responding to online rfis/rfqs on the zadco esourcing portal … · 2018-12-06 · responding to...

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Responding to Online RFIs/RFQs on theZADCO eSourcing Portal and Sending

Clarification MessagesQuick User Guide

Version 2.0April 2016

Step 1: Visit and login to the ZADCO eSourcing Portal.

If this is the first time that you are logging in to the ZADCO eSourcing Portal you must acceptthe Portal User Agreement and change your temporary password to a new a password. Yournew password must be a minimum of 8 characters and be alpha-numeric (i.e. contains bothletters and numbers).

Once you have successfully logged in, you will be directed to the ZADCO eSourcingPortal Home page.

Step 2: Click on the ‘My RFI/My RFQ’ link (from the right hand side navigation bar)

Clicking on ‘My RFI/My RFQ’ link will direct you to ‘My RFI/My RFQ’ summary list page. Thissummary list displays all the RFI/RFQs that you have been invited by ZADCO to participate in orhave previously been involved in. Click on the relevant RFI/RFQ line that you would like torespond to.

Now that you have selected an RFI/RFQ you will be taken to the ‘RFI/RFQ Details’ page.

Step 3: To start responding to an RFI/RFQ, Click on the ‘Create Response’ button.

An automated prompt guiding you through the response process will appear.

Read the prompt carefully and then, Click on the ‘OK’ button

Alternatively, if you do not wish to participate, click on the ‘Decline to Respond’ button.

Select the Decline to Respond Reason from the dropdown menu.

Select “Decline to Respond” button to confirm.

An automated prompt, guiding you through the Decline to Respond process, will appear.

Read the prompt carefully and then, Click on the ‘OK’ button

If you wish to undo your decision to decline, select “Undo Decline”. Note that you can onlyperform this action until the closing date/ time for the RFI/RFQ.

Following the Undo Decline, you will now be able to proceed with creating your response.Click “Create Response” to start responding to an RFI/RFQ.

You will be directed to the RFI/RFQ Summary Page

From this page you will be able to:

Access the RFI/RFQ details

Submit a response to the ‘Technical’ and/or ‘Commercial’ envelopes

Download attachments from ZADCO

Upload (submit) attachments to support your response

Set your Response Currency for multi-currency RFQ’s. (This means that in the eventZADCO publishes multi-currency RFQ, you will be allowed to select and submit your bidin a single currency from the list of ZADCO’s approved currencies). In the event of asingle-currency RFQ, i.e. where ZADCO will specify the currency that all invited biddersneed to submit their response in, you will not be able to select your preferred currencyusing this feature. Note that Bidders will be able to view whether the RFQ is a single/multi-currency from the RFQ’s Settings tab as explained in Step 9. Further details on howto set the response currency are provided in Step 19.

Step 4: Search for Attachments that may have been uploaded by ZADCO from the navigationat the top left of the page.

Suppliers should note that ZADCO may also upload attachments at a question level which arenot visible under the ‘Buyer Attachments’ area. These question level attachments can beidentified with the following icon within the questionnaire, and need to be downloadedindividually:

Step 5: To download the attachment(s), Click on the ‘Buyer Attachments’ link.You will now be directed to the ‘Buyer Attachments’ page

Step 6: Click on the highlighted section of whichever file you would like to download, Click onthe ‘File Name’.

Step 7: Download (save) the file to your local computer, Click the ‘Save’ button.


Steps 5-7 above take you through how to download a single buyer attachment. You can alsodownload all of the buyer attachments in a single step by clicking ‘Mass Download’. Byclicking mass download, all the files in the ‘Buyer Attachments’ area will be downloaded inthe same folder structure as they appear online. (Mass download is only applicable to foldersand files available in the ‘Buyer Attachments’ area and not question level attachmentscontained within a questionnaire. Attachments contained at the question level need to bedownloaded individually).

Step 8: Open the downloaded file from your local computer. Review ZADCO’s comments,instructions or requests before responding to the RFI/RFQ.

Step 9: To review the RFQ Settings, click on the ‘Setting’ link. You will now be directed to the‘RFQ Settings’ page.

The RFQ Settings Page provides an overview of the request, deadline and time details,envelope settings and RFQ Currency Type.

Step 10: To return to the ‘My Response’ page, Click on the ‘My Response’ link.

Step 11: To respond to the RFQ, Click on ‘Edit Response’ button to complete your response tothe online questionnaire.

Step 12: Complete the questionnaire. Fields that are marked with a red asterisk aremandatory *.

Step 13: The ZADCO eSourcing Portal will log you out after 30 minutes of inactivity due tosecurity protocols. Any ‘unsaved’ changes to your online response may be lost as result of thetime-out. It is therefore extremely important that you click the ‘Save and Continue’ buttonregularly when completing online responses.

