research paper final version -part 2

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  • 7/29/2019 Research Paper Final Version -Part 2



    Universidad Estatal a Distancia

    Escuela de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades

    Ctedra de Enseanza del Ingls

    5184 Investigacin en la Enseanza del Ingls II



    Norka Ivannia Urea Cruz


  • 7/29/2019 Research Paper Final Version -Part 2




    CHAPTER I - INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................... 4

    Introduction............................................................................................................................................. 4

    Justification ............................................................................................................................................. 5

    Objectives................................................................................................................................................. 6

    General objective:................................................................................................................................. 6

    Specific objectives:................................................................................................................................ 6

    Statement of the problem ....................................................................................................................... 7

    Hypothesis................................................................................................................................................ 8

    CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE .......................................................................................................... 9

    Theoretical Framework.......................................................................................................................... 9

    Population and Work Design ............................................................................................................... 12

    Population........................................................................................................................................... 12

    Work Design........................................................................................................................................ 13

    CHAPTER III METHODOLOGICAL FRAMEWORK ....................................................................................... 16

    Methodological framework.................................................................................................................. 16

    CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS OF DATA COLLECTION ......................................................................................... 19

    General Analysis ................................................................................................................................... 19

    First Instrument .................................................................................................................................... 19

    Second Instrument ................................................................................................................................ 19

    Third instrument................................................................................................................................... 19

    Detailed Data Analysis.......................................................................................................................... 19

    CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................. 20

    Conclusions............................................................................................................................................ 20

    Recommendations ................................................................................................................................. 20

    CHAPTER VI BIBLIOGRAPHY AND ANNEXES ............................................................................................. 21

    Bibliography .......................................................................................................................................... 21

    Annexes .................................................................................................................................................. 25

    INSTRUMENT 1................................................................................................................................ 25

    INSTRUMENT 2................................................................................................................................ 27

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    INSTRUMENT 3................................................................................................................................ 29

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    One problem in todays education is the poor English level the students have since the

    beginning of their school life up to end of it, for this reason, it is the present researchs intention

    to try and establish if one of the causes for such problem is the lack of motivation the students

    have towards the second language.

    This research is being held at a school in San Carlos where there is evidence of the poor

    English level the students have by the time they finish elementary school. Juan Bautista Sols

    Rodrguez its a public school, one of the biggest schools in the area with almost a thousand

    students signed for the present year, the school is located in the central part of the city and for

    this reason it has students who belong to diverse social statuses. The school is constantly taking

    under renovation and the principal makes all the efforts to maintain it the best possible not only

    in terms if infrastructure but also in terms of education. It is because of the above reasons that

    finding a solution to the problem its so important. The students motivation towards English

    lessons are a huge challenge to overcome for an ever-growing and important school in the area

    that is always looking for better options to have academic excellence. In the following pages

    determining the possibility of finding a solution to the motivation problem in the school is a main

    goal as well as trying to help the teachers handling the issue the best way possible with the idea

    of helping the students to enjoy English classes and hopefully to find the language useful for

    their future lives.

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    The purpose of this research is to demonstrate that motivation is a key element when it

    comes to learning and/or acquiring a second language during childs school years. By conducting

    surveys with the population in question, interviews and comparisons between the levels of

    interest that the students have towards English as well as the materials that the student finds more

    appealing it will be possible to determine whether the motivation is a key element in acquiring

    the second language. At the end of this research it will be possible to determine if the reason for

    the students to finish elementary school with such a poor level of English acquisition and usage

    is because they are not motivated enough to learn the second language or if, on the contrary,

    there is another reason for this to be happening.

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    General objective:

    To determine the role that motivation plays in the learning process, and the level of

    motivation that the population under study has, towards English language.

    Specific objectives:

    1. Determine if the materials and activities used during class time are motivating enough forthe students from 1

    stuntil 6


    2. Determine the students level of interest towards the language since 1 st grade and until 6thgrade.

    3. Compare the students from 1st to 6th grades in relation to their attitude towards English.4. Contrast the teaching style towards English lessons with the students attitude towards it.

