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    February  8,  2013  


     1. OVERVIEW  

     The  objective  of  this  Request  for  Proposal  (RFP)  is  for  qualified  communities  to  provide  UBCM  with  proposals  to  host  the  UBCM  Annual  Convention  in  2014.    2. 2014  CONVENTION  DATES:     September  22-‐26th,  2014.    *Pre-‐convention  move  in  for  technical  and  staging  setup  Sat/Sun.  Sept.  20  &  21  


     To  host  Convention  2014  your  community    (the  proponent)  must  meet  all  of  the  Host  Responsibilities  outlined  in  Appendix  A  and  submit  a  completed  “Host  Responsibilities  Detailed  Checklist”,  Appendix  B.    In  addition,  proponents  must  provide  in  detail  the  following  information:    

    1. Name and description of all venues/facilities to be used. 2. Floor Plans for each venue showing space allocations. 3. Proximity and travel time to Convention Centre for facilities/meetings located

    off-site. 4. List of qualified Hotels including total number of rooms available (final list with

    contacts due by June 30, 2013).

    Completed  proposals,  including  council/board  resolution  indicating  support  for  hosting  Convention  2014  must  be  submitted  in  either  hard  copy  or  electronic  format  to:    Kathleen  Spalek,  Manager  of  Finance  and  Corporate  Operations  Suite  60  –  10551  Shellbridge  Way  Richmond,  BC  V6X  2W9  kspalek@ubcm.ca    4. CLOSING  DATE  

     The  closing  date  for  receipt  of  proposals  is  Friday,  March  15,  2013  at  4:30  p.m.  pacific  standard  time.    



      U n i o n o f B C M u n i c i p a l i t i e s Su i te 60 10551 Shel lb ridge Way

    Richmond, BC, Canada V6X 2W9

    Phone: 604.270.8226

    Email: ubcm@ubcm.ca    

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    5. NOTIFICATION    UBCM  will  respond  to  all  communities  that  have  submitted  an  RFP  for  Convention  2014  by  May  1,  2013.    RFP  Schedule   Expected  Date  RFP  issued   Friday,  February  8,  2013  RFP  closes   Friday,  March  15,  2013  Proposals  screened  by   Friday,  April  5,  2013  Final  selection  by   Friday,  April  26,  2013  RFP  Notification     Wednesday,  May  1,  2013      6. CONVENTION  BACKGROUND    The  Union  of  BC  Municipalities  (UBCM)  has  existed  as  the  voice  of  local  government  in  BC  for  over  100  years.    It  is  incorporated  by  an  Act  of  the  provincial  legislature,  and  since  1979  has  maintained  a  hundred  percent  membership.    UBCM  serves  all  local  governments  in  BC  by:   representing   their   common   interests,   especially   with   the   provincial   and   federal  governments;  providing  information,  advice  and  communications;  and  delivering  a  variety  of  member  services.        The   UBCM   Convention,   held   every   year   near   the   end   of   September,   continues   to   be   the  main  forum  for  UBCM  policy-‐making.  It  provides  an  opportunity  for  local  governments  of  all  sizes  and  from  all  areas  of   the  province  to  come  together,  share  their  experiences  and  take  a  united  position.  There  are  up  to  2,000  delegates  that  attend  the  convention  including  local  government  members,  various  provincial  government  representatives,  speakers,  and  individuals  from  related  associations,  media  and  staff.      The  following  are  the  dates  and  location  of  the  next  five  conventions:    Year   Location   Date   Venue  2013   Vancouver   September  16-‐20   Vancouver  Convention  and  Exhibition  Centre  2014   TBD   September  22-‐26   TBD  2015   Vancouver   September  21-‐25   Vancouver  Convention  and  Exhibition  Centre  2016   Penticton   September  26-‐30   Penticton  Trade  and  Convention  Centre  2017   Vancouver   September  25-‐29   Vancouver  Convention  and  Exhibition  Centre  

     7. OTHER  CONSIDERATIONS    UBCM  is  under  no  obligation  to  select  a  proponent  and  may  modify  the  terms  of,  or  cancel,  this  RFP  at  any  time  for  whatever  reason(s)  without  liability  to  the  proponents  or  anyone  else.    

