repobit: cloud-driven real-time biosignal streaming ......hugo pl´acido da silva instituto de...

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RepoBIT: Cloud-Driven Real-Time BiosignalStreaming, Storage, Visualisation and Sharing

Margarida ReisInstituto de Telecomunicacoes

Instituto Superior TecnicoLisboa, 1049-001, Portugal


Hugo Placido da SilvaInstituto de Telecomunicacoes

Instituto Superior TecnicoLisboa, 1049-001, PortugalEmail:

Abstract—Physiological (or biosignal) data acquisition andanalysis has evolved from being intrinsically bound to medicalpractice or lab settings, to become a pervasive data sourcewith numerous applications. This has been mostly leveraged bythe proliferation of wearables and open hardware platforms.While the first devices offer good cloud connectivity (albeit toproprietary servers) but only provide high-level features, thelatter have opposite characteristics, creating a gap in whatconcerns collaborative access to datasets for reuse in academicresearch. In this paper we describe a module devised to helpbridge this gap, by enabling real-time biosignal streaming directlyfrom an open hardware physiological data acquisition platform toa cloud-based repository over Wi-Fi. Performance tests have beenmade to assess the data transmission reliability, and the adoptedapproach to the repository enables user-friendly collaborativeaccess, visualisation and sharing of the recorded data.

Index Terms—Physiological Computing; Healthcare; OpenHardware; Internet of Things; Cloud-Based Repository.


The nascent field of physiological computing is contributingwith significant advancements towards enriching the way inwhich people interact with digital content, through interfacesand interaction experiences mediated by physiological (orbiosignal) data [1]. Wearable technologies have greatly con-tributed to intensify research in this field, however their sensorset is typically fixed, data collected from these devices ismostly made available as high-level features and access isoffered through proprietary servers and Software DevelopmentKits (SDKs) mostly controlled by the vendors.

As a way of overcoming the limitations associated withproprietary technologies, a diversity of low cost hardware andopen source software platforms for physiological computingresearch is emerging. While these provide a high degree offlexibility in what concerns the sensor set configuration and ac-cess to raw data, both quite desirable for biomedical research,data acquisition and recording is done using USB, Bluetoothor Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), hence being dependent onan intermediate device (e.g. a computer or mobile phone).

This paper proposes a methodology for real-time biosig-nal streaming over Wi-Fi, directly from an open hardwarebiosignal platform to the cloud, without the need for inter-mediate devices. Our work is motivated by the increasinglygrowing need for user-friendly, open and collaborative access

to biosignal datasets for biomedical research in an Internetof Things (IoT) approach. This is particularly suited for usecases where subjects are placed in free-living environments,examples of which are a living lab, a supermarket shop floor oreven creative applications (e.g. a museum or an audience). Inthese scenarios the aforementioned short-range communicationinterfaces typically exhibit multiple shortcomings.


Pervasive monitoring of physiological data for biomedicalresearch is notoriously associated with wearables, which haveseen significant growth both in features and functionality.Consumer devices like the FitBit, JawBone or even the AppleWatch, are focused mostly on a fixed sensor set and high-level features derived from them (e.g. heart rate and physicalactivity). This has lead to the appearance of enhanced research-grade devices, such as the Empatica E4 [2], the SamsungSimband [3] or the Byteflies Sensor Dot [4].

One problem associated with these devices is the fact thatmeasurements are mostly synced with the vendors privatecloud services. Furthermore, the fad connotation and otherchallenges increasingly hindering wearables [5], motivated theappearance of open platforms for physiological computing,such as the OpenBCI [6] and BITalino [7], which are not lim-ited to proprietary hardware and help leverage novel directionsfor physiological sensing in biomedical research [8].

In summary, the relevance of physiological data acquisitionfor multiple dimensions of biomedical research is widelyknown. Both within wearables and open platforms there isgenerally a dependency on intermediate devices for dataretrieval, and open platforms, in particular, currently lacksuitable collaborative and cloud-based support tools. Thispaper explores one intersection of these spaces, by conductingresearch on real-time streaming over Wi-Fi directly from aphysiological data acquisition device to an open access cloud-based platform designed to support the publishing and accessto datasets for reuse in academic research.


Our research took place in three distinct stages. In thefirst stage the supporting hardware tools were identified. Theimplementation of our envisioned interaction modes was done

2018 26th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)

ISBN 978-90-827970-1-5 © EURASIP 2018 777

Fig. 1. ESP32 development board layout (extracted from

in the second stage. The third and last stage focused on thecloud interoperability. These stages are described next in moredetail.

A. Hardware BaseDue to the maturity of the existing platforms for physio-

logical computing in what concerns sensor design and dataacquisition process, we focused the work thus far on thetask of creating a general-purpose hardware block capable ofadding direct cloud connectivity over Wi-Fi, without requiringan intermediate device. From the currently available chipsets,we chose to base our block on the ESP32, Figure 1, a low-power programmable System-on-Chip (SoC) with dual-coreand Wi-Fi connectivity, due to its superior specifications [9].

