revitalizing hyogo - 兵庫県 · revitalizing hyogo messages and ... hard at your job, studies,...

Post on 01-Oct-2020






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‘Banshu-ori’ is a type of weaving developed by the people and nature of the northern Harima region. This treasured textile is so popular that many high-class overseas brands order it.

*Messages of encouragement for the creation of Hyogo

*Voices from Foreign Residents

Artistic Director & Conductor, Hyogo Performing Arts Center

Pro Soccer Player, Hyogo Prefecture Native


Weightlifting Athlete (ALSOK), Hyogo Prefecture Native

Yutaka Sado

Shinji Kagawa

Mariko Kinoshita

Kanae Yagi

Where Dreams Come to Life

Revitalizing Hyogo

● Messages and Foreword

● Hyogo Prefecture-Gateway to the Asia-Pacific Region

● Hyogo, Kansai and the World

● Hyogo’s Diverse Potential

● Localities in Hyogo-A Japan in Miniature

● Charms of Hyogo: Tourism, Business, Study and Living

● Hyogo Regional Revitalization Strategy


Messages of encouragement for the revitalization of Hyogo.

My precious home townI grew up in Hyogo. It’s a place that offers the benefits of big cities as well as the natural environment, with the sea and the mountains in close proximity. There are also a lot of sports facilities, making it a great environment for raising kids. I have been to a lot of cities around the world, but I really feel that Hyogo is one of the most attractive places on Earth. It is my precious home town.

Shinji Kagawa Pro Soccer Player, Hyogo Prefecture Native

So many activities to enjoy and ways to soothe the soulHyogo Prefecture offers a great range of activities for fun and relaxation. There’s skiing, camping, beaches to swim at, and the million-dollar night view. Kobe is a fantastic shopping hub and has so many stylish cafes. Having all these opportuni-ties for fun and relaxation at your fingertips brings a natural motivation to work hard at your job, studies, sports, or home duties. The activities that soothe my soul the most are going to the Arima Onsen hot springs and eating Kobe beef.

Kanae Yagi Weightlifting Athlete (ALSOK), Hyogo Prefecture Native

Living as nature intendedI think the best thing about Hyogo Prefecture is the fact that it has the perfect amount of convenient facilities in an environment full of rich and beautiful nature. This is in addition to the great fusion of Japanese culture and other cultures that we have here. It’s a place where we can experience a high-quality lifestyle, living as nature intended.

Mariko Kinoshita Calligrapher

A region full of characterThere are many places in Hyogo that are filled with such great character and charm. I work at the Hyogo Performing Arts Center, which was built in Nishinomiya to symbolize the region’s recovery from the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake. As the center’s artistic director, it is my job to use music to bring a richer future to the people and towns in our region. I hope to continue supplying these ‘vitamins to nourish the soul’ into the future, so that this theater may be a place full of charm for people to gather.

Yutaka Sado Artistic Director & Conductor, Hyogo Performing Arts Center


Air routes and time between KIX and the world

Major networks in Japan

24:20 San Paulo

New York 16:30

Los Angeles 10:15

Seattle 9:25Vancouver 9:10

Honolulu 7:35

Moscow 9:45

Rome 14:20

11:00 Sydney

6:20 Singapore


16:30 Cairo

Johannesburg 17:55


5:30 Bangkok3:40 Hong Kong

2:10 Shanghai3:10 Beijing

1:25 Seoul

10:55 Auckland


JR Shinkansen

Major cities

(As of March 2016)




Kobe Osaka


























Hyogo ‒ bringing more dreams to life

Photo: Takeda Castle RuinsImage provided by Toshihisa Yoshida

Located almost exactly in the center of Japan, Hyogo is a vast prefecture bordered by the Sea of Japan to the north, and the Seto Inland Sea to the south, as well as the Pacific Ocean on the other side of Awaji Island. Hyogo offers a great variety of attractions. There is the cosmopolitan city of Kobe (population 1.5 million), as well as Himeji and its World Heritage Site Himeji Castle. Then there is Tajima, the area that has long protected the pedigree of Tajima cattle, used for Kobe beef, and Awaji, the site for the Japanese creation legend. With such a diverse range of wonderful features, offering everything from large cities to abundant nature, people even refer to Hyogo as ‘Japan in miniature’.The lessons we learned from the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake have taught us not only about

measures to prevent and reduce the impact of disasters, they are also utilized in areas such as medicine and nursing care, child-rearing and education, and crime prevention, as we aim for safety and

security in every aspect of the lives of Hyogo residents.Our prefecture has many other strengths to its name ‒ it is a base for manufacturing industries, one of the world’s best science

and technology platforms, and is blessed with a climate that produces a great range of food and culinary culture, a local communi-ty with a rich global flair, and a forward-thinking population that is carving out a new future.I intend to continue to maximize these wonderful aspects of Hyogo to revitalize our region, uncovering the new future as we aim

to make Hyogo the prefecture which brings the most dreams to life. A prefecture in which each resident can achieve his or her ambitions, and live with a fulfilled heart.Hyogo lets you live the way you want, and work the way you desire, launching any industry you would like. This is the stage to

act out the story of your life.

Toshizo IdoGovernor of Hyogo Prefecture



Hyogo Prefecture, situated in the geographical center of Japan, is easily accessible to the world by sea and air. Within Japan, Hyogo Prefecture offers smooth and uninterrupted passage to various cities by extensive expressway, railway, and airline networks.

Hyogo Prefecture ̶ Gateway to the Asia-Pacific Region

Kobe Airport

Akashi Kaikyo Bridge

Port of Kobe


The Japanese archipelago, shaped like a bow, is located at the eastern end of the Eurasian Continent. Japan consists of four major islands and many smaller ones. Its land extends considerably both east to west and north to south, resulting in a diversity of climatic conditions around the country. The Kansai region, in which Hyogo Prefecture is located, has its own economic and cultur-al features that are distinct from those of the Tokyo metropolitan area.Blessed with a central location, Hyogo Prefecture has developed quick and easy access to various places throughout Japan and around the world. Moreover, since the opening of the Port of Kobe in 1868, Hyogo has served as a gateway to Japan for the outside world. As access to the Prefecture developed, so did the exchange of cultures. Many aspects of Western culture, such as movies and golf, entered Japan through Hyogo and later have spread throughout the country. At the same time, karaoke, anime, and other aspects of Japanese culture have spread from Hyogo to the world.

Kansai International Airport, or KIX, is Japan’s only 24-hour airport. Kobe, Hyogo’s capital, is one of the closest cities to the Airport. The Airport can be reached in approximately one hour from Kobe by express bus.Kobe Airport, or UKB, is a domestic airport which has excellent access. It is as little as 16 minutes from downtown Kobe via the Portliner train service and is also just half an hour away from KIX via a bay shuttle ferry service.

Airport Access

Major expressways that traverse Japan from east to west and from north to south pass through Hyogo Prefecture. Excellent access is available from Hyogo to cities outside of the Prefecture. Construction of the Akashi Kaikyo Bridge, the world’s longest suspension bridge, was completed in April of 1998, linking Hyogo Prefecture to the island of Shikoku.

Road Network

The Port of Kobe is a major international trade port that is connected to more than 130 countries and regions as well as over 500 ports globally through its various international liner routes to places such as North America, Europe, Australia, Asia and China. The port is equipped with a high-standard container terminal, playing an important role as a strategic international container port.It is also one of the most popular cruise ports of call in Asia, with over 1,000 passenger boats calling at the port annually.

The Port of Kobe

One of the world’s fastest trains, the Shinkansen, or bullet train, runs from Kobe to destinations east and west, making the travel time from Kobe to Tokyo only about two and a half hours. In combination with those of Osaka and Kyoto, Hyogo’s extensive transportation system, including various railways such as JR, Hankyu, Hanshin, Sanyo, Kobe Dentetsu, and the Kobe Munici-pal Subway, make up an integrat-ed commuter sphere in the larger Kansai metropolitan area.

Railway Access


Hyogo, Kansai, and the WorldHyogo Prefecture has developed into a highly internationalized region centered around the Port of Kobe, and now it serves as home to many international institutions. Hyogo forms the Kansai economic region together with Osaka and Kyoto.

Port of Kobe - present day

Port of Kobe shortly after opening: Picture by Sadanobu Hasegawa II (Kobe City Museum)

The area centered around Hyogo, Osaka, and Kyoto is called the Kansai region, and it was the center of Japan for over 1,000 years until the capital was moved to Tokyo in 1868. As a result, Kansai is rich with shrines, temples, and historic sites. About half of Japan’s designated national treasures and important cultural properties are located in the Kansai region. The area is also known for its diversified natural beauty, including forests, lakes, and the sea.Unlike the Tokyo metropolitan area, Kansai is a decentral-ized region consisting of the three major cities of Osaka, Kobe, and Kyoto. The three cities respectively display features of a commercial city, an international city, and a historic city, forming a great economic sphere. Other large cities as well as smaller cities and towns all contribute to the area’s attractiveness and prosperity. With the global access of Kansai International Airport, the Kansai region is expected to become an international exchange base, mainly for the Asia-Pacific region.

A World Metropolis, Kansai

According to ancient Japanese mythology, the Japanese archipelago came into existence with the formation of Awaji Island, which now belongs to Hyogo Prefecture. This legend shows Hyogo’s considerable contribution to the develop-ment of Japanese culture in ancient times. Hyogo has been left with a diversity of historical sites, including Himeji Castle, which was designated by UNESCO as a World Cultural Heritage site.Historically, Hyogo has played a key role in developing transportation routes on land and by sea, and prospered from domestic and international exchange. Since the opening of the Port of Kobe in 1868, Hyogo has been a gateway to the world, serving as a center of international trade and a hub for international exchange.In terms of modern day attributes, Hyogo Prefecture serves as an international base for research projects that cover a wide range of areas. Research facilities that have been established in Hyogo include the world’s largest synchrotron radiation facility (SPring 8), the International EMECS Center for environmental management of enclosed coastal seas, and the WHO Kobe Centre, which conducts human health studies. Based on the lessons learned from the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, research activities for disaster management and prevention are under way at the Disaster Reduction and Human Renovation Institution as well as the Asian Disaster Reduction Center. In addition, various other international research organizations are coming together in Hyogo Prefec-ture.

