review questions third period

Post on 12-Jan-2015






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The Bizantine and Slavs The Islamic Civilization The Rise Medieval Europe The MEdieval Europe at its Height



NAME: _____________________________________________________ DATE: __________________________

1. Constantinople's control of the Bosporus and the Dardanelles meant that ____________ A) it had a natural barrier from attack by Germanic invaders. B) it could control the routes leading east to Asia and north to northern Europe. C) water protected it on three sides. D) all of the above 2. The heart of the Byzantine Empire was formed by ____________ A) the Arabian Peninsula. B) lands once part of the Greek world. C) the Italian peninsula. D) Persia. 3. The Justinian Code ____________ A) was written by the Emperor Justinian himself. B) preserved the Greek system of laws. C) organized Rome's legal heritage. D) was never completed. 4. In the Byzantine Empire ____________ A) the emperors played a part in church affairs. B) church and state did not mix. C) the church saw the pope as its supreme leader. D) the church was headed by the Empress Theodora. 5. Those opposing the use of religious images as symbols were called ____________ A) schisms. B) patriarchs. C) iconoclasts. D) laity.

6. Of the following forms of cultural expression, which reflected the influence of the Christian religion? A) mosaics B) illuminated manuscripts C) books about the lives of saints D) all of the above 7. A steppe is a(n) ____________ A) type of climate. B) extended village. C) immense plain. D) trading post. 8. The Eastern Slavs of Kievan Rus ____________ A) were not warlike. B) asked Vikings to protect them. C) dominated the trade route on the Dnieper River. D) all of the above. 9. Which factor led to the isolation of the Eastern Slavs from Western Europe? A) their use of the Cyrillic alphabet B) the Mongol invasion and occupation C) their acceptance of Eastern Orthodoxy D) all of the above 10. The power of what city led to its being called the Third Rome? A) Moscow B) Kiev C) Novgorod D) the Kremlin


NAME: _____________________________________________________ DATE: __________________________

1. Before Muhammad's revelation, Makkah was ____________ A) a crossroads of commerce.B) a well-to-do community. C) the site of a holy shrine for idols. D) all of the above 2. The merchants of Makkah rejected Muhammad's message mainly because ____________A) they feared the city's economy would be ruined.B) he said that the rich should share their wealth.C) he stated there was only one God.D) he said that God would punish evil-doers. 3. The Five Pillars of Islam do NOT include ____________A) prayer. B) honoring parents.C) almsgiving.D) fasting. 4. The annual pilgrimage to Makkah is called the ____________A) mosque.B) imam.C) hajj.D) sheikh. 5. The Rightly Guided Caliphs ____________A) were the first four who followed Muhammad.B) sought to protect and spread Islam.C) attacked the Byzantine and Persian Empires.D) all of the above

6. The division within Islam resulted in ____________A) the conquest of Spain by Umayyad warriors.B) the murders of two of Muhammad's successors.C) the loss of Syria and Persia from the Islamic Empire.D) all of the above 7. The new city the Abbasids built to be the focus of their dynasty was ____________A) Bukhara.B) Baghdad.C) Tashkent.D) Damascus. 8. Bazaars were ____________A) the places in which Muslims prayed five times a day.B) theological schools in which students studied Islam.C) the marketplaces in which Muslim merchants sold their goods.D) courtyards with fountains and gardens. 9. The use of arabesques to decorate books and other things developed mainly because of ____________A) religious prohibitions against making images of living creatures.B) Islamic interest in geometry.C) the influence of intricate Persian designs in carpets.D) the delight Muslims took in garden flowers and plants.