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    Proponents  are  solely  responsible  and  without  recourse  to  UBCM  for  their  own  expenses  in  preparing  and  submitting  a  proposal  and  for  otherwise  participating  in  the  RFP  process.  It  is  the  responsibility  of  proponents  to  ensure  that  they  have  completed  and  fulfilled  all  the  components  of  the  RFP  package.    UBCM   is   responsible   for   and   the   sole   authority   for   all   elements   of   Convention   program  planning.    8. CONFIDENTIALITY    

     UBCM  will  not  disclose  any  information  submitted  under  this  RFP  without  the  written  consent  of  the  proponent  and  will  hold  all  information  in  strictest  confidence.      9. EVALUATION  CRITERIA    Proposals  will  be  evaluated  first  against  their  ability  to  meet  or  exceed  the  minimum  “Host  Responsibilities”  detailed  in  Appendix  A.    The  “Host  Responsibilities  Detailed”  Checklist  in  Appendix  B  will   be   used   to   ensure   that  minimum   requirements   are  met   and   to   evaluate  additional  considerations  that  could  affect  the  RFP  decision  to  award  convention.        

    a. Acceptance  and  Rejection  of  Proposals    UBCM,  in  its  sole  discretion,  shall  have  the  unfettered  right  to:  

    • Accept,  reject  any  or  all  proposals;  • Reject  a  proposal  which  is  the  only  proposal  received  by  the  UBCM.  

     Proposals  which   contain   qualifying   conditions   or   otherwise   fail   to   conform   to   the  requirements  of  the  RFP  may  be  disqualified  or  rejected.    UBCM  may  however,  at  its  sole   discretion   reject,   or   retain   for   its   consideration,   proposals   which   are   non-‐conforming  even  though  they  do  not  meet  all  requirements  set  out  in  the  RFP.  

     b. Improper  Influence    

    No   proponent   shall   discuss   or  make   any   communications   regarding   the   proposal  with   any  member   of   the   Executive   Board   of   the   UBCM   prior   to   the   award   of   the  proposal.  

     10. CONTACTS  AND  INQUIRIES    Clarification  of  terms  and  conditions  of  the  proposal  process  shall  be  directed  to:  

     Kathleen  Spalek,  Manager  of  Finance  and  Corporate  Operations  kspalek@ubcm.ca  604-‐270-‐8226  ext  102  

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    APPENDIX  A    


     UBCM  is  responsible  for  all  elements  of  the  annual  Convention  Program.    The  Convention  is  held  every  second  year  in  Vancouver  and  in  years  when  the  Convention  is  not  in  Vancouver,  a  host  community  will  have  bid  and  been  awarded  the  Convention  for  a  specific  alternating  year.  UBCM  requires  a  council  resolution  accepting  the  Convention  and  host  responsibilities.    This  resolution  must  be  reaffirmed  three  years  prior  to  the  Convention.    The  host  community  shall  be  responsible  for  facilities  to  house  the  Convention  business  sessions;  organizing  the  welcome  reception;  facilities  available  to  accommodate  all  social  events  including  the  annual  banquet;  organizing  the  partners  program  and  other  administrative  assistance  as  may  be  requested  and  agreed.    UBCM  will  provide  the  host  community  with  detailed  planning  figures  and  other  such  information  as  is  available  and  requested.    

      UBCM  requests  that  a  single  “liaison”  be  designated  from  the  host  community  to  be  the  central  source  for  communication  regarding  this  event.    This  designate  and  others  from  the  host  member  are  welcome  to  participate  on  the  UBCM  Convention  Committee  in  the  year  leading  up  to  hosting  the  event.    The  Host  community  shall  be  responsible  for  the  following:    1. Meeting  Facilities  -‐  contracting/financing      2. Delegates  Welcome  Reception  -‐  organizing/financing      3. Delegate  Partners’  Program  &  Registration  -‐  organizing/staffing      4. Hotel  Accommodations  -‐  securing  required  hotel  blocks    5. Additional  Considerations    UBCM  and  the  host  community  will  agree  in  advance  if  any  additional  responsibilities  and/or  costs  are  to  be  assumed  by  the  host  (e.g.  assisting  with  study  tours,  additional  social  events,  etc).    