Hyogo Within Kansai


Hyogo’s diverse potential

 Twenty years have passed since the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, a disaster which caused unprecedented levels of damage. During these two decades, Hyogo has taken many steps forward on the road to ‘creative recovery’, rebuilding lives, reconstructing industries, developing infrastructure, and establishing a disaster-aware culture focused on reducing disaster risk, while also taking on the challenges presented by the aging population of the 21st century, which have been even more significant since the earthquake. Over the next twenty years, we will continue our disaster risk reduction measures, and utilize the know-how we have accumulated to this point to pursue safety and security in all

aspects of Hyogo residents’ lives, including welfare, nursing, medicine, child-rearing, education, and crime prevention. This will allow us to create a prefecture which is the safest and offers the best lifestyle in Japan.

1. The safety and security that is present in all Hyogo residents’ lives, based on the lessons we learned from the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake

Departure ceremony for the first support team to the Kumamoto earthquake

Medivac helicopter ‘Konotori’

Many Hyogo businesses have already contributed to Japan’s industrial development through their excellent technical prowess, but even these

companies are finding it more and more important to utilize their core technology to elevate their competitiveness. For this reason, we will aim to achieve further progress for our ‘manufacturing prefecture Hyogo’ in next-generation industries with high growth potential (aviation, robotics, environment/next-generation energy, advanced medicine, etc.) by utilizing significant manufacturing technology and platforms for advanced science and technology to increase added value to our industry and accelerate corporate development.

2. Manufacturing technology that can be utilized in fields such as aviation, robotics, the environment and next-generation energy, and advanced medicine

Mitsubishi Regional Jet©Mitsubishi Aircraft Corporation

Large liquefied hydrogen transport ship (Image supplied by Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd.)

Hyo go i s h ome t o t w o m a j o r intellectual creation hubs for analysis and simulation. In the Harima region are SPring-8, the world’s most powerful large third-generation synchrotron radiation facility, and SACLA, a facility for the National Critical Technology, X-ray free electron laser. Then there’ s the Kobe region and its K Computer, a supercomputer with the world’ s highest level of arithmetic performance standards.Developing technology utilizing this world c lass plat form for advanced science and technology will achieve progress in industrial innovation.

3. A world-class ‘platform for advanced science and technology,’ as seen in our large third-generation synchrotron radiation facility SPring-8 and the supercomputer K Computer

ⒸRIKENThe K Computer

Large third-generation synchrotron radiation facility SPring-8, and X-ray free electron laser SACLA.



Hyogo’s agricultural and fisheries industry is rooted in the prefecture’s diverse climate and environment. Many of Hyogo’s food products are famous throughout Japan. Awaji Island, in particular, is said to have been a miketsukuni, a locality that supplied food to the Imperial Household and Imperial Court from old times until the Heian Period(794-1192). Its onions, lettuce and other vegetables, and seafood such as sand lance and shirasu are among the items actively produced here.

We aim to maximize these strengths our prefecture possesses, developing a robust agricultural and fisheries industry to increase our gross production, while also establishing our prefecture as a modern day ‘miketsukuni’ which delivers great cuisine throughout Hyogo, across Japan, as well as around the world.

IWC 2016 ‘Sake Division’, held in Hyogo

Since the Meiji Period, the port of Kobe has developed into one of the world’s greatest international sea ports. Kobe has also grown into a cosmopolitan community, welcoming about 97,000 foreign residents from 145 countries, and with many schools for foreign children and religious facilities for people of various different faiths.Hyogo is accepting of diversity in its people and their culture, and a spirit of ‘multicultural coexistence’ has been cultivated, in which all people recognize and respect their differences. With this foundation, we continue to try to attract external workers, promote the establishment of and investment in corporations, and develop global human resources, in an effort to encourage the in-flow of people, businesses, and capital to Hyogo from around Japan and across the globe.

4. Our ‘spirit of multicultural coexistence’, cultivated in cosmopolitan areas such as Kobe

The Former Foreign Settlement of Kobe

Kobe Motomachi-Chukagai (Chinatown)

Hyogo has a great history of people and companies that have taken on formidable new challenges. There was Jiro Shirasu, who was active in the Japan-US peace negotiations, and Naomi Uemura, the world’s first mountaineer to conquer the highest peaks on five continents including Asia. Then there is Hankyu Corporation, the railway company which created business models for private railway operation with its urban development, running of the Takarazuka Revue, and department store management.The forward-looking disposition of these ‘Hyogobito’ (Hyogo people) is what motivates us to boldly tackle new issues and carve out the path towards tomorrow. By enhancing the abilities of the human resources that support our region and industry, promoting entrepreneurship and business foundation, and fostering a spirit of home community, we will continue to develop such Hyogobito to lead the prefecture’s future.

5. The ‘forward-looking disposition’ of Hyogo residents, developed by the people and companies that continue to take on new challenges

Naomi Uemura ⒸUemura Naomi Memorial Museum

6. The modern day miketsukuni, delivering agricultural and fisheries products with firm roots in the local land and diverse climate

Japan Pavilion at Expo Milano, Hyogo Prefecture promotion


Hyogo Prefecture extends from the Japan Sea in the north to the Seto Inland Sea in the south, and further down to the Pacific Ocean through Awaji Island. Hyogo has an overall area of 8,395 square kilometers, with a population of about 5.6 million as of January 2010.

● Hyogo Prefecture is situated almost exactly in the middle of the Japanese archipelago. Bordered by the Sea of Japan to the north, and the Seto Inland Sea to the south, as well as the Pacific Ocean on the other side of Awaji Island, this vast prefecture features regions full of character, with large cities as well as abundant nature.

● Taking advantage of the prefecture’s diverse climate and natural features, Hyogo produces many agricultural and fisheries products, with brands such as Kobe Beef, Yamada Nishiki sake brewer’s rice, Tamba black beans, Awaji onions, and Tajima snow crab, known across the entire country.

● Stretching along the coastline of the Seto Inland Sea to the east and west are Kobe, cosmopolitan city with a popula-tion of around 1.5 million, and Himeji, Nishinomiya, and Amagasaki, cities with populations of around 500,000. This is also an area featuring many of the nation’s best schools and companies.

Hyogo Prefecture contains a rich variety of communities ranging from largecities to rural villages as well as isolated islands, and also has several diversified climatic and natural features. Various leisure activities can be enjoyed here, including swimming, skiing, and bathing in numerous hot springs. As a result, Hyogo Prefecture has become known as a Japan in Miniature. The Prefecture consists of five highly distinctive districts: Settsu (Kobe and Hanshin), Harima, Tajima, Tamba, and Awaji, each of which has its own unique history, climate, and industries.

Due to the region’s vast land size, climates in Hyogo vary by region, and can be categorized into three different geograph-ic zones - the southern area along the Seto Inland Sea, the northern area along the Japan Sea, and the mountainous area in the middle.The climate in the south is moderate with little rain, while the cloudy and rainy north receives seasonal winds from Siberia in the wintertime and has a lot of snowfall.


Most of the Prefecture’s population - over 90% - reside in the urban areas of Kobe, Hanshin, and Harima. Industries such as steel, shipbuilding, and machinery are concentrated in these large urban areas.In contrast, agricultural, forestry, and fishing industries are active in the districts of Tajima, Tamba, and Awaji, against the backdrop of beautiful rivers, mountains, and seas.


As a result of Hyogo’s diversified climate and abundant natural features, swimming and other marine sports can be enjoyed in the summer in various places facing the Japan Sea and the Seto Inland Sea, while in the winter skiing can be enjoyed in the mountains of Tajima. Also, Arima hot springs, one of the oldest in Japan, as well as Kinosaki and Yumura hot springs, are all popular tourist attractions in Hyogo Prefecture.

Leisure Activities

In various parts of the Prefecture, traditional culture has been passed down through the generations. Visitors can enjoy the traditional Awaji Ningyo Joruri puppet theater and the all-female Takarazuka Revue. There are also a variety of exciting events, such as the Nada Fighting Festival and Toka Ebisu as well as the Shunsetsusai Festival (Chinese New Year festival) in Nankinmachi (Chinatown).

Festivals and Events

Localities in Hyogo ̶ A Japan in Miniature

Hyogo Prefecture is situated almost exactly in the middle of the Japanese archipelago. Bordered by the Sea of Japan to

Awaji Island

Osaka BayOsaka Bay

Harima Nada

IslandAwaji Awaji Awaji IslandAwaji IslandAwaji

Osaka Bay

Harima NadaHarima Nada

Seto Inland Sea






Prefectural capital Kobe CityOsaka BayOsaka BayOsaka BayOsaka Bay

Harima Nada



Prefectural Prefectural Prefectural Prefectural capital capital capital Kobe CityKobe CityKobe Citycapital Kobe Citycapital capital Kobe Citycapital capital Kobe Citycapital

Settsu(Kobe and Hanshin)

Akashi Kaikyo Bridge and the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall

● Located on the Japan  Standard Time meridian  (135° East Longitude)● Population: 5.53 million  (2015 census figure)● Area: 8,400km²● Prefectural capital:  Kobe City












The 5 Districts of Hyogo Kobe-Hanshin, Harima, Tajima, Tamba, and Awaji



The Kobe/Hanshin area is known as a leader in arts and culture (Takarazuka Revue, etc.), sports (Koshien

Stadium, etc.), and multi-cultural coexistence (international trade port).

As the entrance to Hyogo, there are abundant options for work, education and living, and a

transportation network that allows convenient travel to major cities in

less than two hours.

Sights from the 5 Districtsof Hyogo

Kobe beefTajima cattle that meets a set standard is approved as Kobe beef. It was very well received at the Expo Milano 2015.

Rokko MountainsTravel easily from central Kobe to the top of the peaks with a cable car and ropeway(or bus). An observation deck from where you can see the 10 Million Dollar nightscape is located at the peak.

Nightscape from Mount MayaCounted as one of Japan’s top three nightscapes, the view extends all the way to Osaka.

International SchoolChildren from various countries study at nursery school through to high school levels. The photo shows the school library.

Takarazuka Grand TheaterThis popular theater located in Takarazuka held its first perfor-mance in 1914. Productions are performed by an all-female troupe.

