request for decision - sechelt

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TO: Planning & Community Development Committee REPORT DATE: November 7, 2016 TARGET DECISION DATE: December 7, 2016 FROM: Aaron Thompson, Development Planner RE: Wesbrooke by the Sea - Clayton Family Lands Ltd.
Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 492-18, 2016 (Wesbrooke by the Sea) and Zoning Bylaw No. 25, 1987, Amendment Bylaw No. 25-278, 2016 (CD-37, Wesbrooke by the Sea) for District Lot 1385, Except Plans 8881, 10666, 17551, LMP20092, Stat. Right of Way Plan 14180, Plans BCP33935 and BCP36304
FILE NO: 3360-20 2016-06 RECOMMENDATIONS 1. That the report from the Development Planner dated November 7, 2016
regarding the Wesbrooke by the Sea Official Community Plan amendment and Zoning Bylaw amendment be received.
2. That the Committee recommends that Council gives 1st reading to Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 492-18, 2016 (Wesbrooke by the Sea) and Zoning Bylaw No. 25, 1987, Amendment Bylaw No. 25-278, 2016 (CD-37, Wesbrooke by the Sea) and refers those bylaws to Public Hearing.
3. That the Committee recommends to Council the following conditions of adoption for Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 492-18, 2016 (Wesbrooke by the Sea) and Zoning Bylaw No. 25, 1987, Amendment Bylaw No. 25-278, 2016 (CD-37, Wesbrooke by the Sea):
a. Completion of a Traffic Impact Study and the inclusion of the recommendations in a servicing agreement or pro rata cash contribution for necessary upgrades;
b. Register a restrictive covenant that allows public pedestrian access over all lands shown as publically accessible open space in Zoning Bylaw No. 25, 1987, Amendment Bylaw No. 25-278, 2016 (Wesbrooke by the Sea);
c. Submit a landscape plan for all publically accessible open spaces on the property;
d. Dedicate 1,285 m2 of land as an expansion to Clayton Park and as shown in Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 25-278, 2016 (Wesbrooke by the Sea) as “Clayton Park Expansion”;
e. An application for a Development Permit for Development Permit Area 5 – Steep Slopes for the Wesbrooke by the Sea facility receive Council’s approval-in-principle;
f. An application for a Development Permit for Development Permit Area 7 – Multi Family for the affordable housing building receive Council’s approval-in-principle;
g. Complete and implement a Tree Protection Plan in accordance with Environmental Management and Protection Bylaw No. 484, 2009 of the assisted living building;
h. Register a restrictive covenant on title which restricts subdivision under the Strata Property Act; and
i. Submit a landscaping plan for the Clayton Park improvements for Council’s approval and include the construction of any improvements in a servicing agreement;
j. Enter into a servicing agreement for all offsite works including: i. A 2.5 m paved multiuse pathway along the northern side of the
highway frontage of District Lot 1384; ii. Improvements to Clayton Park, including, but not limited to
construction of two pickleball courts; iii. Construction of the unnamed access road to Urban Local Road
Standard from Clayton Avenue to the northern terminus of the frontage and a Gravel Local Road Standard from the northern terminus of the frontage to the intersection with the proposed Tyler Road extension and to the western property line of District Lot 1384;
iv. Construction of a bus stop on the east side of the intersection of Cowrie Street and Clayton Avenue; and
v. All offsite works and services as required by Subdivision and Development Control Servicing Standards Bylaw No. 430, 2003.
4. That the Committee recommends that Council authorizes staff to prepared a Housing Agreement bylaw for the provision of affordable housing in the Wesbrooke by the Sea development.
PURPOSE To present and review the application for a Zoning Bylaw Amendment and Official Community Plan (OCP) Amendment and make recommendations to the Committee.
OPTIONS/ALTERNATIVES 1. Require changes to the bylaws to prior to them going to Council. 2. Deny the application for an OCP amendment and rezoning.
