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School Info

Reporting Institution: Eastern MichiganUniversity

Reporting Year (FY): 2015

PLEASE NOTE: Some of the data collected on this page will require input from the Financial Aid Office and/or the University Business Office.

We agree to release the institution's data to the conference.

Institutional Contacts:


Mike Malach Title: Associate Athletic Director

Phone: (734)487-1050 Email:*

CEO:* Dr. Donald Loppnow CEO Email:*


Mike Valdes UniversityCFO Email:*

Auditors: Plante Moran AUP ReportDate:


Classification & Conference:





Mid-American Conference

Undergraduates by Gender:

Use fall semester 2014 enrollment figures for FY 2015.

Number Percent


7,513 41.3% FY14: 9,567


10,695 58.7% FY14: 13,904


18,208 FY14: 23,471

Please verify the Men's, Women's and Mixed Teams your institution sponsors and/or mark any teams which you need to report revenues or expenses (e.g. AthleticStudent Aid for a team that was dropped):

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Sport Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Mixed Teams



Beach Volleyball


Cross Country



Field Hockey




Ice Hockey








Swimming and Diving


Track, Indoor

Track, Outdoor



Water Polo



Totals 9 12 0

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Revenue/Expense Summary

ID Item Amount Definition


1 Ticket Sales $488,707 Input revenue received for sales of admissions to athletic events. This may include:Public and faculty sales.Student salesShipping and Handling fees.

Please report amounts paid in excess of ticket's face value to obtain preferential seating or priority in Category 8(Contributions).

2 Direct State or OtherGovernment Support

$0 Input state, municipal, federal and other appropriations made in support of athletics.

This amount includes funding specifically earmarked for the athletics department by government agencies for whichthe institution cannot reallocate.

Any state or other government support appropriated to the university, for which the university determines the dollarallocation to the athletics department shall be reported in Direct Institutional Support (Category 4).

3 Student Fees $0 Input student fees assessed and restricted for support of intercollegiate athletics.

4 Direct Institutional Support $18,110,906 Input direct funds provided by the institution to athletics for the operations of intercollegiate athletics including:Unrestricted funds allocated to the athletics department by the university (e.g. state funds, tuition, tuitionwaivers, transfers)Federal work study support for student workers employed by athletics.Endowment unrestricted income, spending policy distributions and other investment income distributed toathletics in the reporting year to support athletic operations. Athletics restricted endowment income for athleticsshould be reported in Category 17.

5 Less - Transfers to Institution $0 If the institution allocated funds to athletics as represented in Categories 3-4 and the athletics department provided atransfer of funds back to the institution in the reporting year, report the transfer amount as a negative in this category.The transfer amount may not exceed the total of Categories 3-4. Transfers back to the institution in excess ofCategories 3-4 should be reported in Category 41 - excess transfers to institution.

6 Indirect Institutional Support $9,199,082 Input value of costs covered and services provided by the institution to athletics but not charged to athletics including:Facility debt service, rental fees or lease payments for the reporting year.Administrative services provided by the university to athletics but not charged such as HR, Accounting and IT.Facilities maintenance.Security.Risk Management.Utilities.

Do not include depreciation.

Note: If the institution is paying for debt service, leases, or rental fees for athletic facilities but not charging toathletics, this category should equal Categories 34 and 36. If the institution is not paying for debt service, leases, orrental fees or charging directly to athletics, this category should equal only Category 36.

7 Guarantees $2,070,170 Input revenue received from participation in away games.

8 Contributions $431,502 Input contributions provided and used by athletics in the reporting year including:Amounts received from individuals, corporations, associations, foundations, clubs or other organizationsdesignated for the operations of the athletics program.Funds contributed by outside contributors for the payment of debt service, lease payments or rental feeexpenses for athletic facilities in the reporting year.Amounts received above face value for tickets.

Contributions shall include cash and marketable securities. Do not report:Pledges until funds are provided to athletics for use.Contributions to be used in other reporting years.

9 In-Kind $0 Input market value of in-kind contributions in the reporting year including:Dealer provided automobiles.Equipment.Services.Nutritional product.

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All in-kind contributions that are made as a result of a licensing or sponsorship agreement should be reported inCategory 15.

Please offset in-kind values in the appropriate expense category.

10 Compensation and Benefitsprovided by a third party

$0 Input all benefits provided by a third party and contractually guaranteed by the institution, but not included on theinstitution's W-2. These may include:

Country club membership.Allowances for clothing, housing, entertainment.Speaking fees.Camps compensation.Media income.Shoe and apparel income.

The total of this category should equal expense Categories 23 and 25 combined.

11 Media Rights $142,500 Input all revenue received for radio, television, internet, digital and e-commerce rights, including the portion ofconference distributions related to media rights - if applicable.

Consult with your conference offices if you do not have the media rights distribution amount available.

12 NCAA Distributions $1,959,077 Input revenues received from all NCAA distributions including NCAA championships reimbursements and paymentsreceived from the NCAA for hosting a championship.

In some cases, NCAA distributions may be provided by the conference office. Consult with the conference office forthe amount if you do not have it available and include in this category.

13 Conference Distributions(Non Media or Bowl)

$807,500 Input all revenues received by conference distribution, excluding portions of distribution relating to media rights(reported in Category 11) or NCAA distributions (reported in Category 12).

Note: Revenue related to post-season bowls should be excluded from all reporting categories.

14 Program, Novelty, Parkingand Concession Sales

$1,585 Input revenues from:Game Programs.Novelties.Food and Concessions.Parking.

Do not include advertising in programs (Category 15).

15 Royalties, Licensing,Advertisement andSponsorships

$3,928 Input revenues from:Sponsorships.Licensing Agreements.Advertisement.Royalties.In-kind products and services as part of sponsorship agreement.

An allocation may be necessary to distinguish revenues generated by athletics versus the university if payments arecombined.

16 Sports Camp Revenues $193,981 Input amounts received by the athletics department for sports camps and clinics.

17 Athletics RestrictedEndowment and InvestmentsIncome

$19,109 Please report spending policy distributions from athletics restricted endowments and investment income used forathletics operations in the reporting year.

This category includes only restricted investment and endowment income for the operations of intercollegiateathletics; institutional allocations of income from unrestricted endowments qualify as "Direct Institutional Support" andshould be reported in Category 4.

Please make sure amounts reported are only up to the amount of expenses covered by the endowment for thereporting year.

18 Other Operating Revenue $528,186 Input any operating revenues received by athletics in the report year which cannot be classified into one of the statedcategories.

If the figure is greater than 10% of total revenues, please report the top three activities included in this category in thecomments section.

19 Total Operating Revenues $33,956,233 Total of Categories 1-18.


20 Athletic Student Aid $7,691,101 Input the total amount of athletic student-aid for the reporting year including:

Summer school.

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Tuition discounts and waivers (unless it is a discount or waiver available to the general student body).Aid given to student-athletes who are inactive or no longer eligible.

Athletics aid awarded to non-athletes (studentmanagers, graduate assistants, trainers) should be reported asExpenses Not Related to Specific Teams. It is permissible to report only dollars in the Expenses Not Related toSpecific Teams row as long as you have reported non- zero entries for Equivalencies, Number of Students, andDollars (all 3 required for at least one sport).

This information can be managed within the NCAA's Compliance Assistance (CA) software. The information enteredinto compliance assistance will automatically populate to the athletic student aid section within the NCAA FinancialReporting System when the CA import feature is selected.

21 Guarantees $397,000 Input amounts paid to visiting participating institutions, including per diems and/or travel and meal expenses.

22 Coaching Salaries, Benefitsand Bonuses paid by theUniversity and RelatedEntities

$5,630,342 Input compensation, bonus and benefits paid to all coaches reportable on the university or related entities W-2 and1099 forms inclusive of:

Gross wages and bonuses.Benefits including allowances, speaking fees, retirement, stipends, memberships, media income, tuitionreimbursement and earned deferred compensation.

