restern oregon reeling under impact of holiday rains...

Post on 25-Feb-2020






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— W»ho, IKO-..........VBllcy, mo

M«ie VaUcy, I960 ...

Id»ho, 1959 .......

A RcglonnI Ntw.spapcr Sorvine T W I N F A L L S




\\restern O regon Reeling Under Im p a c t o f H oliday Rains; S tream s F looding

PORTLAND, Ore.. Nov. 2‘i (L T D — W estern OrCKon rcele »1 ThanksgivinK day downpiiur that .'■cut strcaniH over flond, -iJforccd many families In flee t lie ir (ionics. Some locaiin

*-K«of rail’ ^ 24-hour period. Tliu ruin hud eased ii]> lo that the weatherman .■<ni<l many s treams would contimu

Accidents M a k e Holiday Tragic

Dy Tilt AiKwliied rre"«A«ident falnlities made 'the ThnnkHKivintf holiday ii

Liric time in many American liomtvs. The traffic toll ,iched 157 as the extoiided wuok-eiicl’.M .•ieeoiid day wore . Kirt took 26 lives since ThankSKivinif eve. O ther types ttccident.s left 39 dead. The total reached 22 2 . T raffic L not notably heavy, but it mingled perilously the hur- ,nr<f and the unhurried, the im patient nnd th e inattcn- 1 Some cfAflhe-s took •■le','.

(ft) Jives at once. This wa.s wf also.-of fires.^ irilfie cruhe* tlalmed i:

lhr« in each. Eight ptr' a poishfd m f

"d:u- iiiuiiT ih« impiU't IjliR'kod liit?h\vayH

h:ui iiiiiro than four .viiter

. Ev, Irttic.irricd out alonp

the Moliilla aiui riacknma.' nvor.'^ :uid nldnjr Johnsoi crcek. whidi s k i r t s the

of (he cit.

V four f»rly U«“ / • I.'—'’- miorsh'* Homewood tecHon. SrtiJf four vlcUim vtre chil­li who l«t Ihflr llvM In » firs CtaulM, N. Y.OHierai:y weather In roost ' ms oounuv y»terda)' lured jlaa to tfte lilKhwu>-». But the :,ixm1 Safety council Mid Iraf-

Iny In 4

Holiday Deaths


B erlin M ay or G iven N o d to S eek P osition

HANNOVEn, Ofmnny, Nov. 35 in — 71!® SocJal DfuiocMlJ today unanimou-ily acclalnjcd west lln Mrtyor Willy Bmndi m:anclldQtc for cliancellor, to r ;ht most pro-We.^tern plntfon

•nie Tloiiths


m Thsnl. lvlng day nornully 51 ts hfsvy oa on oUier mi)or

iiUys.Tin couiicU did not nuike an

te or tnUIIc deathi for tlie or tor the 3M-liour period

ilch {tartrf at « pjn. local time irtncidiy and ends at midnight ccdiy.

the (oil oppcoTKi r\innins „ j> the licurc taken by the Bxlated Press In ft survey for oon-holld»y period, extending a l « hours from 6 pjn. W«. Bday Not, 8 unUl inldal«ht Sun-rNof. . Ttie o

il of 643.Ii lut year'a four-day THiiiks-

< holidsy week-end. the AE t r a 445 tralllc IntAlltlei, 70

in fires end 135 killed In .jctllaneous acddcnts, a toui o( ) The IJM holiday tralllc loll j 4H, Ilrts claimed 54 llvo end' U died In miscellaneoui mishaps.

ovcr-HU lout U1U C29.Ue Ujl of deaths by slates Iraf- , fircj, miscellaneous IncluWd

\K0 by lendiriR incollor If the pnrty

exl ycnr'a nnllon:>l ciccllon.The party's platform, called lh(

Hannover appeal, and nddlllonn / rc.iolullonj put Ihe Soclnl- flrtnly on the side ot the

North Allnntic Trenty orKanlrn- tlou nnd even opened the way for loclnlist approval ot Atomic fur the nriiiy.

Tills 1.1 n. major .Milft In policy for the .loclallsls. I-'or years tliej have criticized tlie posltion-of- strength prognint o f Cliancelloi Konrnrt Adenauer and his ChrU- tlnn Dcmocrallc Union. In the past Uie SocIbI Dernocrats havi; touRht rearmament o f West Oer- Riiiny. the draft, ana any Indies- lion that Uie Rovernment would acecpt a possible NATO olfer of

nlc weapons.jclallat rciolutlona and «pcech' fft no doubt that they still ,dc like thess mlllUry steps, but 1 IscU have brought them tc

accept a party plottorm lhal greatly narrows the foreign pollc> Rap tMtwccii the soclallsta end the Christian DcmocrnU.


?icli Harvest Produced by Puldic Lands

ITON. Nov. 25 Cfi-ltie

d feti of ilmtwr. 141 n fteli of petroleum, 40 1

feet ot natural ru. 13 mll- ® tonj of potash, plus millions l ^ o t other mlneraliahd

Ttie land, administered by Wtmenfj bureau of land n ■®tni, totals about 477 ml ’p .!''_2!.«!»t?«,ji}Mily_in:ii]e

M«»id woczley. BUJ dirtctor, thftt lantU produced leVe-

_o lo the treasury of mote tlun it ttltiion dollars during the year, ■ li imount boosted the lotal « ‘Pts to more than 2,J bllitoQ

»lnte 1765. Ineludlns more 'ne billion dollars la ihe put

aMijion, the public domtlri r ^ '^ d s produced forage tor

to 'nllllon livestock and

Summit Talks For Reds May Be Near End

ItOSCOW. Nor. 25 tfl — Th v,orlfl-vildc communl.M auinmlt confertncc. In secret scision hen since Nov. 0. may be near lt.» end

Rtports at a Sovicl-Finniih re­ception Itial night sold the con- lerence has reached Its main dccl-

i In the arRumenl between Chino, nnd soviet camp ovei

Communist tactla.These reports suBBCsttd that th(

talks might wind up tontghl. Heports nilerllig through to out. ders have-Hnflie»ted Uie eonfer- ico hfts^lwen dominated by '

bargalnlns and over Soviet Prem

commu-* 11 c

capltallam.The red Chinese, voicing a much

harder line, contend Uiat war Is levltoble u long u capitalism xlsts. and that communism

would come oui victorious ' ' ie ashes o f a nuclear war. Travda d e c la r e d Wednesday

that. peaceful coexistence Is the i-fllja aiid conixolllng /act Soviet policy, Tlilii wM taken by some observers to mean (hat the Chinese -vlewj have been sub. merged at least to the extent thai

apllt can be slo.ued over it proclomaUon o f tommunlit

utUiy,0rricUll7. uie communists have

never admitUd that a summit meeting h u been goinz on. But apparently another big session was held yesurday. long line* of limousine# carried the foreign del­egate* to and trom the Kremllo.

U. S. Officials G«5t N o O ffers Of Cash From E u ro p e Allies'NDON. vn, •>. >.» ___ _ • . .A . : .....m .. M

Uie TreasutT Bobert An- ™ wd Under Beerelary of * C Douglas oiiion »ound up


“>sm to Bonn. PiirUindl.on.

" ""‘tt S H S SuX -'ie-ar*ta.pQuibi,

Oovemment loureca her* lald tbey made no propouis and «• celved no lmmedlal® *p«lOe eom- mlbnentA. But Sritiah ItnMcSal and poUUe«J Jeaders ■'*lUalbUB to cooperate cKMCly In American effort* to avert a crts * that could wtilplaah <Uaf«rouuy agalnat Surope,

Official... tbs detaUt ot todayi lUaeui*

(bat ‘ 'a ff» ln of 'juutaal, had b«m nvlewed, ,

Prance- « id oertM oy bolh te-

nanelal_«upp8ft. : the coil« 01 nalnumi can lorces la Stiiop*.

Macmillan Greeted b y P on tiff

he wor.'t de- d 4.46 Indies

. the 24 hours Thiirfid.iy. Dur-

iifc .Mt f.iiiic perlou S’cuport had 1.41!, S'orth Bend 4Js, a.iinu 2J8,

cndlns,. n Eujeiie

InchM. A

............................ - 'iccswhich cost ?10 in 19.17-1'J cost 512.7;i la.'<l montli.

Pope John XXIII had a bindih»ke tor nriUsh Prime Minister Harold Macmillan ai be arrlied at Vatican City for a private audl- cnce In ibe ponturi prlrals library. The Til-year-old head ef (he Roman Catbolto church eipretstd •'cordial and ((rrent" wishes for (he <lueen «f Enila&d and ultiird "ih* noble IKIIUh people'' aa he welcomed the tlrltlih dlploinat. lAH wtrephotoi


Wllbmftte tlowlni; fix>,i!. But othfr *trr.>in?;

ere comlns up. Tl,f \VtH,u .Mclicd tJie :o-rool Hood 5(ji orv:illH nnd was cxpcctci

tMCli Hood /.lace (it Albany anlfro, Tlie Sintlnm river ot fcrson WM seven feci over ;Lige. The Willamette wn.i ex

T Hood n nge

iwd roubosl.' lii to move famllicj from

iie.v Log trucks u.«d winclics

Police Hunt ,5 States f o r

Convict P a irKELLOOO, Nov. 25 A flvei

ttate altfl for t«-o wnvlcta whi cscnped from maitmum sccurll'j at the waahlnRton stale pctiltcn- tlary wm broadcast after (i stolen pickup imck was found abandoni alonit hlgha-*y 10 here early toda,.

wlndslUeld wIpeEsstlll running. Sought were profuMly-wttoocd

Joseph NIcholLi, 29. King coiuity, \Va.ih, and Gordon Ortihain, 23, Spokttjie. The police bi-oadcnsl described them as aangcrou.s.

Both were serving senlencc-** for robbery when they escaped from Ihe penitentiary at Walla Wnlb, Wash., Wedncjday night by hiding In a truck and tlien leavlnfr thi compound during hea\7 construe- Uon irolfle.

The pickup found in the Sunny- sMe dJjirtct of Kelfofg lotiay bcre "•-"a Walla county license plates

had been reported stolen In Wo. hlnsion city, P o l ic e

spotted Ihe vehicle u It moved along hlRhsay 10 on the outskirts Of the city and when they swung back to make a check, found Uie vchlcle abandoned.

minuted later, & car was reported stolen In nearby Ostoum. Police believe Uis men may be trying to reach the Montana {>order, a short dlMance east of Osburn.

Police were put on the alert In Montana, Idolio. WashUifton 1

ren Oregon and Utah, araham, who once waa a p

fesslonal boxer, was arrested Seattle Feb. IB by police who oleged the house In which he ' hiding and routed him wlUi t (fas- He W04 sentenced for 17,000 robbery of Siwkane groccry -.1— C.J, I i _^.<'1.— ..........

Report Criticizes Air Raid System

WASIUNOTON. Nov,-25 tWD- The army—under pretsuro from eongmslonsl ................ - —removed the wraps from an elaulfled report vblch aald the natloal air raltl »amln» syateoi I Inadequate in tht mlssUo sse.

, Tbe report, prepared UDder^«n- trftct wHh (he operauons research otflse of Johna UopUni u&lveraity, eaUed on Ui« offlw ot clvU and

oblUzatlOQ (000»<) to act up a national buocT Alarm fyatem In ptirata bones and pub­lic bulldlnia.

Earlier this week, Chairman Jobn E. Uiu. D, Csllf, o f Ui* houH foremaent infonnatloD mbeommltlM accuted OCDX DI* rector Leo A. Hotth of preaa««n«

lOEffliosidnsHAVAKA. Kof. a ifl_Tea. small

e z^ cd to Tldely. aft*- .aTSTareaiol.Hanaa dortn* the

,hW M On«


ileady.A. a result of the ilsr, r.o:

1.1 million v.orkers ulll cel r Increase.i. About 975,000 workers auios and farm equlpmtnt facturlng will rcI two crnu

Another 80,000 In f,m aircraft firm.'! and farm eijulpmi nes will get an additional tAnother 600,000 Iron andot

.-arkers mny rcI waRS hikes < detcrnilna lions

t Germariy (o c

WASIll.VGTO.V. Nor. J5 (Ifl-The W.lle lio( juflch reports of an KlMnhowcr calilnel rtf( o- »ry llDber( H. Andemon'i Ill-fated attempt (o t ribule 650 million dollsri lo help lunport U. S. iroopa in mat e ry. rresidenltal Frei.i Secretary J»met c. Hagerly declared lha( enon'a proposal was "carefully oorlied out" anil (bat tbe (rea ecre(ary conferred several (lme» nllh Secretary of 8tat* Chrl

illlNaTON, Nov. :

n;NTIANK. Laoa, Nor, 3J iT-The t.uing Trobang radio ri ay a combined lorce of (oternnirnt anti pre-conimunlat

Ij«o foldlers 1» marchlni on (he rojsl I-ioilan caplUI Khoae g defected (wo weeka ago to rlghll.t ,tbti Gen. Phouml Noaava

ide up «t (ko tnlan(ry corapanlea (oynl t ol Premier Prlnc* Souvanna Pbouma.

for rollkfrulli food.

Dnmnso to outdoor eropi In Florida caused by hurricane Don.

I In September helped pu h uj ime frull and. veseUWe prices. The deparlmenl also reported(C*Blln..4 on P.s. 1, ' '

neutrallil corenment

YaSSIADA ISLAND, Turkey. Nov. IS tp—Ex-Prcmler Adi dcrcs was formally charged today with mUu-slnK 13 million llra- 1-5 million dollars—during hU 10 yents la olllce. The 2fl-page Indict, ment. read In the spccitil cowri ronductlng ihc m n« trials of Menderei and his eupponers, accui«l the fJ-year-cJd es-prtmler o f Uilng the money for personal e.-........

Murder Charge Is Dismissed in Area

GOODING, Nov. 25— A first degree murder ch a rgc was dismiaaed today iiRainst Mary Katherine Hiimpton, 18, Sandy Hook, Ky., by District Judge Chatie.s Scoprgin.'The juclRe tfrnnted the motion filed in d istr ict court here Nov. 15 b y Goodinir County Prosecutiiiir A ttorney Cecil Hobdey a.skinK for the di.imi.saal of the charge because o f lack of evidence. Miss Hampton smiled when the decision wa.T read by Judse Scoggin, but did not show any oth er emo­tion . A.s she left the court­r oom she ignored RodRCi H all, 22, C r e s c e n t City.C alif., who faces a murder

ert alayiny- ........... ........... ->hn Uunt. 1land pathologist. Botli Hall MLu Hampton had pleaded Inno- ccnt to (he charges ind Judge Ecoggln had granted a motion

* providing separata (nols>r the ....WlUi the dismissal

charges against Miss Hampton, ahe will be able to tcoUfy agaUist Hill 'hen his trial begins at ir

Dec. 6.Mis« Hampton left at noor

her ftiiomey, Jack Murphy. ... shone, sheriff KeiUi Anderson said he did wojs going, but ahe has been subpoeoaed to appear at Hall's 'trial.

West Owns Much Of Oil for Cuba

_.l/3KDOJj._Nov,_2i_«?.-BrllUh shipping saunrei etsd ftsM iy

" over 20,000 tons of BoTlel e oil are being sent (o Cubi

every day. mucli of it In WMlem. owned tankers.

One shipowner, M. B- Msvroleon of LODdou and Overseas Freight­ers limited, said hU compaay hia nine tankers on charter to the Soviet Union and Uiat other Brit- lah'compohles also transport SotKI

1 on contract.■This u alniplr aortnal charter

buflinesB," Mavroleon aaJd. 'There loUiIng poUUeal in it. Where Rusilans send our ahlpa U a

matter for* thaw We know th«i B aendlng many ships to Cu»a.‘

Jail Sentence Suspended on Tipsy Charge

Amle-K. Gordon. 53, Hagennan. (19 fined S2t>0 and costs smd given . 30-day J&ll aeoteoce Thunday

morning by Hnuennaji Justice ot the Peace EIIls B. Allan for drunk driving. He was arrested three miles southeast of Itagermon earl­ier Wednesday evening by Stste PatTDlman Lyal Pidgeon who poritd the coj- w«a stopped on Vader grade.

The Judge suspended >50 of the floe and the JaU set>U!Qce will be suspended upon paymet t of the rest of the fine. His drlver’A license h«s been expired since June, the ;udg« said. When Oordon applloi ')r a Ucense. It wUI be-withheld for ne year from that date.Iidke Bradford, 22, Brigham City,

UtaJ). waa flB«d *45 atid costs and ' "DdemeriU by Twin Falla

i t e Peace Robert Pence Friday for driving 100 mllea hour In a S6 oUle tone. He cited by 8tat« PatroUn«n Jamea Oerte at 8:15 pjn. Tbunday three mllea south of Roganon on high­way ts. Br»dfor(t ap|>eued with his atowaer Jaaet CuonlngtMoi of Muiphy, echwarti >od Cuaauig- ham.T«rtn yaUs.

Alio arreo(«d wUh BnKUord wai OUT W. Ooodvln, Brlgbaas City. U(«h, (sterg«d v llh being drunk in an automobUe. He waa

lafrMXlooMi by Judfs PcDce.F«W». C .4W -

F o o d , C a r , H o u s e

P r i c e s P u s h C o s t

O f L i v i n g H i g h e r !WASHINCTON, Nov. 2r> (U P I)— Ilip h cr prices for food, rtew curs, housinff and

dotb ins piished the p f liviitR to a record high in October, tlie labor department J reported todav. The October o f O.-l per cent was the largest since an identicnU ri.' e la.' t April and l.'l ),ur cen t lusher than n year ago. The index is bii.' ed on a 1947*493| iiverage of price.t tiiken as 100. The O ctober readinj? of 127.3 means that a market^ basket of goods and s

very n■ Augus

:e with 1

Uielr■ department rtported Hint

food prlce. advanced 0.0 per ccnt • • month. Primarily rtjpoiisiblc

unusatlly large mitrkupit for -up II per cent—grapefruit.

increases were reported and dairy producU, c

bakery goods, frozi I vegclsbles, and baby

Burned Girl Reported as Holding Own

SAN ANTONIO, Tex., Nov. 55 ... —P«gy' Roller, th» badly burned IJtU# girl to whom thrte urtny aergeants gnve skin grafts, is hoMlng her oivn but ‘'n.e are watching her closely," a spokea* man at the army's Brooke acnernl hoKpltoJ ssld today.

The . three tergeant^M/8gt. William M, Ooodlle, 45, arUng- ton. Ky,; Sgt. 1/cl. Earl D, Ble- ler, 26. Machlas, Me., and Sgt. 1/cI. lUroId S, Orff, Milo, Me.— ,are recovering from Ois operation. They witched fooUjall games on I television yesterday and had a TJianksglvlng dinner of turkey 1th all the trimmlngi

School Principals PlanT.F. Meeting

About 75 elementary school principals from southern i l Idaho arc expecteii to attend the group’s annuiil meetinff T Jit tlie T w in I’ u lb junior high school auditorium Monday I nnii Tuesday, nccordinir to Keith Turner, Lincoln school j principal. The two-day meeting is a .section of the state 1 meeting, explained Turner, and has been held in Boise | the jia-st tw o years. DurinK lhe opening ac.<.‘>ion Monda; morninR Francis Maib, associate professor of education a the University o f Idaho, will " speak on ••Directions for the future.” A lso nt this session Ciiiudviic Kopen, state ele- iicniary r.upervlsor, will dlxuss 'SMte elementary supervisors

your jchool,"Curils Eaton, president of the ate board of education, wnl re­

port on "Education as I « e 11 Ir Idaho" durli^g the Monday after­noon sc.sslon. Tliere alio will be «

ies.1 meeting during (his ses.

c.'wl.'vy mortjns Artliur Klein a;sistaiil ouperlnlendent of

, FolU schoo ji. will dlscUM Uie tlie "Role of elementary prin­cipal Ui supervWon," After his talk,

principals will gaUier In <" Ion groups. Eacli group will

port Its findings, then Klclntopt V.II1 sunimnrlze the activlUta.

mlngs H. FlatJiers, NaUonal Education nsslclatlon field services offkw. win cpeok Tuesday after, noon. Tljo prlnclpnh wUl close Uielr convention ^ter a vk Hemtt's phu)etarlum.

Top Catholic Banished for Student Help

PORT AU PRINCE. Haiti. Nov 35 Homan Catholic Archbish­op Francois Poirier, long a Io« ol Pnsldent Francois Duvaller, was secreUy hustled out o( Haiti last night with no baggage and do money except a botroved dollar.

The highest church official of .this Negro Catholic republic was

IWiU. I, I. Ol. au«l.l.r ot • S S " ’ " " S K S i

her^nn^M«v 51 plotting. To deal with

.h . \ I Y'sltfday It closed aU schools for

In a iwo-hour operation Wed- The archblahop. M. said on ar- nesday doctors took 129 square, rival In Miami that Uje charge; Inches of skin from the thigh of . against him were "entirely false.'.. . . . . . . — ...J —- . ggi^g native'each of the sergeants and grafted it to tbe burned parts o! the glrl'a body.

Doctors hoped Uis sliln grafts will protect Peggy from InfecUon until her body Is strong enough to replace Uie damaged flesh. They aald the skin grafts vtre her only chance lor survival.

Demo Retains Narrow Lead

Brltlany Jn Prance,Tbe churchman's expulsion was

swlli. Police and p re s id e n t ia l Euardi arrested him at his ofriM and escorted him to the airport where they bought him a ticket for Miami. He waa put on a plane without any clothes except the white cassock he was wearing aud with only a dollar loaned him by a priest.

A commujilqus broadcast later by Defense Minister Aurele Jo­seph said th e ...........................------ Uie prelate aided Uie atu-dent itrlkers.

Prealdent Duvaller did not men. Hon U» Mcpulslon when he. ad* dreued a rally of «A00 of his parUaans on the Uwn of tbe na­tional palace.

Benouselng ‘'licarda* who op­pose him. he ekld he knew who ther;are-»na~ttBere-Ui«y ar*;&Id-

WASmNOTON, Not. 2J Ifl —Democrat John F. Eensedys pop­ular vole margin (n the Nov. L elecUon remained at 219M2 today as lUlDOis Republlean Issdera con­sidered carrying a ballot conlro- ;ver»y,to court.. Latest totab .vtre Kouedy.Sl- Oitfin and Vice Prestdeac fUcli*ard M. NUon S3JO«,4t8 wlU» more ot«aldent^ iuni»rt«ni

.UU WKennedy's electoia! vote count

held at SOO-Sl more Uun the to­tal needed (or elecUoiL

In UllDOIs, which has n elec­toral votei. Cook county cblcago Republicao- Ohalhnao-Pranela X.ConneU aald his party vlU Ue peUUons seeking a rtcheek of paper ballots in many heavily Democrallc preclnU.

Connell aali j*sterilay “we feel Uwra wUtb. enough evldenee ua- cove^ to file a ault for recount.’

Ne^i^oistiif e Reported fo r lligh erV alle jAnother snow storm aw eptlQ

through the Sawtoolh mountain*' ■ above Wood river valley Wednes-. day evening, but sometime through the night the preclpllsilon turned, to rain at Hailey and Xelchum.

Rain also was .reported Thanks-' giving day at-Magle mountain,' souUi ot Hansen, by Claude Jones,<

a area operator. jAbout thr« feet of.snow la on' le ground at Galena atora ap>.

proximaleiy 25 miles north of: Kelchum where Mrs. pearl Bar-* ber said Friday morning tba tenj-; peraturo was 44 degrees.

Slstam, worked a1) clttit Thanks^' giving even keeping highway .9^ open with snowpUmi, :

ot'juld ToouUla, u at tba’ nd House vllb 14 Incbea oa

Uie valley Hoor.A 2a-mlle-per-honr wind was «►.'!

orted Friday fflomlnf on tf aid mouataln. ‘ ‘9even Inches of neir anow

recorded in Uie storm at B . .. as welt aa 1.18 Miea of piMplts- Uon. The rain melttd ininr fttnSi: previous atonntiio Uiat currehldepth Friday momliig----------ported at eight Inebei.

Mrs- jack R tlo^ , at tbe Korth Fork atore, eight »Uu north oi Ketchum, reported 10 Inches, of new snow with ao lochea on the ground.

Mrs. Barber bad Intended to spend Thanksgiving day with ttio Relnaches. but decided against driving the 16 miles because of tba

Is the last fonnula" and ‘ Duva. Her or death."