Proposal To rezone a portion of District Lot 1385 to allow for the construction and operation of a four-storey, 124 unit assisted living and independent supportive living facility, a two- storey, 12 unit affordable housing building, and an expansion to Clayton Park. Please see Attachment 1 for the proposed site layout. The application for the amendment to the OCP is to change the designation to a mix of:
• Civic Institutional, and Utilities (for the Wesbrooke by the Sea facility); • Multifamily/Mixed Residential (for the affordable housing building); and • Parks and Open Space (for the Clayton Park Expansion);
The application for the amendment to the Zoning bylaw is to create a new Comprehensive (CD) Zone for the Wesbrooke by the Sea facility and affordable housing building. The portion of the lands to be included in the Clayton Park expansion will be rezoned to an existing zone, PA-1. The rezoning application comes with significant community amenity contributions required for the density lift as per OCP policies. Additional detail related to the community amenities and the calculation of affordable housing contribution can be found in the analysis section of this report. Context/Background This proposal is the result of revisions to the previous Wesbrooke by the Sea applications after consultation with the public, Council, and staff. Following the Public Hearing for Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 492-15, 2015 (Clayton Family Lands Ltd.) and Zoning Bylaw No. 25, 1987, Amendment Bylaw No. 25-270, 2016 (CD-37, Clayton Family Lands), Council did not give second reading to the bylaws due to concerns raised by the public. Staff have since been working with the applicant to rework the applications, incorporate earlier feedback and address previously identified concerns. Changes to the applications since Council last viewed them include:
• Increase in the total number of units to 136; • Increase in the subject area (Density remains the same); • Elimination of the park exchange; • Affordable housing included in separate, multifamily building; • Dedication of additional park space; and • Increased setback from the west property line.
The property is currently zoned RR-1 with an OCP designation of residential. The property is gently sloped with the exception of a rock bluff at the southern property line. The portions of the property fall within Development Permit Area (DPA) 5 – Steep Slope. Surrounding land uses include:
• Single Family residential to the south and west;
• Undeveloped land to the north and east, however it is planned for single family development; and
• Chatelech Secondary School to the east.
Strategic Plan The following goals and objectives of the Strategic Plan 2015 - 2018 are relevant to these applications:
3.1 To have policies, practices, and regulations that promote quality development consisted with the District’s Vision and Official Community Plan. 3.3 To improve our physical environment with spaces and places that engage the community. 4.1 To increase affordable housing within the District of Sechelt 4.2 To advocate for a range of housing types and services that supports a diverse community.
Sustainability Guiding Principles The following Sustainability Guiding Principles are relevant to these applications:
Long-Term Thinking – Recognize the enduring and long-lasting effects of our choices that will affect many generations to come. Balance: Look at the Bigger Picture – Give equal value to social, cultural, environmental, and economic consideration in all our decisions and balance all voices, goals, and interests in our decisions. Healthy Environment – Demonstrate our commitment to environmental stewardship in all our decisions. Living Well – Develop safe, accessible, and inclusive neighbourhoods to encourage interaction.
Financial Plan No predicted negative impact to the Financial Plan. The planned improvements on the subject property will increase the taxable value of the property but will also increase the demand for services and infrastructure. Development Cost Charges (DCCs) are payable at the time of issuance of a Building Permit for this project. DCCs payable for this proposed development are approximately $947,000.00 under the current bylaws.
Communication Strategy The referral for the revised application was issued on October 5, 2016 with the closing date for responses being November 4, 2016. Please see Attachment 4 for the full referral responses. It should be noted that there has been a number of referrals sent out regarding this application as it has gone through its different iterations.
Analysis/Application of Recommended Course of Action The entire site of the rezoning is used to calculate the site area and density; this includes the area used for the Wesbrooke by the Sea facility, the Affordable Housing building, and the Clayton Park expansion. The density associated with the Wesbrooke by the Sea facility and Affordable Housing building makes use of the lot area of the park expansion while protecting the area as park. The end result is that the Developer gains additional units and the District gains additional park land; similar to the concept of cluster housing. When calculating the base density and density lift, staff utilized the base density for apartment type developments, 50 units per hectare (or 73 total units). From the base density, the density lift is calculated by the difference in units permitted on site without community amenities and with community amenities. The proposed density is 93 units per hectare (or 136 total units), meaning there is a density lift of 43 units per hectare (or 64 total units). To achieve this density lift, and in accordance with OCP policies the following community amenities are proposed:
• Providing 100% of the sleeping units built adaptable and accessible with 20% of the sleeping units having roll-in showers and wheelchair sinks and counters;
• Providing 20% of total site area as additional protected, publicly accessible open space is provided on the whole of the property, as indicated on the attached Drawing Schedule 1 to CD-37 via an easement;
• Provide two 3.0 metre wide public access easements as indicated on the attached Drawing Schedule 1 to CD-37;
• Provide a 2.5 metre wide paved pathway from the eastern property line of District Lot 1384 to the eastern property line of Lot 7, Plan BCP33935, District Lot 1385, along the north side of Highway 101.