Place any severance payments in Category 26.

23 Coaching Salaries, Benefitsand Bonuses paid by a ThirdParty

$0 Input compensation, bonus and benefits paid to all coaches by a third party and contractually guaranteed by theinstitution, but not included on the institutions W-2 including:

Car stipend.Country club membership.Allowances for clothing, housing, entertainment.Speaking fees.Camps compensation.Media income.Shoe and apparel income.

Expense Category 23 and 25 should equal Category 10.

24 Support Staff/AdministrativeCompensation, Benefits andBonuses paid by theUniversity and RelatedEntities

$3,218,159 Input compensation, bonus and benefits paid to all administrative and support staff reportable on the university orrelated entities (e.g. foundations or booster clubs) W-2 and 1099 forms inclusive of:

Gross wages and bonuses.Benefits including allowances, speaking fees, retirement, stipends, memberships, media income, tuitionreimbursement and earned deferred compensation.

Staff members responsible for the genderspecific athletics department, but not a specific sport (i.e., director of men'sathletics), will have their compensation figures reported as Expenses Not Related to Specific Teams fields. Athleticsdepartment staff members who assist both men's and women's teams (sports information director, academic advisor)will be reported as Not Allocated by Gender column.

25 Support Staff/AdministrativeCompensation, Benefits andBonuses paid by Third Party

$0 Input compensation, bonus and benefits paid to administrative and support staff by a third party and contractuallyguaranteed by the institution, but not included on the institutions W-2 including:

Car stipend.Country club membership.Allowances for clothing, housing, entertainment.Speaking fees.Camps compensation.Media income.Shoe and apparel income.

Expense Category 23 and 25 should equal Category 10.

26 Severance Payments $0 Input severance payments and applicable benefits recognized for past coaching and administrative personnel.

27 Recruiting $565,997 Input transportation, lodging and meals for prospective student-athletes and institutional personnel on official andunofficial visits, telephone call charges, postage and such. Include value of use of institution's own vehicles orairplanes as well as in-kind value of loaned or contributed transportation.

28 Team Travel $2,073,095 Input air and ground travel, lodging, meals and incidentals (including housing costs incurred during school breakperiod) for competition related to preseason, regular season and nonbowl postseason. Amounts incurred for food andlodging for housing the team before a home game also should be included. Use of the institution's own vehicles orairplanes as well as in-kind value of donor-provided transportation.

Note: Expenses related to post-season bowls should be excluded from all reporting categories.

29 Sports Equipment, Uniformsand Supplies

$1,255,874 Input items that are provided to the teams only. Equipment amounts are those expended from current or operatingfunds. Include value of inkind equipment provided.

30 Game Expenses

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$641,883 Input game-day expenses other than travel which are necessary for intercollegiate athletics competition, includingofficials, security, event staff, ambulance, etc. Input any payments back to the NCAA for hosting a championship.

Note: Expenses related to post-season bowls should be excluded from all reporting categories.

31 Fund Raising, Marketing andPromotion

$867,647 Input costs associated with fund raising, marketing and promotion for media guides, brochures, recruitingpublications and such.

32 Sports Camp Expenses $215,939 Input all expenses paid by the athletics department, including non-athletics personnel salaries and benefits, fromhosting sports camps and clinics. Athletics personnel salaries and benefits should be reported in Categories 22-25.

33 Spirit Groups $49,150 Include support for spirit groups including bands, cheerleaders, mascots, dancers, etc.

34 Athletic Facilities DebtService, Leases and RentalFee

$1,300,997 Input debt service payments (principal and interest, including internal loan programs), leases and rental fees forathletics facilities for the reporting year regardless of entity paying (athletics, institution or other).

Do not report depreciation.

See note in Category 36 for guidance on the inputs for this category, if the institution is paying for debt service,leases, or rental fees for athletic facilities but not charging to athletics.

35 Direct Overhead andAdministrative Expenses

$684,460 Input overhead and administrative expenses paid by or charged directly to athletics including:Administrative/Overhead fees charged by the institution to athletics.Facilities maintenance.Security.Risk Management.Utilities.Equipment Repair.Telephone.Other Administrative Expenses.

36 Indirect Institutional Support $7,898,085 Input overhead and administrative expenses NOT paid by or charged directly to athletics including:Administrative/Overhead fees not charged by the institution to athletics.Facilities maintenance.Security.Risk Management.Utilities.Equipment Repair.Telephone.Other Administrative Expenses.

Do not report depreciation.

Note: If the institution is paying for debt service, leases, or rental fees for athletic facilities but not charging toathletics, this category plus Category 34 should equal Category 6. If the institution is not paying for debt service,leases, or rental fees or charging directly to athletics, this category alone should equal Category 6.

37 Medical Expenses andInsurance

$589,407 Input medical expenses and medical insurance premiums for student-athletes.

38 Memberships and Dues $281,464 Input memberships, conference and association dues.

39 Other Operating Expenses $595,634 Input any operating expenses paid by athletics in the report year which cannot be classified into one of the statedcategories.

If the figure is greater than 10% of total expenses, please report the top three activities included in this category in thecomments section.

40 Total Operating Expenses $33,956,234 Total of Categories 20-39.

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Revenues/Expenses Details

1 Ticket Sales $488,707 Input revenue received for sales of admissions to athletic events. This may include:Public and faculty sales.Student salesShipping and Handling fees.

Please report amounts paid in excess of ticket's face value to obtain preferential seating or priority in Category 8 (Contributions).

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Revenues by Source Ticket Sales Ticket Sales Ticket Sales


Basketball 53,197 6,981

Football 414,544






Swimming and Diving


Track and Field, X-Country




Subtotal All Teams 467,741 6,981 0

Revenue Not Related to Specific Teams 13,985

Total Revenue 467,741 6,981 13,985

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2 Direct State or OtherGovernment Support

$0 Input state, municipal, federal and other appropriations made in support of athletics.

This amount includes funding specifically earmarked for the athletics department by government agencies for which theinstitution cannot reallocate.

Any state or other government support appropriated to the university, for which the university determines the dollarallocation to the athletics department shall be reported in Direct Institutional Support (Category 4).

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Revenues by SourceDirect State or Other GovernmentSupport

Direct State or Other GovernmentSupport

Direct State or Other GovernmentSupport









Swimming and Diving


Track and Field, X-Country




Subtotal All Teams 0 0 0

Revenue Not Related to SpecificTeams

Total Revenue 0 0 0

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3 Student Fees $0 Input student fees assessed and restricted for support of intercollegiate athletics.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Revenues by Source Student Fees Student Fees Student Fees



Football 0






Swimming and Diving


Track and Field, X-Country




Subtotal All Teams 0 0 0

Revenue Not Related to Specific Teams

Total Revenue 0 0 0

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4 DirectInstitutionalSupport

$18,110,906 Input direct funds provided by the institution to athletics for the operations of intercollegiate athletics including:Unrestricted funds allocated to the athletics department by the university (e.g. state funds, tuition, tuition waivers, transfers)Federal work study support for student workers employed by athletics.Endowment unrestricted income, spending policy distributions and other investment income distributed to athletics in thereporting year to support athletic operations. Athletics restricted endowment income for athletics should be reported in Category17.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Revenues by Source Direct Institutional Support Direct Institutional Support Direct Institutional Support

Baseball 786,549

Basketball 1,513,010 1,411,106

Football 3,873,849

Golf 273,189 292,989

Gymnastics 646,093

Rowing 651,228

Soccer 616,586

Softball 614,755

Swimming and Diving 739,473 553,037

Tennis 448,085

Track and Field, X-Country 700,025 863,903

Volleyball 672,342

Wrestling 487,489


Subtotal All Teams 8,373,584 6,770,124 0

Revenue Not Related to Specific Teams 2,967,198

Total Revenue 8,373,584 6,770,124 2,967,198

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5 Less -TransferstoInstitution