Hyogo Tourism Association Multi-language WebsiteHyogo Tourism Association Multi-language Website

ⒸTakarazuka Revue

Takarazuka Grand TheaterThis popular theater located in Takarazuka held its first performance in 1914. Productions are performed by an all-female

Ⓒ Canadian Academy (Information in English, Chinese, Korean)

International SchoolChildren from various countries study at nursery school through to high school

Ⓒ Kobe City


HARIMAThe Harima area,

home to the World Heritage Site Himeji Castle, is centered around Himeji City with a

population of 500,000. The area stretches from the warm Seto Inland to the mountains where you can enjoy skiing.

Harima is popular with families as it meets a variety of lifestyle needs

from urban to country.

The world’s largest third-generation synchrotron radiation facility ‘SPring-8’, and the X-ray laser ‘SACLA’’Located in Harima Science Garden City, this is a large-scale synchro-tron radiation facility capable of generating synchrotron radiation with the highest performance in the world. The facility is utilized by researchers from across Japan and around the world.

World Heritage Site, Himeji CastleHimeji City. In December 1993, this castle became Japan’s first World Heritage Site, along with the Horyu-ji Temple in Nara. Restoration work on the castle’s large keep was completed in 2015.

AkashiyakiAkashi City. These egg dumplings from Akashi City are famously served with broth for dipping. With about 160 years’ history, they are thought to have been the inspiration for takoyaki octopus dumplings.

dashiAkashi City. These egg dumplings from Akashi City are famously served with broth for dipping. With about 160 years’ history, they are thought to have been the inspiration for takoyaki octopus

The Nada Fighting FestivalHeld in Himeji City, this is one of Japan’s biggest ‘fighting festivals’. It involves (ornate palanquins) jolting against one another fiercely in a dynamic parade, providing a spectacle which makes this festival very popular.

The Nada Fighting FestivalHeld in Himeji City, this is one of Japan’s biggest ‘fighting festivals’. It involves (ornate palanquins) jolting against one another fiercely in a dynamic parade, providing a spectacle which makes this festival very popular.




TAJIMAThe Tajima area situated in the northern part of

Hyogo Prefecture faces the Sea of Japan, famous for snow crab.

Visitors can enjoy beaches in the summer, and skiing in the winter. Accessible within two

hours from Kobe and Himeji, this area is perfect for outdoor-oriented families who want to raise their children

in a nature-rich environment, etc.

Kinosaki OnsenVisit these hot springs in Toyooka City, with their weeping willows swaying in the breeze, the flowers floating along the Otanigawa River, and the rows of quaint wooden inns to stay in. Dress in a yukata and head out for a soak.

Tajima Cattle, the source of Kobe BeefFor hundreds of years, Tajima cattle have been bred in the Tajima region, without any cross-breeding with cattle from other prefectures. They are also the breeding cattle for non-Hyogo brands Matsuzaka beef and Omi beef.

Tajima Cattle, the source of Kobe BeefFor hundreds of years, Tajima cattle have been bred in the Tajima region, without any cross-breeding with cattle from other prefectures. They are also the breeding cattle for non-Hyogo brands Matsuzaka beef and Omi beef.

Oriental White StorkToyooka City. Toyooka was the last habitat for wild oriental white storks, and initiatives to reintro-duce them into the wild have been continuing for more than half a century.

Tajima Ski SlopesHyogo has one of the highest numbers of ski slopes out of all the prefectures in western Japan. The Tajima region has a particularly high concentration of ski fields.

Snow crabTajima region. Snow crab is considered representative of winter cuisine in Tajima, and Tajima boasts the largest catch quantity of snow crab in Japan.


TAMBAThe Tamba area in the northeastern part of Hyogo

Prefecture is famous throughout Japan for its production of brand agricultural products such as

black soy beans, chestnuts, and matsutake mushrooms.

With rich rural landscapes just an hour away from Osaka and Kobe, Tamba is popular with

people wanting to try country living, and people with homes in both the

country and city.

Tamba ChestnutsThese chestnuts have a long history, having been presented to the emperor since the early Heian Period(794-1192).

These chestnuts have a long history, having been presented to the emperor since the early Heian Period(794-1192).

Tamba Black Soybeans and Dainagon Adzuki BeansThese beans are unsurpassable in their size and sheen, and their flavor after boiling is second to none.

The Tamba area in the northeastern part of Hyogo

production of brand agricultural products such as Tambatitanis amicitiae(the Tamba dinosaur)Fossils from a large, herbivorous titanosauriform dinosaur were discov-ered in Tamba City. 

The streets of Kawaramachi, at the site of Sasayama CastleSasayama City. Kawaramachi was built after the completion of Sasayama Castle’s construction, and became the center of trade for Sasayama. The area still maintains its quaint traditional look, and has been selected as one of the government’s Preservation Districts for Groups of Traditional Buildings.

Tamba ChestnutsThese chestnuts have a long history, having been presented to the emperor since the early Heian Period(794-1192).

Japan Heritage listed song, Sasayama City.           is a folk song which is sung when are performed during the Bon Festival. In 2015, it was selected as a Japan Heritage item. In summer, a special dance called the is performed to this song at a festival.

Bon Odori dancesDekansho-bushi


Dekansho Odori

Japan Heritage listed song, Sasayama City.           is a folk song which is sung when are performed during the Bon Festival. In 2015, it was selected as a Japan Heritage item. In summer, a special dance called the is performed to this song at a festival.

Bon Odori dancesDekansho-bushi


Dekansho Odori


Awaji HanasajikiIn Awaji City, this is one of the Kansai region’s best flower parks. Located at the highest point in the hilly area in Awaji Island’s north, visitors can enjoy the view of the huge fields of flowers gently sloping down to the ocean.

AWAJIThe Awaji area,

with a relatively warm climate even in the winter, prospers with primary industries such as puffer

fish, sea bream, onions and Awaji beef. Commuters to schools and work in the Kobe area

have increased since the opening of the Akashi Kaikyo Bridge.

The island’s rich natural environment is very popular with nature lovers.

The Naruto WhirlpoolsMinami Awaji City. Appearing due to tidal variation, these whirlpools are among the largest in the world. We aim to have them recognized as a World Heritage Site.

OnionsAwaji Island has long been considered a‘miketsukuni’(tradi-tional land of imperial food production) which means a ‘culinary paradise’ and Awaji Island Onions are said to be of the highest quality in Japan.

Awaji Island has long been considered a‘miketsukuni’(tradi-tional land of imperial food production) which means a ‘culinary paradise’ and Awaji Island Onions are said to be of

Awaji Puppet TheatreThis type of puppetry is traditional to Awaji, and has been listed as an Important Intangible Folk Cultural Property.

OnionsAwaji Island has long been considered a‘miketsukuni’(traditional land of imperial food production) which means a ‘culinary paradise’ and Awaji Island Onions are said to be of the highest quality in Japan.

OnionsAwaji Island has long been considered a‘miketsukuni’(traditional land of imperial food production) which means a ‘culinary paradise’ and Awaji Island Onions are said to be of the highest quality in Japan.

(three-year tiger puffer fish)Cultivated puffer fish are usually shipped in their second year, but these three-year puffers can grow 1.5 to 2 times the size of the two-year type.

Sannen Torafugu (three-year tiger puffer fish)Cultivated puffer fish are usually shipped in their second year, but these three-year puffers can grow 1.5 to 2 times the size of the two-year type.

(three-year tiger puffer fish)Cultivated puffer fish are usually shipped in their second year, but these three-year puffers can grow 1.5 to 2 times the size of the two-year type.

Sannen Torafugu


★ Hyogo’s world-class charm - World Heritage Sites, Geopark, World’s Biggest, World’s First  ・ Himeji Castle - This famous castle, designated as a national treasure, was built in the 17th century.

          Designated as a World Heritage Site in 1993.  ・ San'in Kaigan Geopark - A treasure trove of valuable topography and geological features. Designated as a Geopark in 2010.  ・ Akashi Kaikyo Bridge - The world’s longest suspen-

sion bridge extends a total of 3,911 m. It was completed in 1998.

  ・ Storks - Storks, once designated as an extinct species, were successfully returned to the wild for the first time in the world.

  ・ Naruto Whirlpools - The world’s largest whirlpools.

★ Rich nature and diverse scenic beauty  ・ Three national parks are located in the prefecture: Setonaikai National Park, San'inkaigan National Park, and Hyounosen-Ushiroya-

ma-Nagisan Quasi-National Park. Various leisure activities such as marine sports and skiing can be enjoyed at the ocean and mountains.

  ・ Various famous spas are located throughout the prefecture including one of Japan’s oldest spas Arima Onsen (Kobe), Kinosaki Onsen (Toyooka) where you can enjoy various outdoor baths, and Yumura Onsen (Shinonsen Town) home to Japan’s hottest spring source (98°C).

  ・ The nightscape from Mt. Rokko is often called a million dollar view. It is one of Japan’s top three nightscapes.

★ Diverse food culture and living culture  ・ Hyogo, supporting the culture of Japanese food: Production of Japanese sake and somen noodles

is highest in Japan.  ・ Various traditional Japanese craft products including incense, woven textiles (Banshu-ori), and

leather goods are produced.  ・ Origin of the world-famous Kobe beef  ・ The culture of Western food developed early on. Many western sweets were disseminated

throughout Japan from here, and are known as Kobe Sweets.※The first locations for jazz and golf in Japan. (The number of golf courses is 2nd in Japan.)

  ・ There are many famous culture and sports facilities including Takarazuka Theatre and the Koshien baseball stadium.