Within the physiological computing platforms, we chose touse BITalino, Figure 2, due to the fact that is has been recentlyreported as one of the most complete and versatile tools forbiofeedback and quality of life research, even when comparedwith the latest wearables [10]. The platform integrates multipleindividual sensors for bioelectrical and biomechanical dataacquisition, linked to a Microcontroller Unit (MCU), which inturn is connected to power management and communicationblocks [7].

The latter includes classic Bluetooth or BLE interfacesas options for real-time wireless data streaming to otherBluetooth-enabled devices (e.g. a computer or a smartphone).Our implementation builds upon the ESP32 chipset, introduc-ing end-to-end Internet Protocol (IP) networking capabilitieson BITalino (albeit fully generalizable for other platforms).This introduces the possibility to perform direct streaming toa cloud-based server using the maximum number of channelsand at the highest sampling rate, without requiring intermedi-ate devices.

B. Operation ModesOur block, dubbed RepoBIT, was devised as a general-

purpose accessory to receive a byte stream over the UniversalAsynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) and relay it overan active IP connection. The block can be configured througha purpose-built web interface made available on-board, withthe settings stored in Non-Volatile Storage (NVS). Settings aredependent on the selected mode and allow the user to specifythe network details (e.g. Service Set Identifier (SSID), WiredEquivalent Privacy (WEP)/Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) key,

IP address) and the physiological data acquisition systemparameters also (i.e., sampling rate, number of channels).RepoBIT can work in one of three possible operation modes:

• Access Point: A Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)/IPserver socket is created, listening to inbound connectionsthat client devices can use to connect to our block in orderto control the acquisition and receive the data stream inreal time.

• Network Client: A TCP/IP client socket is created,and our block attempts to connect a server address andport configured in the settings; once a connection issuccessfully established, commands can be sent to ourmodule to control the acquisition and the acquired datais streamed in real time.

• Stateless Broadcasting: Data is streamed as Open SoundControl (OSC) messages over User Datagram Protocol(UDP) (quite convenient due to the minimalistic statelessconnection communication approach); although primarilydesigned for audio applications, OSC is a binary formatwhere messages consist of an address pattern, a typetag string and arguments, comparable to the structureof an URL, which for several applications involvingphysiological data maximizes the ease-of-use.

Regardless of the operation mode, the process of packingand dispatching data through an IP connection can take longerto complete than the rate at which the physiological data issent by the acquisition device, leading to potential loss of data.To overcome this issue, our RepoBIT implements a UARThardware flow-control mechanism, signaling the transmitter tostop sending data (buffering it internally) while it is executingtime critical operations and to resume the data transfer oncesuch operations complete.

C. Cloud BackendEven though our approach eliminates the need for an

intermediate device for data acquisition (e.g. a computer ormobile phone), a way to handle the data stream is still needed,for which we followed a cloud-based approach. To achieve thisgoal, we built upon RepoVizz [11], a cloud-based repositoryand data handling backend for synchronous multi-modal, time-aligned recordings [12].

The RepoVizz data representation model is conceptualizedby means of a XML structure that hierarchically organizes thecontents of the multi-modal dataset, namely the metadata andpointers to the actual data files, which in our case are thephysiological data time series sent by RepoBIT. Altogether,the XML file along with the pointed data files compose whatis designated as a datapack, which are then handled as a ZIPfile within the RepoVizz repository. To interface RepoBITwith RepoVizz, a middleware was developed for the latter thathandles the data streams arriving from RepoBIT and convertsthem to the required RepoVizz datapack format.

Figure 3 presents a schematic representation of the datapackstructure created by the RepoBIT middleware, highlighting thehierarchical organization of the XML file, which includes threedifferent types of nodes: generic, description and signal nodes.

2018 26th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)

ISBN 978-90-827970-1-5 © EURASIP 2018 778

Fig. 2. BITalino (r)evolution board hardware base.



root nodenodes used for

structuring/describing data

nodes used to hold data (pointers to files)

signal files (CSV)


Fig. 3. Overview of the RepoVizz datapack structure used for data acquiredwith and streamed from the RepoBIT (adapted from [12]).

The first two node types are used for structural and descriptionpurposes, and do not hold pointers to data files. In fact, genericnodes are the basic block upon which remaining nodes canbe grouped in a logical construction [12]. For this reason, aRepoBIT datapack holds a root node that has four genericchildren nodes: one for the recording metadata and the restfor storing the actual acquisition data: the samples’ sequence

numbers and the collection of acquired analog and digitalvalues. The metadata is stored in description nodes, whosepurpose is precisely to insert user-defined text information[12]. Remaining data is contained in signal nodes, with eachof these nodes containing a reference to one single-channeldata array, meaning that for multiple channels there have tobe multiple signal nodes grouped within the correspondinggeneric node.

