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Review ArticleUpper Limb Immobilisation: A Neural Plasticity Model withRelevance to Poststroke Motor Rehabilitation

Leonardo Furlan,1 Adriana Bastos Conforto,2,3 Leonardo G. Cohen,4 and Annette Sterr1,2

1School of Psychology, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Surrey, Guildford GU2 7XH, UK2Neurology Clinical Division, Clinics Hospital, Sao Paulo University, Avenida Dr. Eneas C. Aguiar 255/5084,05403-010 Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil3Instituto de Ensino e Pesquisa, Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, Avenida Albert Einstein 627/701, 05601-901 Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil4Human Cortical Physiology and Stroke Rehabilitation Section, National Institutes of Neurological Disorders and Stroke,National Institutes of Health, Building 10, Room 7D54, Bethesda, MD 20892, USA

Correspondence should be addressed to Annette Sterr;

Received 7 August 2015; Revised 13 October 2015; Accepted 19 October 2015

Academic Editor: Lin Xu

Copyright © 2016 Leonardo Furlan et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons AttributionLicense, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properlycited.

Advances in our understanding of the neural plasticity that occurs after hemiparetic stroke have contributed to the formulation oftheories of poststroke motor recovery. These theories, in turn, have underpinned contemporary motor rehabilitation strategies fortreating motor deficits after stroke, such as upper limb hemiparesis. However, a relative drawback has been that, in general, thesestrategies are most compatible with the recovery profiles of relatively high-functioning stroke survivors and therefore do not easilytranslate into benefit to those individuals sustaining low-functioning upper limb hemiparesis, who otherwise have poorer residualfunction. For these individuals, alternative motor rehabilitation strategies are currently needed. In this paper, we will review upperlimb immobilisation studies that have been conducted with healthy adult humans and animals. Then, we will discuss how thefindings from these studies could inspire the creation of a neural plasticity model that is likely to be of particular relevance to thecontext of motor rehabilitation after stroke. For instance, as will be elaborated, such model could contribute to the developmentof alternative motor rehabilitation strategies for treating poststroke upper limb hemiparesis. The implications of the findings fromthose immobilisation studies for contemporary motor rehabilitation strategies will also be discussed and perspectives for futureresearch in this arena will be provided as well.

1. Introduction

The human brain changes itself in response to different typesof experience through the reorganisation of its neuronalconnections.This phenomenon is known as neural plasticity.It is suggested that it involves firstly a short-term modu-lation in the strength of existing pathways and that, overtime, with prolonged exposure, such modulation might befollowed by more stable, longer-term structural changes inbrain networks [1]. Neural plasticity manifests itself duringbrain development [2], motor and perceptual skill learning[3, 4], and also during/after central nervous system (CNS)diseases/disorders [5], to name a few. The reorganisationof neuronal connections in the brain within these andalso other contexts is commonly seen as being beneficial

to the individual. However, neural plasticity can also bedetrimental [6]. When brain changes are associated withimprovements in the individual’s behavioural capacity, neuralplasticity is referred to as being adaptive [7–9]. On theother hand, when brain changes are linked to behaviouraldeterioration, or adverse consequences to the individual,neural plasticity is referred to as being maladaptive [10, 11].

Thus, it follows from the above that, by identifying neuralplasticity and its behavioural correlates, together with anunderstanding of its mechanisms and likely causal factors,one can develop strategies to enhance adaptive and/or sup-press maladaptive brain changes in order to improve theindividual’s behavioural capacity [12]. This opportunity forintervention is of paramount importance to the clinical con-text of CNS diseases/disorders, wheremany different patterns

Hindawi Publishing CorporationNeural PlasticityVolume 2016, Article ID 8176217, 17 pages

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of neural plasticity have been identified, each of which beingassociated with either positive or negative behavioural out-comes [5]. This is particularly true for stroke [5].

Stroke is a major cause of acquired physical disabilityin adults worldwide. Motor deficits affecting the upper limbare a common manifestation of stroke and greatly contributeto decreasing the individual’s functional performance andthereby to the level of disability that is achieved [13]. It iswidely appreciated thatmotor rehabilitation after stroke playsan essential role in reducing the individual’s physical disabil-ity [14–16]. This paper will focus on the motor rehabilitationof the paretic upper limb after stroke.

Until about the late 1980s, neurorehabilitation profes-sionals, despite recognising the importance of motor reha-bilitation, had a somewhat restricted therapeutic armamen-tarium for treating stroke-related motor deficits, such asupper limb hemiparesis [17]. This was in part due to ourrelatively limited understanding of the neural mechanismsunderlying motor deficits/recovery after hemiparetic strokeat that time [18]. By then, neurorehabilitation consistedmostly in teaching patients compensatory behaviours withtheir preserved body functions and/or in the utilisation of so-called “neurophysiological approaches” that lacked a strongscientific basis and had their therapeutic efficacy questioned[19]. Fortunately, from that time onwards, with the adventof noninvasive neurophysiological and neuroimaging toolsfor assessing/altering brain activity/function in humans, andthe increasingly greater utilisation of such tools in strokepatients, together with major advances in the developmentand use of animal models of stroke, the scenario began tochange. For instance, over the past twenty five years or so,the findings from numerous correlational and experimentalstudies conducted with brain injured adult humans andanimals have substantially enlightened our understandingof the neural plasticity that occurs after hemiparetic stroke[5, 20–26]. Overall, this progress has contributed to theformulation of “theories” of motor recovery after stroke. Inshort, these theories identify neural plasticity patterns, bothadaptive and maladaptive, and delineate their mechanismsand likely causal factors, for example, damage to, or activ-ity changes in, particular brain regions or pathways andthe presence or absence of specific behavioural or neuralsignals, to name a few. Such mechanistic understanding ofpoststroke motor deficits/recovery has, in turn, allowed forthe theoretical conceptualisation and subsequent develop-ment of new, science-based motor rehabilitation strategiesto treat upper limb hemiparesis, most of which are stillunder investigation [27–30]. In parallel, other strategiesthat were being conceptualised and developed from oth-erwise different, yet complementary scientific perspectives,for example, behavioural psychology and multidisciplinarymovement science, have found in those neural plasticity-based theories of motor recovery a strong neuroscientificsupport. This has further contributed to the establishmentof these latter strategies as treatment options for poststrokeupper limb hemiparesis [31–34]. In this paper, we will refer toboth these and those previously mentioned newly developedstrategies as “contemporary motor rehabilitation strategies.”Altogether, this has not only represented a major revolution

in neurorehabilitation but also nurtured a more optimisticprospect to the field.

1.1. The Problem. Notwithstanding the aforementionedachievements, several challenges have yet to be addressedin the arena of poststroke motor rehabilitation research,and this has consequences to clinical practice worldwide[35–38]. One of these challenges, for instance, is that, ingeneral, contemporary motor rehabilitation strategies forpoststroke upper limb hemiparesis are most compatiblewith the recovery profiles of relatively high-functioningstroke survivors and therefore do not easily translate intobenefit to individuals with poorer residual function. Thisis often in contrast to the day-to-day scenario of real-world rehabilitation settings, where many of the patientsin need for motor rehabilitation after a stroke are usuallyat closer proximity to the lower end of the spectrum offunctional recovery. This discrepancy may stem from thefact that most of the investigations performed so far in thisfield, particularly the studies testing motor rehabilitationstrategies, have, for several reasons, focused primarily onwell recovered stroke models [39] (but see also [40]). As aconsequence, many stroke survivors, such as those sustaininglow-functioning upper limb hemiparesis, remain with ratherlimited rehabilitation options [41].