  ・ Storks - Storks, once designated as an extinct

・ Naruto Whirlpools - The world’s largest whirlpools.Tottori Sand Dune (Tottori City) Genbudo (Toyooka City) Tate-iwa (Kyotango City)

  ・ The nightscape from Mt. Rokko is often called a million dollar view. It is one of Japan’s top three

  ・ Hyogo, supporting the culture of Japanese food: Production of Japanese sake and somen noodles

  ・ Various traditional Japanese craft products including incense, woven textiles (Banshu-ori), and

  ・ There are many famous culture and sports facilities including Takarazuka Theatre and the Koshien Kobe Sweets TaxiⒸKinki Taxi Corporation

Increasing number of foreign tourists

Diverse tourism resources

Charms of Hyogo: Tourism, Business, Study and Living


Number of foreign tourists to Hyogo: 1,280,000 people (9th nationwide) → approx. 1.5-fold from 830,000 visitors in 2014

Foreign tourists spending night in Kinosaki Onsen2014: 13,900 people → 2015: 31,400 people [2.3-fold]19
































19,740,000 people



Transition in number of foreign tourists

Approx. 3-fold in 10 years6,730,000 people →19,740,000 people

Approx. 54-fold in 50 years370,000 people→19,740,000 people

Facts and data



I was quite surprised when you've asked me “what do you like in Goshoboh?”. Because I usually address this question to people who have visited Goshoboh, and I was hoping to hear your comment on that too. Now that I am asked to summarize how I feel about Goshoboh, It seems to me that it is easier to chat about it rather than writing about it in few lines ( or pages). But, I am glad that you have asked me. As I am writing to you these lines, I am

remembering the first time I ever came to Arima Onsen, and to Goshoboh. Time goes by so quickly. 12 years later, I am living in Arima as a member of the Goshoboh family. That summer day, Kazushige (who is today my husband) invited me and other classmates to the Arima Natsu Matsuri*, where I participated in the Makura Nage** game, and by mistake I end up throwing the pillow on Kanai-san (who is now my father-in-law). How bizarre is that?! I absolutely do beliefs in meaningful coincidences, or what we call “En”(fate).

 So, my first impression of Arima and Goshoboh was “Junsui***” “Nice” people. I could feel a certain beauty of effortless connection. And I still feel so today. So, when asked what do I like in Goshoboh, I would say that it is beyond just a historical building with good taste and rich History, or a great place, with warm staff, indulging cuisine, and relaxing onsen bath. For me, It is about the messages embedded in every activity since the establishment during the Kamakura period. I had the chance to visit several gorgeous Ryokans, and I love most of them, but frankly, I feel that the true beauty of Goshoboh is hidden in the core believes of the Kanai family for 16 generations. The spirit of hospitality is certainly inherited in the DNA of the family, but more than that, it is that openness and that strong visionary ability that flow

through the veins of the family that make the most of the beauty of Goshoboh. I admire the fact that Goshoboh is more than a hospitality business, that it has a deeper purpose, after all it was

the early “Yunushi” or the protector of the holy spring of Arima.

I usually work at the small office of Goshoboh, and sometimes at the salon library ( it is so relaxing ), but from time to time I do enjoy bathing at the indoor hot-spring bath, and stay at different rooms when possible. So, as a guest, I feel that Goshoboh has a certain complexity, it has not one single tone. Mostly, I love its harmonious blend of old and new, east and west, rustic and polished, hot and cold, and the list can still go on. And just like nature is complex, imperfect and always moving, I feel that Goshoboh embodies most of these qualities. It is beyond mimicking the beauty of the seasons, or displaying a minimalistic interior, it is about an essence of “har-mony”and “selfishness”. I mean the original meaning of selfishness, which is finding the true self.

‘Harmony and Statement’ through GoshobohLamyaa KanaiArima Onsen (Tocen Goshoboh) Brand Manager (Kobe resident, from Morocco)

Voicesfrom foreignresidents

me “what do you like in Goshoboh?”. Because I usually address this question to

I usually work at the small office of Goshoboh, and sometimes at the salon library ( it is so relaxing ), but from time to time I do enjoy bathing at the indoor hot-spring bath, and stay at different rooms when possible. So, as a guest, I feel that Goshoboh has a certain complexity, it has not one single tone. Mostly, I love its harmonious blend of old and new, east and west, rustic and polished, hot and cold, and the list can still go on. And just like nature is complex, imperfect and always moving, I feel that Goshoboh embodies most of these qualities. It is beyond mimicking the beauty of the seasons,

mony”and “selfishness”. I mean the original meaning of selfishness,

(*) Natsu Matsuri: Japanese traditional summer festival   (**) Makura Nage: Pillow throwing game(***) Junsui: genuine



Receiving system

Visitor Attraction

Provision of information and consultations① Hyogo Tourism Association Multi-language website

Information on tourism in Hyogo Prefecture is provided in English, Chinese and Korean.1-1 [Hyogo Prefecture]  ※ Multi-language tourism websites from cities throughout the prefecture1-2 [Kobe City] [Himeji City] [Nishinomiya City] [Toyooka City]

② Michelin Green Guide Hyogo web-version information for overseasThe ‘Michelin Green Guide Hyogo web-version’ (English, French) has been prepared to provide informa-tion on Hyogo Prefecture’s charm to overseas.

③ Project to promotion formation of regional tourism tour route  ■ THE FLOWER OF JAPAN, KANSAI

From the old days, Kansai was home to old Japan’s capital, and was considered a sacred place where various histories, cultures and beliefs were born.Visitors can experience Japan’s spirituality and aesthetic sense by touring our historical assets and beautiful scenery including our five World Heritage sites.[Five World Heritage Sites] Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto, Historic Monuments of Ancient Nara, Himeji Castle, Buddhist Monuments in the Horyuji Area of Nara, Sacred Sites and Pilgrimage Routes in the Kii Mountain Range.[Seven Picturesque Scenes] Amanohashidate (one of Japan’s three scenic views), Kobe night view, Tottori sand dunes, Naruto whirlpools, Hikone Castle, San'in Kaigan Geopark, Mikata five lakes.

  ■ The Inland Sea, SETOUCHIWe will present a tour to discover a new western Japan, with an extensive route following ‘the golden route’ from Tokyo to Osaka, and utilizing one of the world’s finest inland scenes, historical buildings and traditional art, and so forth.[Main tourism destinations]Tokushima, Naruto, Awajishima Districts, Takamatsu, Naoshima, Kotohira, Shodoshima Island Districts, Shimanami Kaido District, Hiroshima, Miyajima, Iwakuni Districts, etc.

④ Homestays in HyogoOne-day home stay will be possible for those who are interested.

⑤ Support of school exchanges for study groups to Japan ‘Come to HYOGO on an Educational Trip!’Hyogo International Association promotes exchange activities at schools in Hyogo Prefecture for groups visiting Japan on study groups. Support and cooperation are given to promote intergenerational friendships, international exchange and understanding at a grassroots level.

⑥ Wi-Fi environment development support projectDevelopment of a Wi-Fi environment at tourist spots such as tourist information centers, nature parks and museums, etc., is supported.

⑦ Project to attract foreigners through expansion of duty free shops in shopping arcades, etc.Support is given to shopping arcades that are revitalizing their arcades by utilizing the consumption tax exemption policy and enticing foreign tourists by increasing skills for accepting foreign tourists as well as setting up and operating counters for handling duty free applications.

※Sannomiya Center Gai Shopping Street 1-chome Shopping Center Promotion Association (Chuo Ward, Kobe City)  Holding of inbound seminars, preparation of multi-language website

Prefectural Support Programs and Measures

From the old days, Kansai was home to old Japan’s capital, and was considered a sacred

Visitors can experience Japan’s spirituality and aesthetic sense by touring our historical

A Japan study tour scene

We will present a tour to discover a new western Japan, with an extensive route following ‘the golden route’ from Tokyo to Osaka, and utilizing one of the world’s finest inland scenes, historical



★ Excellent geographic advantages  ・ Hyogo Prefecture stretches across the island of Honshu, with its northern edge at the Sea of Japan and its southern edge at the

Pacific Ocean. This means that any freight travelling by land between areas east of the Kansai region and areas west of Chugoku and Shikoku always need to pass through Hyogo, making this an advantageous position.

  ・ Hyogo is adjacent to Osaka, the major hub of the Kansai region, and the two areas make up an integrated economic sphere. Hyogo’s proximity to such a large region for production and consumption is another of its advantages.

★ Easily accessible, with outstanding distribution infrastructure  ・ Home to one of Japan’s most extensive highway networks: continuous work develops the network of highways made up of the

three major north-south routes and the three major east-west routes.  ・ A hub for air travel: Hyogo Prefecture is serviced by several airports including Osaka International Airport (Itami) and Kobe Airport

(Kobe), and also has direct access to the nearby Kansai International Airport (Izumisano, Osaka) via the Hanshin Expressway Wangan Route.

  ・ A gateway for marine transportation: With 30 sea ports, Hyogo Prefecture boasts one of Japan’s largest freight capacities. The Port of Kobe, in particular, is a leading container port that links Japan with over 500 ports in 130 countries and regions around the world.

★ A generous incentive system, and designated International Economic Areas  ・ Subsidy systems are in place for investment and employment, for companies establishing

factories and R&D facilities in Hyogo.  ・ Areas are designated as International Economic Areas, and foreign or foreign-affiliated

companies that open office buildings in these areas are offered various types of support.

★ A hub for a diverse range of industries,   with a platform for next-generation industry  ・ Hyogo Prefecture is home to key industries with world-class technology, that are

responsible for the foundations of manufacturing. It is also a hub for all kinds of other businesses, including local manufacturers that work with traditional craftsmanship, food and fashion related companies which take advantage of the proximity to major consumption regions, and foreign or foreign-affiliated companies.

  ・ In addition to the global city platforms that Hyogo offers, areas such as Harima Science Garden City and Kobe Biomedical Innovation Cluster are producing new technology in next-generation sectors including aviation and space, robotics, new materials, the environ-ment, energy, and advanced medicine, with progress being made here on a world-class platform for science and technology.

[One of Japan’s biggest factory hubs]・ With about 5% share of the country’s manufactured goods shipments, Hyogo ranks 5th of all prefectures in Japan.[An integrated location for Japanese branches of foreign-affiliated companies]・ Approximately 80 foreign-affiliated companies have their Japanese headquarters in Hyogo (ranking Hyogo 4th in Japan after Tokyo, Kanagawa and Osaka).<<Examples of companies with Hyogo headquarters>>・ Eli Lilly Japan K.K. (Kobe): pharmaceutical products (USA)  ・ Nestlé Japan Ltd. (Kobe): food products (Switzerland)・ The Procter & Gamble Company of Japan Ltd. (Kobe): chemical products (USA)

Foreign companies’ expansion into Hyogo


[Harima Science Garden City]Sprawling across the hilly Nishiharima region in Hyogo Prefecture, this science park hosts the world’s largest-scale synchrotron radiation facility ‘SPring-8’, and X-ray Free Electron Laser Facility SACLA as its core facilities. It also features the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN), the School of Science of the University of Hyogo, and private research institutions.

