remembrances of james the brother of jesus

Post on 16-Nov-2015






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Some thoughts from James about his brother Jesus. (Fiction).


Remembrances of James the Brother of Jesus(Version 2.0)

The BeginningI, James of Nazareth, the brother of Jesus, the Son of God, wish to put into writing and for the record, an account of my famous brother's life especially those years not commonly known of; from birth to about thirty.My step-brother was a strange man, unlike any other and before I finally realized who he was I just considered him a brother in kin.My first recollection of Jesus was when I was just a child and I was walking with him, hand in hand, along the rocky road from Nazareth to Jerusalem south down the Judean highlands to the great city that borders the desert. If I remember correctly, Jesus, only a year older than myself was talking to me and encouraging me to keep up but not in a brusque or unloving manner, rather he was telling me a story about two boys who were making a long journey to visit their father's home.

Age 12One evening I came into our house and found Jesus washing my brothers and sisters feet. I asked him what he was doing.He answered, I'm practicing. Then Jesus laughed a little at his private joke.


My brothers and sisters were all younger than myself and we had no older siblings than Jesus.

of Why is love a greater gift than blood? Because the ultimate gift of love is your own blood.TeensThe young Jesus must have known everything. He remembered God and spoke with him daily. He didn't need training as a Rabbi because he wrote the law and quoted himself he knew it perfectly.

of Jesus began at a young age to tell stories to illustrate the truths of scripture. He told this little story to me and my brothers during a break in our training at our synagogue.A man planted a tree and when it had grown high, cut it down. He used half of it to build a fire to keep warm and the other half he carved into an idol and worshipped it. It would have been better for the man if he had burned the whole tree to stay warm.Another man cut a limestone block into two parts. From one part he built a foundation stone for his house and from the other half he carved an idol and worshiped it. It would have been better for the man and his family if he had used the whole block in the foundation of his house.A third man took all of the silver he had saved and melted it down and fashioned it into an idol and worshiped it. It would have been approved by God if he had used the silver to buy food to share with the poor. of Jesus sat on a small stool milking a goat. It seems a funny picture to recall the Savior of the world performing such a mundane talk. I suppose that is why he really knows us; what each of us experiences the highs and lows of human nature.As he milked the goat and collected the milk in a deep pottery bowl he would talk to our sisters as this really was their usual talk.He told them, There once was a young girl who's duty was to milk her family's goats every day. But one day she decided to go and play rather than perform her task. Her mother heard the bleating of the goats and when seeing that they had not been milked, she went and found the wayward daughter and punished her by making her stay indoors the next day and the mother then handed the task to the youngest daughter to milk the goats. Sometime later as the youngest daughter was milking the goats a stranger saw her there and said, I am thirsty and would be very grateful if you would give a drink of that milk.The young daughter gladly gave some milk to the stranger. Then the stranger said to her, For your kindness I will bless you above all women. And then he went on his way.The girl did not know that the stranger was an angel nor what his blessing meant but she was happy the rest of that day.Then Jesus said to ur sisters, Of course you know who the girl was?Without waiting for a reply he said Your mother.


I wandered into one of the workrooms where Jesus was putting the finishing touches on a model of a ship which was about two feet long it was quite beautiful seeming to glow from the oil stained and polished cedar wood.It's Noah's ark. I exclaimed.Yes, he said, an exact scale representation, needing only occupants and a flood to be complete.I asked who it was for and he told me it was for an orphan boy he knew. The boy was interested in his ancestors and it was his birthday.I was interested in the story too and asked him, Where did all the water come from?He just told me that nothing was too difficult for the Father. He added that one day the details may be discovered by men but the discovery would only harden their hearts. As time passes the world will again become as it was in the days of Noah and faith will become as rare as a red heifer. of One time I told Jesus, Perhaps there is no God. He told me, The fool says in his heart that God does not exist. Can nothing produce a stone? Can a stone turn itself into bread?Those who do not believe in God worry about the preservation of their lives but we care for the preservation of our souls. One is for a finite number of years, the other for eternity. of Because Jesus knew who he was, knew the scriptures, was told by Joseph and Mary of his special circumstances he was in no need of searching for his spiritual connections with his Father they were just there like his five senses. He learned early to answer the call to God just as Samuel did. Daily prayer and meditation increased his spiritual awareness and power. Isaiah says, The Sovereign Lord has given me an instructed tongue, to know the word that sustains the weary. He wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being taught. (50:4)

of Jesus was forged like a steel sword purified metals folded and stressed over and over until it (He) became stronger than normal steel. Then he was filed, honed and polished by purification, meditation, fasting, prayer and dedication resulting in a blade that could cut through the sinfulness of mankind and be expertly wielded by his Father.