Therefore, in light of the above, we argue that there is aneed for alternative motor rehabilitation strategies for stroke,if clinical practice demands are to be met more widely andeffectively. Essentially, these alternative strategies have tofulfill at least two requirements. First, they should be able topromote the adaptive neural plasticity pattern(s) currentlyidentified as instrumental to poststroke motor recovery.Second, and most critically, their ability to do that must notbe influenced by the individual’s level of residual function.Importantly, such strategies are likely not only to be morecompatible with the recovery profiles of stroke survivors withpoor residual function, but also to translate into benefit to theentire spectrum of functional recovery. However, in orderfor this to be achieved, models that more closely resemblea condition of low-functioning upper limb hemiparesis arerequired. As will be elaborated in the remainder of this paper,upper limb immobilisation is a key candidate for this position.

Below,wewill first briefly describe two prevailing theoriesof motor recovery after stroke and some of the contemporarymotor rehabilitation strategies for treating poststroke upperlimb hemiparesis that have been largely underpinned bythese theories. This will be followed by an overview ofupper limb immobilisation studies in healthy adult humansand animals and a discussion as to how the findings fromthese studies could inspire the creation of a model that, webelieve, is likely to be of particular relevance to the contextof motor rehabilitation after stroke. Our premise here isthat an upper limb immobilisation model, by capitalising onboth, current theories of motor recovery after stroke andthe shortage of physical or overt movements, which is ahallmark of low-functioning hemiparesis, offers a compellingneurobehavioural framework upon which alternative motorrehabilitation strategies for treating upper limb hemiparesiscan be envisioned, firstly developed and tested in healthy

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individuals, and then ultimately translated into the clinicalcontext of poststroke motor rehabilitation.

2. Theories of Motor Recovery after Stroke

2.1. Background Information: Cortical Motor Representations,What They Reflect, and What Drives Their Organisation.The motor cortex contains representations of body parts[42, 43]. Throughout this paper, we will refer to suchrepresentations as “cortical motor representations.” Theserepresentations are commonly derived through electricalstimulation of the precentral cortex in the frontal lobe,with either noninvasive or invasive techniques, such astranscranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and intracorticalmicrostimulation (ICMS), respectively. While TMS is morefrequently used with humans, ICMS is typically employedin animal research. The mechanism of action of these twotechniques, when they are used for that purpose, usuallyinvolves the stimulation of axons from local intracorticalcircuits that synapse onto corticospinal neurons that thensynapse onto contralateral spinal motor neurons innervatingskeletal muscles, which, in turn, act upon specific body parts.However, direct activation of corticospinal neurons may alsooccur under certain conditions with both TMS and ICMS.The response to stimulation is then recorded in the peripheryvisually, that is, through the visualisation of movement ofthe corresponding body part(s), and/or by means of surfaceelectromyography of the involved muscle(s). Thus, whenderived, cortical motor representations may be considered asbeing a measure of both the amount of cortical/corticospinaltissue that is being dedicated to the motor control of aparticular body part, which can be inferred from the size ofthe obtained representation over the cortex or scalp, and thestrength or efficacy of this control at the time of stimulation,which can be inferred from the intensity of the recordedresponse in the periphery.The latter, in turn, usually indicatesthe excitability of the cortical/corticospinal components ofthe representation that are activated by the stimulation. AsPhillips and Porter (1977) commented on the use of electricalstimulation for deriving cortical motor representations, “Thisleaves us free to concentrate on itsmerits as a tool formappingthe outputs that are available for selection by the intracorticalactivities that it cannot itself evoke” (Phillips and Porter1977, p. 37) ([44], p. 304). In other words, the size and/orexcitability of a cortical motor representation correspondingto a particular body part can be thought of as reflecting theindividual’s motor capacity/skill with that body part [45].

Contrary to what was once held, cortical motor repre-sentations are by no means static entities. Instead, numerousneurophysiological studies performed with TMS and ICMSon adult humans and animals in the past years have con-sistently demonstrated that such representations are ratherflexible or dynamic and that one fundamental driver of theirorganisation, in terms of both their size and excitability, isthe amount of use or sensorimotor experience with the cor-responding body part(s). In general, conditions of increaseduse or sensorimotor experience that increase activity in theefferent and/or afferent neural signalling pathways targetingand/or coming from a particular body part, or parts, for

example, motor skill learning/acquisition and somatosen-sory stimulation, induce an increase in the size and/orexcitability of the cortical motor representation(s) of theinvolved body part(s). This is often accompanied by gains inmotor capacity with the involved body part(s) and thereforereflects adaptive neural plasticity. Conversely, conditions ofdecreased use or sensorimotor experience that decrease oreven cease activity in those pathways, for example, brain orperipheral nerve lesions, amputation, spinal cord injury, andischemic nerve block-mediated local anesthesia, lead to adecrease in the size and/or excitability of the cortical motorrepresentation(s) of the affected body part(s). This usuallyparallels a reduction inmotor capacity with the affected bodypart(s) and therefore reflects maladaptive neural plasticity[46–49]. There is evidence that these changes in the sizeand/or excitability of cortical motor representations, bothadaptive and maladaptive, are mediated by, among other fac-tors, synaptic strength modification processes, such as long-term potentiation (LTP) and long-term depression (LTD),occurring within intracortical circuits in the motor cortex(see [45, 49] for further details).

2.2. Theories of Poststroke Motor Recovery. Findings collatedfrom several neurophysiological and neuroimaging investi-gations performed with brain injured adult humans and ani-mals have contributed so far to the formulation of at least twocomplementary theories of motor recovery after hemipareticstroke. In the following sections, wewill refer to these theoriesas the “reactivation” and “rebalancing” theories. It might beworthmentioning that what we call theories here has actuallyappeared more frequently in the literature as “concepts,”“models,” or “neural strategies” for motor recovery, ratherthan as theories per se. Also, other names rather than“reactivation” and “rebalancing” have been more commonlyused. Nevertheless, the underlying principles/mechanismshave been fully preserved and the terms employed here werechosen simply for the purposes of this paper.

The “reactivation” theory makes three main assumptions.First, in the healthy brain, increased use or sensorimotorexperience in the form of motor skill acquisition promotesadaptive neural plasticity, that is, increases in the sizeand/or excitability, of the cortical motor representation(s)of the involved body part(s). Second, motor deficits afterhemiparetic stroke are due not only to the structural lesionitself, but, critically, also to maladaptive neural plasticityoccurring in structurally intact, residual brain areas con-nected to the damaged region(s). Of special interest hereis the adjacent, perilesional tissue surrounding the strokecore. After the stroke, this region may still contain someresidual cortical/corticospinal components of the corticalmotor representations corresponding to the paretic bodyparts. When this is the case, it follows that, over time, thesespared representations often undergo a substantial reductionin their size and/or excitability. This condition of perilesionaldepression is usually the combined result of phenomena thatare initially triggered by the stroke lesion, such as diaschisisand learned nonuse, and that are subsequently aggravated bya state of substantially reduced usage of, and hence reducedsensorimotor experience with, the paretic body parts. Third,

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Figure 1:This figure illustrates the interaction between two prevailing theories ofmotor recovery after stroke, named here as the “reactivation”and “rebalancing” theories (a), and some of the contemporary motor rehabilitation strategies for treating poststroke upper limb hemiparesisthat have been largely underpinned by these theories (b). Red explosion-like balloon: hemiparetic stroke. Light green circle: depression, that is,decreased size and/or excitability, of residual cortical motor representations in the adjacent, perilesional tissue.Dark green circle: overactivityof homologous cortical motor representations in the opposite, undamaged cerebral hemisphere. Light blue arrow: decreased transcallosalinhibition.Dark blue arrow: increased transcallosal inhibition. Red thin downward arrow: reduced use of the paretic upper limb contralateralto the stroke side. Black thin upward arrow: increased skilled use of the paretic upper limb through physiotherapy in the form of task-specificexercises. Red-yellow bolts: adjunctive therapies, such as excitatory and inhibitory brain stimulation (+BS and −BS, resp.) and peripheralsomatosensory stimulation (PSS), to be combined with physiotherapy exercises.White tick upward arrow: increase activity in the ipsilesionalmotor cortex.White tick downward arrow: decrease activity in the contralesional motor cortex. See text for further details.

the mechanisms of the above can interact so that afterhemiparetic stroke, increased use or sensorimotor experiencewith the paretic body parts in the form of motor skill(re)acquisition may adaptively modulate perilesional neuralplasticity. Therefore, this theory predicts that, by increasinguse of the paretic body parts in a skill (re)acquisition-likemanner, the cortical motor representations correspondingto these body parts, which may still have some residualcomponents available in the perilesional tissue, are reacti-vated and adaptively stimulated; that is, they increase theirsize and/or excitability and thereby improve the individual’smotor function [50, 51] (see also [20, 52, 53] for furtherdiscussion).