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    Statement of the problem

    Many factors can be causing that the students at Juan Bautista Sols Rodrguez

    Elementary School graduate with a poor English level, for the purpose of the research the focus

    will be on determining if the level of motivation the students have towards the second language

    is playing a key role in the students interest, learning and attitude towards the language. Based

    on previous analysis and data collected, the evidence is that the students interest related to the

    language is not as good as it should be and conducting this research is a mean to understand the

    reason for such behavior and to determine whether motivation is the key or not in order to take

    the necessary actions. The reason to work with this topic is helping the students realizing that

    English lessons are great, and to help the teachers understand that the best way to have

    committed students in the class is by helping them to like the class, to keep them motivated in

    relation to the learning process.

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    What could be causing 6


    graders to perform poorly in English, is it the level of

    motivation or their interest towards a second language?

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    Theoretical Framework

    The importance of keeping the students motivated during class is very much related to the

    students development, understanding and attitude towards the language; showing that

    cultural diversity is a positive and natural part of life (Coures, 2006); It helps the students

    appreciate and embrace the fact of learning a different language better.

    It is important to explain that the problem described at the beginning of this research

    paper has existed since ever and the evidence of such problem is that the students performance

    in English along our public schools is very poor. The reason why is it so important to try to

    determine the cause or causes it is because something needs to be done, it is inexplicable how a

    student in our public education system who receives English since the first grade up to the sixth

    grade do not ended up bilingual by the time he/she enters high school and what the present paper

    aims to establish is if that lack of preparation is due to a lack of cultural understanding about the

    culture represented by the language being taught; when you let the students acknowledge that

    others' customs and values are valid for them. (Coures, 2006) you are helping not only to

    develop tolerance but also to create in the students that sense of belonging, not only to their

    culture but to other cultures as well, specially that represented by the second language.

    Our world's survival may depend on better understanding of both the interconnectedness

    and diversity of its people (Coures, 2006), it is for this reason that helping students understand

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    who they are, where they come from, who they are surrounded by and mostly who they share the

    world with is essential in developing in them a real interest in the cultures different than theirs.

    Acculturation refers to a process of change that a person or group undergoes when living

    in [or knowing about] another culture and involves decisions about incorporating values and life

    skills of a country of origin into lifestyles in a new country (Selvamanickam, Zgryza, Gorman,

    2001), according to this definition it is possible to say that a person who is in contact or at least

    understands a culture that is different than his/her own can interact in a better way that a person

    who do not have that understanding, is for this reason that this paper deals with such

    acculturation view in order to help teachers understand that cultural understanding is not just a

    random word used in the curricula, it is above all a strategy for helping the students get in touch

    with the culture represented by the second language.

    Taking a young children overseas to a foreign country with a different language can be a

    challenging and sometimes traumatic experience for children, however if the child accomplished

    what is called the biculturalism (Berry, 2011) it becomes really easy for them to accept and

    embrace the new culture he/she is exposed to. The same thing happens with children and the

    foreign language in school, children are exposed to the new language with no understanding of

    what it is good for, how can help it them in the future and furthermore how can they deal with it

    when they know nothing about the culture in which such language is spoken, no wonder why

    kids learn little about the target language, they turn into entities that just repeats to the teachers

    inputs with no meaning at all, for this reason it is very understandable that kids do not end

    elementary school been bilingual, because they just dont have a reason to learn and be interest

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    in something they do not understand. This bicultural integration pretends that a child

    successfully blends the cultures of the host country with the country of origin (Berry, 1990)

    and in the classroom teachers should aim for the same, trying to incorporate contents that have

    meaning to children and that they can relate to real situations, this way the students will develop

    interest in the target language.

