research driven design

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Research-Driven Design

Jackson Fox | UX Designer | jacksonfox@gmail.comDC Design Talks | 2/29/2008

What is research-driven design?

Research is all about observationof the user... research-driven design is grounded in the user’s reality...

...because we want to give people what they need, which isn’t always

what they want.

Research-Driven Design

Theory-Driven Design

Data-Driven Design

Empirical observation

Derived from theory

Web analytics

It’s all the same thing really

Back in the olden days...

(in the fifties actually)

Intuition vs.


Our theoretical heritage

> Cognitive Psychology

> Experimental Psychology

Welcome our new social science overlords

> Sociology

> Social Psychology

> Anthropology

> even... Marketing

We observe the user...

> Usability Testing

> User Observation

> Contextual Inquiry

> Interviews

> Surveys

> Card Sorting

> Analytics

> Focus Groups

> Etc...

Then we analyze the data...And we draw conclusions

AKA, the “Wheel of Science”





Good Times

More trouble than it’s worth

Research is only as much effort as you

make it

In science we talk about “experimental design” — choosing the right methods and

the right samples

Crushes the creative spirit

Research informs design, it doesn’t replace it

We use user research to ground our efforts in reality, and to

validate our choices

Not really scientific at all

Quantitative QualitativeCounts and measures

Qualities and characteristics

Objective Subjective

Neither is more “scientific” than the other

What is “good” research?

> Randomization

> Control

> Reliability

> Validity

> Implementation

> Analysis

> Interpretation

In fact, it’s all just common sense

Actually, that’s not always a bad thing

Just because the results are “common sense” doesn’t mean that the effort is wasted

In fact, many times we want the results to be

common sense

One last thing...

E-Z Design ResearchTM

Someone else has done a lot of work, and we

get use it

Design Guidelines Papers Books SURL Prioritizing Web Usability

NN/g, UIE, Etc... ACM SIG-CHI Designing Interfaces

But! Be critical of the research you see. Ask yourself if it’s good science.

1. Research-driven design grounds us in


2. Don’t be afraid of the touchy-feely stuff

3. If something is worth doing, it’s worth doing


...and design research is worth it!

Thanks!Jackson Fox

UX Designer,

DC Design TalksFebruary 29, 2008


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