Early TwentiesAs I was sitting with Jesus and a neighbor of ours the question came up, When are you going to get married Jesus? It was unusual in our culture for a healthy and able young man not to get married and with his friends all being engaged now, it seemed only natural that Jesus develop an interest in some young woman. As per his style, he quoted some scripture:And let not any eunuch complain, 'I am only a dry tree.' For this is what the Lord says: To the eunuchs who keep my Sabbaths, who choose what pleases me and hold fast to my covenant to them I will give within my temple and its walls a memorial and a name better than sons and daughters; I will give them an everlasting name that will not be cut off. (Isaiah 56:3-5)

of We had taken a boat to the far side of the great lake and while roaming the area discovered some old tombs. Some of them were broken open and others were simple caves tunneling back into the dark earth. I had unthinkingly picked up a stone and thrown it into one of the holes and Jesus reprimanded me and told me, Who knows what lives within that abyss? Perhaps a wild animal has made the cave his home. What happens if you disturb it by throwing stones or even peering into the blackness just to get a glimpse of it's face he will come out of the hole and attack you and drag you back into his domain. Only the master of the beast is safe from his attacks. So again, I tell you, do not seek to consort with evil and dead spirits or they may seek to make you their next home.Years later I recalled our experience there when Jesus and his followers had come across the demon possessed man from the same region.


Jesus took over as head of the family in his twenties after Joseph had died. He owned a house with Mary, a cart and donkey, a carpentry business. He would take the cart to the forests and cut timber, oak, cedars, pine, sycamore, and cyprus, with an ax, bring it to the shop and let it dry, strip it, rip it, and shape it for various tasks. He could repair carts, make wheels, ox and donkey harnesses, yokes, plows, repair boats, build houses, fabricate shovels, hoes, axes, rakes, furniture, ladders, and just about any wooden contrivance imaginable. Locals liked him because he was fair and did not try to cheat them and he did good, really good work. And he knew how to work stones. He loved to tell stories of the missing cap stone that was looked for to complete the house.

of The Carpenter carved and fashioned toys for his brothers and sisters and the children of Nazareth for wedding gifts, birthdays and anniversaries. Cedar chests, furniture, mirror holders, detailed models and toys and kites [ancient knowledge of kites came from the East long before]. And he made stone wheels for grinding wheat and presses for making olive oil.

of I watched Jesus doing many simple tasks in the normal course of his daily life: sleeping, dreaming, star gazing, carrying water (a woman's job), shaving, holding, feeding and caring for his baby brothers and sisters, taking out the garbage, washing dishes, filling a lamp with olive oil and trimming the wick [the smell of a lighted olive oil lamp is wonderful], riding and caring for a donkey, fishing, praying for the meal, eating, sharing his food with strangers, presiding over his brothers and sisters weddings, taking care of our children (Uncle Jesus), traveling around the countryside of Galilee , visiting relatives, burying friends and family, teaching, listening, consoling, smiling, laughing, joking, ...

of Jesus and me and my brothers and sisters truly loved our mother Mary and on her birthday we would make her take her ease, and cook for her and give her simple gifts and enjoy the day together.My brother had wanted to prepare his gift and so he went to a lamp maker in our village and commissioned a lamp to be made - but surprisingly not the most expensive or beautiful. And on the sides of the lamp he had engraved, To My Mother: a vessel that held the light of the world.

Age 25Jesus was not a handsome man [Isaiah 53:2 says, He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him] but very Jewish looking he fit the role of rabbi well and inspired confidence with his words and actions. He always had a right word for every occasion or a respectable silence. Never did one suffer from his wit yet evil intentions brought his swift and judicial replies. He was defender of all men: women, children, widows, orphans, disabled, poor, slaves; sufferers all. of The death of our father:Joseph, our father, lay dying. I don't know how it happened so quickly. One day he was working in our shop and the next day he couldn't rise in the morning from his mat.Mother was worried and attendant to him and would not leave his side. Strangely she shed no tears though and just held his hand and cooled his face with a wet cloth and spoke soft words to him. Father was conscious of all around him but he could not speak and he would smile weakly at us as though to tell us not to worry.Brother Jesus had gone early in the morning as was his custom into the countryside to pray. When he returned, mother went outside with him into the courtyard and asked him if there was anything he would do to help him.Jesus told her that he had already prayed and that we must wait for an answer. Soon after that father died.Mother always knew who Jesus was and she knew something of his capabilities but she never begged him to do anything after father died. She remained calm.Mother and Jesus prepared the body for burial. The same day father died we carried his body to the family tomb outside our village. Jesus requested no public mourners. There were many tears, and singing of psalms and praising and well wishing from the whole village which accompanied our procession to the tomb. Father was well liked and respected in our village.Following the burial Jesus would go each day to the tomb along with our family members and pray. I couldn't always hear his words clearly but I could see him crying sometimes.Jesus said, You consume us in your wrath Father and consign us to the dust. How long must this gon on? How long will you hide yourself from men? How long will your anger burn against them? You are forever but man is subjected to futility and death. Hear my cry of Lord for our days disappear like smoke and our bodies turn to ash. Now I commit to your my God the sould of my dear father. And you my father must return to your creator to whom you belong.It was about a year later that we returned to open the tomb and put his remains into a burial box.Jesus had carved the box from a stone block himself. On the outside of the box he inscribed the words: I will be his father and he will be my son. Joseph of Bethleham, a son of David, a son of God.

