research item description: au 1

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IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: AU 1

Title Development of a multi-zone analysis program for hybrid ventilation

Objective To develop a design analysis tool for natural and hybrid ventilation based onthree existing CSIRO thermal and flow programs.

Methodology 1. To further develop CSIRO’s flow rate program MIX2.0 to include effect ofthermal stratification and CHEETAH to predict thermal stratification

2. To implement common control strategies in the integrated program

Description CSIRO has developed CHEMIX for multi-zone analysis of natural ventilation.The program has been applied to a hybrid ventilation system design. Theexperience gained from these studies will be utilised to improve the program.The major deficiencies in CHEMIX are uniform temperature assumptions andlack of experimental verification. Experimental data will be gathered from anunoccupied office building to partially evaluate the program during this study.Other evaluation work will include more component model evaluation andcomparison with some exact solutions.

Country Australia Planned Effort: 18 Staff Months

ActivityReview x x x x

Code x x x x x x x x xVerification x x x x x x x x x x x

Reporting x x x x x


MIX3.0 x x x x x xCHEMIX2.0 x x x x x x x x x xVerification x x x x x x x x x x x

Principal Name: Dr Angelo Delsante Affiliation: CSIRO BCE

Investigator Address: P O Box 56

Graham Road, Highett, Vic 3190 Australia

Phone: +61 3 9252 6000 Fax: +61 3 9252 6240


Contributors Yuguo Li, Steve Moller and Li Chen

IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: AU 2

Title Single-zone and multi-zone probabilistic and analytical models

Objective To develop a simple design analysis tool for natural and hybrid ventilationbased on analytical solutions for simple buildings.

Methodology 1. To develop new and simple analytical solutions in single-zone and multi-zone buildings

2. To apply a probabilistic analysis method to those solutions

Description CSIRO has developed new analytical solutions for natural ventilation in bothsingle-zone and multi-zone buildings. These solutions will be used to developsimple design programs and graphs for natural and hybrid ventilation.However, passive cooling will not be considered in the simple approaches. Aprobabilistic approach will be applied in these solutions to study the outputuncertainty due to uncertainties in the input parameters such as wind, itsdirection, outdoor temperature, solar radiation and so on. This work willcollaborate with KTH. CFD will also be used for solution evaluation.

Country Australia Planned Effort: 10 Staff Months

ActivityReview x x x

Solutions x x x x x x xCFD x x x x x x x x

Program x x x x x x x x x


Analytical x x x x x xProbabilistic x x x x x x x x x x

Design software x x x x x x x

Principal Name: Dr Yuguo Li Affiliation: CSIRO BCE

Investigator Address: P O Box 56

Graham Road, Highett, Vic 3190, Australia

Phone: +61 3 9252 6000 Fax: +61 3 9252 6240


Contributors Angelo Delsante, Jeff Symons, Stephen Meddings and Li Chen

IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: AU 3

Title Flow patterns in a hybrid ventilated building

Objective To understand flow patterns in a hybrid ventilated building with solarchimneys and sub-floor plenums.

Methodology 1. To apply CHEMIX to study the interaction of natural ventilation andpassive cooling

2. To investigate flow patterns and their implication in flow control

Description Solar chimneys provide an effective natural ventilation method, while sub-floorplenums are often used as a passive cooling technique. A combination of thetwo mechanisms offers an ideal energy-efficient design option for somebuildings. The flow patterns in such buildings were studied when temperaturesin each zone are given. In this project, we intend to study the effect ofinteraction of natural ventilation and passive cooling on flow pattern. Differentdesign options will be studied.

Country Australia Planned Effort: 5 Staff Months

ActivityCode x x x x x x

Passive cool x x x x x xFlow pattern x x x x x x x x x x

Reporting x x x x


Evaluation x x x x x xPassive cool x x x x x xFlow pattern x x x x x x x x x x

Principal Name: Dr Yuguo Li Affiliation: CSIRO BCE

Investigator Address: P O Box 56

Graham Road, Highett, Vic 3190, Australia

Phone: +61 3 9252 6000 Fax: +61 3 9252 6240


Contributors Yuguo Li and Angelo Delsante

IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: AU 4

Title Prediction of thermal and visual comfort criteria and their impact on energyconsumption in an office setting with hybrid control

Objective The project will evaluate occupant thermal and visual requirements and their impact onenergy consumption in a Sydney office setting where natural ventilation is supplemented byon-demand cooling and heating and light switching is conveniently accessible to occupants.It will produce predictive relationships for comfort, use of control options and energyconsumption.

Methodology Room temperature and status (open/closed) of windows and external doors, fan coilunits, (cooling/heating, on/off), status of electric lights will be monitored continuouslyfor 12 months. Control modifications will be introduced and a further 12 monthscontinuous monitoring will follow a habituation period of 4 months.

Description The building is a heavyweight masonry construction. 24 rooms with operablehopper windows have been fitted with refrigerated reverse cycle fan coil unitsconnected to a variable refrigerant flow condensing unit outdoors. Occupantsof each room decide independently whether to operate the fan coil unit or toopen windows. They adjust the thermostat and fan speed and direction ofstream as desired. Electric lights are switched independently in each room.

Country Australia Planned Effort: 54 Staff Months

ActivityPlanning & instruments x

Phase 1 x x x x xPhase 2 x x x x

Reporting x x x


Principal Name: David Rowe Affiliation: Dept. of Architectural & Design Science

Investigator Address: The University of Sydney

Wilkinson Building (GO4), NSW 2006, Australia

Phone: +612 9351 2490 Fax: +612 9351 3031


Contributors A/Prof. W.G. Julian (Uni of Sydney), Dr. R.J. de Dear (Macquarie University)

IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: B1

Title Further development and monitoring of hybrid ventilation concept for PROBEbuilding, Limelette, Belgium

Objective The PROBE building was renovated in 1996 and combines a demandcontrolled mechanical ventilation for IAQ control with intensive naturalventilation for summer control. The aim is to improve the operation of theintensive ventilation and to minimise the use of the mechanical ventilation.


Description In a first phase, an analysis of various concepts for a more intelligent controlwill be made. Then, at least for one of them, it will be implemented in 1 or 2offices and finally a detailed monitoring, including indoor climate and energyuse will be carried out.

Country Belgium Planned Effort: 6 Staff Months

ActivityStudy of concepts




1st report X2nd report X

Final report X

Principal Name: N. Heijmans Affiliation: BBRI

Investigator Address: Avenue P. Holoffe

B-1342 Limelette Belgium

Phone: +32.2.655 77 87 Fax: +32.2.653 07 29


Contributors S. Coenen, D. L’Heureux, X. Loncour, P. Voordecker, P. Wouters

IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: B2

Title Classification of hybrid ventilation systems

Objective To give a overview of the different ways to combine natural and mechanicalventilation systems and to classify them.

Methodology The work will be largely based on experience gained in the past as well as onthe international contacts in IEA Annex 35. A number of case studies will beinvestigated.


Country Belgium Planned Effort: 1 Staff Months



Principal Name: P. Wouters Affiliation: BBRI

Investigator Address: Avenue P. Holoffe

B-1342 Limelette Belgium

Phone: +32.2.655 77 72 Fax: +32.2.653 07 29


Contributors N. Heijmans, L. Vandaele, C. Delmotte

IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: B3

Title Monitoring of hybrid ventilation concept for IVEGbuilding, Hoboken,Belgium and further optimisation of control strategies

Objective BBRI has been fully involved in the design of this new office building with ahybrid ventilation concept. (Inauguration before the end of 1999). Theobjective is to monitor the performances as well as to optimise the controlstrategies.

Methodology Preliminary monitoring activities have started in the spring of 1999. Intensivemonitoring will start in the autumn of 1999 and will run for probably 2 years.A comparison between measurements and predictions will be carried out.Optimisation of the control is envisaged.

Description The monitoring of the building includes airtightness measurements,temperature and humidity measurements, wind pressures, air change rates, airflow rates of the mechanical ventilation systems,… The control system for thenight ventilation devices is very flexible and allows the implementation ofvarious strategies. If other teams are interested, collaboration would beappreciated.

Country Belgium Planned Effort: 7 Staff Months


Control strategiesMonitoring 2Conclusions


1st report X2nd and 3rd report X X

Final report X

Principal Name: N. Heijmans Affiliation: BBRI

Investigator Address: Avenue P. Holoffe

B-1342 Limelette Belgium

Phone: +32.2.655 77 87 Fax: +32.2.653 07 29


Contributors S. Coenen, D. L’Heureux, X. Loncour, P. Voordecker, P. Wouters

IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: B4

Title Development and monitoring of innovative approaches of hybrid ventilation,with specific attention for a new renovation case (to be defined)

Objective To develop innovative approaches for hybrid ventilation, with specificattention for pragmatic approaches. Monitoring of performances of renovationproject is planned.

Methodology In collaboration with architects and consulting engineers develop and evaluatevarious alternatives. Evaluation will be to a large extent based on simulationactivities.