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    1.   Meeting  Facilities    The  Host  must  provide,  without  charge  to  UBCM,  facilities,  stages,  chairs  and  other  setup  details  for  the  Convention  business,  social  and  associated  sessions.      Convention  Plenary  Session  Room    

    Saturday  and  Sunday  move-‐in  for  technical  setup   Monday  -‐  Friday  (plus  Friday  move  out  by  6  pm)  

     Minimum  requirements  • Capacity  for  1200  delegates  in  theatre-‐style  set-‐up  with  2  aisles  and  central  access  

    row  (approximately  14,000  sf)  • Raised  stage,  minimum  48w  x  20'd  x  32"h’  with  side  stairs,  and  wheelchair  access  

    (ramp  or  lift)    • 20'  ceiling  height  • front  or  rear    screen  projection  options  to  be  determined  by  overall  floor  plan    • 16’  x  8’  tech  stage    • 40’  x  8'  space  for  media  tables,  media  feeds  and  minimum  30  power  outlets  for  

    media  equipment    Registration  Area  

    • approx.  2,000  registrants    

    Delegate  Registration  Services  room      Government  Appointments  Reception  Desk  area    Delegate  Office  Services  

    • photocopy  space  and  power  • fax  access  

     Delegate  E-‐mail  Services    

    • access  to  high  speed  internet,    • space  for  12  -‐  14  computers  and  2  printers  (approx  600sf)  • availability  of  WIFI  service  

     Media  Room  

    • min  500  sf  • access  to  hard  wired  high  speed  internet  and  WIFI  • power  for  computers  and  printers  • telephone/fax  line  

     Executive  Meeting  Room  (Sunday  and  Friday)  

    • 25  people,  boardroom  or  hollow  square  set-‐up    

    UBCM  Office    • approximately  1000  sf  from  Saturday  to  Friday,  central  location  

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     Exhibit  Space  for  Convention  Sponsors  

    • space  for  12  -‐  15  booths,  exclusive  use  for  convention  sponsors  • 10’  x  10'  booth  space  • access  to  wired  and  wireless  high  speed  internet  

     Breakout  Session  Requirements  (plenary  room  can  be  used)    Monday  Study  Sessions    

    • min.  3  rooms,  100  -‐  250  delegates,  semi-‐rounds  or  theatre  seating  • bus  loading  zone  for  study  tours  

     Tuesday  Forums  

    • Regional  Districts  Forum:    150  –  200  delegates,  semi-‐rounds  or  chevron  seating  • Small  Talk  Forum:    250  –  300  delegates,  semi-‐rounds  or  chevron  seating  • Large  Urban  Forum:  140  –  170  delegates  semi-‐rounds  or  chevron  seating  • Mid-‐Sized   Communities   Forum:     220   –   250   delegates   semi-‐rounds   or   chevron  

    seating    Daily  Clinics  

    • Tuesday  -‐  Friday  morning,  7:30  -‐  8:15  am,  4  -‐  6  concurrent  sessions  • Attendance  ranges  from  50  -‐  100  delegates  

     Convention  Breakouts  

    • Wednesday  -‐  4  concurrent  cabinet  panel  sessions  150  –  200  delegates  each  set  theatre  

    • Thursday  -‐  4  concurrent  workshops  of  approx.  100  –  200  delegates  each  set  theatre  or  semi-‐rounds  

     Catered  Function  Facility  Requirements    Coffee  Service  

    • Mon.  –  Tues.  8:00  am  –  3:00  pm  (400  -‐  800  delegates)    • Wed.  –  Thurs.  7:00  am  –  3:00  pm  (ongoing  for  approx.  1000  delegates)  • Fri.  8:00  am–  11:00  am  (800  delegates)  

     Continental  Breakfast  Service  

    • Tues.  7:00  am  –  9:00  am  (approx.  400  delegates)  • Wed  –  Fri.  7:00  am  –  9:00  am  (approx.  800  –  1000  delegates)    

     Ideally  the  breakfast  and  coffee  service  is  in  a  pre-‐function  area  close  to  the  plenary  session  room    Luncheons  (some  may  be  located  off-‐site)  

