruses.

llOWINQ MACSIXE8, Hone K»tt», IlayTuUer*, Ac. LAWN UOVECS. Iktlten, Vfa»Work, lUkti, Vuc«. CEcqrcr. i c . Otinditcoo,


FIELD 13EED3.A fall Kifcitmrat TUOfiBCEX-S OABDEX

SB6D9. LISTEIfB »nrt AIXENTOWN BOSE,•S. P. LIME, iliisc'lTed tone, blool and ptrn<

gumo, doable refined poadrttu, pUittr,ic. , at lone it trade pricci.

Voorhees Brothers,HAEDWABE MEE0HAH E,




2J WEST 1 lib St.. Jtrrttra Eth ted flth Arf j .TOBK.

rps Kloct ol rarr i


vtiich -we *ro tifl-iiitig «t


Miners1 Oil Company.123 k 131 JIAIttliS LAKE NEW YORK,


Lubricntfng mtd Ituming

Oils for Miners' Use.H11SI CO1IPT) MAC Y,


Tline Oilj are cipeeia.lv tdapied to SlinSogllacblntrj and ire fiawant«d to init. tjpenWlialc. Olive, Kelt's Pool, Lard, lab. , Cod »i

Karaplefl fomlBhrf on application, and gooibipjKtlinpTimaOTikr. lZJiI24,M»iaeDLtc

" *P. W. MEADE, Tretmcr.Id. P. CRAIG, Agent.


ikalc-r In







Dover, N. J,

Orders for Sawing and Planing

jirompUj exocntod.

Work for the Unemployed!TDETHlBTtE EDITION is Ilio only fnllluNtnlcd edition (THIr Wilier Suj.fn

WAYERLEY NOVELSnrAracricanroitc.iiDti U "ibo ki tc i l i tbn ofIbo tent Eoclihtj noTFilsU" l i o tinnu arcfloniitil, and nill sell Tor all time. - Tlio tno.etiamcal ticcntion Is t>f tlto best. Tbe price wor tl)O lovcit. AflESTS VAXTED KTSUTVIIEBE, towhom HlKrai IcrmaaniloictnsiTe ttirnttirr iroofTercil. Fortj-cffiLt tolomcs, iTcracfnff 100piRfir c»ch, «ml cnnUminc nt-at\f 3,000 illni-' itioDi, will complete tbe urfca. HabBcribcra..ipplicil with two Tolnm<ia{BcoaplftoTork}tnomblj. Elcten montb*' (.eliteriee (21 TO!*omusj «ro no* rwil». 1-ricc—In clotb, giltcttn,p«rTnlaue, I1.3D; biirtnrtej.plli ion,

E. J. II 1LG& BON, FnbliBhcrf,17 Murray BL, NBW Tort.


X in? prCBCTit rpiidciaranrooni., bcuklta kllrhnu, .undilion and veil lapplitd wi:ell witer. A Rood view ind ntP»lLJij Jonllon. Applr to

JAMES It. ]15-tr

i. TlicbDniacenUint

Pirtieitt r,f ForoitDre

il By (ddiv(»njar(i

ithinff to purchjrt i liagte p(«e <itDre "ill uaTe mtmej bj giring tdd i we will wad •, iilot

it ' ' "_ ni l . By (ddiva ting n<gr»pho(»njar(icltor f

h t h l

a\¥h\. inind, vitb

pits DI i c u of furniture.. . — tbo krfftit ittortnienl of

QtMkei*. WsJl Fticketa, £uel«, MniicBUnti*,FiD<7 Tibl« ami Colin to be fouod in Me eltj.

Tale the Cliriitopliw St. y e n j at Haboken,(hence from foot cf Cbrktopbrr SI. hj itrtclnce from fo

« to oar doO« toOard

f m Votrii County hate tn la perform fn :etebiog nt, i* «eoDTeuient forahdre «tcfe in U


Notice of Assignment.•\rOTtCB it .crebr girra that TLomii J.IN OiTtT, Jr., uf tbo Tillage of Pl»Ddei»,

"fcontrof llonii «ndSUtoor New J t m ,tb , id i jmnle»o ualgouitDt to ILtttnt

fcril*r or bit etute far tbe m u l benefit of bldiUirs; ind tbit tbe caid crfditori mmilll Ibeir rctpeetirs cliimt under oath crcaiiioc trilbin ibe (pace of tbrcc noDtbi

from tbe date hereor.ISAAC KINXICCTT,

33-tf Sianbopo, Boitei Co., N..

