regular expressions

Post on 17-Aug-2015






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  1. 1. Regular Expressions PHP Programming
  2. 2. 2 PHP Programming with MySQL, 2nd Edition Regular Expressions Regular Expressions are patterns that are used for matching and manipulating strings according to specified rules PHP supports two types of regular expressions: POSIX Extended Perl Compatible Regular Expressions
  3. 3. 3 PHP Programming with MySQL, 2nd Edition Regular Expressions
  4. 4. 4 PHP Programming with MySQL, 2nd Edition Regular Expressions Pass to the preg_match() the regular expression pattern as the first argument and a string containing the text you want to search as the second argument preg_match(pattern, string);
  5. 5. 5 PHP Programming with MySQL, 2nd Edition Writing Regular Expression Patterns A regular expression pattern is a special text string that describes a search pattern Regular expression patterns consist of literal characters and metacharacters, which are special characters that define the pattern-matching rules Regular expression patterns are enclosed in delimiters The most common delimiter is the forward slash (/)
  6. 6. 6 PHP Programming with MySQL, 2nd Edition Regular Expression Patterns
  7. 7. 7 PHP Programming with MySQL, 2nd Edition Matching Any Character A period (.) in a regular expression pattern specifies that the pattern must contain a value at the location of the period A return value of 0 indicates that the string does not match the pattern and 1 if it does $ZIP = "015"; preg_match("/...../", $ZIP); // returns 0 $ZIP = "01562"; preg_match("/...../", $ZIP); // returns 1
  8. 8. 8 PHP Programming with MySQL, 2nd Edition Matching Characters An anchor specifies that the pattern must appear at a particular position in a string The ^ metacharacter anchors characters to the beginning of a string The $ metacharacter anchors characters to the end of a string $URL = ""; preg_match("/^http/", $URL); // returns 1
  9. 9. 9 PHP Programming with MySQL, 2nd Edition To specify an anchor at the beginning of a string, the pattern must begin with a ^ metcharacter $URL = ""; eregi("^http", $URL); // returns 1; To specify an anchor at the end of a line, the pattern must end with the $ metacharacter $Identifier = ""; eregi("com$", $Identifier); // returns 1 Matching Characters
  10. 10. 10 PHP Programming with MySQL, 2nd Edition Matching Special Characters To match any metacharacters as literal values in a regular expression, escape the character with a backslash (in the following example, the last four characters in the string must be .com) $Identifier ="; preg_match("/gov$/", $Identifier);//returns 0
  11. 11. 11 PHP Programming with MySQL, 2nd Edition Specifying Quantity Meta characters that specify the quantity of a match are called quantifiers
  12. 12. 12 PHP Programming with MySQL, 2nd Edition Specifying Quantity A question mark (?) quantifier specifies that the preceding character in the pattern is optional (in the following example, the string must begin with http or https) $URL = ""; preg_match("/^https?/", $URL); // returns 1
  13. 13. 13 PHP Programming with MySQL, 2nd Edition Specifying Quantity The addition(+) quantifier specifies that one or more sequential occurrences of the preceding characters match (in the following example, the string must have at least one character) $Name = "Don"; preg_match("/.+/", $Name); // returns 1
  14. 14. 14 PHP Programming with MySQL, 2nd Edition Specifying Quantity A asterisk (*) quantifier specifies that zero or more sequential occurrences of the preceding characters match (in the following example, the string must begin with one or more leading zeros) NumberString = "00125"; preg_match("/^0*/", $NumberString);//returns 1
  15. 15. 15 PHP Programming with MySQL, 2nd Edition Specifying Quantity The { } quantifiers specify the number of times that a character must repeat sequentially (in the following example, the string must contain at least five characters) preg_match("/ZIP: .{5}$/", " ZIP: 01562"); // returns 1 The { } quantifiers can also specify the quantity as a range (in the following example, the string must contain between five and ten characters) preg_match("/(ZIP: .{5,10})$/", "ZIP: 01562-2607");// returns 1
  16. 16. 16 PHP Programming with MySQL, 2nd Edition Specifying Subexpressions A subexpression or subpattern are a set of characters enclosed in parentheses are treated as a group In the example below, the 1 and the area code are optional, but if included must be in the following format: 1 (707) 555-1234 preg_match("/^(1 )?((.{3}) )?(.{3})(.{4})$/
  17. 17. 17 PHP Programming with MySQL, 2nd Edition Defining Character Classes Character classes in regular expressions treat multiple characters as a single item. Characters enclosed with the ([]) metacharacters represent alternate characters that are allowed in a pattern match preg_match("/analy[sz]e/", "analyse");//returns 1 preg_match("/analy[sz]e/", "analyze");//returns 1 preg_match("/analy[sz]e/", "analyce");//returns 0
  18. 18. 18 PHP Programming with MySQL, 2nd Edition Defining Character Classes The hyphen metacharacter (-) specifies a range of values in a character class. The following example ensures that A, B, C, D, or F are the only values assigned to the $LetterGrade variable: $LetterGrade = "B"; echo ereg("[A-DF]", $LetterGrade); // returns true
  19. 19. 19 PHP Programming with MySQL, 2nd Edition Defining Character Classes (continued) The ^ metacharacter (placed immediately after the opening bracket of a character class) specifies optional characters to exclude in a pattern match. The following example excludes the letter E and G-Z from an acceptable pattern match in the $LetterGrade variable: $LetterGrade = "A"; echo ereg("[^EG-Z]", $LetterGrade); // returns true
  20. 20. 20 PHP Programming with MySQL, 2nd Edition Defining Character Classes
  21. 21. 21 PHP Programming with MySQL, 2nd Edition Matching Multiple Pattern Choices The | metacharacter is used to specify an alternate set of patterns The | metacharacter is essentially the same as using the OR operator to perform multiple evaluations in a conditional expression
  22. 22. 22 PHP Programming with MySQL, 2nd Edition Pattern Modifiers Pattern modifiers are letters placed after the closing delimiter that change the default rules for interpreting matches The pattern modifier, i, indicates that the case of the letter does not matter when searching The pattern modifier, m, allows searches across newline characters The pattern modifier, s, changes how the . (period) metacharacter works

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