remembrance day 2019 - kilmore primary school · 2019. 11. 13. · remembrance day 2019 as we...

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NEWSLETTER Wednesday, 13th November 2019

Remembrance Day 2019

As we lugged ourselves out of bed nice and early on November 11th, we knew getting up super early would be worth it. We were headed to the Shrine of Remembrance for the 102nd Remembrance Day Service.

We were all on time and even left earlier than expected. Luckily we did because we were stuck in traffic twice! We arrived just in time for a photo and quick snack. The service was very moving and we learnt about how important it is that we carry on the legacy and knowledge of these brave and strong men and women.

We then had a tour of the Shrine by a lady named Mary who showed us around and let us ask a billion questions! Did you know that there is a scroll with all the people who served in WW1 at the Shrine? Guess how many months it takes to go all the way around? Four and a half!

We are thankful to all of the serving men and women, both past and present. Thank you to Mrs Brown and our parent helpers, Sebastian, Fiona and Sam for making this day possible.

Written by the KPS Young Leaders 2019

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Happy Birthday to the following students who are celebrating their birthday in the coming week.

We hope you have a lovely day. November 14th Mema FM 15th Riley FW Hope 1E 16th Alexander 6B 17th Maison 4J 19th Kate 1J Nicolas 4M 20th Clare 4M Annabel 6B


November 15th Melanie Hooke 22nd Sam Densworth 29th Kim Studd

Thank you for your support.

Change of Date

The Christmas Gathering Concert

The new date is Thursday 12th December.

The program looks like:

5.00pm — 6.00pm Open Classroom for the ‘Inquiry Expo’ with the singing of Carols commencing at 6.00pm.

A separate flyer with more details will be sent home next week.

Mark the date in your diary.


Just a reminder that all students need to wear hats starting this Monday, until the end of the year. All students and staff are required to wear hats that protect their face, neck and ears, i.e. legionnaire, broad brimmed or bucket hats, whenever they are outside. Baseball or peak caps are not considered a suitable alternative. The school policy states that sun protection is to be used from September until the end of April or whenever UV levels reach three or more.

What’s On……………

November Fri 15th School Assembly 2.20pm in the Stadium. All welcome to attend. Tue 26th Foundation 2020 Transition Session 9.00am—10.30am. Fri 29th School Assembly 2.20pm in the Stadium. All welcome to attend. December Tue 3rd Foundation 2020 Transition Session 9.00am —10.30am. Tue 3rd 2nd Hand uniform Shop Open 8.30pm — 10.30am Tue 10th Foundation 2020 Transition Session 9.00am — 11.30am. Thurs 12th End of Year “Christmas Gathering Concert” Fri 13th School Assembly 2.20pm in the Stadium. All welcome to attend. Tue 17th Grade 6 Graduation Evening Fri 20th Last day of term 1.30pm finish

2020 January Thurs 30th First Day of School

Gr 1—Gr 6 Fri 31st First Day of School

Foundation February Friday 14th Grade 6 Jacket & Polo orders due

Parent Stop

Parent Stop Change Of Times. Our Parent Stop was originally started to provide a link to our parent body and to establish a warm place during the winter months. It has been staffed by a small band of dedicated parents five days a week. Now that the warmer months are here and busy Christmas times have arrived, Parent Stop will operate: Monday 2.30-3.05pm Wednesday 2.30-3.05pm Friday 2.30-3.05pm on an odd week (no assembly)

It has been another fabulous fortnight at Kilmore Primary School! Our school is a hive of activity at the moment, with lots of significant events occurring such as our “High School Day” at KPS, our Foundation Transition Program, our Grade 5/6 swimming program and our usual focus on high quality classroom learning. The Pursuit of Excellence at KPS

As the new Principal of Kilmore Primary School, I feel extremely fortunate to be working in a school which has worked tremendously hard on developing its learning culture. In the coming years, I look forward to working with all members of the school community in our pursuit of excellence at KPS. We will achieve this excellence by putting students at the centre of all our decisions and thinking at KPS, by engaging our students in high-quality and stimulating curriculum and by building positive community partnerships with all of our stakeholders. This is exciting work and I look forward to being a part of a great learning journey at KPS. Student Elections

Last week, I had the great pleasure of listening to the leadership speeches of our Grade 5 students. I was greatly impressed by the authenticity and personality of their speeches and the confident manner in which they delivered their speeches in front of their audience. Well done to our Grade 5 teachers for preparing their students so well for this occasion. There is certainly lots of leadership potential on display amongst our Grade 5 students! Professional Learning Communities – School Visit

Yesterday we were visited by over 20 teachers and Principals from schools across Victoria. The purpose of their visit was to observe the Professional Learning Communities approach which has been in operation at Kilmore Primary School for the last year. The visitors were greatly impressed by our learning culture and provided lots of positive feedback on the work we are undertaking at Kilmore Primary School. One of the most powerful pieces of feedback provided to me was an observation by a Principal who noted that she “loved the way your teachers talk to your students.” It is wonderful to hear that respectful communication is at the heart of our school and that this is so readily apparent to people visiting our school. Swimming Program

On Monday and Tuesday of this week, our Grade 5 and 6 students have been participating in their swimming and water safety program at the Kilmore Leisure Centre. This program is provided at no cost to students and families and plays a vital role in developing our students’ survival skills before the swimming season arrives. Thank you to our teachers for the extra work they put into organising this program. Remembrance Day and Dianella Hostel Visit

