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Relating Potential Astrological Report for Jeff Buckley

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Relating Potential

Name: Jeff Buckley Date: Nov 17, 1966 Time: 10:49:00 PM PST +08:00 Place: Los Angeles, CA

118W14'34" 34N03'08"

The positions of the planets and house cusps at the time of your birth are given below. The interpretation of this astrological data is divided into ten chapters as follows: I. Your General Nature, II. Inner Responsiveness, III. Mentality, IV. Inner Needs ­ Desires ­ Sexuality, V. Energy ­ Drive ­ Activity, VI. Expansiveness ­ Growth ­ Success, VII.Seriousness ­ Concentration ­ Limitations, VIII. Originality ­ Spontaneity ­ Independence, IX. Imagination ­ Ideals ­ Spirituality, X. Compulsiveness ­ Fate ­ Mission.

General Guidelines

Some of the interpretations given in the 'Chapter Highlights' section may appear in two chapters because these particular interpretations are appropriate for both chapters. It does not denote greater strength of this interpretation. If you find the same theme showing up repeatedly in the interpretations, then this factor is particularly strong. Interpretations given in the 'Chapter Highlights' section of each chapter are ordered with the strongest influences first. If two interpretations sound contradictory, then this simply means that you express opposite qualities at different times and in different situations.

Remember also that astrology is not fatalistic; astrology is a key to understanding the cosmic energies that influence your decisions, and it provides a map of the best path to follow.

Natal Chart Positions & Placidus House Cusps Planet Sign Position House House Cusps Sun Scorpio 25°Sc29' 04th 01 18°Le59' Moon Aquarius 06°Aq07' 06th 02 12°Vi37' Mercury Scorpio 23°Sc32' R 04th 03 10°Li47' Venus Scorpio 27°Sc47' 04th 04 13°Sc20' Mars Virgo 21°Vi20' 02nd 05 17°Sg29' Jupiter Leo 04°Le28' 12th 06 19°Cp48' Saturn Pisces 22°Pi59' R 08th 07 18°Aq59' Uranus Virgo 23°Vi37' 02nd 08 12°Pi37' Neptune Scorpio 22°Sc02' 04th 09 10°Ar47' Pluto Virgo 20°Vi18' 02nd 10 13°Ta20' Midheaven Taurus 13°Ta20' 11 17°Ge29' Ascendant Leo 18°Le59' 12 19°Ca48'

Program Copyright 1985­2003 Matrix Software, Inc.

Chapter I. Your General Nature

Approach, Attitude

Your sunny, cheerful outward projection attracts those who need warmth and affection they lack. Your easygoing presence may draw to you more than you want to take full responsibility for, so do not make commitments asked of you unless you can give your all.

Ascendant in Leo

Key Quality

Intensity is a must for you in a relationship, at least on your end of it. This may be found in strong sexuality, but needs an outlet somewhere so that you may lose and transcend yourself in your relations with another. In the end, nothing else will do.

Sun in Scorpio

Key Activity

You have a very strong attachment to those who you feel are your "family" whether actually related or not, and one of the best ways of relating is to include someone into this special group. Once in, it's hard to get them out, however, so be cautious.

Sun in Fourth House Chapter Highlights

A good sense of originality in developing a relationship will tend to keep things interesting for both you and a partner without pushing things too far or going over the deep end. When things get boring, you can count on a flash of inspiration.

Sun Sextile Uranus Orb: 01°52'

It is sometimes difficult to see another's point of view because of the clear validity of your own arguments. There can, however, be two equally valid and yet conflicting points of view, so take time to put yourself in another's shoes and come together.

Sun Conjunct Mercury Orb: 01°57'

You project a very warm, heartfelt quality because you are usually consistent in your inner direction and your personality style compliments your aims and desires. An open hand goes with an open heart, but keep a guard in reserve for insurance.

