request for proposal-wioa adult/dislocated worker service ... · (ro) for economic growth region 2...

Post on 31-Jul-2020






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Request for



Worker Service


851 Marietta St South Bend, IN 46601

p. 574-237-9675, Ext 2541 f. 574-239-2672


Summary of Request

The Northern Indiana Workforce Board, Inc. (NIWB) and the Regional Operator

(RO) for Economic Growth Region 2 (EGR-2) are issuing this Request for Proposal

(RFP) to procure an agency that will provide staff and service delivery support to

WorkOne Centers in the region. These staff will deliver workforce development

services to both job seeker customers and employer customers. Bidders should note

that the following are fundamental principles of the EGR-2 WorkOne system:

Integrated Service Delivery –The Region 2 WorkOne system delivers

workforce development services through an integrated service delivery

model. Included in this integration model are staff who delivers state-funded

services through Wagner-Peyser, Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA),

Veterans Services (JVSG), and Re-Employment Services & Employment

Assistance (RESEA) programs. The purpose of this RFP is to identify an

organization that can provide staffing and service delivery support through

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) funding in the context of

this integrated environment.

Functional Supervision - In the Region 2 integrated model, functional

supervision plays a key role within WorkOne operations. To implement this

supervisory approach, the NIWB utilizes vendor staff Center Managers who

are directly responsible for day-to-day operational activities in the five

WorkOne Centers in the region. These Center Managers assist in

programmatic operational decisions concerning customer flow, deployment

of staff as necessary to manage the customer flow, staff travel into the

communities to meet customers in a more comfortable environment, and are

responsible for the overall quality, effectiveness, and performance of

WorkOne services. The Region 2 functional supervision model certainly

recognizes that vendor organizations have internal human resource

functions that are managed within their organization. Such functions would

include final hiring and firing decisions, benefits administration, and time

and attendance reporting. However, it should be noted, that even in these

critical human resource areas, Center Managers and program managers have

input and the opportunity to influence decisions. Through this RFP, the goal

is to identify a vendor who can provide staffing and service delivery support

to ensure that WorkOne operations function as designed by the Region 2

Leadership Team. The Center Managers oversee reporting, data validation,

the office program service delivery, and coverage, working directly with the

Regional Operator and Program Managers to ensure the region meets

programmatic requirements of all grants operated by the Northern Indiana


Workforce Board (NIWB), meets the workforce development needs of

regional employer and economic development organizations, convenes

regional education entities, and develops programs to meet the Region 2

Sector Pathways and Strategies.

Team-Based Staff Deployment - In the Region 2 integrated service

delivery model, staff are deployed in functional teams that work together to

meet the needs of job seeker and business customers. The specific functional

teams that have operated in each Northern Indiana WorkOne Center

include the Welcome Team, the Employer Services Team, the Re-Employment

Services Team, the Career Advisors, Workshop Team, and a robust Business

Services Team. As part of regional WorkOne operations, there is also a regional

Business Services Team (made up of NIWB, Vendor, and Partner staff) to

coordinate all business service activities. The region maintains a Workshop

Team to deliver in-house training activities across the five counties of the

region, going into the community and to employers when necessary, and

delivering coordinated workshops with all Partner agencies. As a result of the

COVIS-19 Pandemic, it became increasingly necessary that all Region 2 staff, no matter what

agency they report to, become able quickly to provide all Basic Career Service and WIOA

Services in a virtual manner. Prior to the Pandemic, the WorkOne offices had begun to take

this work out to agencies and places where individuals in need of assistance meet.

