riasec personalities

Post on 30-Oct-2014






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The RIASEC Model shows the relationships between Ideas, People, Data, and Things. Learn about interests, abilities, skills, careers, and college majors.


Created by Dr. Mary Askew

Holland Codes Resource Center http://www.hollandccodes.com

© 2002 - 2012

RIASEC Career Model

Science (Investigative)




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People Technical (Realistic)

Arts (Artistic)

Social Service (Social)

Business Operations (Conventional)

Business Contact (Enterprising)

The RIASEC Model shows the relationships between Ideas, People, Data, and Things.

Realistic Personality

• An individual with a Realistic Personality has -

• Mechanical aptitude • Manual dexterity • Physical coordination • Fine Motor skills • A preference for hands-on learning experiences and

practical application

Investigative Personality

• A person with an Investigative Personality

• Invents • Researches • Solves problems • Works with ideas • Has computer aptitude • Loves knowledge

Artistic Personality • An individual with an Artistic Personality enjoys

• Writing • Acting • The Arts • Music • Linguistics • Creative design • Creative expression

Social Personality • Someone with an Social Personality likes to

• Teach • Listen • Serve • Work with others • Show empathy • Learn in groups • Be cooperative

Enterprise Personality • Individuals with Enterprise Personalities

• Speak publicly • Sell products and services • Persuade • Manage people and projects • Take action • Enjoy adventure • Lead • Like setting goals

Conventional Personality

• A person with an Conventional Personality • Organizes • Attends to detail • Manages time • Sets priorities • Likes to handle things in a systematic

manner • Prefers to be accurate • Desires to be efficient

RIASEC Career Personalities



Frank, Practical, Focused, Mechanical, Determined, Rugged

Analytical, Intellectual, Reserved, Independent, Scholarly, Judgmental

Complicated, Original, Impulsive, Independent, Expressive, Creative

Helping, Informing, Teaching, Inspiring, Counseling, Serving

Persuasive, Energetic, Sociable, Adventurous, Ambitious, Risk-taking

Careful, Conforming, Conservative, Conscientious, Self-controlled, Structured


Manipulates tools, Possesses mechanical, manual, or athletic ability

Works with abstract ideas and intellectual problems

Uses imagination and feelings in creative expression

Interacts with people, concerned with the welfare of people

Leads, manages, and organizes

Orders activities paying attention to details

Prefers to deal with Things Ideas and Things Ideas and People People Data and People Data and Things

RIASEC Career Personalities (2)



Craftsman, Fitness Trainer,Optician, Policemen, Fire Fighter, Physical Education Teacher

Biologist, Chemist, Historian, Researcher, Doctor, Mathematician

Artist, Musician, Actor/ Actress, Designer, Writer, Photographer

Teacher, Clergy, Coach, Therapist, Nurse, Counselor, Sociologist

Manager, Producer, Lawyer,Business/ Marketing Executive, Entrepreneur, Principal

Accountant, Banker, Editor, Office Manager, Librarian, Reporter

Possible College Majors

Justice Studies, Fire Science, Athletic Training, Martial Arts, Corporate Fitness, Physical Education

Biology, Chemistry, Nursing, Pre-Medicine, Mathematics, History

Art, Theater, Graphic Design, Music, Journalism, Communication

Nursing, Christian Education, Counseling, Biblical Studies, Social Science, Education

Pre-Law, Business Management and Administration, International Business, Political Science

Business, Accounting, Management

RIASEC Model and Careers

RIASEC Personalities

Realistic Investigative Artistic Social Enterprising Conventional

Careers Engineer Chemist Designer Teacher Manager Accountant

Careers Technician Physician Musician Nurse Lawyer Office Clerk

What Are Your Abilities?

• Athletics

• Drawing

• Math

• Music

• Painting

• Solving

• Singing

• Talking

• Working with Hands

• Writing

Realistic Organizational Manual Dexterity Mechanical Spatial Critical Thinking Technical

Investigative Reading Numerical Investigative Scientific Critical Thinking Analytical

Artistic Language Usage Self-Expressive Artistic Literary Critical Thinking Expressive

Social Reading Language Usage Helping Others Meeting People Team Building Relational

Enterprising Numerical Language Usage Leadership Management Critical Thinking Financial

Conventional Numerical Financial Sales Organizational Critical Thinking Analytical

RIASEC Personality Types Work-Related Abilities

RIASEC Personality Types and Abilities

Communication = Reading or Language Usage Written and Oral Expression = Language Usage Research = Investigative

Selling = Artistic or Enterprising Service = Social

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