review & test taking ppt

Post on 17-Jan-2015






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(This is gonna be a long one.)

Quick note on test taking…• The test may ask you to look at maps, timelines, political

cartoons, or read a historical summary…

• You may answer these questions in complete sentences, make a list, etc…as long as you answer the question!

• Do not leave any question blank



Test Taking• What to do if you don’t know the answer to the


• Do you THINK you may have an IDEA about what the answer is? THEN PUT IT DOWN

• Do you have no idea what the answer is?– Then at least TRY to answer the question. DON’T

LEAVE IT BLANK! Read the question and use words from the question to make it sound like you know what you’re talking about. SERIOUSLY!

Primary Sources vs Secondary Sources

• What is a Primary source?– A first hand ORIGINAL account, record, or

evidence of an event

• What are some examples of Primary Sources?– Oral History, photographs, newspapers, journals

Primary Sources vs Secondary Sources

• What is a Secondary Source?– An account, record, or evidence that was from a

Primary Source

• What are some examples of Secondary Sources?– Textbooks, a magazine article about a previous



• Tests may ask you to interpret time lines

• Remember that years go BACK to ZERO, and then start counting “up” again (think of negative numbers)

• The years we live in now are known as “A.D.”, the years before year zero are known as “B.C.”


6 B.

C. F

irst O






3 B.

C. A





at d




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6 A.

D. H




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5 A.

D. V


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k Ro



9 A.

D. T




in C



500 250 0 250 500 1000 BC AD


• Which of these events happened first?

135 B.C. first slave revolt in Italy

206 B.C. Han Dynasty Established in China

How old would Augustus be if he were alive today?

60 30 0 30

32 B

.C. –



s Bo

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Today’s Year + The year he was born = his age (or how long ago it happened)

2013 + 32 = 2,045 Years Old!

The Renaissancec. 1350-1600


• The Renaissance came after the Middle Ages.

• Renaissance is a French word that means rebirth.

• It was a time of political, social, economic & cultural change.

• People again became interested in Ancient Greek and Roman “stuff.”

Renaissance• The Renaissance began in

Florence, Italy. From there it spread north to the rest of Europe.

Why?1. People were interested in

Ancient Rome-Italy was home to Rome.

2. Many Italian city-states had money.

3. Wealthy merchant promoted education & the arts.


• People began questioning religion and turned to science for answers.

• The humanists believe that education should awaken creativity!

• The main areas of study were; grammar, speech, poetry, history, Greek, & Latin.

The Reformation

• Martin Luther– Angry the church was corrupt and selling

“Indulgences” – paying off sins for a free pass to heaven

– People would not fight against it because they were afraid of Excommunication – when a priest said your soul would never go to heaven

– Luther posts his “95 Thesis,” a list of complaints about the church, on the door of Whittenburg Church

The Reformation

• King Henry VIII– Wanted to get a divorce from his wife, church would

not allow it– Henry started a new church so that he could divorce– This took power away from the church

The Reformation

• Johannes Gutenberg created the printing press in the 15th century.

• The printing press enabled people to communicate and learn about other places in the world

• During the American Revolution, the printing press played an important role in spreading information and promoting the causes of the colonists

Inquisition• The Inquisition: Around 1232, church officials were

supposed to seek out and punish people suspected of not obeying the church.

• Heresy is any act or action against the church or church beliefs. A heretic is someone who commits an act of heresy.

• Once tracked down, if a heretic confessed, they were punished. Punishment was quite severe. Punishment ranged from loss of property, to imprisonment, to death. If a heretic did not confess, they were tortured until they did confess. There was no escape. According to the Church, these punishments were necessary to save the souls of heretics.

Age of Discovery

Why did Europeans Explore?

Age of Discovery

Why did Europeans Explore?

1. Trade Routes Europeans wanted to find Trade Routes to get to Asia and other places

2. Renaissance curiosity about other lands and peoples

3. Monarchs (Kings and Queens) seeking new sources of wealth

4. Technological and Weaponry advances.

5. Fame and fortune.

Age of Discovery

Impact of European Expansion

Age of Discovery

Impact of European Expansion

1. Native populations killed by European diseases.

2. Influx of gold, and silver into Europe created global inflation[“Price Revolution”]

3. New products introduced across the continents [“Columbian Exchange”].

4. Deepened colonial rivalries.

Columbian Exchange

Age of Discovery Slave Trade

• Between 1450 and the late 1800's, it is estimated that between 10-15 MILLION Africans were kidnapped and sold into slavery.

• At first, European colonists attempted to use Native Americans as a work force, but that did not work very well. Native Americans knew the land and could run away

• The Portuguese soon discovered that Africans were used to more tropical climate conditions and would be better workers

• Many captured people died on the ships sailing to the New World. Conditions were terrible.

• The Slave Trade was incredibly profitable and incredibly cruel. In some cases, entire villages were captured.

Effects of the Age of Discovery

• Europeans moved into new areas (Americas, Asia, Africa)

• Europeans introduced not only new plants and animals, but culture (religion, clothing, language, etc. – Think about what language Mexicans and Americans speaks today!


