relief society aliamanu ward presidency message...

Post on 07-Oct-2020






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Aloha Dear Aliamanu Ward Relief Society Sisters,I wanted to share a simple message about the beauty and goodness of reading the Relief Society lessons prior to the lesson each Sunday. When I prepare for Sunday Relief Society lessons I always gain such a strong testimony of the topics in the lesson and I receive additional strength and inspiration in other aspects of my daily life.

Here is the simple format for the lessons each month in 2014:1st Sunday: A member of the ward Relief Society presidency teaches this lesson based on a scriptures, Church magazines, Daughters in My Kingdom and other Church materials2nd and 3rd Sundays: All Adult Church members study lessons from Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Fielding Smith4th Sundays: Lessons are taught from selected addresses in the latest conference issue of the Ensign5th Sunday (when applicable): Combined Priesthood and Relief Society

The easiest way to electronically access the Ensign and the Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Fielding Smith is to go to and type these titles into the search bar.

I am so grateful for each Sister in our ward. I know we are daughters of our loving Heavenly Father. I am grateful for His Son, Jesus Christ. I believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ and am so grateful for the way the gospel and my membership in this Church has blessed my life.


S!. Camille Fleming Aliamanu Ward Relief Society First Counselor (pictured right)

ALIAMANU WARDRelief Society Newsletter

JULY 2014


RELIEF SOCIETY BOARDPresident: Sis. R. Pi‘ilani H KaaloaEmail: Call/Text: 808.392.1077

First Counselor: Sis. Camille Fleming Email: Call/Text: 215.687.9499

Second Counselor: Sis. Mereoni B Baravilala Email: Call/Text: 808.227.7249

Secretary: Sis. Tiffany TomsikEmail: Call/Text: 808.499.8520

July 4 Ward 4th of July Party 8:30 am @ Parking Lot

July 19    Ward Beach Day @ Bellows

July 29-30 Stake YSA Camp @ Waianae


3 July Piʼi Kaaloa7 July Mereoni Baravilala11 July Durana Amoncio

20 July Kimberley Clawson21 July Esther Verhoef

Leigha Pitcher Luz Olave

22 July Catherine Walker 23 July Lahela Lung30 July Dawn Agao31 July Carrie Allen

WEBSITE: http://aliamanuwardreliefsociety.weebly.comEMAIL:

“Work & family are at the center of our lives, the foundation of our dignity as a free people.”

- Ronald Reagan

“to make request before [the king] for her people.” He added: “And who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:8, 14.)

Despite the danger, Esther agreed: “So will I go in unto the king, which is not according to the law: and if I perish, I perish” (Esther 4:16).

Esther then spoke humbly to the king and “fell down at his feet, and besought him with tears … to reverse the letters … to destroy the Jews.” She added, “How can I endure to see the destruction of my kindred?” (see Esther 8:3, 5–6). The king’s heart was softened, and he granted her petition.3

Notes1. See Russell M. Nelson, “Jesus Christ—Our Master and

More” (Brigham Young University fireside, Feb. 2, 1992), 4;

2. D. Todd Christofferson, “I Know in Whom I Have Trusted,” Ensign,May 1993, 83.

3. See also Daughters in My Kingdom: The History and Work of Relief Society (2011), 180.

“Listen to [Jesus Christ] who is the advocate with the Father, who is pleading your cause before him—

“Saying: Father, behold the sufferings and death of him who did no sin, in whom thou wast well pleased; behold the blood of thy Son which was shed, the blood of him whom thou gavest that thyself might be glorified;

“Wherefore, Father, spare these my brethren that believe on my name, that they may come unto me and have everlasting life” (D&C 45:3–5).

Of Christ as our Advocate, Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles said: “It is of great significance to me, that I may at any moment and in any circumstance approach through prayer the throne of grace, that my Heavenly Father will hear my petition, that my Advocate, him who did no sin, whose blood was shed, will plead my cause.”2

Additional Scriptures Mosiah 15:8–9; Moroni 7:28; Doctrine and Covenants 29:5; 110:4

From the Scriptures Throughout the history of the Lord’s Church, female disciples of Jesus Christ have followed His example. Esther was faithful and courageous. Her cousin Mordecai sent her a copy of the king’s decree that the Jews should be destroyed, and he charged her


Prayerfully study this material and seek to know what to share. How will understanding the life and mission of the Savior increase your faith in Him and bless those you watch over through visiting teaching? For more information, go to

ALOHAS! We warmly welcome Sister Diana Sego and Sister Misi (full-time missionary), who have recently moved into our ward! We love you and hope you feel at home with us.

::::: SNIPPETS of the Honolulu Hawaii West Stake Conference

June 2014 :::::S A T U R D A Y E V E N I N G S E S S I O N (for ages 12 years and older)


Opening Hymn: Stake Primary Children Choir Medley “Tell Me Dear Lord, Teach a Child, I Love to See The Temple”

Sis. Skye Stevenson: Read Preach My Gospel, obtain your patriarchal blessing, be spiritually and temporally ready to serve and never forget the purpose of your mission.

Bro. Ivan Velasco: A large part of hastening missionary work rests on the efforts of members. If you want to see the hand of God more in your life, do missionary work.

Sis. Sharon Bulaoat: I learned not to dictate to God my time to serve; when God calls, I will be ready to serve.