Country Belgium Planned Effort: 10 Staff Months

ActivityStudy of concepts




Principal Name: N. Heijmans Affiliation: BBRI

Investigator Address: Avenue P. Holoffe

B-1342 Limelette Belgium

Phone: +32.2.655 77 87 Fax: +32.2.653 07 29


Contributors S. Coenen , D. L’Heureux, X. Loncour, P. Voordecker, P. Wouters

IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: B5

Title Study of wind pressures around buildings and impact on predictedperformances

Objective The proposed monitoring activities are of direct interest for the evaluation ofthe night time ventilation potential as part of a summer comfort strategy.

Methodology Monitoring activities to determine pressure variation across buildingperimeter, across single office façade, … and comparison of predictions andmeasurements.

Description Issues of concern that will be investigated :• How good can we predict the wind pressures around buildings?• How important is the pressure variation across the building envelope at

room level and façade level ?• What is the impact of these uncertainties/variations on the performances at

room level and this for various strategies (single sided ventilation, crossventilation,…)

Country Belgium Planned Effort: 2 Staff Months


Sensitivity analisis


1st report X2nd report X

Final report X

Principal Name: N. Heijmans Affiliation: BBRI

Investigator Address: Avenue P. Holoffe

B-1342 Limelette Belgium

Phone: +32.2.655.77.87 Fax: +32.2.653.07.29


Contributors S. Coenen , D. L’Heureux, X. Loncour, P. Voordecker, P. Wouters

IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: B6

Title Study of hybrid ventilation in relation to standards, regulations and projectspecific specifications

Objective To make an analysis of present standards and regulations in relation to hybridventilation and to give a substantial contribution to the correct integration ofhybrid ventilation in standards, codes and project specific regulations.


Description Many standards and regulation do not consider at all or in rather poor wayconcepts of natural and hybrid ventilation for offices and schools. The aim isto first make an overview of the existing approaches and then to developappropriate concepts. This will be done in collaboration with other IEA annex35 teams. A similar approach will be used for project specific requirements.

Country Belgium Planned Effort: 8 Staff Months

ActivityPresent S&R

Concept ProposalSynthesis


1st report X2nd report X

Final report X

Principal Name: P. Wouters Affiliation: BBRI

Investigator Address: Avenue P. Holoffe

B-1342 Limelette Belgium

Phone: +32.2.655 77 72 Fax: +32.2.653 07 29


Contributors N. Heijmans, L. Vandaele, C. Delmotte

IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: B7

Title Guidebook : ventilation in schools and offices : part 1

Objective Publication for Belgian building sector on ventilation for offices and schools, with focus ongeneral philosophy for ventilation, the interpretation of the existing of future possiblelegislation and reference to the international context and practical examples This firstpublication will focus on ventilation in general with only limited attention to hybridventilation concepts whereas the second publication focuses on hybrid ventilation concepts.

Methodology The work will be largely based on experience gained in the past as well as onthe international contacts in IEA Annex 35. It is the intention to have aworking group of external experts who will review the various drafts. Thedraft will be written in English to allow information exchange.

Description The following aspects have to be discussed in this publication :

- indoor air quality requirements and ventilation needs

- Ventilation requirements in Europe : trends and situation

- Application of ventilation in offices and schools : principles and examples

- Application of natural ventilation in offices and schools

Country Belgium Planned Effort: 6 Staff Months



Draft report XFull draft X

Principal Name: L. Vandaele Affiliation: BBRI

Investigator Address: Avenue P. Holoffe

B-1342 Limelette Belgium

Phone: +32.2.655 77 72 Fax: +32.2.653 07 29


Contributors N. Heijmans, C. Delmotte, P. Wouters

IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: B8

Title Guidebook : ventilation in schools and offices : part 2

Objective This guide for the Belgian building sector will focus on the use of natural andhybrid ventilation concepts and will make a maximum use of the experiencegained in the framework of IEA annex 35. General issues concerningventilation are discussed in the first guide.

Methodology The content of the first guide will be the starting point. The principles ofnatural and hybrid ventilation will be explained in detail. Furthermore, anumber of case studies will be presented. Moreover, it is expected thatinformation on CD-ROM or other electronic media will be available.

Description To be worked out in more detail in a later phase.

Country Belgium Planned Effort: 6 Staff Months



1st draft XFinal draft X

Principal Name: L. Vandaele Affiliation: BBRI

Investigator Address: Avenue P. Holoffe

B-1342 Limelette Belgium

Phone: +32.2.655 77 72 Fax: +32.2.653 07 29


Contributors N. Heijmans, C. Delmotte, P. Wouters

IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: CAN 1

Title New Model for the Prediction of Local Thermal Comfort and Indoor AirQuality

Objective To develop a simplified zonal model to be used for the prediction of thermalcomfort and indoor air quality


Description “State of the art report” Review literature regarding zonal airflow models andmodelling components

Country Canada Planned Effort: 1 Staff Months

ActivityState-of-the-art- X X X


1st draft X2nd draft X

Final X

Principal Name: Fariborz Haghighat Affiliation: Concordia University

Investigator Address: School for Building - Concordia University

1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. W. , Montreal, Quebec H3G 1M8

CanadaPhone: 1 (514) 848-3192 Fax: 1 (514) 848-7965



IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: CAN 2

Title New Model for the Prediction of Local Thermal Comfort and Indoor AirQuality

Objective To develop a simplified zonal model to be used for the prediction of thermalcomfort and indoor air quality


Description Thermal comfort and indoor air quality are effected by several environmentalparameters. As an example, thermal comfort is effected by: mean radianttemperature, air temperature, relative humidity, and air movement anddistribution (ASHRAE 55, 1972). A zonal model can provide more detailedprediction of airflow and thermal pattern in a room.

Country Canada Planned Effort: 36 Staff Months

ActivityPro-type version X X X X X

1st version X X X X XValidated model X X X

MilestonesModel development X

First report XValidation Report X

Principal Name: Fariborz Haghighat Affiliation: Concordia University

Investigator Address: School for Building - Concordia University

1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. W. , Montreal, Quebec H3G 1M8

CanadaPhone: 1 (514) 848-3192 Fax: 1 (514) 848-7965



IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: CAN 3

Title New Model for the Prediction of Local Thermal Comfort and Indoor AirQuality

Objective To develop a simplified zonal model to be used for the prediction of thermalcomfort and indoor air quality


Description Document effort provided to the annex

Country Canada Planned Effort: 3 Staff Months

ActivityFinal Report X X X X


1st Report XFinal Report X

Principal Name: Fariborz Haghighat Affiliation: Concordia University

Investigator Address: School for Building - Concordia University

1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. W. , Montreal, Quebec H3G 1M8

CanadaPhone: 1 (514) 848-3192 Fax: 1 (514) 848-7965



IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: CAN4

Title Material Emission and IAQ Modelling in Retrofitted Building

Objective Develop mathematical emission source models based on the fundamentals ofmass transfer to predict the effects of environmental conditions on theemission rates of VOCs from various building materials. The model will bevalidated.

Methodology The material emission rate is controlled by the rate of diffusion from theinterior of the material, and partly by the air current in the boundary layer incontact with the material. The exterior mass transfer coefficient can becalculated through theoretical and/or numerical analysis techniques.

Description A model for the prediction of emission rates from materials based on theprinciple of fluid flow and mass transfer will be developed and validated.

Country Planned Effort: Staff Months

ActivityReview x x x

Data Collection x x x xDevelopment x x x x

Validation x x x


1st Report xFinal Report x

Principal Name: F. Haghighat Affiliation: Concordia University

Investigator Address: 1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. W.

Montreal, Quebec H3G 1M8

Phone: (514) 848-3192 Fax: (514) 848-7965



IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: DK 1

Title Resistance coefficients for ventilation openings and ducts

Objective To determine reliable values of resistance coefficients for various types ofinlets and outlets.

Methodology Literature study and theoretical analyses.

Description Typical openings and ducts for natural ventilation will be analyzed and theirtheoretical resistance coefficients will be compared with measured values.

Country Denmark Planned Effort: 3 Staff Months

Activityx x x


Principal Name: Karl Terpager Andersen Affiliation: Danish Building ResearchInstitute

Investigator Address: P. O. Box 119

DK-2970 Hoersholm, Denmark

Phone: +45 45 86 55 33 Fax: +45 45 86 75 35



IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: DK 2

Title Combined effect of wind, buoyancy and fans

Objective Develop simple tools for designing hybrid ventilation.

Methodology Literature study and theoretical analyses.

Description Cases where the internal pressure can be determined by simple means will beanalyzed and simple tools for design purposes will be developed.

Country Denmark Planned Effort: 3 Staff Months

Activityx x x


Principal Name: Karl Terpager Andersen Affiliation: Danish Building ResearchInstitute

Investigator Address: P. O. Box 119

DK-2970 Hoersholm, Denmark

Phone: +45 45 86 55 33 Fax: +45 45 86 75 35



IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: DK 3

Title Control strategies and control systems

Objective Develop and evaluate control strategies and control systems for hybridventilation.

Methodology Literature study and theoretical analyses.

Description Various strategies and control systems for typical weather conditions will beconsidered and be evaluated taking energy savings and indoor air quality intoaccount.