• Redevelopment of Clayton Park including the provision of paved pathways, bollard lighting, native landscaping, a pickleball court, and irrigation;
• Providing 100% of the building on the lot is built according to green standards (Built Green Gold or Ashrae 90.1 (2007) or better standards);
• Dedicate 1,285 m2 of land shown on Map Schedule 1 as “Clayton Park Expansion” for park purposes;
• Entering into a Housing Agreement with the District of Sechelt for the provision of 12 units of affordable rental housing for the assisted living building; and
• Providing a no-subdivision covenant on the property. Of special note, the affordable housing contribution noted above is calculated based on 20% the number of bonus units created by the density lift. For this proposal, 12 units of affordable housing are required, which the applicant has opted to provide on-site in a separate multifamily building. The Local Government Act gives Local Governments the authority to imposed guidelines for form and character through Development Permits. However, this authority does not extend to Institutional developments. Therefore, the District cannot issue a Development Permit for the Wesbrooke by the Sea facility and has limited control over the form and character of that facility and surrounding on-site landscaping. Form and
siting of the building as well as its location on the property can be included in the CD zone, but not materials or architectural style. The affordable housing building does require a Development Permit and it is recommended that Council gives its approval-in-principle to a Development Permit application prior to final adoption. Conclusion It is recommended that the Committee recommends to Council that Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 492-18, 2016, (Wesbrooke by the Sea) (Attachment 3), and Zoning Bylaw No. 25, 1987, Amendment Bylaw No. 25-278, 2016 (CD-37, Wesbrooke by the Sea) (Attachment 4) receive first reading and referral to Public Hearing. Respectfully submitted, Aaron Thompson Development Planner Attachments: 1 – Proposed Site Layout 2 – Referral Responses 3 – Draft Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 492-18, 2016 (Wesbrooke by the Sea) 4 – Draft Zoning Bylaw No. 25, 1987, Amendment Bylaw No. 25-278, 2016 (CD-37, Wesbrooke by the Sea)
1 2
3 4
5 6
48 49 50 51
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
22 .7
SK-A2 Site Plan
N Compass Ln
Clayton Park Parking
Staff Parking
Covered Bike St.
5M Easement to Greenway
Access Signage
New Access Road
[2,553 Sq.M_Wesbrooke]
7.0 M
4.0 M
7.6 M
0.41 St./Unit
Density Bonus Proposed Strategy: Design Bonus Strategy Density Bonus Units / Ha
100% Adaptable and Accessible 20
20% Public Access Space 40
Base Density 50
2,819/ 13,383 Sq.m = 21%
445 / 13,383 Sq.M = 3%
6m Easement to Greenway
1 2
3 4
5 6
48 49 50 51
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
22 .7
N Compass Ln
Offsite Trail Extensions & Upgrades: -Clayton Park -Compass Lane Trail
Onsite Trails and Connections
[2,553 Sq.M_Wesbrooke]
7.0 M
4.0 M
7.6 M
0.41 St./Unit
Density Bonus Proposed Strategy: Design Bonus Strategy Density Bonus Units / Ha
100% Adaptable and Accessible 20
20% Public Access Space 40
Base Density 50
2,819/ 13,383 Sq.m = 21%
445 / 13,383 Sq.M = 3%
From: Martyn Wilson To: Jane Whittleton Cc: Donna Perry; Wanda Keay; Val Weir; Candice Sayre;; Subject: Re: District of Sechelt Devleopment Application Referral - Wesbrooke by the Sea - REVISED REFERRAL - 3360-
20 2016-06 Date: Thursday, August 04, 2016 10:48:26 AM Attachments: image002.png
Thank you for the opportunity to respond to the Development Application Referral -
Wesbrooke by the Sea - Revised Referral.
West Sechelt Community Association has no objections to any of the revisions
included in the above referral.