    • Tuesday:    4  concurrent  luncheons,  one  for  each  forum  150  –  250  delegates  each  • Wednesday:    5  concurrent  luncheons  for  each  Area  Association,  120  –  250  delegates  • Thursday:    Delegates  Lunch,  approx  900  –  1000  delegates,  head  table  for  8  on  stage  

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    • Delegates  Welcome  Reception,  Tuesday  evening  (1200  -‐  1300  people)  • Facilities  required  but  no  financial  responsibility  for  the  following  functions:  

    1. Provincial  Government  reception,  Wednesday  evening,  800  –  1000  delegates  

    2. Sponsor  Reception,  Wednesday  evening,  est  800  –  1000  delegates        Annual  Banquet  &  Reception  -‐  Thursday  6:30  pm  to  12:00  am    

    • Stand-‐up  reception,  6:30  -‐  7:30  pm  for  average  attendance  900  –  1000  delegates  • Plated  dinner  7:30  pm,  option  to  have  head  table  for  min  32  delegates  on  main  stage  • 8’  x  12'  entertainment  stage    

     Provincial  Government  Meeting  Space    The  following  is  also  required  to  be  secured  by  the  host,  however,  no  financial  responsibility  will  be  borne  by  the  host.    Government  Offices  including:  

    • Minister  of  Community,  Sport  and  Cultural  Development,  reception  space  and  room  set  up  with  tables  and  lounge  style  seating  

    • Ministry  of  Community  Sport  and  Cultural  Development  meeting  spaces  for  20  -‐  24  concurrent  meetings  of  various  Ministries  and  Agencies  

    • Individual  rooms  or  large  rooms  which  can  be  divided  with  pipe  and  drape    2.    Delegates  Welcome  Reception    The  Welcome  Reception  is  a  major  event  that  delegates  consider  to  be  a  highlight  of  the  week  and  in  many  ways  it  sets  the  tone  for  Convention.    The  Host  is  responsible  for  the  cost  and  management  of  the  Welcome  Reception.    UBCM  will  act  as  the  consultant,  working  closely  with  the  Host  on  all  aspects.    UBCM  may  contribute  funds  toward  this  event  to  be  approved  annually  by  the  UBCM  Executive.    Reception  Costs:  

    • Food  and  beverage  (beer,  wine  and  non-‐alcoholic  drinks)  for  approximately  1200  –  1300  delegates/guests  

    • Facility  rental  costs  • On-‐site  event  management  staffing  including  greeters,  catering  staff,  host,  etc.  • Costs  of  event  rentals  including  linens,  cocktail  tables,  glassware,  china,  etc.  • Selection  of  suppliers  such  as  caterers,  decor,  entertainment,  security,  etc.  • Provision  of  PA  system  for  announcement  capability,  as  required  • Signage  as  required  

     3. Delegate Partners’ Program & Registration

     The  Host  community  is  responsible  for  all  aspects  of  the  partners  program  including:  

    • Sourcing  program  options  (8-‐10)  and  related  costs  

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    • Writing  promotional  paragraphs  for  delegate  registration  package  • Managing  on-‐site  registration  and  information  services  for  partners  programs  from  

    Tuesday  through  Thursday  • Providing  all  staffing  for  programs  • Providing  UBCM  with  registration  costs  for  the  partners  program  (registration  fees  

    for  the  Partners’  program  will  be  returned  to  the  Host)    UBCM  Convention  committee  will  select  the  Partners  Programs  to  include  at  Convention  from  the  options  provided  by  Host.    UBCM  will  include  the  Partner’s  program  with  the  registration  process.    4. Hotel Accommodations  Accommodation  minimum  requirements:  

    • The  host  shall  provide  UBCM  with  a  list  of  hotel  properties  and  contacts  by  June  30,  2013    