Sun Conjunct Venus Orb: 02°18'

You have a good solid feeling of the overall permissible pace of a relationship, how far and how fast to go so as not to hit stumbling blocks from haste. The long­term affair

is your best and will bring you and your partner the greatest rewards also. Sun Trine Saturn Orb: 02°30'

A high degree of idealism and imagination both clouds and enhances your personality, so it may be difficult for others to get a handle on you (or even you on yourself). Romantic engagements will tend to flourish; try to keep them one at a time.

Sun Conjunct Neptune Orb: 03°26'

You have a well­balanced sense of inner purpose and the time and strength with which to implement it, so you may seem particularly at ease with yourself to others when you are in action. This may belie certain other insecurities.

Sun Sextile Mars Orb: 04°08'

You have a natural self­confidence that allows you to work well in emergency or stress situations, as you just know you will pull through in the end ­­ which is three­ quarters of getting there to begin with. The angels do; on occasion, save it.

Sun Sextile Pluto Orb: 05°11'

Your physical appearance may often belie your inner feelings or direction, over or understating them, so you should be able to say what you mean more than show it if you want to put yourself across well. When you mean what you say, others will know it.

Sun Square Ascendant Orb: 06°30'

You have a nice easy, broad sense of personal pacing that allows you to cover a lot of ground without appearing to, with large, relaxed sweeps. You will be able to gently open up more introverted types and broaden their world, open their hearts.

Sun Trine Jupiter Orb: 08°59'

Chapter II. Inner Responsiveness

Key Quality

Your immediate response to any situation is to see it in a number of perspectives not all of which may be in sympathy to those around you, who may thereupon impugn your loyalty or closeness. Your reality is broader, so watch how you phrase it.

Moon in Aquarius

Key Activity

Your natural gifts as a teacher, or your natural inclination to be one may or may not suit the rest of your temperament. The same goes for your partner who may learn unwillingly and have to be taught without ever being aware of the service being done.

Moon in Sixth House Chapter Highlights

You either barely stick your toe in the pool or just dive right in with a splash, neither of which may be much in sync with what others around you are doing. You may have to either prime or bank your enthusiasm, to stay in contact with a partner.

Moon Opposite Jupiter Orb: 01°39'

Gauge your reactions carefully in regard to what others may say about them later, as they are subject to spontaneous misinterpretation which can catch up to you later. Honesty is the best policy, but better even than that is proof and clarity.

Moon Square Midheaven Orb: 07°13'

Chapter III. Mentality

Key Quality

Intense and somewhat baroque scenarios have appeal to you and you may be a little too close­handed for your partner to comprehend what is going on. Full disclosure is not your trip, but be willing to disclose that so your partner can join the game.

Mercury in Scorpio

Key Activity

Your best problem­solving abilities will probably lie in the home and concerning those close to you ­­ not necessarily because of talent, but because of inclination. Thus, your thoughts run toward the introspective & that which is personal to you.

Mercury in Fourth House Chapter Highlights

Inventiveness without obtrusiveness allows you to be a quiet innovator in a relationship. By explaining yourself well, you provide a clear path for a partner to follow, even when the territory is uncharted. Clarity and insight inspire confidence.

Mercury Sextile Uranus Orb: 00°05'

A talent for tailoring and crystallizing your thoughts may allow you to put into words what a partner can only imply or surmise. When needs are specific, you can be specific. You are a friend and intellect that can be counted upon when needed.

Mercury Trine Saturn Orb: 00°34'

A highly fertile imagination allows you to create fantasies that can be dreams come true with a partner with the ability to practically implement them, an ability you may lack. You are best at the creative end, untrammeled by details that bind, fetter.

Mercury Conjunct Neptune Orb: 01°30'

It is sometimes difficult to see another's point of view because of the clear validity of your own arguments. There can, however, be two equally valid and yet conflicting points of view, so take time to put yourself in another's shoes and come together.