• Mercantilism – Idea that a nation’s existence depended on power, and power depended on wealth

• Wealth – money and assets (things worth money)


• To gain wealth, a country would capture colonies

• Colony – a territory that is controlled by a “parent” country


• Raw Materials - An unprocessed natural product used to Manufacture Goods

• Manufactured Goods – a “final product” made from raw materials

Scientific Revolution

• A time when RELIGION was replaced by SCIENCE

• Printing press spread new ideas

• Age of Exploration fueled a great deal of scientific research because of technology needed for navigation

Scientific Revolution

• Method - A particular way of doing something

• People started using the Scientific Method to test their THEORIES

Scientific Revolution

• Galileo – found that objects fall at the same speed regardless of weight, and said the Earth was not the center of the universe

• Newton – developed the law of Gravity and motion

The Enlightenment

• A time when the use of reason (logical thinking) and science were applied to political, social and economic problems.

• Thinkers, or “Philosophes, wrote about natural laws, or laws that govern human behavior

The Enlightenment

• Thomas Hobbes believed that Man gives up rights for order to enter into a social contract – an agreement to give up man’s natural state to live in organized society.

• John Locke believed that Every man has natural rights-rights belonging to all humans (life, liberty and property)

The Enlightenment

• Voltaire believed in free speech, civil rights, and religious freedom

• Jean Jacques Rousseau believed that people were naturally GOOD, but corrupted from an unequal society. People should give up rights for the common good. Rousseau’s ideas helped spark the French Revolution

The Enlightenment

• Adam Smith – Believed that government should not interfere with business

English Civil War

• Kings in Europe ruled by DIVINE RIGHT – the belief that the power to be king was given by god

• People in England were fed up with bad kings and had a revolt.

• This led to the English Civil War

English Civil War

• Oliver Cromwell, who became leader after the war, was very harsh

• Things were so bad people wanted a king back

• Cromwell was overthrown and Charles II became king. Charles II passed laws that gave the people more rights and freedoms.

French Revolution

• France was ruled by 3 ESTATES. There were few rich people, but they were allowed more votes than the common man.

• This angered the French people, and they rioted

French Revolution

• In 1788, rioters storm the Bastille – a prison fort in Paris that is a symbol of power

• The king attempts to flee, but is captured

French Revolution

• After the king was overthrown, people within France fought for power

• During this time, many people were executed by the Guillotine

• The Revolution ended the Monarchy, and ended slavery in the French colonies

Industrial Revolution

• The industrial revolution was an extreme change in the way goods were produced

• Goods used to be hand made, but machines now replaced human labor

Industrial Revolution

• New energy sources were created to power machines– Water, Steam, Electricity, Oil

• People began using more metals and minerals for production and power– Aluminum, Coal, Copper, Iron

Industrial Revolution

• Transportation Improved– Trains

• Communication Improved– Telegraph

Industrial Revolution

• Factory System of Production invented

• Before the factory system, people lived where they worked, and generally worked from their homes

• Factory machines were too big to keep in homes now, so large buildings were built to put them in

• Now people traveled to the factories to work for the day, and then went home at night

Industrial Revolution

• People moved from farms to the cities so they could work in the factories

• A new Middle Class was created

• Rich business owners were at the top, managers and factory owners were in the middle, and the workers on the bottom

Industrial Revolution

• Because of factories, there were now more goods, and more variety

Causes of World War I

• Militarism - Building up weapons and forces to get ready for war

– Germany was competing with the UK to build battleships

– British were threatened and built more weapons

• Alliance - Agreement or promise to defend and help another country

– By 1914 All major countries were linked by alliances, which would lead to a world war

Causes of World War I

• Imperialism - When one country takes over another territory to try to build up an Empire

– All major countries were competing for colonies and territory

Causes of World War I

• Nationalism – having pride in your country, willing to defend it

– People were very proud of their country and would fight to protect it

Causes of World War I

Interwar Period

• Treaty of Versailles (BRAT)– Germany had to accept Blame for starting the war– Germany had to pay Reparations for damage done

during the war– Germany was forbidden to have submarines or

airplanes. They could only have an Army of 100,000

– Germany lost Territory in Europe

Interwar Period

• The Economy in Europe was very bad after World War I, and caused a depression

• The war was bad, but the following depression made Germans and other people very angry

• Why was there a depression?– Many factories destroyed and many people killed

during the war

Causes of World War II

• Why did World War II start?– Germany wanted back what she lost from WWI –

Revenge– Appeasement : Great Britain and France gave

Hitler land without fighting for it– Germans were angry at the Treaty of Versailles

and said it was unfair– Hitler was racist (cause of the Holocaust)

World War II

• Hitler blamed the Jews for Germany’s problem

• Hitler killed millions of Jews during the Holocaust

World War II

• Isolationism - At the start of the war, the US wanted to remain neutral

• The U.S. were sending Britain weapons and supplies

World War II

• The U.S. became involved in the war after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941

• Axis Powers – Germany, Italy, Japan

• Allied Powers – Britain, U.S., Russia (Soviet Union)

World War II

• The United Nations was a group created in 1945 to help prevent future conflict

• After the war, only two nations were still strong

• United States and Soviet Union were now the only superpowers left in the world

Cold War

Political Systems

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