The “rebalancing” theory, on the other hand, suggeststhat motor deficits after hemiparetic stroke result, apartfrom the structural lesion itself, from an interaction betweendepression of the perilesional tissue and further maladaptiveneural plasticity involving both the ipsilesional and the con-tralesional cerebral hemisphere. For instance, a hemipareticstroke, besides selectively disrupting lateralized motor con-trol networks, often compromises transcallosal circuits thatregulate the interhemispheric interactions between corticalareas. Of particular relevance here are the inhibitory transcal-losal circuits that connect the cortical motor representationsin the motor cortex of one hemisphere to those in themotor cortex of the contralateral hemisphere. The result isa reduction in the inhibition from the motor cortex of thestroke-affected hemisphere to the homologous area in theopposite, unaffected hemisphere. Such disinhibition usuallyleads to an abnormally increased activity in the contralesional

motor cortex, which, in turn, causes excessive transcallosalinhibition from this area towards the homologous regionin the ipsilesional hemisphere. This phenomenon is likelyto be aggravated by a concomitant compensatory increaseduse of the less-affected body side, which contributes tofurther increasing activity in the contralesional motor cortex.Overall, it is suggested that such abnormal interhemisphericinhibition would be superimposed to an already existingcondition of reduced perilesional activation in the affectedhemisphere and that this could, in turn, contribute to afurther decrease in the size and/or excitability of potentiallyavailable residual cortical motor representations in thathemisphere. Accordingly, this theory predicts that motorrecovery after hemiparetic stroke is facilitated/enhanced ifthe interhemispheric interactions between the cortical motorrepresentations of the two homologous motor cortices arerebalanced and that this can be achieved by increasingactivity in the ipsilesional and/or decreasing activity in thecontralesional motor cortex [54–56] (see also [20, 21, 57] forfurther discussion). The two theories of motor recovery areillustrated in Figure 1(a).

3. Contemporary MotorRehabilitation Strategies for PoststrokeUpper Limb Hemiparesis

Overall, those two aforementioned theories of motor recov-ery currently form the neuroscientific basis of contempo-rary motor rehabilitation strategies for treating upper limb

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hemiparesis after stroke. These strategies might be broadlygrouped into two complementary categories of interventions.The first category is primarily supported by the “reactivation”theory and currently constitutes the central pillar of modernneurorehabilitation.This category aims to increase skilled useof the paretic upper limb in order to reactivate and adaptivelystimulate, that is, increase the size and/or excitability of,likely latent cortical motor representations in the damagedcerebral hemisphere. It consists mostly of physiotherapyexercises that are performed with the paretic upper limband that are delivered in the form of repetitive and increas-ingly challenging task-specific exercises directed towards the(re)acquisition ofmotor skills [58, 59].The second category ofinterventions, on the other hand, is based on both theories ofmotor recovery, but particularly on the “rebalancing” theory.This category aims to boost the effects of physiotherapyexercises through the use of adjunctive therapies that havethe potential to rebalance the interhemispheric interactionsbetween the two homologous motor cortices and that can bedelivered in combination with task-specific practice. Theseadjunctive therapies include, but are not limited to, excitatoryand inhibitory brain stimulation (+BS and −BS, resp.) [60–70] and peripheral somatosensory stimulation (PSS) [71–75]. The standard approach here is to deliver +BS to theipsilesional motor cortex to increase its activity and/or −BSto the contralesional motor cortex to decrease its activity. Inthe case of PSS, the stimuli, which typically consist of low-intensity electric currents, are delivered transcutaneouslyto the paretic body part(s) in order to increase activity ofthe contralateral, ipsilesional motor cortex. These adjunctivetherapies can be used either separately or in combinationwith each other. For instance, task-specific exercises can becoupled with both BS and PSS in order to further potentiatepractice-induced adaptive neural plasticity (e.g., see [76]).Despite their promise, it is worth noting that these, and alsoother adjunctive therapies, are still under investigation andtherefore are not yet widely used in clinical practice. The twocategories of interventions are illustrated in Figure 1(b).

As can be noted, contemporary motor rehabilitationstrategies for treating poststroke upper limb hemiparesisare centered in the physical/overt practice of motor tasks.Individuals are required to have a level of residual functionthat will ultimately allow them not only to actively engagewith repetitive task practice, but also to perform increasinglydifficult exercises [58, 59]. Therefore, while these rehabili-tation strategies may undoubtedly translate into benefit forsome stroke survivors, their overreliance on the availabilityof relatively high levels of residual function to overcomemal-adaptive and/or promote adaptive neural plasticity, that is, topromote motor recovery, represents a major obstacle. This isparticularly true for individuals sustaining low-functioningupper limb hemiparesis who, due to poor residual function,cannot effectively engage with the physical practice of motortasks in the way that is needed to promote the adaptiveneural plasticity driving functional improvements. For theseindividuals, overt practice-based rehabilitation strategies areof very limited value. At this point, it is worth clarifying that acondition of poor residual function after a hemiparetic stroke,that is, low-functioning hemiparesis, at least in the way this

concept is used in this paper, does not necessarily imply asevere neurological lesion completely destroying the corticaland/or corticospinal components of the cortical motor rep-resentations corresponding to the paretic body parts. Whileit stands to reason that such a severe lesion would result inpoor residual function, the occurrence of the former is nota sine qua non for the presence of the latter. This is becausemany factors can influence/determine the level of residualfunction that is expressed by an individual after a hemipareticstroke. For instance, it is well recognised that patients oftenexperience substantial cardiorespiratory and skeletal muscledeconditioning after a hemiparetic stroke [77, 78]. As wehave discussed elsewhere (e.g., see [79]), such deconditioningstatus, in turn, might greatly contribute to increasing theirfatigue levels. Altogether, this can critically decrease theindividual’s physical capacity and ability to actively engagewith the repetitive overt practice of progressive motor tasks,hence contributing to a low-functioning profile. Moreover,as already mentioned in the previous section, the motordeficits and hence the level of residual function that is shownby an individual after a hemiparetic stroke are currentlythought to be largely influenced by maladaptive neural plas-ticity patterns occurring in structurally intact, residual brainareas/networks that were otherwise spared by the lesion.Therefore, amore holistic view here would be that a conditionof low-functioning hemiparesis after stroke likely results froma complex interaction among different compromised bodysystems, instead of simply from the more direct effects ofthe neural damage, that is, the selective destruction of motorcontrol pathways in the brain.

Thus, as suggested earlier in this paper, alternative motorrehabilitation strategies for stroke are currently needed.Essentially, in order to overcome the present obstacle, thesealternative strategies must not rely on the individual’s levelof residual function to move from a state of maladaptiveto one of adaptive neural plasticity, which may eventuallytranslate into improved motor function. As will be discussedhenceforth, an upper limb immobilisationmodelmight be anattractive framework for developing such strategies.