Sun Conjunct Mercury Orb: 01°57'

You have a very natural sense of how to translate thought into action, but others may not be so talented and you will have to help them communicate what they would like to do even when it seems self­evident to you. Just pick up the ball and run.

Mercury Sextile Mars Orb: 02°12'

You have considerable, and well­founded, confidence that what you say is correct and

will serve you well, no matter what the opinions of others. This will lead you to deeper insights because you will quietly pursue them further than others would.

Mercury Sextile Pluto Orb: 03°14'

A sharp eye for design and appearance reflect a keen sense of what pleases and satisfies both yourself and your partner. Sparkling good taste attracts admiration but may cause you to miss the diamond in the rough, the potential crown jewel.

Mercury Conjunct Venus Orb: 04°15'

Your body language may not always be in sync with the ideas you are trying to express, so if you want to be really convincing do it in writing or other form of cool media. In­person debates can get circular, never where you want them to go.

Mercury Square Ascendant Orb: 04°33'

Chapter IV. Inner Needs ­ Desires ­ Sexuality

Key Quality

Intensity of desire is your keyword, and lightweight satisfaction doesn't exist in your world. It may be difficult to express it to a partner, but you want to go all the way, and further each time. Your partner must give all, or you will be wanting.

Venus in Scorpio

Key Activity

You find greatest opportunity for intimacy in a secure, home setting where you can relax and take your time making your desires known, getting to know your partner without distractions. Closeness, rather than inventiveness or variety, is your key.

Venus in Fourth House Chapter Highlights

You project a very warm, heartfelt quality because you are usually consistent in your inner direction and your personality style compliments your aims and desires. An open hand goes with an open heart, but keep a guard in reserve for insurance.

Sun Conjunct Venus Orb: 02°18'

A taste for a variety of pleasures will keep your senses heightened and a partner who will help you exploit the endless possibilities you desire should be highly prized. Experimenting in moderation allows maximum enjoyment from each new encounter.

Venus Sextile Uranus Orb: 04°10'

A sharp eye for design and appearance reflect a keen sense of what pleases and satisfies both yourself and your partner. Sparkling good taste attracts admiration but may cause you to miss the diamond in the rough, the potential crown jewel.

Mercury Conjunct Venus Orb: 04°15'

Moderation and regularity are the keys to your enjoyment, and a few sips of good vintage will always yield more than a jugful of mediocre quality. You will want a partner who is equally willing to keep a quieter, more refined pace and can develop with you.

Venus Trine Saturn Orb: 04°49'

The disillusionment of high youthful idealism may leave you a cynic on the surface, but the high romantic heart still beats underneath. Wanting and expecting too much out of love is a hazard which goes with the territory but heightens the senses.

Venus Conjunct Neptune Orb: 05°45'

You have a large capacity for enjoyment but a good sense of moderation so that

overdoing won't spoil your pleasures. Desire and its fulfillment are what keep you young and you will easily be able to keep pace with a partner younger in years.

Venus Trine Jupiter Orb: 06°41'

Chapter V Energy ­ Drive ­ Activity

Key Quality

You know exactly what you intend to do in a relationship ­­ just make sure your partner knows it and agrees, or it will be a very quick one! Detailed scenarios will go off best, with props well laid out and prepared in advance ­­ cheers for perfection!

Mars in Virgo

Key Activity

You like to see your efforts in a relationship pay off tangibly. You shoot with sincerity and rather expect to be dealt with the same, according to the rules of honor. Sometimes all's not so fair in love and war, so be straight but take care.

Mars in Second House Chapter Highlights

A natural ability to act out fantasies stems from innately knowing what is feasible and what is not. Thus you can lead another down dream paths that bear fruit and wind back home, rather than into disappointing cul­de­sacs. A doer of diaphanous deeds.

Mars Sextile Neptune Orb: 00°42'

Forceful action may come naturally, but too much pressure or shock can break the very situation you are trying to achieve. Personal relations require a more delicate, maneuverable touch, so lay back and regroup before you try to force the way.