Country Denmark Planned Effort: 11 Staff Months

Activityx x x x x x x x


Principal Name: Søren Aggerholm Affiliation: Danish Building ResearchInstitute

Investigator Address: P. O. Box 119

DK-2970 Hoersholm, Denmark

Phone: +45 45 86 55 33 Fax: +45 45 86 75 35


Contributors Niels Bergsøe and Karl Terpager Andersen

IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: DK4

Title Development of probabilistic analysis method for hybrid ventilation

Objective To develop a probabilistic analysis method for hybrid ventilation that canpredict the probability of critical incidents as unsatisfactory air flows, poorIAQ or large energy consumption for a specific design.

Methodology Literature review, identification of relevant stochastic models, selection ofmodels to be applied and further developed, application of models,measurements, evaluation, reporting

Description In order to consider the stochastic nature of hybrid ventilation differentprobabilistic models will be developed and applied based on a literaturereview, e.g. by means of reliability theory and stochastic differential equations.The models will predict the stochastic output (e.g. energy consumption and airflow rate) when the input parameters are stochastic in nature (e.g. outdoortemperature and wind). The models comprise both steady state and transientconditions. Measurements and Monte Carlo simulation will be used to validatethe probabilistic models.

Country Denmark Planned Effort: 60 Staff Months

ActivityLiterature review XX XX X

Modelling X XX XX XX XX XX XMeasurements X X X

Reporting X XX X


Final report X

Principal Name: Henrik Brohus Affiliation: Aalborg University

Investigator Address: Sohngaardsholmsvej 57

DK-9000 Aalborg, Denmark

Phone: +45 96 35 85 39 Fax: +45 98 14 82 43


Contributors Christian Frier, Per Heiselberg

IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: DK5

Title Eksperimental and theoretical investigation of window opening performance

Objective To characterise and model window opening performance based onexperimental and theoretical studies

Methodology Literature survey, experimental studies and development ofanalytical/empirical models.


Country Denmark Planned Effort: 10 Staff Months

ActivityLiterature survey X X

Exp. Studies X X X XModel dev. X X X

Reporting X X


Principal Name: Kjeld Svidt Affiliation: Aalborg University

Investigator Address: Sohngaardsholmsvej 57

DK-9000 Aalborg, Denmark

Phone: +45 9635 8546 Fax: +45 9814 8243


Contributors Per Heiselberg

IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: DK6

Title Impact of micro climate around buildings on hybrid ventilation performance.

Objective To investigate the impact of air flow and local climate around buildings on theoptimum buildings design and location of air inlets and outlets.

Methodology Literature survey and theoretical studies by CFD

Description Investigation of problems and pittfalls by application of CFD for prediction ofair flow around buildings. Selection of appropriate methods to specifyboundary conditions

Evaluation of accuracy and applicability of CFD.

Analysis of air flow conditions around the Danish pilot study: B&OHeadquarters and its impact on hybrid ventilation performance.

Country Denmark Planned Effort: 6 Staff Months

ActivityLiterature survey X X X XTheoretical stud. X X X X X X

Reporting X X


Principal Name: Kjeld Svidt Affiliation: Aalborg University

Investigator Address: Sohngaardsholmsvej 57

DK-9000 Aalborg, Denmark

Phone: +45 9635 8546 Fax: +45 9814 8243


Contributors Per Heiselberg

IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: DK7Title Investigation of hybrid ventilation system performance in a new office

building of Bang & Olufsen.

Objective To monitor the performance of a hybrid ventilation system in an officebuilding, which includes both thermal comfort, IAQ and energy consumptionas well as an evaluation of the applied control strategy and control system.

Methodology Full-scale field monitoring in the building for a one year period combined withshorter (one week) high intensity measuring periods in each season.

Description Definition of long- and short term monitoring programme

One year monitoring for overall performance (thermal comfort, IAQ andenergy consumption). 3-4 short term (one week) monitoring for assessment offunctioning of ventilation system and control strategy.

Application and evaluation of analysis tools for hybrid ventilation performanceprediction

Analysis and evaluation of hybrid ventilation performance

Country Denmark Planned Effort: 16 Staff Months

ActivityMonitoring X X X X X

Analysis XReporting X


Monit. report X

Principal Name: Ole Juhl Hendriksen Affiliation: Esbensen Consulting Eng.

Investigator Address: Vesterbrogade 124B

DK-1620 Copenhagen V, Denmark

Phone: +45 3326 7300 Fax: +45 3326 7301


Contributors Per Heiselberg, Carl Erik Hyldgård

IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: FIN1

Title State-of-the-art review of Finnish hybrid ventilation

Objective Find out the barriers and advantages of the hybrid ventilation systems

Methodology Litterature survey and interviews

Description n Litterature review of Finnish building codes and guidelines (ST1)

n Market survey of available components and characteristics of thecomponents (ST2)

n Survey of existing and planning phase buildings (ST3)

Country FINLAND Planned Effort: 3 Staff Months

ActivitySubtask 1 xxx xxxSubtask 2 xxx xxxSubtask 3 xxx xxx


Report ST1 xReport ST2 xReport ST3 x

Principal Name: Ismo Heimonen Affiliation: VTT Building Technology

Investigator Address: P.O.Box 1804

02044 VTT, Finland

Phone: +358 9 456 4907 Fax: +358 9 455 2408


Contributors Jorma Heikkinen, Esko Mikkola (VTT), Jarek Kurnitski, Mika Vuolle (HUT)

IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: FIN2

Title Development of hybrid ventilation concepts

Objective Develop hybrid ventilation concepts for Finnish climate

Methodology Simulation study

Description n Selection of preliminary concepts, 3-5 systems (1st phase), ST1

n Simulation study for 1st phase systems, ST2

n Selection of 2nd phase systems, ST3

n Simulation study for 2nd phase systems, ST4

Country FINLAND Planned Effort: 10 Staff Months

ActivitySubtask 1 xxx xxxSubtask 2 xxx xxx xxSubtask 3 xxx xxxSubtask 4 xxx xxx


Report ST1&2 xReport ST3&4 x

Principal Name: Jorma Heikkinen Affiliation: VTT Building Technology

Investigator Address: P.O.Box 1804

02044 VTT, Finland

Phone: +358 9 456 4742 Fax: +358 9 455 2408


Contributors Ismo Heimonen , Pekka Tuomaala (VTT), Jarek Kurnitski, Mika Vuolle(HUT)

IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: FIN3

Title Updating of simulation tools

Objective Update existing simulation tools for simulations of hybrid ventilation systems(flow network, thermal system simulation, CFD)

Methodology Modelling and simulations

Description n Description of existing tools, VTT (Subtask 1), HUT (Subtask 2)

n Development/updating of combined simulation environment (thermal &flow network), Subtask 3 (VTT) & 4 (HUT)

Country FINLAND Planned Effort: 8 Staff Months

ActivitySubtask 1 xxxSubtask 2 xxxSubtask 3 xxx xxx xxxSubtask 4 xxx xxx xxx


Report ST1 xReport ST2 x

Report ST3&4 x

Principal Name: Jorma Heikkinen Affiliation: VTT Building Technology

Investigator Address: P.O.Box 1804

02044 VTT, Finland

Phone: +358 9 456 4742 Fax: +358 9 455 2408


Contributors Ismo Heimonen, Pekka Tuomaala (VTT), Mika Vuolle, Jarek Kurnitski,Jarkko Heinonen (HUT)

IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: FIN4

Title Finnish Pilot Studies

Objective Study of the performance of the hybrid ventilation systems in Finnish climate

Methodology Simulations and measurements

Description n Simulation study of hybrid ventilation system (1-3 Cases)

n Definition of the methodologies for short-term measurements (functioningetc.) and long-term measurements (energy consumption etc.)

n Measurements (1-3 Cases)

n Performance evaluation of the system (1-3 Cases)

Country FINLAND Planned Effort: 8 Staff Months

ActivityCase study 1 xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx


Case Reports- system descr. x- results x

Principal Name: Jorma Heikkinen Affiliation: VTT Building Technology

Investigator Address: P.O.Box 1804

02044 VTT, Finland

Phone: +358 9 456 4742 Fax: +358 9 455 2408


Contributors Ismo Heimonen, Pekka Tuomaala, Keijo Kovanen (VTT), Jarek Kurnitski,Mika Vuolle, Jarkko Heinonen (HUT)

IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: F 1

Title Hybrid Ventilation Efficiency: A zonal model approach

Objective To develop a design analysis tool for natural and hybrid ventilation based oncoupling of existing zonal models.

Methodology 1- To improve existing zonal models developed in SPARK environment todescribe wind and thermal stratification effects in natural ventilation.

2- To implement control strategies laws to predict hybrid ventilationefficiency for various HVAC systems.

Description LEPTAB has developed thermal and air flow zonal models in an objectoriented environment called SPARK. The study will consist in improve thosemodels to describe Natural Ventilation phenomena.

Various control strategies will be implemented to predict Hybrid Ventilationefficiency for each kind of HVAC systems, assuming thermal comfort and airquality in buildings.