    Language and culture are from the start inseparably connected (Buttjes, 1990), for this

    reason teachers need to realize that there is no English learning and understanding in an ESL

    classroom unless there is a cultural understanding. For many children any language that is

    different to their native tongue is difficult, it is something unnatural and something challenging

    in most cases and it is the teachers responsibility to make sure that the experience of a second

    language learning is as enhancing and less traumatic and frustrating as possible and the best way

    to get the best results in a ESL class is by helping the students understand and appreciate the

    content they are being presented to. If the kids find way to identify themselves with the culture of

    the second language it will be easier to them to feel more comfortable in foreign language

    situations and they will be more open to it; It is widely agreed that satisfactory identity

    development and positive self-esteem in young people is linked to cultural identification

    (Selvamanickam, Zgryza, Gorman, 2001).

    Culture is central to learning. It plays a role not only in communicating and receiving

    information, but also in shaping the thinking process of groups and individuals. A pedagogy that

    acknowledges, responds to, and celebrates fundamental cultures offers full, equitable access to

    education for students from all cultures. (Education Alliance, 2006), because of this is that

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    teachers need to be more understanding when it comes to learning a second language, and

    provide the students with all the necessary tools for them to keep it up with the target language, it

    is the teachers responsibility to develop and encourage in the student a positive attitude towards

    the second language and to help them relate what they are learning with real and concrete


    Population and Work Design


    Population is a combination of all the objects, subjects or members that obey to a set of

    specifications (Polit and Hungler). For this study the population selected are the students from 1st

    to 6th

    grade with different educational and socio-economical statues, in order to guarantee that

    the population will be representative for the research the study will be conducted at a public

    school, where students follows MEPs syllabus. For the purpose of getting sufficient and

    efficient information that allows contrasting the results, it is necessary to take one group of

    students per each grade who will be randomly selected to avoid any alteration of the results, the

    researcher takes into consideration one group of first graders, one group of second graders, one

    group of third graders, one group of fourth graders, one group of fifth graders and one group of

    sixth graders, in order to determine their level of motivation in all of the 6th

    different grades and

    based on the results, to determine if the materials and activities are appealing enough for all of


    The school is located in Ciudad Quesada, 200 meters. South from San Roques Catholic

    Church, with a population of nearly 700 students in two different schedules, rotating in the

    morning and afternoon shift; Juan Bautista Sols Rodrguez was founded in the year 1952 by a

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    group of neighbors who saw the need of opening another school in town, it started as a small

    school in the house of a neighbor and in 1953 the land where the school is now, was donated and

    the construction process started, today is one of the biggest public schools in the area and the

    second one with more students, all of them from very different and varied social, economic and

    educational statuses.

    The school has 15 classrooms that have all the basic services and resources, a white and a

    blackboard, a teachers desk, students desks (approximately for 40 students per classroom), and a

    closet with materials. There is one dining room with capacity to receive approximately 50

    students at a time. There is one computer laboratory with approximately 15 computers that it can

    be used by both teachers and students. The school has a gym that was recently renovate, there are

    also two storage rooms, two classrooms for special subjects (aulas de recurso), one classroom for

    significant curricular accommodations (apoyo fijo en problemas de aprendizaje) and one

    teachers lounge, on the second floor the school has a ballet and music hall and in front of the

    school there is the secretary and the principals office.

    The school staff consists of 40 teachers, only two of them are in charge of the English

    classes for all the school, imparting 3 lessons a week per group, there is also the administrative

    personnel who takes care of everything not related to education.

    Work Design

    This research will mainly focus on the students performance in the English subject and

    in proving or disproving if one of the reasons why some students have a very hard time with

    English is because they do not feel motivated to learn and like the language. Todays teaching

    methods allow the teachers to use the imagination, there are tons of fun and interesting material,

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    appealing to all ages and the teachers must use those resources in order to help the students like

    English classes, teachers must avoid at all cost the repetition and memorization that some

    teachers still use as a valid teaching method, English is a subject that needs encouragement from

    the teacher; no teacher can expect to have a student who has never had a contact with other

    language different than his mother tongue that from the very first feel comfortable interacting in

    a different language, motivation is very important to involve students with the learning and to

    help them understand that English language can be very fun and very satisfactory.

