representation of artists

Post on 29-Jun-2015






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Representation of ArtistsGeorgia Leaper

Representation of Artists Here Taylor Swift is represented as an omnibenovolent, angelic figure. This is seen through her “halo” of light blonde hair and white dress, which both has connotations of innocence and purity. This is strengthened by the simplicity of her dress, which is not revealing which also suggests a “good girl” image. The mise-en-scene also links to her genre of pop/western music as she is pictured outside with nature. Her demeanour is very simple yet pretty, and she does not wear a lot of make up or jewellery. From this it is represented that she is a simple and kind character. The setting is very rural and green which suggests the model is a natural beauty, which is complimented by her natural looking curly hair. By using direct address the model engages with the audience which again reinforces her kindness and approachability, thus creating a “girl next door” image.

Representation of Artists Here we can see there is a more mature image trying to be created for Justin Bieber. Whereas before he was represented as “the boy next door” he is now presented as an object of lust, over love. Before, Justin Bieber would sing about being a loving boyfriend, whereas now his songs are more sexual and mature. The audience know he is trying to create a “bad boy” representation through the mise-en-scene in the photograph.The tattoos denote a “bad boy” persona whilst the tattoo of the bird, the Harley Motorbike, and the ‘open road’ in background, suggests he is a free spirit. The tattoo is an owl it also represents the artist as rebellious as owls have connotations of staying up all night and sleeping during the day. His pose is very serious and it appears as if he is looking back at us, which denotes his fame and success. As well as this, because he is looking directly into the camera he appears more powerful as it denotes his confidence. This is because the direct eye contact is associated with the eye contact between two animals before they are about to fight.

Representation of Artists Here is a typical representation of a boy band in a pop magazine. The “One Direction” boys are all not giving direct address and the shot is very natural. They seem to be joking around and having fun and not be serious at all, which represents their genre of music, which is pop. Their songs are typically about being young and having innocent fun, which is reinforced by their brightly coloured clothing. It is clear the image is aimed at a younger audience because the colours can typically be seen in books aimed at children as they are all bright, primary colours. None of them are wearing obvious expensive brands or flashy accessories which again reinforces some normality about the band. They are presented to the audience as normal people, kind and approachable.

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