[Kobe Biomedical Innovation Cluster]One of Japan’s major biomedical clusters, Kobe Biomedical Innovation Cluster is located in the Kobe Port Island area, and is made up of more than 300 medical-related companies, hos-pitals, and research institutions. It is also known as a research center for induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). The world -class supercomputer K Computer is also run at this site.

One of Japan’s major biomedical clusters, Kobe Biomedical Innovation Cluster is located in

pitals, and research institutions. It is also known as a research center for induced pluripotent Hub for the life science industry, Kobe Biomedical Innovation Cluster

  ・ Subsidy systems are in place for investment and employment, for companies establishing

companies that open office buildings in these areas are offered various types of support.

International Economic Area (HAT Kobe)

A prefecture completely set up for business ‒ four benefits to expanding your business into Hyogo

Facts and data



Hyogo is located in the center of Japan, and serviced by both rail (the Shinkansen) and air (Kobe Airport, Itami Airport, and Kansai International Airport), making it very easy to access both from other cities in Japan as well as from overseas. Our company, a pharmaceutical manufacturer, centers its business on state-of-the-art research and development, so having KOBE Biomedical Innovation Cluster so close by is a great advantage. Last financial year, we signed an agreement with the city of Kobe promoting the development of towns that support the lifestyles of people suffering from dementia. I believe that initiatives like this are only achievable because of the platform of networks and research facilities we have here. On a personal level, when I moved to Hyogo several years ago with my family, I found I was able to settle in to life in Japan very smoothly, thanks to the environment with the sea and the mountains so nearby, and the abundance of delicious food and wonderful people we found here. Kobe has a particularly international culture, with diverse educational environments, regions and communities. I also feel it is a great area for working women to raise children in, with its well-prepared working environment. Hyogo offers so many advantages both to its businesses as well as to the people who live here. The thing about Hyogo that I am most grateful for is the fact that decision makers such as governor and mayor are never far away, and we are able to get in touch with them or their staff quickly. This has made business progress very smooth for my company, and is a benefit I feel would not be available in any other place.

An extremely fortunate environment to be in, both as a pharmaceutical company leader, and as a personPatrik JonssonPresident and Representative Director, Eli Lilly Japan K.K. (Kobe resident, from Sweden)

Voicesfrom foreignresidents

Hyogo and Kobe have a history of manufacturing, with developments made here in the shipbuilding and steel industries. The region is now also a hub for research institutions, with many related companies and the supercomputer ‘K Computer’. Advancements are being made here in research and development. With so much state-of-the-art technology, and so many talented workers, the Hyogo and Kobe area is an extremely attractive place for expand-ing your business. And despite being an urbanized area with well-developed commerce and industry, the region is close to the center of Japan and easily accessible, with areas available for development. This is another aspect that adds to the attraction of the Hyogo and Kobe area. In addition to these characteristics, local government bodies offer generous support and cooperation for business-es, making the Hyogo and Kobe region the optimum place for companies looking to expand their businesses.

Hyogo and Kobe have a history of manufacturing, with developments made here in the

made here in research and development. With so much state-of-the-art technology, and so

A center for so many companies and research institutions, including the supercomputer ‘K Computer’Olivier TillierHead of Operations, AIRBUS HELICOPTERS⦆JAPAN CO., LTD. (Kobe resident, from France)

Voicesfrom foreignresidents

Kobe is a fantastic place to live. The climate is pleasant all year round, and the city has a very foreigner-friendly living environment. It is easy to travel to anywhere in Japan if you base yourself in Kobe. And the costs here, in particular the cost of living, are very reasonable compared to other large cities in Asia or other parts of the world. This makes it the best possible place for families, and for raising children. I recommend any companies thinking of setting up an office in Japan to consider Hyogo and Kobe. It will be a wonderful environment for you, your business, and your employees.

The best possible place for families and raising childrenClint NavalesDirector, P&G (Kobe resident, from Philippines)

Voicesfrom foreignresidents

Kobe is a fantastic place to live. The climate is pleasant all year round, and the city has a very foreigner-friendly living environment. It is easy to travel to anywhere in Japan if you base

And the costs here, in particular the cost of living, are very reasonable compared to other large cities in Asia or other parts of the world. This makes it the best possible place for families, and for raising children. I recommend any companies thinking of setting up an office in Japan to consider Hyogo and Kobe. It will be a wonderful environment for you, your business, and your



① Hyogo-Kobe Investment Support CenterThis center provides advice on the incorporation of enterprises and applying for visas to Japan, as well as offering information on offices or sites for expanding one’s business and introducing incentive programs.The advantage the Hyogo-Kobe Investment Support Center offers is its ability to provide information in a one-stop service, which previously would only be available by making arrangements with multiple persons and searching for industry parks and sites in accordance with one’s objectives.

② Hyogo Program for the Promotion of Foreign Direct Invest-ment ‘HYOGO-Kobe, Best Portal Zone’Introducing the attractions of expanding one’s business into Hyogo Prefecture from the six perspectives of (1) start-up services (2) incentives (3) facilities (4) living standards (5) access and (6) safety.

③ A promotional video showing the benefits of the Hyogo economy, ‘Your Best Choice HYOGO-KOBE’This video displays the benefits of the Hyogo economy divided into 10 themes, such as the platform for advanced science and technology with the K Computer and SPring-8, the excellent business environment, and the comfortable lifestyle available to foreigners, etc.

④ Support for establishing factories and R&D facilitiesVarious support systems are in place, including tax reduction (corporate enterprise tax, real estate acquisition tax), capital investment subsidies, employment subsidies, and low-interest financing systems.

⑤ Subsidies for establishing a foreign-affiliated company in an International Economic Area10 districts in the prefecture have been designated as International Economic Areas, and support is available for foreign and foreign-affiliated companies that establish office buildings here. These include reduction of corporate enterprise tax, subsidies for rent and employment, and subsidies for establishment.

Providing information and advice

Incentives for establishing a business in Hyogo

Prefectural Support Programs and Measures

Kojimachi J.H.S. JA Kyosai Bldg.

Sabo Kaikan Bldg.

Hotel New Otani

Hanzomon LineYurakucho LineNagatacho Sta.

Namboku Line Nagatacho Sta.

Route 4 Shinjuku Line

Route 246 (A

oyama St.)

Official residence of the Speaker of the House of RepresentativesOfficial residence of the Speaker of the House of RepresentativesAkasaka Excel Hotel Tokyu

Ginza LineMarunouchi LineAkasaka-mitsuke Sta.

Todofuken Kaikan Bldg.

NTokyo Office

Hankyu Kobe-sannomiya Sta.

Hanshin Kobe-Sannomiya Sta.

JR Sannomiya Sta.Port Liner Sannomiya Sta.

Flower Road

Boeki Center Sta.

Chuo Ward Office

Kobe Kotsu Center Bldg.

Kobe International House

4F, Kobe Commerce, Industry and Trade Center Bldg.


Post office〒Subway

Kobe City Hall

Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ




Isogami Park

Higashi-Yuenchi Park


Kobe Office


International Studies

・ Hyogo Prefecture is home to 37 universities and 17 two-year colleges, providing higher education in almost all academic fields. Currently, 29 of the schools accept students from overseas.

・ There is also a graduate school where upper-level courses for expert degrees can be taken all in English.

<<The examples of universities and graduate schools in Hyogo where degrees can be earned all in English>>・ Kobe University, Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies ・ University of Hyogo, Graduate School of Applied Informatics, ・ Kwansei Gakuin University, Graduate School of Science and Technology

Increasing numbers of foreign students, and employment of foreign students at companies in Hyogo


As of 2015, there were 7,953 foreign students in Hyogo Prefecture.

No. of foreign students in Hyogo Prefecture

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015











Unit (people)

Approx. 30% increase!

More and more foreign students are finding employment in Hyogo Prefecture.The number of foreign students employed is now ranked 9th in the country.

Trend of No. of foreign students employed by companies in Hyogo Prefecture

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014






Unit (people)





Universities in Hyogo Prefecture accepting foreign students (As of May 2014)

Availability of diverse educational institutions

Facts and data

・ Kobe University・ Hyogo University of Teacher Education・ Kobe City University of Foreign Studies・ Ashiya University・ Otemae University・ Kansai University of Welfare Sciences・ Kansai University of International Studies・ Kwansei Gakuin University・ Kobe University of Welfare・ Koshien University・ Konan University・ Konan Women's University・ Kobe Kaisei College・ Kobe Gakuin University

・ Kobe Design University・ Kobe International University・ Kobe Shoin Women's University・ Kobe Shinwa Women's University・ Kobe Institute of Computing・ Kobe Women's University・ Kobe Yamate University・ Sonoda Women's University・ Takarazuka University・ Japan University of Economics, Kobe Sannomiya Campus・ Himeji Dokkyo University・ Hyogo College of Medicine・ Mukogawa Women’s University・ University of Marketing and Distribution Sciences


International Studies

I heard about Kamicho several times for it`s famous Tajima beef which is not only known for high quality in Japan but all over the world, Matsuba without forgetting the tasty Kasumi crab. However, I never had the opportunity to visit the place before this trip.I must thank the Hyogo International Association (HIA) for organising such event as for me, it was one among the best trip I had since I am in Japan.Let`s go back to this 2 days 1 night trip. We took a bus that was already arranged by the association and spent 3 hours from Sannomiya, Kobe to reach our first destination which was Saruo Waterfall. This specific waterfall is among the best waterfalls in Japan. I was surprised by the warm welcomed we had. There was some journalist from the local press but more surprising, there was a 78 years old guide who could speak English. He may not be very fluent but it is always nice to see Japanese speaking another language and especially at this age. He explained to us about the waterfall design and where the water comes from. He was very interactive. He mentioned about Nagashi somen that is famous there but we did not have the chance to try it as it can be found only in summer.

There is a beautiful town in Hyogo called KamichoSeedoyal, Nirvaan(Kamicho resident, from Mauritius)

Voicesfrom foreignresidents

Currently, I am studying at the University of Hyogo, College of Nursing Art and Science Graduate School. Initially, I wanted to promote home care in Macao. I thought I should study in Japan, leader of the world’s aging population, so I came to Japan to study Japan’s home care system. I selected the University of Hyogo because I learned from the Graduate School’s website that they focus on international exchanges, periodically organize lectures by scholars from overseas, and have international study exchanges. After entering the Graduate School, the language and reports have been difficult. However, the teachers kindly explain during classes. They help me not only with my studies but also my daily life. The other Japanese students also give me advice about living in Japan. Sometimes we go out for dinner or to have fun. To sum it up, I think I had a very rich learning experience during this year in Japan.