Mars Conjunct Pluto Orb: 01°02'

Stop and go energies where you are rolling along and then suddenly run out of gas can torpedo you unless you design your involvements with available stopping places for a breather. A brief pause indeed refreshes if you allow the space for it.

Mars Opposite Saturn Orb: 01°38'

You have a very natural sense of how to translate thought into action, but others may not be so talented and you will have to help them communicate what they would like to do even when it seems self­evident to you. Just pick up the ball and run.

Mercury Sextile Mars Orb: 02°12'

Extremely compulsive, spontaneous behavior can be the spark of your life or undoing, depending upon how well you monitor yourself. It may be a bit too far out for some and can get you too far over the edge, but then you only live once.

Mars Conjunct Uranus Orb: 02°16'

You have a well­balanced sense of inner purpose and the time and strength with

which to implement it, so you may seem particularly at ease with yourself to others when you are in action. This may belie certain other insecurities.

Sun Sextile Mars Orb: 04°08'

Chapter VI. Expansiveness ­ Growth ­ Success

Key Quality

Your ideal direction in love is to have plenty of space and compass, so there is love enough to go around for everyone. This does not preclude loyalty to only one partner, but when you're in love, everyone should know it, and benefit from it alike.

Jupiter in Leo

Key Activity

Most of your major efforts and creativity in life will likely be spent behind the scenes doing good (or ill) for others. Because you are less than likely to get the credit, make sure the thing itself is its own satisfaction as others reap your effects.

Jupiter in Twelfth House Chapter Highlights

You either barely stick your toe in the pool or just dive right in with a splash, neither of which may be much in sync with what others around you are doing. You may have to either prime or bank your enthusiasm, to stay in contact with a partner.

Moon Opposite Jupiter Orb: 01°39'

You have a large capacity for enjoyment but a good sense of moderation so that overdoing won't spoil your pleasures. Desire and its fulfillment are what keep you young and you will easily be able to keep pace with a partner younger in years.

Venus Trine Jupiter Orb: 06°41'

You have a nice easy, broad sense of personal pacing that allows you to cover a lot of ground without appearing to, with large, relaxed sweeps. You will be able to gently open up more introverted types and broaden their world, open their hearts.

Sun Trine Jupiter Orb: 08°59'

Chapter VII. Seriousness ­ Concentration ­ Limitations

Key Quality

You seek your most precious needs and security in places most think least likely to find them. You succeed or fail by your own inner judgement and here you are harshest with yourself. Let the glow of another be your light, and rekindle what you judge.

Saturn in Pisces

Key Activity

You have a deep concern for that which is old and venerable, not in an outward fashion but in a need to preserve the ancient ways of doing and thinking in mankind. This may draw you to researchers or occultists who seek the same goal that you want.

Saturn in Eighth House Chapter Highlights

A talent for tailoring and crystallizing your thoughts may allow you to put into words what a partner can only imply or surmise. When needs are specific, you can be specific. You are a friend and intellect that can be counted upon when needed.

Mercury Trine Saturn Orb: 00°34'

Challenging, original ideas sometimes have a hard time breaking out of established patterns that hold them back. Progress tends to be sudden and rapid or non­existent, so be willing to mount a major effort to break down internal barriers: storm your walls

Saturn Opposite Uranus Orb: 00°38'

Progress toward fulfilling your dreams and fantasies tends to be regular, sustained, with periodic results yielding satisfaction and encouragement to stay on the track for the long haul. Inner beliefs don't stray to the unreal where they disappoint you.

Saturn Trine Neptune Orb: 00°56'

Stop and go energies where you are rolling along and then suddenly run out of gas can torpedo you unless you design your involvements with available stopping places for a breather. A brief pause indeed refreshes if you allow the space for it.

