research on magazine layouts

Post on 07-Nov-2014






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Masthead- The masthead of this magazine is in a cool colour. Although the masthead is partly covered up by the main image, you can still see the large front size and how bold it is. I believe this is effective because it still is eye-catching to reader. The masthead is unique compared to other student magazine as the front is very clear, bold and simple. The choice of green being the main colour of front on a black background makes the masthead stand out more.Dateline Month and year of publication- The dateline month and year of publication is also above the masthead. It’s in a smaller front size but still noticeable for the reader to see. Because of where it is placed on the magazine the reader will automatically draw their attention to the issue date.This magazine has a striking, strong single image of a man posing with some books indicating that he study’s at this college. This image also goes with the flow of the magazine and does not outshine the magazine. The magazine overall is a bold magazine due to the front sizes, colour, text and layout. The image is used in a classy way and draws attention from the audience from the model making full eye contact. Cover lines- the cover lines do not take all the attention away from the main image even though part of it is slightly covering the image. The choices of colours are simple and bold keeping with the style of this magazine. The text is partly bold and easy to read as well as short and straight to the point. Although some of the front sizes can be argued that they are too small.Main cover line- This is located at the models shoulder so it shows up clearly. It’s simple, straight forward and bold and sticks to the colour theme of this magazine. It promotes Dancehall and main story is an article based on Jeffrey assassin Campbell a famous Dj who succeeded on his attempt on making a career on Dancehall. Bar code Standard bar code used by retailersLeft third- The left third of the magazine cover is vital for sales in shops where the magazine is not shown full-frontage. The title must be easily recognisable in a display of dozens of competitors. The start of the masthead is important here, as are short cover lines that are easy to read.

I find this content is bold but yet simple. You can clearly see it’s a content page by the layout and design …..List of features: This magazine has a clear list of features with the pages to find them. The front size is easy to read, bold and clear. The colours fit perfectly as they are the same colours that are used throughout this page.Main image: the main image is an image of a group of friends taking a picture of what it seems to be there night out. This image is bold and stands out. It fits with the genre of the magazine and clearly indicates where to go to find out more about that image.Other images: Other images are of a kfc bucket, giving the reader the impression that page will be about food and anther image is of a young lady. Although, due to no caption under the image, you will not be able to tell what that page is about because the message the image is sending is not clear.After each headline the content page has a deck (a short summary of the article). This content page is also filled with captions and sidebars. There are 3 boxes including an image and a two-sided border.



This content page is very different to your typical content page. This is partly due to the layout that has been created. The text does not seem to be in a column but instead in the middle of the page. The text also is not straight and there is no main image/caption. I find this content page to be unique and different. I like the fact that the designer decided to break all the rules in creating this content page. Just by looking at the content page you automatically know it’s a content page but with an unusual and bold design.Unlike the first content page, this one is completely different. Content page B has a different layout, it does not have boxes or borders like content page A. Instead the images blend in with the background. There is also no main image but 3 very bold image each making its own statement. Both content pages have straight lines but in content B the straight lines are diagonal. Unlike content page A, content page B has a caption under each photo. Neither of the content pages has a by-line but both seems to have a deck. In addition to that both content pages lack in a nameplate & logo

Title: The title is bold but does not draw too much attention from the actually picture. Although the choice of colours could be different to draw the attention from the reader as having a white on white background does not always have an effect.Images: the main image of this page fits in with the genre of the page but does not have a huge effort. The image shows a boy playing the drums I believe to have more of an effect, this image could have been taken at a different angle and could have also not have been done so close up. In order for the reader to know what the image represents the reader has to read the caption.Intro-paragraph: There is a small into to the paragraph but it does not stand out.Text about article: The text size is suitable and the quantity and quality of the text is just right. He mongered to get his main points out without boring the reader. The colour of text is also suitable it is clean and fits in with the two other colours of the magazine.Image 2: This image is an image of someone playing at the festival. It fits in perfectly with the context of this page and the size does not over shine anything.

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