research article brittle creep failure, critical behavior...

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Research ArticleBrittle Creep Failure, Critical Behavior, and Time-to-FailurePrediction of Concrete under Uniaxial Compression

Yingchong Wang,1 Na Zhou,1 Fuqing Chang,1 and Shengwang Hao1,2

1School of Civil Engineering and Mechanics, Yanshan University, Qinhuangdao 066004, China2The State Key Laboratory of Nonlinear Mechanics, Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, China

Correspondence should be addressed to Shengwang Hao;

Received 12 April 2015; Revised 12 June 2015; Accepted 14 June 2015

Academic Editor: Joao M. P. Q. Delgado

Copyright © 2015 Yingchong Wang et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons AttributionLicense, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properlycited.

Understanding the time-dependent brittle deformation behavior of concrete as a main building material is fundamental for thelifetime prediction and engineering design. Herein, we present the experimental measures of brittle creep failure, critical behavior,and the dependence of time-to-failure, on the secondary creep rate of concrete under sustained uniaxial compression. A completeevolution process of creep failure is achieved. Three typical creep stages are observed, including the primary (decelerating),secondary (steady state creep regime), and tertiary creep (accelerating creep) stages. The time-to-failure shows sample-specificityalthough all samples exhibit a similar creep process. All specimens exhibit a critical power-law behavior with an exponent of−0.51 ±0.06, approximately equal to the theoretical value of −1/2. All samples have a long-term secondary stage characterized by a constantstrain rate that dominates the lifetime of a sample.The average creep rate expressed by the total creep strain over the lifetime (𝑡𝑓−𝑡0)for each specimen shows a power-law dependence on the secondary creep rate with an exponent of −1. This could provide a clueto the prediction of the time-to-failure of concrete, based on the monitoring of the creep behavior at the steady stage.

1. Introduction

When concrete is subjected to sustained loading, it exhibitsthe phenomenon of creep. This phenomenon has beenrecognized long time ago by both structural and mate-rial engineers. Creep behavior of concrete is an importantphenomenon to be taken into account for evaluating andanalyzing the behavior of concrete structures [1, 2]. Generalcreep trends of concrete have been established and are wellknown [1, 3], andmodels have been proposed to predict creepin the design of concrete structures [2]. However, despitemajor successes, the phenomenon of creep is still far frombeing fully understood, even though it has occupied some ofthe best minds in the field of cement and concrete researchand materials science [3]. Particularly, most of the work thathas been pursued in the area of creep behavior was conductedat low levels of stress [4–6] and early-age creep [7], and thebrittle creep behavior of concrete under sustained load levelsthat are close to its short-term strength is not well known.

Concrete is brittle and under high-sustained loading,creep failure can occur after a certain time [8, 9]. Thisbehavior is referred to as static fatigue in materials, and itis thus important to understand the behavior of materials.However, whilst this phenomenon has been studied exten-sively inmetals [10], polymer plastic materials, and rocks [11],the time-dependent failure of concrete has been investigatedonly to a very limited extent. Because of the extensive rangeof the variety of constituents entering a concrete mix, it isoften difficult to make definite comparisons. Efforts havebeen made in micromechanics of the effect of concretecomposition on creep [12]. Viscoelasticity and crack growthgovern the long-term deformability of concrete and thus itsservice behavior and durability [13]. For low-load levels, theviscoelastic behavior appears quasi-linear, and crack growthis inactive. On the other hand, for high-load levels, cracksgrow and interact with viscoelasticity [13]. Nevertheless, asnoted by researchers the best way to achieve good long-timepredictions is to conduct short-time tests on the concrete and

Hindawi Publishing CorporationAdvances in Materials Science and EngineeringVolume 2015, Article ID 101035, 8 pages

2 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering

Figure 1: The test set-up.

then extrapolate themon the basis of a good predictionmodelincorporating as much as possible of the physics of creep[3, 14]. Macroscopic scaling laws are necessary if we wish toextrapolate the laboratory results in an attempt to understandthe process of brittle creep in concrete at the time-scales andstrain rates in practical engineering. The critical behavior ofthe signals could be a basis for forecasting the time-to-failureof materials [15].