PONTIFF IS « VATICAN c n r . Nov. aj I* -

P<9e John x x n i was 79 years old today.. Tti* Vatican-a yelknr and gold nags ««re unfurled In his booor but there was no special eolebraUon. For tbe paoUft Uie day «M another day of rouUoe wott. This included a cenend aq- d)enc<L^ KTGr^.(fioimod j » r ;

ThreeDeati IdShoAreNotedfi

By Hie AsMdated rcwiThree penow tan cUed so tatir-

_i Idahou four-day, IMD TbankiK I glrlttg holiday weticnul h

T i» three died eartr-n»akilltr-T ing day, tn; a fJwy oaah r — PiMt Falla in. DoOL^ha.-.

year the Uw>day tool w e ^ - ^ elalmed dx Um

T h a a k a g ly ln im c lM thRPOghout Ibe atata «Kb t( _ tlooal aenicea aaS faoUy ,iather> [

I t ’s 6 -Pound, 3 -Ounce Boy for Mrs. KennedyWASHDJOTON, Nov. *5 IT-A

son. John FlUgerald. Jr., w bm today to prMldent-Eleet Kennedy and his *-ife. Jaequaflno. ln«lr«UB. aunces that brought the fatha speeding back from a Plttida va­cation In an emergency alt«nnld< night fllcht. .-Both mother *nd child were re­

ported dodftg Mil after Ute llvcTT by Cawarean eectloo.''n» fattwr was * man fuU ot obvious piMe. and deHgbt alter a grlffl hour of .worry.' -

Hte ery U good. Dr. J ^ A. W»lah. Uie atteDdtag p b y »m

and child aotne 1 1 hoots after de- very, • , ,After an carUer 'tMapiUl 'Tialt.

dootoc hMd dMcrttod both par­ents as dell«ht«d tb«t tbe baby_ boy. There w*a ooe p<da( o( mlao- dlsacfeeknaat. 4t}«Qt/:tbe Ijatir.Dr. nportetl .a (air ormoderate anMiUBt'of . brown hair.Otheraspoke otabhukaboek. - __ ______ ______ ______

Irenta auna:tD.t^^.tftre.aider a o o ^ Utah «;e bad expteted,’' Or. last night alter Kacm^jr'set out WaEh aaU.

planef to reMiM,tM:T«eaUM - -----s bad brokm to iQenS Thanks- UtetwL

aur (WalU liSed la by Dr. Walah.At 10:15. wtUle Kennedy. ws«

siiboTM. lira, Etnoedy henelf

paUeot auf bat the tmbu- lancf totbeboepltaL

Oaeeateao 4kUvery had been pteased long la advanw (or Dec. IJ.but eiTO‘»-.‘'«cumd a UtUe

By I2:ia a j^ ^ baby « u de-

lesa thao half anazid faster plane. ...................

A* l ; » wmi waa mUoea to hfan that “ tt‘a a boy* and be n>■ « d . -

'iraaat'tte b o t ^•A 4:11.

He Via.,..-iMlved*^^ dootM , reaiiaftrlDC.r poiti and wont imom aa' o M ^ tutOTim a.'

,Dr.- W>U*;-W(l;«polil«» (tartsff hia .mlddAy vWt itmt JM . Kea-

HIGHLIGHTSinT o4Jay 'tT im M >N *w t rage 1 -Ooat of Uvlrig lodn

>S hlcbwt due to food, car and house jtrtcaa. Ralw and flood* send western Or<^ reeling SclMMl otllelala plan meeUng in Twin Falls, Cbargei agatnat girl In Ooodtog mURUr - cate. Acddeota make holiday tragic. Kennedyt have Mis­sion to aave dollar get UHle ra.\ 9 0 Ds« from aOlei

Page S-Rehean^ aet for- “Soutb PacUio" at Ulnko.

Pace «-;«ditartal:-Pay aa Tog BoU.-

Page .B—Church n m .. Fage'»-Junlorloopnaym '

into Toronto.

deaths in «> «ar.ttiU aoottt.l arer 184 per Mnt:citalir.tluka for ] UUa.Uaa ln N a m A R "a 'yw .U K lthe state tralBc MJttcdMatfa (> ported today.-Rftwa^'pMSHu ban^cBed lMK'fl

renUt of No»enil»f't»tOB-p-■“ ““ la tha atat«,'-t>ovpu«d to thia time Uthe yaar to dateTi^un toll ftUHbl At JUl at thta ttBU:ta U


jjail Sentence Suspended on

: Tipsy Chargei iTnu P>ft Ot»lB« ftlM npptered wlUi Cunnlng- l*rn u hU «Uotner.

Vtyne Z. Baarey. Cuper. Wyo. VM fined $33 and cosU u)d slvrr. JS demCTiU Wednesday night by Jerome Justice ol tlw Peon Leo <mrUl for crotBlRK orer a <lout)te

ivbJta line. Ho v-m a&itcncd 2S idemerlU. JILs cItAtlOQ «-as luued by 6la(« Patjvlman Manrln 8.

IWrlsht. Robert T. Delnher, Buhl, flnwl 17 Friday by Jerome « Judge Fred EberhunlL lor

•jUftpil U-tum.'Sermll O. Conner, Areata, Cillf. u j fiDMt *2S and cosu by Judgo

_illcn for *pe«ling 8J mllca pel ihour In a eo-mUo zone. He w&i. lcJt«d by State Patrolman Ly»l Pldseon (1t0 mites enct of B1‘

111 O. Everett Davti, 31. Ilupert iltmed «10 and coats by Burley r u c 8 of the Peace Alfred Cnuie »'ThujwWy for fWluro to drive rfa- iBonably and prudently, lie »ns

"’ cited by Btate Patrolnvin John|IWr*y.R A1 Conrad AbeyU. Burley. vi llflned lia and cosU nnd clven : ltdemcrlta by Judte crone Thun

I diiy tor a »top aljn violntion. His cliAtlon wa« l«ued by 8t»(6 ra-

. trolmcvn M- J. Snyder., * Jnclc O, Etten, Decio, wtui fined ,'$& and cost*. Friday by Judge 1 Crane and slven JS demerlU 'lalluiB to allMJ a turn. Ho

felcKed by SUM Fatrolnuui Jam<u l^orke.>' 'Helen J. BUgle. Burley, 'fined and costs (uid ttvrn |dwneflt« by Jud«e Crone for ti lure to yield the rteht ot way. Her

citation «-aa iMued by PaUolman I'Oorke.

Adam J. Elmene*, 18. Burley, fined Its and siven 20 do- la_i»m...Ji«tKfl ,.C!Vi.8_for R sign violation. He wan cited ale Pfttrolman Charle.i Peugh. :1 R. Jones, 23, Heyburn. for*

Felted a }1S bond FrldAy In Bur- pollM court for Bolng 60 mllea

- hour In a 34-mIle rone.Michael ChrljtlanMn, IB. Bur-

„ y , u-as cited for failure to yield the right of way ai.the result of a

car accident ot 3:4S pjn. riday at the Intemtctlon of

loth alfeet and Yole avenue, Bur- iJey-;1 The 1857 Ford chrliUansen waa

iJdrlvlng collided wllh a 1658 Pon- Ittlao driven by Mrs. Clarence Hatt,(Burley. Mi«. Hnlfi three chlldrer ___ _l«k.

rtVE-DAY FORECAOT, aATORDAY THROOaH TemperatutM aven*ln| s lltUe *«>ve normal, but « 1U> cootoi ir«Dd. Recurring periods of rsln or soow.

NOimrEnN IDAI!0-Mo.«ly cloudy with snow In the mount»lni and occasional itln or tnow at lower clevatlont lliroush Baturaay. Much cooler t«nljhl. Low tonlRht 25 to 35. High Saturday 51 U> «•

Weather, Temperatures

'Wr .................... 11

:(wera with her and < daughter, to Cuidik

,I for treatment .. Th# other

''children were not Injured.I Damage wa* eel at »3t)0 to the IjPontlaa an) |33ft to the Foni, leordln* to Burley poUo# offk

Magic Valley FuneralsBEI-LEVUE — Puntrsl aervlces u- Mrs. Miud Lnr.wn will be held t 3:30 p. m. Balurdiy at the

communliy PresbyHrlin church' wlHi the Ber. Prank Kuwell of- {Iclatlng, The M*yIlo»rr nrbeiah lodje will conduct concluding riles at the Bellevue eemettry with Mrs. Mary Ulya, noble grand, in clxarge. The family sujiMta me­morial donalloM to Uie cotiunu- nlly Prwbylerlan church or the RetMkab lodge.

T\«N PALLB-Funtral services for Mrs. Edward Klueiidei

.t 3 p. ituidiy aWhite mortu-iry wlili the Flev. C. A. RftUiJen offlcUllnj, Concluding rite* Mil De conducied it Twin f'ftlla cnnetery. A mtmwlal wreaUi .(or the InunanuelLuthrraii church radio hour hM been MU>bllahed. DonaUona may be I»tt at the church ofdce or «llh Ihe While mortuary,

TWIN PALia—Funeral services for William F. Teller *111 be hold ... J.JD BaliMUr »J the Fim Baptist church wllh the Rev Ernest Huselblad orilcliUng. Con

eluding rite* will be held In sun«t Memorial part. I-Ylcnds may oill

t the Twin FUUs mortuary Jtom am, to 3 pjn. Saturday.RUPBRT-Punerai ler lces lor orwm aen« Oarner. Ibfant ion C Mr. and Mrs. Oene Qsmer.

will be held at 10 a.m. Bsturday In the Walk mortuary chipel, Ru­pert. concluding rites will be held

t ihs Ruperl cemetery,-TWIN PALla-PunctaLaenlcM

will be conducted for Mrs. Lucy Adella MorM at 2:30 pin. Satur­day at the First Baptist church by Uio Ilev. Erne. l IIoMelblsd. Final rites wUl be held in Sumet Mcii rial park. The family sugiests conirlbuUow lo the DaptlJl church meinorHU fund. Friends nioy call » t ihfl ReynoUs funeral chapel uniu noon Satunlay.

TWIN PAU^PMnerul servlcefl will be conducted for Mitt. Esther M. WllUojn* Cheney ' ‘ Monday at the Twin tuory chapel LD8 BishopRoe» O. Wam in chorre. Final rites will be held In suoiet Memo­rial park.

Food and Car Prices Hike Living Costs

(frtm OaOhit average take-hotne pay of

ficiory workera rose to nn Octo- rtcord Uat mooth. A Icngthen-

... of the factory work wect and realU In the high w»«e auio In- duilry accounted for the liicrf.\:e.

For the average factory worker lih three dependents, Ltkt home

,s ; ra« by W cenla to »8lio n week. Real buying power also ro.'i because the inoney-wase gain ex- ceolfd the increase in living costa

TransportaUon costa nlw ad vanced In October with introduc- llon of new cnr*. Dut. the depart­ment said. deaJer dlscounte on ne» models were uniuually large “be-

of largo dealers' Invenlorle; r cars, both 1900 and 19(11

modeU."UMd car prices eontlntjed to de­

cline and laal month were IJ.- per cent less than a year ago,

Owollne prices {ell 1-2 per cent rellcctlng some price wars in thi uiual autumn dip,

Rents rose In 14 of the 15 cltle.i mrreyed by the Ubor department and prices advanced for • heating fuels.

Autumn ra*rkups for women’s and glrU- coota and women’s wool ditisei and Jiulls helped push up the price Index. The overall level of clothing prices last month was JJ per cent Wgher tJian a year «|fl.

Twin Falls News in Briefallor rrometed Edmund W, DavU, son of Mrs.

ElUaheth W. Price, 438 Blue Ukes boulevard. h « been pranoted to yeoman thlid eJa*. He U strving with mine squadron nine aboard the ocean minesweeper U83 En­durance. at Long Betch, CaUf- Davls atwnded Ooodlng high school. ________

Son Is Born Prematiuely ToKennedys

chtirticterlSl'her .condition i 'excellent."

The doctor sold «lie had been .jlven two pints of blood In tmno- fuslon.

Alter a few hours elf<p,- Ken­nedy lolt his home In the Ocorge- io«7\ ceoUon of Waihlogton ai 11:30 ftJn. and Oeorge-

hoBplua for another visli hlfl wife and aJBther look aiout 100 'nell-wlslifTS wen

acroa the street froit fieverol shouled con-

W UUiJC/:iVho Invertlgated.{N Tamara Morrison. 18. route 4.

•*>l ‘ Isuhl, was fined tia and c>Mt4 and il lluMlgn«d 35 demerlta in Twin FaUs

1 M O p<>''=® driving S5J ffedlM aa hour-Irk a 35-mUe tone.

- w«j clt*4 B\ud»7 on SecondimiAUUi.

u, ! Hfihe w«j i i i^J^venues? , . .'tj. 8he » ■ . -f '

.... ww fined 13 and costs for ..driving without a valid license. iV James U Ungnaw, Twin Falls, IThns fined tlS and cMtj Tuesday

Buhl justice of the Peace 0. E [ l ^ d r tor speeding 70 ' miles i Kjhour In a 65-mil8 lone. He w lifte d by Patrolman James Lol| Susan U. Oee.''FlIer. was fined n iO and cost* and given 3o demer- U t4 when she appeared Tuesday Ijlwfore Bubl pdJct Judge Barnard HsUrr on a atop tlgn violation. She Halso wai cited by PatrolmanII Qus n vo Balaar, SO. OcUtrlo. CCOre., «a« dlMl for reckless drlv- |3!tnff alC«r being {nvolved In a four- rear accident at the Intersectloa oriSlChth sUecl and Overland ave­

nue, Burley, at S p. n. Wednesday. Mr*. liOta sandtord, 31. Hey-

* bum, had ttctqied her 1«5« Chev.( ralet, waiting fcr another out*

to make a left turn. The car be- ■ Mad her vas a l»eo NSW Prini, Jdrtren br l*try Tbooi I Burley, and folio«lag T

i iw u Leonard tOnff. 37. Burley, idrlving » IBM Ohevit)iet ; Salawr'g t»80 Chevrolet half-ton truck «am« up behind the three •toped cara, colliding with the King Teblele. causing a chain re- KUoa

Damage «aa set at )100 to the ThompeoB car, $300 to the King •uto and t300 to 8ataurt truck «u)d MO to the Sandford machine.

The zalshM> vac tnvesUgated by Burley police officers.

Pi«d SUne. 73. Burley, wu cited Ifor failure to yield the right of Iwav after belns Involved as the IrMult of a tw o-w accident at

i:46 a.m. Thunday at Ihe lnt«-- -_«cUon of l«th street and Oakley Uvenue. Burley.* The IMS pontlao 8Un« wu

‘ ^vlng coUlded with a ISSO Fordriwn -6; vtra“ A7~WHiuuns, -87,

Burler. ai stlae pulled from th* *urb. officer* said

Samag* waa cetlmatod > the FtnUao and »4S to the 'ord. Butler p c ^ ofOecra loves-

Magic Valley HospitalsM agic Valley Memorial

VlalUng hour* ore Irom a to 4 7 to 8 nw. In th* maternity wards; In aU otheri, from 11 ajn. to s pjn-

ADMimD Mr*. John W. MHIer. David lU-

lit. Mr*. Harold Sherrod. Jack atom. Nicholas Long, Karen Clark and Mr*. Harry Tyler, all Twin Fall*; Belly ihler and Lester Joalln, or., both Filer; Kevin 8c curl, Murtaugh; Mr*. Vlbert Johnston. Hansen; M«. Lyle Sha­fer. Castleford; Mri. Robert E. EngUsh. Haiellon; John Kalou- sek. Buhl; Donald Amhart. Eden, and Mr*. Robert Halouilia, Burley.

DISMISSED Mr*. Alvin eedivy anl daughter.

Karen Clark. Mrs. Delraar Horst and ton and Un. £KiD*ld McMur- die ^ d daughter, all Twin Falls; Mrs. iJBTld Nipper and son. Mr*. Olen Kofoed and Daniel Hoffa. all Buhl: Mrs. Jouph Fenn antf daughter, oeorge O'Delt and Clif­ford Oldicer. all H*wtn; Prescott Ktitoflelsch. Filer; Clay Burgess. Rupert: Kay Thatcher. Carey: Bajinond Eden, Pocatello, and Mrs, Harold Smesd, Wells, Nev.

BSRTIIB was bom Rlday to Mr . Robert mgllsh. Haiel-

ton. A son was born Thursday lo Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Lang, Twin FWls.

St. Benedict’ s, Jerome•Vlsltlnc hours at St, Benedict's

hospital are from a lo 4 pjn. and from 7 to 8 p.m. In the mateml’y word and from noon to 4 and Irom 6 to 8 pjn- In the medlcAl auigtcal -ward.

ADMITTED Kenneth Downing. Mr*, i

Dewhlrst and Mr*. Charles Smith, all Jerome; Mr*. Mary Broyle-s Shoshone, and Donald Sunn, Wendell.,

DI8MI88F.D Mrs. R ob ert Humbleton and gh ter . Jerome; Mrs. Jact Kuhn, Hftgerm on, and Mr; Charles Onelda. Shoshone.

M inidoka CountyVUlUng hours at Mlnldolii

Final Rites Held

For Arthur HerdFuneral *er»lces for Arthur M.

Herd were held Friday at the Whllo mortuary ch*pel with the Rev. Frank Schwcluing offlclat- l£K.

PlanLrt wa* Mn, Alex Melton, and sololsU were Mr*. U

: Butta and Loren Paraier.Active pallbearer* >»ere Ben

Olaislnger. N. L JohMon. Claude Brown. K. D. Abel. R. W. Wilson and Ed Andrews.

Honorarypaltoeartfi were Henry ShropjHlreT^lirtnee-Kwards. V A, Alliaon. Byron Bari, fred WU- Mn and Sidney Ownbey.

Concluding tenlces were held « the Filer lOOF cemelery.

k total of I1,18I,710J1 lo crect.'

Keep the Wliite Flag or Safety Flylnj

■ iM ^ jg^ aai/ trtotthouta " ■ tTiUatAiH'eurM agle

W OOD e » r r

Rain, Floods Send Oregon Aiea Reeling

(Trva Tif* <ln*>Klrllng fkxxhvaters in Ctnckoma*

camty. jUnn«- Johnsoa..creek_nei hert a volurwocr group called tJ brush buiiierA moved Into action lut night where hetivy flooding occurred oti Foster rood. A iiuni-

car». mnny of them belong- alRht^crs, were tmpped by

...... _ter. The town of Turner. 10mile* south o f Salem, vrna covered with water fr«n XLU crcek but evacuation utia reported there.

■well hlBhwny trans- porliUon n-na hit. The main line ot Uie Union Pacific railroad east or here was blocked by a washout Thursday morning and trains were rerouted for a time over SP ond 8 Inckj on the Washington aide of the river.

An ftlert sounded Thursday ; WiUftineltc City near EuRene

for po.-j!lble e -acuatlon. The town ot Turnor In Marlon county 10 miles south of Salem Rot Hooding but no evocuaUon* were reported there. The town of Waterloo south­east of LebAnon hftd elRht to 10 Inches ot •Rater In the streets Thursdfty.

NUB»4 Chalnoan Michael Dray, «on of Mr

Mrs. Gordon P. Gray, has been chairman for the "Aulutnn.

Nocturne.- annual fall atJohn's unlvn-slty, CoilegeviUe,

I taitunase saJe troni B S pjn Friday and Baiur-

__ , the former Betty Anne bakery building.Open llouie S«l

Open house will be held by liar- -ijon PTA at e p-m, Monday at he school. The executive board

will meet at 7 p m- .In Keru

Cole C. Dates, son ot Mr. ..... Mrs. Bolley C. Bates, Twin fViUa hcfl a-Tlvcd In Korea serving with the founh V. t missile command.

More Dollars Taken From Bellevue Barthe 1

giatulAUon..AnoUier crowd of about lOO beLLEVUE, Nov. 25—Foi

gathered ouLilde tlie hOBplud. more ot the famed silver dol-Some reporters Rt the hospital from the Silver Dollar bni

a.'iked faceUously "VrTiere are the[),fre were stolen sometime Thur*- clgnrB?" He answered qulckiy wichfday right, fferbert Buctfey, own-

umlle. 'Salinger Iw tlwi.’ Pierre Salinger, the pros »cr«- JT, is a osnstanl cl*ar anoker. The operation performed on

Mrs, Kennedy Is kno»-n as a low cerv-lcal (lectlon.

Kennedy remained at the hw- plUU about 30 minute* and newsmen m he left t '- ‘

•'doing very well.’Lt hl8 wife

Rich Harvest Produced by Public Lands

lore than a million big game Inst

I. In u

Churchill Has

Rapid RecoveryLONDON. Nov.'» UV-Bapldly

recovering from a back Injury. Sir Winaloa Churchill Is now well enough to enJOT of hi* t»Torll« luxuries—cigar* and Scolcti whisky.- Oreeic <)hlpptng nttgnoto- Arls- foUe Onaisls called oa him yr- terdAy.

air Wlnalo who wUl be M hoct Wedne-sday, «u out of bed iand altUiLg In a chair when Or)aa~ lUs arrived. The two men talked ■ nearly an hour.

to 7 .Blcal ’farts _____________to 3 and 3:30 to 6 p. m.

ADMITTKD Donald Ashcraft and Percy Dun-

tap, both Hupert.DISMISSED

Mrs. Charles Turner and daugh­ter and Donald Aahcralt, both nupert.

Gooding MemorialVlsltinK hours at Ooodlng Me­

morial hospital are front 8:30 a.m. to t:30 pjn.

ADMITTED Barbara McKeeth and Vaughn

McKeeth. boih Qlenns Perry.DISMISSED

Mr*. Susie Jones. Ooodlng, and Leona Mullenberg. Fairfield.

Cassia MemorialVlsltlni hour* at cassia Memo­

rial hospllal are frrnn 3:J0 to < and from 7 to 8 pjn. In the ma­ternity ward and from 10:J0 am to 8 pjn. In the medical aqd *ur- elcal ward.

ADSflTTEDs. sm h Severe, Reybum;

. Peterson, Mrs. Faye Holmes and Mrs. Velma Ballsrd, all Bur­ley.

DISMISSED Michael Craven. Paul; Mrs. Jo-

anna McRae, Heyburn; May Htli and Rathy Lancaster, both Bur­ley, and L. M. WhIUker, Rupert.

BtRTHS A daughter was bom to Mr. and

Mrs, Kirby Severe. Heyburn. and' a son VOS bom to Hr, and Mrs. Daol Holmes. Bwriey.

~Bfeak-in Noted .. break-ln at Keo-* Barber

•hop, 3fi7 Addison avenue- west.: waa nported to city police Friday nomine. Entry < waa gained by !* bolt- oi^a-back door,' police said, the only Items tAken were four packages ot gum and i half d o«n pennies. Police beUevi the entry Sru the *wk of Juve­nile*. •

The lorgcst Increase In natural resource production came In pc

I troleum,re was an Increase of mo:

than 10 million barrels ot petri Ijum from Ihe plains aljtles nr Rocky Mountaln ireas during the

Mrs.Cheney^ Passes at 72

After IllnessMrs. Estlicr M. WUlluns Cheney,

72. route 1. died about B:45 &. m. Friday nt Magic Valley Memorial liojplliU after a brief lllneai.

Mrs. Clieney was bora Jon. 29, 1888. at Aorhw, Dounoik, came to Amcrlca wlUi her ptircnta when Che v,-nj 3 mon'Ju old. She was miurlcd lo Wllllani Hams. Oct. 8,1M3, in the 6-Ut Luke City LDS temple. .Mr. Wmianw ■■ ' ■=Yb, 10,1S50, Shewflsnmrried

M. Cheney Jan, 29. 1055. at Elko. Nev. She a member of Uie LDS cluirch.

Survivors In addition (oher h.. bfind are four dauxhte.-s, Mrs. Lylc RouU, Tv,-ln Falls; Mr.<. Erna In- gcrsoll, Oregon Cltv, Ore.; Mrs Verna Laufii2cn.-Hi£cnntm. anc Mrs. Myrle WlllUm-v Mountain Home; two Bpns, WJllmro A. Wil­liams, Burley, and Wajne (Bud) Wllllnm.1, Jame.ito’iii, Colo.; one sUU-r, Mm. Violet Pace. American ForK, XJUh; three.btt<hCTj, H.ins A, Lnurscn, Willlnm Uiursr-Ji and Edward Laursm, #11 American Fork, nnd 13 grandchlldrci) nnc three great-grandchildren. sh< also was preceded In death by oni alslcr nnrt four brothers.

leral Mrvlccs alll be conduct- 2 p. m. Monday r; Uie Tw in

FalL? mortuary chapel Bishop Roi.1 G. ward In charge. Final rllea will be held In Sunsi Memorial park.