Mars Opposite Saturn Orb: 01°38'

You have a good solid feeling of the overall permissible pace of a relationship, how far and how fast to go so as not to hit stumbling blocks from haste. The long­term affair is your best and will bring you and your partner the greatest rewards also.

Sun Trine Saturn Orb: 02°30'

Enforcing strong inner strictures may be the easiest and most immediate way to stem insecurity, but can severely limit your ability to relate to and grow with another. You may have to practice some risk­taking to achieve real satisfaction.

Saturn Opposite Pluto Orb: 02°40'

Moderation and regularity are the keys to your enjoyment, and a few sips of good vintage will always yield more than a jugful of mediocre quality. You will want a partner who is equally willing to keep a quieter, more refined pace and can develop with you.

Venus Trine Saturn Orb: 04°49'

Chapter VIII. Originality ­ Spontaneity ­ Independence

Key Quality

You may find you have the ability to figure out a person's entire personality from just a few specific clues or actions. You will very often be correct in this, but always back up your opinions with more data before making a move, as looks can fool.

Uranus in Virgo

Key Activity

Your financial climate is unstable, all by itself and also because you will dump important resources suddenly on a friend, if you think something new and exciting is to be gained. The same, in return, may happen to you. Run with it while you can.

Uranus in Second House Chapter Highlights

Inventiveness without obtrusiveness allows you to be a quiet innovator in a relationship. By explaining yourself well, you provide a clear path for a partner to follow, even when the territory is uncharted. Clarity and insight inspire confidence.

Mercury Sextile Uranus Orb: 00°05'

Challenging, original ideas sometimes have a hard time breaking out of established patterns that hold them back. Progress tends to be sudden and rapid or non­existent, so be willing to mount a major effort to break down internal barriers: storm your walls

Saturn Opposite Uranus Orb: 00°38'

The road to self­discovery is mapped by fantasy, then delineated by reality in a pace that you may take for granted as you pick your way along while others are lost in the wilderness. Lend your sense of the possible to those not so much in touch.

Uranus Sextile Neptune Orb: 01°34'

A good sense of originality in developing a relationship will tend to keep things interesting for both you and a partner without pushing things too far or going over the deep end. When things get boring, you can count on a flash of inspiration.

Sun Sextile Uranus Orb: 01°52'

Extremely compulsive, spontaneous behavior can be the spark of your life or undoing, depending upon how well you monitor yourself. It may be a bit too far out for some and can get you too far over the edge, but then you only live once.

Mars Conjunct Uranus Orb: 02°16'

The drive to self­discovery is extremely strong and the push to find out what is really happening may cause others to think you a bit self­obsessed ­­ but when you finally do hit the nail on the head, you drive it in with a single stroke, amazing all.

Uranus Conjunct Pluto Orb: 03°19'

A taste for a variety of pleasures will keep your senses heightened and a partner who will help you exploit the endless possibilities you desire should be highly prized. Experimenting in moderation allows maximum enjoyment from each new encounter.

Venus Sextile Uranus Orb: 04°10'

Chapter IX. Imagination ­ Ideals ­ Spirituality

Key Quality

That which is most difficult or dangerous to attain you tend to make your heart's goal. This can bring you to the inner depths of revelation or put you on the rocks. Remembering that the very greatest mysteries of life & love are right before you helps.

Neptune in Scorpio

Key Activity

Much of what most deeply moves you comes from home and childhood and as a result you lavish your beliefs and affections on your own home and dear ones. See these for what they are in reality as well, lest home and dear ones become tomb and jailors.

Neptune in Fourth House Chapter Highlights

A natural ability to act out fantasies stems from innately knowing what is feasible and what is not. Thus you can lead another down dream paths that bear fruit and wind back home, rather than into disappointing cul­de­sacs. A doer of diaphanous deeds.