of One day I said to Jesus, If you are to be a king, does that make me and my brothers princes and our sisters princesses? Jesus replied, My brother, it is as you say, you will be princes and princesses in a kingdom unlike you can possibly imagine.His siblings loved their elder brother but could not understand why he didn't look more like his father as they did. They also doubted their parents ambitions for him and sometimes thought him a bit of a dreamer. If only he would be more like our rabbi. Jesus is smart but aloof when he should be spirited and spirited when he should be conforming.


After Jesus had finished scraping a piece of oak into a particularly smooth surface he had me run my hand over the wood and then he remarked, My Father will scrape and mold my followers into perfection. It will sometimes be painful and difficult but if you do not give up following me you will be made complete. I said in unbelieving humor that I did not particularly look forward to the suffering part but he told me to just trust the Spirit and believe.


One time, in curiosity, I asked Jesus what he said to Jehovah in is private prayers. He told me:Brother, how did you talk to our Father when he was with us? When you were happy you shared that with him.


I guess I am no different than the first disciples in that sometimes I want absolute proof of his divinity; I don't want to feel I have wasted my time following him. I often think to myself, I wish I could see a miracle.One hot night as the family and I reclined on the cool rooftop Jesus told me, James, look at the stars and tell me what you see.I didn't know how to respond or what his point was going to be.He continued, You can only see a few thousand of the stars. What you do not see is the much greater number I have created and I know each one by name.I looked for a particular star I recognized and asked him, What is that star's name?He said, I will not tell you it's heavenly name but I give it a new name star with which my brother tests God.


Jesus had all this foreknowledge of technological innovations, he could easily have convinced even the greatest skeptic of his Godhood had he wanted. I often wondered why he didn't make greater shows of his divine nature so that future generations would have no excuses for disbelief in who he claimed to be. Jesus then one day told me while I was sitting, watching him work over a piece of wood in our workshop.Remember the angel Lucifer? He and some of his followers came to envy my Father's glory and my close relationship with Him. He often traveled far away from the Father on his own volition and brooded. Eventually his heart began to grow cold and a new force was born in it; evil. This led to his eviction from the Father's company and also that of his angelic disciples. After this happened the Father decided that to prevent such further occurrences, He would test men. If they passed the test of belief, and the test was of a simple nature, only then would He entrust them to live with Him.I asked, And what is this simple test?To believe in Him who the Father sends. To love Him with all the heart not with the eye.If I perform a miracle now to convince you of who I Am, only your eye will believe me but not your heart. But if you believe in me because of my Word, then your heart and eye will be satisfied. And then there will be no future demons in Heaven.


Jesus was always broke. Of course he always provided well for our household and our mother was never in need nor my brothers and sisters. But I could never get Jesus to see my way of things of saving up our money and building a bigger business. Didn't even Joseph see the wisdom of storing grain for seven years of famine, I argued with him. But he would just smile at me like I was a simple child and quote some proverbs.Give me only my daily bread or A good name is better to have than gold.When a beggar held out his hands, Jesus was the first to fill it.So, one day as we were taking a break in our workshop and eating our bread, a poorly dressed man came to our doorway and asked for Jesus. Jesus invited him in and shared our bread with his as he told us about himself.I was once a wealthy man who had everything but happiness eluded me. And so in the ways of the Eastern mystics I gave up my riches, put on a beggar's clothes and wandered in search of wisdom. And when I heard that you were a wise man I came to your door.I then expected Jesus to tell him what a great thing the man was doing by taking up the search for wisdom and by disowning his riches but as always he surprised me. He took the man by the arm and directed him to the door and said, Return to your family and your wealth and enjoy them and accept your lot in life. Don't cast away what the lord has given you. But, rescue the poor in their afflictions, help the needy, adopt the orphan and build houses for widows. Defend those treated badly by the lawyers, heal the sick, give aid to foreigneres and the crippled and lame. Become a beacon of light in this dark world. Then you will find true happiness. Love cannot fill a heart that is full of gold there is no room rather empty your heart of gold so that it may be filled with love. of I asked, What is the nature of one's spirit? I asked not knowing exactly the nature of my question.Jesus replied, The heavenly body is like a butterfly, able to travel through new dimensions. The heavenly mind is able to exist in new dimensions because it can see the Father face to face. When you come to see the Father face to face, you will understand. Now you are just a caterpillar.