Through this RFP, the NIWB is seeking an organization that can staff each of

these functional teams with professional staff who can deliver high quality

services to customers, in-office, virtually, and in an innovative mobile

manner. These staff members report to the Center Managers or Program



The NIWB is seeking interested organizations that demonstrate the four critical

characteristics listed below:

- Competent and cooperative management with a vision for staffing and

supporting the Northern Indiana WorkOne system

- A commitment and ability to ensure that customer service oriented staff are

available to serve Region 2 job seekers and employers

- Flexibility in deploying human resources and an ability to adapt to change as

economic conditions and operational needs evolve

o Virtually

o In-office

o In the community

- Have field staff managed by Programmatic Functional Supervisors as

determined by the NIWB


Following a triage approach for all customers to determine the appropriate services

to meet their individual needs, the NIWB has identified the following key functions

of staff that work in the Northern Indiana WorkOne system:

• Interview job seekers to identify barriers to employment and identify WorkOne

(including all partner agencies comprising the WorkOne system) services

that will help address these barriers.

• Deliver a variety of skills development and job seeking services for customers

addressing their needs in the areas of education and employment. These

services are delivered either in group settings, through work and learn

opportunities, or one-on-one (either face-to-face or virtually) as appropriate.

• Facilitate and deliver workshops and group sessions instructing customers on

various skills, including basic skills development, customer service, computer

skills, and job search skills, also provided either virtually or in a classroom

• Assessing customer readiness for training and committing financial

resources to support customers with tuition, books, and other training-

related expenses

• Meet with customers to assist them in their job search efforts (resumes,

interviews, internet job search, and other topics) and assisting by locating

appropriate job openings and referring these individuals to these jobs.

• Maintain documentation of customer activities in the WorkOne management

information system.

The NIWB requires the successful bidding organization to hire Center Managers to

assist in the performance management of WorkOne staff and service delivery

activities. NIWB staff assist Center Managers in the management of WorkOne

operations and are selected based upon their experience, skills, and leadership

abilities. This is the only "management or leadership" of programs and services the

successful bidding organization will provide in the region other than Human

Resource (HR) functions for staff members. All HR issues are managed by the

successful bidding organization. All eligibility determinations and operational

decisions are handled in coordination with the NIWB program managers and the

Center Managers. The work is coordinated in collaboration with the Regional

Operator who is contracted by the NIWB to ensure coordination of services and

performance. All operations are coordinated by the Regional Leadership Team.


Region 2 is comprised of St. Joseph, Elkhart, Kosciusko, Fulton, and Marshall

Counties. Comprehensive WorkOne offices are located in South Bend and Elkhart,

Indiana. Affiliate Offices are located in Warsaw, Rochester, and Plymouth, Indiana.


While some offices are considered affiliate offices, customers are able to access all

workforce development services in every office. The successful bidder for this

contract will ensure staffing for all five counties.

Hours of Operation

All offices are open from 8 AM to 4:30 PM to reflect the state hours of operation.

The offices also follow the State Holiday schedule. The successful bidder will have

staff available to cover these hours of operation. Offices are known as WorkOne

American Job Centers:

Additional Guidance

The NIWB intends to be as inclusive as possible in this solicitation. The goal is to receive

several high quality proposals that articulate clear and aggressive strategies for staffing

WorkOne centers and ensuring the delivery of workforce services to customers. The

resulting contract with the successful bidder will be for a two-year period which may begin

any time after contract negotiations are completed. Based on performance, the NIWB may

elect to renew the contract for up to two additional years.

The NIWB is looking for an organization that can provide staff to deliver WorkOne services

at all WorkOne Centers located in the region. However, by submitting a proposal the bidder

is assuring the NIWB that it will provide additional staff to deliver workforce services

whenever additional grant funding is secured.