$0 If the institution allocated funds to athletics as represented in Categories 3-4 and the athletics department provided a transfer of fundsback to the institution in the reporting year, report the transfer amount as a negative in this category. The transfer amount may not exceedthe total of Categories 3-4. Transfers back to the institution in excess of Categories 3-4 should be reported in Category 41 - excesstransfers to institution.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Revenues by Source Less - Transfers to Institution Less - Transfers to Institution Less - Transfers to Institution









Swimming and Diving


Track and Field, X-Country




Subtotal All Teams 0 0 0

Revenue Not Related to Specific Teams

Total Revenue 0 0 0

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6 IndirectInstitutionalSupport

$9,199,082 Input value of costs covered and services provided by the institution to athletics but not charged to athletics including:Facility debt service, rental fees or lease payments for the reporting year.Administrative services provided by the university to athletics but not charged such as HR, Accounting and IT.Facilities maintenance.Security.Risk Management.Utilities.

Do not include depreciation.

Note: If the institution is paying for debt service, leases, or rental fees for athletic facilities but not charging to athletics, this categoryshould equal Categories 34 and 36. If the institution is not paying for debt service, leases, or rental fees or charging directly to athletics,this category should equal only Category 36.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Revenues by Source Indirect Institutional Support Indirect Institutional Support Indirect Institutional Support

Baseball 247,050

Basketball 603,053 467,464

Football 1,815,399

Golf 77,266 86,841

Gymnastics 115,303

Rowing 134,413

Soccer 175,540

Softball 202,466

Swimming and Diving 206,560 75,807

Tennis 96,211

Track and Field, X-Country 169,723 158,854

Volleyball 168,570

Wrestling 146,089


Subtotal All Teams 3,265,140 1,681,469 0

Revenue Not Related to Specific Teams 4,252,473

Total Revenue 3,265,140 1,681,469 4,252,473

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7 Guarantees $2,070,170 Input revenue received from participation in away games.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Revenues by Source Guarantees Guarantees Guarantees

Baseball 39,500

Basketball 250,000 8,500

Football 1,744,900





Softball 25,770

Swimming and Diving


Track and Field, X-Country

Volleyball 1,500



Subtotal All Teams 2,034,400 35,770 0

Revenue Not Related to Specific Teams

Total Revenue 2,034,400 35,770 0

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8 Contributions $431,502 Input contributions provided and used by athletics in the reporting year including:Amounts received from individuals, corporations, associations, foundations, clubs or other organizations designated for theoperations of the athletics program.Funds contributed by outside contributors for the payment of debt service, lease payments or rental fee expenses for athleticfacilities in the reporting year.Amounts received above face value for tickets.

Contributions shall include cash and marketable securities. Do not report:Pledges until funds are provided to athletics for use.Contributions to be used in other reporting years.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Revenues by Source Contributions Contributions Contributions

Baseball 25,303

Basketball 4,634 721

Football 71,349

Golf 11,640 54,245

Gymnastics 4,324

Rowing 9,901

Soccer 7,062

Softball 5,489

Swimming and Diving 9,823 9,231

Tennis 1,598

Track and Field, X-Country 36,249 13,297

Volleyball 2,058

Wrestling 34,939


Subtotal All Teams 193,937 107,926 0

Revenue Not Related to Specific Teams 129,639

Total Revenue 193,937 107,926 129,639

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9 In-Kind $0 Input market value of in-kind contributions in the reporting year including:Dealer provided automobiles.Equipment.Services.Nutritional product.

All in-kind contributions that are made as a result of a licensing or sponsorship agreement should be reported in Category 15.

Please offset in-kind values in the appropriate expense category.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Revenues by Source In-Kind In-Kind In-Kind









Swimming and Diving


Track and Field, X-Country




Subtotal All Teams 0 0 0

Revenue Not Related to Specific Teams 0

Total Revenue 0 0 0

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10 Compensation and Benefits providedby a third party

$0 Input all benefits provided by a third party and contractually guaranteed by the institution, but not included onthe institution's W-2. These may include:

Country club membership.Allowances for clothing, housing, entertainment.Speaking fees.Camps compensation.Media income.Shoe and apparel income.

The total of this category should equal expense Categories 23 and 25 combined.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Revenues by SourceCompensation and Benefits provided by athird party

Compensation and Benefits provided by athird party

Compensation and Benefits provided by athird party









Swimming and Diving


Track and Field, X-Country




Subtotal All Teams 0 0 0

Revenue Not Related toSpecific Teams

Total Revenue 0 0 0

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11 MediaRights

$142,500 Input all revenue received for radio, television, internet, digital and e-commerce rights, including the portion of conference distributionsrelated to media rights - if applicable.

Consult with your conference offices if you do not have the media rights distribution amount available.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Revenues by Source Media Rights Media Rights Media Rights









Swimming and Diving


Track and Field, X-Country




Subtotal All Teams 0 0 0

Revenue Not Related to Specific Teams 142,500

Total Revenue 0 0 142,500

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12 NCAADistributions

$1,959,077 Input revenues received from all NCAA distributions including NCAA championships reimbursements and payments received from theNCAA for hosting a championship.

In some cases, NCAA distributions may be provided by the conference office. Consult with the conference office for the amount if youdo not have it available and include in this category.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Revenues by Source NCAA Distributions NCAA Distributions NCAA Distributions









Swimming and Diving


Track and Field, X-Country




Subtotal All Teams 0 0 0

Revenue Not Related to Specific Teams 1,959,077

Total Revenue 0 0 1,959,077

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13 Conference Distributions(Non Media or Bowl)

$807,500 Input all revenues received by conference distribution, excluding portions of distribution relating to media rights(reported in Category 11) or NCAA distributions (reported in Category 12).

Note: Revenue related to post-season bowls should be excluded from all reporting categories.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Revenues by SourceConference Distributions (Non Media orBowl)

Conference Distributions (Non Media orBowl)

Conference Distributions (Non Media orBowl)









Swimming and Diving


Track and Field, X-Country




Subtotal All Teams 0 0 0

Revenue Not Related to SpecificTeams


Total Revenue 0 0 807,500

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14 Program, Novelty, Parking and Concession Sales $1,585 Input revenues from:Game Programs.Novelties.Food and Concessions.Parking.

Do not include advertising in programs (Category 15).

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Revenues by SourceProgram, Novelty, Parking andConcession Sales

Program, Novelty, Parking andConcession Sales

Program, Novelty, Parking andConcession Sales



Football 1,585






Swimming and Diving


Track and Field, X-Country




Subtotal All Teams 1,585 0 0

Revenue Not Related to SpecificTeams

Total Revenue 1,585 0 0

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15 Royalties, Licensing, Advertisement andSponsorships

$3,928 Input revenues from:Sponsorships.Licensing Agreements.Advertisement.Royalties.In-kind products and services as part of sponsorship agreement.

An allocation may be necessary to distinguish revenues generated by athletics versus the university ifpayments are combined.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Revenues by SourceRoyalties, Licensing, Advertisement andSponsorships

Royalties, Licensing, Advertisement andSponsorships

Royalties, Licensing, Advertisement andSponsorships









Swimming and Diving


Track and Field, X-Country




Subtotal All Teams 0 0 0

Revenue Not Related toSpecific Teams


Total Revenue 0 0 3,928

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16 Sports Camp Revenues $193,981 Input amounts received by the athletics department for sports camps and clinics.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Revenues by Source Sports Camp Revenues Sports Camp Revenues Sports Camp Revenues

Baseball 28,925

Basketball 10,907 11,184

Football 31,211




Soccer 18,017

Softball 35,031

Swimming and Diving


Track and Field, X-Country

Volleyball 11,205



Subtotal All Teams 71,043 75,437 0

Revenue Not Related to Specific Teams 47,501

Total Revenue 71,043 75,437 47,501

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17 Athletics RestrictedEndowment andInvestments Income

$19,109 Please report spending policy distributions from athletics restricted endowments and investment income used forathletics operations in the reporting year.

