reparació d'imatge de marca per crisi online: anàlisi de cas pràctic (friday training at...

Post on 08-May-2015






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La imatge de marca és la percepció que té l’entorn públic d’una marca. Fins fa un temps aquesta imatge era el resultat de les seves comunicacions i actuacions públiques, amb l'aparició del fenomen 2.0, les marques estan més exposades que abans i la correcta gestió/prevenció d'una possible crisi online passa a ser vital. És possible aprofitar un incident d'aquests i fer que la marca en surti reforçada? Aquesta xerrada tracta sobre com fer-ho per reparar la imatge d'una marca que ha sortit perjudicada per una situació difícil de controlar i que podia fer-li molt de mal . S'analitzarà en detall la crisi online que va patir l'empresa nord-americana Domino Pizza l'any 2009 a raó d'uns fets delictius d'uns treballadors de la seva plantilla. Es farà especial èmfasi amb l'enfocament més psicològic dels fets i es repassarà breument la "Image Repair Theory" del professor Benoit. Amb l'ajuda dels assistents, es debatrà si l'acció feta per la marca va ser correcta. Qui és en Carles? En Carles és llicenciat en Geografia però es va especialitzar en feines relacionades amb el comerç internacional durant més de deu anys fins que va decidir endinsar-se al món de la comunicació online i el branding. Va estudiar la primera edició del Postgrau de Brand Community Management de La Salle i ara n'és professor convidat. Ha treballat en diferents agències i ara és Brand Manager a Camaloon.


Reparació d’imatge de marca per crisi onlineAnàlisi de cas pràctic


24 d’Agost de 2012Carles Roca-FontBrand manager a @Camaloon

#ftrainings @itnig



“In about five minutes it’ll be sent out on delivery where somebody will be eating these, yes, eating them, and little did they know that cheese was in his nose and that there was some lethal gas that ended up on their salami…”

“…Now that’s how we roll at Domino’s.”

Fancy a pizza?

CEO President a US

Resposta Doyle a Youtube. 2 dies després






ESTRATÈGIES Image Repair Theory (Benoit)

“…funny Youtube hoax”

“We thank members of online community who quickly alerted us and allowed us to take immediate action"

“Although the individuals in question claim it’s a hoax, we are taking this incredibly seriously.”

Validació social per Robert


”Quan tenim incertesa de

com actuar, mirarem el que

fa l’altra gent per guiar-nos.

Això ho fem de manera

automàtica i inconscient. “

A hoax is a deliberately fabricated falsehood made to masquerade as truth.


This was an isolated incident in Conover, North Carolina


The two team members have been dismissed and there are felony warrants out for their arrest.”


“The store has been shut down and sanitized from top to bottom”


“There is nothing more important or sacred to us than our customer’s trust”

REDUCCIÓ DE L’OFENSA Bolstering/Reforç valors

“We’re re-examining all of our hiring practices to make sure that people like this don’t make it into our stores. We have auditors in our stores across the country every day of the week, making sure that our stores are as clean as they can possibly be, and that we’re delivering high quality food to our customers day-in and day-out.”

REDUCCIÓ DE L’OFENSA Bolstering/Reforç valors


"The independent owner of that store is reeling from the damage of this has caused"

“…a lot of damage to our brand”

“It sickens me, that the actions of two individuals could impact our great system, where 125.000 men and women work for local business owners around the U.S., and more than 60 countries around the world.”


REDUCCIÓ DE L’OFENSA Bolstering/Reforç valors


“There are so many people who have come forward with messages of support for us and we want to thank you for hanging in there with us as we work to regain your trust"

Més validació social

HOAX: 2 vegadesINCIDENT: 2 vegades

DAMAGE: 2 vegadesCOST: 2 vegades

THANK (them/you) : 3 vegades

• Parla en detall dels fets delictius? Els minimitza?• Diu tota la veritat? És creible? • Fa servir l’estratègia de la negació? • Fa servir l’estratègia de la mortificació?• Accepta les responsabilitats de l’empresa?• S’ajuda dels seus (pressumptes) aliats? • Es fan suficients accions correctores?• Fa èmfasi dels valors de la marca?

• Qui és la víctima i com evoluciona al llarg del discurs?


Hello, I'm Patrick Doyle, president of Domino's USA. Recently, we discovered a video of two dominoes team members who thought that their acts would be a funny YouTube hoax. We sincerely apologize for this incident. We thank members of the online community who quickly alerted us and allowed us to take immediate action. Although the individuals in question claim it's a hoax, we are taking this incredibly seriously. This was an isolated incident in Conover, North Carolina. The two team members have been dismissed and there are felony warrants out for their arrests. The store has been shut down and sanitized from top to bottom. There is nothing more important or sacred to us than our customers trust. We are re-examining all of our hiring practices to make that people like this don't make it into our stores. We have auditors across the country in our stores everyday of the week, making sure that our stores are as clean as they can possibly be and that we are delivering high quality food to our customers day in and day out. The independent owner of that store is reeling from the damage that this has caused and it is not a surprise that this has caused a lot of damage to our brand. It sickens me that the actions of two individuals could impact our great system, where 125 000 men and women work for local business owners around the US and more than 60 countries around the world. We take tremendous pride in crafting delicious food that they deliver to you every day. There are so many people who have come forward with messages of support for us and we want to thank you for hanging in there with us as we work to regain your trust.

Font: Comentaris: Elaboració pròpia


Joc a l’atac

Gràcies per venir!

Carles Roca-Font@marphille

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