The time-dependent brittle deformation of concrete usu-ally causes concrete to fail under constant stress that iswell below its short-term strength over an extended periodof time, a process known as brittle creep. The process ofcreep failure in other brittle materials, such as rock, istypically classified by the following three consecutive stages:primary creep, secondary creep, and accelerating tertiarycreep, which is a precursor to failure [16, 17]. The availableliteratures [18–21] on creep failure of concrete focus mainlyon tensile and flexural creep failure. The creep curves forconcrete from tensile and flexural creep tests [8, 22] alsodisplay a three-stage process, corresponding to the change increep rate. The current knowledge of the brittle creep failurebehavior of concrete under compression is comparativelynot well defined, and it lacks complete experimental results.Nevertheless, it is particularly important for the design andsafety assessment of large concrete dams, concrete works inunderground engineering, and so on. In these engineeringapplications, concrete materials are always loaded underlong-term compression. It has been shown that basic creep incompression is significantly more important than basic creepin tension [23].

In this paper, through constant uniaxial compression testsfor concrete, we discuss three regimes of concrete underconstant load and introduce the simple rule between the axialdeformation rate of the concrete and the rupture time. Thislaw has an important theoretical and practical significance forpredicting concrete creep damage.

2. Materials and Specimen Preparation

Each concrete specimen used was a rectangular block,160mm high, 40mm × 40mm in cross section. Eachspecimen was cast in an accurately machined steel mold.The components of the concrete were silicate cement (28-day strength of 42.5MPa), natural river sand (fine aggre-gate), and limestone coarse aggregate (4.75–16mm in size).The mixture proportion by weight of cement : water : fine

aggregate : coarse aggregate was 1 : 0.58 : 2.13 : 3.80. The speci-mens were cured for 28 days in a fog room at 20 ± 2∘C and ata relative humidity (RH) ≥95%. The age of loading concreteis about half a year.

3. Experimental Methodology

All specimens were uniaxially compressed in the verticaldirection (along the 160mm axis) at room temperature usinga universal electromechanical testing machine, equippedwith a load cell with a load step of 1 kN. The deformation 𝑢of the tested specimens was measured using an extensometerwith a resolution of 1 𝜇m located on the sides of the speci-mens. The test set-up is shown in Figure 1.

Before brittle creep experiments, a series of monotoni-cally increasing load experiments was conducted by control-ling the monotonic increase of the crosshead displacement ofthe testing machine in order to obtain the short-term failurecharacteristics of the concrete. In these experiments, thedisplacement of the crosshead was the governing displace-ment that combined the deformation of the loading apparatusand the deformed concrete specimen. The displacement ofthe crosshead was measured continuously using the linearvariable differential transformer (LVDT).

The stress used for the creep tests is determined to beequal to approximately 90% of the peak stress of the short-term failure tests. A series of conventional brittle creepexperiments were then performed at a predetermined stress.Figure 2 shows the detailed loading process of a sample asan example. We designed the procedure for the brittle creeptests according to the definition of creep. During the tests, allspecimens were rapidly loaded to the predetermined stressstate with a rate of 5MPa/s, which is shown in the initialloading phase in Figure 2(a), for the subsequent creep test.The loading was then stopped and the samples were allowedto deform under constant stress (the parts of the creep phaseswhere forces were kept constant in Figure 2(a) until failure).It is shown in Figure 2 that the strain of the samples increasedrapidly during the phase of the application of the initial stress.It is clearly indicated that the force is kept constant during thecreep phase of the experiment.

4. Results and Discussions

4.1. Monotonically Increasing Displacement Experiments. Theinitial calibration experiments were conducted in order to

Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 3

Constant forces (creep phase)


al lo


g ph


To fa



al fo

rce (







0 tf



0 300 600 900 1200

Time (s)


Creep phase



al st







0 300 600 900 1200

Time (s)

The i


l loa

d ph




To fa



Figure 2: Force-time and strain-time plots of a typical creep experiment on concrete as an example of demonstration of the loading process.(a) The curve of axial force versus time and (b) the curve of the axial strain versus time. It is clear that the load is kept constant during thecreep phase. The strain of the sample increases with time at an applied constant force and eventually leads to a sudden macroscopic failure.