4. Upper Limb Immobilisation and NeuralPlasticity: What Do Human and AnimalStudies Tell Us?

Given the fundamental role of use or sensorimotor experi-ence in shaping cortical motor representations and therebythe individual’s motor capacity/skill with the correspond-ing body part(s) (see Section 2.1), studies have started toinvestigate upper limb immobilisation as a paradigm ofdisuse or sensorimotor deprivation. In such studies, the entireupper limb, or part of it, is prevented to move by meansof a bandage, splint, cast, and/or sling, either because oftrauma or simply for experimental purposes. Particularly,these investigations have focused not only on the neural butalso on the behavioural effects of immobilisation.

For example, in a classical study, Huber et al. (2006)immobilised the left arm and hand of healthy participants for

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12 consecutive hours to explore the effects of sensorimotordeprivation on sensorimotor cortex activity, motor perfor-mance, and sleep slow wave activity (SWA). After the immo-bilisation, the authors found a substantial decrease in neu-ronal activity in the hand representation of the right sensoryand motor cortices, as revealed by reduced somatosensoryand motor potentials evoked through peripheral nerve stim-ulation and TMS, respectively. At the same time, the motorperformance of the immobilised arm and hand had deterio-rated, as indicated by an increase in hand-path area variabilitywhile individuals were reaching toward targets placed in frontof them. Also, after immobilisation, there was a localiseddecrease in sleep SWA over the right sensorimotor cortex,which was detected through electroencephalography duringsubsequent sleep. Of note, a positive correlation was foundbetween the changes in motor performance and the changesin both somatosensory evoked potentials and sleep SWA[80]. Subsequent studies have revealed comparable findingsregarding the behavioural effects of immobilisation. In oneof these studies, healthy participants had their upper limbimmobilised for either 6 or 12 consecutive hours. It was foundthat after 12 but not 6 hours of immobilisation, motor controlof the restricted limb was impaired, which was expressedthrough abnormalities in both hand trajectories and inter-joint coordination during reaching movements [81]. Sim-ilarly, in a different study, healthy individuals displayedaltered motor performance in a reach-to-grasp task after 10hours of continuous arm and hand immobilisation. Here, thetransport phase of the reach-to-graspmovementwas affected,in a way that reaching was slower and its peak velocitytime was achieved earlier. An interesting finding from thisstudy was that motor performance on the reach-to-grasp taskquickly returned to baseline levels with only a few trials ofpractice after the immobilisation had been removed [82].

By employing the same immobilisation protocol fromthe latter study above, Avanzino et al. (2011) explored withTMS the effect of upper limb disuse on the interhemisphericinteractions between the two homologous motor cortices.Additionally, they investigated whether this effect was mod-ulated by the amount of use of the nonimmobilised limb.The study consisted of two groups. In one group, participantsreceived no instructions regarding the amount of use ofthe nonimmobilised arm and hand, “free to move” group,whereas, in the other group, volunteers were instructed tolimit contralateral movements, “limited movement” group.After the 10 consecutive hours of right arm and handimmobilisation, both groups showed decreased excitabilityof the hand representation in the left motor cortex andreduced interhemispheric inhibition from the left to the righthand cortical motor representation, with the latter effectbeing more pronounced in the “free to move” group. Ofnote, the excitability of the hand representation in the rightmotor cortex, as well as the interhemispheric inhibition fromthe right to the left hand cortical motor representation,increased only in the group that was free to move the left,nonimmobilised arm and hand [83].

In keeping with these latter findings, a longitudinalneuroimaging study by Langer et al. (2012) reported bilat-eral structural changes in the sensorimotor cortex and

corticospinal tract of immobilised individuals recoveringfrom upper limb fractures. After an average of 16 daysof right arm and hand immobilisation, cortical thicknessand fractional anisotropy (FA) were reduced in the handrepresentation of the left sensory andmotor cortices and overthe left corticospinal tract, respectively. In addition, motorabilities with the left arm and hand improved throughoutthe restriction period, presumably as a consequence of anincreased use in order to compensate for the immobilisa-tion of the contralateral limb. Interestingly, this behaviouralchange was associated with an increase in both corticalthickness and FA of the right motor cortex and corticospinaltract, respectively, and with a decrease in cortical thicknessover the left sensorimotor cortex [84].

In another longitudinal study, in this case conductedwith healthy adult monkeys, Milliken and colleagues (2013)investigated the effect of distal forelimb immobilisation onthe somatotopic organisation of the corresponding corticalmotor representation. Here, immobilisation periods variedfrom 38 to 248 days. Detailed cortical motor representationsof the distal forelimb of the animals were obtained throughICMS techniques before, during, and after the immobili-sation intervals. The authors found a progressive decreasein the size of the representation of the digits together withan equivalent increase in the size of the representation ofmore proximal limb parts, such as wrist and forearm. Thesechanges were paralleled by a reduction in general/skilled useof the digits, which, in turn, was followed by a concomitantincrease in the use of more proximal limb parts. In general,those cortical changes were reversed to baseline levels afterremoval of the immobilisation during a period of behaviouralrecovery,when the animals regained general/skilled use of thedigits, either spontaneously or through forced use [85].

Complementing the above findings, Rosenkranz et al.(2014), by recording a variety of TMS-derived measures,recently showed that upper limb immobilisation, besidesdecreasing the excitability and/or size of the correspondingcortical motor representations in the contralateral motorcortex, also selectively alters neural plasticity and intracorti-cal inhibition mechanisms within the same representations.Specifically, the authors showed that, after 8 consecutivehours of left hand immobilisation, individuals displayedincreased responsiveness to paired associative stimulation(PAS) protocols, which are thought to induce long-termpotentiation- (LTP-) like and long-term depression- (LTD-)like processes. In other words, both LTP and LTD werefacilitated in the hand representation of the contralateral rightmotor cortex after immobilisation, presumably reflectinghomeostatic adjustments that operate to increase the sensi-tivity of corticospinal neurons to available synaptic inputsand thereby prevent too much of a decrease in motor outputcapacity. In addition, after immobilisation, short-intervalintracortical inhibition (SICI) was reduced in the handrepresentation of the right motor cortex, and this changewas negatively correlated with the changes in excitability overthis cortical area. Again, this is likely to reflect compensatoryadjustments that act during/after immobilisation to maintainoverall motor cortex excitability within a certain range.Finally, a correlation was also found between the reduction

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in the excitability of the hand representation over the rightmotor cortex and the strength of the effect of the PAS proto-cols. This correlation was positive for the LTP-inducing andnegative for the LTD-inducing protocol [86]. The findingsfrom this study, particularly those regarding the changes inneural plasticity and intracortical inhibition mechanisms,might explain, at least in part, the somatotopic reorganisationof cortical motor representations that usually occurs withupper limb immobilisation [86], such as that observed in themonkeys from the study mentioned previously [85].

Interestingly, the neural and behavioural effects that havebeen reported in immobilisation studies are, to a large extent,similar to those effects reported in investigations employingischemic nerve block-mediated local anaesthesia, both inhealthy individuals and after stroke [87–90]. This similarityemphasises the role of the presence/level of activity in theafferent and efferent neural signalling pathways associatedwith a particular body part in determining the size and/orexcitability of its representation in the motor cortex andthereby the individual’s motor capacity/skill with it. Thisobservation, in turn, further corroborates the “reactivation”theory that was described previously in this paper (seeSection 2.2).