Woorley also said that more . ie billion board feet ot timber as sold from about two million :res In western Oregon, which f callcd "one of the most success- il forestry enterprise* of the fed- •ai government." He said th(

sale price equalled the entire bu­reau of land management appro­priation for the year.

nie annual hirve.sUng ot tlm ber of these Oregon lands is llm-

;o their lustained yield ca- paclty.

Despite the cutting o f more thai 10 bllllQD board feet, ot timber there since 1037, Woozlcy said, the volume of timber today is greater than when the management

am was atarted.

Parking FinesPosting overtime peu-klng bonds

,-lth Tfttn Palls police Wednesday and Thursday were K. T. Hlcklm, Irvin Flogle..Tony Atxderson, Rob- ert AJiamon. P»»oc«s »f*ughan, Mrs. Tim Breauion, Gordon Crock. eU, Peter Shawver, J. Cronin, L D. Anderson, Sherman Williams, Norman Hcnwiger, J. R. Baker, Duane Crockett, Dorothy-Llnn. Mra, Qecrge Brown, R. A, Jones, Donald Hall anl Ed White.

morning Juil left intact.

_______ weeki ago 1.000 ordollar.- which were Imbedded Into the top of the bar, were stolen. Entry wos gained bot through a window In I The gln.-a was broken by . glars the first time and this time, nudtley said. Ihe intruder* re- loved the boards he had. nailed ver the window..NO tools ?;cre,left JylnS *f?und ils time, Buckley said, adding $M) :om the ca.ih regt'ter was taken.Bcneatli each dollai

of the donor is Inscribed and Buckley said there are name* from throughout the V. 8,

E. Outa Friday Ing also was Investigating a break-

t tlie Silver Creek genera at PIcabo. Initial Invcstlga- sho-i-ed a transistor rodlo,

sleeping bags, shirts and a *1 gun were Uken, according llolfe Grltflth.v manager.

He Was RightBOSTON, Nov, a WV-When

a boy vx\ born today lo Pre.\l- dent-ElccL and Mis. John F. Kenned)-, a prophecy ot the MttivichuseLtj senalcr became

Last Sept. 9 In Richmond. Calif., w-hile he campaigned. Kennedy explained »h>- his wife w-Bs not witli him on ihe

•■My wife is home." he told the CaUfomla audience, “ird

T.F.Fu’emen Demonstrate To Grangers

Fred Ulggtns and Kenneth Ro>-. cl Twin I*alls firemen, gave dein- cinsUaUons of tire prevention ai me Twin Falls Grange meeting Wedntoday night. '

nenee Somnien gave a recitation jxl (he communliy service projart t-M ducuased. Farmers aro urged ^ flump OS much dirt and rock as poBible at the Rock creek fill south ot Five P«nts next Aprll-

The home economics cwmmlttee reported the annual 4-H Icaderr dinner wll* be served at 7:30 pm ■ D « 8 at the OroJigc hall, Mrs. M. Z. StinsbUTT »■*« appointed lo t ncedtd kitchen equipment.

:ni poised a resolution voong routing the intersuic highway where H would be the irtst dMtructlve to farm properly.

Dcc. 3 has been Jles^gnot^ as ileonup day at the Qrange hall ind member* ore urged to help •lUier In the aftenoon or evening.

CommlUeM for the yei appointed by Kenneth Poe.

niey Include irvin Bodensub, CUItoid Davis, Harvey Queanell, Elmer Jordan and Charles bte- phrn-son, ogriculture and fair; James Catterson, Olln Llndemood. Charles Hequa and George Roa- enot, building; I. T. Creed, Tom Spe^y. Marihall May and Terry “ulllvan, community service.

Mi3. SulUvun and Mrs. Worren Dalgh. rerreshments; Aloe Rosen of, Leona Speedy. Mr3. Irvin Bod- ensud) and A£ra. Kenneth Poe. din­ing hall; Guy Peter*, honplial enulpnent; Don Somers, Joe Me- C<Slum and Raymond Poc, youth; C, W. Dalgh, Harry Wohllalb and W. A. Poe, legislation and rtsolu-

Reese Ollci. M- Z. Stonsbury and BUI Rceenot, grounds; EUeen Quesell. Rose Requa and Mrs.Pele-Vflleas, fiowere.-----------------

Helen May. Mrs. Catterson and Margaret Durbin, fair 'iccomtlons, and Veda Oliver, Mrs. Creed. Zella Boll. Mrs, Gllck, Mra. Davis, Vmia Jordan.' Mrs. Llndemood, 8tarubuf7. Bartiara Ripley, Alllc Mae Stephenson. Beulah Turner and Lydia Rosenof, home econom

Seen TodayTwo city ii|>loy

. g flag ... on Riddle if Commerce oI' -

tag deer aalami . , ■ enjoying t-*u

Margaret Munn> shopping . . . Man

. Pile of I - ituse■r oilc

alley while nWoman wearlr

polish . . . telephone pole . . . truck .n courlhou iwinglng in wind .Man on smnll Smoke from chlm streets behind sift pickup truck* . . . :

tppecl pncknii

‘Sadie Hawkins’ Fete Is Toiiiglii

for LDS boys and firh 9 UiroUKli IJ 111 r*in 1 Eldon Jockniun, i/'inliu paL

partlclp.'uit.'s mil be I FUlL-i, Cufii, C.i.',:(cfon(. f berly and Murtntigh. Boi toward the clly part, f< tJ»o glrli. Hicii Kir) Mi;! own "XJttlc Abner" for nlng.

Onpturecl men wUI l« broufhi;patch of cloth hy the rlrl -n«V ,plea -will be 'mnrrlcd" fur ihej?

Ics.The next meeting w

a wild gome potluck dinner a pm. Dec. H.

of the d . . . Sam." Cider. (louKhnuu » nlpa will be served as relresJintti

Baby’s Rites HeldOravtflde wrvlcc.i for

Ann Sharv. Infant dwgh’.e Uid Mrs. Jackie Sluirp, T» were held Tuesday nl Sunat morial park with the Hnaselblad otilclatlng.


Neighbors Patrol Straw Stack Fire On AcequiaFarmRUPERT, Nov. 25 — Neighbors

today were patrolling embers of fire which de.stroyed a large stai of baled straw and a shed on tl rrank Mohlman farm, about three miles norlh of. AccQula._al.l iYldny,

Volunteer firemen from Rupertt the * until 4

. the blaie from spreading stack ot baled hay, the bam and

other farm buildings which earby.The Mohlman* have gon«

Nevado for the week-end. Fire­men said If the wind fans the embers, there Is still danger to the haystack and buildings.

Cause,of ihe fire u-os not known, but it was thought to have been a defective electric fence. No esti­mate of the damage was available.

Estimated Insured losses oi fixed property from Uurrlcani “ la totaled 8,5 million dollars

P T T I - E

the' vena u lumM It am y private whib b corporal.

Manager Reports On Road ProjectMember* of the Tuln Falls

Chamber of Commerce board of dlreotoni at their regular Friday noon meeting heard a report from William OranBe. *ccretary-mon- ager of the chnmber. on comple­tion of plans for a construction project In ihc south hills.

Orange eald that final plans being drawn by the forest ser to construct 10 mlle. ot Rock creek road at an esUnuud cost of 1200.000.

Ctirl Berg, prcaldent.Orange to bead a commlliee lo plan the annual ClKunber ol commerce banquet. Charlos Allen and A. E. Vaughn are conpiluee member*.

Orange was chosen (a attend c meeUng of the Idaho stale Cen­tennial commlfflion as part ot th< Twin Palls committee n-orklng or. the centenrUol celebration. Orange also reported on the annual foot­ball banquet held Tuesday evening.

Mr*. Phyllis Self was a guest at Iho board meeting,

REVIVAL SERVICES Are Beloc Held al 7:30


ELDER ED ELLIOTT — of Huraansviiic, Missouri


Death Takes J. Kalousek,

59, of BuhlDOHL. Nov, 25 — John Joseph

KalauMk. 59, route 4, Buhl, died the Magic Valley Memorial hos­

pllal atrj;40 p,m. May Ig, 1901. at

Klldeer. N. D. He lias been a resi­dent of Jdsho since 1005. coming to Duhl from South Hart. N. D. He lived in Twin Palls for eight years with his sister, Mrs. Rose Qambrel. He was a member of ei. Edward's Catholic church, the Buhl Knights of Columbus and the Northvlew'Grange, Duhl. He

director of the Southern Idaho Fish and Game association and a member of the Idaho Wild­life federation. During World wni II he worked at the Hill field arsenal, Ogden. Utah. He was treasurer of the Carpenters local. 1058. Besides corpenter work, he; also did some faimlng. |

He Is survived by two daughter.i,; Wllalne Kalousek, Buhl, and Lo-J rene Kalousek, Denver; father and ‘ siep-mother. Mr. and Mrs. johni Kalousek, Nampa; five brolhcrs.l Robert Kalousek. Albert Kalousck.l Uudle K alousek. all Nampa; Prank Kalousek. Fallon, Nev., ond

Oeorge Kalousek, Newark. O., seven sisters, Mrs. Rose Oam-

brel, Twin Falls; Mr*. Franklin Orr. Dietrich; Mrs. R.. C. Sllmson. Hayward, Calif.: Mrs. Charles Hall. OnUrlD, Calif.; Mrs. Floyd Scott, Pasco, Wash.: Mrs. Jack Coshman, Arcadia. Calif., and Sis­ter Mary H yacln th a , Oakland, Calif.

White mortuary will announce funeral arrangements.

The common cold is aid lo be our most expensive disease, con­sidering working days lost and all


W ONDER DRUGS*ov«d ov*r 2 million livtils the post 25 Y«ori ihorlened Ihe dvrolioi many illnoiet.Sulfa drugs w*r* fiiil viid 2n 1936, followid h Penicillin, Slreplomycir Cortlion*. ACTH, Aniihlito- minei, Tfonquilii many other poteni drugi. Wort'l you Iry ut Ih* mil time you ne*d a pr«iaip< iion fillid?




Awtpnaotlve Serylce***” *” ^Complete MoMr Rebuilding . . . Speed- pmeMr Service, , .-.(speciol Trained man . . . Tune-ups checked bn Dynamombter. . . Ignition service . . . (top equipment and,men) - .. j

McRILL AUTO REPAIR Iaiii-AVtiiM North :---- ;-------- ; -RE 3-484S {


Our modern farm loans are designed to help farm ers finance farm purchases on a sound basis. Investigate our farm ownership plan.


- B uhU phon* 105

U. N. TERRY AGENCY .Twin Folli— phono RE 3*4700


H. T- BREAZEAL AGENCY Ruport->phon« HE 6-3036


Jerome— phone EA 4 4 44 4

JOHN EOWBOROUGH Goodinff— phone W E 4-5269



A man's InWuBjice la nof JlmHed i i« iUt tpan.- Til# alleet o / chofOCMf •Bcfines in JJvlno memorle*.

An opproprfole /unefol ««nrlc* d remembetcd beau ty and mvwmJ rejpocf Uvej oo am ong olier ured recolieclioHB.

t w i n f a l l s MOETUAIty ■;«J ind Avenaa NorUi rbone U :.

UR. and una. BTANLBY PHIUJf*. tad JOHN WH<KSBBOM - ■

OUR PROTECTIVE COUNSEL la S afl who seek It, W rite , Phone

NOVEMBER 2B, MSOTIMES-NEWS, t w i n f a l l s , IDAHO PAGE Ttnuai. ■


Told to W oo itfgw Nations

- is L»v-Uwmaker» of the Nor--

(*ke bold »J«ps


niemBcr o( liie Nor-trade

) bat>uiiion In tconomlc

'^ t o h » often been ci■"•'12 hiiK too I*'""'"' mui^U

deni development

by »OTWns out ft R lowird counlrlcJ <

STUo mivjor power bl> .,. L itport Mid this policy v4Mve 10 de ' twrluhl 10 independence ;f i J i for neulramy In

swiR*'®-«nfi? Afrlcun notions, the ., -

JTaii ••»1U economic

'^"wiSrlu^nU® to Klve them ^ m Uiey rJJI turn

gooding H as

Youth P a r le yfiOODWO. Nov. 25 — Local

reprtMntlnK Aisetnbly of Methodi.1t. BapUst

^H*ar®e churches attended Bifl-Tcuth banquet at ilie Gootl- ^fWt BaptW church Mondayji 'nolmea. nw ter of w .c -

boIb. five the Introduction ol rfsttUM. uid the wclcome. The -itatto wM offered by Hev

Ktff. pMtor. ond grlice w lid W Shirley Myera.

I mr. Bob Burchell, tiialslant r of the Twin Falls First St church. V.T13 guest epcak-

'hi» prosnun Included a •DUna Rosers with Louis

j«compani.?t: piano solo It lisulse Locie. -vocal solos by V~lh SJJ)f7 and Barbam Weath-

Md a retidlns by Joyce___Group alnglng waa led byDirti Belsner.

TKc of ormnBcmenU were DiYli, Nancy Holiiiea and

SjrlfT Mycrt. dccoTftUons: Linda HtoM «ki Judith R<yno:ds. en- Jack Lnne, Benncy liiTtU, Hobble Fl.'iher. conatruc- ux; JKt Holmes and Sandra Ui»T, prosnun; JudlUi Rcy- KiiV, Slioron Dedrick and Jack Eiia. InvlUvUons; Keith Myers, tan Denney and Bharon De- ttt, tlckeu.Tt« tonquel w-aa prepared and

«md by women o f the Bopilst t o t

Looklnr over Ibe wore of the Rodtcn' and Ilamracraieln’i “Sonth P«cHic’’ arc-fn>tn-ltfl, J»nlee-WllHam«r-S»in-Yadon;-Juily Mannlnj- «nd Sieven nroadheid. double-easi lead* for Ihe optreiia lo bo prcMnied Feb. S-IO at Mlnlco bl{h icbonl. Oihcr leads and Ihe

Rehearsals Are Slated Soon At Miiiico for ‘South Pacific’

nUPEUT, Nov. 2S - cutlng Is p-trtly done, and rehearsals schcd. ulcd to begin soon for the pro­duction ot "BouUi Padllc," nod- gere and Hnmmerslcln musical comedy, to tie ot.i«ed by Uie r depoitmcnt at Minlco Frb. 9

Gns Hill Area Reports Guests

.KDtO.inLL. Not. 25 - p r . and UxTliomas Thebo and eon. Par- )i,»nd ihelr nephew. Rod Ander-

Ctldwell, were Thankaglvlng tjcf Dr, Thebo’# mother, Mrs.

ETTtll Peeler,Jfr, uid Mrx. Cecil BoU and •j tilher. C. E. BoU. left We4-

nejlii' for Hermlston. Ore.. W iKU ’HianksKlvlng with his sis- ff, Mrv virRii Osbome. ond fam- !. Ue elder Dott will remiUn at >oilslon (or an Indefinite visit L-.I] iljo will visit hts brother, Tmil Bott, at Pendleton. Ore. Mr, »nd Mrs. NeU Ortweln.

art vlsltlnK her parents. Ur. and Ws. James Blackstcn. »M (tully.

Mrs- Delbert Decker funily spent ThanfcsBlvlnit hu father, OVin Decker, and

wily, Riddle.Hr. and Mra. Henry Crockett

^ family. Pocatello, sp e n t ™nksiSrtnj here with his moth- ’■ ilf». Emma Crockett^-and lather, Fred Crockett, and fam-

Service Is Held For Mrs. GruwellBimury. not. i s — Omveald*

for Mrs. Nella May Oru- ‘ W »tre held at the Pleasant ’ |f» cemetery M o n d a y with

Norman Hurst ofridflilnB. •tally prnyar at the mortuary

^ llttn by Dlahop Milton Pnyne *Jbe view ward.P a rers were John Matthefs,

"■Jto M,-itlhcw»;-Paul Penrod, ?'“^„M««hevs. Mike Matthew* “a Il«. Anderson, hn I:’" '" '' Presto't ond Mr*.Tnnner wer« In oharM ot

Forfeits Bond, BURL , Nov, 2^-Kate Leman.

“ «00 bond- toi*.ce of the Peace Alfred <-------^ “ d.y on the charge of . . . . 3S?\?’n ^ Barley7 1 ° ; 'Police Qeorg# Wartell. AtwdforttOOwaaretuni '

Wednesday when a cue for harboring a woman

(5 prostitution waa diseharaed >«>«. .11.4 0! ..iSS ‘

.r P™*BlUer. who rt EU.repenUy>-w,preparotocT '— _b««,

Be*Ie I


globe SEED

Miiiico Students Study Score o f Musical Comedy Jaycees Plan Go-Kart Sale

To Aid FundBURLEY. Nov. 2S - Tlir Hmlcv

Jnycces vlU .'cir a Oo-Kan iii r to ral.'i; fijnd» tor ils oi\- chllilrcii’.'

Kudol|)li, cu-i hAiriuiiii diirfOK ilie iliib'.i mrrlliK ai ihc Durloy public hUr.iry TiipsJ.t) om'. nlnR.

Tlckpt.i fur Ihr Co-Kml innv be purchn«rd frciu iiny iit Ihr J,i>ri-.'| member.'. It wH' niinoiiiurd by Jiiui Miller, flinlrimMi ol tiic mna fhoppiiii: tout. I

ler briefed inpinbri:. cri i>Uim belnc made for Sntur.liiy, Deo. 17, and sl.iifd thnt n silt \>rni)plnk-uller plllc l cs ftle ni.iflc by ,IU1- dren who will be accoiiipitni,-.! by club nlembcr. .

Aimouiicpiiicnt wm iimctc ttint Uic home to lioute "irre vliioiird -

,!e \.ilr by the Jnycce. will be held Dec, is lo coincide \>lt!i the state jivyccc project . Tlie locnl Rroup cneliinlly hud net ll.] sale

ProceeclA from Clirlstiiins orsncr?ill be used by lUe club for com­

munity projects, officer, Rlntcd.An offer by Dlfk Kerrubli of the

local pnpcr to hnvi- a pcirtlrulnr section ot the pnpcr lor the Jny-

WBJ Accpptcd by the'rroup, Duane Stnrlln un.t iinmed chnlr-

of the Intcr-club ►ports for this wlnler with partlcuUr Inter-

in bftsketbnil.............. -social eveulnir Is plnnned by Jflj-ce" TUCJdny. Time ,\nU

place or the event will be announc­ed later.

•uppontnr eaat be announced later, aecordlnc U Ned StocU. -rtlrenor 6r~T»eat-nio*lc.-'ttna»-niompMn-Mia-rar6lyTrSnitth-wni

dIrecC danee number*. All irati for both perforrnascn will bi , rcierted. (BUff photo-enttavlf*)

G irl Honored B y A i ea Club

BURLEY. NOV. 25-Patty Thax- ton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Al Thaxton, wiLs namcd.JItlil.oI-the. monUi" by the Burley Boroptlml.U club and was a spednl Ruest wlUi. her mother at Uie club's Wednes­day luncheon siectlng at Nelson's cafe.

Miss Thaxton 'plans to enter Brigham Young university next fall and major ellher in speech art. Bhe Is a member of the I lure nomemakcrs of America, B- Teens. Palette club, The.<plnns, Pep club, president of the Art dub. and secretary of tho student body. Bhe attended Olrls’ i ‘ last summer.

Nancy Weldon sang two selec­tion* accompsnled by Linda Hol­comb and Mrs. Jnncce Thorton presented a Thanluglving poem. Mrs. Retli Payne gave the Thanksgiving ihoujht for the day.

Mrs. Marjorie Olllesple reported n her trip to Chicago where she as elected president ot Uie "

tional Home Demonstration i elation. Mra, aitlcsple stated tliat the ' invenUon at which she will preside will be held at Salt Lake City.

Guests were Mrs, HsIUe Ltiid- qulst, Mr*. Hubert Warrell, Mrs, Vera Hansen and Mrs. Vivian Odd- ney.

Confab SlatedRUPERT. NOV. 2S - The Rev,

CluLTleo W. Easley, Jr. supcrWUin. dent ot the eestem disttict ot the Idaho conference of Methodist churehes, will preside at ihe quar­terly conference Sunday at 2 pjn. and wUt be guest speaker at the morning amiee. .

■me R«T. Raymond Thompwn. Rupert pastor. ttpoMs the subject will b« “Called to B* Stinis." Prtor to accepting his present position, the R«7. Mr. Saaley sened pafitor- atcs at AnuTlcw Palls, Buhl, Pay­ette aed Bcdte.


ond Umlt^^«•I C. Rojae, son of Ur. and Mra. Verne M, Royso, Ooodln*. has completed

Nfd EtocKs, dlrcclor of mu-slc, Kill fllrcct tJic opetctla, a.v sLtcd by Paul Burt, drama In- •itructor; Knrm Hatch, home eco- iiomlci tc-.icher, «ho will help with coiittfiie.', find Arlo Colu, itrt tcaclicr, who will be in charge of sceiicry. ,

Llnd Tliomp.'on and Carolyn Smith will cllrcct darcc numbers, uiid Uc Wnlton will be in clt.-itge of tlckct, S.11C.V etock.i htild all .se.ils would be reserved for both nlRhl performances. Tickets will ba avallable from members c ' ' mu.-.Ic depoxtment.

Steven Broadliead.and Sam Ya- don will be doublc_ciis_ _as E " DeUecque' and Judy MiinnlnK Jnnlcc WlUtam.1 ns Nellie Port) . Sandra and Arlene Sliorl will pl[L>- the role of Bloody Mar '. OUjer parts havo rot been »s- slf^ed yet. Stocks said, but will be announced sooil

Aged Plan Might Be First on ListCLEVELAND, O., Nov. 25 Lfl -

Medical insurance for Uie aslng ii expected to be one of the first major domestic L' ues taken ua by the administration of Prcsldcnl- Elccl John p. Kennedy alter he taken office In 'January, one of Kcruiedy's odvlsers said here yes­terday.

The statement was made in ai. Interview by Sidney Spector, who is adviser on medical care for tl nged to the preiident-eicct. Ke here visltlns relatives and (rlendi during the holiday week-end.

Spector, 43. is staff director of the senate subcommittee or " aged.

Answers CriticsMANAGUA, Nicaragua, Nov, 21

Cfi—Prcsldint i^ls Somoia said yesterday he asked President El­senhower to set up the patrol o: Nlcaroffua's Caribbean coast "be­cause of Invasion threats plotted with old of the Cuban govern­ment" acting "as a communist agent In America."

Aoswerintt crltict of the actlOn who termed It U. S. Intervention. Somoia said Fidel Castro's Cuban regime is ''backing Russia's plans of domianUon in the Central American countries, which owlDg ' "lelr Beographic po.<dtlon have

Quite HappyOCDEN. ■Otoh, N0V.-23 L?\-

■Hie Del Thlmifs family c-'pcflally htvppy a b o u t otic thing on ThankzKlvlng dtiy; five ot their eight children «111 be over the mumps by Chrl imaa.

Wiat about Uio other chll-

Hcnnie, 0. and Thlnncs have lind Uio inmniiv But Mr.v 'Hilnncs, LivVcmn, 6. and I -mdy. 3. lin-ve not.

Do you plnj\ to i- olixte tho e who iinvcn't had the mumps, Mr,'.. Thinnes wns fuskcd.

"Oh. ht>avoit3," she said; •'»e'rc not even tr 'lnR to."

Clara. 10. L<irry. 55, Unda, 13, Oor>- 0. and Dixie, 2. come down wiUi tho mumps Wcd- nftWay night.

Harding to Visit

District CountiesIDAHO FALLS. Nov. 25 W —

Rep.-Elect Ralph Harding, D., Ida., said yesterday he would visit each of the 25 counties In hl.i second district constituency before he leaves for Wftihlngton, D. 0.. In 'lie December.

Harding said he wanted to meet with any persons Interested in problems of the second district or who had auenestlons for legHIa- tlon. He also promised he would Introduce the Bums creek dam bill on his first day in congress,

e Democrat Mid he v.-ou Dubois. Drlggs and St. A:.

thony today and Soturday ond would antiounce the remainder of the schedule nt a later date.