Nevertheless, we would like to re-affirm our support for the following:
a. fencing on the south side of the property - to protect residents from the nearby
steep drop off
b. terracing the south side of the building ( as in the Watermark buildings )
c. ensuring that there are flat walkways/trails with good lighting for residents needing
mobility devices
d. a minimum of 3 elevators
e. paving of the new road accessing the future Derby Rd extension.
We would appreciate confirmation that this e-mail has been received and included in
the documents regarding this revised referral. Thank you in advance.
Martyn Wilson
On behalf of the West Sechelt Community Association
On Tuesday, July 26, 2016 8:39 AM, Jane Whittleton <> wrote:
Martin – This referral was sent on July 19 – to your address. I will update my list with your yahoo address. Please find attached a District of Sechelt Development Application REVISED Referral for the Clayton Family Lands – Wesbrooke by the Sea Seniors’ Living complex. We would appreciate your comments, if any, by August 19, 2016. Jane Jane Whittleton | TECHNICAL ASSISTANT – DEVELOPMENT SERVICES | 604.740.8459
From: Martyn Wilson To: Jane Whittleton Cc: Candice Sayre; Donna Perry; Wanda Keay; Val Weir; Subject: Wesbrooke rezoning Date: Friday, October 28, 2016 9:30:01 AM
Re: Application 3360-2 2016-06 (ZBL) 3370-20 2016-02 (OCP)
Rezoning and OCP amendment Trail Bay Estates ( Wesbrooke)
This referral for a 4 storey 124 unit assisted/independent living facility and a 2 storey
12 unit affordable rental housing building and expansion of Clayton Park continues to
have the support of West Sechelt Community Association (WSCA) insofar as the
rezoning and change in OCP designation, as detailed on the referral form, are
We also have no objection to the increase in the number of units.
Nevertheless, we remain concerned about the following:
a. the lack of terracing of the floors of the south side of the 4 storey Wesbrooke
building itself, causing the building to loom over the properties below it
b. the safety and sufficiency of the road beside the high school for the demand that
will come from the Wesbrooke building and the continued development of lots to the
north of Clayton Park until the future completion of the connection between Tyler Rd
and Neptune
c. the degree to which this project is age friendly, specifically, for residents with
mobility issues e.g. the isolation from services without a guarantee of a shuttle, the
steepness of access, and the continued uncertainty about accessible walkways and
trails for residents.
Can you please confirm that you have received this response. Thanks in advance.
Martyn Wilson
To: Andre Isakov
From: Perry Schmitt, Parks Supervisor
Please note the following comments regarding the landscaping at Clayton Park as part of the by
Westbrook by the Sea development. I would also like to be involved once the landscape architect
drawings are available.
Pathways: Main pathway to be 2 meter wide hard surface with bollard lighting (similar to
Watermark). Sechelt Parks will maintain. Secondary Pathways 2 meter compacted road-base
with landscaping cloth under-lay.
Picnic Tables (2) and Benches (5): Wabash design (Green) on stamped concrete pads.
Garbage Can and Doggie Bag Dispenser: May need to be relocated
Improved Park entry: Widen existing park entry to allow for equipment access and install
standard Sechelt Parks bollard with lock
Flower Garden Buffer: Move to development side of park. Development to maintain as part of
their landscaping responsibilities. Yew Hedging would be acceptable.
Berms: Remove berms at front of park and replace with split rail fencing. Allow access for
maintenance on both sides of split rail fence.
Playground: Remove natural playground and slide
Pickle Ball Courts (2): Ensure courts have fencing (black chain link)
Trees: Protect significant trees as part of arbourist report. Any additional trees planted on
property will need to be watered by developer for 2 years
Thank you,
Perry Schmitt
Parks Supervisor
From: Corscadden, Alisa To: Jane Whittleton Subject: RE: District of Sechelt Development Application Referral - REVISED - Clayton Family Lands - Wesbrook by the
Sea Date: Friday, October 21, 2016 9:56:53 AM Attachments: image003.png
image004.png image005.png
  Hi Jane,     APPLICATION N0:              3360-20-2016-06 (ZBL) 3370-20 2016-02 (OCP) APPLICANT:                        Clayton Family Lands SITE ADDRESS:                   Trail Bay Estates – West Side of Clayton Ave.  DATE:                                      November 04, 2016   PURPOSE OF APPLICATION: To apply for a rezoning and an amendment to the OCP to allow for the development of a four-storey 124 unit assisted living/independent living facility, a two-storey 12 unit affordable rental housing building for people in need, and an expansion to Clayton Park. Please note that this application has been through several revisions and referrals, please disregard all previous referrals.   Changes from previous referrals: Change in total number of units to 136. Change in site area to 1.468 ha. Density to remain the same. Affordable housing to be located in separate two-storey multifamily building.