0.0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 1.8

Displacement of crosshead (mm)


al st




To fa


Figure 3: Dynamic rupture in concrete (samples are labeled asMS1, MS2, MS3, and MS4) under monotonic loading at a constantdisplacement rate (0.05mm/min). The specimens fail suddenly inthe postfailure stage after the peak force is reached.Concrete exhibitssome scatter in the attained peak force and failure strain. In thesemonotonic tests, the displacements in the brittle creep tests areselected to be the same as those corresponding to the 80–90% peakforces.

obtain the short-term failure characteristics of the testedconcrete materials, using 12 specimens that were compressedby controlling the crosshead displacement, monotonicallyincreasing at a rate of 0.1mm/min until failure (i.e., no-holdstep). The sizes and shapes of specimens were the same asthose chosen for the creep experiments. Figure 3 shows therepresentative displacement-stress curves for four concretespecimens as examples.

It can be seen that the concrete specimens exhibit typicalstress-strain curves of brittle heterogeneous material likeconcrete and rock. At a very early stage of the compres-sion test, the stress-displacement curve was slightly convexupwards. Later, an almost linear stress-displacement relationwas elicited. The slope of the stress-displacement curve thendecreased and after some time it reached the peak stress.Eventually, the specimens failed suddenly at some pointin the postfailure stage, after the peak stress. The failurecould be attributed to the accumulation and coalescence ofmicrocracks and microdefects. The average peak stress ofthe 12 specimens was 52.67 ± 5.51MPa, with a coefficient ofvariation of 0.10.

4.2. Brittle Creep Experiments. Brittle creep failure experi-ments were performed on concrete specimens in order toyield times-to-failure and creep strain rates. The appliedstresses in the brittle creep tests were selected to be between80% and 90% of the peak stress in the monotonic tests(Figure 3). As noted above, the detailed loading process of thespecimens is shown in Figure 1 as an example.

In brittle creep tests, 11 samples were loadedwith differentinitial stresses during the brittle creep tests. Some samplesfailed immediately upon the application of the initial stress(these experiments were discarded as they produced no data;some samples did not fail during the available timewindowof4 days) and these experiments were also discarded. Followingthis calibration for the distribution of sample strengths, weconducted four tests with prescribed initial stresses of about90% of the peak stress. In order to show the load process andthe level of the predetermined stresses for each experiment,curves of the axial stress against time for four samples areshown in Figure 4. It is indicated that all samples failedabruptly after the process of constant stress maintenance.Thephotographs of failed samples shown in Figure 5 indicate that

4 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering






al st




0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200

Time (s)



To failure


Figure 4: Axial stress versus time curves of four concrete samples(labeled as CS1, CS2, CS3, and CS4) during the total loading process,including the initial loading phases and the following creep phases.


Figure 5: Photos of failed samples in brittle creep experiments.

localization occurred when samples evolved to macroscopicfailure.

During the phase where the samples were maintainedat a constant stress, concrete exhibited an obvious creepbehavior. Figure 4 shows the curves of strain against timefor all four samples during the creep phase. It is clear thatall curves exhibited the three typical stages of creep thatcharacterize brittle creep deformation.The strain-time curvesare characterized by the first stage of primary (transient)creep, followed by the secondary creep and by a stage oftertiary creep.

Each primary creep stage is characterized by an initiallyhigh strain rate that decreased with time to reach an almostconstant, secondary stage strain rate that is often interpretedas steady creep. Finally, samples entered a tertiary phasethat is characterized by an accelerated increase of strain.

This eventually resulted inmacroscopic failure of the samples.From Figures 6-7, it is clear that the secondary stage domi-nated the lifetime of samples.

Further investigation is needed to assess whether aspecimen developing steady state creep may fail if the loadis sustained for a sufficiently long time. Accelerated strainrate in the tertiary stage can be attributed to the fact that theconcrete became weaker and increasingly fractured. In manytests of brittle concrete, the tertiary stage creep was missedowing to the rapid brittle failure of samples at this stage.

In order to further characterize the three stages of theevolution of the properties of concrete’s creep failure, the firstderivatives of the strain-time curves, that is, the strain rateagainst time, are calculated and shown in Figure 7. The plotsin Figure 7 demonstrate that there is a long and an almostconstant strain rate portion of the curves, as indicated by thehorizontal parts of the curves. The steady state creep strainrate can be subsequently calculated within this portion of thecreep curve.