Call Came as Obstetrician W as Reading

WASHINQTON. Nov. 25 (UTS — Mrs. John P. Kennedy’s obstetri­cian. Dr. Jotm W. Walsh, v,-a:. reading a book lust night when he got liLi urgent call nation's next ftnt lady.

Wakh said ho rudied to the Kennedy home and ctillcd ttie am- bul.ince «rvlce and hospital from the liome of tlie presldenl-clecl.

In an Interview, Uie <7-year-old, tall, d.vk Irish doctor said that the Caesarean section »-as "nor­mal" and Uiat Mrs. Kennedy U "dolnj; fine."

He Mid that (iho was mlftring "moderate pains" i-lien she taken to the lioepllol.

Dr. Walsh Is an associate dinlcol professor at □rorgetovn medical scliooL Hs mid he has been Mrs. Kennedy's obstetrician for about three years “when she has 'In town."

Dr, Walsh » ld he did not d Caesarean operation when Mra. Kennedy's daughter, Oarollne. was bom.

Dr. Walsh said that Mre. Ken­nedy was "delighted that It v

boy,"He definitely set the weight

U)e baby at 6-poundj S-cunees.He said MiB. Kennedy had <

peeled to undergo the Caeaxreon section Dee. 13.

Walsh slipped out of the bcepitol through a side door at about 4:90 ttjn, EST while reportera, he com- mcnted with a laugh, "were Inter-' vlswlng Senator Kennedy,"

PLAYWRICIHT DIES NEW YORK. NOV, 25 M'-K . Crlcliton, 64. playwright and

ographer. collatued yesterday oi mldlown street and died later I hospital. Crichton woa author of The Marx Brothers" and the ■Ufe of Rise Btevens."

Thousands This YeorWiirNaver Rcoch Market

I f .you ore havlnsi -b I o fl t traubU in your fe«d lot.

Start now f«edlns B anacr M ineral and Chemical Componnd in your S a lt .. . .

Ton m tet Bimoe ulnei«] and CtaKmle*! Coapound alruiU'. - n i ] ^ * 4 6«1( »t ths Olobp S e«l ft F#M Oo. od Truck U m

, till# y w will not rinKh BiKket DONTxjPTYooaaaic........-stop tiUi iOH vHb Buiner C bealnl and Mlnarol'Compooui

S £ E D St FEED C O .



BE 3 - 7 3 7 1 for evilly

Census Trend Points to Representative fo r Gem Statel

:c<l l

ivaidfd l< .. .....................a rr.™il ol the lOM cciiMi.'. imi-

not be w luck)- a <{r, dp lu-iu-f uiilrr..i tlifrc b a .vli,-nllu-:iii; cH.nn: 111 cui-rciil nopulntion

Idiilni',1 iiopulallcii liH-ii'.i'i- cnly 133 K*- rf'it ly.',rilid IDCO. plnflii;; llic m.iN' :il)Hi iiicmtlmiM for llic iic\t 10 I

IxitjMblf Iiliilio.-, ir|iii"t-iiliiiu) 111 coligTf.'j will Uf rnluc il lo oiii

Tlie U. S. ralf ol grn.Mli v>,is Ifl

KTAllTK Ah>u/lAHBOISE. Nov. 25 - Auili

Iniiii. duURhler ol .Mr. Paul Ciimiiiii, Ktiiit)crl,v. r

Conr.iri. dnuclurr nt :Mrs. 1 KiUb.

iidpiua nt St.< t . '-cliool nf luiislug here, tx'M.Hl Ihfir «f!lll;ilinn at thr Idaho :it.->le. tubercutels hO'pllal, GoodliiK. this' week.

RadiatorsSi:W AM) t:SED

Scrricc li /;cpa(rjPhone RE 3-60801

All Types—KIt.di


HI-\Vaj :ij—On Truck Lan< Rsdiatarr Are Dur lluilntt^ I

.Sot a Sidrltne

Help With PlaytmiVEnSITY OP IDAHO. MOJ.>w. NOY, 2i — Five Macle Valley

students arc participating in the production sinffs for the prescn- UUion . Dee.-3-3-oX--TlJ* CttuUa Song." •

Aa-'lsllng with costume crtw w-lll be Idona Kellogg, T»-ln FalU; Vickie Bceley, Jerome, and Anlt.i Cox, D1L«. Angle Arrlen and Le. Roy Kellogg, both T*-ln Falls, art


NOTirK 01 NOTICK IS !• hichnt ■!«< I««t I

filiek Ica, Twin K«l] ^ following wnU

Mill No. iis::t;o £. STiSil“

.1 Ford Sdn. Ur.r, S«tliil FIKC- 10 Dl«k. »«1«. Ko. DotU-■a du"IS-<Jt, a<ia, Cl Uiojgii• <llr rw«rrM Ibi rlxbt U) r*J«t ltd liU

LO W P R O F IL E SNOW TIRESM th* Wldffalt* anew Hr*.

.. . . . . . Htf«'s th*'Low Pfofll«Vi9w llr». Witit ettwrtlrMi niirira «pln,'IK«-|Wdiji K And cn tl»or»d port-

»Il“ j '"•"*» o'h»f llrti hum. Ihlj 11/ . I,*«|» mum. nttim Don't g*t inowbound Ihli «in)*r, C*l e pair of

lUrt US. Royol Wlnlarldti todoy.



T IR E S206 4th Ave. W att Twin Falfa

Phone RE 3-1464

f a

This is not on Offer to Sell

EARNCone tn-l?ring your wlioU Jmily’ - a o d t t t i f Com#* «{»dout tix-pauonger m m doesa't nuke >enM to you. It’i • fact, Conei has ipwo iniide that other compacts don’ t (induding 28 cubic foot truok spac«I)> y«t It turzi*. pcrb and hamUea the w»y Jou expect a coopaci c « i to do. And it’* itill priced with or bdow the comptcts o f other malier*.•If lhere»renorothiniu,i«e'our»tationw«gons.

i 9 6 i G o m e t

ON YOUR INVESTMENT" ^ s l l / RedcertiBd''. : ;

Shorter Long Term Invnting Construction Finoncing: . Mortgage Invntment Debenture Bands!' rw BOT 'lBfwiwuoii — * Mrt to

Western States Securities___________ _ OR CAU. C l t^m i«10 * ’ •• •»!> a i a - focoHlte, Idiln . J wMwtt jt Malw e j .


>• PoblMlit Conpur. „ A 8H lN Q T O N -P iM W ent-;rr1«ndt »nd tot» in the «jutHl»ndtrouble for him In )iU reUtloni before hs Ukes





I Ktn:>tdy'i, . iwnr.ii up.

ia»ra uii the buTdcM oi the Wi” '-«julre ftll of his ocknowledsrt iWI "

the sturdy support of thwe powerful Tf«Bn'-Vlce Prrsid Elcet Jotinion and llmue Spt Sam narbum-ror him to *« collision th«t would raull ' running fU h t wlih ■whelniinuly Democratic t>«dy oi I<gUIftlor>.The pro»pecUve cnntrovfrslfi, which hive become more Immi­nent ond omlnoin becouje of post' election happenliiS*. IfiTolic lud •eniltlve *ubjccta u civil rialiLi Sind reform of congri


WASniNQTOf* - AJU»^_^neit prtiklfnl 1»» ttroDg Uea wlUiS uSflTnart. “ n~“ -he will forbear

tauti thi* pc*t enmln»J die-

rulea cMnmltleet power of Uie he llbernl lf*ul»tioii

"10 Democrr"-

P A Y A S YOU ROLL i l a MnJutachiiaclU, V J r r 1 n I a, Marylnnd,■I Pulawarc, FlorWa, Kcntucfcyand Okltthoma,I toll Iilghways nre back In the plcturc for the ' ItiUirr. T h a t they a ir Is a meaauro of Ihe

failures and drlays In the vauntM 41,000'• jullo Icderal liiW r-sUt« highway ayatcm.I Mor.l rxpcrla thought the toll road era was I over when conRrc.u author),led coaUnictlon

o f that network over a period to end in 1072. No one wns cxpcctet] to buy bonda to flnnncc pay-a-s-ybii-go highways when a free ayslcm war, hi the makJntt.■■■ Thcrc ’.s been ample lim e sincc the netwotK •was approved to get It really rolling, but In

II all too m any places It hadn’t happened. FI- jianclng the big problem. Cosu have soar­ed, and the government's provlalon lor funds is RcneraUy Inadequate.

T he aleadlly rising trnf/lc load on exist­ing highways makes the matter Incrcaalngly ncutc. It lias become a quesllon whether the various states can wait lor the analNpaccd developm ent orihc-frec.fedcnLayatcm, . .) A typical cxatnple:

In Delaware and Maryland, a new auper- highway is under way to link the aouthern end o f the New Jersey turnpike with ^o*h- Inffton. T he present U. 3. noutc 40, though n four-lano road. Is overburdened and Mdly ou t o f dote. Relief Is needed soon,

But highway officials say the federal in­ter-sta te project roughly paralleling U, 8,40

, w on ’t be finished before 1972 or perhaps 1976I unflcr present prospect.' I f tho new road is converted at least partly ' to n toll basis, however, it could bo In opera-

II tlon by Labor day In 1002. Bueh a schedule .'w ou ld ju st about fit the real needs of that I j area.

The resumption o f toll projects in many ‘ ‘ jfitates Indicates that authorities realistically

aren ’t waiting until their roads ate clogged "w i t h cars. They are returning to tho finan­

c in g setup wlilch gave the nation Its spec­tacular. turnpike nctworlc from New York to iChlcago. plus other valuable llhks.I Some federal hlgh-way officials have long trVtVdicd the toll road as an exUa tax b\ii- den on the motorist. There Is no question of It. But tho toll road has one tompelllng vir­tue. It gets built, and gets Into use.

Tho federal Interstate-system Is s t i l t a j th ing o f bits and pieces. Unless congress •■linds Bomo m eans,of speeding It up, It may never bo mo?c than that.

The toll load financiers are In the wings again. F or one way or another the Auicrlcan people aro going to get tho roads they need.

A.VaRY ATMOSniERE-The civil rlshta ... hM been rerlved ln .» new i>nd anBrr.fttmo'phert throuih the re*lst»nce of LmiWlnnA Drmocritr the »tlcmpted—ond extremely Ilmltrd—dfsfgri Uon of 1*0 New Orlean.i public schooli.

The Louisiana Ic<;b>lrvture liM enacted the itilc Ind of I»»s to prevent c-.rn toUen mlnRllnR . ne race! In the educntlonsi system. It has Invoked he old corwtllutlonnl doctrine o! "inUrpffinii ' rhieh holds thftt the fedrrnl KovertinieiH hu

Jurt5fllctl(jn over mntters of local nr «tnle concrtn.Other souihem jUtes liave toyed ullh thH Idf,

. j t Loulilivnft Hm carried It to 1U IcroI and polltlci extreme. In short, It has defied the supreme court hl. torlc 1S54 dccrcB on the tiuestlon of dr«f:rmllon It may f'ircn tlie_ supreme court to pun Judgment

A.1 evidence of LoutalBnr>-s feeling, s'.ich a Wihly '(tardrd senntor u Ru.uell D. Lang oclalmed I jro the legislature at Baton Rouge: "I would I

..each every member of Uie auprems court. II thouRht that it would do any goodl"

A ROARINO FICIIT-It Ij hardly netfjury ote tint almoct every loulliem member of cunnrru crets and ulin the Louiiitnh inb\-nco movement—especially Sen. James O. Eiutland .f MLuUsippl. chairman of the senate jutHclary

commllltp.—TIiUj, ir scnatcr Kenreay nttfmpi.t to !rilgIlt^n civil rljl'tj! lesWatlon or enforcemcnl. iw lie snd tho Los Angeles platform have pledged, lie will havt a roarlnt fight on hla hands from tlie fall ol thi

ct January, filenlflcantly. 6enstor Ken­nedy has, thu# for. refused U> comment oil tho crljl; jn LouiJlana,

Equally dUtvrblng <o political peace the north- ■rn liberals' apparent determination to reoresnlre ;ho hoiue rules committee, which fruatrated itie Kennedy-Johnson leKlslative program at t e post-

snvenlion stsaelon of congreM.The committee la headed by nep. Ho*srd W.

Smith of VlrKlnla, whose sUt« went for Vice Presi­dent Nixon lorgeljr because of Smith's and Senator Byrd'a refusal to support the Democratic tlciet.

TARIPEItING WITH SKyiORITY-eiitnlflfanlly, Iho llbcrali' leader In the attnclc on r 'Prank Thompeon, Jr.. Trpnton, N. J., a warm frlrnd lof Senotor Kennedy. In fact, he was choeen to head the Kennedy committee for promoting a full Demo-

rntic reglstrntlon on ths recent cnmpsign.Id an excellent job.The northerners' plan Is to dump Hep, William

M. Colmer of Mkislaslppi and supplant this arch- :onserv»tl»e with one of their own kind. The shift, t In cxpccted, would bIvs the liberals a rnmmittei nnjorily; and so outmancuver Chiirmsn umun.

Such a tampering with the halli>»-ed house ejtlen. o f aenlorlty would amount to preatdcntlol hertjj-, it 1* dciubUMl -whether even Speaker Rayburn, a slick, ler for parlUunentory precedent and custom, vould -ecommend or aupport such a revolutionary movs-

CANT Ctnr ANTTIIINO Bomeptace in Magic Valley, there

,.isy be a husbaiu] who hasn't btard the common domestic com­plaint, "I can’t cut anything with -itse knlvesl”Usually It take* several weeki

I such compUlnti to piad the Iltid of Uie PatnlJy into acUon. Then aome day arrive* when he doesn't hove any particular proj- xt in mind for right now. fio h? :iids up In the klUhen dragRlos )ul all ttie knivea he can find. There follows m. session of knife

iharpenlng that -would hai - I credit to an sr a y back diys whtn the principal weapon Kts a aword. And finally the " of the Family announces wi' sir of occomplisluneni, ‘Theiel All your knlvea are aharp agalnl"

So the next day when the lleac f the Family Beta home from ;ork. the kitchen rcaembles a llrst lit station at a Cub Scout outing, ■here arc little aplotches of blood

here and Uiere. with bandages. heslve tape and almllar llema m 1 evidence.And the UtUe •Woman’s hands

,X)k like she’d Juat had her first session of inumblepeg. E plains that she "forgot Die knives were sharp' and anywriy, one or them sUpped a couple of times,

nils non of tiling goes on for • eek or »o until all the edges ari ■om o ff the knives and the altua- :on Is back to normal with the

common complaint, " i can't cut anything with these knlveal' •

WOOD fO R rB tE n e r r .Dear Pot 8hoU:

You can have apple wood foi free If you trim the limbs nnchaul ic'-nwuy. • ------------ ---

Fbone GArneld 3-S8<5 (KlJnbcrly)

H O W T H I N G S . A P P E A R F R O M

PEGLER’S a n g l e

nice tie*and. as Leo DUT-

■ odier put 11 sjptrt ijcs guyslast. Kennedy U. and will c^* W

Bin UprovtdhlsnttWc---------oalm and, »l«e then, hla

ftTlh* .moral Intelligence of the people. It cannot be In­ferred from hU theatrical embrace

'Jlxon list he regret* or tiih- ws anythin* he wUd against cm's chsncicr In the campaign.Nixon lllt*‘*< himself to

■modtefT»‘ '» i honors, U such

poUcemeo rewly to It to matntaln the cltatn'a right go tlutwgh the p(cket line. This

remembering amid oils- anthropic reflecUons on ^ — xupUblUty of many eo^ In

generation* of the force President TWman treated U«

union as his henchmen.Even Ike. with his Indomluble toorance and stupidity, never took S i mitwtlvc whld. MW ciMfly InviU* Kennedy to effect greatest reform since anil-tnBt law.

It Is doubtful that Nixon »x«]d have had the moml frtahntas and InltlaUv# to demand of congrei* a Uw aubJecUn* unions

reatralnu that '

it Btimnnii

Jaw a bis ble Eherman

a long

\hrjb re Hfn-


On 01

GDP’S BIG MAN The Republicans will have to exerelse

great caution and restnlnt In order not to engage In a pitched battle between the NIx-

H on anti Rockefeller factions during the next K lo u r Both the vice president and the governor I nr® am bitious-and determined men. Vice 5 President Nixon’s make-up rules out his I perm anent return to a private life. He may

engage Irv law practice at Washington for I t h » next two years, but politics wUl be his S profession. Law ^‘ork will be only an Interim |i operation.

His friends also believe that he h u be- c om « « pop\tlai figure as & t m lt oC the cam- palgn. and that all the bad impressions of h im o f earlier days have vanished. With President Elsenhower passing from the scene, h e Is-the party’s big man—except for Governor Eockefeller.

But tho governor, having had a taste of iw lltlcs and finding It sweet, Is almost ta in to begin his campaign for 1SS4 within a few months.

He obtained m ost o f l)ls legtslatlve pro­gram from the legislature In his llrst two years. He now will have more time to travel a n d speak throughout the country. He has PlcTity ot TnoTiey for that puTposCj and lor engaging even 'a’ larger stairof res’eai^ers than Senator Kennedy had before and dur­in g the rccent campaign.

The tTi-o men’s views clash on almost every domestic and foreign issue. Whether they

' can wage a friendly fight or a bitter atniggle Is the question now confronting the OOP,

count, this jicw-spflpfi la unreserv«lly gUdJohn p. Keruiedy v,tin iMemkiy's ] ..........

electlan popular-\nle eyelnih.Ills victory touclved a hyilrogon bomb

tradlUen that a Roman CaU»lic ne~ elected Prraldent. TbM wo think. Is every pcdat of Tlew,

ASSIST I-'ROM IVISTERTliere'fl nonUilng <iulte

watchlnir sunrise,- some mlsguld- a person once told us.What we never managed to 1

re out was whether he mci •aUhlnif sunrise before goinged or after a night's sleep. 1isybe this Is Just, a minor tei

filtttmy atid V\a.i n-atchlnK sunrises.

Anyway, for those people w Incd. v,-lnlfr gives tiiem a w>

derful nasist. particularly It they're Inclined, to watch sunrise attei night's sleep. Matter of fact, w

lese shorter days, ifs no prob- m to watch sunrUcj,It would be more difficult I'old watchlhR them, thanks

Old Man Winter.oxiR ntii.i.ETiN noAiin

-J. Heaeillt, -T«rln-Falls~So didwe, but we heard U a niimbei .. years ago. all of which scnes tc prove U\ivt tt'c Kood ones mereli Improve wllh age, Tlianks, any. way, ^

FAMOUS tAST LIVE , . . This year ht's-declded 1<

send Clirlitmas cards In eteryooe • •' alnate preaeats enllrely.-


The 'KWit (iomesUe threat la the It is a Mafia with a

rrcord of crime ranging from awisslnsUon. hundreds bomb ex cwon.' mnyhcni (as the spectacular c.-ise of Victor Rlesel. who blinded by acid)

extortoa of thousands .of mil; n*. Kennedy ki>o«a more than

.,.j>t AmcTlcaM sbout this beetlr- brwred ertmlnsl force. He muW iwe no f»ce with the public by turning scalnst ecnic union leiulcra low thst he r>as no further need if them snd prtaslng congress for labor Isv to deprive the unions

jf the criminal privileges they biaietiiy »4 a MghKul.Uwugh not (noral, due without which \hey cCTilrt not exist. They have lUttd this poiltkm times. - — ■■

No prceldtnl ever has done tills. RooMvtlt, ot coursc.

lObs, Inclurtlr the conununlst.'-, of the early CIO, the s.ime as Mu£SO- -- '. snd imifr used the bL-ick an<

-»-n ttWrti nuT f.courgcd Mich- n. much o( OJilo and Petuisyl ila, snd »frc jtoppcd only wliei

C.-iptnln Moonn’. a great Clilcago pollccman. and Captain Barnes, his sdmlraWo succtvsor. dre'*- a deatUlncasilnsl InsiirrocUon, Cap- Uln Moonci-» pollccmeii killed 10 or II rtvoluttonarlm at tho Re­public Bl«l plnnt In south Chi- cago none of tthom ever had been emploj-ed by the besieged compai and mo t ol whom were camin nl»ts Ctipl.-dn Dames inherited this couniMU-5 tccord from Cap­tain Moonty. -niercaftcr. under Dnrnes, Uie OUcjso poUco force*"'captLn°'B-irnes’ command of •'Hefldj upl Coming throufih."

■meant that one lone cop In blui rldtous picKct line ‘ ‘

Kennedy’s part, this would bring strident yelp from Mfany, Reuther and Dublnsky, but the majorlly of the people, •»ho arr not enrolled in tmlons, *-oald ac­claim Kennedy for a eUrtUag glli ,t freedom. Most rank and ill!

union worker*, too. would honor him - probably with the stjjpid cmoUonal exoggtnvtlon which Is the iiopular response to unexpect­ed Kitts from their iimsMf?. lo«

-erdue.Kennedy liM h.-\d his say of le boss racketeers. In politics hen an ally or an taue has served

lu purpose It Is useless Having CTUshcd tJiem In congress, as of courtc he can. Kennedy could cite against them on TV and criminal record amassed

1 the hearings.Squawks of betm>-al would en­

hance rather than embarrasB Ken­nedy.

A b o m i n a b l e S n o w m a n S t a u d s

8 F eet, W eighs 700 PcmnJsU3STOON, No*- 23 <m-ThB ftb- jloni;. rlnr i

omlnable »nowin»n la *l«ht feet sunt Into u tS l»n d Upa the scales at 700 11 Indiev Z^nds—or else there* a practical sunK one n

that a l « »nd weight, and 1 »«Tortln* around the Himalayas Indle.Ufd a , fool explorers. pounds.6<3Uadrori Le*der L. W. Davies, i -n ,f tea

one ot m e most experienced Him-Hc,.cold in.- aHran climber*, yesterday gnvrinj this estimate of the fabled benst'hn'l sin i based on his mm day-Ion* uacic. I writer oi Ing ot f<X>tprlnta found on one of i hind fen « his seven expedlUoos to the roof jindlcatin - i of the world- j l « t la'I-'

Reports reaching here from Kaunwdu said Elr Edmund llil. laij, wfto conquered Ut. Everest -os granted permission to tnk<

It of Nepal for sclenUfle study scalp believed by natives to be

lat of the Yeti, the native name for Uie abominable inowman,

Hillary Is leading an expedlllnni dmta. hich Is attempting to prove tliei Tlie pi: xljtencc of Uie abominable snow-1 mcnd.-d

Awarded I’Uum,iPnnMi- v.„. .. ..


y Wien____ .- rcspcct or write any.-hlch might encourage any person n p'rlion or'out to rtipecranj’ .rr.Mrtent as long n.s I live.

It sorro-As me to rwUlze that I annot mnke Uils retroactive

. believes .. found a papcr-mnche mask which may have been modeled from the, miittimlfled head of an abomln-;

■able snowman.Dr S. M. UspetiftW said the rU-i

ual ijuddhlst intuik now found In the jwppct theater museum In Moscow could not have been a purely ImaglnftUve design. It is believed to be 150 years old, prob­ably of Tlbelan origin. , ' Davies said that on June 12.- ISM he and ft comrade followed U,e 'tracks of "a very large two- legged beast" in the glacial valley, of the KulU in the central Him-;

'iS' strlde was about twice that a man." Davies aald. “and on

...7 steep slopta It bad slid on Its ramp ujdng lU flats to retard. J descent. iTie spans beVrcen, tic fist marks were about twice line.


25 if-Actrtss Joan Caulfield and her dentist. Dr. Robert if. I

were mnrrlcd yesterday • once occupied by the laic

actor John uarrymore.

we are buying


eachNo Poiwncd OneJ.

Ll.Langilon's160 4th Avc. Wet>

SEEAmerica's Best- Floor

Core Appliances




a , ^ intn

8 UNIVERSITIES CLAMPING. D.OTO _A t least one university has taken steps to

end a situation which has grown Into serious proportions In recent years. The Unlterslty o t minol& haa antvoMnctd it 'wUV t » longet apcopt illiterate freshmen (more than one o iit o f four last year). -The school is dta»nl- Ing Ita intensified one-semester course In E nglish, In which it has tried to teach In­com in g students what they should have I learned about reading and writing their na- ■tlve tongue in 13 years of grade and high, aehool.I ^ c ls lo n has been made not only In •the iBteresta o f the university but in the In-

freshmen—many ot whom ]ust I t li tr* on t with all the extra effort The high

- ■« <Ild these young people no fiTOr b j a s t h ^ •uncatnW.ilptonwa; toWfgcs

le » i in O t be. expectcd to let them cominuc JjkJddW^ themselves that they are gemng an

W« are giutifled too. that. The New* New York eu t* poU sowed itji 30th wceeas, and a notesorthy or># » that. Zt g«v« Kennedy M3", of tlie suitea popular vote ukI Richard M. Nlxoo-«J%. Actual flgurtB; S3.S% and 4TJr..