Studying home care in Japan, leader of the world’s aging populationRunhong Huang(Kobe or Akashi resident, from Macao)

Voicesfrom foreignresidents

I am a first-year undergaraduate programs student of mechanical engineering at the Faculty of Engineering, Kobe University. Studying abroad in Kobe, Japan has been a new life experience. It was not easy to get used to the new environment, in which different languages are used, but with the support of Japanese friends and teachers. I simehow made it through. The friendliness and kindness of other Kobe University’s students, as well as the teaching staff’s attention and willingness to help, really made me feel at home. I am very grateful to be accepted and to be given the opportunity to further my students here.

Grateful for the kindness from my friends and teachersMuhammad Haziq Asyraf Bin Moho Tohir(Kobe resident, from Malaysia)

Voicesfrom foreignresidents

Text and photo from “The Best of Hyogo”(C)Hyogo International Association

Text and photo from “Study in Kobe 2016”(C)Kobe University

Currently, I am studying at the University of Hyogo, College of Nursing Art and Science Graduate School. Initially, I wanted to promote home care in Macao. I thought I should study in Japan, leader of the world’s aging population, so I came to Japan to study Japan’s home care system. I selected the University of Hyogo because I learned from the Graduate School’s website that they focus on international exchanges, periodically organize lectures by scholars from overseas, and have international study exchanges. After entering the Graduate School, the language and reports have been difficult. However, the teachers kindly explain during classes. They help me not only with my studies but also my daily life. The other Japanese students also give me advice about living in Japan. Sometimes we go out for dinner or to have fun. To sum it up, I think I had a very rich learning


International Studies

① Support for Foreign StudentsIn Hyogo Prefecture we believe that foreign students are not only resources for promoting exchange with various countries, but are human resources that will contribute to the globalization of the local economy and industries, etc. Various programs are available to support foreign students studying in the prefecture.

② The Best of Hyogo ‘Rediscover Hyogo Tour’ organized by foreign studentsForeign students residing in Hyogo Prefecture and visitors to our prefecture from overseas can introduce their experiences of our appealing tourist spots and delicious cuisine, etc. in their own languages on this blog site.

Provision of information and consultations

Foreign student study and employment support③ Scholarship Aid for Privately Funded Foreign Students

Scholarship aid is given to privately funded foreign students enrolled in universities and schools in the Prefecture to promote a stable life and learning activities.

④ The Consortium of Universities in Hyogo ‘Foreign Student Acceptance Support Program’・ Foreign Student Internships’ at Japanese companies and groups・ ‘Joint Corporate Interviews’ for foreign students in Hyogo Prefecture・ Learn about working in Japan! ‘Round-table Meetings’ with former foreign students・ ‘Company Bus Tours’ introducing advanced industries, and science and technology facilities in Hyogo Prefecture

⑤ Publication of mail magazine ‘Hyogo Glocal Info’The mail magazine ‘Hyogo Glocal Info’ with information on various events such as international exchanges in the prefecture and other hot news is sent to foreign students enrolled at universities and schools in the prefecture.

⑥ Hyogo Culture Pass‘Hyogo Culture Pass’ allows foreign students in the prefecture to enter historical and cultural facilities, etc. in the prefecture for free or at a discount.

Support measures from the prefectural government

Hong Kong ●

● Curitiba

● Seattle● Paris

Perth ●

Hyogo Business & Tourism Centre in Hong KongUnit506 5/F, TowerⅡ, Lippo Centre, No89Queensway, Hong Kong

Hyogo Prefectural Government Cultural Centre in Western Australia20 Kalinda Drive, City Beach, Western Australia 6015, Australia

The Brazil Representative Office of Hyogo PrefectureAvenida ComendadorFranco, 871 Jardim Botanico, Curitiba, Parana, Brasil

The Washington Representative Office of Hyogo Prefecture

1001, 4th Ave, Suite 4310, Seattle, Washington 98154U.S.A

The office has moved floors as of January 2016!

The European Representative Office of Hyogo Prefecture

10, rue de Louvois, 75002, Paris, France

We operate offices in five locations outside Japan: Seattle (Washington) in the United States, Perth (Western Australia) in Australia, Paris in France, Curitiba (Paraná) in Brazil, and Hong Kong. Each office conducts activities for interactions in various fields, such as economics and culture.

About our overseas officesColumnColumn



・ In addition to its excellent environment for doing business, Hyogo Prefecture offers various benefits for the people who choose it as a place to live. It is also an extremely international area, having been home to a large number of

non-Japanese people since the opening up of the Port of Kobe, with a diverse foreign community and principles based on the ideal of multiculturalism.

・ Non-Japanese people living in Hyogo are supported through initiatives such as the Hyogo International Plaza, a facility for international interaction and cooperation, offices that offer multilingual advice on living, legal issues, work, and other matters, and the provision of information via the internet and FM radio.

・ Many medical institutions in the prefecture can provide treatment in languages other than Japanese, and a system for medical interpreting also exists.

・ There are a great number of schools for non-Japanese children, as well as the Multicultural Children’s Center, which gives advice on education to support non-Japanese children in Japan and provides support staff to assist them in person.

A fantastic living environment

Facts and data

・ As of December 2015, there were 98,625 non-Japanese people living in Hyogo, which accounts for about 1.8% of the prefecture’s population.

・ Looking by nationality, the majority (48,157) of these residents are from Korea, and 23,709 are from China, with these two countries accounting for 74.5% of the foreign population. There have been increases to the Vietnamese (up 75.6% compared to the 2003 survey), Indian (up 26.3%) and Chinese (up 17.4%) populations, showing advancements in Hyogo’s multiculturalism.

・ The proportion of survey respondents who said they thought the town or city they live in is easy for foreigners to live in was 13.9% of the total in 2014, and 18.5% in 2015.

<< International schools and secondary schools with an enrolment quota for non-Japanese students >>

・ The cost of living is lower than in Tokyo, allowing a comfortable lifestyle.・ Based on the lessons learned in the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, we are using modern technology to make our cities safe and resilient to natural disasters. We have also introduced a service which distributes emergency information to non-Japanese residents in times of disaster.


Number of Foreign Residents














No. of people

Hyogo ranks 7th with 98,625!

Canadian AcademySt Michael’s International SchoolMarist Brothers International SchoolDeutsche Schule KobeAshiya International SchoolKobe Chinese SchoolHyogo Prefectural Ashiya International Secondary School

Multicultural Children’s Center

A six-year secondary school that allows non-Japanese students to learn dynamically through small-group classes in line with individual language ability and understanding level.

※ Including Taiwan




▲35.8%▲ 2.1%26.3%-  

▲ 11.7%7.1%

Rank Nationality 2003 2013 IncreaseKoreaChinaVietnamPhilippinesBrazilUSAIndiaTaiwanPeru


61,092※ 20,1912,9643,1063,8972,3171,181-  969708

Summary of foreign Hyogo residents



After I graduated from college in the US, I worked for a while, and then I went travelling in Mexico and Guatemala. After that, I was looking for work and won-dering where I should go next, when I came across an English school in Japan. I was interested in it because of its uniqueness ‒ it was a family-run school and, unlike schools in other countries, also grew organic rice and other crops. “The thing I love about Sasayama is the traditional farm village life you get here. The elderly people here are particularly amazing ‒ they can do anything. Even 90-year-olds are out working in the fields. They are healthy and energetic. I want to be just like them when I’m old.” Making your own food, building your own house. Living in the countryside could be really enjoyable for people who want to create things freely for their own daily lives. “There’s not much here, but that brings us freedom.” This is what the people who have built the things they need, always thinking about the village, say to me. Even at the age of 80 or 90, they’re always smiling about this.

‘Dreaming of being a super capable grandma in the countryside’Anna Lodico(Sasayama city resident, from the United States)

Voicesfrom foreignresidents

In the UK, putting your children in childcare so you can go to work is more expensive than it is in Japan. We decided to move back to Japan because of the good environment for raising children here. What made that possible for us was the high speed telecommunications network Japan offers. We’re able to work with people in Japan, in the UK, and around the world.Rie was born on Awaji Island and grew up here, and we both love the area. Our type of work is not dependent on the location, so we decided to set up an office on Awaji Island. The IT technology and level of internet use seem a little behind that of the major cities in Japan, so we hope to also contribute to improving the IT environment for businesses on the island. We are steadily expanding our network with people on the island, and receiving orders for work little by little. We hope to build a website introducing the delicious delights and great tourism spots on Awaji Island to other people, which will help revitalize Awaji.

for us was the high speed telecommunications network Japan offers. We’re

Raising kids and starting an IT business on Awaji IslandRyan and Rie Watson(kreativ (Sumoto city) resident, from the United Kingdom)

Voicesfrom foreignresidents

I decided to move to Japan two years ago. I wanted to do something different to other people, so I left my native Canada and, after spending some time on Ishigaki Island, Okinawa, I found an old traditional house in Shiso on the internet. Using my experience in carpentry, I set about converting this house into an ‘Earthship’. Earthships are ultra-environmentally friendly buildings, first created in the United States. I used scrap materials as building materials, and embedded the bases from brightly colored drink cans in the walls. I use rainwater to bathe in, and use the waste water to water the plants in my greenhouse. I reuse the gifts that we receive from nature, and aim to generate my own energy as much as possible.Since I moved to Shiso, my neighbors have been giving me gifts of vegetables like Chinese cabbage and daikon radish, and they also invite me to community events. I’m very touched by the way they’ve accepted me. My dream for the future is to open a guest house and have people from the city come and stay, so I can show them just how wonderful Shiso is.

Living in an ultimate green buildingTao Craig(Shiso city resident, from Canada)

Voicesfrom foreignresidents



① Information and Advisory Service CenterThis center provides advice in five languages (English, Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese, and simple Japanese), giving foreign residents information and suggestions about problems that come up in their daily lives or things they would like to know about.Legal advice from a lawyer is also available (in person only).

② 9-language telephone help lineA toll-free telephone help line exclusively for non-Japanese residents is available, catering to nine languages.