    • Accommodations  must  be  a  minimum  3  star  quality  rating  • Accommodations  must  reside  within  the  host  community’s  boundaries  • An  “internal”  hotel  block  of  75  rooms  will  be  assigned  for  UBCM  use    • 10  one  bedroom  suites  will  be  designated  in  a  property  near  the  convention  venue  

    for  UBCM  use      

    UBCM  will  be  responsible  for  signing/managing  hotel  contracts/blocks  and  publicizing  the  hotel  information  to  delegates.    The  host  community  may  consider  a  “nightly  room  charge”  on  these  hotel  rooms  to  offset  the  host  community’s  costs.    If  the  host  community  approves  this  fee  UBCM  will  ensure  it  is  included  in  hotel  contracts  for  remittance  back  to  the  host  community.    Min.  number  of  rooms  required:       Sunday   600     Monday   1000     Tuesday   1200     Wednesday   1200     Thursday   1200      These  rooms  will  be  available  for  individual  delegate  bookings.    Please  indicate  if  a  “central  reservations”  system  is  available  in  your  area.    5. Additional Considerations  Insurance    UBCM  must  be  placed  as  an  “additional  named  insured"  for  the  purpose  of  the  Convention  on  any  insurance  policy.    A  copy  of  this  must  be  provided  to  UBCM  no  less  than  6  months  prior  to  the  event.    

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    UBCM’s  Convention  Host  Responsibilities  document  provides  an  outline  of  the  general  responsibilities  required  to  host  convention.  UBCM  has  developed  a  “detailed  checklist”  to  assist  UBCM  and  communities  submitting  an  RFP  in  evaluating  their  ability  to  meet  Convention  venue  and  logistical  requirements.    The  checklist  is  an  evaluation  tool  and  will  be  used  by  UBCM  to  determine  if  the  minimum  requirements  are  met  and  to  determine  additional  considerations  that  could  affect  the  final  RFP  decision  to  award  convention.  Communities  that  submit  an  RFP  must  meet  the  “minimum  requirements”  set  out  in  the  host  responsibilities  document.        OUTLINE

    1. Meeting  Facilities  A. Convention  Plenary  Session  Room  B. Registration  Area  C. Delegate  Registration  Services  D. Government  Appointments  Reception  Desk    E. Provincial  Government  Meeting  Space  F. Delegate  Office  and  Email  Services  G. Media  Room  H. Executive  Meeting  Room  I. UBCM  Staff  Office  J. Convention  Sponsor  and  Delegate  Lounge  Exhibit  Space  K. Breakout  Sessions  

    a) Monday  Study  Sessions  b) Tuesday  Forums  c) Morning  Clinics  d) Convention  Breakouts  

    L. Catered  Function  Facility  Requirements  a) Coffee  Service  b) Continental  Breakfast  Service  c) Luncheons  d) Receptions  (excluding  Welcome  Reception)  

    i. Provincial  Government  and  Major  Sponsor  Reception  ii. Annual  Convention  and  Banquet  Reception  

     2. Delegates  Welcome  Reception  

     3. Delegates  Partner’s  Program  and  Registration  

     4. Hotel  Accommodations  

     5. Additional  Considerations  

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    1. MEETING FACILITIES All Convention Facilities must be wheelchair accessible A. CONVENTION PLENARY SESSION ROOM

    Monday to Friday sessions plus the pre-convention Saturday and Sunday, move in for technical and staging setup

    Minimum Requirements ✔ ✗ 1. 1200 delegate capacity, theatre style set-up, 2 aisles, central access row (approx

    14,000 sq. ft.)

    2. Raised stage, 48'w x 20'd x 32"h, side stairs (preferably at both ends), wheelchair access (ramp or lift)

    3. 20' ceiling height 4. Tech stage 16’ x 8’ x 32” with access to power, and internet 5. Front or rear screen projection options (to be determined by overall floor plan) 6. 40’ x 8' space for media tables, media feeds and minimum 30 power outlets for

    media equipment

    Additional Considerations ✔ ✗ 7. Carpet covered floor – major consideration for venues where an ice arena is to be


    8. Dedicated high speed internet and fiber connectivity capability in Plenary B. REGISTRATION AREA Minimum Requirements ✔ ✗ 1. Space for approx. 2,000 registrants (approx. 6,500 sq. ft.) 2. Nearby secure storage for registration materials C. DELEGATE REGISTRATION SERVICES Minimum Requirements ✔ ✗ 1. Space close to registration area (approx. 400 sq. ft.) 2. Power for 2 or 3 computers and 1 or 2 printers 3. Dedicated phone & wired internet access

    D. GOVERNMENT APPOINTMENTS RECEPTION DESK Minimum Requirements ✔ ✗ 1. Space for Provincial Government staff information desk and signage (approx.