This category includes only restricted investment and endowment income for the operations of intercollegiate athletics;institutional allocations of income from unrestricted endowments qualify as "Direct Institutional Support" and should bereported in Category 4.

Please make sure amounts reported are only up to the amount of expenses covered by the endowment for the reportingyear.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Revenues by SourceAthletics Restricted Endowment andInvestments Income

Athletics Restricted Endowment andInvestments Income

Athletics Restricted Endowment andInvestments Income




Golf 9,447





Swimming and Diving


Track and Field, X-Country




Subtotal All Teams 9,447 0 0

Revenue Not Related toSpecific Teams


Total Revenue 9,447 0 9,662

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18 Other OperatingRevenue

$528,186 Input any operating revenues received by athletics in the report year which cannot be classified into one of the statedcategories.

If the figure is greater than 10% of total revenues, please report the top three activities included in this category in thecomments section.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Revenues by Source Other Operating Revenue Other Operating Revenue Other Operating Revenue

Baseball 58,247

Basketball 132,801




Rowing 280

Soccer 122,510

Softball 63,263

Swimming and Diving 54,351 2,216

Tennis 41

Track and Field, X-Country 12,646 24,907

Volleyball 910

Wrestling 27,386


Subtotal All Teams 285,431 214,127 0

Revenue Not Related to Specific Teams 28,628

Total Revenue 285,431 214,127 28,628

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19 Total Operating Revenues $33,956,233 Total of Categories 1-18.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Revenues by Source Total Operating Revenues Total Operating Revenues Total Operating Revenues

Baseball 1,185,574

Basketball 2,567,602 1,905,956

Football 7,952,837

Golf 371,542 434,075

Gymnastics 765,720

Rowing 795,822

Soccer 939,715

Softball 946,774

Swimming and Diving 1,010,207 640,291

Tennis 545,935

Track and Field, X-Country 918,643 1,060,961

Volleyball 856,585

Wrestling 695,903


Subtotal All Teams 14,702,308 8,891,834 0

Revenue Not Related to Specific Teams 10,362,091

Total Revenue 14,702,308 8,891,834 10,362,091

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Male Athlete Scholarships

Female Athlete Scholarships

20 AthleticStudentAid

Total DollarAmount

$7,691,101 Input the total amount of athletic student-aid for the reporting year including:

Summer school.Tuition discounts and waivers (unless it is a discount or waiver available to the general student body).Aid given to student-athletes who are inactive or no longer eligible.

Athletics aid awarded to non-athletes (studentmanagers, graduate assistants, trainers) should be reported as Expenses NotRelated to Specific Teams. It is permissible to report only dollars in the Expenses Not Related to Specific Teams row as longas you have reported non- zero entries for Equivalencies, Number of Students, and Dollars (all 3 required for at least onesport).

This information can be managed within the NCAA's Compliance Assistance (CA) software. The information entered intocompliance assistance will automatically populate to the athletic student aid section within the NCAA Financial ReportingSystem when the CA import feature is selected.



TotalStudentsReceiving Aid


Sport Athletic AidExhausted Eligibilityor Medical

EquivalenciesAwarded in 2014-2015

Number of StudentsReceiving AthleticAid Total Dollar Amount

Baseball 11.22 0 11.22 22 355,309

Basketball 13 0 13 13 378,472

Football 75.99 2.04 78.03 83 2,234,121

Golf 3.99 0 3.99 8 129,881

Swimming and Diving 9.48 0 9.48 23 364,157

Track and Field, X-Country

11.75 0.83 12.58 27 385,478

Wrestling 9.9 0 9.9 25 235,162

Expenses NotRelated to SpecificTeams

Totals 135.33 2.87 138.2 201 4,082,580

Sport Athletic Aid Exh Elig Med

EquivalenciesAwarded in 2014-2015

Number of StudentsReceiving AthleticAid Total Dollar Amount

Basketball 14 0 14 14 437,459

Golf 5.7 0 5.7 8 162,467

Gymnastics 11 0 11 11 404,544

Rowing 14.4 0.66 15.06 22 375,423

Soccer 13.97 0 13.97 25 389,159

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Not Allocated by Gender Scholarships

Softball 10.57 0.48 11.05 19 256,529

Swimming and Diving 12.98 0 12.98 30 400,977

Tennis 7 0.69 7.69 8 296,489

Track and Field, X-Country

17.57 0 17.57 31 556,119

Volleyball 12 0 12 12 329,355

Expenses NotRelated to SpecificTeams

Totals 119.19 1.83 121.02 180 3,608,521

Sport Athletic Aid Exh Elig Med

EquivalenciesAwarded in 2014-2015

Number of StudentsReceiving AthleticAid Total Dollar Amount

Expenses NotRelated to SpecificTeams

Totals 0 0 0 0 0

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21 Guarantees $397,000 Input amounts paid to visiting participating institutions, including per diems and/or travel and meal expenses.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Expenses by Object of Expenditure Guarantees Guarantees Guarantees


Basketball 118,500 3,500

Football 275,000






Swimming and Diving


Track and Field, X-Country




Subtotal All Teams 393,500 3,500 0

Expenses Not Related to Specific Teams

Total Expenses 393,500 3,500 0

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Men's Teams Coaching Expenses

Women's Teams Coaching Expenses

22 Coaching Salaries, Benefits and Bonuses paidby the University and Related Entities

$5,630,342 Input compensation, bonus and benefits paid to all coaches reportable on the university or relatedentities W-2 and 1099 forms inclusive of:

Gross wages and bonuses.Benefits including allowances, speaking fees, retirement, stipends, memberships, mediaincome, tuition reimbursement and earned deferred compensation.

Place any severance payments in Category 26.

23 Coaching Salaries, Benefits and Bonuses paidby a Third Party

$0 Input compensation, bonus and benefits paid to all coaches by a third party and contractuallyguaranteed by the institution, but not included on the institutions W-2 including:

Car stipend.Country club membership.Allowances for clothing, housing, entertainment.Speaking fees.Camps compensation.Media income.Shoe and apparel income.

Expense Category 23 and 25 should equal Category 10.

Baseball 1 1 104,816 1 1 65,897

Basketball 1 1 480,047 3 3 311,563

Football 1 1 575,808 9 9 1,281,752

Golf 1 1 78,477

Swimmingand Diving

1 0.5 74,716 3 1.5 231,162

Track andField, X-Country

1 1 124,334 2 2 89,351

Wrestling 1 1 105,952 1 1 57,953

Subtotal AllTeams

7 6.5 1,544,150 0 19 17.5 2,037,678 0

Expenses NotRelated toSpecificTeams

137,776 36,402


1681926 0 2074080 0

Men's Teams Head Coaches Men's Teams Assistant Coaches

SportNumber ofPositions FTE

Coaching Salaries, Benefitsand Bonuses paid by theUniversity and Related



Benefits andBonusespaid by a

Third PartyNumber ofPositions FTE

Coaching Salaries, Benefitsand Bonuses paid by theUniversity and Related



Benefits andBonusespaid by a

Third Party

Basketball 1 1 269,625 2 2 301,587

Women's Teams Head Coaches Women's Teams Assistant Coaches

Sport Number ofPositions FTE

Coaching Salaries, Benefitsand Bonuses paid by theUniversity and Related



Benefits andBonusespaid by a

Third PartyNumber ofPositions FTE

Coaching Salaries, Benefitsand Bonuses paid by theUniversity and Related



Benefits andBonusespaid by a

Third Party

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1 1 269,625 2 2 301,587

Golf 1 1 74,976

Gymnastics 1 1 99,546 1 1 51,731

Rowing 1 1 86,601 1 1 49,199

Soccer 1 1 90,914 1 1 50,155

Softball 1 1 105,814 2 2 104,871

Swimmingand Diving

1 0.5 74,716 3 1.5 25,839

Tennis 1 1 69,050 1 0.5 1,354

Track andField, X-Country

1 1 104,626 2 2 102,897

Volleyball 1 1 65,839 2 2 144,996

Subtotal AllTeams

10 9.5 1,041,707 0 15 13.0 832,629 0

Expenses NotRelated toSpecificTeams


1041707 0 832629 0

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24 Support Staff/AdministrativeCompensation, Benefits andBonuses paid by theUniversity and Related Entities

