representation and ideology

Post on 24-Apr-2015






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Representation and Ideology anisha & mehnan

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Barbados is represented in this video as a friendly place as at the beginning of the video however the clubs in this place are represented in a negative way as it’s where she get’s raped.

The girl’s in the club have got less clothing on which shows what kind of a place the club is and turns them into sex objects. Rihanna wears less clothing throughout the whole video and the camera keeps giving close up of her body parts, rather than her face this means the male gaze is present in this video. However after she has been raped they keep giving close up shots of her face to show the audience how she feels about it. The male characters in this video also wear revealing clothing which attract the female audience such as the transparent vest’s and also shows topless shots which focus on there body. This shows the female gaze at work.

When Rihanna is raped the dominant ideology is followed as it show’s that men are stronger than women however later on this video challenges this dominant ideology as it is shocking because she shoot’s him which makes her equally strong. This video offeres alternative ideology as usually women are shown powerless however in this video Rihanna is shown to be violent and powerful as she kills him for revenge.

Rihanna’s represented as a bad girl in this video because of the way she’s dressed as she is wearing revealing clothes which is like she’s trying to attract attention. There are also close up’s of her smoking in this video, which isn’t very feminine and gives her a negative view as we expect people from the lower class background to smoke.Love is also represented in this video, it is represented in a negative way as this video gives the message that love can destroy you.

A lot of low key lighting is used throughout this video this is done to show the dark side of the characters as low key lighting is used in the club where rihanna is raped and then it used a again to show close ups of rihanna, this is done to show the dark side of her as a murderer as she shoots him. Low key lighting also helps to build

tension and suspense.

A lot of dark colours are used throughout this video and the colour red is used throughout the whole video as the characters are wearing red this is done to connote rage and anger. Red also symbolises violence and blood. Also red colour grading is used at the beginning of the video to suggest the presence of violence and rage straight away to the audience.

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