    2. Access to dedicated wired high speed internet line and WiFi

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    E. PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT MEETING SPACE Space must be provided, but there is no financial responsibility from the host.

    Minimum Requirements ✔ ✗ 1. Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development, reception space and

    meeting room set up with board room table

    2. Ministry of Community Sport and Cultural Development meeting spaces for 20 - 24 concurrent meetings of various Ministries and Agencies. This space may be individual rooms, set boardroom, or large rooms which can be divided with pipe and drape, which requires approx. 6,000 sq. ft.

    3. MCSCD Office space for Ministry staff to coordinate government staff meetings 4. Cabinet Ministers’ meetings with Delegates, minimum of 5 private meeting rooms of

    approximately 1000sq. ft. (boardroom set for 20 – 22 people)

    5. Reception area for Cabinet Ministers’ meetings 6. Private meeting room for the Premier F. DELEGATE OFFICE AND EMAIL SERVICES Minimum Requirements ✔ ✗ 1. Space for photocopier and fax/scanning equipment with power (approx. 10’x12’) 2. Access to dedicated high speed internet, WiFi, phone access and power 3. Space for 12 - 14 computers and 2 printers (approx. 600 sq. ft.) Additional Considerations ✔ ✗ 4. Access to high speed internet (additional considerations for internet access include

    dedicated wired access, minimum 2mbps, preferred 10mbps)


    Minimum Requirements ✔ ✗ 1. Private meeting room, (500 sq. ft.) 2. Access to hard wired high speed internet and WiFi 3. Power for computers and printers 4. Phone/fax line H. EXECUTIVE MEETING ROOM

    Sunday and Friday

    Minimum Requirements ✔ ✗ 1. Boardroom or hollow square set-up for 25 individuals I. UBCM STAFF OFFICE

    Saturday to Friday

    Minimum Requirements ✔ ✗ 1. Central location, separate room (approx. 1,000 sq. ft.) 2. Dedicated power for 4 to 6 desktop computers and 2 printers

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    Additional Considerations ✔ ✗ 3. Dedicated power drop (20 amp) for UBCM photocopier 4. Dedicated internet IP address, minimum 2mbps 5. Access to in-house audio signal from Plenary meeting room J. CONVENTION SPONSOR AND DELEGATE LOUNGE EXHIBIT SPACE

    Minimum Requirements ✔ ✗ 1. Space for 12 – 15 booths (10’ x 8’) for the exclusive use of major convention

    sponsors. Prefer close proximity to Plenary and coffee service areas, (approx. 5,000 sq. ft)

    2. Access to power (one 15 amp outlet per booth) 3. Access to wired and wireless WiFi high speed internet K. BREAKOUT SESSIONS (plenary room can be used) All break out meeting space must include risers for minimum 8’ x 16’ stage, black stage skirting, side stairs (preferably at both ends), and suitable head table skirting.

    a) Monday Study Sessions Minimum Requirements ✔ ✗ 1. 3 rooms, 100 - 250 delegates, semi-rounds or theatre seating (approx. 3,000 sq. ft.

    per session room)

    2. Bus loading zone for study tours close to main Convention venue

    b) Tuesday Forums Minimum Requirements ✔ ✗ 1. Regional Districts Forum: 150 – 200 delegates, semi-rounds or chevron seating,

    (approx. 3,000 sq. ft.)

    2. Large Urban Forum: 150 – 180 delegates semi-rounds or chevron seating, (approx. 3,000 sq. ft.)

    3. Mid-Sized Communities Forum: 250 – 270 delegates semi-rounds or chevron seating, (approx. 5,000 sq. ft)

    4. Small Talk Forum: 250 – 300 delegates, semi-rounds or chevron seating, (approx. 5,000 sq. ft)

    c) Morning Clinics: Tuesday through Thursday 7:30 am – 8:15 am

    Minimum Requirements ✔ ✗ 1. Space to hold 4 – 6 concurrent sessions with attendance ranging from 50 – 200

    delegates per room, (approx. 1,0000 sq. ft. per room, prefer 1500-2000 sq. ft)

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    d) Convention Breakouts: Wednesday and Thursday Minimum Requirements ✔ ✗ 1. Wednesday - 4 concurrent cabinet panel sessions 150 – 200 delegates, set theatre,