$3,218,159 Input compensation, bonus and benefits paid to all administrative and support staff reportable on the university orrelated entities (e.g. foundations or booster clubs) W-2 and 1099 forms inclusive of:

Gross wages and bonuses.Benefits including allowances, speaking fees, retirement, stipends, memberships, media income, tuitionreimbursement and earned deferred compensation.

Staff members responsible for the genderspecific athletics department, but not a specific sport (i.e., director ofmen's athletics), will have their compensation figures reported as Expenses Not Related to Specific Teams fields.Athletics department staff members who assist both men's and women's teams (sports information director,academic advisor) will be reported as Not Allocated by Gender column.

25 Support Staff/AdministrativeCompensation, Benefits andBonuses paid by Third Party

$0 Input compensation, bonus and benefits paid to administrative and support staff by a third party and contractuallyguaranteed by the institution, but not included on the institutions W-2 including:

Car stipend.Country club membership.Allowances for clothing, housing, entertainment.Speaking fees.Camps compensation.Media income.Shoe and apparel income.

Expense Category 23 and 25 should equal Category 10.

Baseball 30,945

Basketball 122,098 57,069

Football 204,173


Gymnastics 575

Rowing 7,571

Soccer 1,820


Swimming andDiving


Tennis 8,149

Track and Field,X-Country

3,864 6,800

Volleyball 4,105

Wrestling 5,465


Subtotal AllTeams

369,545 0 86,089 0 0 0

Expenses NotRelated to

Specific Teams


Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Expenses byObject of



Compensation,Benefits and Bonusespaid by the Universityand Related Entities


Compensation,Benefits and Bonuses

paid by Third Party


Compensation,Benefits and Bonusespaid by the Universityand Related Entities


Compensation,Benefits and Bonuses

paid by Third Party


Compensation,Benefits and Bonusespaid by the Universityand Related Entities


Compensation,Benefits and Bonuses

paid by Third Party

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Total Expenses 369,545 0 86,089 0 2,762,525 0

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26 Severance Payments $0 Input severance payments and applicable benefits recognized for past coaching and administrative personnel.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Expenses by Object of Expenditure Severance Payments Severance Payments Severance Payments









Swimming and Diving


Track and Field, X-Country




Subtotal All Teams 0 0 0

Expenses Not Related to Specific Teams

Total Expenses 0 0 0

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27 Recruiting $565,997 Input transportation, lodging and meals for prospective student-athletes and institutional personnel on official and unofficial visits,telephone call charges, postage and such. Include value of use of institution's own vehicles or airplanes as well as in-kind value of loanedor contributed transportation.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Expenses by Object of Expenditure Recruiting Recruiting Recruiting

Baseball 15,866

Basketball 87,845 74,264

Football 240,412

Golf 7,631 271

Gymnastics 10,174

Rowing 6,468

Soccer 11,761

Softball 36,300

Swimming and Diving 10,080 5,765

Tennis 2,349

Track and Field, X-Country 6,671 5,670

Volleyball 16,116

Wrestling 14,179


Subtotal All Teams 382,684 169,138 0

Expenses Not Related to Specific Teams 14,175

Total Expenses 382,684 169,138 14,175

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28 TeamTravel

$2,073,095 Input air and ground travel, lodging, meals and incidentals (including housing costs incurred during school break period) for competitionrelated to preseason, regular season and nonbowl postseason. Amounts incurred for food and lodging for housing the team before a homegame also should be included. Use of the institution's own vehicles or airplanes as well as in-kind value of donor-provided transportation.

Note: Expenses related to post-season bowls should be excluded from all reporting categories.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Expenses by Object of Expenditure Team Travel Team Travel Team Travel

Baseball 186,011

Basketball 205,908 151,300

Football 331,458

Golf 49,554 81,986

Gymnastics 29,671

Rowing 86,991

Soccer 106,262

Softball 102,942

Swimming and Diving 55,513 31,920

Tennis 38,531

Track and Field, X-Country 103,495 87,238

Volleyball 41,835

Wrestling 47,442


Subtotal All Teams 979,381 758,676 0

Expenses Not Related to Specific Teams 335,038

Total Expenses 979,381 758,676 335,038

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29 Sports Equipment, Uniformsand Supplies

$1,255,874 Input items that are provided to the teams only. Equipment amounts are those expended from current or operatingfunds. Include value of inkind equipment provided.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Expenses by Object of ExpenditureSports Equipment, Uniforms andSupplies

Sports Equipment, Uniforms andSupplies

Sports Equipment, Uniforms andSupplies

Baseball 53,245

Basketball 62,335 39,354

Football 426,477

Golf 12,965 17,777

Gymnastics 36,054

Rowing 26,456

Soccer 28,052

Softball 31,263

Swimming and Diving 37,736 12,596

Tennis 15,149

Track and Field, X-Country 25,996 22,667

Volleyball 16,645

Wrestling 68,369


Subtotal All Teams 687,123 246,013 0

Expenses Not Related to SpecificTeams


Total Expenses 687,123 246,013 322,738

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30 GameExpenses

$641,883 Input game-day expenses other than travel which are necessary for intercollegiate athletics competition, including officials, security, eventstaff, ambulance, etc. Input any payments back to the NCAA for hosting a championship.

Note: Expenses related to post-season bowls should be excluded from all reporting categories.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Expenses by Object of Expenditure Game Expenses Game Expenses Game Expenses

Baseball 20,319

Basketball 141,346 53,879

Football 179,768


Gymnastics 9,303


Soccer 9,750

Softball 15,900

Swimming and Diving 5,240

Tennis 2,760

Track and Field, X-Country 3,226 4,468

Volleyball 8,609

Wrestling 10,160


Subtotal All Teams 360,059 104,669 0

Expenses Not Related to Specific Teams 177,155

Total Expenses 360,059 104,669 177,155

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31 Fund Raising, Marketing andPromotion

$867,647 Input costs associated with fund raising, marketing and promotion for media guides, brochures, recruitingpublications and such.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Expenses by Object of Expenditure Fund Raising, Marketing and Promotion Fund Raising, Marketing and Promotion Fund Raising, Marketing and Promotion

Baseball 5,482

Basketball 18,624 10,854

Football 236,564

Golf 251 5,443

Gymnastics 1,136

Rowing 2,036

Soccer 7,787

Softball 4,476

Swimming and Diving 9,863 2,282

Tennis 89

Track and Field, X-Country 1,460 811

Volleyball 5,371

Wrestling 279


Subtotal All Teams 272,523 40,285 0

Expenses Not Related to Specific Teams 554,839

Total Expenses 272,523 40,285 554,839

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32 SportsCampExpenses

$215,939 Input all expenses paid by the athletics department, including non-athletics personnel salaries and benefits, from hosting sportscamps and clinics. Athletics personnel salaries and benefits should be reported in Categories 22-25.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Expenses by Object of Expenditure Sports Camp Expenses Sports Camp Expenses Sports Camp Expenses

Baseball 27,205

Basketball 10,732 13,508

Football 29,593




Soccer 46,272

Softball 44,857

Swimming and Diving


Track and Field, X-Country

Volleyball 43,772



Subtotal All Teams 67,530 148,409 0

Expenses Not Related to Specific Teams

Total Expenses 67,530 148,409 0

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33 Spirit Groups $49,150 Include support for spirit groups including bands, cheerleaders, mascots, dancers, etc.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Expenses by Object of Expenditure Spirit Groups Spirit Groups Spirit Groups









Swimming and Diving


Track and Field, X-Country




Subtotal All Teams 0 0 0

Expenses Not Related to Specific Teams 49,150

Total Expenses 0 0 49,150

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34 Athletic Facilities DebtService, Leases and RentalFee

$1,300,997 Input debt service payments (principal and interest, including internal loan programs), leases and rental fees forathletics facilities for the reporting year regardless of entity paying (athletics, institution or other).