Country FRANCE Planned Effort: 36 Staff Months


CodeCases Analysis



Zonal ModelsControl strategies


Principal Name: INARD Christian Affiliation: LEPTAB

Investigator Address: Université de La Rochelle

Av. Marillac F17042 LA ROCHELLE Cedex

Phone: 33-5 46 45 72 46 Fax: 33-5 46 45 82 41


Contributors Ph D student: MORA Laurent (e-mail:

IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: F 2

Title Contribution to control strategies for hybrid ventilation in office and school buildings.

Objective Theoretical definition and experimental validation of fuzzy control strategies, takinginto account following aspects :

• Indoor climate,

• Energy management and system components constraints.

Methodology • Physical model.• Architecture of fuzzy controllers.• Fitness functions.• Experimental validation.

Description • Theoretical definition of fuzzy control strategies.

• Experimental validation on a full scale test cells.

Country France Planned Effort: 40 Staff Months

ActivityState of art

Theo. definition

Exp. phase

Reporting phase


Physical model 1/ Fuzzy cont.stra. 1/

Principal Name: P.Michel Affiliation: ENTPE/LASH-DGCB

Investigator Address: Rue Maurice Audin

F-69518 Vaulx en Velin Cedex

Phone: +33 4 72047027 Fax: + 33 4 72047041


Contributors G.Guarracino

IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: D 1

Title Implementation and Demonstration of Hybrid Ventilation in an Office Building(“Künzelsau”)

Objective Demonstration and technology transfer.

Methodology Pilot study in a full scale office building.

Description − application of simulation and analysis tools

− installation and evaluation of sensors and control systems

− testing of selected hybrid ventilation components

− assessment of hybrid ventilation measures (energy, indoor climate)

Country Germany Planned Effort: 13 Staff Months

ActivityPilot study x x x x x x x x x x x


Report x

Principal Name: Dr. H. Leonhardt Affiliation: IBP

Investigator Address: Fraunhofer Institut für Bauphysik, Postfach 1152

D 83601 Holzkirchen

Phone: +49 8024 643 28 Fax: +49 8024 643 66


Contributors Lindauer, Wetzel, Dr. Mayer

IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: D 2

Title Application of Integrated Air Flow and Thermal Simulation Models

Objective Generalization of results to other buildings and climates.

Methodology Theoretical study.

Description Implementation of investigated systems in decision tools.

Country Germany Planned Effort: 9 Staff Months

ActivityTheoretical study x x x x x


Report x

Principal Name: E. Lindauer Affiliation: IBP

Investigator Address: Frauhofter Institut für Bauphysik, Postfach 1152

D 83601 Holzkirchen

Phone: +49 8024 643 39 Fax: +49 8024 643 66


Contributors Dr. Leonhardt, Wetzel, Dr. Mayer

IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: D 3

Title Development of Innovative Components and Control Strategies I

Objective Individual thermal comfort sensor.

Methodology Experimental study in laboratory (test chamber) and test building (FG-L5)

Description An existing laboratory “artificial skin”-sensor will be adapted to hybridventilation control; an air quality sensor shall be implemented. Psychophysicalmeasurements will be performed in a climate test chamber.

Country Germany Planned Effort: 13 Staff Months

ActivitySensor adaptation x x x

Psychoph. meas. x x xTest building x x x


Sensor adaptat. xPsychoph. meas. x

Test building x

Principal Name: Dr. E. Mayer Affiliation: IBP

Investigator Address: Fraunhofter Institut für Bauphysik, Postfach 1152

D 83601 Holzkirchen

Phone: +49 8024 643 14 Fax: +49 8024 643 66


Contributors Schwab.Lindauer

IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: D 4

Title Development of Innovative Components and Control Strategies II

Objective Individual (local) ceiling cooling.

Methodology Experimental study in test building (FG-L5)

Description This innovative ceiling cooling system consists of a perforated large area ofoutlet with microfilter, which can be controlled by an individual artifical skinsensor (see above, I)

Country Germany Planned Effort: 11 Staff Months

ActivityFeasibility study x x x

Test building x x x


Feasibility study xTest building x

Principal Name: Dr. E. Mayer Affiliation: IBP

Investigator Address: Fraunhofter Institute für Bauphysik, Postfach 1152

D-83601 Holzkirchen

Phone: +49 8024 643 14 Fax: +49 8024 643 66


Contributors Schwab, Lindauer, Dr. Leonhardt

IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: D 5

Title Development of Innovative Components and Control Strategies III

Objective Increase of ventilation by a solar chimney.

Methodology Experimental study in a test building (FG-L5).

Description Maximizing of solar chimney ventilation with respect to dimensions andcombination with transparent insulation.

Country Germany Planned Effort: 11 Staff Months

ActivityFeasibility study x x x

Test building x x x


Feasibility study xTest building x

Principal Name: Dr. H. Leonhardt Affiliation: IBP

Investigator Address: Fraunhofter Institut für Bauphysik, Postfach 1152

D-83601 Holzkirchen

Phone: +49 8024 643 28 Fax: +49 8024 643 66


Contributors Lindauer, Wetzel

IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: D 6

Title State-of-the-art Review for Germany

Objective Collection of available information.

Methodology Literature and market study.

Description See above.

Country Germany Planned Effort: 3 Staff Months

Activityx x


Report x

Principal Name: Dr. H. Leonhardt Affiliation: IBP

Investigator Address: Fraunhofter Institut für Bauphysik, Postfach 1152

D 83601 Holzkirchen

Phone: +49 8024 643 28 Fax: +49 8024 643 66


Contributors Lindauer, Wetzel, Dr. Mayer

IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: D7

Title Investigation of an existing hybrid ventilation system in an educational building

Objective Study of an existing hybrid ventilation system, improvement or adjustment ifpossible, creation of a data base

Methodology Monitoring by use of the installed sensors and control system

Description - Study of the building concept

- Field monitoring, measurements

- Evaluation, improvement/adjustment

- Generalization of the results

Country Germany Planned Effort: 24 Staff Months

ActivityStudy of building X X

Monitoring X X X X X X X X X XAdjustment X X X X X X X X

Generalization X X


Principal Name: Prof. R. Grundmann Affiliation: TUD/ILR

Investigator Address: Dresden University of Technology

D-01062 Dresden

Phone: +49 351 463 8086 Fax: +49 351 463 8087


Contributors U. Meinhold, M. Rösler

IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: D8

Title Application of coupled building and air flow simulation to a hybrid ventilationsystem in an educational building

Objective Analysis of an existing hybrid ventilation system by use of coupled simulationtechniques, comparison with the database of D7

Methodology Application of several analysis tools, comparison with measurements, couplingof analysis tools

Description - Investigation of an atrium in an educational building by CFD

- Application of thermal building simulation including a flow network to aneducational building (complete building)

- Coupling of building simulation and CFD within an atrium to describe thehybrid ventilation system for the educational building

Country Germany Planned Effort: 24 Staff Months

ActivityCFD atrium X X X X X

Building sim. X X X XCoupling X X X X


Principal Name: Prof. R. Grundmann Affiliation: TUD/ILR

Investigator Address: Dresden University of Technology

D-01062 Dresden

Phone: +49 351 463 8086 Fax: +49 351 463 8087


Contributors M. Rösler, U. Meinhold, R. Gritzki, H. Müller, A. Perschk

IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: G 1


Objective To study the buoyancy driven flows in stairwells and derive models that bestdecribe the physical phenomena and predict the resulting air exchange rates

Methodology Experiments and theoretical analysis.

Description The experimental part involves data from 17 experiments in the staiwell of atwo-storey residential building as well as 7 experiments in the stairwell of athree-storey residential building. Available data: air flow rates from tracer gasmeasurements, indoor air temperature at 13 locations in the stairwell, outdoorair temperature and interior surface temperature measurements, air velocity atthree different heights and smoke visualization.

CFD simulations will be used for the analysis.

Country Greece Planned Effort: 6 Staff Months

ActivityTheoretical Analysis X X X X

MilestonesIntermediate X

Principal Name: Group Building EnvironmentalStudies - GR-BES


Investigator Address: University of Athens, Dept.of Applied Physics, Laboratory ofMeteorology, University Campus, Build. Phys.V, Athens, GR157 84,Greece.

Phone: +301 728 4841 Fax: +301 7295282



IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: G 2

Title Translation of meteorological data from weather stations (airport data) intourban data

Objective To develop algorithms to transform standard meteorological data into dataappropriate for urban conditions.

Methodology Theoretical analysis to derive the model. Comparison of predictions withmeasurements of air temperature and wind velocity at various heights andlocations in the urban and suburban Athens area.

Description Development of a physical model to translate data collected in non-urban areasand specifically in airports to data for urban areas. Validation of the modelusing experimental data regarding temperature and wind velocity at 10different urban canyons.

Country Greece Planned Effort: 6 Staff Months

ActivityAnalysis x x x x


Development xReporting x

Principal Name: Group Building EnvironmentalStudies - GR-BES


Investigator Address: University of Athens, Dept.of Applied Physics, Laboratory ofMeteorology, University Campus, Build. Phys.V, Athens, GR157 84,Greece.

