religion in egypt

Post on 27-Jan-2015






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11 slide presentation about religion in Ancient Egypt: main facts, major Gods, meaning of death and animals.


Religion in Egypt

Project done by Regimantas

Plan of the presentation

• Main facts about religion in ancient Egypt;• Animals in Egyptian religion;• Death in Egyptian religion;• Major Gods in ancient Egypt: Ra, Osiris, Isis and Anubis.

Egyptian religion

• Religion played a great role during the time of the ancient Egypt; • Ancient Egyptians were polytheistic;• There were around 2000 god and goddesses in Egypt.

Egyptian religion

•Egyptians believed that everything in nature were controlled by the gods or goddesses, because they only understood a little about many aspects of the natural world. • Because of this, all the happenings in the nature became a part of their religion.

Animals in Egyptian religion

• The oldest form of religious worship in Egypt was animal worship;• Sometimes a whole species of animal were sacred.• When Egyptian civilization advanced, animals were gradually humanized.

Death in Egyptian religion

• It is known that Egyptians believed in the concept of “death after life”;• Egyptians devoted much time and wealth to preparing for survival in the next world; • They believed that souls travelled through the after life that’s why they gave importance in preserving the bodies of the dead.

Egyptians Gods: Ra

• Ancient Egyptians considered Ra as the sun god; • He was a major diety during the 5th dynasty;

Egyptians Gods: Osiris

• Osiris is considered to be one of the most important gods during the time of the ancient Egypt; • He is considered to be the god of life, death, and fertility.

Egyptians Gods: Isis

• Isis is a goddess in Egyptian mythology.• She was also considered to be the protector of the children.

Egyptians Gods: Anubis

• Anubis - jackal-headed God. • He was associated with mummification and the afterlife in the Egyptian mythology.• Egyptians believed that Anubis was the one who judged the souls of the dead by weighting their hearts.

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