Do not report depreciation.

See note in Category 36 for guidance on the inputs for this category, if the institution is paying for debt service,leases, or rental fees for athletic facilities but not charging to athletics.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Expenses by Object ofExpenditure

Athletic Facilities Debt Service, Leasesand Rental Fee

Athletic Facilities Debt Service, Leasesand Rental Fee

Athletic Facilities Debt Service, Leasesand Rental Fee









Swimming and Diving


Track and Field, X-Country




Subtotal All Teams 0 0 0

Expenses Not Related toSpecific Teams


Total Expenses 0 0 1,300,997

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35 Direct Overhead and Administrative Expenses $684,460 Input overhead and administrative expenses paid by or charged directly to athletics including:Administrative/Overhead fees charged by the institution to athletics.Facilities maintenance.Security.Risk Management.Utilities.Equipment Repair.Telephone.Other Administrative Expenses.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Expenses by Object ofExpenditure

Direct Overhead and AdministrativeExpenses

Direct Overhead and AdministrativeExpenses

Direct Overhead and AdministrativeExpenses

Baseball 70,363

Basketball 18,862 12,175

Football 69,035

Golf 3,666 2,288

Gymnastics 1,157

Rowing 14,404

Soccer 9,248

Softball 39,306

Swimming and Diving 5,083

Tennis 15,025

Track and Field, X-Country 363 9,453

Volleyball 4,484

Wrestling 4,442


Subtotal All Teams 171,814 107,540 0

Expenses Not Related to SpecificTeams


Total Expenses 171,814 107,540 405,106

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36 IndirectInstitutionalSupport

$7,898,085 Input overhead and administrative expenses NOT paid by or charged directly to athletics including:Administrative/Overhead fees not charged by the institution to athletics.Facilities maintenance.Security.Risk Management.Utilities.Equipment Repair.Telephone.Other Administrative Expenses.

Do not report depreciation.

Note: If the institution is paying for debt service, leases, or rental fees for athletic facilities but not charging to athletics, this categoryplus Category 34 should equal Category 6. If the institution is not paying for debt service, leases, or rental fees or charging directly toathletics, this category alone should equal Category 6.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Expenses by Object of Expenditure Indirect Institutional Support Indirect Institutional Support Indirect Institutional Support

Baseball 247,050

Basketball 603,053 467,464

Football 1,815,399

Golf 77,266 86,841

Gymnastics 115,303

Rowing 134,413

Soccer 175,540

Softball 202,466

Swimming and Diving 206,560 75,807

Tennis 96,211

Track and Field, X-Country 169,723 158,854

Volleyball 168,570

Wrestling 146,089


Subtotal All Teams 3,265,140 1,681,469 0

Expenses Not Related to Specific Teams 2,951,476

Total Expenses 3,265,140 1,681,469 2,951,476

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37 Medical Expenses and Insurance $589,407 Input medical expenses and medical insurance premiums for student-athletes.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Expenses by Object of Expenditure Medical Expenses and Insurance Medical Expenses and Insurance Medical Expenses and Insurance


Basketball 3,719 929

Football 15,167

Golf 258

Gymnastics 246

Rowing 224



Swimming and Diving 436 1,027

Tennis 19

Track and Field, X-Country 50 182

Volleyball 2,225

Wrestling 85


Subtotal All Teams 19,457 5,110 0

Expenses Not Related to Specific Teams 564,840

Total Expenses 19,457 5,110 564,840

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38 Memberships and Dues $281,464 Input memberships, conference and association dues.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Expenses by Object of Expenditure Memberships and Dues Memberships and Dues Memberships and Dues

Baseball 373

Basketball 1,933 1,748

Football 8,810

Golf 1,328 625

Gymnastics 1,140

Rowing 1,855

Soccer 550

Softball 915

Swimming and Diving 450

Tennis 720

Track and Field, X-Country 664 506

Volleyball 2,883

Wrestling 250


Subtotal All Teams 13,808 10,942 0

Expenses Not Related to Specific Teams 256,714

Total Expenses 13,808 10,942 256,714

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39 Other OperatingExpenses

$595,634 Input any operating expenses paid by athletics in the report year which cannot be classified into one of the statedcategories.

If the figure is greater than 10% of total expenses, please report the top three activities included in this category in thecomments section.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Expenses by Object of Expenditure Other Operating Expenses Other Operating Expenses Other Operating Expenses

Baseball 2,691

Basketball 2,566 11,239

Football 29,301

Golf 10,521 1,144

Gymnastics 5,141

Rowing 4,180

Soccer 12,445

Softball 1,136

Swimming and Diving 6,211 9,363

Tennis 38

Track and Field, X-Country 3,970 671

Volleyball 1,780

Wrestling 75


Subtotal All Teams 55,335 47,137 0

Expenses Not Related to Specific Teams 493,162

Total Expenses 55,335 47,137 493,162

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40 Total Operating Expenses $33,956,234 Total of Categories 20-39.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Expenses by Object of Expenditure Total Operating Expenses Total Operating Expenses Total Operating Expenses

Baseball 1,185,572

Basketball 2,567,603 1,905,954

Football 7,952,838

Golf 371,540 434,076

Gymnastics 765,721

Rowing 795,821

Soccer 939,715

Softball 946,775

Swimming and Diving 1,010,207 640,292

Tennis 545,933

Track and Field, X-Country 918,645 1,060,962

Volleyball 856,585

Wrestling 695,902


Subtotal All Teams 14,702,307 8,891,834 0

Expenses Not Related to Specific Teams 174,178 0 10,187,915

Total Expenses 14,876,485 8,891,834 10,187,915

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Other Reporting Items

Total Operating Expenses of the Entire Institution as Indicated on the Institution's Financial Statement:

Institutional Expenses: 344,310,303 FY14: $339,052,093

Total annual debt service on athletic and university facilities:

Athletically-Related FacilitiesAnnual Debt Service:

1,300,997 FY14: $1,310,738

Institution's Annual DebtService:

14,406,249 FY14: $14,637,617

Total debt outstanding on athletic and university facilities:

Total Athletics Related Debt: 30,451,389 FY14: $30,451,389

Total Institutional Debt: 254,340,000 FY14: $237,350,000

Institution's Education and General Expenses:

E & G: 266,654,879 FY14: $263,174,972

Average Cost of Full Grant-In-Aid:

In-State: 19,104 FY14: $19,104

Out-of-State: 34,648 FY14: $34,648

Total Cost of Attendance:

In-State: 21,254 FY14: $21,606

Out-of-State: 37,898 FY14: $37,150

Excess Transfers to Institution:

Excess Transfers toInstitution:

0 FY14:

Conference Realignment Expenses:

Conference RealignmentExpenses:

0 FY14:

Value of Athletics Dedicated and Institutional Endowments:

Athletics DedicatedEndowments:

3,931,120 FY14:

Institutional Endowments: 66,465,434 FY14:

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Athletics Participation


716 Table 1 - - - Athletics Participation. A participant is a student-athlete who, as of the day of a varsity team's first scheduled contest in the traditionalseason: (a) is listed as a team member; (b) practices with the varsity team and receives coaching from one or more varsity coaches; or (c) receivesathletically-related student aid.