    In order to achieve the goals, a series of instruments will be applied to both the teachers

    and the students with the idea to evaluate the students motivation and the teachers application

    of motivating activities in the classroom, the main goal is to reach a conclusion, that helps

    determine if the poor level of English the students graduate with by the time they finish school is

    because of the lack of motivation towards the second language they receive during class time, or

    if, on the contrary, motivation is just fine and the cause is something else.

    The data will be collected by using the interview, the survey and the observation. The

    interviews intention is to interview the English teachers at Juan Bautista Sols Rodrguez with

    the idea of getting an clear view on how classes are conducted, if such classes uses motivation to

    keep the students interest in the lesson as well as the level of commitment and interest the

    teachers have in using motivation as a tool for helping the students learn and appreciate the

    second language. Another way to collect the data will be by conducting a survey, it will be done

    with one randomly selected group of students from first to sixth grade and it will focus on

    learning the level of motivation the students have in relation to English lessons and the

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    understanding of the second language. Finally the observation aims to put all the data collected

    with the other two instruments under the microscope to determine if what the students and

    teachers told or did during the instruments application is correct and to learn more about the

    students and teachers behavior.

    The method being used for this research is a mixed one since it will use elements of the

    qualitative as well as the quantitative method; it focuses on gathering data to acquire knowledge

    and provide a possible explanation for the phenomenon, purpose of this investigation (in this

    case, the level of motivation of elementary school students). This research looks only to explain

    the phenomenon, not modify it since the modification of the curricula in order to meet the

    students needs in terms of motivation can be the topic of a completely separate research. The

    primary idea is to find out how things are right now and if they are beneficial or prejudicial to

    students language learning process, all of this with the only idea of providing a theory that

    might help other teachers, parents and students in the future.

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    Methodological framework

    In order to help the reader understand the purpose and goal of the research it is important

    to describe the methods and techniques used in order to achieve the objectives and in order to

    elaborate on the final results based on the hypothesis.

    Based on previous teaching experiences it is possible to describe some techniques that

    have worked in particular classroom environments for particular students or groups of students,

    for example, regarding motivation it is important to always caught the students attention first,

    never begin a class while the students are talking or playing or laughing; one thing that works

    wonders in controlling the level of excitement of a classroom is to use a calm and soothing tone

    to start the lesson, a teacher that yells or seems anxious will transmit those feelings to the

    students and the class will become a complete mess, one technique that works great is to get to

    class and encourage the students to put everything away, no pencils, pens, books, etc., on the

    desk, that way the students attention will be focused in the teacher and not on something else.

    Once the class is under control it is time to get started, a fun activity works great with all levels

    but it is important to know what kind of activities works best for each grade, for example 1st

    cycle students love to sing, they participate and have tons of fun but 2nd

    cycle students feel

    ashamed of making a fool of themselves, finding the proper activity to suit the students better is

    the most important thing when it comes to motivation, to help the students embrace the new

    learning with fun and interactive tasks goes a long way when teaching English. Songs are a fun

    way to learn and to participate in a classroom but, as mentioned above, it is not for all grades,

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    however it is a great ice-breaker with small kids. Another good technique when trying to have a

    motivated class is to use real life objects, kids respond better to things they can relate to their real

    lives than with things that are just a representation of something that might or might not be

    related to the kids reality, having artifacts and tools and toys that the kid can play with and

    touch and feel is a great way to involved them with the learning process.

    To support the main objective of the research, getting in touch with the students is the

    way to go, interacting with the students and taking to them, their interests and attitude towards

    English brings a valuable information on the completion of the research, therefore the

    instruments used to find answers needs to think on the students needs as well as on the teachers

    appreciation towards the way English is taught in Costa Rican schools, an action plan includes to

    interview the English teachers in order to understand how they see English lessons and above all

    how they teach English lessons, the way a teacher conducts a class is closely related to the level

    of motivation the students have; no matter how the syllabus is design, is the teachers role to

    keep the students interest towards the lesson and more important towards the language. Another

    strategy is to conduct a class observation to see how the students and the teacher interact

    together, how is the level of intrinsic motivation the students have towards language and the

    level of commitment in the classroom, from both parts, teachers and students. The last

    instrument is a questionnaire among the students, the questionnaire aims to find the level of

    motivation the students have in relation to English language in general as well as to the language

    class and the teacher, specific questions will be presented to the children to try to understand

    their point of view, since after all, the research is centered in finding a solution to the problem of

    low level caused by the lack of motivation in the classroom. The validity of the instruments is as

    well as the reliability are determine by the degree in which the instruments measure and give the

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    expected results and both of them are subject to the answers and the results obtained once the

    data is collected, each instruments was constructed taking those elements into consideration and

    the intention is that both are as valid and as reliable as needed.