In summary, the studies reviewed in this section provideevidence that upper limb immobilisation

(i) impairs motor performance with the restricted bodypart(s), even after short periods of restriction rangingfrom 10 to 12 hours, an effect that is largely reversible;

(ii) induces maladaptive neural plasticity of the corticalmotor representation(s) of the immobilised bodypart(s), which expresses itself in the form of motorbehaviour deterioration, and which may vary froma simple reduction in the size and/or excitability ofthe involved representation(s) to structural changesin the cortical and corticospinal components of thesame representation(s), depending on the duration ofthe immobilisation;

(iii) affects the interhemispheric balance between the twohomologous motor cortices in favour of the corti-cal motor representation(s) from the cerebral hemi-sphere ipsilateral to the immobilised body part(s),an effect that seems to be largely modulated by theamount of use of the contralateral, nonimmobilisedlimb;

(iv) modulates neural plasticity and intracortical inhibi-tion mechanisms within the cortical motor repre-sentation(s) of the restricted body part(s), a processwhich is likely to be responsible for the maladaptiveneural plasticity of the involved representation(s).More specifically, such modulation occurs in a direc-tion that appears to be predicted by the amount ofdepression that is induced by the restriction in theinvolved representation(s); for example, the largerthe decrease in excitability, the greater the sensitiv-ity of the representation(s) to subsequent LTP-likeprocesses (with the opposite being true for LTD-like processes) and the smaller the reduction in SICIwithin the same representation(s).

5. Upper Limb Immobilisation as a Modelfor Developing Alternative MotorRehabilitation Strategies for PoststrokeUpper Limb Hemiparesis

The proposal presented in this paper is that an upper limbimmobilisation model offers a compelling neurobehaviouralframework for developing alternative motor rehabilitationstrategies for treating upper limb hemiparesis after stroke.As summarized previously, the neural effects of upper limbimmobilisation are, to a large extent, similar to the mal-adaptive neural plasticity patterns that are often seen afterhemiparetic stroke and that underpin current theories ofmotor recovery. To briefly recall, those effects involve botha reduction in the size and/or excitability of the corticalmotor representation(s) corresponding to the immobilisedbody part(s) and changes in interhemispheric balance, withincreased activity biased towards the cortical motor repre-sentation(s) from the cerebral hemisphere ipsilateral to therestricted limb. Indeed, in terms of maladaptive neural plas-ticity patterns, an upper limb immobilisation model largelyresembles a hemiparetic stroke model, except of course forthe absence of a true lesion (Figure 2(a)).

But if this is to be true, then what could be the advantagesof using an upper limb immobilisation model as a stroke-like model for developing alternative motor rehabilitationstrategies for upper limb hemiparesis, in place of currentlyused models (see Section 1.1)? Here, we argue that, besidesinducing the maladaptive neural plasticity patterns thatusually occur after a hemiparetic stroke and that are currentlythought to play an important role in mediating the individ-ual’s motor deficits, the upper limb immobilisation modelessentially promotes a condition of rather decreased, if any,overt use or sensorimotor experience, which in fact charac-terizes the restriction paradigms themselves. Such condition,in turn, is much more compatible with the recovery profilesof individuals with poor residual function. Thus, an upperlimb immobilisation-based stroke-like model, in comparisonto currentmodels, more closely resembles a condition of low-functioning upper limb hemiparesis.

Importantly, within this context, if during a paradigm ofupper limb immobilisation in healthy individuals interven-tions could be delivered in order to prevent the maladaptiveneural plasticity that is induced by movement restriction,because these interventions would necessarily have to bypassovert movement execution, they could translate into alter-native motor rehabilitation strategies for poststroke upperlimb hemiparesis with a greater potential for benefiting thosewith poor residual function. Here, it is at least theoreticallyplausible that such interventions would be able to promote,for example, in low-functioning stroke survivors, the adaptiveneural plasticity patterns currently identified as instrumentalto poststroke motor recovery (see the “reactivation” and“rebalancing” theories in Section 2.2). Furthermore, thebehavioural effects of immobilisation would also be of valueto this context. For instance, it would be the case thatinterventions under investigation could aim to prevent notonly the induction of maladaptive neural plasticity but also

8 Neural Plasticity


Covert motorstrategies



Figure 2: (a) highlights the similarity between the maladaptive neural plasticity patterns that often occur after a hemiparetic stroke andthat are currently thought to play an important role in mediating the individual’s motor deficits (see Figure 1(a) for comparison) and theneural plasticity patterns that are induced by upper limb immobilisation (red crossed circle) in otherwise healthy individuals. Light greencircle: depression, that is, decreased size and/or excitability, of the cortical motor representation(s) corresponding to the immobilised bodypart(s). Dark green circle: overactivity of the homologous cortical motor representation(s) in the opposite cerebral hemisphere. Light bluearrow: decreased transcallosal inhibition. Dark blue arrow: increased transcallosal inhibition. (b) indicates potential interventions that couldbe delivered during a paradigm of upper limb immobilisation in healthy individuals in order to prevent maladaptive or promote adaptiveneural plasticity in themotor system.These interventionsmight include, for instance, covertmotor strategies, such as action observation (AO)and (likely) motor imagery (MI) (red-yellow balloon), and adjunctive therapies, such as excitatory and inhibitory brain stimulation (+BS and−BS, resp.) and peripheral somatosensory stimulation (PSS) (red-yellow bolts).White tick upward arrow: increase activity in the motor cortexcontralateral to the immobilisation. White tick downward arrow: decrease activity in the motor cortex ipsilateral to the immobilisation. Theidea here is that this might contribute to the development of alternative motor rehabilitation strategies for treating poststroke upper limbhemiparesis. See text for further details.

the deterioration of overt motor performance, which hasalso been a reported effect of immobilisation early after itsremoval (see beginning of Section 4).

5.1. Preventing Maladaptive/Promoting Adaptive Neural Plas-ticity during Upper Limb Immobilisation. Besides focusingon the neural and behavioural effects of upper limb immo-bilisation, recent studies have also started to explore howit can be used as a model of maladaptive neural plasticityupon which it is possible to test interventions that aim toprevent this neural plasticity from occurring. Specifically,researchers have employed upper limb immobilisation firstlyto induce a depression, that is, a decrease in the size and/orexcitability, of the cortical motor representation(s) of therestricted body part(s) and/or an interhemispheric imbal-ance between homologous representations in favour of therepresentation(s) ipsilateral to the immobilised body part(s).Then, theywould try to prevent these changes fromoccurringthrough the concomitant delivery of interventions that arethought to have the potential to activate and adaptivelystimulate cortical motor representations in the absence ofovert use or sensorimotor experience with the correspond-ing body part(s). Below, we will review these studies andinterventions within the context of motor rehabilitation afterstroke.

5.1.1. Background Information: Covert Motor Strategies andTheir Infusion into Poststroke Motor Rehabilitation. Covertmotor strategies might also be referred to as cognitive motorstrategies. They include, for example, motor imagery (MI)and action observation (AO). These strategies are referredto as “covert motor” strategies because of their intrinsicability to activate the motor system of the brain without theovert execution of movements. As suggested by Sharma et al.(2006), they may achieve that through the “backdoor” of thebrain’s motor system [91].

Theoretical support for MI and AO as covert motorstrategies comesmostly from the “SimulationTheory,” whichwas proposed by Jeannerod almost fifteen years ago. Accord-ing to this theory, the brain’s motor system, including itscortical motor representations in the motor cortex, is partof a simulation network that is activated not only whenwe move, but also when we imagine ourselves or observeothers moving. In this vein, the theory proposes that theneural substrate that is activated for the overt execution ofa movement or action is, to a large extent, also activatedby the imagination or observation of that same movementor action [92]. Studies from our group and several othersperformed with healthy participants have provided strongempirical support for the “SimulationTheory,” by showing anextensive overlap in neural activation between conditions ofovert execution and conditions of imagination or observation

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of movements, and this includes activation of the corticalmotor representation(s) of the involved body part(s) [93–98]. In addition, we have also shown that this overlapin neural activity does not remain confined to the motorexecution domain but also occurs, for example, betweenmovement preparation and MI [99, 100]. This equivalence inneural activation between movement preparation/executionand MI/AO is thought to account for the improvements inovert motor performance that are commonly seen in healthyindividuals after MI/AO training [94, 101, 102]. For example,in a classical study, Pascual-Leone and colleagues (1995)showed that MI training alone, in comparison to physicalpractice, also led to significant improvements in the overtperformance of a fine motor skill with the hand. Moreover,the same neural effects that were induced by physical practicewere also found in the individuals undergoing only MItraining. In both conditions, there was an increase in thesize and excitability of the cortical motor representation ofthe trained hand [102]. Importantly, the findings from thisstudy demonstrate not only that MI on its own can activatethe cortical motor representation(s) of the involved bodypart(s) but, more critically, that MI training can lead toadaptive stimulation of such representation(s). This adaptivestimulation, in turn, translates into improved overt motorperformance with the involved body part(s).