Horns County Surrogate s Office.JULl'Wb, 1876.

In fba m t t W of EJmtllld D. l l t lscj l e d WiII. IUker, Eiecnlon of WillUm U. Etktdcceticd. Ucrrogate's onlcr bt limit credton.

/ ~ i S application of Urn aboTS-namod Exec-KJ uUirj.ilfi ordered bj the ftorroeate tlthe uiil EiMatbii give I-nblie Noticetlie crcditoM or tho enuto or uitl decedent .bricg in their debts, derosndi and cUitniaKiimt tbe nine, under (4lk, wilbio Dimmot: ttii from tbUuite.br letting up icopvtblscnler, within twentjiliyibereafUr, in'fiof tbe most pnLlic jtlaen in tho coaotj o f l ' t .ri§ Tor (KO nionlbi, snd BIM within tbe *»ii!Iwcntr fajM bj adrcrlitin^ tbo wrao in "[BOH EEA, ™e of tbe ccwfpipers of tbsi Hifor (Lc ttmc ipace nf IIEDC fth^fltiTrnfjrr liICR »ny fartlitr noli' "iraujcreOitonliallher dtbt, (icmintl »cd claim witbiD tbe ._.*rioa ol nine raontbi, public notice betac:ircn as aforesaid. HDCII creditor abill be for-rer ourt-d of liiior hit actiuo tbcrefor sstiD!be »aid Eiecnton. -

A trao cop; from tho minute*.' - 32*10

Morris Coaaty Surrogate's Offlce.J U L Y i9ib, m e .

Ia tbe malterof Jtcob A. Ekinncr and DioielN. Kiinctr, Execntan of Jacob HLitjDcr, Utc'iHarrogate'a Order to Limit Creditors. .

f \ $ spplidtioo or tbe above-named Ei«nVJ Um, ituonlcrod by the Bnrrorate ihitbe Mid Eiwaton Rire Poblio Nolico to t tcrediton of ibo eslite of said decedent to bringIn their dehU, dcmtmti and eliitni *gnimt thenmp, nmWr ostb.-iritbin niuo mo Dili* fruui UiUdue. Ly setting np a «tpy of tbii order, wilblntwenly days hercalier, m ETC or tbn moalpDb-llc pltccs ID tbo raauty of MDITII Tor tiromonthi, and alto within tbo said twentv I U H' - wli-TUatos the latne ia tbe Innx EB», one-.tbo newipapcrB or thli Stale, tut tboipaceofiiDio (Ibe Sarrogate jaileineantber no l i" to be anDM*M»ty); and i. __creditor abait tujrlcot to exhibit Li« or bur Jebi,

«nd ind cltim wilbin tbe wld period oi montb*. pablic notice being Hroo I

.. .e**i(l, nacli creditor iball Bo twindebarred :f bl* or Iier totiun tn«reror« i>ifm.bo » ld Executor*. .

Z. E. WILLIS, B u m b l e .A trao copy from tbo miuotcj. J2-10

Morris Orphans' Court.

In tbe natter or Mary E. Jonca, Eic^ntrli oTimolby SoDlliarA, deceased. ItnUtoibowcaaso wbjthere thonld not bo a u!c or Uods.

MAIif E. JONES, tbe KxccatHiofTimottvBoutuard, lalo or tlio Conuty cr lionia",

deemed, hiring mda and exbibiled to tbCourt, nodcr oatb, a jatt ood trno acconnt clbs ptnucal estaia ind debin ottzld deemed.is far aa ihc Las been able to difcovcr tbisime, by whieb it ipwir* tbnt tin.- pewnaeRtatoofuiddeccaiiod li fmufficieat to nav albhjait dcbn, god tUlIng lb»l u l l ileaaictidicdulzodofunui, tcncmontB.lietedltanicntiand real esiatr, litmio in tbe ConnlytrjJorniand pra.ring tbo aid of tho Oonrt la tho prtmUci. Therefore, jt is ordered by tbe CourtIbatall n.r«»>iinl<Tc«lf<l in i h i l w i teSmcnl<, litrcditamcDta ind real unto of «»icjdcceucil, do appear l«r0ro tbc Jclge»ortbinCourt,at lbs Oitirt Honeo ID llormtown, iBatntilaj, tho ecvtutb day or October *.ibTR. ami (how came, if any thoy Lite, whymncLi of ih:> *aid hndi, tenement., berctlli

i-nis and real citale ofaald decciaedtboa>t bo iuld t i will be snOcient to piy bis <?obl