Any student who satisfies one or more of the criteria above is a participant, including a student on a team the institution designates or defines asjunior varsity, freshman, or novice, or a student who does not play in a scheduled contest, whether for medical reasons or to preserve eligibility(i.e., a redshirt).

Student-athletes who participate in more than one sport should be counted in each sport. The Coed Teams column is marked based on thecontent of the sports sponsored table (Mixed Sports) in the School Info page. Male practice players are NOT to be included as participants inthis table.

Baseball 34

Basketball 15 25

Cross Country 17 15

Football 107

Golf 8 9

Gymnastics 22

Rowing 50

Soccer 28

Softball 21

Swimming andDiving

48 34

Tennis 9

Track, Indoor 72 41

Track, Outdoor 72 41

Volleyball 15

Wrestling 33


Total Participants 406 310 0 0 0 0


56.7% 43.3%

Unduplicated Countof Participants

406 310

Number of ParticipantsNumber of Participants

Participating on a Second TeamNumber of Participants

Participating on a Third Team

SportCoedTeams Men's Teams Women's Teams Men's Teams Women's Teams Men's Teams Women's Teams

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Head Coach Assignments - Men's

Table 2A 7 Table 2A - - - Head Coaches Assignments Men's Teams

Baseball 1 1

Basketball 1 1

Football 1 1

Golf 1 1

Swimming andDiving

1 1

Track and Field,X-Country

1 1

Wrestling 1 1


CoachingPosition Totals

6 1 7 0 0 0 0 0

Head Coaches of Men's Teams

Male Coaches - Head Count Female Coaches - Head Count

SportFull Time

Coaching DutiesPart Time

Coaching Duties

Full TimeUniversityEmployee

Part TimeUniversity

Employee orVolunteer

Full TimeCoaching Duties

Part TimeCoaching Duties

Full TimeUniversityEmployee

Part TimeUniversity

Employee orVolunteer

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Head Coach Assignments - Women's

Table 2B 10 Table 2B - - - Head Coaches Assignments Women's Teams

Basketball 1 1

Golf 1 1

Gymnastics 1 1

Rowing 1 1

Soccer 1 1

Softball 1 1

Swimming andDiving

1 1

Tennis 1 1

Track and Field,X-Country

1 1

Volleyball 1 1


CoachingPosition Totals

5 1 6 0 4 0 4 0

Head Coaches of Women's Teams

Male Coaches - Head Count Female Coaches - Head Count

SportFull Time

Coaching DutiesPart Time

Coaching Duties

Full TimeUniversityEmployee

Part TimeUniversity

Employee orVolunteer

Full TimeCoaching Duties

Part TimeCoaching Duties

Full TimeUniversityEmployee

Part TimeUniversity

Employee orVolunteer

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Assistant Coach Assignments - Men's

Table 3A 22 Table 3A - - - Assistant Coaches Assignments Men's Teams

Baseball 1 1 1 1

Basketball 3 3

Football 9 9

Golf 1 1

Swimming andDiving

2 2 1 1

Track and Field,X-Country

2 2

Wrestling 1 1 1 1


CoachingPosition Totals

16 5 18 3 0 1 1 0

Assistant Coaches of Men's Teams

Male Coaches - Head Count Female Coaches - Head Count

SportFull Time

Coaching DutiesPart Time

Coaching Duties

Full TimeUniversityEmployee

Part TimeUniversity

Employee orVolunteer

Full TimeCoaching Duties

Part TimeCoaching Duties

Full TimeUniversityEmployee

Part TimeUniversity

Employee orVolunteer

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Assistant Coach Assignments - Women's

Table 3B 18 Table 3B - - - Assistant Coaches Assignments Women's Teams

Basketball 1 1 2 2


Gymnastics 1 1 1 1

Rowing 1 1

Soccer 1 1 1 1

Softball 2 2

Swimming andDiving

2 2 1 1


Track and Field,X-Country

2 2

Volleyball 1 1 1 1 1 1


CoachingPosition Totals

6 4 8 2 6 2 7 1

Assistant Coaches of Women's Teams

Male Coaches - Head Count Female Coaches - Head Count

SportFull Time

Coaching DutiesPart Time

Coaching Duties

Full TimeUniversityEmployee

Part TimeUniversity

Employee orVolunteer

Full TimeCoaching Duties

Part TimeCoaching Duties

Full TimeUniversityEmployee

Part TimeUniversity

Employee orVolunteer

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Operating Expenses

Table 4 -OperatingExpenses

$3,135,921 All expenses an institution incurs attributable to home, away, and neutral-site intercollegiate athletic contests (commonly known as ``game-day expenses''), for (A) Lodging, meals, transportation, uniforms, and equipment for coaches, team members, support staff (including, but notlimited to team managers and trainers), and others; and (B) Officials. This is calculated from data entered earlier in the system.

Baseball 259,575 7,635

Basketball 409,589 244,533 27,306 9,781

Football 937,703 8,764

Golf 62,519 99,763 7,815 11,085

Gymnastics 75,028 3,410

Rowing 113,447 2,269

Soccer 144,064 5,145

Softball 150,105 7,148

Swimming and Diving 98,489 44,516 2,052 1,309

Tennis 56,440 6,271

Track and Field, X-Country 132,717 114,373 824 1,179

Volleyball 67,089 4,473


Wrestling 125,971 3,817

Total Operating Expense 2,026,563 1,109,358 4,992 3,579

Percent of Total 64.6% 35.4%

Operating Expenses Per Capita Expenses

Sport Men's Teams Women's Teams Men's Teams Women's Teams

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Revenues By Sport

Table 7 --Revenues.

$24,757,151 You must also include revenues attributable to intercollegiate athletic activities. This means revenues from appearance guarantees andoptions, an athletic conference, tournament or bowl games, concessions, contributions from alumni and others, institutional support,program advertising and sales, radio and television, royalties, signage and other sponsorships, sports camps, State or other governmentsupport, student activity fees, ticket and luxury box sales, and any other revenues attributable to intercollegiate athletic activities. This iscalculated from data entered earlier in the system.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender Total

Revenues Attributable to Specific Teams Table 7 -- Revenues. Table 7 -- Revenues. Table 7 -- Revenues. Table 7 -- Revenues.

Baseball 938,524 938,524

Basketball 1,964,549 1,438,492 3,403,041

Football 6,137,438 6,137,438

Golf 294,276 347,234 641,510

Gymnastics 650,417 650,417

Rowing 661,409 661,409

Soccer 764,175 764,175

Softball 744,308 744,308

Swimming and Diving 803,647 564,484 1,368,131

Tennis 449,724 449,724

Track and Field, X-Country 748,920 902,107 1,651,027

Volleyball 688,015 688,015

Wrestling 549,814 549,814

Others 0

Total Revenue excluding football and basketball 3,335,181 5,771,873 0 9,107,054

Total Revenue 11,437,168 7,210,365 0 18,647,533

Revenue Not Related to Specific Teams 6,109,618 6,109,618

Grand Total Revenue 11,437,168 7,210,365 6,109,618 24,757,151

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Expenses By Sport

Table 8 --Expenses.

