regisibted men^^ csual affiei^g thrift week is...

Post on 21-Jan-2020






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m C l i n U l U / U i l U would ^^roduce her by. saying.

t l e i ^ l E l Ul iAPhDean of BuU Run W t o wyMto is the first black person from the

in lift South to show u» in Boston how


JKrilffit of FooBder of ,to help the nefirro on the boais of

;«tjod Triif tuwai^tte SoQthem white num. AHer so many years of unpleasant things said against the majority oX tbe resi-

(By Jane K. Thompaon) Elditor' Manssssi Journal

Five years ago, on May 3, 1913, dents of one section of our great Jenme Dean, the founder of the country, it is refreshing to hear ManssBSS Industrial Sehocd for n>m the lips of this black prin-Colond Youth died, and as yet, eese (Dr. Hale alwayv referred <JhariottesviHe,—Vfcr—rf. 600


there is no monument, nor me- ^ Jennie Dean as his black prin-morial of any kind to tell those cess), her words of kindness and who come after us, who knew afifection for these same .people. her work, what she did. The ab- Le* "s help- her and send her Boic^pf a proper memorial, htftr- ^^^^'^^ bo°^ ^ ^ ^er hands full." ever, is not due to lack of apinr^ l^i^ i>nui in. J ^ 2 . and Jainte ciaticm of her work, but to delay Dean returned w&h $1 500 to caused by a controversy ov«r IQAI C & first large payment on the k)cat«« of oM—whether at the land where the school now her grave in the Calvary Church l**^-cemetery near Patiiarpin, or on' There was a Russian princess the schocd grounds. It was sug- in Boston one winter who at-gested that tier body be rembved ^°ded I)r. Hale's seventieth to the 8cho(d, and a monument birthday party at the Hotel Ven-ercKted- tbere. Ami her family. <l<Hne. and in the course oVthe and fri ids fdt Oat her wish to evmlng the said to him she be boned* near her old home in would like to know more i ^ u t Uie neirfiboyhood where she was ^ c relationship _of the white b(M3U M^.in tiie graveywrd at and colored people in the-'South taebed to the churclT to build~'—^ '~lia<f I'ead a g o ^ wfaidt was ber first miaraonary Interested, and would like to work, riioald be raapaefa^^J bawr him talk on^^Ae gaJHect


ChsiICO t9Kr With Moeiiikal T o n at

' ~ UalffHallj tf Vtrgtiifi.

By Inducti<« Telegram No. 32, the pro vost Marshal General 1MM today made Call No. 199 uptm our state which is as follows:

"Complete entrainment for

an UM»ij|<engive,m<«aaa«pt at Vet Dr.^Hale replied,to her tbat if ftve could be om^ed. jahewoald call at his office in the

' Yet Uuen should be a mcnno- n»n»ingl»wouM introduce to ziid «t tiie achool. and wme b ^ ^ ^ ***^ iHroeesa from the ter eMd be boitt tlian4o-carry Snath who could bettser tell her o6t Jennie Dwa's own. idea as 1*1 •*»«* i* ^"^ he could. The ezpresMd dkicaig the Ifwt ^ n r R»a««n Princew called, and for

• iour eat ef: ber i i fc ' to areet-

STamar school graduates who have had-some experience akmg mechanical lines and some i ati-tude for mechanical work, to re­port to the CommaniUng Officer, University of Virginia, on May 23rd."

Only white men.and men phys­ically qualified for general mili­tary service may be inducted un-deril^caU.

'The men cleared for this ser­vice will receive a two months course of training at govern­ment expense fitting^ them to aerve in army poaititnis, requir­ing knowledge of - automobile driving and repairing, amLotber mechanical duties incident'' to many lands of military service, both, at* the &ont and behind ifaE&es^ Tbeaiep taking thia course will receive thorniigh in-struetimi which.will be. of great perai^Al value ill working thev way ahead, - b ( ^ in the army and ia civil Ufe. T^a ia an e p O^piifmal onxntunity for^neb^ getk ambitioas menr~^

-*«» Me urged to make tids

CSUAL AffiEI^G I Betb^ Occoquan and Belleha-ve'n branches participated in this

(m R l ^ n i f K C ! <^ve and articles were rK»ived V r m v r t j iHAJd at the Woman's Rest Room by

Mrs. Roberta Lynn. Among "tht but-oT-town ^ k a p t n - n *

Braaekcs-*-lf«w OrgndM*-tbM and AuiBariflBT

of aaffitorioin W the scboolr^^'P™*'"'"^ Jennie B « ^ had. aJS^^widia intorcat l y leipicflt gtonads which a ^ thought was * v.deBghtfid and eniii^vteniBg »o much needed, the n^iy^jjlay copveMation.

