results - spring 2014

Post on 09-Mar-2016






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The Spring Newsletter for Reaching Souls International. Published March 2014.


Yoenier Quesada is a Reaching Souls National Missionary in Jiguani, Cuba.

As he carried out his ministry in his home town, he noticed Mojena. Mojena was a wealthy and powerful man in town because he managed the most popular store and bar in town. He had a brash reputation and enjoyed flashing his wealth. Mojena had nice cars, several girlfriends, and a reputation for letting the short fuse on his temper light off.

Depending on who you were in town, you either wanted to be Mojena or you hated Mojena. Yoenier was different though. He

did not want to be Mojena, nor did he hate him. He saw a hurting person whom Jesus loved. When Yoenier would stop by Mojena’s store to say hello or buy candy for his children, he couldn’t help but notice that Mojena’s eyes looked tired and empty. Whenever they spoke, Yoennier would tell Mojena about Jesus’ love for all and that his sins were forgiven.One day, Yoenier heard a knock at

Reaching Souls International12625 S. Portland, Oklahoma City, OK 73170

his door. As he opened it, he was surprised to see Mojena standing there. As they looked at each other, Mojena said, “Cousin, last night I asked God to give me a chance in life so that I may get to

know Him for real. Can you help me?”

Yoenier led Mojena to the Lord right there and he is now being discipled in his local church. Mojena now tells others that, “I have a new reason to live for!”

YOENIER QUESADA LABRAD0Yoenier became a National Missionary in February 2013. He is 35 years old and has two sons. He’s married to Mayene Olivera. Yoenier was already an evangelist and church planter in his home area when Reaching Souls brought him on board. Yoenier has led 85 people to Jesus in the past month.

“I have a new reason to live for!”

SPRING 2014Our purpose is to reach the maximum number of people for Christ in the least amount of time in the most efficient way.


mike talkington teaches a class to cuban evangelists

A Most Treasured PossessionMany pastors who come to our Leadership Development Institutes have never owned a whole Bible in their own language. You can change that.


>> 5,000 New Testaments for New Christians

>> 600 complete Bibles for our LDI attendees

>> The seeds of God’s Word will be planted across a nation

Reaching Souls Names Dustin Manis as President and CEOBen Manis transitions to a new role as President Emeritus while Dennis Napier becomes the new chairman of the board for Reaching Souls.

The Board of Reaching Souls International has named Dustin Manis as its new President. He replaces Ben Manis, who is stepping down as President and

Chairman of the Board. Ben Manis will continue serving with the ministry as President Emeritus. Dennis Napier will become the new Chairman of the Board.

Ben Manis has served as a full time employee of the ministry since 1989 and has served as President since 2009. Over the past 20 years, he has made 84 trips to Africa while helping create and develop Reaching Souls International’s unique and efficient ministry strategy.

Dustin Manis has been Reaching Souls International’s Chief Executive Officer since 2009, and has been an employee of the ministry since 1997. Since accepting the position of CEO,

Dustin has been responsible for the formulation and implementation of the ministry’s philosophy, mission,

strategy, annual objectives, and goals. Under his leadership, Reaching Souls recently experienced its most fruitful year, seeing 5,074,367 people come to salvation in 2013.

Speaking upon accepting his new role as President and CEO, Dustin Manis

said, “I am grateful to accept the role of President at a time when, because of God’s blessing and favor, we are in a position to expand and grow. It is a privilege to continue leading Reaching Souls forward as we multiply the work of training and equipping evangelists to reach their home nations all across the world.”

We are preparing for Burundi. For the first time in 20 years, we are returning to this needy and war torn nation. We could not be more excited.

In July, we are holding two Leadership Development Institutes in Bujumbura, Burundi, where we plan to teach over 600 pastors and their wives in 20 core subjects related to ministry. In addition, our goal is to add 100 new Burundian National Missionaries to the fold. It is one of the most ambitious short

term mission projects Reaching Souls has ever undertaken.

If you speak with somebody who has been on a short term project, many will tell you that the most powerful moment of their trip was when they were able to provide each LDI attendee with their own copy of God’s Word translated into their language. Smiles abound, tears of joy are wept, and worship services instantaneously erupt. It is amazing to see people who treasure God’s Word. For many, it

is the first complete copy of the Bible they have ever owned.

We need your help to provide New Testaments and Bibles for the Burundi Projects. It costs $5 to provide a New Testament, and $8 to provide a complete Bible. The total cost to provide Bibles for these two projects is $29,800.