Overall, the above findings have spurred the infusionof MI and AO into neurorehabilitation, particularly intothe context of poststroke motor rehabilitation [103–105].Essentially, the underlying assumption here is that MI or AOtraining can reactivate and adaptively stimulate potentiallyspared cortical motor representations in the stroke-affectedhemisphere. This, in turn, would contribute to increasingactivity in the ipsilesionalmotor cortex and thereby rebalancethe interhemispheric interactions between this cortical areaand the homologous region in the contralateral, unaffectedhemisphere. Collectively, this would contribute to improve-ment of the individual’s motor function [91, 106–108] (seethe “reactivation” and “rebalancing” theories in Section 2.2).Interestingly, studies by our group and others have shown thatthe aforementioned similarity reported in healthy individualsbetween overt movement and MI/AO, in terms of both theneural substrate that is activated and the ability of both overtmovement and MI/AO to induce improvements in overtmotor performance after training, is largely preserved inindividuals after hemiparetic stroke [109–113]. Because MIand AO do not rely on overt movement execution to activateand adaptively stimulate cortical motor representations, theyrepresent rather promising alternative motor rehabilitationstrategies for individuals that have poor residual functionafter stroke and that therefore cannot effectively engage withthe overt practice of physically demanding motor tasks. Inthis case, individuals can make use of such strategies toinitiate motor recovery, for instance, during the beginning oftheir rehabilitation, while they gradually build up their phys-ical capacity with progressive cardiorespiratory and musclestrengthening/endurance exercises [77, 78], or simply up toa point where they are able to fully participate in overt task-specific training. Furthermore, from this point onwards, andfor those who already have higher levels of residual function

at the beginning of their rehabilitation,MI- and/or AO-basedstrategies might be used as complementary interventions tobe combined with overt task-specific exercises in order topotentiate motor gains [114].

Thus, it follows that covert practice-based alternativemotor rehabilitation strategies for stroke, in comparison toovert practice-based strategies, are more compatible withthe wider spectrum of functional recovery and thereforeare likely to benefit a larger group of stroke survivors.Nevertheless, despite being promising, research in this arenais still in its infancy andmore studies are needed before soundrecommendations regarding the use of covert motor strate-gies such as MI and AO as motor rehabilitation strategies forstroke can be made to effectively inform clinical practice.

5.1.2. Covert Motor Strategies during Upper Limb Immobilisa-tion. In light of the aforementioned, researchers have startedto investigate how the brain mechanisms of MI and AOinteract with the effects of upper limb immobilisation.

In one study, Bassolino and colleagues (2013) immo-bilised the upper limb of healthy participants for 10 consec-utive hours. During this time, individuals were instructedto imagine, with their eyes closed, reach-to-grasp move-ments being performed with their restrained arm and hand,“MI group,” observe the same actions through a computerscreen, “AO group,” or watch a nature documentary withno human actions, “control group.” The size and excitabilityof the cortical motor representation corresponding to theimmobilised hand were assessed with TMS one day beforeand immediately after removal of the immobilisation. In thecontrol group, both the size and excitability of the corticalmotor representation of the restrained hand were reducedafter immobilisation. This finding is in line with the findingsfrom the other immobilisation studies already describedearlier in this paper (see Section 4). In the MI group,similar changes were reported. However, in the AO group, nosubstantial changes were noted. Here, the excitability of thecortical motor representation of the immobilised hand washigher than in the other two groups after immobilisation, andits size remained similar to what was observed in all the threegroups before immobilisation [115].

Regarding the behavioural effects of immobilisation, itwas recently suggested that they might be attenuated by MIpractice before removal of the restriction. In one study, indi-viduals had their left hand immobilised for 24 consecutivehours. After removal of the immobilisation, participants wereassessed on a hand recognition task, where their goal was toidentify, as quickly as possible, whether a hand displayed on acomputer screen corresponded to a left or right hand. Thosewho did not practice MI during immobilisation showedslower response times in the task, particularly for left handstimuli [116]. It is not known, however, if this modulation oftask performance by MI practice was mediated by changes atthe level of the cortical motor representation correspondingto the immobilised hand. In addition, whether the gains inperformance on the hand recognition/reaction task reportedin this study extrapolate to the domain of overt motorperformance also remains unknown.

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In retrospect, the finding from the study by Bassolino etal., that MI training was inefficient in adaptively stimulatingthe cortical motor representation of the immobilised hand[115], appears to be not only in relative dissonance with thefinding from others, who have otherwise reported adaptiveneural plasticity of cortical motor representations with MItraining (e.g., see [102] in Section 5.1.1), but also in contra-diction to Jeannerod’s “Simulation Theory,” which predictsadaptive stimulation of cortical motor representations withMI training [92]. A possible explanation for this contradic-tion, which was indeed acknowledged by Bassolino et al.,might be that the effects of MI on the motor system, particu-larly in terms of stimulating cortical motor representations,are influenced by the “state,” that is, the posture, position,and/or history of mobility, of the body parts correspondingto these representations during the imagination process. Forinstance, studies have shown that if the current state, inthis case the posture, of a body part is congruent with themovements/actions being imagined, the size and excitabilityof the corresponding cortical motor representation increaseto a greater extent than when the state is incongruent[117, 118]. This suggests that the afferent, proprioceptiveinformation coming from the body part(s) involved in theimagined movements/actions may play an important rolein modulating the effects of MI on the corresponding cor-tical motor representation(s). Therefore, according to thisperspective, the immobilisation of the upper limb in thestudy by Bassolino et al., by maintaining the hand both ina relatively antagonistic posture and immobile for severalhours, that is, in a state which was rather incongruent withthe imagined reach-to-graspmovements/actions, would havecompromised the effects of MI on the corresponding corticalmotor representation [115]. If this is indeed the case, it wouldhave important implications for the use of MI in the contextof motor rehabilitation after stroke, especially in cases of low-functioning upper limb hemiparesis. Here, MI training isgenerally used with the underlying assumption that it canadaptively stimulate cortical motor representations in thedamaged cerebral hemisphere and that this might translateinto improved motor function (see Section 5.1.1). However,in this context, the state of the patient’s paretic upper limb issometimes largely incongruent with the movements/actionsthat are usually imagined duringMI training, which basicallyconsists of the mental rehearsal of functional movementsof the patient’s daily living, such as reaching and grasping(see [103] for a review). Not infrequently, the paretic upperlimb is found in a state that is characterised by both, arelative immobility or lack of overt voluntary movementand a spastic posture with varying degrees of sustainedflexion at the fingers, wrist, and elbow. Such state, in turn,by providing the brain with reduced and/or incompatibleproprioceptive information, could decrease or mask thepotential of MI as a rehabilitation strategy. In keeping withthis hypothesis, Liepert and colleagues (2012) showed thatMI of paretic hand movements increased the excitability ofthe corresponding cortical motor representation in strokepatients with somatosensory deficits to a much lesser degreethan in patients with pure motor hemiparesis [119]. Overall,this seemingly important influence of the current state of

the body part(s) on the effects of MI on the correspondingcortical motor representation(s) could explain, at least inpart, the relative inconsistency in the results from recentclinical trials of MI training after stroke (see [103, 108] forreviews). Thus, given its theoretical and clinical implications,the interaction between the effects of bothMI and upper limbimmobilisation on the involved cortical motor representa-tions should be investigated in more detail.