    The methodology used is a mixed one since it has component of both qualitative and

    quantitative research, the survey and the observation sheet are part of the qualitative method

    since they aim to get a subjective response from both, the teachers and the students as well as an

    appreciation from the researchers part; the questionnaire is part of the quantitative method that

    searches to have certain information put together in order to compare the results. Once the data is

    collected the next step is to find the conclusions and recommendations that fit the purpose of the

    entire work, from understanding the point of view of the teachers and students to getting a

    personal perspective of the things that happens in the classroom, the job is to reach an

    understanding to establish is the hypothesis described at the beginning of the paper is right or

    wrong; this action research educational study is considering the data collected from a school with

    a real problem with the intention of reflecting about the particular situation and coming up with

    solutions and/or recommendations in order for the school to create an action plan to face the

    situation the best way possible.

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    General Analysis

    First Instrument

    Second Instrument

    Third instrument

    Detailed Data Analysis

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    Alberta Teachers Association. (n.d.) Understanding ESL Learners: Moving Toward Cultural

    ResponsivenessA Guide for Teachers. Retrieved from: alist-

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    Alsayed, M. (2003). Factors That Contribute to Success in Learning English as a Foreign

    Language. Damascus University Journal. 19, 21-44.

    Berry, J. W. (2011). Integration and Multiculturalism: Ways towards Social Solidarity. Papers

    on Social Representations. 20, 2.1-2.21.

    Buttjes, D. (1990). Teaching Foreign Language and Culture: Social Impact and Political

    Significance. Language Learning Journal, 2, 53-57.

    Cakir, I. (2006). Developing Cultural Awareness In Foreign Language Teaching. Kirikkale,

    Turkey: Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education.
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    Clouet, R. (2006, January 5). Between ones own culture and the target culture: The language

    teacher as intercultural mediator. Porta Linguarum, pp 53-62.

    Cole M, Hakkarainen P, Bredikyte M. (2010). Culture and Early Childhood Learning.

    Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development. 1- 6.

    Coures, J. M. (2006).Helping Children Understand Other Cultures. Houston, Texas: University

    of Houston.

    Idrees, A. (n.d.). Teaching and Learning Culture of a Second Language. Alzaeim Alazhari:

    Alzaeim Alazhari University.

    Kuo, M. & Lai, Ch. (n.d.). Linguistics across Cultures: The Impact of Culture on Second

    Language Learning. Retrieved from:

    Lessard-Clouston, M. (1997). Towards an Understanding of Culture in L2/FL Education.

    Retrieved from:

    McGee, K. (n.d.). How Cultural Differences May Affect Student Performance. Retrieved from:
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    Pardede, P. (n.d.). The Inevitability of Incorporating Culture into a Foreign Language Classroom.

    Indonesia: Universitas Kirsten Indonesia.

    Riabov, L. (1998). Learning English and Cultural Adjustment. Retrieved from:

    Ritlyov, A. (n.d.). Cultural Studies in Language Teaching. Retrieved from:

    Selvamanickam S. Zgryza M. Gorman D. (2011). Coping in a New World: The Social and

    Emotional Wellbeing of Young People From Culturally and Linguistically Diverse

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    Tang, R. (1999). The Place of "Culture" in the Foreign Language Classroom: A Reflection.

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    Uzun, K. (2011). Teaching A Foreign Language and Foreign Culture to Young Learners .

    International Journal of Business, Humanities and Technology. 1, 152-164.
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    Zion, S. (et al). (2005). Understanding Culture. Tempe, Arizona: Arizona State University.