Mother had just asked Jesus to go out to the fields and gather some mustard plants. She wanted to dry the plants and make a mustard sauce for an upcoming festival. As Jesus went out the courtyard his sisters asked if they could go with him. They often felt couped up in the house and they loved to accompany their eldest brother they loved to listen to his stories and wise sayings.As they walked along a path to the outside of the village they passed the local tower of rocks that the villagers had erected to watch over the vineyards and crops. Miriam, the oldest girl said: Jesus tell us the story of the Tower of Babel. Jesus told her, You know that story as well as I do, I will tell you another story.A village much like our little town of Nazareth had never built a tower and they were often plagued with wild animals and wicked men who came at night to steal their grapes and crops. So the elders of the town assembled all the men and boys, assigned tasks and begin building the tower. Some of the men said they were too busy to contribute time and they made their excuses not to help with the work. Others said they were too important or vital to the functioning of the town and they did not do their part in the construction or financing of the tower. So the remaining families performed the task of finding the materials, gathering the stones, giving the land, feeding the workers and finally building the tower. After the tower was completed some of the families grumbled that those who did not help with the work should somehow not be able to benefit from the use of the tower.Jesus then asked Miriam: What do you think about that little sister?Miriam thought they might be right but how would they prohibit those land owners from using the tower as it was for watching all the farm lands.Jesus then said the following: God calls all men to work. Some will answer the call with great ability and enthusiasm, some will come unwillingly but know in their hearts that it is necessary. But some will refuse the call with excuses and curses. Still God in His great patience blesses all men hoping they will all come to the work. Those men who labored in building the tower will be vigilant in it's use and come into even greater blessings and even bless those who never worked even as God gives this great world to those who are good and those who are evil. He knows his own.Miriam then asked him: Did you help build this tower my brother?He answered: Yes, I was the architect. of My brother asked me, To sacrifice an animal's blood to God or to do an act of kindness to a neighbor, which is more acceptable to God?I said that we are commanded to sacrifice to God and that that was the priority.Why do you think God requires an animal's life, does He love the smell of death? The world believes only what it sees with it's eyes but the man of God sees with his heart. One day I will end this cycle of death and require only mercy.I laughed and asked how can you do that my dear brother if the whole nation sacrifices at the temple, are you greater than Moses and Israel?Then the temple must fall.I was getting a little angry and said how will you tear down our magnificent temple, by leading an army of Jews? Who would follow you? Zealots? Romans?No, only by removing the corner stone. This has always been the Father's plan. When the temple has been destroyed, the real temple will be built and it will cover the whole earth.I told him he sounded crazy to me sometimes.So it would seem.Age 28Jesus asked me to go with him to Sephorus. This was a more cosmopolitan and Greek-Roman town nor far from the primarily Hebraic Nazareth. The road was well built, thanks to Roman technology and excessive taxation. On the way we encountered some Roman soldiers lugging their gear. As they weren't marching in formation we fell in among them and Jesus began to talk with one of them. Not many minutes later he took hold of the soldier's bag and loaded it on a donkey we brought with us to carry supplies. Much to the consternation of a few Jewish travelers he continued along with the soldier until we reached Sephorus. At the city gate Jesus returned his burden to the soldier who was going on to an outpost at Tiberius. As Jesus and I continued into Sephorus I asked him why he voluntarily helped that soldier when he had not obligated Jesus to help him. He told me that service to others was the most pleasing activity we could perform to show our love of God. Then he told me that that particular soldier would one day do something in return for Jesus favor. I asked what that might be but he simply returned an indecipherable smile.I asked what he thought about the Romans ruling Palestine. He told me that even the Romans were subject to someone and their kingdom, though mighty and long lasting, was but a tool in the hand of God. One day all kingdoms of this world will bow to the almighty Father and Creator in the new Kingdom of Love.I asked who would rule this new kingdom.He said, Isn't there but one God? As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him; for he knows how we are formed, he remembers that we are dust. (Psalm 103:13-14)Then he stooped to the ground and scribbled in Aramaic in the dirt:As for man, his days are like grass...but the Lord loves those that fear him. (verse 15)After we had gone to market and loaded with supplies we began our trip back up the road to Nazareth. As we walked along I asked about the prophesied Messiah.Do not put your trust in princes, in mortal men who cannot save. When their spirit departs, they return to the ground; on that day their plans come to nothing. (Psalm 146:3)Are you the Messiah? I thought no sense messing around. Of course, he says, As you say.I said, Save from what?What man can live and not see death, or save himself from the power of the grave. (Psalm 89:48) And the dust returns to the ground it came from, and the spirit returns to God who gave it. (Ecc 12:6)Then there is some kind of life after this one? Our Jewish brothers seem kind of confused on the afterlife.Jesus replied: Remember Daniel said (12:2) that everyone whose name is written in the book will be delivered to everlasting life. To shine like stars.Then only some folks will see this life?Salvation is far from the wicked for they do not seek God's will. (Psalm 119:155)I told him, Then I better be good.I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me. With me are riches and honor, enduring wealth and prosperity. (Proverbs 8:17) For whoever finds me finds life and whoever fails to find me finds death. (verse 34)

