
Post on 22-Apr-2015






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Doctrine of Reincarnation explained


The truth behind Doctrine ofReincarnation

In our physical body thereexist a causal body called“Jiva”

Jiva transmigrates from one body to another body

based on their Karmic [performed deeds] reactions.

This transmigration is called reincarnation.

Whatever good or bad actions we (jiva) perform while living in the present / past body get stored in the subtlest form

This subtlest form is called “vasanas”

The type/quality of physical body we getto live this life is decided

on the basis of vasanas.

Accordingly the type / quality of life of Jiva

is based on action performed by him.

in present life

and past life.

Action(Karma) performed by Jiva



and Agami .

can be of three types

These three type of Karmas

of very good example of Rice Farming.

can be explained by way

All those good and bad past actions

performed by Jiva’s in past many life

are called sanchit karmas.

and which has not yet fructified

After Rice Cultivation

when the Rice are ready for harvesting.

We harvest it. Clean it. And store it in granary.

The Rice stored in granary can be compared with sanchit karmas .

Small portion of sanchit karmas

which have ripened

and are ready to be experienceda by Jiva

are called prarabdha karmas.

Small portion of that stored rice that has been removed from storage,

husked, and readied

for cooking and eating

can be compared with prarabdhaKarmas.

Our that actions

which we are performing in present

and which are yet to become sanchit karmas

are called agami karmas.

Rice which are

being planted in the field

to produce a future crop

Can be compared with Agami Karmas

Prarabdha karmas can be divided into three types



and unfixed.

Fixed karmas are those

which are intense

and are non changeable

and we have to experience it

despite our all effort to avoid them.

Fixed karmas situation-

We must have

experienced such a

situation in life

when even after hard work

we were unable to succeed.

Fixed – unfixed karmas are those

which are less intense

and are changeable

by way of intense effort.

was achieved by intense effort.

Fixed-unfixed karmas situation-

We must have

faced situation in life

when big success

are those which

by way of small effort.

Unfixed karmas

can be easily altered.

Unfixed karmas Situation-

Many a times

We must have faced

a situation in life

where big success was achieved

Can we now safely assume

that in fixed and unfixed karmas situation

we should

sit idle

and should not

put any effort.

The law of karma

does not preaches

idlenessThe law says we should perform

all our actions

putting 100% effort

with honesty and

hard work


because result of our actionwill be decided on the basis of


and unfixed

It’s a blessing of God, that we do not have the power to know

which karmas

are fixed


and unfixed

If god would have given this power to us then we would have acted intensly only in case offixed-unfixed karmas

and in other situation we would have been idle.

making of vasanas.

Same actions again and again leads

to making of tendencies

tendencies in turn leads to

These vasanas forms a basis

for deciding new lifefor jiva

and decides the type of body he will get

and quality of life he will lead.

Buddha constantly made references to his previous births

There was no great thinker in past who had not,

nor any in the present who has not accepted,expressly or tacitly, these logical conclusions about Doctrine of Reincarnation

regarded the doctrine as perfectlyself - evident

Virgil and Ovid

European poets

Josephus observed that the belief in reincarnation was widely accepted among the Jews of his age

virtues of past lives”

Solomon’s Book of Wisdom says:

“To be born in

sound body

with sound limbs

is a reward of the

and who does not remember

Why then should I fear to die?

the famous saying of the learned son of islam who declared

“I died out of stone and I become a plant

I died out of plant and becomean animal;

I died out of the animal and became a man.

When did I grow less by dying

I shall die out of man and shall become an angel!!”

Christ Himself has, if not directly, at least indirectly,proclaimed the Doctrine of Reincarnation when He told His disciples

“ John, The Baptist, was Elijah”

then we have to agreeIf we do not agree to Doctrine of Reincarnation

The worldly matters operates in very haphazard way

and no one is there to control it

In case we do not agree to theexistence of Doctrine ofReincarnation

then we have to conclude:

“If there exist a God, then he is very cruel

as those persons whose actions are good in this birth

are suffering

and those engaged in bad actions

are enjoying life”

getsall material

Do we have answer to a situation

enjoyment of life.

Where corrupt people

dreaded incurable disease

Those faithful one

Whose life is

full of

good deeds

are suffering from

Those littleoneswhose deeds are

still to be

recognised as

good or bad

are suffering.

The Doctrine of Reincarnation

All these situations in life

are explained onlyby

Music – By Master Pranav Photo Source- Google

Subject source -1) The Holy Geeta (by Swami Chinmayananda) 2) Tatwabodha

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