E.E. WILLIS, Samgate;A irnocopy from the minute*. 354


M, & I. SEARING.30-lf

To Agents, or ma who ioeiUToti.lHEBIGBONANZATh?ViS«,

Dan.DtQal! ln'ai iewbAok, w i l l i n l r o d o t U o n ba r k T w J u I j r e a d y : T t a a i ^ t i t UDan.DtQal!lnaiiewbAok,

lIarkTw>Ju, I* jtni ready.: Ttaaiiwork or dnfldnn ilong on«onndc|tllla <m« It wuTflll ytmrpocieU VUr »«1 loae territory j

pcieU VowpBottt do.want.: Send for drctilan

c>ii «*iS<Jf'«i »«it lH»jfaa,r*.uai»6i]t ti^itT-Stt bni.* tu a aVaa reck o*t in* acsit-l «d; [I] KTtb, ra»ii';*o d<¥n«* iban* aaia-

f**t. t ^t avl atinott to bs»-c4 M^fbtn L Ibn

tfclrtjtwttraavl a[S]-T< Itcd ; [S] ftcctfa, tvinii

mtci+i tuL ibirtrto ciaiii••nil to c «ut* sBid Hccfr* to ts« lie* of i*i]Hc»i,ri Uol; {«] *oath, Uiy-firc drxr^c

IK. tv«tT-c:i>i>ebiic<7Bd twenty JinU to a

LBovrir»ifidJ<.baG. Cr»ltr;[7J •oclb, k.ci



j ea:attlt*wt»1,t*rBttlwxirtfcrrea bxk> atoajt tbe bae of JUtd to a nai* a&4 *to«e*; [>*1

atoejCttebtojdCnter** had* toaic, »-fi't dtyittt ihaiT naaEin*T»», fowi II

d3 iyamaIUta ib«sA«eo lb«d29dK3yamaIisUt ib«Aa«ocotriatBC Bfty-nx C6-l(0arn« o.5&cc«n> TWCT, n l u H Ip

ibe Tc«E>hip of W*»lainRt°o.MITTM E*«itinf« at a rtate

o. is tb« COsDir ofte 1B a corner of

bt T G

day of lurch, Ju

fcx4iiu i=i4e.

txtredtjema Mii,(fT(a cbaict to > stat«utd n o o u ; f l ) tootii, lonj-«x degrrt*thirty minntt* tut , «'cfct citama fifty-«emliaksU aauLeat>4 Staoe*; [S]*oatli,ntc.ri>d^n«« wxJ, Hnn cbuiM to & aUk« andtwo**; (<] cofflb, forty-sis dogne* Ifairtr nttf

* nit* «<«i, tirfat (Uuu aod flltT-#*Ter) bake taI tktpltrt of Winniox. coouiniog aix aert* of

tt laodi tUU) cf tbe said Jobn^ J^ drtlCT. de-

u^ufcrttniK wood and timber from tbesd 8>*ait*d (01.



Capital, - §200,000.S i . H . t o * p . » . Prompt

i k d l l

Ia the District Ccartcf the UcitefStates for tie District cf He™ Jcrtey.

J. Tlcuid Bafifcrwp«fca"i>* »fffl««l lo tk* Court

th* Niftftwxti dar <* S*P««b -r. A. ». irTC at IVo'cbKki i ikf id •bo*' " -— *—-

W. 4 BELYILLE. Clerk.



Tlie Miners* Sn rings BunkOF DOVEB, N. J.

S i 7^: imrr nr Tint X inoxu . Cno* I t i s c

"stare I «il! be paid on d n w i t i made c__ before tl><r fir»t diyi ot JLitca, Jr»E,TEXBES ID(1 DtCEVBEK.

n - O?ea daily (rvra 9 o'clock A. » .




JAIB. TBEAT, Treasurer.

1776. CENTENNIAL! 1876.


The labrcrikr turin^ j u t received a LABQEfc- STOCKCT

BEADr-KADE CLOTHINGTt fipricg utd Sammer wear Kill offn them tocuitomen at tbe LOWEST FEICZ*, u followa;

Uco's flalU, - - - - tiM lof lS .Slen'i TVoriltd Cotts an J Ycati,Mta'fWickCoAtt.