4.3. Power-LawCritical Behavior. Theacceleration propertiesthat were considered could be used to obtain a short-termprediction for the time-to-failure. Many material failurephenomena, such as volcanoes [24, 25], landslides [26], andlaboratory samples [27–29], are preceded by clear accelerat-ing rates of strain [30]. It has been widely suggested [30] thatthese precursory signals could be the basis for forecasting thetime of failure.

The theoretical analysis [31] has shown that the accelera-tion behavior of the strain rate near failure can be describedas a power-law behavior 𝑑𝜀/𝑑𝑡 ≈ 𝐴(1 − 𝑡/𝑡𝑓)

−𝛼 with anexponent 𝛼 = 1/2. In this paper, the log-log plots of theaxial strain rate versus [1 − (𝑡 − 𝑡0)/(𝑡𝑓 − 𝑡0)] for the fourspecimens are shown in Figure 8, in order to show the criticalpower-law behavior near failure.The symbol 𝑡𝑓 represents thefailure time, and as noted above, 𝑡0 is the start time of thecreep phase. Consequently, 𝑡𝑓 − 𝑡0 is the entire creep timefor each concrete specimen. The fitted results (see the redlines in Figures 8(a)-8(b) and the solid blue lines in Figures6(c)-6(d)) of the data near failure for each specimen are alsoshown in Figure 8. It is shown that the creep strain rates nearfailure for each specimen can be described well by a power-law relation; namely, strain rate = 𝐴[1 − (𝑡 − 𝑡0)/(𝑡𝑓 − 𝑡0)]

−𝛼.Themean power-law exponent was −𝛼 = −0.51±0.06,whichis almost equal to the theoretical value of −1/2 [31].

4.4. Dependence of Time-to-Failure on the Secondary CreepRate. In the brittle creep process, the secondary stage ofdeformation dominates the entire lifetime of the specimen.In the experiments, a steep creep slope in the secondary stageimplies a short lifetime with the lifetime represented by apower-law relationship.Thedependence of the lifetime on thecreep slope𝜆𝑠 of the secondary stage is shown in Figure 9. It isindicated that has exhibited an almost linear relationshipwitha secondary creep rate 𝜆𝑠. So, the lifetime (𝑡𝑓 − 𝑡0) for eachspecimen shows a power-law dependence on the secondarycreep rate with an exponent of −1.

Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 5









al st



0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200

t − t0 (s)






al st



0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200

t − t0 (s)










al st



0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200

t − t0 (s)











al st



0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200

t − t0 (s)








Figure 6: Axial strain versus time curves of four concrete specimens at the creep phases from 𝑡0 to failure under a constant applied stress. (a)Sample CS1; (b) sample CS2; (c) sample CS3; (d) sample CS4.The curves show the three typical stages of brittle creep: (1) primary (transient)stage characterized by an increasing strain with deceleration, (2) secondary stage, and (3) tertiary stage characterized by accelerating creep.






0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200



t − t0 (s)


al st




To fa




Figure 7: Axial strain rate versus time curves of the four concrete specimens at the creep phases.

6 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering





Experimental data

Sample: CS1

Fitted power law

y = 10−1.70x−0.52

1E − 4 1E − 3 0.01 0.1 1

1 − (t − t0)/(tf − t0)

To failure


al st










Experimental data

Sample: CS2

Fitted power law

y = 10−1.20x−0.42

1E − 4 1E − 3 0.01 0.1 1

To failure


al st





1 − (tf − t)/(tf − t0)






Experimental data

Sample: CS3

Fitted power law

y = 10−0.30x−0.55

1E − 4 1E − 3 0.01 0.1 1

1 − (t − t0)/(tf − t0)

To failure


al st










Experimental data

Sample: CS4

Fitted power law

y = 10−0.65x−0.54

1E − 4 1E − 3 0.01 0.1 1

1 − (t − t0)/(tf − t0)

To failure


al st






Figure 8: Log-log plots of axial strain rate against time for four specimens. The power-law fits (see the solid red lines in (a) and (b), and thesolid blue lines in (c) and (d)) to the experimental data near failure are indicated in the figures.The power-law exponent is equal to−0.51±0.06and it is approximately equal to the theoretical value of −1/2 quoted in [31].