Each data stream is stored in the matching referencedCSV file, that contains comma-separated-values, representingthe samples of the signal, with a header in the first linespecifying the sampling rate and the minimum and maximumamplitudes of all the samples [12]. The acquisition lasts untilthe connection to RepoBIT is closed (e.g. by turning off theblock). Figure 4 shows the RepoVizz cloud-based interfacethrough which the user can visualize, annotate and share therecorded data with others.


Given the underlying motivation for this work, geared to-wards providing a more user-friendly infrastructure to supportthe creation of biosignal datasets for biomedical research, animportant aspect is to characterize the data transfer reliability.As such, we evaluated the performance of the RepoBITinfrastructure for each operation mode. We tested differentconfigurations of the number of acquired channels and sam-pling rate, as this makes the packet size and the rate at whichdata is sent vary.

2018 26th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)

ISBN 978-90-827970-1-5 © EURASIP 2018 779

Fig. 4. RepoVizz visualizer for a RepoBIT recording.

The evaluated metrics were the total number of CyclicRedundancy Check (CRC) fails and the total estimated numberof lost packets associated with those fails (based on analyzingthe sample sequence numbers), for continuous acquisitionswith a total duration of 8 h. The CRC fails enable us to evaluatethe occurrence of overflow events on the transmission bufferof the physiological data acquisition system (as a result of theflow control mechanism), which are indicative of issues in thecommunication between RepoBIT and the acquisition deviceat the UART level. The lost packets enable us to evaluatenetworking issues.

Table I summarizes the experimental results. As can beobserved, for both TCP-based modes, i.e. Access Point andNetwork Client, data is reliably streamed without any data losseven in the scenario of 6 analog channels acquired at 1 kHz(which is the most demanding configuration on the BITalinodevice used as test bed for the physiological data acquisitioncomponent). In the UDP mode, i.e. Stateless Broadcast, on theother hand, regardless of the chosen configuration, even whenusing the less demanding configuration for BITalino whereonly 1 channel is sampled at 1Hz, data may be loss both atthe UART and at the networking level.

The CRC fails (loss of packets at the UART level) isexplained by the time required to build the OSC messages onthe RepoBIT block, which occasionally leads to an overflowin the transmit buffer on BITalino, while the loss of packetsat the network level is explained by the fact that the UDPprotocol is not connection oriented (hence sample deliveryis not guaranteed). Considering that 8 h of data acquired at1 kHz generates approximately 480000 packets, the data losscan be considered to be fairly acceptable, as expressed bythe CRC fail of 0.34% and 1.66% of loss packets. However,



Operation mode / # of channels

Access Network StatelessPoint Client Broadcast

Sampling Rate [Hz]

# of CRC fails

1 - - 5 10

10 - - - 286

100 - - - 1019

1000 0 0 - 1622

# of lost packets

1 - - 58 49

10 - - - 1558

100 - - - 5324

1000 0 0 - 7945

when choosing the operation mode the trade-off between thesimplicity of the communication protocol and the reliabilityneeds to be taken into account.


In this paper we present RepoBIT, an infrastructure to sup-port cloud-based physiological data acquisition and handlingwithout requiring an intermediate device such as a computeror a mobile phone. Multiple operation modes have beenimplemented, targeting both high performance (TCP-based)and broader interoperability (OSC over UDP) use cases. Thelatter, in particular, introduces a stateless connection and min-imalistic approach, which is quite user friendly. In addition,data is streamed as OSC messages, well supported acrossprogramming languages, making the block easily interfaceable

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ISBN 978-90-827970-1-5 © EURASIP 2018 780

with third-party tools and usable in a multitude of operatingenvironments.

Experimental evaluation allowed us to conclude that bothTCP-based modes are reliable for long-term data acquisitions(8 h), even in the most demanding configuration of the phys-iological data acquisition system used as a testbed. As forthe UDP-based mode, despite the data loss, it has shownacceptable performance. Overall, RepoBIT appears to providea suitable infrastructure to address the goals that motivated ourresearch. Future work will focus on the validation in real-worlduse cases, namely through the deployment in environmentssuch as living labs, museums or supermarkets, and exploringthe possibility to interface with RepoVizz directly at thehardware level.


The authors would like to thank Panos Papiotis and Se-bastian Mealla from the Universitat Pompeu Fabra MusicTechnology Group for their support in the topics related withthe RepoVizz repository developed at their institution. Thiswork is funded by FCT/MEC through national funds and whenapplicable co-funded by FEDER PT2020 partnership agree-ment under the project UID/EEA/50008/2013 “SmartHeart”.


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ISBN 978-90-827970-1-5 © EURASIP 2018 781

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