retirement slideshow

Post on 18-Jul-2015






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By Matt Frankel, Motley Fool Investment Planning

10 Ways To Save An Extra $1

Million For Retirement


1. Get rid of your landline

• Unless you need it for

a fax machine, having

a landline has

become rather


• By using your mobile

phone as your only

phone, you could

save $40 per month

or more towards your


May 14, 2015

2. Shop around for insurance

• Shopping around for

car insurance is fairly

common, but many

people don’t bother to

shop around for other

types, like homeowners

• Also, check how much

your premiums could

drop if you increase

your deductibles


May 14, 2015


3. Dine out less

• If you go out to dinner

regularly, cutting back

by one meal per

month can really add


• Choosing to skip a

$50 dinner for two

every month means

$600 extra per year

that you could set


May 14, 2015

4. Maybe cable isn’t a necessity

• A few years ago, this would

have been a ridiculous

thought, but with services

such as Netflix and Hulu,

maybe you don’t really need

cable anymore

• You can even get HBO now

without buying a cable


• Or, if you insist on cable,

think about downgrading

your package or getting rid

of some movie channels


May 14, 2015

5. Bring your lunch to work

• Instead of buying your

lunch at work, try

brown-bagging it


• If going out for lunch at

work costs $10 and

packing a lunch costs

$3, your talking about

more than $1,700 in

savings throughout a



May 14, 2015

Source: wikipedia

6. Avoid bank fees

• Overdraft or returned-

check fees can cost

you $30 or more per


• And, try to avoid

going to ATMs that

aren’t free (Those

$2.95 ATM fees really

add up over time)


May 14, 2015

Source: wikipedia

7. Your gourmet coffee habit

• By switching from a $5

premium coffee drink

each day to a $1 cup

you brew at home, you’ll

save nearly $1,500 per


• Or, if you simply brew

your own coffee half the

time, that’s still $750 per

year in savings


May 14, 2015

Source: wikipedia

8. Quit smoking already!

• Aside from the obvious health

benefits, many people could

create a comfortable

retirement with just this one


• A pack a day at $6.00 per pack

is $2,190 that isn’t going into

your savings

• By quitting and investing this

much money every year

instead, it could grow to more

than $325,000 in 30 years!– Note: assumes investment returns on par with

the S&P 500’s historic average


May 14, 2015

Source: flickr user KOMUnews

9. Pay off your credit cards

• Paying credit card

interest is one of the

biggest drains on your

financial health

• If you owe $5,000 in

credit card debt at 18%

interest, it’s costing you

$900 per year just for

the privilege of owing



May 14, 2015

Source: flickr user frankieleon

10. Boost your 401(k) contributions

• Perhaps the easiest way

to save more for

retirement is to make it

automatic by increasing

your 401(k) contributions

• Even if you’ve maxed out

the amount your

employer is willing to

match, you can still

decide to contribute more

(up to $18,000 per year,

or $24,000 if you’re over


May 14, 2015

Source: via flickr

• Let’s see just how much of a long-term

effect this can have

– For the purposes of this calculation, I’ll make

the following assumptions

• We’ll assume that we’re talking about a 35 year old

who wants to retire at 65

• We’ll assume we can match the S&P 500’s

historical rate of investment returns


Adding it all up

• Check out how much money you could

potentially save1. Getting rid of your landline - $40 x 12 months = $480 per year

2. Shop around for insurance - $100 in savings per year

3. One less dinner out per month - $50 x 12 = $600 per year

4. Get rid of cable, replace with Netflix, HBO - $75 in savings x 12 = $900 per year

5. Bring your lunch to work - $7 savings x 250 workdays = $1,750 per year

6. Avoiding 1 ATM fee per week - $3 * 52 = $156 per year

7. Brewing your own coffee ½ of the time = $750 per year

8. Quitting smoking - $2,190 per year

9. Pay off $5,000 in credit card debt at 18% interest - $900 in savings per year

10. Contribute an additional 1% of your salary to your 401(k) - $750 per year (assuming

$75,000 salary)

May 14, 2015


A million or more

This adds up to a staggering $8,576

per year!

If you could boost your retirement

savings by this much every year for 30

years, it could grow into a $1.3 million

nest egg!

May 14, 2015


Of course, you don’t need to use all 10

of these tips

Just a few of these could mean the

difference between struggling to retire

on time and creating the retirement of

your dreams

May 14, 2015



Increase your retirement income

even more…

The $60,000 Social Security bonus

you need to know about


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