of A king of a large country was in need of good men to help him rule it. So he devised a test to find these men.He sent a proclamation throughout his kingdom to seek out men who would give up their families and lives to go into a hostile and powerful enemy land as hostages for the sake of the King.Only five hundred men answered the King's call.Then the king gathered the men into his palace and a further test was issued to them. The King asked which of these men would give up their lives because when they traveled to the enemy's land they would surely be killed.Only fifty of the five hundred men answered the King's call. After the four hundred and fifty remaining men were released the King issued another test to the remaining men. He told them that the foreign kingdom required that the hostages be killed by the King and their heads sent to the foreign king as a sign of obedience.Only ten men answered the King's call.After the forty men were released the King had each of the remaining men enter a room, one at a time where they were led to a block of wood and they were commanded to kneel to await the executioner's ax. Each man laid his head on the block and after the executioner took his place and raised his sword the man was then asked if he still wished to give his life for the King. If the man answered no then he was released to go home. Five men said yes and each time the sword was swung down onto an empty block.The King had found his regents men that he could trust and they were given the keys to his kingdom.

Age 29On the roads near the cities were many crosses some occupied. When I traveled the roads with him he would often stop and see if he could comfort the tortured and dying men. Jesus would caress the crosses as if he had made them himself and was admiring his handiwork. Some of them were not much more than trees stripped of their bark others were worked wooden planks with many nail holes in them that showed they had been used many times. He knew what was approaching having carried a cross himself for condemned prisoners, he knew what it meant to pick up the heavy crossbar beam or the entire cross and drag it. It was a tool like a hammer to be used crafted explicitly for the purpose of pain and agony and warning and it was heavy beyond belief.Jesus sometimes gave drugged drink to the the dying men with prayers and words of comfort, to let them know they would not die alone and that their lives were not lived in vain. He would carry final messages from the condemned to their families and loved ones. Jesus bore sad news to newly created widowed mothers and wives. He shed many tears in their favor and held their hands and heads when customs prohibited such consolation. He gained a quiet reputation for sincerity and compassion to the admiration of the local people and to the consternation of the religious leaders. He did not advocate resistance and conflict as the Zealot resistance forces practiced and who often encouraged him to take up their sword. He simply responded, It is not yet my time. of Jesus loved to tell stories to illustrate a point. On a Saturday morning when he was standing before a crowd in the synagogue in Nazareth he told the following story: A king wanted to promote one of two servants to be his personal secretary. This position required a man of honesty, goodness and courage. So, he decided to test the two servants to see just what kind of men they really were...

of Jesus slept on the ground, feeling the hardness and contact with the earth his creation. Yet he knew that that was illusory, it was only energy that gave an impression of solidity. Sometimes he shared such thoughts with me because he knew I would understand something of it I suppose. The things he understood must be vast but he could only share those with Yahweh. In his prayers, what things would he talk about with his Father? His missed relationships in Heaven, his responsibilities as caretaker of the universe? His love for creation and his longing for the physical and spiritual presence of the Father and his other companions. He must surely miss the beauty and comforts of his heavenly home to limit himself to the frail perspective of a human must at times become such agony. Such were the thoughts I had as I walked and listened to a man who seemed to me to be the King of Kings disguised as a lowly carpenter living among humble peasants in lonely and unknown Nazareth a smallish town harboring the Man who would become the center of history. And then I told myself, ah, he is only my brother, not the Messiah.


Jesus fed the homeless and travelers and orphans. He gave alms to beggars and the poor.He treated slaves with equality.


He knew the taste of fine wine or else the wine he made at Cana, which was very good, must have been a fluke


Jesus sharpened many tools. Did he sharpen the blade of a sword or spear? Did he cast his own nails - realizing that one day they would hold him to a cross.