10. Moses Maimonides was ____________ A) a physician and Jewish scholar in North Africa.B) a major contributor to an important work on Jewish law. C) the philosopher who wrote The Guide of the Perplexed. D) all of the above

INTERAMERICAN SCHOOLChapter 12 The Rise of Medieval Europe

NAME: _____________________________________________________________________ DATE:Instructions: Underline the correct answer and next to the answer write the page number where you found it. 1. What is the significance of the battle of Tours, France, in A.D. 732? A) Clovis, king of the Franks, accepted Catholicism after his victory. B) Charles Martel stopped the Muslim forces threatening Europe. C) It marked Charlemagne's first victory over Islamic forces. D) It allowed France to double the size of its territory. 2. Which is true of Charlemagne's rule? A) He nearly doubled the size of his kingdom. B) He helped revive learning in Europe. C) He was crowned as the new Roman emperor. D) all of the above 3. The greatest threat to the Carolingian kingdoms was ____________ A) the Muslims from North Africa. B) the Slavs from eastern Europe. C) the armies of England. D) the Vikings from Scandinavia. 4. Feudalism is characterized by ____________ A) being highly decentralized. B) strengthening central power. C) encouraging the growth of cities. D) being a luxurious lifestyle. 5. In feudalism, peasants ____________ A) were vassals, the people between a lord and a king. B) took part in mock battles called tournaments. C) exchanged work on the land for a lord's protection. D) were mounted warriors.

6. One of the most important services the monasteries provided was ____________ A) conducting services and overseeing the spiritual life of the community. B) the preservation of ancient religious works and the classical writings. C) introducing the ideas of poverty, chastity, and obedience to the Church. D) allowing women called nuns to take part in the sacraments. 7. Expulsion from the Church is called ____________ A) heresy. B) excommunication. C) the Inquisition. D) salvation. 8. Lay investiture refers to ____________ A) secular control of Church appointments. B) a strong Parliament. C) royal control of government affairs. D) divisions within the Holy Roman Empire. 9. Alfred the Great was noted for ____________ A) having united the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms. B) the revival of learning. C) defeating the Danes. D) all of the above 10. The significance of the Magna Carta was that it ____________ A) ended the Norman Conquest. B) started the first census in western Europe since Roman times. C) placed clear limits on royal power. D) all of the above

INTERAMERICAN SCHOOLChapter 13 Medieval Europe at Its Height

NAME: _____________________________________________________________________ DATE:Instructions: Underline the correct answer and next to the answer write the page number where you found it.1. The First Crusade ____________ A) followed a call from Pope Urban II to take over Palestine. B) resulted in the deaths of Jewish and Muslim inhabitants of Jerusalem. C) was fought against the Seljuk Turks, originally from central Asia. D) all of the above 2. The overall effect of the Crusades was ____________ A) the overthrow of the Muslim forces of Saladin. B) the breakdown of feudalism in western Europe. C) the reclamation of Jerusalem for the pope. D) all of the above 3. The rapid expansion of trade resulted in the need for ____________ A) a more efficient barter system. B) a common medium of exchange. C) taxes on imported goods. D) the decline of the feudal system. 4. The primary function of the merchant guild was to ____________ A) maintain a monopoly for its members. B) regulate the quality of crafts made by its members. C) encourage trading with foreigners. D) prevent price fixing for any kind of goods or services. 5. Which term names the step after apprentice? A) guild B) journeyman C) master D) burgher 6. Flying buttresses of the Gothic style of architecture meant that ____________ A) churches had to have thicker walls.

B) there was more space for stained-glass windows. C) ceilings were lower and could be decorated with art. D) all of the above. 7. The struggle between the houses of York and Lancaster led to ____________ A) the Hundred Years' War. B) France's war with the Swiss. C) the end of religious tolerance in Spain. D) the Wars of the Roses. 8. The most powerful European royal family was that of ____________ A) York. B) the Hapsburgs. C) Casimir. D) the Ottomans. 9. The Great Schism refers to ____________ A) more than one man claiming to be pope. B) the antipapal movement led by John Wycliffe of England. C) the Czech religious reform movement led by Jan Hus. D) the resignation of three successive popes. 10. One significant result of disunity in the Church was that ____________ A) the princely lifestyles of the clergy led to the sale of church positions. B) the papacy was dominated by English popes. C) Europeans felt a greater sense of loyalty to their monarchs than to the pope. D) all of the above .

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