This Request for Proposals is not in itself an offer of work nor does it commit the NIWB to

fund any proposals submitted. The NIWB is not liable for any costs incurred in the

preparation or research of proposals. The NIWB reserves the right to make an award to any

bidder or to make no awards, if that is deemed to serve the best interests of Region 2. In

addition, the NIWB reserves the right to:


o Amend or withdraw this RFP at any time;

o Reject any and all proposals; and/or

o Re-issue this RFP;

o Successful bidders-must negotiate the proposal before the NIWB

makes any final commitment;

o All commitments made by the NIWB are contingent upon the

availability of funds;

Bidding organizations should note that under the requirements of the Freedom of

Information Act (FOIA), the contents of your proposal or other information submitted to

the NIWB is subject to public release upon request, except those items specifically exempt

from disclosure. The bidder shall mark as "proprietary" those parts of its proposal that it

deems proprietary. However, the bidder is alerted that this marking is advisory only and

not binding on the NIWB. If there is a request from the public under FOIA to inspect any

part of the proposal so marked, the NIWB will advise the bidder and request further

justification in support of the "proprietary" marking. If the NIWB determines, after receipt

of the justification, that the material is releasable, the bidder will be notified immediately.

Under no circumstances will a proposal or any part of a proposal be released prior to the

contract award decision.

The specifications in this RFP may change based on issuance of State or Federal policy or

WIOA re-authorization. By submitting a proposal, the bidder agrees to work cooperatively

with the NIWB to comply with subsequent changes.

The successful bidder will be required to maintain a local management office within Region

2 to work with the NIWB in resolving functional supervision issues and any other staffing

or personnel issues as required. The successful bidder will also need to identify a single

point of contact who will work with the NIWB on all such issues.

In the event of a transition to a new service provider, the successful bidder will be required

to offer consideration to all staff who currently work in the Northern Indiana WorkOne

system. In the event of a transition, the NIWB will work with the successful bidder to make

this transition as quick and efficient as possible.



To ensure a fair and open process for all interested bidders, the following time table will

be used with this RFP process:

RFP Issued July 29, 2020 Questions and Answers Deadline August 12, 2020 Proposals Due August 28, 2020 Proposal Review Complete September 4, 2020 Workforce Board Approval September 18, 2020 Contract Negotiations Complete September 25, 2020 Contractor Begins Delivering Services October 5, 2020

The NIWB may require selected bidders to attend oral interviews, participate in

negotiations and rewrite their statements of work as agreed upon during the


Proposal Requirements

Proposals must be received by noon EST, August 28, 2018 in person or by mail at the

address indicated. Proposals received after that time and date will be rejected. Please

note that proposals must be received, not postmarked by noon August 28, 2018. Proposals

shall not be submitted electronically or by FAX except as noted in item B below for the


A. To be complete, your proposal must include:

Attachments completed with requested information and executed properly.

One copy of the proposal with original signatures clearly labeled "ORIGINAL."

Five copies of the proposal clearly labeled "COPY."

An electronic copy of the proposal must also be submitted via email and sent to

the attention of Jeff Balogh, CFO, at

All pages must be numbered

Proposal is limited to 15 single-sided pages

Proposals that fail to follow instructions and do not include all applicable

information and forms may not be considered.

B. Attachment A - Non-Collusion Affidavit must be signed and submitted.

C. Attachment B - Assurances and Certifications must be signed and submitted.


D. Your response to the narrative section of the proposal is limited to no more than 15 pages. This page limitation is imposed for the sake of the reviewers of your proposal. This limitation does not include other sections of your proposal such as Attachments A and B, your audit or annual financial reports, and other attachments such as resumes and organizational charts.

Proposals may be hand delivered or mailed to the following address:

Barbara White Northern Indiana Workforce Board, Inc. 851 Marietta Street South Bend, IN 46601

Questions regarding this RFP may be submitted in writing to:

Barbara White via email to

( Questions will be addressed until August 7, 2018)

Bidders have the right to appeal any action or decision related to this RFP. Appeals must

be submitted to the Northern Indiana Workforce Board, Inc. and will be reviewed and

investigated by the Board. The decision of the Workforce Board in such situations

shall be final. Bidders wishing to make a formal appeal should do so in writing to:

Mark King, NIWB Board Chair 851 Marietta Street South Bend, IN 46601

Checklist for Proposal Submission

Use this as a checklist to ensure that you have included all items required in this RFP.