If you want to partner with us to give the most important gift many of these individuals will ever receive, please designate a gift for Bibles on the enclosed response card.

dustin manis

“It’s time to get up. It’s Saturday. There’s work to be done.” These were the words of my dad to me on most Saturday mornings of my teenage years. There wasn’t any sleeping in at the Manis household. Sunday was coming and that was a rest day. Saturday was the day to get it done.

If you have supported Reaching Souls for very long, you know that we specialize in sending national evangelists into Gospel “hot spots” where the Holy Spirit is moving and the people are responding. The new believers are the “fruit” of the harvest. There is urgency to do the work the Lord has given you and me.

John 15:1-11 is a meaningful passage of scripture to me. It has been applied to the church and the individual Believer. Jesus teaches us that if we are in Him and He is in us, there are three stages of fruit bearing: fruit, more fruit, and much fruit.

In the life of Reaching Souls, I believe we are in the “more fruit” stage. By God’s direction we have

pruned different areas and He has blessed us and allowed us to see more fruit.

The third phase is mentioned in verses 5-8. “My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit, and so prove to be My disciples.” This is where I want us to be...“much fruit.” Not what we consider “much fruit,” but what God considers “much fruit.” I’m asking the Lord to allow us to send enough National Missionaries into the fields that the results equal “much fruit” in His eyes. So what qualifies as “much fruit?”

We are starting by doubling the number of National Missionaries we have in the field from 1,000 to 2,000 over the next three years. If the Lord provides the resources (dollars and missionaries), we will see over 11,000,000 salvation decisions in 2017. We need to add 266 missionaries this year to stay on course.

As we seek to add National Missionaries and reach the lost, please pray for more laborers for the harvest (Luke 10:2). Annually,

if we can invest an additional $1,020,000 - we can send 1,000 more missionaries.

We need your help. Please pray. Please give. Please tell others about what God is doing through Reaching Souls. I invite you to bear much fruit with us. The harvest is there. We know where it is. Let’s go bring it in together.

It’s time to get up. It’s Saturday. There’s work to be done. The Lord’s day is coming very soon (Rev. 22:20).

What stage of fruit bearing are you in? Are you bearing any fruit? Are you bearing more fruit than you used to?

I praise God for you and your support of Reaching Souls. May you grow closer to Him this year and may we all bear much fruit. Thank you for reaching souls.

Dustin K. Manis, President & CEO

11,000,000 Salvations in 2017Our goal is to double the number of National Missionaries in the field from 1,000 to 2,000 by 2017. We are going where the harvest is ripe so that we can bear much fruit in God’s eyes. How can you help?

“We need to add 266 missionaries this year to stay on course.”

Why We Partner with Reaching SoulsTom and Andrea Ahl have been an integral part of the Reaching Souls team for more than a decade. Here is their testimony of why they give to this ministry.

Tom and I first met Reaching Souls while on a mission trip with Jim Falkenberg to Malawi, Africa, eleven years ago. We were extremely impressed with the goals of the organization, the heart of the staff, and the unbelievable number of salvations. We were warmly welcomed at this very first meeting and found ourselves absorbed into an organization that believes in training the local people to share the Gospel with their neighbors. Our minds were opened to an awesome new way to introduce people of foreign lands to the love of Christ and to encourage them to become fully committed Christians. A long relationship began to develop between us.

We went to Branson the next year for a Reaching Souls Conference and learned about the various countries in which they are involved and the details of how their National Missionaries are trained. We met some of the native local leaders and were impressed with their promise to encourage and train others to spread the Gospel with a fervent and inspiring energy. Tom discovered that Reaching Souls had a program

where the local pastors earned the right to have bicycles to help them in their many miles of required travel. He felt a huge tug to become especially involved in this ministry and smiles when he thinks of the many bicycles that have been given throughout our years of partnership.

Tom owns three car dealerships in Lima, Ohio. Through these businesses, God has been gracious and we have been able to donate a small amount from each car sale to an organization every month. Reaching Souls has been one of our favorite groups. We love the passion of the Reaching Souls’ staff and volunteers, the accountability of the hired national leaders, the Leadership Development Institutes training, the extra effort put into the orphan program, and the plan of the entire organization.

Since our daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren are now ministering in Liberia, Africa, we have an even greater urge to encourage soul winning to a people needful of great hope. Reaching Souls has proven itself to be the right place for our support.

Reaching Souls wins Important Court Battle

On December 20, 2013, Federal Judge Timothy DeGiusti granted Reaching Souls’ motion for temporary injunction, effectively preventing the government from forcing this ministry and approximately 200 others from complying with the Affordable Care

Act’s Final Mandate. In other words, organizations covered by the ruling will not be forced to provide or facilitate the provision of abortifacient drugs to their employees while the litigation is ongoing. Please pray for continued favor.

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