BOJ'I SnlU (a larse quntit;)CIMren', Slitf,

12405.00 "12.C0OJOO" 12.003JH> " 9.002.00 " 7.00



Gents' Furnishing Goods.

r knr, and a general assortment of


Diagonals, Worsteds, Yestings, fc\,

soldbytboyanlandcntgralif. Clothingmadeto onlcr ID the beaL and Uteit atjle at ibortnotice. All penon* desiring anything in Ibe•bore-mentioned line of gooii ira adntcd tocall and exatniae thla atock and convlder tbepriced, which ire mncb LOWER tban eterbefore Mid fa Dorer. Do not forget tfae'placc,

\ Y J M . SIMOTST,SUSSEX St., near Blackwell.

DoTcr,S.J.,AprU22d,lB78. 43-ly

• HEW WOOD and COAL YARD in DOTEB.L Tie mbflcriber ha* opened t. n«w vard' ihe u la of COAL and WOOD, on DLAOE-

WELL tt. , next lo GAGE4, HALSEY-K LUEberTardi. Cunitiullj un bind all huda 1COAI*I r j : i i ian , BenANTON A N B u mHINOUS COAI^DEUyEltEUTOAMYPAR.OF DOTFJt Oil VICINITY. "WOOD, both


- An0X[«rieiiecof ti(elT«yearaIn ibe Lniiar«V.wain.itti, I thick a perfect knowledge oflt.aDcall who rater me with their patronage, ranreir o w n roll weighli, hjucst dealiDK. LOWPitlCES, and promptnnu ID filling ordera.

OBlce in J. J Ymlani'a Carpenter 8hop.Wm. HILL.

DoFer, Ao 5tb, 1P73.

i, 300,000





I t Ibe j-ard! nf

Ili;Clli:it & PAL.UEK,





FILLING, 4a ..•VTO additional cIiarBo rnr extraellug WlicreX I newtoolbarelostrled. Wo are now oak-log bcanlifoi act* or teeth lur . . . ' . , . ;


Dafcr, September 25tb,lSTS.re have In preiia

cimnalga book by a 061*nar.^Dct.. -HI fecort

' TBEAT, PoblUher,tS-iw

d Joly 3Ut. 1S7C miFJMDen.

The New Empire

JInt-Air. Gas & Base-burn-


A!m. a Large AjMrtment of otber Stykfof Cookies BIOTM, IUBKtt i*arior *

Store*, if.,

FOR SUMMER & WINTER USE.Abo. a choice atock of

Hardware, Cutlery,Glus, Woodea, Copper. Haia and Japanned


Oil Go t hi. Carpet ii Lamp*, Paints tndOiif,Ird Ciftea, FeaUims, Pnit ' i Astral Oil [BOD,iploiiTP.) Alio,


Kooliiig, Plumbing and Job_ Work promptly altcnd^il In.


"'airbank'a. Scale* 1

— Iron, Copper,J!f»»S,~L**d, Ban »o«JOrceubaclis Ufam fa,ftichansfl for Eood*.

J4UE3 H.1.1B73.



mAKT years in the clothing bntlnfui fa-ifui ISTOWIT, baa btSll tip a lane

_ IIDJT Irada sad ooir leads tbft city Inbin lino with the Urgeit atore, largcit Hockbett workmen and low pricw.

DIrn'a all Wool Double and

Ttrlat Suits onlr - - 81O.UO

Good lleaTT Snits - • O OO

Worklns Pnnli - 1.00

" •? extra 1.SO

Good Working Pant* Doubleextra - • - . - • 81.75


laij. aanrtmeol of HSS OtOTanid fo»

• lira. Yodtto1 ananors.,

OVEB 2,0(10 PA1B OF TAST8.Doni fall lo call and MO tha BAKOAtKS andbo ulomalied Bl tlia low prices Tor Rood clolh.

* PASCr CAIID8 II atylea witb natne IDJ cU. Agents wautod.'J. B, BUSTED,n o , N . I . • ' 3A-tn

15 for $ I SIlJJthlS!SSifwL?liu_-iirIce." *iSnow*lonu.""OoW'flih,"«milt."u d other papular fhiomei, tuh a,if ftct Jong, only

NATIONAL CnitpiIOCO,, Pblladebhla^at

1-QarcboiBaaer,«JT flow either M I a

ITS and attteHaat of »iitantly. Thii •imple, m ,

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