He created the world but was not part of it. He was an artist who chose to hide himself but when he came into the world he told no one he was the artist and today they say we are the artists, the only ones who can bring order and appreciation to creation.But grace and truth came only through Jesus Christ (John 1) and finally we have seen the Father and he lives inside us if only we believe and accept him. So unwondered and unappreciated is this gift living in our hearts. Rarely do we even ponder it and ask the Father to reveal even more of Himself to us such is possible through meditation on this beautiful confluence of the human with the divine. What is a god something that lives forever, even God said we are gods we live forever. We look at our short earthly lives, too soon terminated by time or catastrophe, and forget the example of the butterfly death is but the changing of an ugly insignificant crawling creature into a wondrous flying work of art. Death is only a change point, a place in time where we become who and what we were meant to be.Every healthy human wants to live forever and so we have gotten our wish, if we just acknowledge and believe in the Lifegiver. Most will not do it, like being given a huge diamond, abnormally large and too perfectly cut and tossed away as a fake because it is too good to be true. No, we want instead our dirty clothes and short brutish lives and the finality of infinite darkness, unconsciousness and unawareness.


What is so important about baptism? Jesus told me, Baptism reveals like wiping away mud from an ancient artifact.


Jesus found a potsherd because anywhere you kick at the soil in our homeland they pop up, and he reminiscences: This was once a lamp in the palace of David. This one here was part of the furnishings of Solomon's temple in Jerusalem. I have wandered through the stalls and markets of peddlers and recognized the pieces and times and places.


The Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed two times. It contained a treasury and furnishings coated with gold. If one processed the dirt around the temple mount they would be rich from the gold flakes scraped from the destruction of the temple.

Age 30How did Mary know Jesus could do something about the wedding feast at Cana running low on wine unless he had done something miraculous in front of her before. Yet he obviously did not prolong Joseph's life. [Perhaps it was necessary to remove the earthly father for Jesus to complete his mission.] But isn't his behavior at twelve years old miraculous how would doing any other miracle be different?


Jesus told us one time, God has given you your senses to find and become aware of Him. But instead you use them to search for proofs that He does not exist.


There was a day that Jesus was teaching students in the poor little building that passed for a synagogue in Nazareth. He had left me in charge of the workshop and while I was cleaning some tools a man came to the doorway. This man was from another small village not far away and he told me that his father had died last year and he was now in need of a stone box to bury his bones. We had of course some boxes carved from limestone and I showed them to him. He looked them over and selected one, not the cheapest nor the most expensive, and asked me to carve his father's name onto the box, which I did.Then the man wanted me to help him transport the box to his village as he was poor and had no donkey to carry it for him. So I told my brother Jude I would go with the man and return in the afternoon.When we arrived at the man's home we went to a nearby tomb, removed the stones from the cave's entrance and then we carried the box inside. I helped the man to transfer his father's bones into the box and then close the the tomb opening with the large stones.When I returned home I had forgotten it was the Passover and knew I was too unclean to observe the family meal and tradition. I waited outside the home and felt somewhat foolish and alone.Jesus came from the house and sat with me. He recited some scripture about how some people who were not ceremonially clean wanted to eat the Passover but could not because they too were ceremonially unclean. But King Hezekiah prayed to Jehovah to pardon those who sincerely looked to please God even though they had not performed the appropriate purification rites. And God heard Hezekiah and did what he asked.Jesus then said to me, James my young brother, the Lord has heard your heart's plea and made you clean. Come eat the Passover meal I have prepared for you.Then we both entered our home, sand songs, ate the supper and praised our God.Many years later I finally understood who had heard my prayer and overlooked my impurity.Though Jesus was my brother, it does not compare to the relationship I have with him now as my Lord. Though I see a physical face and have known the man Jesus, the Son of Man comes to the forefront of my recollections of him and the brother with whom I played and argued and fought and worked, takes a less honorable place in my heart.I was privileged to be the brother of Jesus the Christ, the Savior of the world. And often I berate myself that I never saw him for who he was when I lived with him.Before Jesus left us that final day on Mount Moriah, he did take me aside and told me that there would be regrets and self recriminations but that my duty was to shepherd others to faith and to look forward not back.


I asked Jesus a question because he had been constructing a ladder that is often used to gain access to the roof of the house.Can we work our way to Heaven?Jesus said, Remember Jacob's ladder? The ladder was let down from Heaven, not erected from earth. The Son of Man is the ladder between Heaven and earth and it is a free gift to those who choose to climb it.

of A saying of Jesus: Just as the moon reflects the glory of the sun so the Son of Man reflects the glory of the Father. His light is seen in the Son of Man and in all those who love Him. of

Jesus asked me, James, would you rather have the house of the tax collector or the tent of a shepherd?I knew how to answer this so I said, The tent.Well said, the house of the wicked will be destroyed but the tent of the upright will stand forever.