Failure to include all required information could result in rejection of your proposal.

Cover Letter with original signatures

Proposal Statement of Work

Proposed Budget Plan

Attachment A (Non-Collusion Affidavit) with original signatures

Attachment 8 (Assurances and Certifications) with original signatures

Organizational chart including management structure

Resume for proposed single point of contact

Copy of personnel policies or handbook

Copy of most recent audit report or year-end financial statement


Unless specifically requested by the Board, changes and/or amendments to the

originally submitted proposal will not be considered. In addition, the Board

reserves the right to:

o Amend or withdraw this RFP at any time; o Reject any and all proposals; and/or o Re-issue this RFP if necessary.

Proposal Statement of Work

Interested organizations should adhere to the following outline in responding to

this RFP. This will make your proposal more reviewable and will allow reviewers

of your proposal to make more informed decisions.

A. Experience of bidding organization (20% of overall rating)

The following questions will provide your organization with the opportunity to

highlight and review your experiences, strengths, and overall state of readiness to

staff Region 2 WorkOne Centers and ensure the delivery of workforce services to job

seeker and business customers.

1. Provide an overall description of your organization. What is your

organization's mission and vision, governance structure, and legal status?

Please include an organizational chart for your management structure

that highlights key management personnel and their proposed roles with

this project. (2% of overall rating)

2. Describe your organization's experience in providing staff to another

organization to achieve a specific business purpose. Be specific in

your description by detailing the staffing services that were provided as

well as the specific services that your assigned staff delivered. Also,

please highlight any significant business results or benefits that were

achieved from the deployment of your staff to deliver the requested

services. (10% of overall rating)

3. Please identify your single point of contact for the Region 2 WorkOne

system. What experience does your single point of contact have at

supporting the staffing and business needs of other customers? Please

provide a resume of your proposed single point of contact to highlight

the skills they will bring to this role. (5% of overall rating)

4. Provide three references and contact information for individuals outside

your organization that are familiar with the quality of services your

organization is capable of providing. Detail the specific services you


provided to these organizations and any results that were achieved.

Letters of support are not required and will not be considered in the

overall evaluation of bidding organizations. (3% of overall rating)

B. Staffing an Integrated WorkOne System (40% of overall rating)

The foundation of the Region 2 integrated service delivery model is the assignment

of staff to one of five functional teams. The following questions will provide your

organization with the opportunity to demonstrate how you will staff and support

these teams so that they can deliver high quality workforce services.

1. Describe in specific terms how your organization would staff and support

the following WorkOne teams. (5% of overall rating)

• The Welcome Team - the Welcome team is staffed by Senior

Community Services Employment Program (SCSEP) participants who

greet visitors, conduct initial assessments, and begin the WorkOne

triage activities – no vendor staff will be required for this position at

this time.

• The Employment Services Team - the Employment Team works

with job seeker customers on a variety of job to job activities,

including resume development, interview preparation, job referrals,

labor market information to inform career pathways that best

meet the customers skills and interests, and begins to identify

additional skills and resources needed.

• The RESEA (Re-Employment Services) Team – the RESEA Team

identifies individuals who have filed a claim for unemployment

insurance to ensure complete knowledge of services available to

assist in re-employment, either in the former career area or in an

area the customer feels may better improve their financial stability.

This team reviews customers’ skills, work history, and barriers to

better employment and assists in developing an Individuals

Employment Plan to achieve the customers’ goals.

• The Career Advisors Team - The Career Advisor Team works with

job seeker customers on a variety of skill development issues

including basic skills, technology skills, soft skills, occupational-

specific skills, and others. This team provides support, resources,

and coaching to assist the customer in identifying the goals which

will lead to self-sufficiency and continued financial growth.