$24,757,152 Expenses attributable to intercollegiate athletic activities. These include appearance guarantees and options, athletically related student aid,contract services, equipment, fundraising activities, operating expenses i.e.(game-day expenses), promotional activities, recruiting expenses,salaries and benefits, supplies, travel, and any other expenses attributable to intercollegiate athletic activities. This is calculated from dataentered earlier in the system.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender Total

Expenses Attributable to Specific Teams Table 8 -- Expenses. Table 8 -- Expenses. Table 8 -- Expenses. Table 8 -- Expenses.

Baseball 938,522 938,522

Basketball 1,964,550 1,438,490 3,403,040

Football 6,137,439 6,137,439

Golf 294,274 347,235 641,509

Gymnastics 650,418 650,418

Rowing 661,408 661,408

Soccer 764,175 764,175

Softball 744,309 744,309

Swimming and Diving 803,647 564,485 1,368,132

Tennis 449,722 449,722

Track and Field, X-Country 748,922 902,108 1,651,030

Volleyball 688,015 688,015

Wrestling 549,813 549,813

Others 0

Total Expenses excluding football and basketball 3,335,178 5,771,875 0 9,107,053

Total Expenses 11,437,167 7,210,365 0 18,647,532

Expenses Not Related to Specific Teams 174,178 5,935,442 6,109,620

Grand Total Expenses 11,611,345 7,210,365 5,935,442 24,757,152

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Miscellaneous Information

AthleticallyRelatedStudent Aid

Input the total amount of athletic student-aid for the reporting year including:

Summer school.Tuition discounts and waivers (unless it is a discount or waiver available to the general student body).Aid given to student-athletes who are inactive or no longer eligible.

Athletics aid awarded to non-athletes (studentmanagers, graduate assistants, trainers) should be reported as Expenses Not Related to Specific Teams. It ispermissible to report only dollars in the Expenses Not Related to Specific Teams row as long as you have reported non- zero entries for Equivalencies, Numberof Students, and Dollars (all 3 required for at least one sport).

This information can be managed within the NCAA's Compliance Assistance (CA) software. The information entered into compliance assistance willautomatically populate to the athletic student aid section within the NCAA Financial Reporting System when the CA import feature is selected.

Men's Teams $4,082,580

Women's Teams $3,608,521

Total Amount $7,691,101


Input transportation, lodging and meals for prospective student-athletes and institutional personnel on official and unofficial visits, telephone call charges,postage and such. Include value of use of institution's own vehicles or airplanes as well as in-kind value of loaned or contributed transportation.

Men's Teams $382,684

Women's Teams $169,138

Total Amount $551,822

Head CoachesSalaries

Input compensation, bonus and benefits paid to all coaches reportable on the university or related entities W-2 and 1099 forms inclusive of:Gross wages and bonuses.Benefits including allowances, speaking fees, retirement, stipends, memberships, media income, tuition reimbursement and earned deferredcompensation.

Place any severance payments in Category 26.

Average Salaries ofHead Coaches Dollars per FTE FTE's

Dollars perPosition

Number ofPositions

Men's Teams $237,562 6.5 $220,593 7

Women's Teams $109,653 9.5 $104,171 10

Assistant CoachesSalaries

Input compensation, bonus and benefits paid to all coaches reportable on the university or related entities W-2 and 1099 forms inclusive of:Gross wages and bonuses.Benefits including allowances, speaking fees, retirement, stipends, memberships, media income, tuition reimbursement and earned deferredcompensation.

Place any severance payments in Category 26.

Average Salaries ofAssistant Coaches Dollars per FTE FTE's

Dollars perPosition

Number ofPositions

Men's Teams $116,439 17.5 $107,246 19

Women's Teams $64,048 13 $55,509 15

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Statement of Revenues and Expenses

Statement of Revenues and ExpensesFor the year ended June 30, 2015 (UNAUDITED)

Reporting Institution: Eastern MichiganUniversity

Reporting Year (FY): 2015



1 Ticket Sales $414,544 $53,197 $6,981 $0 $13,985 $488,707

2 Direct State or Other GovernmentSupport

$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

3 Student Fees $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

4 Direct Institutional Support $3,873,849 $1,513,010 $1,411,106 $8,345,743 $2,967,198 $18,110,906

5 Less - Transfers to Institution $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

6 Indirect Institutional Support $1,815,399 $603,053 $467,464 $2,060,693 $4,252,473 $9,199,082

7 Guarantees $1,744,900 $250,000 $8,500 $66,770 $0 $2,070,170

8 Contributions $71,349 $4,634 $721 $225,159 $129,639 $431,502

9 In-Kind $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

10 Compensation and Benefits providedby a third party

$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

11 Media Rights $0 $0 $0 $0 $142,500 $142,500

12 NCAA Distributions $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,959,077 $1,959,077

13 Conference Distributions (Non Media orBowl)

$0 $0 $0 $0 $807,500 $807,500

14 Program, Novelty, Parking andConcession Sales

$1,585 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,585

15 Royalties, Licensing, Advertisementand Sponsorships

$0 $0 $0 $0 $3,928 $3,928

16 Sports Camp Revenues $31,211 $10,907 $11,184 $93,178 $47,501 $193,981

17 Athletics Restricted Endowment andInvestments Income

$0 $0 $0 $9,447 $9,662 $19,109

18 Other Operating Revenue $0 $132,801 $0 $366,757 $28,628 $528,186

19 Total Operating Revenues $7,952,837 $2,567,602 $1,905,956 $11,167,747 $10,362,091 $33,956,233


20 Athletic Student Aid $2,234,121 $378,472 $437,459 $4,641,049 $0 $7,691,101

21 Guarantees $275,000 $118,500 $3,500 $0 $0 $397,000

22 Coaching Salaries, Benefits andBonuses paid by the University andRelated Entities

$1,857,560 $791,610 $571,212 $2,235,782 $174,178 $5,630,342

23 Coaching Salaries, Benefits andBonuses paid by a Third Party

$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

24 Support Staff/AdministrativeCompensation, Benefits and Bonusespaid by the University and RelatedEntities

$204,173 $122,098 $57,069 $72,294 $2,762,525 $3,218,159

25 Support Staff/AdministrativeCompensation, Benefits and Bonuses

paid by Third Party

$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Item FootballMen's



Non-ProgramSpecific Total

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26 Severance Payments $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

27 Recruiting $240,412 $87,845 $74,264 $149,301 $14,175 $565,997

28 Team Travel $331,458 $205,908 $151,300 $1,049,391 $335,038 $2,073,095

29 Sports Equipment, Uniforms andSupplies

$426,477 $62,335 $39,354 $404,970 $322,738 $1,255,874

30 Game Expenses $179,768 $141,346 $53,879 $89,735 $177,155 $641,883

31 Fund Raising, Marketing and Promotion $236,564 $18,624 $10,854 $46,766 $554,839 $867,647

32 Sports Camp Expenses $29,593 $10,732 $13,508 $162,106 $0 $215,939

33 Spirit Groups $0 $0 $0 $0 $49,150 $49,150

34 Athletic Facilities Debt Service, Leasesand Rental Fee

$0 $0 $0 $0 $1,300,997 $1,300,997

35 Direct Overhead and AdministrativeExpenses

$69,035 $18,862 $12,175 $179,282 $405,106 $684,460

36 Indirect Institutional Support $1,815,399 $603,053 $467,464 $2,060,693 $2,951,476 $7,898,085

37 Medical Expenses and Insurance $15,167 $3,719 $929 $4,752 $564,840 $589,407

38 Memberships and Dues $8,810 $1,933 $1,748 $12,259 $256,714 $281,464

39 Other Operating Expenses $29,301 $2,566 $11,239 $59,366 $493,162 $595,634

40 Total Operating Expenses $7,952,838 $2,567,603 $1,905,954 $11,167,746 $10,362,093 $33,956,234

Excess (Deficiencies) of RevenuesOver (Under) Expenses

-$1 -$1 $2 $1 -$2 -$1

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