Clayton Park is being expanded by 1,285m2 and developed.    COMMENTS The Sechelt Fire Department approves this application with the following recommendations: 1, Fire hydrants are installed as per the D.O.S. bylaw 430, 2003, 10.A.81 and BCBC 2, we would like to see all roads conform to B.C.B.C. but also to be a minimum of 7m wide. 3, Access routes on the Wesbrooke by the Sea property conform to BCBC and   If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free contact me anytime.     Sincerely,   Matt Gilroy, L.A.F.C. Fire Prevention Officer Sechelt Fire Department Office: 604-885-7017 Cel:      604-741-3867    
Bylaw No. 492-18, 2016 (Wesbrooke by the Sea)
A bylaw to amend District of Sechelt Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 492, 2010
in support of an independent supportive housing or assisted housing facility.
WHEREAS the District of Sechelt wishes to further amend the Official Community Plan in
respect of the lands located in the West Sechelt neighbourhood, pursuant to an application
submitted by Clayton Family Lands Ltd.;
NOW THEREFORE the Council of the District of Sechelt in open meeting assembled enacts
as follows:
TITLE 1. This Bylaw may be cited for all purposes as “District of Sechelt Official Community Plan
Amendment Bylaw No. 492-18, 2016 (Wesbrooke by the Sea)
2. The District of Sechelt Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 492, 2010 is amended by
changing the future land use designations of certain portions of lands, shown on Schedule A
attached to and forming part of this bylaw, as follows:
a. from “Residential” to “Civic, Institutional, and Utilities” for a 11,625.32 m 2 portion of
District Lot 1385, except Plans: 8881, 10666, 17551, LMP20092, Statutory Right of
Way Plan 14180, Plans BCP33935, and BCP36304 as indicated on Schedule A attached
and forming part of this bylaw; and
b. from “Residential” to “Multifamily/Mixed Residential” for a 1,757.98 m 2 portion of the
District Lot 1385, except Plans: 8881, 10666, 17551, LMP20092, Statutory Right of
Way Plan 14180, Plans BCP33935, and BCP36304 as indicated on Schedule A attached
and forming part of this bylaw; and
c. from “Residential” to “Parks and Open Space” for a 1,285 m 2 portion of District Lot
1385, except Plans: 8881, 10666, 17551, LMP20092, Statutory Right of Way Plan
14180, Plans BCP33935, and BCP36304 as indicated on Schedule A attached and
forming part of this bylaw.
3. The District of Sechelt Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 492, 2010 is further amended by
changing the bylaw’s Map Schedule C-1 to reflect the changed land-use designations as
stipulated in Section 2 of this bylaw above.
4. The District of Sechelt Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 492, 2010 is further amended by
adding the following to PART FIVE- Neighbourhood Policies, Section D. West Sechelt
Subsection “Special Policies for West Sechelt” and inserted before “Special Infill Areas 5.0”:
Page 2 of 4
District of Sechelt Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 492-15, 2016
“4.(a) Despite policies mentioned elsewhere in this bylaw, the maximum building height
of the Clayton Family Lands Ltd. independent supportive living and assisted living,
housing building, located in the south-west corner of the Property: District Lot 1385,
except Plans: 8881, 10666, 17551, LMP20092, Statutory Right of Way Plan 14180, Plans
BCP33935, and BCP36304 is 16.5 metres.”