Phone: +301 728 4841 Fax: +301 7295282



IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: G 3

Title Incorporation of models developed in the framework of HYBVENT in the open-architectureBuilding Performance TOOLBOX (only in case the group wishes to include the toolbox asone of the official tools of Annex35)




Country Greece Planned Effort: 6 Staff Months

Activity x x x x


Principal Name: Group Building EnvironmentalStudies - GR-BES


Investigator Address: University of Athens, Dept.of Applied Physics, Laboratory ofMeteorology, University Campus, Build. Phys.V, Athens, GR157 84,Greece.

Phone: +301 728 4841 Fax: +301 729 5282



IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: I 1

Title Probabilistic approach to Natural Airing Devices (NAD) performance

Objective To establish the relationship among the geometry of the NAD and theprobability of having more than a certain number of air changes per hour(ACH), for different climate conditions.

Methodology The research contains a theoretical phase, in which an already availablecomputer program will be used to evaluate the number of ACH in conjunctionwith a meteorological Test Reference Year (TRY), and an experimentalvalidation of the results.

Description The computer program (e.g. COMIS) will be used to calculate the number of ACH in theroom where the NADs of different area and geometry are located for an entire TRY (8760hours). Then, the cumulated frequency of ACH will be calculated, and the typical values(e.g. n90, n95, n99) will be reported for different NAD areas, allowing to define which is theminimum area required to ensure a ventilation which is 90, 95 or 99 % of the time greaterthan the minimum ACH required. The calculation will be repeated for different locationsand an experimental campaign will be performed in two monitored buildings in order tovalidate the intermediate results.

Country Italy Planned Effort: 24 Staff Months

ActivityLiterature review

Model set-upExp. validationParametric calculation


Principal Name: G.V. Fracastoro Affiliation: Polytechnic of Turin

Investigator Address: Dipartimento di Energetica del Politecnico di Torino. Corso Ducadegli Abruzzi, 24 - 10129 Torino (Italy).

Phone: +39-11-564-4438 Fax: +39-11-564-4499


Contributors Marco Perino, Valentina Serra, Paolo Tronville.

IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: I 2

Title Numerical model for ventilated roof and ventilated facade analysis.

Objective The objective is to set up a simplified model for steady-state thermal analysisof ventilated roofs and facades (both opaque and glazed).

Methodology The model will be based on mass and energy balance of the air cavity.Differential equation will be discretized in order to obtain a zonal (one-dimensional) model described by an algebraic equation system. The solver willbe an easy-to-use and widely available software for architects and engineers(Excel or Matlab or...).

Description The procedure should provide an “engineering-model”. In fact, the aim of thistool is to analyse the influence of meteorological boundary conditions, thermo-physical and geometric parameters of the roof/facade on the air temperaturedistributions, surface temperatures, heat fluxes and air flow rates inside thecavity. These parameters may be useful to a first evaluation of theperformances of such components on “Hybvent” systems.

Country Italy Planned Effort: 7-8 Staff Months

ActivityLiterature reviewModel development

Sensitivity analysis

Milestones End 1999 - first part of 2000.

Principal Name: Marco Perino Affiliation: Polytechnic of Turin

Investigator Address: Dip. di Energetica - Politecnico di Torino - Duca degliAbruzzi n. 24 - 10129 - Torino -Italy

Phone: +39 - 11 - 564 - 4423 Fax: +39 - 11 - 564 - 4499


Contributors Gian Vincenzo Fracastoro, Luigi Giai, Valentina Serra, Paolo Tronville

IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: I 3

Title Zonal models for the prediction of thermal air stratification insideenclosed spaces.

Objective The objective is to set up simplified zonal models for the analysis of airthermal stratification inside enclosed spaces with different boundaryconditions, internal thermal loads and ventilation systems.

Methodology The model is based on the basic thermodynamic and heat transfer laws writtenfor the zone average values of the influencing parameters. The equationsystem, representing the mathematical description of the physical behavior ofthe enclosure, will be solved with easy-to-use and widely available softwarefor architects and engineers (Excel or Matlab or...)

Description These models should provide to designers a tool capable of analyzing airstratification phenomena with reduced computational efforts. In this way it willbe possible to investigate the influence of air stratification on the “Hybvent”system performance and to perform, in short time, sensitivity analyses.

Country Italy Planned Effort: 9 Staff Months

ActivityLiterature reviewModel development

Sensitivity analysis

Milestones End 1999 - first part of 2000.

Principal Name: Marco Perino Affiliation: Polytechnic of Turin

Investigator Address: Dip. di Energetica - Politecnico di Torino - Duca degliAbruzzi n. 24 - 10129 - Torino -Italy

Phone: +39 - 11 - 564 - 4423 Fax: +39 - 11 - 564 - 4499


Contributors Gian Vincenzo Fracastoro, Luigi Giai, Valentina Serra, Paolo Tronville

IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: I 4

Title Experimental characterization of hybrid ventilation components.

Objective To obtain data (i.e. resistance versus air flow rate, aerodynamic field,efficiency) for typical hybrid vent. comp. such as vents, ventilated air cavities,hoods, solar chimneys, filters, etc... to be fitted inside theoretical models.

Methodology The full size component is to be tested in our laboratory by measuring pressuredrop, efficiency, velocity and temperature distribution in a range of differentoperating conditions.

Description Systematic tests of components will be carried out in a wide range ofconditions (i.e. at rated and real life conditions) going down till low air flowrates, typical of operation with natural draught. The goal is to find out theconditions of nominal use as a compromise between as high as possible airflow rate and consequent performances.

Country Italy Planned Effort: 12 Staff Months

ActivityLiterature analysis

Test rig set-upMeas. campaign

Milestones End 1999 - First part of 2000.

Principal Name: P. Tronville Affiliation: Polytechnic of Turin

Investigator Address: Dipartimento di Energetica - Politecnico di Torino

Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 - 10129 Torino - Italy.

Phone: +39-11-5644491 Fax: +39-11-5644499


Contributors Paolo Anglesio, Silvano Caon, Gian Vincenzo Fracastoro, Marco Perino.

IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: I 5

Title Monitoring and experimentation of the I Guzzini Recanati building that uses sustainabletechnologies like hybrid ventilation, daylight and passive solar gain.

Objective Experimental validation of the control strategies and automatic techniques of control offollowing parameters: indoor climate (air temperature, air flow rate, air moisture and soon), energy management (energy consuption) and air quality and thermal confort and todevelop the measurement techniques for diagnostic purpose.

Methodology Full-scale field monitoring will be undertaken in the building in two years for seasonalcampaigns.

Description (1)The experiments will be carried out monitoring the overall performance characteristicsof the building under two distinct modes of operation : 1 naturally ventilated, 2 with fancoil units.This will include measurements of electrical energy consuption by fans and ciller, duringsummer season, measurements of elecrtical consuption by fans and gas consuption byboiler during winter season .

(2)Monitor temperature ,relative humidity, in all officies spaces on three floors of thebuilding and undertake spot measurements of air velocity, both during the day and atnight.

Country Italy Planned Effort: Staff Months

ActivityMonitoring XX XX XX XX XX XX



Principal Name: Prof. Paolo Principi Affiliation: Dipartimento di Energetica

Università degli Studi di Ancona

Investigator Address: via Brecce Bianche

I-60100 Ancona Italia

Phone: +39-71-2204773 Fax: +39-71-2804239



IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: I6

Title Application of hybrid ventilation systems in refurbishment of industrial buildings

Objective The objective is a concept and design contribution concerning design principles and

construction performance regulations to be followed in the refurbishment of unused

industrial buildings with the identification of technological and non technological

obstacles for the application of hybrid ventilation systems.

Methodology The design of refurbishment of an industrial building located in ex Steelwork of

Bagnoli (Naples) will be carried out: architectural, technological and codes aspects

will be studied.

Description Climate characterization (field measurement and historical data). Concept design of

the building. Simulation of the bureaucratic process for the approval of the concept

design. Performance evaluation by mean of thermal and multizonal codes. Cost

benefit analysis. Set of design and building norms: a set of performance matrices built

on the three logical dimensions of the built work (design solution / technical elements /

chosen materials)

Country Italy Planned Effort: 12 Staff Months

ActivityField Measurement x x x x

Concept design x x xPerformance evaluation x x

Set of norms x

MilestonesPilot project x

Performance evaluation xSet of norms x

Principal Name: Marco Citterio Affiliation: ENEA

Investigator Address: C.R.Casaccia, Via Anguillarese 30100060 S. Maria Galeria, Roma Italia

Phone: +39 06 3048 3703 Fax: +39 06 3048 6315


Contributors PCA int PICA CIAMARRA ASSOCIATI s.r.l

Via Posillipo 176 - 80123 Napoli - Italia

IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: J1Title Development and improvement of performance and energy conservation of hybrid

ventilation system in an office setting

Objective To develop and improve performance of hybrid ventilation system to achievethermal comfort, good air-quality and energy conservation

Methodology 1.To investigate flow patterns, temperature distribution and indoor air-quality byCFD simulation

2.To develop zonal model of heat flow and contaminant between perimeter, ambientand task zone in an office building

3.To analyze energy conservation effect utilizing standard meteorological data

Description Performance of hybrid ventilation based on the task-amvient air-conditioning in anoffice building is investigated by CFD simulation through several case studies withvarious outdoor air temperature, airflow rate and wind intake conditions. From theresults of the coupled simulation with air-conditioning system which controls theaverage temperature of the task zone to be at 26th, the thermal comfort condition,efficiency of air-quality and zonal heat flow rate are analyzed. Finally, analysis ofenergy conservation achieved, utilizing standard meteorological data, isimplemented.

