research project multimedia

Post on 22-May-2015






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This is a brief presentation of a ITESM-CEM research proposal


Impact of multimedia tools in the learning of social contents in colleges of social sciences of the ITESM-CEM

4 th Mexican Brown bag

Marco Antonio González

Multimedia world


A recently survey published in “Time” magazine indicated that the most important invention of 2006 had been the system for sharing video archives best known as In this site are participating, in a month, 70 million of users from all over de world. As, already exists thousand of Internet sites (personal pages, video sites, podcast sites) that are operating under the same mechanism of interchange video and audio archives.

Objectives To make a diagnosis in social

sciences students of their level of use of multimedia tools.

To develop learning contents based on images and voice by the employ of multimedia tools in social sciences courses

To carry out a state-of-the-art research on world’s tendencies using multimedia tools.

Method:- A questionnaire will be designed to evaluate the use that a sample of social sciences colleges of the ITESM-CEM are doing of multimedia tools in their academic activities. This questionnaire will be applied to establish a diagnosis of the technological culture that this group has.- An empirical research will be carried out during the Seminary of Political Psychology in which different multimedia activities using videos and podcast will be delivering for students. Afterwards it will be an evaluation of the students learning.

Research questions What is the impact of

multimedia tools in the learning of social contents in colleges of social sciences of the ITESM-CEM?

What is the technological culture of colleges of social sciences of the ITESM-CEM that allows them to take advantage of multimedia tools in their learning process?

Bibliography Applying multimedia instruction in e-learning. Jereb, Eva; Šmitek,

Branislav. Innovations in Education & Teaching International, Feb 2006, Vol. 43 Issue 1, p15-27.

Learning Strategies and Performance In a Technology Integrated Classroom. Debevec, Kathleen; Shih, Mei-Yau; Kashyap, Vishal. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, Spring 2006, Vol. 38 Issue 3, p293-307, 15p.

Use of Technology for Constructivist Learning in a Performance Assessment Class. Juniu, Susana. Measurement in Physical Education & Exercise Science, 2006, Vol. 10 Issue 1, p67-79, 13p.

Collaborative Streaming in Heterogeneous and Dynamic Scenarios. Kahmann, Verena; Brandt, Jens; Wolf, Lars. Communications of the ACM, Nov 2006, Vol. 49 Issue 11, p58-63, 6p.

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