We believe the upper limb immobilisation model pro-vides a compelling neurobehavioural framework for explor-ing covert motor strategies, such as MI and AO, within thecontext of poststroke motor rehabilitation. This is becauseupper limb immobilisation not only mimics the maladaptiveneural plasticity patterns that are believed to contribute tothe motor deficits shown by an individual after a hemipareticstroke but, critically, also consists of a disease-free model ofcompromised brain function. Here, covert motor strategiescan be investigated in healthy individuals for their potential toadaptively stimulate cortical motor representations, within acontext of “stroke-like”maladaptive neural plasticity, withoutthe influence of lesion-related confounding factors that oth-erwise are inevitably present in disease-based models. Thisopportunity, in turn, might greatly contribute to sharpeningthemechanistic understanding of these strategies and therebyimprove their translation to the clinical context of poststrokemotor rehabilitation.

5.1.3. The Use of Adjunctive Therapies and the Opportunityto Enhance Adaptive Neural Plasticity during Upper LimbImmobilisation. Recapitulating on the role of the pattern ofactivity in the efferent and/or afferent neural signalling path-ways targeting and/or coming from a particular body part inshaping the corresponding cortical motor representation (seeSection 2.1), a recent study tested in healthy individuals theinteraction between peripheral somatosensory stimulation(PSS) and upper limb immobilisation. Complementing theirprevious findings on the effects of immobilisation on boththe excitability of homologous cortical motor representa-tions and the interhemispheric interactions between them,Avanzino et al. (2014) showed that a form of proprioceptivestimulation can largely attenuate the maladaptive neuralplasticity that is induced by upper limb immobilisation.Specifically, they found that intermittent vibration of amusclefrom the immobilised hand delivered throughout the periodof immobilisation was able to prevent large decreases in theexcitability of the corresponding cortical motor representa-tion and to abolish both, increases in the excitability of thehomologous representation in the opposite hemisphere andchanges in the interhemispheric balance between the twohomologous cortical motor representations [120].

The findings from this latter study, when taken togetherwith those from previously described studies investigat-ing covert motor strategies during immobilisation, invokethe idea that different interventions might be delivered incombination during upper limb immobilisation in order tomaximize prevention of maladaptive/promotion of adaptiveneural plasticity in the brain’s motor system, much likewith the use of adjunctive therapies in association withtask-specific exercises during poststrokemotor rehabilitation

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(see Section 3). Here, a potential manipulation could be,for instance, to combine covert motor strategies with brainstimulation (BS) and/or PSS techniques during upper limbimmobilisation (Figure 2(b)). It is likely that the effects ofsuch strategies, in terms of adaptively stimulating corticalmotor representations, would be strengthened by concomi-tant BS, delivered to either one or both motor cortices,and/or PSS of the immobilised body part(s). A recent studyprovides empirical support for this prediction. It was shownthat observation of right hand movements combined withsensorimotor electrical stimulation of the median nerve atthe level of the right wrist increased the excitability ofthe cortical motor representation of the involved hand, aneffect that was not present when the two interventions weredelivered separately. In addition, this modulation outlastedthe period of observation-stimulation [121]. It remains tobe tested, however, whether a similar manipulation wouldresult in a potentiation of the effect of AO during upper limbimmobilisation.

6. Conclusion and Perspectives

Advances in our understanding of the neural plasticity thatoccurs after hemiparetic stroke, both adaptive and mal-adaptive, have contributed to the formulation of theoriesof motor recovery after stroke. Such theories identify theprocesses that are likely to promote motor recovery, forinstance, of poststroke upper limb hemiparesis, and thattherefore might be targeted by neurorehabilitation efforts.Contemporary motor rehabilitation strategies target theseprocesses, but because they are essentially centered in theovert practice of physically demanding task-specific exer-cises, they do not easily translate into benefit for strokesurvivors sustaining low-functioning upper limb hemipare-sis. For these individuals, motor rehabilitation options arecurrently limited. MI and AO are two examples of covertor cognitive motor strategies that have a great potentialto translate into alternative motor rehabilitation strategiesfor stroke. Because they can adaptively stimulate corticalmotor representations in the absence of overt movement,MI- andAO-based training strategies have a greater potentialfor benefiting the wider spectrum of functional recoveryafter stroke, including those individuals with poor residualfunction. In this paper, we provided theoretical and empiricalevidence that an upper limb immobilisation-based neuralplasticity model, by capitalising on current theories of motorrecovery after stroke, the shortage of overt movements, anda disease-free condition of compromised brain function,provides a very attractive neurobehavioural template forexploring these strategies within this context.

The findings from the immobilisation studies reviewedhere, particularly those concerning the effects of immobili-sation on the interhemispheric interactions between homol-ogous cortical motor representations, have important impli-cations for a particular contemporary motor rehabilitationstrategy addressing poststroke upper limb hemiparesis. Thisstrategy is known as constraint-induced movement therapy(CIMT). CIMT falls within one of those two categoriesof interventions that were presented in this paper (see

Section 3). Essentially, this rehabilitation strategy consists ofthree elements [122]. These are (1) repetitive and progressivetask-specific training with the paretic upper limb for severalhours a day, usually for a period of 2 weeks; (2) a “transferpackage” made of behavioural techniques used to promotetransfer of the gains obtained during the treatment periodin a research and/or clinical setting to the individual’s real-world environment; and (3) constraining use of the pareticupper limb through immobilisation of the contralateral,less-affected limb. This particular therapy has proven to bean effective intervention for improving paretic upper limbfunction after stroke and is currently recommended as thetreatment of choice for those individuals with relatively highlevels of residual function [123]. Despite the fact that CIMThas been extensively investigated during the past few years,the mechanisms mediating treatment success with this inter-vention are still relatively poorly understood (see [124] for adiscussion). One influential proposal has been that functionalimprovements after CIMT are consequential to the massedovert motor practice with the paretic upper limb, which,in turn, contributes to both reversal of the learned nonusephenomenon and adaptive neural plasticity, that is, increasesin the size and/or excitability, of the corresponding corticalmotor representations [125]. It follows from this proposal thatthe relevance of immobilising the less-affected upper limb forpromotingmotor gainswith themore-affected, paretic limb isoften underestimated.More commonly, an indirect, relativelytrivial role is attributed to the immobilisation element ofCIMT, for example, that it serves only as a “constraining”instrument employed simply to encourage use of the pareticupper limb. As Taub and colleagues (1999) commented onthe relevance of the immobilisation element of CIMT, “Thereis thus nothing talismanic about use of a sling or otherconstraining device on the less-affected limb. The commonfactor appears to be repeatedly practicing use of the pareticarm. Any technique that induces a patient to use an affectedlimbmanyhours a day for a period of consecutive days shouldbe therapeutically efficacious. This factor is likely to producethe use-dependent cortical reorganization found to resultfrom CI Therapy (23, 58, 59) and is presumed to be the basisfor the long-term increase in the amount of use of the more-affected limb” [126]. As already pointed out by others (e.g.,see [83]), recent findings from upper limb immobilisationstudies suggest, however, that a more sensible appreciationof the contribution of the immobilisation element of CIMTwould be that such manipulation might otherwise have amore direct, meaningful role in mediating treatment success,at least in theory. For example, it is possible that, at least insome individuals, the effects of immobilisation of the less-affected upper limb during CIMT would be superimposed tothose effects induced by the intensive motor training with theparetic upper limb.More specifically, as long as a condition oftrue immobilisation, that is, of substantially reduced usage,of the less-affected upper limb is present, it would decreaseactivity of the contralesional motor cortex, which, in turn,could contribute to reducing transcallosal inhibition fromthis region towards the homologous area in the affectedhemisphere. As a consequence, this could attenuate inter-hemispheric imbalance and facilitate ipsilesional activation

12 Neural Plasticity

and hence boost massed practice-induced adaptive neuralplasticity (see “rebalancing” theory in Section 2.2). Since itsoriginal conceptualisation, CIMT has taken many differentforms, each of which containing different combinationsand/or durations of the three elements of the intervention,which are task-specific training, “transfer package,” andimmobilisation of the contralateral, less-affected upper limb[127–129] (see [124] for a review).When considering whetheror not to include the immobilisation element of CIMT in therehabilitation program, the above-mentioned considerationshould be taken into account, but also the pros and consof restraining movements of the patient’s less-affected upperlimb should be carefully weighted.