Country Japan Planned Effort: 7 Staff Months

ActivityCFD simulation x x x x x x x x

Zonal analysis x x x x x x

Energy analysis x x x x x x

Reporting x x x


Principal Name: Kato Shinsuke Affiliation: University of Tokyo

Investigator Address: Institute of Industrial Science, 5th Department

7-22-1, Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032

Phone: (03) 3402-6231 (ext.2615) Fax: (03) 3746-1449



IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: J2Title Pilot study of the New Technical Research Institute of Fujita Corp. with natural ventilation system

Objective Investigation into the airflow variation, indoor climate and energy for ventilation in the building.Adjustment of control system to achieve the better mechanical energy saving.

Methodology Field monitoring and measurement will be undertaken to investigate the effectiveness of naturalventilation system of the building with the automatically controlled ventilation windows.

Description 1. The field measurement will be carried out monitoring the overall performance characteristics of thebuilding under both naturally and mechanically ventilated modes.

2. Monitor temperature, relative humidity, in all offices spaces on three

floors of the building and undertake spot measurements of air velocity

both during day times and at night.

Country Japan Planned Effort: 2 Staff Months

ActivityField Measurement x x x x x

Analysis x x

Reporting x x x

MilestonesReporting x

Principal Name: Shinnichiro Nagano Affiliation: Fujita Corporation

Investigator Address:Technical research institute 2025-1 Ono, Atsugi Kanagawa 243-0125 , Japan

Phone: +81 462 50 7095 Fax: +81 462 50 7139



IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: J3Title Pilot study of the Liberty Tower building of Meiji University, Japan. (completed Sept., 1998)

Objective Demonstration & evaluation of Hybrid Ventilation being applied to a high-rise office/institutionalbuilding in an urban setting. Measuring the efficiency of the components and system in terms ofenergy consumption, thermal comfort, IAQ and control strategies, etc.

Methodology Full scale field monitoring & measurement will be undertaken in respects to the various componentsdesignated to the working of the natural ventilation of the building especially the automaticallycontrolled ventilation windows and wind floor design on the 18th floor.

Description 1. Field measurement at strategic locations to test the working conditions of the various componentsboth during day times and at night.

2. Investigate the energy management system of the building in terms of air-flow, temperaturechanges, air-intakes, etc.

3. Survey of the residents of the building to reflect and rate the thermal/visual comfort of the building.4.Reflection of the overall energy saving in comparation to the standard Japanese Codes.

Country Japan Planned Effort: 6 Staff Months

ActivityField Measurement x x x x

Analysis x x

Reporting x x


Principal Name: Kato Shinsuke Affiliation: University of Tokyo

Investigator Address: Institute of Industrial Science, 5th Department

7-22-1, Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032

Phone: (03) 3402-6231 (ext.2615) Fax: (03) 3746-1449



IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: J4Title Pilot study of the Tokyo Gas Earth Port Building, Japan. (Office/showroom cum cooking school)

Objective Investigation into the design layout and shape of the building and how it could affect the ventilationprocess of the building and in terms, reduce the energy used for air-conditioning and ventilation.

Methodology Field monitoring & measurement will be undertaken to investigate the effectiveness of the so called"ecological core" of the building, together with the automatically controlled ventilation windows &ventilation tower. CFD simulation shall be used in conjunction with the field measurements.

Description 3. Field measurement at strategic locations to test the working conditions of the various componentsboth during day times and at night.

4. Investigate the energy management system of the building in terms of air-flow, temperaturechanges, air-intakes, etc.

3. Survey of the residents of the building to reflect and rate the thermal/visual comfort of the building.4.Reflection of the overall energy saving in comparation to the standard Japanese Codes.

Country Japan Planned Effort: 6 Staff Months

ActivityField Measurement x x x x

Analysis x x

Reporting x x


Principal Name: Kato Shinsuke Affiliation: University of Tokyo

Investigator Address: Institute of Industrial Science, 5th Department

7-22-1, Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032

Phone: (03) 3402-6231 (ext.2615) Fax: (03) 3746-1449



IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: N 1

Title Functional characteristics of a fan-assisted natural ventilation system in a newNorwegian school, Jaer school

Objective Case study of airflow variation, indoor environment and energy for ventilation in anew Norwegian school near Oslo, with fan-assisted natural ventilation system andculvert. The objective is to assist in the planning, construction, and subsequentevaluation of the school.

Methodology • Design calculations

• Long-term monitoring

• Field monitoring & questionnaires

Description Participation in the design and construction process of the new school. When theschool is built, we will follow up with measurements of airflows, indoor climate,energy consumption and functioning of the ventilation system, as follows:

• Long-term monitoring of indoor environment (CO2, %RH, temperatures), andenergy use (heating, fans)

• Short-term field monitoring (tracer gas to measure total airflow rate andventilation efficiency in some rooms, thermal comfort in same rooms)

• Questionnaires

Country Norway Planned Effort: 9 Staff Months


ConstructionField monitoring



Design èMonitoring plan è

Reporting è

Principal Name: Peter G. Schild Affiliation: NBI

Investigator Address: P.O.Box 123 Blindern

N-0314 Oslo, Norway

Phone: +47-22-965854 Fax: +47-22-965725


Contributors T.Hestad, J.Brunsell, P.G. Schild, cooperation with NTNU/SINTEF


IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: N 2

Title Control strategies and design criteria for a fan-assisted natural ventilationsystems with heat recovery, for office buildings

Objective • Optimise system and control strategy for pilot plant in NBI’s laboratory

• Develop guidelines for designing/running the system in offices

Methodology • Optimising calculations using COMIS etc.

• Experiments on system in NBI’s laboratory

• Long-term monitoring

Description The test installation is already installed and instrumented and simulates a part of a3-storey office building. Parts of the system and components can be changed tooptimise the energy-efficiency

Experiments involve:

• Developing and investigating different control strategies for controlling totalairflow for the whole building and for individual rooms and floors

• Installing and testing different airflow controlling components and investigateeffects of different system layouts. Try to achieve maximum efficiency.

Country Norway Planned Effort: 9 Staff Months


TestingData analysis



Interim report èReporting è

Principal Name: Peter G. Schild Affiliation: NBI

Investigator Address: P.O.Box 123 Blindern

N-0314 Oslo, Norway

Phone: +47-22-965854 Fax: +47-22-965725


Contributors T.Hestad, T.Aurlien, J.Brunsell, P.G. Schild


IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: N3

Title Development and implementation of a hybrid air flow model into the existingcommercial thermal simulation program SCIAQ

Objective Development of a user-friendly design tool for hybrid ventilated buildings,which can predict air flow rates, thermal comfort, IAQ, energy- and peakpower demand.

Methodology • Literature survey

• Development/specification of models

• Implementation/coding

Description • A literature survey of existing airflow models will be undertaken.• Development/specification; development and adjustment of models to fit the

thermal model in SCIAQ• Implementation/coupling; implementation of the specified air flow model into

SCIAQ• Quality assurance and documentation; testing of the accuracy, user-interface, and

reliability of the program, and documentation of the models


Country Norway Planned Effort: 10 Staff Months

ActivityLiterature survey





Principal Name: Tor Helge Dokka Affiliation: NTNU

Investigator Address: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Dep.of Ind.Economy and Tech. Management, N-7034 Trondheim, Norway

Phone: + 47-73 59 07 11 Fax: +47-73 59 31 07


Contributors Kjell A. Dokka (ProgramByggerne Ans)

IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: N4

Title Monitoring and evaluation of Grong Primary School

Objective Evaluation of performance of a new school building with a relativelysophisticated hybrid ventilation system

Methodology Continuous and instantaneous measurements for one year.Interviews/questionnaires about comfort and satisfaction.

Description The building will be operated for about one year before the evaluation starts.In addition to the measurements suggested by HybVent, also the followingitems will be focused: 1). Investment and operation costs, 2) electricityconsumption, 3) moisture and possible mildew growth in underground supplyair duct, 3) Comparing measurement results with calculation results fromdesign phase and 4) Comparing evaluation results with results from schoolswith mechanical ventilation systems

Country Norway Planned Effort: 4 Staff Months

ActivityPreparations ----- ----- ----- -----Monitoring ----- ----- ----- -----

Analysis ----- ----- ----- -----Reporting ----- ----- -----


Constr. finalised vStart monitoring vEnd monitoring v

Principal Name: Tor Arvid Vik Affiliation: SINTEF

Investigator Address: SINTEF Architecture and Building Technology,N-7465 Trondheim

Phone: +47 73 59 26 29 Fax: +47 73 59 82 85


Contributors Per Olaf Tjelflaat and one M. Sc. student

IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: N5

Title Monitoring and evaluation of Lavollen

Objective Evaluate performance of a refurbished meeting room building with a simplehybrid ventilation system

Methodology Short-period and instantaneous measurements at different outdoor conditionsfor one year. Interviews/questionnaires about comfort and satisfaction.