On Monday morning, we held a Commemorative Service for Remembrance Day. I was greatly impressed by the respectful behaviour of all of our students as we stopped to reflect upon and remember the sacrifices of our servicemen and women. A group of our students also travelled to the Shrine of Remembrance in Melbourne to attend the Remembrance Day Ceremony. We received the following feedback from the organisers of this ceremony: “You should be proud of the interest and respect shown by all students. Through my observations yesterday it was clear to see that the future of commemoration is in safe hands with this emerging generation of leaders. It was great to see students being actively involved and enjoying themselves here yesterday.” This is a great commendation of our school culture and the work that our teachers do in building the citizenship skills of our students. On Monday, members of our school choir attended the Commemoration Service at Dianella Hostel. Our students performed the National Anthem and we have received lots of favourable feedback on their performance, conduct and behaviour. Well done to Ms Meath and Ms Magdato for their ongoing work with our school choir. All the best, Neil O’Sullivan Principal

Mr O’Sullivan

Remembrance Day Service:

What an honour it was to be a part of the KPS service this year. The students were so

respectful to all those who spoke and when observing the minutes silence. In the ab-

sence of our school leaders, some of our students in grade six students stepped up to

share with the whole school the importance of this occasion.

Walk to School Month:

The Mitchell Shire presented the school with a Walk to School Cham-

pions trophy for our support of their walk to school initiative. They

also provided us with some sports equipment for the students to use

at recess and lunchtimes. We had a loan of a new trundle wheel

which gave some of our students the opportunity to increase their

level of activity while measuring the distance they were travelling.

(Miss Crowther will be proud...Maths is everywhere!)

Mr Movember:

You may have noticed a very unshaven Mr Babic he tells me he is “raising funds and awareness

this Movember for all the dads, brothers, sons and mates in our lives. I need your

help. Please donate to support men's health”. If you would like to support Mr

Babic the details are included:

F Grade 1

Grade 2

Grade 3

Grade 4

Grade 5

Grade 6






92.09% 91.89%

At or above 98%

95 – 97%

90 – 94%

80 – 89%

Below 80%

Attendance Update: Whole school attendance

percentage: 92.13%

Attendance Percentage by year level:

Take care and enjoy the week ahead,

At Kilmore Primary School, we are always working on modelling our school values, developing resilience, acknowledging rights and ensuring that we develop respectful relationships. The 4R’s is all about explicitly teaching and then giving our students opportunities to learn about and then put our weekly focus into practise. The students listed below have been recognised for showing that ’I understand all people are equal’. The students listed below will receive an award at assembly this Friday.

We congratulate:

Foundation D – Lincoln

Grade 2F – Kaidence

Grade 4V – Skye

Foundation J – Levi

Grade 2J – Liam

Grade 5H – Jessica

Foundation M – Benjamin

Grade 2T – Isla

Grade 5M – Jake

Foundation S – Sasan

Grade 3D – Ella

Grade 5P – Ameera

Foundation W – Vanessa

Grade 3G – Delion

Grade 6B – Gwen

Grade 1E – Hamish

Grade 3M – Tristan

Grade 6M – Bronte

Grade 1J – William

Grade 3V – Khilah

Grade 6W – Zoe

Grade 1R – Mackenzie

Grade 4J – Abbey

Grade 1/2B – Anna

Grade 4M – Roman

“Respond, don’t React!”

Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships

Kilmore Primary School Student Awards

Coby Rowlands — FW

Payton Schultz — FJ

Elizabeth Hente — FJ

Bonnie Bassett — FD

Annabelle Ryan — 1/2B

Logan Ireland — 1J

Charlotte Littlewood — 1J

Spencer Peel — 1J

Ethan Watts — 1J

Mackenzie Clark—1R

Nicholas Harvey — 1R

Layla Sherlock — 1R

Oliver Simner—1R

Lachlan Johnston — 2J

Nevaeh Lonergan — 2J

Caleb Rowlands — 2J

Matilda Bosworth — 2T

Kyle Gresham — 2T

Parker Schultz — 2T

Ryan Bickerdike — 3D

Caden Galea — 4J

Roman Moser — 4M

Mia Lees — 4V

Lincoln Schultz — 4M

Cameron Harvey — 5P

Ashley Harvey — 6M

Paige Schultz — 6M

Aeysha Galea — 6W

Tayla Johnston — 6W

Jayda Scarlett — 6W

Congratulations to these students who

completed the 2019

Premiers’ Reading Challenge

I donned my denim collar for a more relaxed look on ‘Out of Uniform – Bring a Can’ Day. Have you seen the boxes of cans in the hallway? Oh my goodness! So. Many. Cans. I donated some dog food cans and hope that they go to a dog who doesn’t have as much food as me. I thought about donating some of the cat’s food too but didn’t want to end up in the doghouse (see what I did there?!) so re-considered. My Grade 6 friends and their trolley had to make multiple trips be-cause there were so many cans. Top job KPS – we’ve helped brighten someone’s (and some doggy’s) day.

Asha’s Adventures

I’ve been keeping my ears open (my eyes, not so much!) this fort-night and I’ve heard some com-ments that have made me smile… “Asha you are the colour of honey!” “Asha, would you like to play with me?” “I like your ban-danna! Red suits you.”

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