    (approx. 2,000sq. ft. required for each session room)

    2. Thursday - 4 concurrent workshops of approx. 100 – 200 delegates each set theatre or semi-rounds, minimum 2000sq. ft. each session room


    a) Coffee Service (space for up to 1,000 delegates) Mon. – Tues. 8:00 am – 3:00 pm Wed. – Thurs. 7:00 am – 3:00 pm Fri. 8:00 am– 11:00 am

    b) Continental Breakfast Service Tues. 7:00 am – 9:00 am (approx. 400 delegates) Wed – Fri. 7:00 am – 9:00 am (approx. 800 – 1,000 delegates)

    Minimum Requirements ✔ ✗ 1. Space for the breakfast and coffee service should be in pre-function area close to

    plenary session room that will also serve as the “Delegate Lounge area” and must accommodate between 500 and 1,000 delegates

    c) Luncheons (some may be located off-site)

    Tuesday: 4 concurrent luncheons, one for each forum 150 – 300 delegates Wednesday: 5 concurrent Area Association luncheons, 150 - 300 delegates Thursday: Delegates Lunch, approx. 900 – 1,000 delegates, head table for 8

    on stage

    d) Receptions (excludes Welcome Reception) No financial responsibility for the host

    i. Provincial Government & Major Sponsor Receptions –Wed. evening

    Wednesday Evening Minimum Requirements ✔ ✗ 1. Space for each function to hold 800 – 1,000 delegates.

    ii. Annual Convention Banquet & Reception –Thurs. 6:30 pm – 12:00 am Minimum Requirements ✔ ✗ 1. Space for stand-up reception, 6:30 - 7:30 pm for average attendance 900 – 1,000


    2. Plated dinner 7:30 pm, option to have head table for min. 32 delegates on main stage

    3. 8’ x 12' entertainment stage

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    2. DELEGATES WELCOME RECEPTION – TUESDAY EVENING Minimum Requirements ✔ ✗ 1. Reception space for approx. 1,200 – 1,300 delegates. May be held at convention

    center or offsite.

    2. Transportation required if event is held off-site. 3. Food and beverage (beer, wine and non-alcoholic drinks) for approx. 1,200-1,300


    4. On-site event management staff (greeters, catering staff, hosts, etc) 5. Provision of PA system for announcement capability, as required 6. Signage as required *Please refer back to Host Responsibilities for additional details on responsibilities and costs. 3. DELEGATE PARTNERS’ PROGRAM & REGISTRATION Minimum Requirements ✔ ✗ 1. Source Partner Program options (8-10) and related costs such as transportation,

    entry to special venues, food and beverage, equipment rentals

    2. Prepare promotional paragraphs for delegate registration package 3. Provide space and manage on-site registration and information services for partners

    programs from Tuesday through Thursday

    4. Provide all staffing and tour guides for programs 5. Provide UBCM with registration costs for the partners program (registration fees for

    the Partners’ program will be returned to the Host)

    *Please refer back to Host Responsibilities for additional information and details. 4. HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS Minimum Requirements ✔ ✗ 1. The host shall provide UBCM with a list of hotel properties and contacts by June 30,


    2. Accommodations must be a minimum 3 star quality rating 3. Accommodations must reside within the host community’s boundaries 4. An “internal” hotel block of 75 rooms will be assigned for UBCM use 5. 10 one bedroom suites will be designated in a property near the convention venue

    for UBCM use

    *Please refer back to Host Responsibilities for additional details on responsibilities and costs. 5. ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS Insurance UBCM must be placed as an “additional named insured" for the purpose of the Convention on any insurance policy. A copy of this must be provided to UBCM no less than 6 months prior to the event.

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    Security Additional Considerations ✔ ✗ 1. General security of primary convention venue with a minimum of one guard on duty at

    all times when the building is open, with the capability of locking the building overnight.

    2. Security at additional points of vulnerability such as loading docks during move-in and move-out, or at all times when loading and delivery areas are open but not locked.

    3. Additional security for session entry will be contracted by UBCM directly with a local security supplier.

    4. Any additional security costs outside of the general convention will be the responsibility of UBCM.


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