Description The building is originally an old barn, which has been refurbished and whichnow has meeting room facilities for about 50 people. The refurbishment wasfinalised by summer 1997. In addition to the measurements suggested byHybVent, also the following items will be focused: 1) Investment andoperation costs, 2) electricity consumption

Country Norway Planned Effort: 0.3 Staff Months

ActivityPreparations ----- -----Monitoring ----- ----- ----- -----

Analysis ----- ----- -----Reporting ----- ----- -----


Principal Name: Per Olaf Tjelflaat Affiliation: NTNU

Investigator Address: Kolbjørn Hejes vei 1

N-7034 Trondheim

Phone: +47 73 59 38 64 Fax: +47 73 59 38 59


Contributors One M. Sc. student

IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: NL 1

Title Pilot study Library University of Utrecht (presented in Rome)

Objective Engineering, demonstration and evalution of hybrid ventilation for the newbuild library of the University of Utrecht. If the project is build within the timeschedule, a measuring-program can provide data about hybvent-behaviour.

Methodology By practical engineering, some specific lab-tests of components and ameasuring energy-use, thermal comfort, IAQ, etc.

Description The engineering-phase will deliver information about bottle-necks fordesigning hybvent (airflow, control-strategy). Next to it the engineering-phasewill deliver information on a componant-level as a result of lab-tests. Theengineering phase will give the opportunity for introducing the architects viewon hybvent.

The building-phase will deliver information about the practical aspects of thebuilding phase in relation to hybvent.

The occupation-phase will deliver information about the opinion of theoccupants about hybvent. A measuring-programme will deliver informationabout significant data for hybvent (energy-use, thermal comfort, IAQ, controlstrategy, etc.)

Country The Netherlands Planned Effort: ? Staff Months

ActivityState-of-art Review X X XEngineering X X X X XBuilding X X X X X X X ?Occupation ? X X X ?


Principal Name: Cauberg-Huygen Affiliation:

Investigator Address: Heemraadssingel 70, 3021 DD Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Phone: +31 (0)10 257444 Fax: +31 (0)10 4254443


Contributors Ad van der Aa

IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: NL2

Title Pilot study school building Waterland at Leidschenveen The Netherlands

Objective Engineering, demonstration and evaluation of hybrid ventilation for the newbuild schoolbuilding Waterland at Leidschenveen The Netherlands.

Methodology By practical engineering, development of a ventilation concept and somespecific lab tests of components. In the occupancy phase by measuring theenergy use, thermal comfort, IAQ

Description The engineering phase will deliver information about the bottle necks ofengineering of a hybrid ventilation system, the practical problems of theapplication of hybrid ventilation, etc. The construction phase will deliverinformation about the assembling aspects of a hybrid ventilation system.

The occupation phase will deliver information about the satisfaction of theoccupants. Measurements will be carried out of the energy consumption, theIAQ, the control strategy etc.

Country The Netherlands Planned Effort: Staff Months

ActivityDesign X X X X X

Construction X X X X XOccupation/meas X X X X

Reporting X X X


Principal Name: Cauberg-Huygen R.I.B.V.

Affiliation: Rotterdam

Investigator Address: Heemraadssingel 70, 3021 DD Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Phone: +31(0)10-4254443 Fax: +31(0)10 4254443


Contributors Ad van der Aa

IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: S1Title Combination of buoyancy and forced convection (mechanical ventilation)

induced flow through vertical openings

Objective To study air movements caused by temperature differences between rooms ina multiroom building. To determine the minimum forced air flow required toachieve uni-directional flow in a doorway at various temperature differencesbetween the rooms. Contribution to Task B : Theoretical and Experimentalstudies.

Methodology Tests in a full scale apartment in a laboratory

Description Air movements in door openings are governed by pressure differences andtemperature differences. The aim of this study is to determine the forced airflow rate required to achieve unidirectional flow in a doorway.

Air velocity measurements will be undertaken in a door opening at varioustemperature differences. To study air exchange between the adjoining roomsconstant flow tracer gas measurements will be used.

Country Sweden Planned Effort: Staff Months

ActivityExper. designExperimentsReporting


Principal Name: Claes Blomqvist Affiliation: KTH-BMG

Investigator Address: Box 88

SE-801 02 Gävle Sweden

Phone: +46 26 147850 Fax: +46 26 147803


Contributors Mats Sandberg

IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: S2

Title Tracer gas techniques for studying air flow patterns in buildings

Objective To review available tracer gas techniques for estimating flow patterns inmultizone buildings and to utilize such methods for evaluating interzonal flowsthrough horizontal and vertical openings.

Contribution to Task B: Review and Experimental studiesMethodology Literature, methodological and experimental study.

Description The pressure distribution may change radically in a hybrid ventilated building,when switching between different ventilation modes, resulting in a change offlow patterns. Experimental methods must be available to monitor suchchanges.

1. Available tracer gas techniques (both passive and active techniques) shall becritically reviewed from the point of view of their usefulness for estimating airflow patterns within buildings.

2. Application of such a technique in Research Item SE? and SE?

Country Planned Effort: Staff Months

ActivityLiterature study



Principal Name: Hans Stymne Affiliation: KTH-BMG

Investigator Address: Box 88

SE-80102 Gävle, Sweden

Phone: +46 26 147740 Fax: +46 26 147801



IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: S3

Title Combination of buoyancy (B), forced-convection (F)(mechanical ventilation)and wind (W)induced flow through horizontal openings

Objective To understand and predict the flow occurring in horizontal openings and its

influence on the distribution of air within the building

Contribution to Task B: Theoretical and Experimental Studies

Methodology Scale model with water as operating fluid (buoyancy driven transient flow)

Images and image processing

Full scale two-storey mock up in laboratory

Tracer gas technique and visualisation

Description Driving force State Configuration Comment

B Transient Closed Scale model

B Steady-state Inlet: 1st storey Outlet: 2ndstorey

Full scale

B+F Steady-state Inlet: 1st and 2nd storey Full scale

B+F Steady-state Inlet: 1st storey Full scale

B+W Long term av Inlet: 2nd storey Full scale

Country Sweden Planned Effort: Staff Months

ActivityTest scale modelTest in full scale



Principal Name: Mats Sandberg Affiliation: Dept.Built Environ. KTH

Investigator Address: Box 88 S-801 22 Gävle Sweden

Phone: +46 26 14 77 39 Fax: +46 26 14 78 03



IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: S4

Title Buoyancy driven flow in a ventilation shaft connected to a two-storey house

Objective To contribute to the understanding of the interaction between interior building spaceand a ventilation shaft (e.g. stairwell).

Contribution to Task B: Theoretical and Experimental Studies

Methodology -Full scale two-storey mock up in laboratory. The indoor- outdoor temperature

difference and size of ventilation openings will be varied. Tracer gas technique and


-Analytical modelDescription

The tests will be undertaken in a two-storey building with a total height of 5.2 m androom-height 2.5-m. A ventilation shaft will be added to one side of the building like astairwell. The test room is located in our laboratory and therefore the conditions canbe controlled accurately.

Country Sweden Planned Effort: Staff Months

ActivityTest in full scale



Principal Name: Mats Sandberg Affiliation: Dept.Built Environ. KTH

Investigator Address: Box 88 S-801 22 Gävle Sweden

Phone: +46 26 14 77 39 Fax: +46 26 14 78 03



IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: S5

Title A pre-design tool for hybrid ventilation

Objective To enable the NatVent program (a pre-design tool for natural ventilation) toperform calculations for hybrid ventilation

Methodology To implement common control strategies and fan assistance in the integratedprogram

Description The NatVent program was developed within the NatVent EU-Joule-project asa pre-design tool for natural ventilation. The program calculates the indoortemperatures and the ventilation rate in a building. The program uses a single-zone model coupling an air flow algorithm with a thermal algorithm. Theprogram is designed to be used by architects and engineers.

Country Sweden Planned Effort: 2 Staff Months


x x x x


Principal Name: Charlotte Svensson Affiliation: J&W Consulting Engineers

Investigator Address: Slagthuset

S-211 20 Malmö

Phone: +46 40 108310 Fax: +46 40 108201


Contributors Åke Blomsterberg

IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: S6

Title Prediction of air flows and temperatures in a hybrid ventilated school

Objective To predict the air flows and temperatures in a fan and solar assisted passivestack in a school (Tånga) being retrofitted.

Methodology Calculations of the air flows and temperatures as a function of temperaturedifference inside – outside, wind speed and direction and solar radiation. Thiswill be done for different boundary conditions.

Description The two storey Tånga school is ventilated by a fan and solar assisted passivestack. When the stack effect doesn’t provide a sufficient differential pressure,assisting fans and solar energy will maintain the desired flows. The outdoor airis distributed to the rooms through air intakes in the exterior walls into a stubduct from where it is distributed to the room. Dampers are mounted to the airintakes to allow control of the flow rate. The extract air is evacuated throughair terminal devices on the opposite side of the room into vertical ventilationducts.