Now thM Mr. Kermedy is In. congratulations In crdir. and iaro duly offered here; and it Is duty of aU Amerlcins to back up any fttaident when they conKjhwUously <*n.

U Is no Amerlcan'fl duly to keep quiet when h« thinks any Pruldeot is wrong. We expec* to aiuclte W . Kenoejiy whenever we feel called co to do so The Newa supported Nixon durlnir the omipalgn. and ^ 1 thinks he would have made the better Prvident.

W«Vb etm worried about KenaexJyS wlUUy tlonwy spend-*nd-«pet*d trooHeeo. which ■»t OongreB will a^utlch. We hope Ws tendfSKy to shoot Iitxn the hip w cut sot tbs United States Int

It wa wouldn't bet on It Particularly alarming, wb think, is the 6ovlet Rus­

sian rtactlon to the Kcjinody victory, Khrushchev.othera, -aated It; KWushchev got It;

Radio Moscow ta bellowing Uuit U. 8. vo algntfled a dealr« fcr a basic cliange in L. ... eign poUcy — meaning, of course, a shift toward ap­peasing OommuDlflta ev«n-»hete In their driv# to enslave (he human race.

If Kennedy emulates F. D. Rooscrelt. whose ry repeatedly saluted In his campaign spetches.

ho Kill seU a hftlftil of our remaining allies down UIS '

U woiid be weU, wo believe, for the j'ounetst mi . ra tkcted Preeldent to keep in mind the popular vote In Tuosday'fl election. That ncar-tie ictawet ' ciate In <he 30th ConUiryl shou-ed that, toe evt U -a..TOter-wbo-tlUnk»-Kw>nedy-ls-llne, there Is a other voter who thinks he iMi't. and who will kt.„ * akepUeal eye on evemhtng he does after takl^ offk* next Jan. JO.

A* for Vioa Prwtdent Nixon, we d«ply rrprrt ■Ming him loae the blggeeC poUtical flgbt of his life to date. When you think of what he U mla by not l>ecomlog Proaldenl next Jttjuary, though, jdu can’t feel 100% aorry for him.

K# «-on't have to buck a recession, which Kennedy Id ao miKh to promote. Cuba, the C o^ , Uu%

Vietnam—these wlU rvot be Muon's hMdaches. H« wont have to meet the next West Derlla-crlsu, scheduled by Khrtiabchov for April, lt«t.

Whether NUon has any poUUcal idan lor the future, we don’t know.

But l>« can ahvaya go btdc to pc«cllclc« law-, and U he do«^ » e hope he makes • aackful of that money whkh he didn't get from hla father beoiun his ft- UWOJArt l»ave any niobey;—N w T crt Dklly Ke»-«;

L t r S HAVE A TAXPAYER DAYAs va all know, an abnosC Umltleai number of

aztd -wedci- an otaerred In this country. • tremetdoui »amut, and are dceigaed to

to e n o r ^ puWlclw ]i*t about owfythln* from the

.1 gives a man a chance to f , saya a Judge. At least he knowa

risrold D. Coo*


is a big reason why

MONY is growing so fast 1\crc

B V ecowa to eggs. a «S tw tiw .**^ ®

^ v e r , a j ciUaew Pubilc Siptndlture Burvej points outv one eactmnety important elemeal In thU "““ “ O' h*a no ej>ecM day or wet^ -nus U the tax- p «w . He keeps the country rwinlng, but noformiOIy hooow Wm; ■ ----------

This atUAUon catWnly calk for a remedy. Let' ihfT# be a ”Tazpu«r Day* or « "Tlnpaycr Week" or a -Taxp»>-er Month.-' Let It bo fonnkly proclalmtd by all bea<ls of goremnent. from Se President of U» uated 8tat«a down lo town nayon, A tmtable badge for the occasion would be a'bUck armb-ind F«r. In the prwent state of federal, stale

Chances arc you already knoi Harold D. Coolc from his partlcl- patlnp Iniereat in various c

ilty activities. But here's thlnK you may not know about'

He IS one of MONY' iurance representative:

lie has helped to make MONY'S .T»-ln r»ll» office one of the fa cst-gTOwlng insurance offices thtt part of tho coun^-.

Harold's succcssJul b e S 3 T ^ with people. He lets the

dividual family's circumstances determine the . particular MONY

I that will suit thi-m bcj' appiMch .that a-uures each

poUcyholdtr the financial rity he needs at the lowest pos­sible cost.

Harold siands ready to help you,' x>. Feci Ircc to call on hUn

any time.

Ills telephone number Is .. R H w ood 3-2363

SKI TIMEIs Here And We're Ready

W ith A Full Stocic of

Ski Equipment In Our New




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A new and low-cost way to perm an^ beautiful floor* and nigs without fr« qucnt .wwtings.NViwd worK^«P®>“ ' Gives * profc-isional treatment. to* J types of noors. table and counter topi...cican rugs with finger-tip easthe name Rejina Msuri you a lifeliia of Bcrviee./



Complete line of Parkas, Boots, Sweaieri, Polei ond related itemi.



|ord«r.-.Ii*»ijo^ Ore, EsptYss. iTTSRilnirE

M O N YTh« AWhial Ufa lmur.jne« Cenipaay

Of N.w York. N.wXorfi.W.Y.


' Fill Out and Bring to


~240 MQm Aye.

k POllSHES-SCRUlBEIl-lillSCia'^

Tire Best Buy In Polistier-Rug CleaMrs Wfl'



-Both Stont- TWIN FALLS -and BUHL

o , |l ^ t ^ T - h e - e S S^fllk flt SpUti 1 rmsT MKTiionliiT , <, ., ____

Jleci Dec. 5 ’ ' -

Tair and Legal” Recount Is AskedAOSnN, Tex., NOV. 2iUn — Kty

fepubllcan Iwders demanded yes- ladijr that state officials give Ta« toters what they called

and IfBul rccount" In eou ujlns paper balloLi in t

rnerU- election.The GOP Mil re.iulls "certified a pttsent IntxcusaWt aiifl Inegu-

lif county cnnvM bail* cannot be ittepted by the peopl# without «lorou5 conlMt,"

And In another post-electlon de* Ttlopmem, tlie Hou.«on Chronicle aid ih»t ihouiands of ballots In

prejldtntlnl election thrown by election Judges have not

rechtcked u provided byTtiu law.


-t the late Aneurin Btvon. former talnliler ot health »nd a letidlQB Ubor party llRure. wm valued a

in probate court yester contents of the will were noi

Uevm died July « of


^fJtY W - 5 ^ ^ ' WendcllL. iithe V. S. <lc|)arl- H'=if“?,crtcuItuJ'e, WJi.'ililngton. sect iu W me ffaUire& xpcM f

meeUnif of the Ido-

W ^ 5 ! -h il to^DiSlcV-*** u pTTicmly on tlic

« fl/tiie vcKct<ibl(*“ 1, of Uie farmer cooptr.Mlve

«n£»Sfd in re.vrirch, rdu-' u3d advlioo' oislit-mcc

**“7 rlUi vcRtiabIc’“irtlns cooperatives,

porllon of hl.(!«t)U<l to rcf.carch uojk 011

‘**“,i.lopment. arrtanluitton nml wid vcK.uble

5 ® ^ og coopemt.vcs,publlcatloiu. In

in Denmark 0 studying th

•J^j^oit and opcrotlon of co ^I!;Xej in Uiat country.* 1 Mtlve oI PcniiAylvanli., Di .lAliUin received a bachrtor n

degree from Junlau col J f S a . or .timcii d- ^ *nd doctor's derrce In ngrl *Xr»l econoinlcfi from Pciin.syl fS H u te university.

Dr*J Tl.-n. Hate manacrr, say ^ potato formers are urecd l ii axS- ______________

Help Sought for Wendell Project

,njrt>ELU Nov. 25 - Volun ►.in a nfi^id to a.vl5l In pJm

decorations, statedby Clianibcr of Commcref

-vnmlttee member* v AMjfl of the project.

Worteis ai to meet jan^y at the city hall and Drug tjJTt comer.TT« iiaUvlty ecene evidenced ^ jt*r at the firemen's p«K Sub« set up by the ruturc Farm

I« ef Aincrtca chapUr directed.- go. Irons. The PTA cliua has ■ r»ir*d the Iljurfs and now la o 2!icUng « pcmnvnenl stnbler iB*d with the «cc

Uuch credit Is duo to the FPA inter for 1« yearly w-ork In con-

juucuns the nativity Ktnt which i6i, w tlie holiday, cliambcr of- iKials n«led.

Farewell Given To Allan Gordon

H)EN. Not. 2J — A farewell W{ TM prttcnted. to Allan Gor- ^ a( the lathcr-£on 'Donquet li* Te«k M the Eden Prasbyterlan (twrth.The pres<nta.tlon was mode by

aester Roles frcm church mem- brt Gordon U moving to Wyo- aaj (o live *-lth his atster, ' ftrton, this wlnwr.Bill Emerson served as moeler

<f {ertinonies. The Rev, Robert Sfciixla jare lhe-opentnir devo- Ou. Oenerol chairmen were Mrs.Or* Montgomery »1th Mrs. Don hpnon as prognun chairman, nblfl decoTAUons vere ’arning>

(d by Mrs. Jack Matheney im. RaJph McClain: Iklrs. Milford Mts and &(n. Tliomas McClure ;iuined the menu.

Cbirles Gordon ployed a piano c<o and Brad McDoruld prescni-

id accordion solo. Kelly ] gava (he response for

- W»jii«^7 fdlmnKlp.TRiNiTr sounies.v UAprisr

• .p~k*T. r. MllWr.- Rod Tu>(M •>>< IH,] on E«i > hnMi.r. V. C«mUr; fourth K, fim rr. ••J»hor«li'» Sm- • PCTvd ta *1« KIncdm OUJ." T urviWr #rrvle« inOTtioc

urtO^ .Ilh Tcir»7 lUptUl t


MrmilGII M».TH0DI3T J>hn L. (:>•••, p.«.Uf .. CB. sundar •rh.-U. |1:1( »ar»St» •errfc«, ’•Cordlcl* of Thli ; -rn Ais" ttoWt llo^, »i~.wcrrury ol Idthn N»i«Uc-Al»<«.l ir»tk>Ml rouniUllan, zuoit •[»»>« WnJrvmlir UYI' m«.Oni xia <

BirPBRT MCTItODIST .r«l '41 H’»rt*u«b. Sund»T'‘ M«bi Jlen'* bmltMt. rn«r«m I>r V Vtoollurd and M Wr. <WI wontilp w.r “

i SirnJ., Khool, UjiK VtVn nunhic ••'Jj

IS. IL IUnlnr<; gun-

In' p iunion. :;J0 p,l«.®Vor l Kiiw t Jlli «h>n*rr UrUin vrrck o< pr»7»r u ;o]b7w«: 1:30 tin. Fi J*1«T. Rzib«clKlluUlli W 1:10 p.m. Wtd n- ■l>r. rrlJ- -Fct rr.r^ •! ck.jrl>:

•nd •DTti. K. CrMl^.nUni,'FIR.ST PRESBTTERIArf J.h,. N. .iBUMr*:15 ehiireb .Jjii

1:]0 p.m. Uia. Lonrt Nalwn. J«J Klllmof»BOMX 4?is <;a • nd Aanbruio. 1:<I n.m. Ttur .i Sun. Kboel «!•••, /B.wm nil Km*.

SKVEsWiAT ADVENTUT t). L. Hln|#rlnf, pi,l»r »:S8 »-in. S.lunUx S»bl«ili »:bcol! Adult imon, lUp im" : cUUmi, - D»ld

m“£. ''g,"'*A dn*w'* choir with Un. Z>oa RoUru UArUivn. I:<S p.m. W*dnc*l«r Olile1" - rs-.ii';,” "" ' '•


. dJ.Ulct •

prwllf.. I p.m. >d.,ll th.i » :» M I pm. Saturday V

IMHANUet. (.IIHjUlH C. A. Ratkjn, H lar

ir*N8K.V BAPTIST 10 »ti>. Blbla achooL 11 •.m. wo<»W»,1 IfC’'*” "*

RaUilra •With Ilia .fluaran. • CciKOntla eoltafa r«d I

35 ijfv—Six African countries yes-* tewlay proposed in % ttsol\i«en

thst the united Nations take the territory ot Southwest Africa from the Union o f South Africa and turn It over for admlnUtratloa to a commlssloa of O.N. members.

Caba eory. Oulnea delegate vbo u Introduced the resolution Sn the ■■ UH. general assetnbljr Trustee** ahJp committee, said (ho tine hu

come -'to Impose IntemaUooal penalUes" on South Afrtea for Jg- Dorlng UJf. aad world court d£cl> alons over the jetts.

iKodakFUUshlng‘ -0&1X.T aSRVIOB—

I.eedom Photo'V " 5 Shodjoae N. - D.

W « OIt« 8 * B Qrwa SUsift


Now, with the new S tnm-1 sveryonecan aflonl modim fireMfe thtlter for liii-e- ttock or michloery. Size* to fit your firm udbudiet...widthf fro m l2 t0 120(1. Cbolu of do>lt>younelf eonttniction or AHWt mw. S:uy tenna— ooly 26% down And fin } w i (0 pay,bftluee.

435 S hethoni South P T j r T W IU FALtS

• RE 3-3S69

1 ANOCS WALMB CO.- 1 <u SbtekM* SMith. Twin ralia, IdaBV''

1 t«k * . M. <—loi1 ------- , ' ,

I.. '09.ta«------------------------

iN llUPBRTr|URu75B5^i^^

Auction Salel/ocated 2 M iles North and W esl o f the Washinglon School in TwinFalls; or from the Perrlne Memorial Bridge, it’s il-Mlle Soulli and J^-Mlle W est OR the Pole L in e Hoad, on—

MONDAY, NOV. 28SALE TIM E: 12 Noon — LUNCH ON GROUNDS by Mountain Rock Grange

- Complet'e Dispersal DAIRY SALE —

60 Milk Cows 15 Springers 10 Juat Freah 1 Bred H eifer

100 HEAD OP D A IR Y STOCK, all bred io A .B .S. — Some 2nd and 3rd srenera- tion. DHIA T e s t e d ~ T .B . T ested— Bangs Vaccinated

20 A .B .S . IfE IFE R S. a ll open, SOOpotinds '

11 Whltefae# a n d Bolateln BuD Calves

14 A ;k s . C A L V E S , from 1 week to 3 mcmths old


1,027-Garion Bulk Tank,' Dairy King, direct ex­pansion,' water cooled, 6-HP compressor

TERMS: Casli E(ay of Sale


p A i ^ . K L 4 A S , A q c ^ . -■ ■ 3 .-y f^ W B 8 S tB B m m ,S r^ C iv k :

CooUct tha Tinex Newt Farm Sale* d*<

pirunent for complets adw- tlilns coverate of ;our fami •ale: hand bills, ne«>p»per coveraRS (OT*r 67,OM reader*In Maiio ValTerl, advaccg BUI- Ing. AU at one special low rats. Ever; sale luted m thlt ram 3 Calendar for 10 daji belonl •als at so co»t.

N O V E ^ E R 26Noel Gwartnejr

AdTertliemeDt, Not. X4>U ADcUoDMra-JahD Wert and

Jim MeaMnmJUiNOVEMBER 28 Bernard TtaompMn _

dTertiMDent, Nor. M .U -B

NOVEMBER 2 L. J. Dnrfe*

t. No?. VAnetloneeit Banld


AATerttoeinenl, Not. n>2S AncUonccra—Jflho Wert and

Jim Heafenaiilh

NOVEMBER 29n. B. Taylor

NOVEMBER 30 VI. s . BUacaet

IdTertiaeaeBt, Not. n-M ieUoDe«r>—John Wert »ad !

NOVEMBER 30Sam ilsek

Adierllsement. Not. U-t» - - iLartenaadl

John Edlnborsaih

n o v e m F b r 3o

AoeUoBcer-iiarold Kteai D iC E M B E in ~

1/Ottie X«rt« AdTertl*d»ea>N«T. !>•] Lrte Kancr»-At»etteattf

IrtnoB t Boe 'Ane

D E c i i i i E R I b jv ranyUi Mtd .Hr. BBlUBfiweitli

AdfertlMMDt. Nor. tt-M - AtteUoMOS-Huotd KliM -

______P E c S B R i _ : i

DE C E M B E RS u- K * K E«nlpa«at C*. MTertbMBMt, Dec. t 4 ;:.■ a U m w -a m U «a«*t


Reactions to ! NATO Atom

Arms Mixed1 PAniS. Not. » ir-Oen. I^url* ■ Nonud'a propoeoi ter mKlcg the

Norlh Atliuitifl Trwily orj»nIi«- tlon wi atomic .powrr widi it; jnonbers shftrtng ojntrol ot weap- on.1 got a mixed reiioUon ]rut«r* d»y nl the NATO puUamenUir-ian.v confcrcnce.

Monday. A brisk dUoiMon devel. 1 Ut*r In a conferenco polll- drtwtt,

ontiul httd uired M e«rly Icil- . llTc by NATO on suu«nteelnf( ovulUbllUy ot a bulc pool o( ntoinlo Wfoponi iind ftvlin all n»- ttotiA oC the allianca an ciufnilally «iu»l vole# In Uie control or lh«*e partlcolitr ttfopofu.

Boclaliil Deputy Arthur Oont« o( mncfl cams out tolldly for making NATO an clear «Ulicln» lorcc" wllh Unltrd s u m (Ourlni! Itit |>reMnt control of nuelMF wtnpons thr nlllaiicc.

Turning to ttw U, B. del«iUon, he siUil, "It la sfnMleM to deny to your frlentU *h»l Is known tind po.vftw«J by Jour idiermtlu."

He called on Uie new urtmliil*' -trnilon of PrMUenl'Elcct JohJV F Kennedy to cliange Uie MncMaHon act, uhlch resui£t3 illbtrlbijtlon oI U, S, nuclear weapotu axM tnlor- mallon.

Conte laW Prance would EOlng through IH prcsem crl.ili over Its own nuclcar utrtklruj forcf If U. S. wMpon* were made avail- obl« on tJi eqitti eonird bAJis ir NATO.

yrench Preildent CIwUm thi OauUo U detemimed to crtftle hi* own strlklne fore* unleia hl« aJ- lles provtd«.hlin.«lUi nvclefti’ wtapons and glva him a volcc In their uae. lUs (trlltlng force plan ta Inching throujh parllnmcnt. wIUj opponenu exprcsislnff Jear that It wUt laolnte Franco and

>M ^») t)>« olllaner.OttuUW Deputy Jmn-Pivul P»-

In'sU said Nontod’a plan '* ••piulaewortiiy and good." Botli and Socialist Ben. MaurU Moutet

1 urged the conJcrenc* to take a ‘ more poajUv# and urgent rtand on

NOTBtad'a {tropogel than contained ' In a draft resoIuUon.! BritUh LalJOrll« John Btrachey

oppoied t}ie Horttad plan. UuM«d, ‘ he «u;re9ted that lhc> alliance I build up ita conventional lorcea.

He aald Ouit NATO control over I nuclear Tcopota, exerciaed by 18

membcp nations, might be I cumbersome to be effective.► Several other delegate*1, prcMcd concern about "IS lliigera I. on the trigger" — as one ot Uiem

phraaed It.

I Highway Project I , Eyed at Gooding« ■ OOODINO, Nor, 24 - Leland

BujTe.a nppeartd before tlie city , council Monday evenln* to call [' attention to thepcMlblllty of get- I' ting the state to complete the

.wiatnlng nnd curbing of the state ;i highwy from Wwhln«ton «reH I Mat (o (he atr llmfts. It »ma de- J cWed to take the matter Up with fl ,«t«te hlgl>wB7 officials.I nj9 board dlscuaed changcii in I the buU<lUi8 code and decided thaX H tn otdlnance to e ffe c t such I changes vlU be preaented at the

n *« itgulflx meeting., The dty clerk was Instructed to J Motact the Idaho Power company a eooceroln® a street light at FVjurth ( avenue and ^Vua streec. An etet- i trlcal iwntnctof’s liceiiie waa . granted to EUnworth Itumplurys,

,, Carral..Building permits were granted

' to Floyd Pletce fot front porch.I MM. and to o, c. Nlebon for » '

cwport. »1K).

; Shoshone Slates Veterans Group

metUag here Uiii wet,I; Orant ICunkle, Kimberly, Idaho h departmenl first tie* crtnmander; T W. }{. SMidua. Jeitoe, diJirlct

commander; John Uutner, . - ...M buraeiji cenunander, and : O. W. BldweU. Jerome post adju-

were U\ chatje of Uis[ : don.

Thirteen men from Lincoln j county belong to the Jerctne bar- R racks, A barnukj may be organ- S Ued here, Objective o( tht grfiup Snclude

I equal opportunity lor veterans. I hwpllauwtlon tor all members

Jl utd a penalon (or members who1-J>eed oae*l ,t;ifijige,.fiL65------------T Another meeUn* -wUl be helrt

I hi!te a t '8 p. m. Dec. B at the [.AhierlMn Legion hall and all I) World war I veterans are invited.


m t Utoeyelo) - sati^*uiAi.

KBARcm i Kileayeln)

rmuAi p-m.

I1I19 B'tVndrful IflTel Wflhtr liilt b »«nJ*'ful I

K fiK P(ItM Ul*0(M»

rRiuAT lEEP To, It

1 ;i,ff Httr Tc9

KIJX(111* BtiMreiM)

IS *»H» J).l.


KTFI(U1« KUteyeM)

rvii>ii *


II T»» »/ J»« N... .rd k

KART(liOe Kli»-Tek«)


>g liube-l>«wiIt Ilsb*p|illll|>i at

jj ^k“pbl”Si Sk

!o llo" PhlmlTsK.,j Bob'pMllin Sbi ;0 D*b VhlltlM 81. .5 «in.b.rl» Bbc« IS5 KlmUrU SM>

China Claims Support Won On Hard Line

TOKYO. Nov. JS W-ned ( dUcIcees It h u been busy winning flupport tor JU hard JJjjc to»nrtI the United StatM (rom Atrlcnn ai>d A a la n ayinpathltera while world communist leoders debate

Moscow,A.aecret.aiunnilt meeting f rid’* communlats hw bei.. .

aewlon In Mobcow for two weekj trying to resolve sharp dllference: between red China and the sovlci Union over the method 01 uprcod- lJ5g fommonlsjn Jn Uie «otU1.

Soviet P rem ier KhruBJicher maintains that it can be done peacefully aliort of war, Chinese leader Mao Tze-tuns liulsts ttia U a, "lmp«1«ll4m" will nlwnp be belligerent and cocnrountsm roust nntlclpote war with It.

An edltnrlnl In Prnvds. the So­viet communist newspaper, em- phatlcnUy restated Khruslicltev’a pasJUon Wfdniadfly, Indicating th two giants ot world communlsn remain sliarply divided. So fai Feipint: has made no comment 01 the Pmvda editorial.

! official New China new agency Wednesday reported th' red-leaning Afro-Aalan People' Solidarity orgonltiitlon gave It backing to the C h in ese Un tllrwigh Ita executive commlttec meellOff recently In Beirut, Leb­anon,Radio PelpIng aald the commit­

tee imanlmously adopted a reao luUon saying. "It is impcmlble for the peoples of colonies and nntl- ImpenaUst peoples to Uve fn peaci with the Imperialist and colonial- • t aystem."

One Afrleoa delegote was quoted . » using a ^rase straight from Peiping propsgandn broadcasts— "We will never agree and tolerate peaceful coexistence between the rider and the horse,"

Jaunts Reported On Thanksgiving

BH06HONE, Nov. 2J—Mr, and Mrs, Elmer Terry nnd sons ari spending the Thanksgiving weet- end In Salt Lake City, visiting Mr, ntid Mrs. Clyde Hlckok and (am- iiy.

Mr. end Mrs, John Thorne left Wednesdaj' JncrnJng Sot Idaho Fnils where they will spend Uie week-end vialtlng tlieir son. Olen Thome, and Jamlly.