I have always wished I had more intimate knowledge of certain details in events of Jesus' life. I asked him one day, How many wise men came to honor your birth?He responded, I will not tell you. But one day, in the presence of the Father and his angels and saints, the Son of Man will have them tell you the whole story. Be patient.I thought to myself, maybe I should go ask Mother.


Jesus and I had been talking about why people did not believe in the One True God. He told me this story:There was a man wandering in the desert searching for water. God saw the man and felt compassion for him and so he sent another man to tell him where he could find water. But when the wandering man found out that the man sent to him was from God, he ignored him and continued to search for water on his own because he did not believe in God.Then God sent an angel to help the man but the man did not believe in angels as they were only to be found in myths and fables.Then God said, I will send my Son to help this man surely he will believe Him. But when the man encountered the Son he said to himself, gods do not have sons and he ignored Him too.Finally God came Himself and appeared to the man with great power and the man realized that this was in fact the Creator of the Universe.The man said to God in an angry voice, Why did you make me wander in this desert place searching for water when you could have just given it to me?God answered, Son, had I given you the water, you would not have searched for it. And had you not searched for it you would not have realized your need and who it is that gives you this life giving water.But because you did not believe those who I sent before me, I will not now give you the water.And the man died.


The hills of Galilee are green and tree covered and as Jesus was walking them one day it was with surprise that he encountered a deadly horned viper coiled upon a stone.Jesus addressed the viper, You are a long way from home my friend. Have you come to tempt me before my time?To which the viper hissed but nonetheless remained perfectly still.Jesus then sat on a rock near the viper and remained quiet for a few moments.He said, Why would a shining angel of light, the very chosen leader by my Father of the heavenly hosts - why would he choose to so recklessly endanger and abandon his soul by craving the impossible?All your followers you have doomed for eternity.Satan, you had glory from the Father, beauty, power, favor why then throw all those gifts away in a fit of selfish ambition?The snake sat imperiously silent. Jesus sat humbly in sadness.You are lost my old friend and don't realize you are even now dead.The snake then hissed a reply and slithered away.

of Proverbs and thoughts Jesus told me:As a sharpened sword cuts deeper soa disciplined mind perceives greater truths; The Father is building a family. Those who do not love the Father do not wish to be part of the family.

The autumn leaves must fall so that new ones can spring forth. Do not desire greater length of life but rather desire greater love in your few short years of life.A poorly built house will fall in a lesser wind. A well built house will withstand a great typhoon.

No one wants to die.

As water trickles down a stream, it can never know which path it will take. And it can never go back.

A house built with care will last a lifetime. But a poorly built house soon falls.

The beginning of life holds great promise,the end of life great regrets

of asked Jesus, How can I become God's good friend?He looked at me a little doubtfully but said, Who were God's friends in scripture? Noah, who suffered years of ridicule. David who was hunted by a King. Abraham who was taken from his home. Moses who gave up a kingdom. So let me ask you now, do you really wish to become God's close friend? Even so, if you choose not to be His friend, you will be friends with the world and then you too will have given up a Kingdom.


A crowd had gathered at the synagogue in Capurnaum because they knew that the rabbi Jesus of Nazareth was to speak. After he had risen a man asked him a question, Why did Adam and Eve live such long lives?Jesus said, you read the scriptures they could eat of any fruit of the garden except that which gives knowledge of good and evil so they ate freely of the fruit of the tree of life.Another asked, Where is this tree now so that we too may have a long life.He answered, You ask for too little. Rather ask for eternal life that you may never die.The crowd laughed at this and many complained that he was being ingenuous.Remember the prophets who said, ' I am going to bring my servant the Branch.'And he is here today with the fruit of life listen to him and live.The crowd became angry and so Jesus left the synagogue in the confusion and distraction. He began to walk west to the the low lying mountains, away from the city and the lake but soon a man who was quickly following Jesus caught up with him and begged him in an urgent manner, Rabbi, I am not sure who you are but your words have the ring of truth.Jesus looked around and found a large rock to sit on and invited the man to sit near him on a smaller rock. Then he asked the man, And what is truth?The man had no answer. Jesus continued, No one knows the truth except God.Then how can I learn this truth?Jesus said, My time has not yet come but soon I will come to you.With that he rose and went on his way into the mountains.The man watched him go and wanted to follow him but he turned and went down the hillside back to his home near the lake and his nets.