Providing information and advice

Learning the Japanese language and culture


③ Japanese classes for foreign residentsA course held in the evenings called ‘Japanese Courses for Foreign Residents of Hyogo’ is offered twice a year, with six classes separated by level. An intensive summer course called ‘Practical Japanese Courses’ is also available in July and August with two classes separated by level, for efficiently learning Japanese that will be helpful on a daily basis. Both courses help to improve the Japanese language ability of foreigners living in Hyogo Prefecture.Japanese Courses for Foreign Residents of Hyogo

Practical Japanese Courses

④ Helping foreign residents to feel like they belong (supporting Japanese classes at the local level or at the community)We implement this initiative in collaboration with volunteer groups, working to support learning for foreign residents in all areas of Hyogo to improve their basic Japanese conversational and literacy skills. We also provide opportunities to learn about the Japanese lifestyle and culture, aiming to create places where people in the same situation can support each other. International Association)

⑤ Supplying Assistants for Children with multicultural backgroundsWhen children need help with the Japanese language, we provide an assis-tant who speaks the child’s language to the school they attend, in order to help the child settle in to their school life quickly. The assistant helps the child with his or her study at school.

⑥ Promoting support for Japanese instructionWe promote the implementation of Japanese instruction in a separate class-room or after school, in order to help with Japanese language acquisition and the establishment of basic learning skills for non-Japanese children who need assistance with their Japanese.

Support measures from the prefectural government

Information and Advisory Service Center

Telephone support available in 9 languages

A regional Japanese language support class

Multicultural Children’s Supporter


Measures and goals to implement over the next five years to 2020

Setting a set of policies envisioning our ideals for Hyogo in 2060 by 2020

●Aiming for a population of 4.5 million in 2060●Aiming for a GDP growth rate of approx. 1.5-2.0% for the prefecture in the 2050s and increasing the prefecture’s proportion of the GNI (gross national income) derived from overseas.

Future population size and economic situation

Population measures

Create a society in which people can have and raise more than one child

Basic Goal 1

1 Measures for ‘natural increase’:Maintaining the 220,000 number of births (44,000 per year)

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Hyogo:maintain a growth rate higher than the national rate

Gross National Income (GNI) of Hyogo: increase the proportion of income from overseas

Revitalize local industryBasic Goal 2

Create a Hyogo which attracts people, businesses, and capital

Basic Goal 3

Create a ‘hometown Hyogo’ that is full of character

Basic Goal 4

2 Measures for ‘social increase’:Increase the population moving into the prefecture by 25,700 (or control the number of leavers)

Strengthen Hyogo’s industrial competitiveness

Basic Goal 5

Create a healthy, long-living societyBasic Goal 6

Create a region that people want to live inBasic Goal 7

Bring vitality to our townsBasic Goal 8

Increase safety and security for the entire prefecture

Basic Goal 9

Reinvigorate the region

Source: Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, ‘National Census’, predictions for Hyogo Pref.







2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 2055 2060

(×10,000 people)

Birthrate 1.8

Birthrate 2.0

4.5 million people (down 19%)

3.66 million people (down 35%)

5.02 million people

4.63 million people

5.59 million people

Hyogo Regional Revitalization Strategy

[ Before measures ] Birthrate approx. 1.35

[ Target ] 44,000 births per yearKeeping a balance between the influx from and the outflow to the Tokyo area + Prefecture’s own measures for the social increase

A prefecture that delivers a full-hearted lifestyle in a unique, diverse region.

A prefecture that promises a top-level living environment, supported by health care, disaster risk reduction measures, the cultivation of a diverse history and culture, and education.

A prefecture that promotes interaction within Hyogo by residents, and welcomes visitors from around Japan and overseas.

A prefecture that allows every resident to maximize his or her true potential and play starring roles in supporting society.

A prefecture that develops both key industries which lead the global economy and firmly rooted local industries, throughout Hyogo.

Hyogo in 2060State of the region

A platform for living

Diverse interactions

Each person plays a starring role

Developing industries




Create a society in which people can have and raise more than one child

Basic Goal 1

1,000 couples have been married through our match-making support initiative (as of April 2015)

Case examples of our initiatives for each basic goal

This initiative assists single men and women in finding a partner through match-making services and events (run in 10 locations in Hyogo, and one location in Tokyo; see p25). It has newly introduced a match-making system that uses big data to introduce potential partners to individuals.

Match-making support to singles looking for a lifelong companion

In addition to state-sponsored subsidies available for infertility treatment, Hyogo Prefecture offers its own subsidy. Subsidies for recurrent miscarriages are also available.

Supporting couples undergoing infertility treatment

Subsidies to cover part of the childcare fees for children with two or more older sib-lings have been made more widely accessible than the national standard. Subsidies for children with one older sibling are now available for Hyogo residents.

Measures to reduce childcare fee for families with preschooler

This initiative encourages employees to take more childcare or nursing leave and supports the recruitment of part-time replacement employees. It also helps small and medium enter-prises improve working conditions and convert part time employees to full-time ones. In addition, assistance to re-employment of displaced workers is offered (e.g. in-ternships for housewives).

Supporting work-life balance

prises improve working conditions and convert part time employees to full-time ones. In

employment of displaced

ternships for housewives).Example of a subsidy to support the creation of an environment which promotes work-life balance (a telework system)

Revitalize local industryBasic Goal 2

A new agricultural worker expanding his tomato production business (agricultural facility provision system)

JA (Japan Agricultural Cooperative) and other organizations provide facilities such as gardening houses for new workers through lend-lease contract, to reduce their risks involved with initial investment and possession of their own facility.

Providing facilities for agriculture, livestock, forestry and fisheries

In FY2017 we plan to open a vocational col-lege (two-year courses) specializing in forestry in the city of Shiso.

High school students ▶ experiencing forestry (internships)

Establishing Hyogo Prefectural College of Forest Management

This initiative provides continuous support to all kinds of entre-preneurs (young people, women, senior citizens) from business launch through to the growth period, by offering one-stop advice, opportunities for business matching, and support for capital procurement and uncovering sales channels.

Expanding entrepreneurship and business foundation




Akashi Kaikyo Bridge

Sustainable Park

International Conference Center

Akashi Kaikyo National Government Park

Maiko, Kobe

The Westin

‘Awaji Yumebutai Sustainable Park’ (Awaji), a site which aims to create a compact city through unification of businesses and residences

Create a Hyogo which attracts people, businesses, and capital

Basic Goal 3

Case examples of our initiatives for each basic goal

By providing subsidies to companies from Japan’s three major metropoli-tan areas, next-generation industries that set up locations in Hyogo as well as foreign companies entering the market here, lowering corporate tax and real estate acquisition tax for companies establishing head office functions in Hyogo, and approaching companies in the Tokyo metropolitan area with some connection to Hyogo, we are achieving sustainable prefectur-al industry development and job creation.

Promoting Hyogo as a location for domestic and overseas companies

To promote young people’s ‘UJI turns’ (which means “returning to hometowns or nearby rural towns or migration to Hyogo for a new job”) and local settlement, we match company job offers with new graduates by holding job fairs and company PR activities at universities in and around Tokyo, supporting job hunting within the prefecture by high school and university students in Hyogo, and promoting university student internships. We also assist returning young people in starting businesses in their hometowns.

Helping young people’s ‘UJI turns’ and local settlement

Create a ‘hometown Hyogo’ that is full of character

Basic Goal 4

A community café built using the former site of the Kumobe Elementary School (Sasayama city)

A farm fresh restaurant converted from a local museum in Asago City,

‘Hyakusho Chaya Kikori’

Focusing mainly on rural areas that are losing their vibrancy, this initiative helps bring energy back to the region, by supporting the utilization of empty houses (turning them into residences or offices), the

‘Let’s Move to the Country’ project (a trial migration proj-ect), and the development of places for regional activity and interaction.

Implementing major strategy for local revitalization

Helping people put an ‘enjoyable agricultural life’ in practice, in accordance with people’s lifestyles and needs, by covering everything from creating opportunities for experiencing agriculture and using community gardens, to promoting lifelong agricultur-al employment.

Supporting the ‘enjoyable agricultural life’ only achievable in Hyogo

This initiative which is mainly based in and conducted by ‘Come Back Hyogo Tokyo Center’ supplies information and advice on migration, utilization of empty houses, and introductions to facilities for trial migration.

Supporting young people’s ‘UJI turns’

ZUTTO, an online accessory shop based in Tokyo, opened an office for its west Japan business in a former elementary school building in Kamigori Town

Support initiative for job hunting with local businesses, ‘Tokyo Joint Company Briefing’

Learning about cultivation at the Hyogo Agri Life Center’s occupational agriculture course (Kobe city)

The ‘Come Back Hyogo Tokyo Center’ (Otemachi, Tokyo)



Strengthen Hyogo’s industrial competitiveness

Basic Goal 5

We promote the development of new technology and products, and joint industry-academic-government research, through the industrial use of our science and technology platform which includes SPring-8 (the large third-generation synchrotron radiation facility), SACLA (the X-ray free electron laser) and the supercomputer K Computer.

Creating new industries by utilizing advanced science and technology platforms

Large third-generation synchrotron radiation facility SPring-8 and the X-ray free electron laser SACLA (Harima Science Garden City)

We promote the exports not only of local primary products which suit the taste and food traditions of the destination (i.e. Kobe Beef, Awaji onions, and Tamba black beans) but also of our culinary culture including suggestions for how they are best eaten.

Accelerating exports of Hyogo agricultural, livestock and fisheries products

Hyogo Prefecture promotion conducted in Japan pavilion at Expo Milano

Utilizing the potential and advantage of Hyogo with its platforms for advanced science and technology and manufac-turing base that Hyogo takes pride in, we are promoting innovation in the next-generation industry fields that will forge the future of the prefecture’s economy: aviation & space, robotics, the environment and next-generation energy, and advanced medicine.

Creating innovation in next-generation industries

Large liquefied hydrogen transport ship (Image supplied by Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd.)

A hub for the life science fields, Kobe Biomedical Innovation Cluster (Kobe)

Taking the opportunity of the International Wine Challenge (IWC) 2016 sake division judging event, held in Kobe in May 2016, we disseminate information regarding the excellence of Hyogo’s sake and sake rice to the world.