• The Business Services Team - the Business Services Team

works with employer customers to develop applicant recruitment

and assessment plans, customized training activities, on-the-job

training programs, and provides the opportunities for


Apprenticeships. This team promotes the work of the Governor’s

Next Level Jobs Plan, supports the Talent Councils, and works with

local Career Tech Education and Adult Ed programs to ensure

curriculum is being developed to feed growing employment needs

within the region. This team is active with Chambers of Commerce,

local HR groups, and Economic Development to ensure a workforce is

ready for new employment opportunities coming into Region 2.

• The Workshop Team - the Workshop Team develops, schedules, and

delivers a wide range of in-house skill development, and job finding

workshops. Computer classes are offered to jobseekers and to

employers to build the technology needs of the region.

• MIS/Data Validation and Office Leads – the Board expects three

individuals to be selected with a strong attention to detail,

understanding of program performance expectations and ways to

achieve them, and the ability to communicate well with office staff.

This team will also communicate with the Leadership Team on any

issues within the offices.

• EO Officer/Ticket to Work/Special Projects Coordinator – the

Board expects the vendor to provide an individual with management

skills to oversee the special projects for the region, including but not

limited to Ticket to Work, Disability grants, Resource Coordination,

and EO issues for all region 2 offices.

2. The NIWB (based upon current budget estimates) has identified the

potential for twenty one (21) positions. All are full time positions within

the WorkOne Offices, 3 are Center Managers, 1 is the IT Director, and 1 is

the EO Officer/Special Projects Coordinator to be funded through this

contract. Three positions are part-time. Staffing needs are projected as


Offices/Positions Employment Team


Success Coaches

Business Services

Workshop Team

St. Joseph County 1 2 3 1 Elkhart County 2 1 South Counties (Shared) 1 2 1

- Kosciusko - Fulton - Marshall

Based upon additions or reductions in funding and/or special grants

and projects, the successful bidder will be expected to hire additional

staff. Please detail how your organization will ensure that full time

staff members are in these positions and ready to provide services

to customers. (6% of overall rating)


3. Describe the specific process that your organization will use to ensure that

job openings are quickly filled with skilled professionals. What specific

assessments, activities, and reviews are involved in your hiring process?

What is the estimated length of time that your organization needs to fill a

vacancy? What strategies will your organization use to ensure that positions

are filled within this time frame? (10% of overall rating)

4. Detail how your organization will operate in an environment where

functional supervision and WorkOne Center operations are managed by the

NIWB. Describe how your organization will interact with and support Center

Managers in their role as functional supervisors of staff. (8% of overall


5. Please provide detail on your approach to managing your human resources.

How do you determine the rate of pay for staff? What are key personnel

policies that you maintain? What kind of payroll process do you utilize? What

are the specific benefits that you offer staff? Please be as specific as possible

in this section to ensure that the NIWB has a full and complete understanding

of your specific approaches to managing human resources and supporting

staff. Also, please attach a copy of any personnel policy or handbook that

establishes the guidelines for how your organization will manage human

resources. (8% of overall rating)

6. In the Region 2 integrated service delivery model, there is an expectation

that job seeking and business customers accessing services in the more

rural locations of the region will be able to access the same high quality

services as customers in larger cities and counties. Describe your

organization's ability to provide staffing and service delivery support in

the more rural locations of Region 2. (3% of overall rating)

C. Financial Management and Budget (40% of overall rating)

The bidder should provide information on budgets as follows:

1. Bidders must maintain a financial management system that is auditable

and in compliance with generally accepted accounting principles.

Financial records must be available for audit and monitoring purposes.