Mr. and Mrs. Hoyd Hall and daughters. Baker, Ore, are visl ing Mr. and Mrs, T. V. Strunk.

htr. and Mrs, Eddie Che&s. Ren., ftte vlslllng Mr. and Mrs. Claude Chess and Mr. and Mrs, Frank Shaffer.

Jo« Pagoaga and ton arrived home from a buslnew trip to Francisco Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Manning have moved hero (rom Twin Falls. He la employed by the Union Pa- cUte 84 « clefc.

ThU Ally aehedu e or*lele»lilon and r»d*o Prograins la ^eKnted k> a service to readers n( (he TImei-Newa. Listings are tomlshed b; the atallon. Any errnrs nr chsngei should be reported to tbe alatlon IimK and Boi Ihe Tlm««-N'cin.

* * * ★ * * * •

Television LogKLIX-TV

.1 KUX

i-m t'ooU ai HKbilibu

Same TimeDALLAS. Tei.. Nov, 25 .11,

Oeron Warren Endsley. it, iwlay becjune the fathi-r of a wu nt Uie exact moment Jolin-F. Kennedy did. nnd lie naii»cd the boy for the Presldent.plccl.

"I'm ri-iilly flatleri-d to nani son for tJie presldrnt-clpct, ’ } ley. an ulunilrmi) iwkcr.

Sharpies Given Award for Talk

BUnLEY, Nov. 15 — Wallace Shttrjiles rccclvert a blue pencil for Ills *p«cfi enuifed "OlK. ity'' [lur­ing o Joint meeting of the Burley and Rupert Toa-'.tmnslcr'.-i clubs witli the Rupert group acting hosts nt tlic Cotlnse cafe.

AJ Steplicnson’s talk wna c titled "LciUTilng to read" ajid itnlph Holrnt.s' subjcct was "Trlnk.

Rornild Wliceler of tlie Rupert club was inble topics chairman

Dr. O. A. .Wocller chief ;, Jack Holland of tJie Burley

club WRS toMUimstfr.Monday evening the Rupert club111 meet wlili the Hurley club forJcdnt jjifetliiff nl the VJIJoge


Finnish Bath Is Given to Russian

MOSCOW. Nov. 25 l i-Prrsldenl Urho Kekonnen. Finland, y day pre.-!eiXed S o v ie t Premier Khru-ihchev a Finnish steam bsth.

LaughlnK heartily, Khrushchcr Ud, -Whftj I think how many

yeaM I was dirty—and now I cm ' s as clean a* Uie president aho

ive me this baUi."Khritihchev was given a model

of the jtcMii bath the Finns buJldInc for Jiini here. , -Kekonnen Is In Mcicow oi.

mLulon Involving Soviet atjreenitnt (or Flnlnnd to Join the seven* member European Prefl Trade as­sociation.

Explosion Given As Cri


phenson, ft junor at the Unlvcr- Wty of Icfttho. JfascoH-. hfl* beenl

ot the outstanding players on SIgmn Alpha Epsilon traternlty's touch (uotball team—

o( the university Intra­mural louch (ootball lenguc. He

Of Mr. and Mrs, atephenson. Wendell.

R ug a n d Furniture C lcon in g



We Not Only Deliv«r the Hnest OHObJainabte. But In A d d lU o n We Treat Every Gallon Wllh:

■ H iE R I I O

I J I j jB . I IH H U

; , To Insure Your C ^ p le U Sataiafaction

^Gem State o n Co

- M W W rl-^Oata.ttrm stam ps;,

John C. WadeYoiir New

HUGHBSHOMEDeoler in Twin Foils . . .

Welcomes You to InvesHgote Our New Pockoge

'*Do It Yourself Home"

AS LOW AS , . ‘ 2 m '

PHONE RE 3-7645 1041 Blue Lokes North

I Crash CaiiseWASIUNOTON, Nov. « tf^Ar

Italian Inquiry board has conclud­ed that the ifl53 crash o( a Trans World airlines plnne In Italy was caused by a gasoline explcslon touched off (n fitelit by static eti trlclty, Sixty.elght were killed.

The bonrd jald this theory presents the hlahest degree of

plau.'ilblllty" a.? compared with ‘ the others con.sldcrcd,

Tlie Italian panel said thorough study (ailed to disclose any evl- dcnce of po.-ailble -vibotage.READ TIMES-NEWS WANT ADS

Race Threats Ai-e Reported

AfOOTOO.\f£ny. ASa., Nov, 3S tR—Montsomcr>- na.’ rclnxlng to- ly after thrcnts ot Thnnksslvlns oy race violence failed to mnierl- llze at a Negro coUcge footbftllOfdccrs arrested five white men,

Who later were released on bond, as groups of v,lilte persons were kept movtnK at ThtJtaday's game between Tuskegee Institute and<U«tMun« s u u a>H£BC.

Though signs «erB posted throughout the city yeaterday morning urslng "10,000 whUe-peo- ple" to appear st the game, no­where near that figure showed up »t Cnunt«n''boicl;

City and county officers kept »Wte persons movlnR and broke p white gatherings near the st«- tum. muklng It dlfflcuU to estl- MU the slM of the cro»-d outside le twwl.Tlie arrests were made m

restaunuit In the vicinity of tlic publicly owned bowl, where kegee defeated Alabama State

The approximately 8,000 Negro jpectatora left the game without Incident.

First Holiday Inter-RaciEil, Cleric N otes

BURLEY, Nor. 2S - "The llrot' Thanksgiving celebrated in this country was Inler-rsclal," stated me Rer.EcfwdEDiron, poatorof tlw Burley Pint Ucthodlst church.1 wlien he spoke at the Union! Thanksgiving terrlcta held o i the| Burley Christian ehurcJi Thursday, jncrolng. ' ' !

"Our pUgtlm fithera entcrtAined; a large number ol Indiana duringi that Thanksglrlng celebration that| lasted a »cek. Ho* many of tlS' would welcume thov ot uvothcr. race to sit «( our Utlc tociayT" he asked,

staled liut the prochup by the Pilgrims Ir

cabin of the MsyllOHer wii« a STtntpi d<xun-.rnts ever

.....nils l(rst colony wiw ft .manent thliif btcause these people built their liomes on tjie (oiinda-

of rock, that of faith In God, mlnWer dedared,

. ,ie Rev. .Mr, Dtion spoke o f the courage of ihre people wh leader.' were In their 30s and how they chose not to return to land on Uie Mjyflo-*cr thovsti half of Ihfjr number had

cd that (list winter.Many F«>P-t think o( Uic Pll-

grlnu as being very fobpr peoplt never laujhed, but there wa- merriment during that flrsl

Thonksilvliig, he Eild.- ,c Hcv, EroU J, Helseth wo-i the

pistor oQd Iler. U Q, Bridgc- r ot the Chunh of the Nnai- read the scripture and cave

pmyer The PreeWeni's proclarjw- Uon read try Msyor J, L<corwrd Salmon and the combined Clirls-

and Msthoilst church choirs - an nnlhem with a colo part by William Keller, Mra. Kelt^ Us-

orguiist for the service.MEMDEBB NEEDED

SHOSlIOffE, Nov. 25 — The Methodist church choir needs more mentbets. Rehearsals aro held at 8 pjn. each TueJd.iy ot the church, Mrs. Wooiroi- JlarrU l« director nji(l Mrs, Qcof^Kenastoa ii companlst.

Ked Herring?AALE3UND, Nor»'«y. Nov. ii

IB Norteglio fishermen re: turning from the fliWng binks taat of Iceland yenterday re­ported seeing a gigantic soviet (Ishing fleet there.

The number o f Soviet vessels was esUmated at more than 1 000. Norwegian flshennen who have been catching hemnj off the IccUndlc coast for genera­tions said they never belQre had seen such a fleet of tniw- lez.i in that area.

poUtical observers speeul.ited Uiat the Soviet trawler move­ments hsve .aofne connectlnn wltli the whereabouts ot the Polaris-Mrned U. S, nuclear outjtnarlne Ocorge Washington, bellcvM on patfol In Ihe North Atlnntlc.

,40 MillionWASHINCTOV About 40 niliii„n-

will brlKhli-n ih-

Headlights Given

Blame for CrashA 1059 Ford »■«'.'« ft totftl lo-ss

when the driver, bUnded by Uie headllKhts of an on-coming vefil- cle. stepped on the braku, .iktdded on n slick spot and rtiUed Ihci car o(f a J5-foot emt^nkment, tJie | Twin Falls a.hcrl(f's office re-, ported, I

The accident occturrd one snd, one-quarler mile south ot thej H.-wi.'en oerpnas on hlshway 30 around 2:30 i>m. Tliur. day. Tlic, driver of tlis car was Identified lu Mr.f. Bvflyj) >(. Btandlee, 4J, Ilnn-i sen. No cltaUon wa.s luued. I

A pa.«<nger, Deanna Holfmtin,! received cuts and bruise.' but did- not require hcvspltallxntion. After, plunfflnff ever the cmbsnlimenl,' according to the slierlft's dep»rl-1 mcnt, the ear rolled over Uiree, tlmc-1 before wmlng to a fltopj ipproxlmately 150 feet from whero

Jt left the n»<}>ro7-

t i g u R i a w wThun ., F,i.,Sat, & Sun.

"The Bellboy"


O N T.HE SC R eeS,


„ i XCUmiK.— ^^ GUnn. DEBSIt^ FORD ReW

jfx GA2EB0c m un itiiia • s

l£EflCULES-7:W) pi„fu „, OAZEBO-fTOri-ONLY

AtlULTy 15«; Cllll.l) yiQ


..leetlng of the Tuttle Ilagermon, tmprovemem le«ue will- b; held • "le high school .itudy haU ot

. .n. Monday. Lestalatloa will be jdiscussed.




—FEATCftES- •Crort'dld Si)-*

J:30-4:2C--J;20-10:ll "Stole A Minim* <:18- 7.-Ji-P.«

15c 'til Z—then Sl.M Children ZSe

iwoa. TECMNicacgliDiiibci-iinsiifH-.i CO-HITI "THE BOY WHO STOLE A MILLION"

DON'T MISS IT!Diam ond Jim's


DRAWINGEvery 30 Minutes

Nothing to Bgy!No Obllgctlsn!

A«k for Free Tickets

• Fine Bar

• Good Food


B IG SAM A N D H I S S E A T T L E P L E A S U R E P A L A C E D O L IIHi ms brini|lng''Jnj8r as a gift for his pirtner, Gtorgi.Jil sminliite tetween Siattls ■«! «m Big Sin a fit and ta l's mligii till fun-fllhd sdvmluri tajliis...anil Its a ifotous tomfil

boors OPEN 1:15-rtATXIIlE TllHES—

3 -7 :0 9 -. 9;5J«e-uil-ii,en*i.oo ,

CkUdttn.^ soy time

m mirioflo— -------------------- TIM ES-NEWs;i'Wlk FALLS, IDAHO

ffew Readings Style Probed for Children

Nov 15 cn — Jumiy Uie lasUsH uv a )tonun.inflo

wa. U.C «'orJ re«»nK nf " 'c •' • =“ f by I. J. riimnn,

ct the founder of the

^ iScrlWtl 11 r(?!«irch pro]- M*’ 5l>'e printing forsS iel rc. dlnft clfccllvf-

f''v '«i:nWnaJlon of visunl mid or the wordj.

« Cb»ratUn L'»fJ_ , -tw ftlpliflbct would have , inciutllni 23 of Uio

in lu* If.-. cAllfd Alin-* “S «"“••«"f^^jdltlonal OrUic3Rr.iplij-, ,'■ of profe-' 'ors lUicl p-.j-.

n HK «Uri by r.rx method

Univw-iiy « ' Lon lon l . ;l.,V'c.( (diiMilon• or e'eO’ fo"*" clilldrpii i\l

.. ikC nf IS ‘onny \miider? R-'-kct! Pltmin

•u irtfJic.Kt»mple I'Kd 11.C I— t «ln!.nbct .m,

-.1 lori!'! I Uioy ouRtit 1

E a r t h , ' S t o r s o n d M o n (9 ) V o y o o e o f th e 'B e a g le ^ _ b y D o n O o k t e y a n d J oh rr L o n e

R O U T E O F T H E 'B E A G L E 'Tn December, 1831, His Majcsly’s^hip BcaoI<.

left Englai)d on a surveying and scienlinc trip around the world, On board was a 22-yearold ilaturallst, Charles Darwin, Tlic flcaole’s voy. age ended five years later, but in Darwin’s mind a trip Inlo the unknown was jusi beginning that w a u o last a lifetime and.eventually affect every branch o f human knowledge

As tho Beagle touched at lillle known places. DanvJn was struck by the seemingly limitless variety of animals and plants in the world. Yet among the diflerences there were disturbing llkenosses. It was as if two separate speeios— of birds, for Instance—had sprunt! from tho tamo dislant ancestor. Could this be possible?



Armed ivlth Lyell’s Princfptji cf Geotofi’j . ' Darwin noted how time had ehanscii tho char* «cler o f South America and its animal life. In Patsi;oni.i he found the fossil bones ct an an­cestor of the llama. In the Andes there was cvidcnco that the foot of these mountains had once been the shore of the Pacific, now 700 Julies away. On either side of this barrier lived dlderent species of tho same animal.

In the GalapaROs Archipelago, 500 mile.s fronr the mainland, entirely new species of tortoises, birds and lizards abounded, yet they were <!cn* nitely related to those on the continent. What was more, they differed on each island. Was each a separate ‘ 'creation"?

Back in England, Dirwln began to collect all

THE k e y :





College Students Repoi’t G i v e r i - ^ :

KINO ]IIU„ Nov. : nAriifa. toplioinoie til llif rclli.-c or Idalio, C»Id'vcll, .ipfnillin: i!n- hoUdny utUi her pArnil-'. the Il.-v, rul Mr.v K. I. lUrncx Donnlit Fink, fn-slininn nt Iil lin tftto collfi!'', I'ocaltlli', s prill ■linnkJiRlvlin: hcrp «ltli lih i'csicy MnK. mill M:<licit Smith, nnd fJunllj. Muiiir,:ii.i

Home.PnuifMTlmbcra, senior al Idilu l.ite collfs''. I’ocalull”. l< sijni.l. Ill llic imlldfiy wit!rr prrrnH.-Mr. unci Mrs, ’Hiuriin;


the (lataTio eould'flnfl. It wasThom»s Malthas*>.jsay on Populolion which gave him the clue: In n.iture, more Individuals are bom tJuh caa possibly survive. In tho struggle for life—lx>- iwecn themselves and other organisms and against a changing environment — tho bcst- ad.iptcd ones arc favored. They are more likely lo .'itirvlvc .ind reproduce themselves. Over a period pf time, slight, bencfldal modlflcallona j;ivo rise to wholly new forms.

Still, for more than 20 years, Darwin •with­hold liis idea from publication. He well knc'i?' tlie reaction his theory would cause. It was al- uiost ail accident that It was finally made known.

NEXT: Baltic of Ihe Century

. ..llred,' a*nB«**||i:i iiip rvirnt midi ntlon rvt AstilOO » h « S iiici Siindajr »t U>e«

Mr. nnd Mrs. OUffon^ iiic riunrtsriy meetJot

i:iuiiK'!ccl the c»rr!«rl Id Mr.-=. Ed Buel. ini<(illiiry i culon.

) (IVKU I.ICEN8BNdi-. :s — Robert 1 ti). ^:l.• tlnfil »S *i >!:iv l)v Jii.itlce of ihfl [:. for hiving t Urt ii.'.o. Hr wna 011*-

I',itrolninn a. D. Luee:13

rcicnrd'i provc.i Ihc .'ystnn >.JerJda Group

n ihe prliitinff 1 'iiiucstloiinl rystcm.I fffi: only tlie b;nerit or thp

ciiim Mlio liti.i r .........■ '0 rend, he m1(

Features PaneliSS4 chief

JEROME, Nov. 25 — A pnneliHu” '-Su.?if Wlliisma ... dls:aMlon on ;'Afrlct». pe.H, pfM-|lor. Mrs. Ouy Kennedy

............ '-niU cn!. nnd future- was held at tiie evjluator.of . pclllna, KoUiingjrcRular meetinR of the Jer-Id.i Slilrlfy Youn* wm tnile topics

rrprinwd, |Tc«un(.strp.-.s c!ub_'I^csdiy__eve.|mLs:re.w, siif cnor.c the subject,■Tlie only etffct « ill he

M.iprlc Vulley cifc, ''Wial I »m thankful for." Mrs.] Mm. Kerin...............nlwrs lAcluded' Mr.i iR ft WirtWIn mm the iraTcllnrrrlnspimtionnl.

Dwldit McGill. Edith Nujcoln.^.lP"'''- Mrs. Uoyd OvrniiRn var. .-.r.n, Qooilliu; Don Snoiv and Mr.i. Al!iic;i l"'*’Jiil»;rcM.

Mrs. Ouy Kennedy nnnoiiiicfd ' the .s>-nipoalum, •’Educnlion ol ri tarilpd children” which > 'Klvtn Cl

h Miller pivp Uie Int. JLnroId Hcnder- V iraiisfiT from l. liitnxIucM nnd

,t the Lincoln PTA mccllntt i 1 " ! ^ 1. Jun. Ifl.


Jo Etriithcrs hn.? txfn iininrd president of tlic nuflcnt body ccb-i Inet al St- Pftul'a Jcliool for kIHs In Wnllk Wnlln, Woili. A senior, she Is llie riftuciilcr of Mr. ond Mrs. K. J- Slrutherj, Emi Valley.

D O IT N O W KHove lit Repair and Service Y our'


Now . . . during the .off, o r ilock seoion. Hovo them icody for your next job.

C u r l M f g . C o .

If uld he.woulrt not recommend ;he ndiilt population swInR 5 Ausnicntccl Roinnil (An: sfjdlcs will fli(5w. lii'r.ilc lie child ttlio sets proflclcii. I", can make the transition

j ifiE noraial 5yslcm at the rlsht

I Drivers Fined By Jerome Judge

E. KeUlcy. <8, Jerome, v ...4 {3 and cost.1 Dy Justice •,e TtKC Leo Terrill for drlvlnn rar with faulty equipment. She J cited by Stiito Patrolman

HirdUiK.Owrse M. Coffeli. 61. Jerome, I fined S3 nnd cost--, by Judge

.rr.;i lor failure to re^Wer n jjtr, Slnle I’ntTotmnn Mnrvln S. [“.jht limed the citation.

S.\uer, 20, Jerome, was !5 by I'ollce Jud;;c Krcd tb- 31 for causing excessive noise

ta!o. Weilry J- Schoonover, 31, tf, fined SlO by Jtidiie •h.ircit for Irnpropcr parking, u flMlnncd 15 demerits.

HIGH FIDELITYCome in now touring our big “Magnavox Slereorama” . . . select from,

many complete stereophonic systems in a w ide variety of beautiful

styles and finishes...and enjoy the new stereo record library in­

cluded at no extra cost to you.

DiKontInu#a Celebrity, VtsUge and Safe 'froc.

fac1ory~.f«»li. . . all quoHtyl Limltod Stock.


'fO lHlSJUNOFOUttlTyilT••• ... Q»11 4,ji,I" Incv ilM, Ttm


OIL CQ„^^^mborfy-Rofld--



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NEW STEREO RECORD LIBRARY S ix albums of over 60 selections . . . yours to enjoy in the miracle of thrilling new , M agnavox dimensional sound.


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« 0 1 * 1 i a h t - A y t , S o . ^ R E 3 - a 3 3 !

Y O U Rt ’ luTk Tht'M- ('oh tittns

Karh WivL 1‘nr .Mon- I 'u i

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FREE TURKEY &, EVERY WED. NISHT (From now 'til Clu-litmu)

I Sapphire Lounge «"G E T TOSETHER-HOUR"-----------8 to 9 p.m. Every Night

2 for 1

JIM HOOLAHAN iwlfea you to the

Chuck WagonWEDNESDAY &



Hungry? Help ;oui«elf to the flnest foods-«nd lots of'einl Dine In acyle at the Salurdar aUbt Chuck Wasool (Serred

I every Wednesday and Saturda;.)-Don’t FortaH -

Dinlng-Dancing Nightly' MUSTIE

BRAUNat tho lUmroond


CLUB-CAFEJeckpot, Nevada

fverybody's Doing It!

W hat? — Having dark Gormon bo«r at the

"Hofbrau"Choose from three imported bottle been. Your ftiorlle PlEza cto be ordered ti the bar.

Jack ind Lll are hrre to please tnd hope to m you bcre enjoylne: thli fine fond and dilnk.'

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Open BowiinshHSwing Into pleoaur« with I

the rest of ths erowdi

Special Stodeat lUtei Krtry I 8atnrd«7 8 a.m. U> UtOp I

3 line*—11.00 , "

JVIAGIC BOWL3 4 0 2nd A ve . E. .

/ Where fo eat! / Where to go! / What to do!

p a g e e i g h t T I M E S - N E W S , T W IN F A L L S, I D A H O f h i d a 7 ;"n o v e i i b e r j';

i T G e n e v o ^ B ^ n e f r

: And R. L. Jones Exchange Vows

■nUULEV. Nov. 2A—Nuptial TOW| •nn rxclmntcd by aenevB B<n- neti. d;"iK>'tfr of Mr*. Clarence

, ■ Burney, nnd nicl>«rd 1* Jonw, *on ;■ ot Cordon R. Jonw, Burley, ind■ Cb1I!c a. JonM. Twin Fills.-^or.I 18 nl Uic niirlry ChrlMlftn church.

Tho rvrnltiK double rlnit crre.. irony was iolemnizcd by the Rev. i pcy U Tllu.1. Dot.«. imMslfd by ; tlin Kcv. Emil J. HelJieUi n«iUnil■ a IxickBrovmd of ft ulille arch en-

laintd with Rrecrcry und while, nriiatlons tied with Uirre lante

of while NVlln. The arch „ ll.Mited by tftU bn-nkela of w il eJjO'^Anthtmum. nnd plnlc ca

(loj; l l« l snun. White f I bo«ii were placed on every other I peif Cown the cMilrr Btile- I iThe bride, Riven In mofrlttge by I ClArence Bsrncy, wore ft lull- 9 leORth BO«-n of Ch<vnUlly lace uid / tiiHo over .villn featunnc » r.-Uln ' cummerbund. TTic Rown u'wi fA<ih- j loned with n molded l»dlcc. T*-cft' I hrcirt jieckllne, Illy point »lecve» I] nnd R »>ouffnnl tulle rtlrl de. ljncd j uHij nn onT-'klrt /enturlnf t»a , -wldB livcp psvnels.1 Her «?lbow IciiRth fcftllfTXVl I ot lUluilon frit from iv loopfd I vft crown, film carrtrd ft ciucAde I boufjuct of pliilc rt»ebiKl.i ind I BtepluinolU lied with mMchlnit

Mlln Btreamer.-'. Her pt.irl carrlnc-i * wero a Rift from the brldcRxoom. ; Her cvttendJLiU* were frocked 1 baUerlnft-lengUi BOwn.i of n « i>i

,1 Iflco fft-iWontd ovrr Uffctft wl L. lull.skills and fltlcU bwUcf', Th*] wore TnRtditns MCe.s-nrtfs u

cor«iffM of pink rowbud*. i Mrs. Quy Meulcmnn. Pnul, wi

mMron of honor nnd wore n vli let colored drcsi. Darlrne Schroe-

; der, T »in wruirw pink, imd I Vcm Ol*on, weATlnj blue,

brldewrHds.Iv Connie Meulenmn. niec« of the

brldeirroan, wore a Uvrnder lace over f J l t t i dreM nnd /hrwfr girl. I t »•« fnahlonwS .wlUl e

-eklrt-fww! puffwt Sh»II teiirdrop pearUnccVlnce Mid ried a *nmil pink baakel of pink camaUoiu.

Jimmy' Ciuidle.. counin of the bride. »na rlnsbcorer and carried •i he»rt-»h»p<>d while »tln pillow bonlrred ir1lh \M centflrcdwith iho wedding rings wlLh (a<2n.

Dee Mnr»den »icn-e<l m best wid CHiy Meulcmnn nnd Butch Knodlo were ushen.

Tho mother of Ois brido chooe s ntrured brown and tan jraey Bheolh dreu f«»hlaned wilh a wide CApe colliir. Tho mother of the hrldegTOOm »eleoled a lavender wool Jersey nlieftth draw. Ea( wore matchln* *cces.idrtea »nd cormgo ol fpUt /folhjmJ wh) c«nnvtlOQii ^ pink n»ebud«.