Mars Sextile Neptune Orb: 00°42'

Progress toward fulfilling your dreams and fantasies tends to be regular, sustained, with periodic results yielding satisfaction and encouragement to stay on the track for the long haul. Inner beliefs don't stray to the unreal where they disappoint you.

Saturn Trine Neptune Orb: 00°56'

A highly fertile imagination allows you to create fantasies that can be dreams come true with a partner with the ability to practically implement them, an ability you may lack. You are best at the creative end, untrammeled by details that bind, fetter.

Mercury Conjunct Neptune Orb: 01°30'

The road to self­discovery is mapped by fantasy, then delineated by reality in a pace that you may take for granted as you pick your way along while others are lost in the wilderness. Lend your sense of the possible to those not so much in touch.

Uranus Sextile Neptune Orb: 01°34'

Inner beliefs and convictions will go hand in hand with fantasies, allowing clear and forceful expression of inner needs even when it does not seem likely or even possible. Faith and trust will not break, but overrun all barriers that arise.

Neptune Sextile Pluto Orb: 01°44'

You may find that your physical motions and body language can sometimes obscure

the message you are trying to get across, so when you want to make your intentions really clear, set them down concretely and don't depend on gestures that may mislead.

Neptune Square Ascendant Orb: 03°03'

A high degree of idealism and imagination both clouds and enhances your personality, so it may be difficult for others to get a handle on you (or even you on yourself). Romantic engagements will tend to flourish; try to keep them one at a time.

Sun Conjunct Neptune Orb: 03°26'

The disillusionment of high youthful idealism may leave you a cynic on the surface, but the high romantic heart still beats underneath. Wanting and expecting too much out of love is a hazard which goes with the territory but heightens the senses.

Venus Conjunct Neptune Orb: 05°45'

Chapter X. Compulsiveness ­ Fate ­ Mission

Key Quality

The dominant belief of your generation, which you share to an extent, is that if you do it just right, you'll get what you want. A lot was done, but much was wanting in the end, because of your illusion of control. You do what you can, that's all.

Pluto in Virgo

Key Activity

Much of your perceived (and real) effect and power over life is through the medium of money and goods, and you may feel quite helpless without them. Money can win you friend or enemy, but it is just a tool; it is the friend or enemy who stays for life.

Pluto in Second House Chapter Highlights

Forceful action may come naturally, but too much pressure or shock can break the very situation you are trying to achieve. Personal relations require a more delicate, maneuverable touch, so lay back and regroup before you try to force the way.

Mars Conjunct Pluto Orb: 01°02'

Inner beliefs and convictions will go hand in hand with fantasies, allowing clear and forceful expression of inner needs even when it does not seem likely or even possible. Faith and trust will not break, but overrun all barriers that arise.

Neptune Sextile Pluto Orb: 01°44'

Enforcing strong inner strictures may be the easiest and most immediate way to stem insecurity, but can severely limit your ability to relate to and grow with another. You may have to practice some risk­taking to achieve real satisfaction.

Saturn Opposite Pluto Orb: 02°40'

You have considerable, and well­founded, confidence that what you say is correct and will serve you well, no matter what the opinions of others. This will lead you to deeper insights because you will quietly pursue them further than others would.

Mercury Sextile Pluto Orb: 03°14'

The drive to self­discovery is extremely strong and the push to find out what is really happening may cause others to think you a bit self­obsessed ­­ but when you finally do hit the nail on the head, you drive it in with a single stroke, amazing all.

Uranus Conjunct Pluto Orb: 03°19'

You have a natural self­confidence that allows you to work well in emergency or

stress situations, as you just know you will pull through in the end ­­ which is three­ quarters of getting there to begin with. The angels do; on occasion, save it.

Sun Sextile Pluto Orb: 05°11'

A reputation for strength, forcefulness, and will is nice to have and where you can't live up to it you generally won't have to. Nevertheless, what people say about you will endure, so put your ear to the ground and listen for the good word.

Pluto Trine Midheaven Orb: 06°59'

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