A Greek man had been traveling throughout Asia seeking knowledge about how the universe came into being.One day he was traveling on a path to Jerusalem from Caesarea by the Sea and he happened upon Jesus who had been coming with our family, from Jerusalem back to the hill country of Nazareth. He began to converse about the Greek and Roman and Asian accounts of creation. Jesus listened patiently and then said, Before creation, I was. No other man makes this claim. Now, either I am a madman or a liar or I am who I claim to be. But I don't need man's confidence creation itself agrees with me. The miracles I do will confirm who I am and no other. Now, choose who you will follow, or do not choose. But know this, before the world was, I chose you. If your heart is pure and uncorrupted you will know the Creator when you meet him.The Greek was moved by these words and others that Jesus told him. And he desired to follow him but Jesus sent him back towards his home and told him to tell the Greeks that the Creator had a message for them: go to the crossroads and watch for the coming of a sign the sign of a cross.The man returned to Caesarea and boarded a ship for his home in Greece. He traveled throughout his land, teaching men and women to look for the coming of a sign from the East. He was often made fun of and mistreated but tirelessly he spread this new teaching until one day many years later, as he was waiting by a crossroad, a man came to him to ask where one might secure lodgings for the night. The man was a Hebrew and was traveling alone. The Greek told him he could stay at his home. The Greek prepared him a room and a meal and asked what news from the East. The Hebrew, who strangely had a Greek name, told him about a new movement called 'The Way'. And as he was talking he knelt down and drew the sign of a cross in the dirt. The Hebrew explained how the cross was a necessary evil to reconcile the Creator with sinful men. Then he further explained this new way and how it could answer the question of how the universe was created but even more wonderful, how any man could meet the Creator.Finally, it dawned on the Greek that he had already met the Creator of the world many years before at a crossroad near Jerusalem.

of One day I was thinking to myself,Was the coming of the Messiah as a human being reasonable? The line of humans failed with Adam. It was not possible for a human to achieve perfection.Only God is good.Then why did God come in the form of a man? Because only God knows the way for man to come to Himself. Angels and God inspire only fear. And man is frail.Therefore, only God As Man could reach the heart and mind of humankind!

A ProphecyI asked Jesus, Tell me something that will happen in the future? He said, Others went out on the sea in ships; they were merchants on the mighty waters. They saw the works of the Lord, his wonderful deeds in the deep. For he spoke and stirred up a tempest that lifted high the waves. They mounted up to the heavens and went down to the depths; in their peril their courage melted away. They reeled and staggered like drunken men, they were at their wits' end. Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, and he brought them out of their distress. He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed. They were glad when it grew calm, and he guided them to their desired haven. [This is Psalms 107:23 30 remarkably similar to the story of Jesus calming the sea in John 6.]

of Had I known that I grew up with one greater than Moses, I would have fallen on my knees and praised my brother. But I didn't know.There were times when he would even show that in fact he was a prophet.We were resting under some trees beside the great Jordan river. I had remarked to him how powerful yet peaceful this river was that gives life to our country truly God has blessed our people.Jesus then quoted some Psalm of David, The Lord turns rivers into wilderness and springs of water into dry grounds.I tell you James, the day will come when countries will fight over these waters, divide them up and this river you see here will dwindle away to nothing and it's power will be gone and it's peace shattered.


I am bound by consistency to work within the parameters of common knowledge, Jesus told me one day when he showed me a map of the world he had drawn in the dirt and I had told him the world didn't look like his map. of A prophecy by Jesus:Oh Caiphas, Caiphas, even your bone box will be empty at the return of the Son of Man. of I asked Jesus: Where does Jehovah live?He answered, In heaven.Jesus then asked me, But where does He wish to live?I did not know how to reply so he told me, With men.And then he continued, A temple is an old, lonely place only fit for gods like Dagon. But the Father wishes to be with men and or men to be with Him.I am the first man with whom God truly dwells I am in Him and He is in me.

of Trees in Scripture A thought from James:The bible begins with the story of a tree that gives eternal life which is taken away from men and ends with a story of the tree of life being restored to men. Trees saved mankind through Noah. The Temple was lined with wood. [Isaiah 60:3 says, ... pine, fir, cyprus... and elsewhere cedars.]Trees can be misused and abused as in providing the place and material for idol worship.Trees can live a long time. Trees sustain life on earth.Jesus is a branch from the stump of a tree. Jesus made his living from the use of trees as a carpenter. Jesus died on a tree - cursed is a man who hangs on a tree.

If Jesus wasn't the older brother, why would he give John responsibility for Mary as that would be the eldest brother's task to take care of Mary. (oct 26th at 2:00am)

Idea: boat that was found was partially rebuilt. The boat was old and beaten.Jesus had no defects as he was the Lamb. He was not Saul or David.

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