Bro. Clifford Kaahanui: Members are full-time finders. We should follow the commandments, offer service and greet everyone with a happy face.

Sis. Taylor Fetui: We should let our light shine before others, and trust in God to illuminate our path and show us the way out of darkness.

Sis. Warner (Mission Presidentʼs wife): Pass-along cards are a great missionary tool: always keep some with you, pray for missionary opportunities, and look for ways to give them away.

Pres. Steven Warner (Mission President): The best way to prepare your children for a mission is to have them read the Book of Mormon and put Moroni’s promise (Moroni 10:3-5) to the test. Second, have them unplug from their electronic world. Third, have them work for somebody other than you whom expects them to be there every day like clockwork. Fourth, teach them basic cooking skills. Fifth, don’t do everything for them.

Intermediate Hymn: Behold a Royal Army

Pres. Matthew Lung (Second Counselor, Stake Presidency): Do you stand as a witness of God when no one is looking, and when no one really cares what choices you make? Select one habit that you’re not doing well and work on it. Pray to have a defining spiritual moment that will allow your testimony to go from belief to knowledge that the Gospel is true.

Pres. Brooke Parker (First Counselor, Stake Presidency): We can create a gospel sharing home by finding those who are prepared to receive the Gospel and by having them be taught by missionaries in our homes. The key is to exercise faith and prayerfully set a date for someone to listen to the message of the missionaries.

Pres. Michael Matsuzaki (Stake President): Since we cannot predict and should not judge who is likely to want to learn about the gospel and who will not, we should extend invitations to learn about the gospel to as many as possible.

Closing Hymn: Stake Primary Choir Medley “I am a Child of God; I Belong To the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints”

S U N D A Y M O R N I N G S E S S I O N THEME: THE FAMILY PROCLAMATION Opening Hymn: Go Forth With Faith

Stake Choir: Let Zion In Her Beauty Rise

Sis. Moefili Afemata: The principle of repentance (i.e. having a change of heart) has helped me prepare for my mission. We should prepare to be a missionary regardless of whether we are embarking on a full-time mission or not.

Sis. Fujikaa Nakama: My mother created a mini-Missionary Training Center at home for four weeks prior to my mission starting with study of the scriptures and Preach My Gospel, followed by a variety of activities including cooking, origami and service. This was a fun and effective way to prepare me for my mission.

Bro. Mike Addington: I inherited a legacy of priesthood service; I hope that this is a legacy that I can preserve for future posterity.

Bro. Calvin Yuen: I was a less active member of the Church for 59 years. Since my re-activation, I have embarked on the beautiful progression of steps leading to exaltation and have felt the arms of the Lord embracing me.

Pres. Patrick Kanekoa (Temple President): Please attend the temple more regularly. Spiritual experiences await us as we serve and participate in sacred ordinances within the House of the Lord.

Intermediate Hymn: Called To Serve

Pres. Matthew Lung: Listen to your Kapuna (elders/ ancestors) as they have a divine responsibility to nurture and care for their children - no matter where they may be and regardless of how old they are.

Pres. Brooke Parker: By establishing righteous family traditions, parents can accomplish their imperative duty to help children understand the gospel in a deeply personal way. Remember that courage is fear with a prayer.

Pres. Michael Matsuzaki (Stake President): Mothers are the hearts of families.

:::::::::SISTER SPOTLIGHT:::::::: DIANA SEGO Aloha Aliamanu Sisters!

Have you ever wondered how to get involved in missionary work ?

We have the answer! We want to dedicate every WEDNESDAY NIGHT at 6 p.m. to the RELIEF SOCIETY.

What does this mean?

1. You can join us as we visit some of our investigators.

2. We can visit anyone that you would like to visit - they could be your friends, people on your visiting teaching list, or anyone else that you feel so inspired for us to reach out to!

What do you need to bring?

1. The scriptures

2. Your testimony

How do we feel about you?

We are so grateful to be serving in this wonderful ward! We love the restored gospel of Jesus Christ so much and are excited to work closely with you to see it hasten.

From our Sister Missionaries...

Diana was raised in Lake Arrowhead, CA, but has since lived in Alpine UT and New Baden IL. Through the graces of the US Air Force, she and her husband, Jason, have been brought to the

shores of this tropical island. The Segos are parents to four blithe and beautiful girls: Abigail (6) Emma (5) Autumn (3), and Riley (23 mths). While Diana’s favorite meal is one that she doesn’t have to clean up after, her sweet tooth is more discriminating and tends to find its greatest comfort in a serving (or two) of

Crème brûlée. Her personal hobbies include digital scrapbooking, massage therapy and basking in the delightful company of her children. If a genie in a bottle could grant her 3 wishes, it would be: to relinquish all of her debt, to enable her to gather with extended family more frequently, and for her children

to have a firm testimony of the restored gospel. Her biography would read, “She lived, she loved, she stayed true to the faith!”

How you can reach us...

You can call or text us at: (808)321-3536

Who are we?

Sister Misiis from Apia in Western Samoa.

She enjoys solitude, possesses a voracious appetite for books (her favorite being “Chinese Cinderella”), and takes pride in whipping up culinary delights.

Sister Frederiksenis from Roy, Utah;She Is passionate about car washes,has reared a pet duck, and believes in ice-cream.

Sister Misi

Sister Frederiksen


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