On a different note, with the advent of noninvasivebrain stimulation (BS) techniques during the past years, ithas become possible to develop neural plasticity “protocols”that are able to induce relatively predictable changes in theexcitability of selected brain regions and that therefore mightbe used to improve the individual’s behavioural capacityunder certain conditions.Themotor cortex, in particular, hasbeen a major target of such protocols. Here, BS has been usedto either directly induce adaptive neural plasticity of corticalmotor representations in healthy individuals with excitatorystimulation and thereby improve their motor learning oradaptively modulate neural plasticity patterns after hemi-paretic stroke with excitatory and/or inhibitory stimulationand thereby improve the individual’s motor recovery (seeSection 3 and also [66, 130] for reviews). More recently,neural plasticity research has shown that it is possible tomodulate the response of themotor cortex to neural plasticityprotocols, to both those exogenously induced through BSand endogenously induced protocols, such asmotor learning,by manipulating its activity before delivery of such proto-cols [131]. In other words, the strength of an excitatory orinhibitory neural plasticity protocol that targets the motorcortex might be either increased or decreased depending onthe history of activity of this area.This priming effect has beentermed “metaplasticity” [132]. Basically, if activity in a brainregion or neuronal network is high, then the strength of asubsequent excitatory protocol is decreased, while the oppo-site is true for a subsequent inhibitory protocol. Conversely, ifactivity in that brain region or neuronal network is low, then asubsequent excitatory protocol is enhanced, while the oppo-site is true for a subsequent inhibitory protocol. An exampleof this phenomenon was provided by Jung and Ziemann(2009). Briefly, the authors showed that, in healthy partici-pants, motor learning—an endogenously induced excitatoryneural plasticity protocol that targets the motor cortex—can be potentiated by decreasing activity/excitability of thetargeted motor cortex with a long-term depression- (LTD-)inducing paired associative stimulation (PAS) protocol deliv-ered before the learning paradigm [133]. Motor learning isthought to improve the individual’s motor capacity by, amongother processes, inducing long-term potentiation (LTP) andthereby adaptive neural plasticity in their motor cortex (seeSection 2.1). In the study by Jung and Ziemann, it is likelythat the LTD-inducing PAS protocol delivered before motorpractice increased, via metaplasticity mechanisms, the likeli-hood for subsequent LTP in the involved motor cortex and

cortical motor representation(s), hence potentiating motorlearning [133]. Recently, this finding has prompted others toextrapolate the concept of metaplasticity to the context ofmotor rehabilitation after stroke. Interestingly, in a proof-of-principle study, challenging the standard approach in BS-based poststroke motor rehabilitation (e.g., see Section 3 andFigure 1(b)), Di Lazzaro and colleagues (2013) found that, ingeneral, inhibitory, activity-decreasing BS of the ipsilesionalmotor cortex followed by physiotherapy exercises improvedthe motor outcomes of patients more than sham BS [134].The results from these two latter studies, when taken togetherwith the findings reported in this paper concerning theeffects of upper limb immobilisation on the motor cortex,might spark rather provocative speculations. As demon-strated by Rosenkranz et al. (2014) (see end of Section 4),apart from decreasing the excitability of the correspondingcortical motor representations in the contralateral motorcortex, upper limb immobilisation also seems to alter neuralplasticity mechanisms within these representations, such thatthe larger the decrease in their excitability induced by therestriction, the greater their sensitivity to subsequent LTP-like processes [86]. This suggests that, like BS, but with theadvantages of being much cheaper and technically simpler,upper limb immobilisation could also be used as a nonin-vasive neural plasticity protocol to decrease motor cortexactivity/excitability and, within a context of metaplasticity,improve subsequent motor training. For instance, it can bespeculated that, in healthy individuals, immobilisation of theupper limb for a certain period of time which is sufficient tosubstantially decrease the excitability of the correspondingcortical motor representations in the contralateral motorcortex could perhaps facilitate/enhance subsequent motorlearning with that limb by increasing the likelihood for LTPin the involved representations. In the same vein, now withinthe context of poststroke motor rehabilitation, it can also bespeculated that a period of immobilisation of the patient’sparetic upper limb before a physiotherapy session couldboost subsequent practice-induced adaptive neural plasticityof the corresponding cortical motor representations. This,in turn, could eventually enhance rehabilitation outcomes.Despite their rather provocative and speculative nature, thefindings discussed previously suggest that such predictionsare, at least theoretically, valid. Future studies could test thesehypotheses.

Before upper limb immobilisation can be consolidated asa neural plasticity model/protocol in humans, some issuesremain to be addressed by future research. First, most of thestudies, if not all, on upper limb immobilisation have beenconducted with young participants. It would be importantto also perform these investigations with aged populations,especially within the context of translational neurorehabili-tation research, as the vast majority of stroke survivors areelderly. Second, there is no consensus yet on a possibly idealimmobilisation time to induce the reported changes in themotor system, both those that are measured at the level of themotor cortex and those expressed behaviourally. For instance,studies have used restriction periods ranging from hours, forexample, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 24 hours, to days in humans andto months in animals. Determining the optimal length of

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immobilisation is critically important to minimise not onlycosts, but also potential ethical issues that might be present,particularly in long-term immobilisation studies. In this case,the question of whether the effects of immobilisation on thebrain’s motor system can be potentiated, and perhaps acceler-ated with exogenous manipulations, such as noninvasive BS,should also be given consideration.

Conflict of Interests

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interestsregarding the publication of this paper.


Leonardo Furlan is funded by CAPES Foundation, Ministryof Education, Brazil (BEX 0996/14-9). The authors are grate-ful to Lewis Dunne for editorial assistance.


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Neurology Research International

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Alzheimer’s DiseaseHindawi Publishing Corporation Volume 2014

International Journal of

ScientificaHindawi Publishing Corporation Volume 2014

Hindawi Publishing Corporation Volume 2014

BioMed Research International

Hindawi Publishing Corporation Volume 2014

Research and TreatmentSchizophrenia

The Scientific World JournalHindawi Publishing Corporation Volume 2014

Hindawi Publishing Corporation Volume 2014

Neural Plasticity

Hindawi Publishing Corporation Volume 2014

Parkinson’s Disease

Hindawi Publishing Corporation Volume 2014

Research and TreatmentAutism

Sleep DisordersHindawi Publishing Corporation Volume 2014

Hindawi Publishing Corporation Volume 2014

Neuroscience Journal

Epilepsy Research and TreatmentHindawi Publishing Corporation Volume 2014

Hindawi Publishing Corporation Volume 2014

Psychiatry Journal

Hindawi Publishing Corporation Volume 2014

Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

Depression Research and TreatmentHindawi Publishing Corporation Volume 2014

Hindawi Publishing Corporation Volume 2014

Brain ScienceInternational Journal of

StrokeResearch and TreatmentHindawi Publishing Corporation Volume 2014

Neurodegenerative Diseases

Hindawi Publishing Corporation Volume 2014

Journal of

Cardiovascular Psychiatry and NeurologyHindawi Publishing Corporation Volume 2014

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