___________________________ __________________________
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District of Sechelt Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 492-15, 2016
Schedule A to OCP Amendment Bylaw 492-15, 2016
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District of Sechelt Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 492-15, 2016
Bylaw No. 25-278, 2016 (CD-37, Wesbrooke by the Sea)
A bylaw to amend District of Sechelt Zoning Bylaw No. 25, 1987 by rezoning a portion of District
Lot 1385 in the West Sechelt neighbourhood from RR-1, Rural 1 Zone to a new Comprehensive
Development Zone 37 and PA-1, Park, Recreation and Assembly 1 Zone in support of a supportive
WHEREAS Council of the District of Sechelt has indicated it wishes to consider an amendment
to District of Sechelt Zoning Bylaw No. 25, 1987;
AND WHEREAS the proposed rezoning is consistent with the Official Community Plan as
NOW THEREFORE the Council of the District of Sechelt in open meeting assembled enacts as
1. This Bylaw may be cited for all purposes as “District of Sechelt Zoning Bylaw No.
25, 1987, Amendment Bylaw No. 25-278, 2016 (CD-37, Wesbrooke by the Sea).
2. That the new zone, Comprehensive Development Zone 37 (CD-37 Wesbrooke by the
Sea), as attached to and forming part of this bylaw as Schedule B, (including Drawing
Schedule 1 to Zone CD-37, is added to District of Sechelt Zoning Bylaw No. 25,
1987, Part 10A-Comprehensive Development Zones, in numerical order.
3. That the following definitions are added to Part One-Interpretation Section 102.
“AMENITY SERVICES” means meal preparation, meal service, and
house cleaning, and may include any of the following: Personal Services,
shuttle bus service, medical and alternative medical services, social and
recreation services, and laundry service.
“AMENITY SPACES” means interior spaces provided for the delivery of
Amenity Services including: medical clinic, fitness centre, common dining
rooms, commercial kitchen, lounge, laundry, grooming salon, reading room,
crafts room, woodworking shop, multi-purpose rooms and administrative
offices all provided in conjunction with the independent supportive living or
assisted living housing.
“ASSISTED LIVING HOUSING” means a residential rental housing
facility either for profit or for non-profit, which provides personal care
services that meet the BC Provincial Government’s Assisted Living
standards, and Sleeping Units, Amenity Services, and Amenity Spaces.
Attachment 4
Page 2 of 8 District of Sechelt Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 25-278, 2016 (CD- 37, Wesbrooke by the Sea)
“GUEST SUITE” means a suite of rooms used for guest accommodation
of one or two persons, which includes sleeping, toilet and bathing facilities,
but does not include cooking facilities such as ranges, cooktops or hotplates.
residential rental housing facility either for profit or for non-profit, which
provides Sleeping Units, Amenity Services, and Amenity Spaces.
“SLEEPING UNIT” means a suite of rooms used for residential
accommodation, or temporary medical respite accommodation, of one or
two persons, that includes sleeping, toilet and bathing facilities, but does not
include cooking facilities such as ranges, cooktops or hotplates.
4. That the 13,383 m 2 portion of District Lot 1385, EXCEPT Plans 8881, 10666, 17551,
LMP20092, Stat. Right of Way Plan 14180, Plans BCP33935 and BCP36304, as
shown on the plan attached to and forming part of this bylaw as Schedule A, be
rezoned from RR-1, Rural 1 Zone to Comprehensive Development Zone 37 (CD-37
Wesbrooke by the Sea).
5. That the 1,285 m 2 portion of District Lot 1385, EXCEPT Plans 8881, 10666, 17551,
LMP20092, Stat. Right of Way Plan 14180, Plans BCP33935 and BCP36304, as
shown on the plan attached to and forming part of this bylaw as Schedule A, be
rezoned from RR-1, Rural 1 Zone to PA-1, Park, Recreation and Assembly 1 Zone
6. That Schedule A of Zoning Bylaw No. 25, 1987 (Official Zoning Maps) be amended
to reflect the zoning designation and boundaries brought into force by this bylaw.
DAY OF 2016
__________________________ __________________________
Mayor Corporate Officer
Page 3 of 8 District of Sechelt Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 25-278, 2016 (CD- 37, Wesbrooke by the Sea)
SCHEDULE A TO BYLAW NO. 25-270, 2016
Page 4 of 8 District of Sechelt Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 25-278, 2016 (CD- 37, Wesbrooke by the Sea)
the Sea)
The intent of the CD-37 zone is to facilitate the development of a site-
specific independent supportive living and assisted living, housing facility
and affordable housing facility.
Except as otherwise provided in Part 3, Section 303 of this bylaw, the uses
listed under the headings “principal uses” and “accessory uses” in the CD-
37 zone, and no other uses, are permitted within the buildings illustrated on
the attached Drawing Schedule 1 to Zone CD-37.
