reign of süleyman i peak of the empire süleyman as "lawgiver"

Post on 03-Jan-2016






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Reign of Süleyman I

Peak of the empireSüleyman as "Lawgiver"


Despite the success of his reign, how did Süleyman create problems for the Ottoman


By executing his most able sons, he ensured that the next ruler would be an incompetent one.

Beginnings of Decline

Changes in governmentImpact of Western ideas and

customsEconomic problems


Why do you think some sultans tried to stop the introduction

of Western ideas and customs?

They may have felt threatened by Western ideas or customs and may have been trying to preserve their

own culture.

afavids Attempt to Build a Shia ṢEmpire

A new dynasty in Persia and Central Asia

Attempts to unify empire through forced conversion


What effects do you think the Safavids' attempts to enforce mandatory conversion to the Shia faith might have had on

the Sunni population?

Rising hostility and further division between Sunni and Shia Muslims.

Background The teachings of the prophet Muhammad formed the

foundation of Islam. When Muhammad died, he left no clear line of succession, and disagreements later broke out about who should be the caliph, or leader

of Islam. An especially contentious argument surrounded the legacy of the fourth caliph, Ali, who

was Muhammad's son-in-law. After Ali was assassinated, the Umayyad Dynasty became the leaders of Islam. But followers of Ali, refusing to recognize the Umayyads as caliphs, formed their own branch of Islam that came to be called Shia.

Another branch, called Sunni, was formed by Muslims who disagreed with the Umayyads but still

recognized them.


What did the emphasis on religious orthodoxy mean for

people in the Ṣafavid Empire?

People were pressured to conform to traditional religious beliefs and women were forced into seclusion

and required to wear the veil.


Orthodoxy - conforming to established doctrine, especially in religion.

Are there calls for religious orthodoxy today?

Religious leaders of many faiths today urge people to follow or return

to traditional beliefs.

DiscussionHow were the Ottoman and Ṣafavid empires

similar? How were they different?

Similarities: both were Muslim, both conquered surrounding territory, both had the latest weapons, and both encouraged the arts.

Differences: the Ottomans were Sunni, whereas the Ṣafavids were Shia; the Ottomans were

ruled by a sultan, whereas the Ṣafavids were ruled by a shah.

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