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    Universidad Estatal a DistanciaEscuela de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades

    Ctedra de Enseanza del Ingles5184 Investigacin en la Enseanza del Ingls II

    Researcher: Norka Ivannia Urea Cruz

    Lesson Observation for Teachers and Students

    School: Name of the observer:

    Date of observation: Length of lesson:

    Subject: Class:


    3 2

    1. The teacher plans effectively and sets the objectives clearly.2. The teacher relates the material to real life situations.3. The teacher shows comprehension of the importance of teaching cultural


    4. The teaching methods aim to teach with a clear view of what the secondlanguage represents to the students.

    5. The material helps in the understanding of the target language.6. Teacher uses materials to show the importance of the culture represented by the

    second language.

    7. Teacher caught the students attention towards the second language.

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    8. Teacher praised the students regularly for their good effort and achievements.9. Students work is assessed thoroughly making sure they understand the material.10.Teacher fosters productive outcomes.


    3 2

    1. The students are interested on the target language.2. Studentsfeel praised regularly for their good effort and achievements.3. Students understand the material.4. Students have cultural understanding on the culture represented by the L2.5. Students work is assessed thoroughly.6. Students feel comfortable using the second language in the classroom.7. Students are self-conscious about interacting in English.8. The students feel identify with the material.9. Students produced productive outcomes.10.Students understand the importance of using English.

    Comments by the observer:

    3. Totally 2. Partially 1. Scarcely 0. No

  • 7/29/2019 Research Paper Final Version -Part 2




    Universidad Estatal a Distancia

    Escuela de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades

    Ctedra de Enseanza del Ingles5184 Investigacin en la Enseanza del Ingls II

    Researcher: Norka Ivannia Urea Cruz

    Personal Interview

    Teachers name: School:

    Interviewers name: Date of interview:

    Purpose of interview

    To make a general evaluation of the opinion teachers have regarding MEPs syllabus and

    how it contributes to the students understanding and acceptance of the new language and into

    the application the students can give it in their daily lives.

    Specific objectives

    1. To learn teachers opinions.2. To gather information and make an evaluation of the syllabus.3. To know if teachers apply cultural understanding in the classroom.4. To understand if the teacher teaches cultural understanding.


    1. Do you have a clear idea of what cultural understanding means?

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    2. Do you help your students to have cultural understanding as a means to apply the newlanguage into real life situations?

    3. Do the students show interest during English class?4. What are some techniques you use to help students understanding why is important to

    learn English?

    5. Do you think that students respond to an English lesson they can relate with their livesbetter than one where they just have to memorize things?

    6. Is it possible to make the students like, the English subject better if they can relate thetarget language with their real lives?

    7. Do you think that MEPs syllabus gives the teachers all the necessary tools andguidelines in order to help the students understand English subject better?

    8. What techniques or materials would you use in order to make the students like theEnglish subject better?

    9. Is it possible to have students in public schools graduate from sixth grade with a goodEnglish level? Why?

    10.What would you change in the syllabus to make it better in helping students keep it upwith English subject?

  • 7/29/2019 Research Paper Final Version -Part 2




    Universidad Estatal a Distancia

    Escuela de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades

    Ctedra de Enseanza del Ingles

    5184 Investigacin en la Enseanza del Ingls IIResearcher: Norka Ivannia Urea Cruz

    Case Study

    1. Determine and define the research questions:a. Establishes the focus of the study by forming questions about the situation or


    b. Determining a purpose for the study:2. Select the cases and determine data gathering and analysis techniques:

    a. Determine what approaches to use in selecting unique or typical situations toexamine in depth.

    b. Decide which instruments and data gathering approaches to use.3. Prepare to collect the data:

    a. Determine the procedure to follow.4. Collect data in the field:

    a. Search for the sources of evidence.b. Observe carefully.c. Maintain a relationship between the issue and the evidence collected.

    5. Evaluate and analyze the data:a. Interpret the results of your data.

    6. Prepare the report:a. The data must be easy to read and understand by others.

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