The following regulations and conditions apply to all areas of the CD-37
1. Layout
1.1 The lands will be used and developed consisted with the layout on
Drawing Schedule 1 to the CD-37 Zone.
2. Lot Area
3. Lot Coverage
The following regulations and conditions apply to the area shown as
Wesbrooke by the Sea on Drawing Schedule 1 to the CD-37 Zone:
1. Permitted Uses
1.1 Principal Uses:
(b) Assisted Living Housing
Page 5 of 8 District of Sechelt Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 25-278, 2016 (CD- 37, Wesbrooke by the Sea)
(b) Accessory uses customarily incidental and subordinate to 1.1(a)
and 1.1 (b) above.
2.1 The number of Sleeping Units shall not exceed 54.
2.2 Notwithstanding subsection 10ZCD37.05 2.1, the number of
Sleeping Units may be increased to 124 Sleeping Units, one of
which may be used as a Guest Suite, subject to the following
a) Providing 100% of the sleeping units built adaptable and
accessible with 20% of the sleeping units having roll-in
showers and wheelchair sinks and counters;
b) Providing 20% of total site area as additional protected,
publicly accessible open space is provided on the whole of the
property, as indicated on the attached Drawing Schedule 1 to
CD-37 via an easement;
c) Provide two 3.0 metre wide public access easements as
indicated on the attached Drawing Schedule 1 to CD-37;
d) Provide a 2.5 metre wide paved pathway from the eastern
property line of District Lot 1384 to the eastern property line
of Lot 7, Plan BCP33935, District Lot 1385, along the north
side of Highway 101.
e) Entering into a Servicing Agreement for the redevelopment of
Clayton Park including the provision of accessible paved
pathways, bollard lighting, native landscaping, a double
pickleball court, and irrigation;
f) Providing 100% of the building on the lot is built according to
green standards (Built Green Gold or Ashrae 90.1 (2007) or
better standards);
g) Dedicate 1,285 m 2 of land shown on Map Schedule 1 as
“Clayton Park Expansion” for park purposes;
h) Entering into a Housing Agreement with the District of
Sechelt for the provision of 12 units of affordable rental
housing; and
subdivision under the Strata Property Act.
Page 6 of 8 District of Sechelt Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 25-278, 2016 (CD- 37, Wesbrooke by the Sea)
4. Building Height
5. Siting of Buildings and Structures
5.1. No building shall be located within:
a) 12.5 m of the south Lot Line;
b) 8.9 m of the west Lot Line;
c) 7.5 m of the east Lot Line; and
d) 7.5 m of the north Lot Line.
6. Off Street Parking and Loading
6.1. At least 58 vehicle parking spaces shall be provided.
6.2. At least one in ten (1:10) vehicle parking spaces that are
provided shall be designed each as accessible parking.
6.3. The size and design of parking aisles, spaces, and loading
spaces shall be in accordance with Part Eleven of this Bylaw.
6.4. Notwithstanding section 7.4, three (3) of the parking spaces
may be for small vehicles with each smaller space being 2.5
metres x 5.0 metres.
6.5. One electrical vehicle charging station must be provided.
6.6. At least two loading space shall be provided.
6.7. At least ten outdoor covered bicycle storage spaces must be
6.8. An electric scooter storage room with charging outlets must
be provided.
1. Permitted Uses
1.1. Principal Uses:
2. Density
2.1. The number of Dwelling Units shall not exceed 12.
3. Building Height
3.1. No building shall exceed 10.5 metres in height.
Page 7 of 8 District of Sechelt Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 25-278, 2016 (CD- 37, Wesbrooke by the Sea)
4. Siting of Buildings and Structures
4.1. No building shall be located within:
a) 12.0 m of the south Lot Line;
b) 8.5 m of the west Lot Line;
c) 7.5 m of the east Lot Line; and
d) 7.5 m of the north Lot Line.
5. Off Street Parking and Loading
Off-street parking and loading shall be provided in accordance with
Part Eleven of this Bylaw.
Page 8 of 8 District of Sechelt Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 25-278, 2016 (CD- 37, Wesbrooke by the Sea)
Drawing Schedule 1 to CD-37 Zone
9.27.2016 Wesbrooke by the Sea.pdf

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