If you are required to upload an attachment as part of your response, please click onAdd/View Attachments and follow the below steps:

Step 14: Click on the ‘Upload New File” button.

Step 15: Search for the attachment on your local computer (by clicking the ‘Browse’ button);select the files you wish to upload, click ‘Open’, click ‘Confirm’ and then ‘Save All’

Step 16: When your response is complete, click on the ‘Save and Return’ button

Step 17: A prompt will appear. Read the prompt carefully and then, Click on the ‘OK’ button.

Step 18: You are also able to complete your response by using the ’Export / ImportResponse’ functionality. This allows you to complete the RFI/RFQ questionnaire (excludingattachment questions) offline in excel and then import it back into the RFI/RFQ to createthe online response. Click the “Download” button to save it as an excel file.

NOTE: Please read the instructions provided within the excel template carefully to ensurethat you do not change the format of the file as any changes to the format will result in thefile not being compatible for import.

Step 19: Ensure you set up the Response Currency for RFQs with the Commercial Envelopeand as RFQ Currency Type ‘Multi-Currency’. Click on the ‘Set Response Currency’ button.

Step 20: A new page will appear. Select your preferred ‘Currency’ from the dropdownmenu and click on the ‘Set and Return’ button.

Step 21: Click on the ‘Commercial Response’ on the top to validate the selected currencyand to complete your Commercial Response.

Step 22: Your selected currency will appear automatically in the ‘Quoted Currency’ columnfor all the line items of the Commercial Envelope. Complete your commercial response.

NOTE: In the event of a single-currency RFQ, i.e. where ZADCO will specify the currency that allinvited bidders need to submit their response in, you will not be able to select your preferredcurrency using this feature.

Step 23: Having completed your response, it is time to submit it to ZADCO. If you would like toview your entire response to all the online questionnaire envelopes and any attachments thatyou have uploaded, please click the ‘Printable View’ button.

Step 24: At any stage throughout the response process, either whilst you are completing yourresponse or after you have submitted your response to ZADCO, you are able requestclarifications to the RFI/RFQ.

Place the cursor on the “Messages” tab in the RFI/RFQ and click on “Create Message” tocommunicate with ZADCO for any clarifications to the RFI/RFQ. You can create, send, receiveand forward message through this Messages area.

Step 25: Click on “Create Message” button to send mail to ZADCO

Select the Message Classification, type the subject and content of your clarification messageand then click on “Send Message” to send your message to ZADCO.

Step 26: If ZADCO responds to your clarification message, you will receive an email alertinforming you that you have received a new message. Clicking on the URL in the message willtake you directly to your “Received Message” area.

Step 27: By clicking on the “Draft Message” button, you can view a list of the all the messagesthat you have saved as a draft but not sent to ZADCO.

Step 28: Once you have completed your response, it is highly recommended that you click the‘Validate Response’ button. The system will perform a check to ensure that all the mandatoryquestions have been answered.

In the event of any missing mandatory questions, a pop-up message will appear indicating theexact questions that require a response, and these questions will be highlighted in red with anerror symbol displayed against each question.

Step 29: Upon updating your response and completing any of the missing mandatoryquestions, click on the ‘Submit Response’ button.

Step 30: Congratulations, you have just successfully submitted your response to ZADCO. Youwill now see that the ‘Response Last Submitted On’ status has changed from stating ‘NotSubmitted Yet’ to displaying the exact date and time stamp of your submitted response. Youwill receive a system generated alert confirming your submission.

Please note that throughout the various stages of the RFI/RFQ process you will receive systemgenerated alerts to either confirm an action you have performed or notifications beingprovided by ZADCO.

Examples of these alerts include, an alert to notify you that you have been invited toparticipate in an RFI/RFQ; an alert to advise you that a new clarification message has beenissued by ZADCO; an alert to advise you that changes have been made to an online RFI/RFQquestionnaire, etc.

NOTE: In the event that ZADCO makes a change to the online RFQ, you will receive an emailalert prompting you to review the change and to re-submit your response. Ensure that youvalidate and re-set the Response Currency again if ZADCO makes a change (e.g. by adding anew line) to the RFQ’s Commercial Envelope.

Guidance on Spam Filters:In order to prevent system generated email alerts from being quarantined by yourorganization fire wall or spam filter, please instruct your IT team to accept all emails or with a "" extension.

Please also review the Junk Email settings of your email client software to avoid accidentalmessage deletion.


It is important to submit your Response BEFORE the closing date and time that is specified byZADCO. This deadline is clearly visible in the RFI (EOI) or RFQ/ITT setting page as well asmentioned in the email that you will receive when you are invited to participate in anRFI/RFQ.


Please contact the eSourcing Help Desk for assistance

You can also reach us from Sunday - Thursday between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm (UAE Time) at:+ 971 800 TENDERS ( +971 800 836 33 77)

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