Country Sweden Planned Effort: 2 Staff Months

Activity x x x x


Principal Name: Svein Ruud Affiliation: SP

Investigator Address: Box 857

S-50515 Borås

Phone: +46 33 165514 Fax: +46 33 131979


Contributors Architect Christer Nordström

IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: S7

Title Implementation and demonstration of hybrid ventilation in an existing school

Objective Demonstration and technology transfer

Methodology Pilot study in a school: application of simulation tools; installation ofmonitoring system; evaluation of hybrid ventilation, energy use and indoorclimate.

Description As part of a retrofit package (within the EU-project MEDUCA), a system forhybrid ventilation is installed in a school (Tånga). The two storey school willbe ventilated by a fan and solar assisted passive stack. When the stack effect isinsufficient, assisting fans and solar energy will maintain the desired flows. Theoutdoor air is distributed to the rooms through air intakes in the exterior walls.Dampers are mounted to the air intakes to allow control of the flow rate. Theextract air is evacuated through air terminal devices on the opposite side of theroom into vertical ventilation ducts.

Country Sweden Planned Effort: 6 Staff Months


x x x x x x x x x X x x


Principal Name: Åke Blomsterberg Affiliation: J&W Consulting Engineers

Investigator Address: Slagthuset

S-21120 Malmö

Phone: +46 40 108266 Fax: +46 40 108201


Contributors Svein Ruud, SP; Leif Lundin, SP; Charlotte Svensson, J&W

IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: S8

Title State-of-the-art Review

Objective To document the state-of-the-art concerning: control strategies, analysismethods, existing systems and solutions, components, building codes

Methodology Collecting and updating information available from the THERMIE MEDUCAproject, a study of modern Swedish hybrid ventilated schools, the JOULENatVent project etc.

Description Control strategies, systems and solutions will be documented for: two schoolsoriginally built in the sixties and retrofitted with hybrid ventilation; modernhybrid ventilated schools with underground supply air ducts.The following analysis methods will be documented: passive and active tracergas methods, the NatVent program etc.The survey of components and building codes will mostly be based on theJOULE TipVent project and the THERMIE MEDUCA project

Country Sweden Planned Effort: 2.5 Staff Months


xx xx xx


Principal Name: Åke Blomsterberg Affiliation: J&W Consulting Engineers

Investigator Address: Slagthuset, S-21120 Malmö

Phone: + 46 40 108266 Fax: + 46 40 108201


Contributors Charlotte Svensson, Svein Ruud, Mats Sandberg

IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: UK 1

Title UK Office Building Stock Classification and the Energy Saving Potential forthe Retrofit of Low Energy Ventilation (natural and fan assisted)

Objective To classify existing office building stock with respect to built form, age, sizeconstruction, conditioning etc. and estimate the national energy savingpotential for the retrofit of UK office buildings with low energy ventilationsystems (natural and fan assisted).

Methodology Link with existing BRE project looking at UK non-domestic building stock,via detailed surveys in selected towns and national valuation office data.Establish knowledge of refurbishment activity in the sector. Estimate energysavings for different types of office buildings.

Description A desk study will classify the existing office building stock according to itspotential for refurbishment. This will involve a detailed breakdown of UKstock profile by floor area, location, size, age, conditioning methods.

Estimates of national potential for energy savings for the retrofit of low energyventilation strategies will result from a knowledge of the refurbishment sectorand an assessment of the suitability and effect of incorporating such strategies.

Country United Kingdom Planned Effort: 4 Staff Months

Activityxx xxx xxx


Report x

Principal Name: Dr Paul Robinson Affiliation: BRE

Investigator Address: Building Performance Assessment and Research Unit

Building Research Establishment, Garston, Watford WD27JR, UK

Phone: +44 1923 664962 Fax: +44 1923 664796


Contributors Dr Earle Perera

IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: UK 2

Title Review of low energy ventilation strategies (natural and fan assisted) andassessment of their performance

Objective To assess the appropriateness of low energy ventilation strategies for retrofitto existing buildings.

Methodology See below.

Description A literature and market search of available natural and low-energy ventilationstrategies, components and controls, and their integration to the buildingBEMS vill be carried out. Ventilation strategies and commercial products thatcan be used for retrofit will be identified and their suitability assessed for thebuilding stock categories from (1). Parametric analysis using computerventilation modelling will be carried out to estimate the performance of theproposed strategies.

Country United Kingdom Planned Effort: 4 Staff Months

Activityx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx


Report x

Principal Name: Dr Paul Robinson Affiliation: BRE

Investigator Address: Building Performance Assessment and Research Unit

Building Research Establishment, Garston, Watford WD27JR, UK

Phone: +44 1923 664962 Fax: +44 1923 664796


Contributors Dr Earle Perera

IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: UK 3

Title Cost effectiveness of low energy ventilation (natural and fan assisted) whenretrofitted to office buildings

Objective To assess cost effectiveness of retrofit strategies.

Methodology The cost effectiveness of different strategies will be derived by comparing thecapital and operation cost against a typical refurbishment. Operation costs willinclude maintenance and running costs over 20 years. Replacement costs ofbuilding components and systems will be included if appropriate.


Country United Kingdom Planned Effort: 2 Staff Months

Activityxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx x


Report x

Principal Name: Dr Paul Robinson Affiliation: BRE

Investigator Address: Building Performance Assessment and Research Unit

Building Research Establishment, Garston, Watford WD27JR, UK

Phone: +44 1923 664962 Fax: +44 1923 664796


Contributors Dr Earle Perera

IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: UK 4

Title Virtual case studies of low energy ventilation systems (natural and fanassisted) retrofitted to office buildings

Objective 1. To demonstrate the applicability of the design guidelines/methodsdeveloped

2. To increase the lessons learnt from field data from monitored buildings

Methodology It is proposed that data from another research project could be used to test theaccuracy of a ventilation model. The model can then be used to investigatevarious scenarios and building types. Refurbishments that have operatedsatisfactorily and been monitored may provide suitable data.

Description Measurements in a number of recent low energy retrofitted buildings will beanalysed to demonstrate the applicability of the methods. However, field datacan be very difficult and expensive to collect.

Parametric analysis of various scenarios based on the monitored case studieswill be performed to increase the lessons learnt from the field data. Aventilation model capable of prediction air flow rates, indoor air quality andcomfort will be used.

Country United Kingdom Planned Effort: 9 Staff Months

Activityx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx x


Report x

Principal Name: Dr Paul Robinson Affiliation: BRE

Investigator Address: Building Performance Assessment and Research Unit

Building Research Establishment, Garston, Watford WD27JR, UK

Phone: +44 1923 664962 Fax: +44 1923 664796


Contributors Dr Earle Perera

IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: US 1

Title Combined Thermal Building Simulation and Air Flow Model, Phase I

Objective To integrate the multizone air flow model COMIS into the thermal buildingsimulation model Energy Plus to obtain a model capable to simulate heat andmass transport mechanismn in buildings


Description “State of the Art report.” Review literature re regarding multizone air flowmodels and modelling components. Incorporate findings from other annexparticipants.

Country USA Planned Effort: 1 Staff Months

ActivityState-of-the-art- X X X


1st draft X2nd draft X X


Principal Name: Helmut E. Feustel Affiliation: LBNL

Investigator(for this Annex)

Address: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Building 90, Room 3074, Berkeley CA 94720, USA

Phone: 001 510 486 4021 Fax: 001 510 486 6658



IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: US 2

Title Combined Thermal Building Simulation and Air Flow Model, Phase II

Objective To integrate the multizone air flow model COMIS into the thermal buildingsimulation model Energy Plus to obtain a model capable to simulate heat andmass transport mechanismn in buildings


Description The multizone air flow model COMIS was developed within the framework ofthe COMIS workshop and the IEA/ECBCS Annex 23. This air flow modelshall be integrated into the thermal building simulation model Energy Plus,which is currently under development. This combined model shall be used todesign hybrid ventilation systems and to evaluate their performance.

Modules developed by other annex participants describing flow phenomenanot currently covered by COMIS will be incorporated in collaboration withmodule authors.

Country USA Planned Effort: 36 Staff Months

Activityα -Version X X Xβ -Version X X X X X X X1st Release X X X


α -Release Xβ -Release X1st-Release X

Principal Name: Helmut E. Feustel Affiliation: LBNL

Investigator(for this annex)

Address: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Building 90, Room 3074, Berkeley CA 94720, USA

Phone: +1 510 486 4021 Fax: +1 510 486 6658



IEA-BCS Annex 35: HybVent

Research Item Description: US 3

Title Combined Thermal Building Simulation and Air Flow Model, Phase III

Objective To integrate the multizone air flow model COMIS into the thermal buildingsimulation model Energy Plus to obtain a model capable to simulate heat andmass transport mechanismn in buildings


Description Document effort provided to Annex 35.

Country USA Planned Effort: 3 Staff Months

Activityprepare final report X X X X X


draft final report Xfinal report X

Principal Name: Helmut E. Feustel Affiliation: LBNL

Investigator Address: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Building 90, Room 3074, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA

Phone: +1 510 486 4021 Fax: +1 510 486 6658



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