4.5. Discussions. Brittle failure in concrete is driven bymicro-crack growth. For low-load levels, crack growth would notoccur. However, for high-load levels, crack growth is activeand, coupledwith viscoelasticity, governs the deformability ofconcrete and thus its durability. It has been shown [13, 32] thatmodels taking crack evolution and the viscoelastic behaviorof concrete into consideration can reproduce the experimen-tally observed trends and explain the effects observed in creepfailure tests.

In essence, the evolution of the macroscopic responsedepends on the microphysical properties and microdamageprocess of the sample, which induces sample-specificityof time-to-failure. The time-to-failure of concrete samplesdepends on the sample’s microstructure evolution. Variabil-ity in the initial microstructures (such as crack density,

porosity, and their heterogeneous distribution) could leadto diversification in both creep patterns and time-to-failureamong samples deformed under the same loading conditions.Consequently, for a given concrete composition and loadingconditions, time-to-failure and creep curves can be highlyvariable from one sample to another, because of the intrinsicvariability of concrete microstructures.

In the present experiments, the difference in the imposedcreep stresses was so small that it could not eliminate theeffect of sample variability on time-to-failure. Thus, the datafrom the present creep experiments do not show a strong,direct dependence of time-to-failure on the stress level. Inorder to fully describe the differences in time-to-failure forvarious samples as a function of applied stress, it is necessaryto perform a series of creep failure experiments over a wider

Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 7(𝜀

f−𝜀 0

)/(tf−t 0

) (

0.1 1




Experimental dataFitted results

y = 100.28x1.0±0.03



𝜆s (10−6 s−1)

Figure 9: The log-log plot of the creep slopes 𝜆𝑠 of the secondarystage and (𝜀𝑓−𝜀0)/(𝑡𝑓−𝑡0). It is indicated that there is an almost linearrelation; namely, the solid straight line is the fitted result. So, thelifetime (𝑡𝑓 − 𝑡0) for each specimen shows a power-law dependenceon the secondary creep rate with an exponent of −1.

range of imposed creep stresses for which brittle creep failureoccurs that are different percentages of the peak stress ofthe monotonic tests, yielding a range of different times-to-failure. Their eventual macroscopic failure patterns are alsodifferent from each other, as shown in Figure 5.

However, the responses obtained do present scaling lawpatterns, which allow the possibility of extrapolating thelaboratory results to understand the processes occurringin actual structures. The reason that the concrete samplesexhibit the scaling law is that the sizes of the microdamageevents are usually much smaller than those of the eventualmacroscopic failure events.

5. Conclusions

The experimental data presented in this paper demonstratedthat the creep failure of concrete under compression exhibitsthe three typical evolutionary stages that lead to an eventualmacroscopic failure. Samples exhibited sample specificitiesof the time-to-failure and macroscopic failure patterns butshowed similarities in creep process and macroscopic scalinglaws.

Concrete specimens tested in the present experimentsshowed an obvious tertiary stage before the macroscopicfailure. The strain rates in the tertiary creep stage of theconcrete increased rapidly and led to an acceleration creep.The acceleration creep near failure exhibited a critical power-law behavior with an exponent of −0.51 ± 0.06 that wasapproximately equal to the theoretical value of −1/2.

The curve of the strain rate against time indicated thatthere existed a long-term stage where the strain rate sustaineda constant value. This implied that the secondary stage witha constant strain rate dominated the lifetime of concrete.

The average creep rate expressed by the total creep strain overthe lifetime (𝑡𝑓 − 𝑡0) for each specimen showed a power-lawdependence on the secondary creep rate with an exponent of−1. This could provide a clue to the prediction of the time-to-failure of concrete, based on the monitoring of the creepbehavior in the steady stage. Also, we can estimate the onset ofthe third stage based on when the strain rate begins to deviatefrom the fitted slope of the secondary stage.

Conflict of Interests

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interestsregarding the publication of this paper.


This work is supported by National Basic Research Pro-gram of China (Grant 2013CB834100) and Natural ScienceFoundation of Hebei Province (D2015203398). The authorsacknowledge the useful comments of the editor, Joao M. P.Q. Delgado, and of the anonymous reviewers.


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