Expanding consumption of sake using sake brewer’s rice grown in Hyogo, such as Yamada Nishiki

Signing ceremony to hold the IWC 2016 Sake Division in Hyogo

Promoting more breeding of Tajima cattle which Hyogo takes pride in

We select companies from within Hyogo Prefecture that have a competitive edge supported by excellent technology, know-how, and officially announce them as

‘Only-one Companies.’ We also support candidate companies which aim to obtain this title, in terms of product development, sales promotion, or recruitment and development of human resources.

Support for the creation of Hyogo ‘Only-one Companies’

A jeweled record needle, the com-ponents of which are handcrafted individually (NIPPON PRECISION JEWEL INDUSTRY CO., LTD.)(Image supplied by Kobe Newspa-per General Printing)

We Promote scale expansion of farmers breeding Tajima cattle which has a high chance of being branded as Kobe Beef by increasing the number of fertile female cattle and training Tajima cattle farmers.

Strengthening the brands and production ability for Tajima Cattle and Kobe Beef





Science & math

Designated Experimental Schools on Curriculum

Foreign languages



Designated Experimental Schools on Overseas InteractionDesignated Promotional Schools on Arts & CultureDesignated Promotional Schools on special characteristic activities

46 schools including Maiko (environment & disaster prevention dept)

26 schools including Hokusetsu-Sanda, Akashi Kita, Ono, Himeji Nishi, and Awaji-Mihara6 schools including Amagasaki Oda (international exploration dept) and Kakogawa Higashi28 schools including Kobe (comprehensive science dept.), Tatsuno, and Toyooka (science and math dept.)35 schools including Hidaka (nursing and welfare dept.) and Kasumi (marine science dept.)15 schools including Hyogo and Naruo (international culture information dept)

4 schools including Takarazuka Kita (drama dept)

Create a healthy, long-living societyBasic Goal 6

Case examples of our initiatives for each basic goal

Create a region that people want to live inBasic Goal 7

As well as five general hospitals, which include the Amagasaki General Medical Center that was reorganized and consolidated in July 2015, Hyogo has eight specialty hospitals such as the Ion Beam Med-ical Center which offers the latest cancer treatment. A stable medical care system covers all areas of the prefecture.

A stable medical system with 13 prefectural hospitals

We strive to prevent dementia or detect it in its early stages by using methods such as check lists and phone support lines. We also establish a watchful care system in the community that involves improving the ability of local shops and businesses to handle dementia sufferers.

Prevention and early detection of dementia, and community action for watchful care of dementia sufferers

As well as five general hospitals, which include the Amagasaki General Medical Center that was reorganized and consolidated in July 2015, Hyogo has eight specialty

ical Center which offers the latest cancer treatment. A stable medical care system covers all areas of the Hyogo Prefectural Amagasaki General

Medical Center (opened in July 2015)

Dementia café ‘KNOT’, a place to care for people’s mental health (Kakogawa city)

Inamino Gakuen which has four-year university courses and two-year graduate school courses offers a diverse range of learning environments. Hanshin Senior College provides a course which aims to revitalize the people and towns of the Hanshin area by teaching the history and culture of the region. These institutions meet various learning needs of older people, and provide opportunities for social-izing and making friends.

Universities for senior citizens which are designed to meet various needs

Encouraging company employees and their families to have a medical checkup and conduct activities contributing to improved health, in order to prevent them from having lifestyle diseases.

Promoting healthy lifestyles in cooperation with businesses

‘Inspire High School’ is an initiative under which all prefectural high schools in Hyogo pick up and study on focused themes that could utilize their attributes and strengths to the maximum. Mukonoso Comprehensive High School will also newly establish a nursing and welfare course (FY2018, a non-zoned school).

Developing the uniqueness of our prefectural high schools

A doctoral course (latter period)※1 in regional resource management studies, and a course in disaster reduction and recovery policy*2 have been added to the graduate school.※1 Studying the return to the wild of rare animals such as the stork, and the utilization of regional resources such as geoparks (April 2016) ※2 Proposing policies for disaster reduction and recovery based on the experience and lessons learned from the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake (April 2017) (pending authorization)

Making specialized course in the University of Hyogo

The center, led by Yutaka Sado as artistic director and conduc-tor, offers theater performances such as concerts, operas, ballets and plays. 600 performances are held annually (both by the center and by renting parties) and about 500,000 people visit the center each year.

Enhancing the functions of the Hyogo Performing Arts Center

Hyogo will host the Kansai World Masters Games 2021, an international general competition for lifelong sports, and the Sports Masters Japan 2017 in Hyogo, a comprehensive sports competition for athlete-minded senior citizens.

Fostering sports momentum

tor, offers theater performances such as concerts, operas, ballets and plays. 600 performances are held annually (both by the center and by renting parties) and about 500,000 people visit

Regular Recital by the Hyogo Performing Arts Center’s orchestra (Nishinomiya city)(Photography by Takashi Iijima, Hyogo Performing Arts Center)

Graduate School of Regional Resource M a n a g e m e n t , University of Hyogo (Toyooka city)

izing and making friends.Overseas study tour for an English conversation club (Manila)




Bring vitality to our townsBasic Goal 8

Increase safety and security for the entire prefecture

Basic Goal 9

For housing complex communities facing declining and aging populations, we support the development of regeneration plans and raising-awareness activities. In addition, we promote the regeneration of ‘new towns’ through actions such as assist-ing new occupants in renovating residence, facilitating the supply of rental properties for families with chil-dren, and supporting the relocation of elderly residents.

Regenerating suburban housing complexes

Subsidies are provided for the renovation of unoccupied houses to convert them into residences, offices, and community interaction spaces (subsidy provision has been generalized and implemented even in large cities [urban-ization-designated areas] since FY2016). Assessments of hous-es by experts are also being promoted in order to encourage the circulation of used houses.

Supporting the utilization of empty houses

facilitating the supply

dren, and supporting

A study group discusses the future of their housing complex (Meimai Housing Complex)

To protect us from the high-est level of tsunami resulting from a Nankai Trough earthquake, measures to prevent tide embankments from sinking and installation of tide gates have been implemented, based on the ‘Tsunami Prevention Infrastructure Plan’.

Developing infrastructure to prevent tsunami damage

Fukura Harbor (Minami-Awaji city)

Optimizing and maximizing the use of the Kansai region’s three major airports by consolidated management, and promoting the use of Kounotori Tajima Airport.

Making efficient use of airports and improving their convenience

Kounotori Tajima AirportKobe Airport, Marine Air

Promptly filling in missing links of our arterial highway network which contributes to facilitating interaction and collaboration between regions or expediting re-covery and reconstruction in times of disaster.

Constructing roads including high-standard arterial highway

and collaboration between

covery and reconstruction

Hamasaka Road on the San-in Kinki Expressway (town of Shin-onsen)

Regenerating the Sannomiya station area which functions as a main hub for transport, commerce, and business and as a gateway to Hyogo, through a collaboration with private developers, residents, and the city of Kobe.

Redeveloping the Sannomiya station area

implemented even

areas] since FY2016).

es by experts are also being promoted in order to encourage the circulation of

An example of a renovated house

Image of newly redeveloped Sannomiya station area▶



Regional Revitalization Division Residents’ Planning Department Hyogo Prefectural Government

Nushima IslandNushima IslandNushima IslandNushima IslandNushima IslandNushima IslandNushima IslandNushima IslandNushima IslandNushima IslandNushima IslandNushima IslandNushima IslandNushima IslandNushima IslandNushima IslandNushima IslandNushima IslandNushima Island

Kobe Amagasaki














Yumura Hot Springs

Kinosaki Hot Springs























Sanyo Shi


Sanyo Shinka


Ako Line
















Takedao Hot Springs

Iwaya Hot Springs

Sumoto Hot Springs

Takarazuka Hot SpringsArima Hot Springs






Tanigawa Sasayamaguchi


Shiota Hot Springs

Ako Hot Springs



Aioi Aboshi




Kamigori Hon-Tatsuno




Ono machi








Akashi Kaikyo Bridge

Onaruto Bridge

Awaji Island

Shodoshima Islands




Mount RokkoMount Maya

Tokaido LineSanyo Line

Chizu Express

San'in Line Kitakinki Tango Railway

San'in LineBantan Line

Kishin Line

Kakogawa Line

Fukuchiyama Line

Wakayama PrefectureWakayama Prefecture

Osaka PrefectureOsaka Prefecture

Kyoto PrefectureKyoto Prefecture

Tottori PrefectureTottori Prefecture

Okayama PrefectureOkayama Prefecture

Kagawa PrefectureKagawa Prefecture

Tokushima PrefectureTokushima Prefecture

Kansai International AirportKansai International Airport

Osaka(Itami)International Airport

Osaka(Itami)International Airport

Tajima AirportTajima Airport

Kobe Airport (Domestic)Kobe Airport (Domestic)

Tottori AirportTottori Airport

Japan Sea

Osaka Bay

Wakasa Bay

Harima Nada

Naruto StraitsNaruto Straits

Ieshima Islands


West Harima


East Harima

Iwaya Hot SpringsIwaya Hot Springs Kobe















Hyogo Map



Wakasa BayWakasa BayWakasa BayWakasa BayWakasa BayWakasa BayWakasa BayWakasa BayWakasa BayWakasa BayWakasa BayWakasa BayWakasa BayWakasa BayWakasa BayWakasa BayWakasa BayWakasa BayWakasa BayWakasa BayWakasa Bay

Hyogo Prefecture

5-10-1 Shimoyamate-dori, Chuo-ku, Kobe, Hyogo※If you would like more copies of this leaflet to use or distribute, please contact us using the following contact details.

078-362-4221TEL 078-362-3950FAX chiikisousei@pref.hyogo.lg.jpE-mail

Times and Access Map in KansaiApproximately 150 minutes

Approximately 55 minutes

Approximately 180 minutes

Approximately 160 minutes

Approximately 25 minutes

Approximately 30 minutes

Approximately 30 minutes

Approximately 20 minutes

Approximately 25 minutes

Approximately 40 minutes

Approximately 40 minutes

Himeji Maiko





Osaka(Itami)International Airport


KansaiInternational Airport

TakarazukaApproximately 40 minutes

Approximately 60 minutes

Approximately 20 minutesApproximately 90 minutes

Approximately 40 minutes

Approximately 200 minutes

Approximately 170 minutes

Approximately 60 minutes

Approximately 60 minutes

Approximately 70 minutes

Approximately 90 minutes

Approximately 100 minutes

Kobe Bay ShuttleHighway BusJR Line

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