Tho trodltlomU weddin* roarche* wero played by Mrs. KennMh Eoiton who Bocompanled ths wed- dlHK oololit. Mrs. David Babin sang ••I Ijsve You T m iy and ‘The

..Wedaina Prsjcr.-A reception w»« held In the

chuTcJi parlor Immediately after th« wedding. A, three-Uered wed­ding cake decorated wltb white bell* ond pink rosa w«a topfiedwith a mlnlnturo brtrtal pair........nn nrch of tiilln (iiid bflU.«nko wiui ccnwrcd on a luce . . . cred table and Hanked by four (all while tapers In twin erystal caadaJabra*. Tho Upera were d «- oratM with a ercen Tine nnd Uny

-plnlt -raebod*.---------------- ---------•Mtn. Bert CtiiuUa cut and e«rve<S

the cake and Mrs. John Eiickaon pourwi the ptaxsh. Xtn*. howtill Hunt wtu TCddlnc hostess.

Kathryn Oaudlc, eousln of the bride, presided at the guest book.

M arian Martin Pattern

(B vl

. FOB M-lNCn DOLM New for Chrlaimasl A wardrobe

,Ior the Wg, 36-lnch «t>t«r doll J UtUe drU love best. Incl-ide* I blouse, iklrt. bolero, pedal pushers. rSaay-aev printed patt«ni. Don't

- delay-aeod nowl I . .Printed Patt«m 80S1: ■a-ardrotje I for M-loeh doiu. Please se« p»t- I tern for yardages.I ' .Seaid 35 ceota (coins) for thla I pattern — add 10 cents for each 1 pattern for tin t • cIam ualllne. J b«Od to MarUn Martin. Tlmes- r ,H «n ». PalUns Dept., 8M West iBtl, ■ ;S t, -Ne» York 11, N. Y. Print l .ptaialy name, addrm wlih »ne.

Hyla Dunber.. Bead now for ow !» » rail'-•-d\:i?taUr.Patt*hi Catalog -

la_-OMlUng colorl Over


Mrs. Ivan OUon. Mr*. Ora Eoaton, and Mrs. Loulie I'albcrt were re­ception anibtants, Mrs. Donald Drew. cou.>Lln of tlie bride, Mra. Herby Nawen nnd Mra. Lnrry Ifolm were In charse of the gift table. Dennis Ericluon and ■ume Easun aod Sheryl Hunt gUt canlcis.

fla- a wedding trfp to Bun Valler _ie new Mn, Jones selected a gray eul»-/aflhl«Md-wlUi-*- bo* -JacJuit. She wore black Bcee«(«OTltii ntVd the pink rovbud corsage from her trrlOal bouquet.

The bride »-aa gradunted Burley hl|h school In IBU and attended business scJiool in Twin Palls. -Die briaeeroom l» admtn- litlrator of tthe natlonnl guard armory in Bu/Jfy and w i« jrradu- ated from Burley hlRh school In 1967. The coupe will be at homo In Burley.

rehearsal party waa held at lomeof the bride's parents for

the VfddlnR pnrly. Prior to the weddlnjf the tirlfle muj IioiiornJ by tt mtscellnncou.? sho«er nt the homo of MrA. Jolm ErlcLvln anil , pcraonnl sho»fr given by Mr.i. ;vu 01*on mid her tuughler, >,lrB

OlDln etuart.

Filer Lodge Has -- Adoption-I?lans

FILER, Nov, 2J—TSie ncbcknli.i ndoptfd a resldtia from the Ode Fellows homo at Caltiwcll at tlii meetlnn week. Members wli; send birthday annlvtror ' anc ChrUtmas gUls and oilier rrinem branccs'.

Two new membcr.i »lll be In Itfated Into ttie mganl/Jitlm ncf- day. Officer. for tlie comlni: year will be nomlimlcd,

Mrs. Rex Uincii.ner, Mrv Jack Hanson and Mr. and Mi' D Olasslngcr served telreshmcnt.v

Care o f Y o u r ChildrenBy ANGELO PATRI

•I think If Just onee my 13-ycar- 1 son would listen to whnt I am

trying to lay, my lot as a weary mother would be considerably cos­ier to bear. The slightest word of rtmonjirsnce or augjeaUon staru an argumtnt. The sweater ht should wear; whether to take tlit dog with him or leave It at home; .letting bU sister's things alone: anjthlof snd everything. Pe ulkn to loudly, so fall, that he cannot hear anything but'his

Normal enough for 13. Many boys thtt age are Inclined to Justi­fy themielvn down to tho tali, in time it passes but In thi M B S ! .................., sr'lmE some wh'ataccepl.their psrenu and teachi trying to tell them. They set up nich a barrier of noise that they hear nothing but, as thla one's mother ssys, 'their own way.”

Children should lUten even while they are Inwardly protest­ing, Juit holding back until the older penon . takea hla breath. Practice thst long enough and the barrier of negation, that la their atUtude ot denying all that is being.said lis-favor ot their own Idea, can b« lowered and tlie new, and pertispj. b«tt«r Idea, find en- tianee. ^

Dear children, thera is bo miich thst you do not know about dally living and that your elders do know becsuie they have passed along the sams rood you

Just now, Tliey used to tilk and argue ) aa you arc doir? until they cauRht up to trouble, trouble-they arc trying to save . They know how much slutiy It tnkes to keep up to uriicle. They did II,

Tliey know hw it IpcIj to hove thelt beat efforls marked C with­out any explanation that tleri tliem. They know *11 aboul partie.?. nnd dslfs, snd Ilia right clothes for your age. They used tc want them. loo. They know whai a disappointment o ’'frlena' en be. AU thla and more they hat known. They learned a whole boc, about tliem and they «i3Uld like to—pass'on-aome-of-what-they learned to you and save you much •woe. Anyway they will try In hope you wll{ Uscen and Jearn thing by it.

True, new days, new ways, but nevertheless there ore some tilings that do not change with the days, human nature lor example. And W your parents and teachers have learned anything as they spent their days is was Just that. Human nature la'weak and prone to error aa ths sparks fly upward. They know a great deal you haw. know. Better listen more an less.

i ^ l - C s l ^ d a r l - T e m p i e R i t e S e L

LD3 Fifth ward Relief society 111 preaent the program at tl«

regular Bundoy evening Mrvlee. theme will be ••Home, the of happlnra.V .

Jf. tf. ^

Rose Prom Held For M IA Group

)AKUEY. Nov. 2j--.MoonliRht _..i Rosr.s ' was the theme ot the Cassia stake Mia Mnlds ro>e prom l»*t week at tho LD3 recreation liall.

Tlio prom wtLS dlrcctcd by Eula KlmUer, atnke Min Maid leader, and RAy Crltchflcld, Ex­plorer leader. Huse pink reprcAcntlng the nc-i- Mia Maid theme were posted UirouRhout the hall, one aide of Uie hall featured

thfme printed in iiirue lettefs; ajiother aide wna enlmnccd pilti;inK.i of pink roses and bud< nnd the staee depleted n IlRht Alilnlng on a white picket

with pink cUmblni: tsilhoucties of dancUiR Mu aiid Explorers nLso acre us

.Mill Maldj tiie theme wngdurins the floor thow. A dance

prt^ented by niember;» ol 11 CUA.VS1. Robert Judd, f.takc supei liiiendCTit waa master of cen nionlrs,

M ethod ist Youth Plan Burley MeetUVntEY. nov. 25 — Some iOO

Methodist youths from the .MsrIc Valley will meet at the Burley First Methodist church . . fiundny for a sub-district youtJi rally.

theme will be "BBckground ... Chrlslmas beliefs." Duringthe afternoon titc Kimberly MYF win present a play, ••Wesley; the Paul MYF. -Paul': Rupert MVr, •Ten Commandments"; Buhl MYF. 'The Prophet." and Castle-

ird WYP, ••A_pnrable.- The Burley Rfoup. host.s.

pre.scnt a chornl drama, •'Circle Beyond Fear,” during the evening iervlce-1.

Tho woman'* Society of ChrL' lion Service will servo dinner I the j-ouths at e p. m.

Dianne Petersen Is Bethel LeaderWENDELL. Nov. 35 — Dianne

Peterserr waa elected honored Queco of Wendell bethel No. IJ, Job’s Daughters, Monday evening

Masonic temple.other officers elected ...........

tha Woodruff, senior prlnce,«: Sharon Bungum. Junior princess; Diane Cooper. (fUfde, nnd Dirlcne Wilson, mar-ihnl.

Bethel members with Mrs. E. E. Parr, Ruardlon, will participate the door-to-door fund raising drive Sunday for muscular dystro­phy in Wendell. Tlie girls will meet at 2:35 pm, with Mrs. slnrt the drive.

Bethel officers win be Installed at the Dec, 28 mectlnR. Elaine Parr. relJrIns bethel queen, will be In charge.

* * M

King H ill Group Slates Services

KINO HILL.. Nov. 25 - Tlie *KwT v offcrloc -by the United Pn»bytcrliin Women will be held at 10 ajn. Sunday - the Oranea haU. ,

Mrs. Frank Jonea will be In ctWKo of eervlceo. A film, "i epwtie from the koreans." will shown. The film tella the story of In Ho Oh. a Korean student who wn.Y beaten fatally on April 3G. l!>5a. In Philoiieiphla. Pa, nnd tho Bupportlne role of the Unltedlj Preobytcrinn church lo many pecta of his life.

pro-la.M••Americnn liomc

gram prMcnted by teprtscniailv.. of the Iddho Power corapany. Tj- Rcne Jucld »as the nirralor and led a d!scus.ilon on the subKC'

■me business niectlne WM con- dueled by Mrs, Ch.irlci Clasby Mrs. Corwln Silva was elccUd and installed ,s«retari-. rephcln;! MrJ. James Oabetlas who rcslRncil.

neporUs on the charity bnll lo be held Saiurdny were Klvcn by Mrs. n. H. Hubbard siiil comnui- tet membcrx They Jtote a Kcod croud Is especlcd nnil tlckcl t-ilf'Bre'ROlnn ’ ell. Tlie tlrkc........available ihrouKh any club ... .. ihg

Suzanne Bowen,R. H .Critchfield

Announce DateREXOUnO. Nov. 25 — Mr. And

,Ira. Grant R- Uowcn announce lie enc.iKfmnit nnd forthcoiiilnR imrrlSKe ot Ihclr duURhtcr, Bui- inne, to 11. llllloii Crltchflcld. sot jf Mr. and Mrs. Lewis It. Critch Held, Oakley.

jiliiS Bo' eii I' ft graduate of URar-5nlem hich school nnd at­

tended nicks college. She Is em­ployed by Ihe GcncrnI Electric Jnipiny Bt me AEG filte, crltchfltld nttcndcd the Utah

Slate university. Logan, nnd gaged In larmlns at OakJey.- A Dec. 3 »eddlng Is belnR planned in the Idaho I'alls I.tiS Wmple. A reception in the Balem ward recreation hall will be held

same evening.

Buhl Youth U n it Schedules Party

BUHL, NOV. ;5—Tlie Buh! CYF will host a pnrty Saturday -nlng at tlie local Flr.'.t Chrh ....rliurrh Jn honor of Cnmle Bloom, KcnnewIck, WaJiv, International CYP pre.sldeni ]

Tlie parly kIII be held In the Fcllov,-shlp hall of tho church from' a to 9 p.m. At 8 pm- Mlis Bloom will speak 10 the youtlia.

CYF members from tlie eastern dl.«rlct, which .Includes church groups from itiho Falls. Pocatello, Burley. Rupert, Kimberly, Tain Falb, Jerome and Buhl, are ex­pected for the event.

Dick Talley, prc.ildent, and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Kaupnnn, sponsors • ' • /are In chnrec.

(Charity Boll IsSlated by Civic

Unit in LincolnsnOSHONE. NOV, 2J _ PUnS

•frt ducus-sed for the charity ball Shoshone Civic dub mcellngi

Dates Observed

■r and 111 be .som «t inc floor.nee Kill ji»^ielil at the i;hool^^dltortum "Uli :ecnyrorc>ies(ra playln:,

Tlie <.......Lincoln s;hWnyrtc Skec,.yw-----— .

Mrs. Hubbard U Rcoeral lan of the baU. Mrs. Cliarles llJr- en. publlclly director; Mr.?. li. 0.

................ .• ;ilcs............Mile.';, decoratlon.s: Mrs. Jeiry music: Mrj. DoniinRO Soioijs,chcckroom. All members of tlie club are helping the commlttte. chairmen.

Funds raised will go tp-Aaril n tennis court for tlit'comiiiu-

F o r C o u p l e s ' a f

P o t l u c k D i n n e rnLKR, Nov. 2i—Mr.’ and Mrs.

£d Dolve, Kimberly, and Mr. anc \Irj, Marvin MattlUcscii, T»U

ifJll.v “ere honored at a cclcbro Lon Isit week marking their 25tl. sfddlng anniversaries. A family pjiJufk dinner was held at the

, Maithlesen home.Tlie Couples were presented silver

ClIU from the groups nnd each couple w.ia presented a liiree-Ucred

lahlle^ake decorated In pink and 'ilH-er. Thesse were served with punch and coffee laUr In tlie fvenlii"-

A progrotn after Ihe dinner con- jisled of Plano selection by the jUatthle'sen .i d.iughter, Jeun. and to:o« by'Kennelii Blenkiop. llllls-

■ biw. Ore , a aHisln.r. nnd Mrs. Marvin Matthlcsen honored ot anoUiia- ccleb'ra. when friends luid nejghbor.s

dropped In bringing Rifts and re- Irr. uncnLS. Pat DIerker cnn;; sev-tnil rolos nixi Jean Mntthlcscn prcienled piano selectloii.vREAD TIMES-NEWS_WANT_A_D3

Buhl Elects NewCircle GhoirmpnBUHL. Nuv U'."CH

elected chairmej clcs or iQntred c meeting or the' U

'Women a church.

For II Iclrclc p>

Bliss UnitMeef^BLISS, Nov. 25~Mr,

Ladles Aid meeting. ;,tr. sales- Mr-s. Chiirlej nc.rn :• IM

le cliyh..........years. F'prmerly, the courtswere on the high school Rrouiicli and Jiail to be ellminalrd when additions to the building »«c. ni.ide. I

Mrs. Glasby revlc-itd the book,' "Love IS Etcmni.’' ,

A progrnm on leslslatlon will be given at the Dec. ic mtetlng. Mrs, J. Jloward Mnnnlrig Ij program' chairman. I* will be Mrs. Richard; Jones ana Mrs. Jerry JIlll. |

Hostesses for Fttdoy were Mrs' Bernard Oucnechca, Mrs. Floydj Klsllng and Mrs. Poul Jacobjen, I

If you line cake pans with nnxcd paper be sure to remove the piper right Bfter turning the baked cikej out of their pan-s, olherwlse Iht

’ the host group of arranscmtnls. 51clc Ooff nnd

I- »>.. It.lif .. Wt«p.Oi -« . f.n



TWIN FALLS BUSINESS COLLEGEWINTER TERM BEGINS DEC. 5(M ail th« coup on below for free information)

I Address ....................................................

; City ...........'...................... Stofc ..........

Both New and Brush-up

Classes in . . .Typing - Shorthand - Bookkeeping and Aecountin}

Busineu English - Butincii Corrcspondcnea Buiincti P »ycho!ogy-B u*incji AriHimetie

O ffieo Practice and Procedure Vocabulary Building • Office Machine Treinin|


Cards PIdyed at Dinner M eeting

CASTLPTOJID, Nov. aS-Mem- Ers or the Petal pals club en-

teruilned their husbands at a pot- luck dinner and pinochle parly last week at the home of Mrs. Henry . Gandloga. Mrs. John Cothem wa-i program chairman,—OlfU alll-b« •xchaoged-and

crct polj revcolcd nl the Dec. meeting at the homo of Mrs.!

David Klnyon. Mrs. Loren Merz- inger »lll be program chairman,

and pep- U»« Cromwell j X-3 Molecular oil st»-11

■ bUlMr. stays put! Doeih■ tioc thin out or break! |down from heat. At!

r Mrvlc#

Furnace & Stove

OILSPrompt. effUlent delivery


UNITEDRE 3 - 7 0 3 3


SALEFull length mirrorsr6T ^ 6 8 mcHasl6was

19.95G iv e your g ood-looker a bright h ea d -to -toe Fuller Quality mir­r o r ! C op p er sealed for lifetime hflftuty N nw nn flalo—1fi»v 20’ ’ xG8’’ , or 24” x68’ 'fu ll lenfrthsr~W a ll m irrors , too. For a bright C h ristm a s!


3 0 5 S H O S H O N E S O .

, R E 3 -7 24 1

Open House in WendellSATURDAY and SU N DAY , NOV. 26, 27


1 to 9 P.M.'

If's a Gold Medallion Hom e wifh

wonderfully convenient electric heat!

— ★ Elcclric. convenience.Jtitchcn w ith flamcleas. cooking_____★ KlamelEss elcctric laundry

★ New 3-limcs.faster Quick R ecovery flameless waterheafcr

• ★ Full HOUSEPOWER with 200 ampere service entrance, • plenty nf circuits, plenty o f outlets

★ LIGHT FOR L IV IN G — attractive modern fixtures, .dec­orator lighting, over-counter lighting, acccnt Hghtinj

i ( BEST OF ALL! -Flameless e lectric heating with rooin-by- room temperature control

by Thonioiwi &. Ptt«r»4>» tn cooperation with Bai>way lu i l^ »

T o Get, T he r e :!/, E a n d 14 N o f WendeU

F o llow T h e Signs B E S U R E T O S E E IT !

IDAHO POWER c o m p a n y


1960TIM K S-N E W S . T W I N F A L L S . ID A H O PAGE im W ,'

Y5lfLi)sr fs MajDT U p M t College Gridders Meet

In Tradition-Spiced TiltsIt.' Tl.. ff___

pTunior Loop M a y M o v e " Into Toronto if National

S co irtiiig ^R e iH n May Help U.S. to|

. ■ „• rich in tnuliti*.

V o n c «hich miKht b.-_ consi '■ S a ilv ;i.sur.'(l tliu K.mtl

Tccl, ha.l a .>

■ iclcrcd fiiAj' achievud, \'M1 .liampioii'hiri, w

ti for 111.' iiatiiniV ii:tn ihi’ (‘ xccptiiin II li a 7-1-1 roi'uri ik'fealpfl !iv Vir-

Rejects Interleague Play Regain Davis Cup......... nuiililk'ii .Vtiii.illr iif thrlIlUTltKkillK si'lifdvilo

i-ul>|)fii ii[i a^aiii Tlnii'MI'Mvnii' will I'l'ji'ft till' Hllenuiti; in'op<i.- al o f

l-'ii-i i-oporled by tlic Assucialini I’rc.-i.i a I'ftl.Mi-i- with a staiemeiit frcmi ii-k tliai the ha.icliall, liriii): notici- liy Oct.j tIUlvill into tiiinor'

Uip fnllnKlli ■I lun In Toton

Haas, G ustin ' T ic fo r Lca<l liiG o lf O pen

11 the cami'ainil"Wi; have |ci (iliin lo win iMi'k the cuii i \vi' will (ill (t," tlir Salt l.aki; I'iiy Imsin, day al'loi' wiitcldiiK hi:' tc;un|

rhili'iiiiiiii'K ia llu' iiilorzi'tie Boise i-,oscsjr:nillnul.%

. Auatral. , n convinced! said Thurs-

lilt T o Everett in B ow l Contest

! .-(.inUinF:. mcl (j prvrexl to

(or Cnrncll co; jAMics "a.' Ilrccl.

u Aiiipon -

^rttorC..' 1)1 lKida;s lil.i icaai ekvlinp conlfti-ncp vir-

orrr Co'lor.uh Hli'Ii-^ wr/Qfiiifi sniooiWy on ihc

«r.d Id ttie n.'r irt xiin ni'.'l M.iry 19-0. And Ul- j u, Mtt'ourl Valley coiifcrciOpisn. ...........salt 3

'Season Wasn’t Much, but WSU Had Nation’s Top Passing Duo

mil Ued uiiK t-outid olHiilf tournni

il McKliilc)-

IiUfi-'only |n(rfi|iii'iill>

>mpnl 0 , Tex-

P l'I.L M A X , Wash.,I'iUTit.' ii|i witli the natii minute (»n offense and aKOii to l)rcak't\vo major rei civil cmiiiieerinjr fitutient wli lie completed 119 o f 222 at-

-T)— I).'- la'M i.ass-cau-h <i

;liy su|il)iiin'i'ri? wh rils in just niii iliilii't need hi.'

I w as almost cu! fn ^rames. The junioi

sliiic rule tci t'ii^uro

i.Washinnton Sta liiiv who playeil i-\ >•! n thu wiuad but ina i> Mcl Mcliii, ;

s pa puiy

linlsluiic.irryliiE l..................iiip liopfj iitxl )f«r. Rumor 11 ihnl bolti Ilnirr M.ifkny niidll^lrl Bilcliliolr. tlir currfMl lopi

> 1CI..I

'iscns lilt s.’inllcr colIc^(^ . ' i - i .v r-Si' : III t/ic w h i l e the Cou?i

^ prr.--' Mimii coilccc poiiqwerc- wititiinK only four of, (-isftfd CaU'Alja 55-li Icr 115 .vlxtli'10 Rninc^ Mclin is al&o llie in-

N'oflli eonliTCiitc'tliin’s mnjor college toul ollenst[xitall title nnd n po^iiljlc irlp Jc.idcr wllh I.IIS yards. Iul£e ■S’- Peter.^-' The soplionwre In IrKklt-'Ucedm.r^-1\ .................... ..

W in V ictory for U. S. UO IlI-lllSI lufil.

o sa allfci V


Titans Down Dallas to E nd 'x)ss Streak

C.mipiJell..Ish binlle, sure handu uid

deceptive loci. Altliounh uol even Included oil wSlTs ‘three deep" li.-.tln(T lit nid. Uil.1 l9-y«r-oia Irom I .-, Cato.i, Calif., caujtit 65 pa.s.cs-Ilve more Uian the former NC."\A rrcnrd—:iiid went 881 yardi 'Mill hU rcccplloii.', alio a record.

McIlii, :o, played nlxiul lialf nl quartcrtack at a sapfio-

more niul wa i expected to hiii Eff YOIIK Nov. 25 in — A1 Rood ycnr. But this Quotation f ct Ihrtw (or two touchdowns, ihc WSU preM l>oolt rcvealj what [or one ar.d tet up two more n i.arprbc Camplxll wm:

ipjise-1 loday na tho New York. "Played nell fta a froih In 1959 irj celebrated TliivnksslvlnK I'nd liiid r fair senaon In »prin* il Ihe Polo Ground? wllh u b:ill this year. JIoj Rood hands,

S vl:lory over’DalltLi, It wds I'dcqunle speed, Needa experl- bSslitst scorlnK giuiie of tlie cnee."r in tJie American rootball Camptxll Rot to play only a few •jf minutes In WSUa opening gtmetUm cm-d of IU « saw the I'Kalnsl Stanford and didn’t catcli

WdiEi Dorow lend tlic TlUins oui a ptiAs. He more than made up cf»rour-R»mc iwlns slrcak ivUh'tor It In the Cougars' remaining 11 co:spl£tlons of 3G passca. Rood gamc.s.WJOI ywd.', in their Ilnnl home; Not too or hl(j, at 6-fool, 1-,

iliich and 183 pounds. Campbell iUyniird, tlie Titans' fleet-' c^ceptlonnlly deceptive move- enfl, c^ushl 10 of Dorow'.i mcnt on the Held to Ret himself

tfiiM for 170 yards and one clear for Melln'a taw;s. Against UJiidown. Art Powell, the other'T o.-.c Boftl-bound Wtshlngwn last M of t/ic •ntttiis' pi4s-ciiCc(iaift Saturday. Ciinipbclt fou nd ' cii, rrahttd clfhi lor 110 ynnl;. Hiiskle. had him scouted wti:Etilio scored oncc. covcrcd when he completed i___

' liis D«»,ey Dolillng, noser of hl;i pnttenis. So he almply add- Uxiihoo, and Bill Malhl.s nko cd new maneuvers and snared six «md touchdowns for the Titans,' to brenic both notional l>isiiioo'.s Coming on a 57-yard marks.............recovered furnbic Bllli coneh Jim Sutherlojid gdmlH

now that Campbell waa a ln .« t^ during eprlnR tmlnlnj. But h» was nble to Imprti? the ataff more with Ills edRemcM and conlldence than wlUi hla play.taboldt State

Nears Bowl Bid to I Cougars, the lop tei PasslnR offense with an aversje of 185.5 yards a game,

Campbell Is etjhth nallonslly In scoring with II touchdoun.s. 10 nn Pftises and one on nn Iniercepllon,

■■ :tra polnta for a total of

EUREKA. Calif., Nov. 25 M1- Ciiejtfa Humboldt State pou’-

■ to a 31.0 victory Thur.^ay - Lewis and Clark college,Po:ll«ncl. Ore., and earned the bosl posiiion In the western NAIA nnd 10 toldjv footbjli playoff-1 Dec. 3. 75

■ ' K ^ r " w l u ' ’adv;nc"‘ ': l ', ,^ - “J - >"NAIA c|iainplon.ihlp In Uie:*‘®'’“ ‘ ‘ “‘“ lun ,t leajtssywii." “ '■■K'"

American leacueibehlml ll ;oiircrs told Ihe AI> Wcdnfjdnyl Others ();e Niitlo»nl )tacue J.s crflain Jo|pjuroflii. turn clown the nlnc-tenm, Iriter-Il’olt, SI Irarue pri)p-i\,U. pieferrlng lasteod to KO aUrad »lth lt-i own pinn.i ta rxp.iml lo 10 lenm.s In 1063 with Ihe addlUun of Houston and New

Jim Niiiowski Leads Detroit O ver Packers

Brewer. ,Dave Hill. D en ver , Colo., and

Boynton. Orlnnrto. n»,I wore Howie .lohiiMjn nnd

Marty rurgol, both Cor Hill, IlL and Tony Lemn, San Leandro, Calif.