Bidders should provide a brief description of the financial accountability

of the organization in this section. Bidders should also provide one copy

of their most recent independent annual audit or, if your organization is


not formally audited, your most recent independent year-end financial

report. (7% of overall rating)

2. Has your organization had any financial or compliance findings in the

last three years? If so, describe what issues were identified and

provide a detailed description of how these issues were resolved. If

your organization has operated a WIOA Program before, please include

as attachments the past two years of monitoring reports. (5% of

overall rating)

3. As noted earlier in this RFP, the NIWB is projecting that funding exists to

support 31 full time and part time staff positions. Based on this level of

staff, please detail your organization's budget to support these 31

positions using the following budget categories (28% of overall


a. Salaries for 38 staff positions

b. Benefits for 38 staff positions (please provide your proposed

benefits rate within this budget category)

c. Management or organizational fees charged by the bidding


d. Any other costs to be charged by the bidding organization

Please include a brief narrative statement for each of these four categories that describes

the specific items included in these budget categories. For example, within the benefits

category, briefly describe the benefits that will be available to staff working in your


In addition, please complete a formal budget plan using the Excel format provided by

the NIWB. Instructions for completing a Budget Plan are located in the first tab of the file.

Questions regarding this budget plan may be submitted in writing to Barbara White via

email to Budget questions will be addressed until August 17,


It should be noted that all electronic data and paper files remain the property of

NIWB and must be stored within the Region 2 office or Region 2 equipment where

service is provided, or as directed by NIWB.



Attachment A

Non-Collusion Affidavit

State of Indiana

County of _______________

The respondent is hereby giving oath that it has not, in any way, directly or indirectly,

entered into any arrangement or agreement with any other respondent or with any officer

or employee of the Northern Indiana Workforce Board whereby it has paid or will pay to

such other respondent or officer or employee any sum of money or anything of real value

whatever; and has not, directly or indirectly, entered into any arrangement or agreement

with any other respondent or respondents which tends to or does lessen or destroy free

competition in the letting of the agreement sought for by the attached response; that no

inducement of any form or character other that which appears on the face of the response

will be suggested , offered, paid, or delivered to any person whomsoever to influence the

acceptance of the said response or awarding of the agreement, nor has this respondent any

agreement or understanding of any kind whatsoever, with any person whomsoever, to pay,

deliver to, or share with any other person in any way or manner any of the proceeds of the

agreement sought by this response.

Signature of Authorized Representative

Print or Type Name






Attachment B

Assurances and Certifications

The respondent assures and certifies to each of the following items:

1. The bidding organization agrees to comply with all applicable State and Federal laws and regulations governing the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, the Northern Indiana Workforce Board (NIWB), and any other applicable laws and regulations.

2. The bidding organization has not been debarred or suspended or otherwise excluded from or ineligible for participation in federally funded programs.

3. The bidding organization possesses legal authority to offer the attached proposal.

4. A drug free workplace will be maintained in accordance with State of Indiana requirements.

5. By submitting a proposal the bidder certifies to his/her knowledge and belief that there is no conflict of interest (real or apparent) inherent in the bid or in delivering the plan of work if NIWB awards a contract. A conflict of interest would arise if any individual involved in the preparation of this RFP, proposal review and rating or award decisions has a financial or other interest in or represents the bidding organization and would be likely to gain financially or personally from the award of a contract. The same would hold true for any member of the individual’s family, partner, or an organization employing or about to employ any of the above as a direct result of the successful award of a contract under the RFP. NIWB reserves the right to disqualify a bid should a conflict of interest be discovered during the solicitation process.

6. The bidding organization assures that if awarded a contract by NIWB, it will comply with Regional, State and Federal program and financial monitoring requirements. This means the bidder will make available required information (both program and financial) as is required to satisfy local, state, and federal monitoring expectations.

7. The bidding organization assures that it will comply fully with the nondiscrimination and equal opportunity provisions of the following laws: Section 188 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014; Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; The Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended; and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended.


The bidding organization also assures that it will comply with 29 CFR Part 37 and all other regulations implementing the laws listed above. This assurance applies to the WIOA Title I financially assisted program or activity, and to all agreements that NIWB makes to carry out the WIOA Title I financially assisted program or activity. This WIOA Title I funded program is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services will be made available upon request for individuals with disabilities. By submitting a bid all bidders are providing an assurance that they will comply with the above nondiscrimination and equal opportunity provisions.

Signature of Authorized Representative

Print or Type Name




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