Chtwk MeKlnler. Bt. tonU. Muashei a telum » Dennis nalilon. Bakenfletci, Calif,, rntu In durlot Daitj Cop Intmose match at Brtsbana. Aottnlla, with Johnny Jote anfl Eddie Donjo ol the Philippine*. The AmerJcani won. B-3. 8-3. «-J. Victory r»»e <fie U. 8. t««a • J-O lead In Ihe beit-of-dw tntenone seml-dnal m»khe*-MoKlnl«7r-i#,-*nd-R^«Wn.£-llie..jouni»|.Joiil)1ei.

Denver WinsDENVER. Nov. 55 MV-Sopho.

morr quarterback Rjvmtro Ewan don paired 21 yards for one touch down, set up another touchdown

. DErmOtT. Nov. 25 (, 1 — Jim with a M-jard thro»- nnd estab- •a!ow kl swept Ihe tltle.hopelul Ushed a school o f f e n s e record

;Grcen Bay Packers off thclr feel Thursday In leacllng Denver lo a 'with a devaslathiR first halt pas.i-|21. 1J Skyline conference football linii ftttaclc that .Marted the De-|vlclory over Colorodo Swte '{roll Lfons (ownni 'a 23-iO victory verslly. today In tlie National PuolbAli leacue'a annual Thank-%(!lvlnj day

Nlnowskl’s pa.i.slnK—he eomple!. fd 14 of :2 for leo yards la Ihe first linlf—coupled with Oreen IJiiy bUintlers .ihoved the In and out Llon.s Into a 1C>0 lead that nullified the Packer-V brief second

alf fhirrj-.A capacity cron'd or 3<,I23 and

_ national telcvuion audience' nes. ed the 2Isl holiday clash

veen the e lonR-tlme rlvalv The defeat' seriously crippled

Green Bay's western division tllle chances. Trailing dlvlalon-leadlng Baltlmors by ono game Roln* Into today’s contest, the Packtrs tiave dropped Into third placi hind the Chicago Beara.

e V. ! In Dsvli Cup plaj. lAP wire-

Oilers Can Clinch Tie for AFL Title


. ■as~ ■Romelhllig "Id aJibur'abdiit Wednesday in Uits Cftrrolt county town. After 63 aitaight loisej, Uie Stet high school basketball teatn finally won a gome. It downed

-Valon «.J8 Tuesday night.American Football league game.

The Oilers Ic d tlie Ea.?tem di­vision with a 7-3 record, Boston I: second af 5-5, A Houston victory would give It a three.gamc lead in tho running, with tiiree gaiiiea to go, a.'wurlng the Oilers of at least a tic for the

BOSTON. Nov. S5 Cfv-Houston narrow favorite, will U7 to wrap .

,.p at least a ahire o f the Eastern division title.'division tlUe Frtday night whenl A Boston triumph uould keep lh« Ollcra lake on Boston In anithe on-ruslilng Patriots very much

■It would cmHouston's margin to one game with three —Including another game with the Oilers—atlll to go,

A crowd of atMUt 35,000 Is ex- peeled for tlie 6 pj^.. EgT. klckolf.

- Freed and' his Ho. 1 aide. B«i nard (Tut) Dartzen. Dallas, m. making an analytical book on tlielr opponents In much the way that

ijor league baaeball teams ncom cach other.

■we kre Hudytn* the Austral. Ians very closely In every tourn».

■ and learning tlitlrweaknew. nd strengths. We will re-,

hearse all this belote the challenge round."

Freed and youngsters Ralston and McKinley lelt Thursday lo loin Dartien, Mackaj and Buch-' ■ ■' In Melbourne,

ilm u*rlM II. Ft. n*lralr : >'~<kiU LtmrMt 11 tJ. GrKaJl*r 10 Ai.eiJr>rt FmIIiiII L*,,b,


■luuiipll'll .. .I, 1-5. »ml Cluick .McKinl,^ni, (r',';, “i?,',.' miil'ml!'' EVl'aETlT, Wo- Ji., Nov. 25 If - . 1 I.Mik lrc;u the mBRiuIi. ptiieratedi

two loiiK Itrst-hall worms d;' ukI tlu'il Ir.iDK nn to upset B Junlrir colkce M-I3 in the nual Kvciv;rcfn .Shrtiie boat feot-K ball K.inic llmrsd.iy

lopi 'I'lie Intcnnuuntain coiifen........... ..... icli.iinpioiis frum Iilaliu wrre tlilrd-|

tie Americans play In Ihe Vic- nmlcinally among diampl-m‘.h1p» at Md-line, siiiriiiij Ftliliy. ilicn move " ••vJilnntoii Wiite Jaycee c< I’crlU hi \>.stcni Austn.lla io|'‘‘'"H'C, No. 11.;-t Ilalys f,Mropean ctiannJlnns! ilcioH

inlerrone Iinsls Hie rhnl- niarcJiuJ £0 yards don-n tl.......................‘••-a<>«Ry Held to a l-)uchdown

F^uik Kaofl going over Inm I three yardJ .out. . Yancis. Mej'tr H ■ .ckcd the extra point.

Evcn-tt came bick to even Mm in the etinie period o -yard. pn.'JTun phy frxim quar-

torback Ualph Baser to halfbock Larry Coipur. Baget accounted for, ' fh'crctt’3 second !Oifh<ja«n In tfta il secorvd quarler with g 78-yard r '

the five. Prom there he pisa eiirl Mike Kalyk in the c

ne. Lcn Camcy mado both «versions.

After a acorelees third p«l»d Boise recovered a- fumtile on thi Everett 11 nnd wingback Bob'Pe terson went acrw from the U Meyer nilsjed tJio try.for.point TTifoo tlmej In the /m*l uartei Dotsc drove to first dooma oa tt Everrtt 12,1 tnd 4 but coull c score.

of'scliedulM in fljciney Dec.““ i I-YeeH snid he was no'

I f.stlniatlfii; the lorinltialile itill.'ns "''^;hul nl ilif same time was pointing

victory over the AustraUaivi.'I feel .sure we can win bnck

u2"e.a y,r .. , I the cup," he said. “Ever since 'tt-e ' rii,, , "J I’^vc been In AustralU we have

i » .'’°'i''"^''t)cen keeping a delnileil Rcoutlng I.ubt^^: Trl-. nav" Nenle m ^r, Itod LavCrystal Jllv . .. Ausslt.v Wo Jiave

plan for bejllng tlicm. Naturally i am not at libery to disclose what It '

Florida Reported

Set for Bowl TiltaAINESVTLLB, Fla., Nov. 25 t...

—Florida will play Bajlor In the' aator Bowl football game In Jock, sonville Dec. 31, ths Oalneavliie Sun reported today.

Th« 8un aald the ployers voted lo accept the Qatar Bovl bid. re> gardleu of the outcome of their final regular seuon game asatiut Miami Saturday nighl.nZAD TUdES-NEWS WANT A£)8





TRIPLE MAIN EVENT Bill Melby vt. T hi 1st

.— aad UAOl-:---- :-----C h iofK ltFox n . ElMoogtl

SrdUMK A l Pa0o Pom vi.

K«n Aehle* WresUlni interrun, KUZ>TVe:SO U.m. Adrwiee tetrti «c

— Twin PalU Cl(«r s to n - —Wny^ C»I#—

Coveyi 0>fe

E IG H T rig h t n o w !BIGHT loTceonomy. Low, low jaflolineccnRimpliOT (bettothan 40 miles per gallon,

better thanony o f tho “ compacts") and low, low mnintgnflflce coato arc you f in the RcnnultDauphine.

RIOHT for comfort. R oom to stretch yonr le n . . . room to rave anas. Four wid® doors mean cosy in and out...inacpcndi!nt four-wheel Buspcrulon meona easy riding wherever yoii go. (And tho Dauphino ba « been everywhere!)

BlOHT torp^formancr. In maneuvcniblllly...instability. . -proved roadability-- ’IhcDaupbinohaBCriai-croaacdtliaworJd.aDdlhewMdia: C'est-Tniig/uMue}

- B iaaxJarsiyic.IjkolheprincQ Rforw hom ahe’Bnainodxtheltattiiltrteuphina'hMoyal bcauty-dlatmcliTOigracdul. refiiia 7. .‘ yooreycB will tcU yoorhBart-

abe’syouralBioH T for y o u . . . (or a ll theeo rcaaons and more.. . for sifety, 00m d ’a.sL"’to leave all other cara bdJnd. . . for town and eotmtry, summer and w

butm ostof all: to make your driving (un againl*P tiea ttartaltI7S 5

G O ^ R E N A U L T

Dtaieniaquailtyai U~-4CV Dauphine • Peugeot * CorooeOo • B a ia d tT ru eh

YOUREE MOTOR CO.iS2Main Ave. S4M11I1; . ’ PKane RE 3.«S11‘


Crossword Puzzle laoSia aos niaS



S. Maiherplit t3-SlH8

poiliiv«lr 1). Croquet

lUke J4.rreciOUt -

(lone IS. Ueih f4brla llHuihia

panic Ifl. lUrdquuU 20. Y*lIow

buile Jl. lUcent 22..C4|1orj SS.Ceolofleal

p«cinl S7.Hjrcmroora :s- Potmi 32. Kivin(«Ait



orcdhorM 43. ImmtTit 49. IteKkr


30.Teich(r S.’ .CofUlnjcWil 31 Slnjinf

fBIOAV.NOVEMBER 25, 19R0 ' TIMES-NEWS, t w in f a l l s , IDAHO

m a r k e t s ANUFINAT^CEStocks

County Plans T o Purchase

Wall Strict Chatter



KRISKRINGLE'S''// Gift Guide and

Chuckle Contest

ENTER NOW!Free Theatre Tickets

Ever? dny ’III ChrHtmi* « Outit TlclceU to the Motor-Vu 12 winners—3 ticket*) will 1m twartled «» prlz«" m the Chuckly ConteU tosether with n Lovely Prli«*t All you need to do to enter U to clip 3 COMPUrTE LINES Irom the Olft Quldo Section »nd Uie balance ot the com­plete llnea (up to 8) from any otlier part ot the c;/U4ltled flection of the paper to mnke tip a funny nequenci?. up the lint.i In the most liumorou* combination perulbie nna mall or tiring U to the Krli Krlnjlc Editors. Tlnits-New*. Wlmiers will bo announced In ihl* column rt!»lly. Call for your prlie certlflcntM And tlcitU at the CliuJilfled De- pnnmcnt, Tlme«.New» Offlcs.

This Weeks Prizes• lUnd-Made Wood Table Uoip frtoj Walklna Wood Crafl• TV rillow rrnm Dlaekrr'a• S1I.9S Puah-Bollon FUhlnt n«l from ni-Hlte• ricnio Jai from liooeler Fumlliii• aourmet GUI from Kren cl'i lUrSwue• One Potted Plant from City Floral• J5.M Olft CeniricalB from Dlailut OKAND rniZE TO BE GIVEN AWAY UECKMIIER 231• A 3'Plece Lurnce Set from Ilosiler Kumllur«


Hand mode wood toblu lamp from W o t k in J V/aod Craft—Mr*. It. F. Rallty.IUn»en. Idaho

Market Place of

Magic Volley


( D T L B . m m M W ' K m ' m



Federal Help Is Topic for Hub City PTA

■ WENDEli, Nov, 24-F>?d«?ral ild for Mucatlon wiui the piuirl. topic

‘ jiir ihc protrnim of Kub City PTA Tuf.vlar cvoiinjt Bt the erwlc

' tct)nol nildUorlum,

Mrycr, liupcrt school Iniwafiil. and John Booth. Bols<?. uslsiant iKreury of Idaha edu­cation, fnvoHn* Jedernl old. and Mrs. R. a. Nchrr, Shochono »ebool tru5t«, «nd Jack Murphy,&»7fr. egalnst fedCTBl nld.

nic proftrara »n* airanRfd by Mri, Dale Qunn nnd Mrs. V/llliam Clapliti, OMlited by I>r. Harold V. Holiimter nnd W»yno PufK, Sn MlKtlng quMtlona to be aiurerr«a by the poncl.

Hie musical part of lh«5 program vns (jlven by Lynn etcphenBon and Olm Spencer iia & duel cullar accompaniment.

Bldiop Melvin Allrctf (tnve the InvocatJon. A report on the Ilai* lo-mn cjimlval waa tlvcji by Mr*. Z<l»ard Ounnlng.

noil call w inner* were Mr>. Pwemary I,*ii-lon'i accond jfnwJc ronm and Ule ccnlor cluAa »llh II. B. Umb, *dvuer. The tnuellnj booii. -Wondrr World." *111 be used for a by fBfh of Uie wlnn*-r» and Ihr room winning the miMt tlm n dui In* iho year «IU rtiain the bxA

A report on the PTA co»n«illi'*i In Burlrr ^ Un.JifiincJ» Win*, Ubnry Uwlu Srtm UiB travflUi* library on dt»- pby m obaemuice of Natlrjnal Doolt week.

Action wu takrn to omll Uie D«ember meeting beoaiwy-of hoU- diy aeUTtty. Rrfreahmmta were »er\(d try Ifie Ursl erwde room mother* wllh Ur*. Kink m ch«ir-


Mri. U N, BylnRlon received of the birth of a wm U> Lhelr aon-m-law imd dauRhlcr. Mr. and Mri, Ardfll Merrill, Lonitvlew. Woah. I'atemnl Knvndmothii Mrs. Olcah Merritt, Jerome; teroal jreat-dTiuidpnrcntfl are and Mm. 1. F. Dixon. Jerome, and pftUmal pBJidfather Is Arnold tJlerena, Ooodlng,

Faker i Bilsinessnien Talk of Biggest Christma8 Sales in HistoryOKLAHO.MA CITY. Nof. U

CR-Ucul. B- J. Ollw.n of llie Oklahoma highway p»trol re- portJi that wlille palfolime U. 8. highway Cfl eo-sl of Clinton healed a man trijdslng down the road with a big twsolllie

■•Did you, run out ot eM." a-Mtctf aibsoii aa he pull d aloiiwldo' to offer ht-i lieli>.

••Nope,’ canie the reply, WU, Why the g. , can, a.-.«c<l /ru- tenant aiD.wn’

"I-m hltchlilklnK," Uia un­identified man replifd. '•and I hoped r<} fool some driver Inlo glvUi* me A ll/t tliu w i>.

Blue Pencil Goes

To Mrs. WilliamsIlUBI^Y. Nov. Ji-Mr*. M.irtin

Willlnjns waa i»warclfd the Iravi-I- ing blue pencil Icr her dlfiiWon of the Thnnk KlvlnR Inhle lopic thniir diinng the Burley T«»:.t- ml4tie.1t meeuiii: In Ihe room of Uie National holel Tuej- day evening,

Mrs. Wayne Woo<!lnn(l »o.iin>le topic* chairman and Mn Williams wa.1 loniUiitslfCM. H»e liuroduced Mr*. DoroUiy K»cJiJcr »lio gave a talk enmird -How to Improve a rpeech" f'lllo-icd by a brief omi autcblonrnpliy. Mra. KscJiler L? a new reaWrnt of IlurJr - and a former pre-Ud' il of the ToitHml*- Uesa group at Orcat KaJl.', Wmit.

Mra. Joe Hauber proKntcd a lewm on ciafelflcatlon of mollQn.?. Tlie group vnied 10 have a pollucit aupprr parly for lU ChrUtm.oi meeting Dec. 13. Time and place will l» announced tater-

ny HAM DAWSON NEW YORK. -Nov. 2S W'—The'

big Chrtatmaj ni.->h atArts today. Mcrchint* tn manyBcctlona of the land ore tnlklng of the bljgcjlaalfs ever.

Thta iri «plte ot » (teneral «Jow- down In tha ml* o f record con­sumer spending »lnce aiimme." and evidence thal people aa a ihole arc savlnK more, and borTowi;-. more cautloaily than a year ago.

Tli« retail optimism U abo run­ning counter to a general alftdt- ne.-.i In factory output lU ‘ ' ules of blK-llcket lt«nia.

Tout personal inconie ollll rides ilph. Sftvlnga banlca report rcased depoalU In October, ihlch coiwimer* could draw he next four weeka. Banks jourlng out & golden flow ot ca-Kll

Clirbstnioa club members. De. •jartmcnt store s<ilc» have

JOINH F I«X TEA.M - WENDELL. Nov. 3J - Kenneth

Thaeu. a Junior In mfchaiUcftl engineering ot tho University of Idaho, Mcecow, Is a member of the newly , ontanlicd nlr forca IlOTCrllie te*m^Thfl<te-ls ihf son ot Mr. and Mrs, Oscar Tlmete, Wcn- deU, _____ '



1C (hat loUl U TMChed. glnceneither can nor will.

The estimate-baaed on «. aur- .ey kn major urt>an markets—by the Chlcngo Printed String com- pany-puta tho gift touu at IJ billion preMnu wrapped in I 0 million dollars WTjrth of paper, ribbon, foil and atring.

Ilgurn that lajniilea with than »7JOO annual income

apcnd mors than 1200 at Christ* maa time—thanka in part to the Cr&dllion of giving mcrther & ne» refrigerator and dad a new wall- to-wall carpet. This heipa boost yule giving U " ' “annual touil.

Americana are goln* to be given a lot ot goia thlj Ou-lMmas, If thu Jewelry Industry council Is rt«hl.

Fined for DogsJEROME, Nov: : i—Mark 6Ur lOna UTia fined tlO Tuesday by olic Jud^e Fred El>crhardt for

.jivlnic two unlicensed female dc«s. :8lmmona told the Judge the dogs

been put on a farm, jwever. the Judge warned Sim- 1# If Uie dogs ore r«umcd ti

town he buy licenses Im­mediately. Simmons waa arrested

ft worrtint last week and posl- J25 bond.

J o b l e s s T o t a l i n

V a l l e y A r e a L o w

F o r L a s t M o n t h

publiciied f; trwL ury gold. holdJngi

Suppllera nnd refiners repdrt that karat gold flowing Into jewel­ry thla year L' up better liian 10 per cent over 1B59, and tKil year ■aw a 10 per cent Increaae over 19J8. _______________

c,, *iur. wJ•v... *•w ...w..-•d at a low level In the

uooQJiig. nupert, T^in Falls, Bur­ley and Jerome areas during Octo­ber becauie of Ihe potato ond eug- ar beet harvest teaclilne a peak durlnj the month, says H. T. Oar- rell. eieculite director of the Ida­ho employment ngency-

liarvest actlvlile.i raised, em­ployment flgurw to the year's

jT^DAY^OVEMBEn ,5Vcore'

MPEf. .• ..HlgHnl Ieverd?spiC4-Kl(iTp .e ....................Bl ctus in other, maojr Indujtrlej, t AIPEj .Oarrelt said. Cliine.-ie Natioin’ i - - / j

Har>est employment this year, on the o:t?hnrc • ‘*>1 however, was well t)elow list year'il scored j\ cilrcc A -"!'- level »s the trend away from handl sired nti Ciiinr ',. ’1 labor to mechanical lujvesllnc official Ccnli;,] continued, he explaln.i; • 'ported Prirta-,

As u5ual, the largest dricllnei In* “October were In Indiutilei af.l fected by weather such as con­struction work, the lumber indus­try. forestry and segmenl.i of the trade and service Induuriej.

a Jlrst eiported coflee'

igf\l I 0 f la.M y

homes, appli­es nnd other durable good.i. rchant-i are counting on jn iihopplng <J.iy between niaiik-'Klvlng and Clin.ilma.i Uils

ir cc>mpnrcd wltJi la.«, Uiarki tlie clinnglng cftlCTidar.

Die cnrlatmn shopping sprei Dflen mnkca or brcrUcs the profit showing for the ycftr In many re- all Rtnrc.i. November nnd Dccem- MT ottrr\ contribute one-fourtli of

le totAl (winual anlefl.If tlie two monU« exceed last Mr by tliB tao 10 five per c.'.it

hal miiny merclinnt.<i are ;<reJlcl-: ng. 1060 will have topped iJ t ;ar's rccord.One totlmote of totol gift T.y-X\i-

ng this yuJetide is 74 billion dol- i. or «ibout 1147 per family. A of fiunllies are KOlng to have spend more thrui Uie avenige


sponsored b y the VETERAN’S POOR BOYS Fri. & Sat., D ec. 2 end 3Com o Early, Stoy Lota

I NEW INSELUMInsulated A lum inum

S I D I N GAlum inum sh ak e s id in g c o m b in in g a ll the .best featu res o f A L L o t h e r side w a lls .

Colorful, servicoblc, beautifula n d s o e c o n o m i c a l In f h e lo n g ru n .

Once Applied . . . No Additional Cost5 beautiful c o lo rs t o f i t a n y c o lo r schem e . . .

a n y s u rr o u n d in g s .



'Give M« a Place lo Stand and IHI IlMf the World"151 ROSE ST. TWIN FALLS RE 3-2179

Don'i muffH T H I S - t i m e !

Ju st^ c ly ou r Savings ■ in by Ihe TENTH, and.

him full earnings for He entire monih!

I N S U R E DS a fe t y . .p lu s a t t r a c t i v e '


“ ImeBtigatc before you irivcBt”


I The ON'I-r Saving* and Loan AuoelaUon la .Majlo Valley

_ ^ whose Acconnta are INSURED j J 'J ’ by a Federal Ageacy.



TWIN FALLS, pE 3-42il Oterland Shopping Ceaur


Off,ersHomeowners Real Savings

rnmllylinbilily.piu,. oth«-r Imrnrds. C.'i>»l- Btnntially Icon thnn pnrnble prol'-Llion chiiaed In aopnr,iii-pcFind out how miic m ay aave. Call an Ajetl today.


M o t h e r M a y h e l l e , H e l e n C a r t e r

a n d T h e H a p p i e s t B a n d i n I d a h o L a n d



TURKEYSUNDAYNothing to Buy! Just Register!

SNfood^uf f et FridayServed in t h e G a la R o o m . Y o u r c h o icc o f 8 hot

seafood d is h e s , 10 c o l d se a fo o d d ish es and over

T h e W e s f s M o s t P o p u l a r B u f f e t s !

A u u iiiw e iii BOIHU8. n u B p ie n iy o i n ot rolls and

pilre s o W cn b u t l e r a n d all th e c o t f c c you want.

All Y|bu Con Eot . . . . 5 . 0 0

Sblurdoy Night BuffetY o u r c h o ice o f 12 hot dishes, 8 h o t m e a t d is h e s ,

o v e r 2l) d e lic io u s ly prepared s a la d s , -12 c o l d

p la t e s , a s s o rte d meats and a p p e t iz e r s . P l e n t y

o f r o l l s , b u tte r an d drink.

A ll You Can Eat . . . . * 2 . 0 0

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