Jw^ie^y^L5«k.^J^^^^ baingaloftinUiemainb<itidilig;~ lifremBhte to tteoid apdlame, « " • * utU^Uif. and dai efWis tiiehildrep fa eaaeof fire.' .' '"'-V-'•-'-•-f-

i n e i ^ lie i^eaa^'lKirj^ JUr.


She waited a plaee fiar MtlM»r Con Md^cYie-

Edwin T. At^c^, a neph^v of

nnenUy and pablie veetinga <n tlie~groraid Hoor, easy of access -frmn-the outsider wiUi identy of iLgbt-aad alrT Accustomed to i t . W. S. Atbey, oiBSed m the imblie speaking, no <»e kncf4r|j,AiiSTyaboatAy«iriCB«nd latter tbia ahe what nuroper t m hfyn «»aHn.Tfa ^^a^*^ thfr »iB^»nrinni required^^md ahe la^ U. S. S. Mayflower. mented ba? jthyakal wei^raessr' On tilBs-day of the grat Lib-

plans i«to execution. J t i N P « » g e « i B ? A & - - « i u a ^ ^ ^ quite Utting, therafore. tbdt a nien, eamoidlaged as i^ixOeamJ "^"^ Cl-« i^to SD ^eur aUet-'Jennie Dean Manorial Qiapel Ithaviiig beomne mMe or leaa a aboold be oeeted on^hfr achori enatai^ aaee we have been in groonds witb taUets or stained the wur for 8<ddiers and jackies giaaa wiudmiB aifJM a hiatBry ty> !>» Antwtaiiwl hy iHi ^mym— of iMT life and WQcta, and Oia tbe jmUie g«ierally fednw «

itefc WQQld benefit tbe institn- bid let it b«; known tbat be m-tienaeeotdinff to bar plana. tended lesving the c i t y ^ tbe

Many readns of 'Ilie Joomal en^ung far a t^^to Manaaiaa,

(MiM Mary LMUB. Sacrateir) A discussion of plans for the

Red Crioss campaign to raise a 8ec(md war relief fund of |100,-000,000 during the week of May 20 featured the regular meeting of the Manassas Red Cross chap­ter Monday evening at the Town Hall, the chairman, Mr. George G. Tyler, presiding. • Mr. Chas. R. McDonald, chair^nan of the War Fund Committee, ex|dained the purpose of the drive and made other announcements rela­tive to the campaign.

It was the original intention of the Red Cross Ww Council, appointed by Presidoit Wilson, to begin the raising of this fund for war relief Hay 6, but fear that' it mis^t - detract even slightly f com the Liberty Loan drive juat closed, prompted a postponemoit <^ the dUbe for two wedks. Tbe Awt^canipaign waa* conducted deven montiis ago and the contribotiona^ ttoa zBtoest, brougbt the total re-cei|>ts at> to-$10M99,:K7.

IViiwp Wniteiti ty^ntjy'

portiomnent is .9^400. TUa

ing newiqtapers to give front page prominence tff it *>»***-

to preeeht UiaDSidvairtoryour boBitd far voiontaiy indoetions.

What . regiatranta presoit themsdvea, yiwi may induct

meo until your allot-ment has been filled. The vol-i^tary period will ciMuluet unto May ISth. After May 15th no more TOhmtaers wiU he aec^yt^d If on May ISth, a sufficient nnm-ber dl'viirimiteeA have not come forth to ffll tbe aBotmeat yoa TTill prnriad tn nrlrrt iii rwqurnni of order- numbers-a aaffieient

molt after deducting ^ •ofain-taxy .Maetiona.

Only white moi who have COmrieted gf«min*r-iir-hn<J t^Aa.

cation mad fasve had Bome tat-

than I, but I would lifce to some real estate wiaA be hud gprak of some incidental tbings previously imrchased. -eouieeted widi hee iMfi wu^ 2"^ liuarka win on tha job; not geoerdy known! One of oiar naiititid~iBlft was told HiOr her earliest friends and siq>> tbey intended ffoinglS^

"wis Bgy. Pr. Edward--tflg~tpBoanuhB-tbe sameeten* Eventt Hala at Boston^ nbose-iaj;, and aLOeir roidnJead than Lend a Hatfd Office became her throng Manamtas, tbey would iytj^ffT*^y Affay Dr. Hale be mote than deiightad to bays

and some ai^tnde for eal wwic ou^t to be indoctett

.The pfevisioBS of bufletin 188 sind 14S of Hsreb, rdating to

ai«hioasiy engage^ in the pisnt-mg and csttivatiBg . of shoBM be fflflowML

nun must carry with

t win be divide4 <tt a meinbenbip basis betweeri the "paroit mgudzatiipn and tbe fai-k f w ^ braacbes iuid auxfliams

GatfaarpiB Branch, 121 moU' b i n

TWBmm; Mn. T. B. Boss; lieasarer, and Mrs. A L. Henry, secretary.'

The secretary also a^ouhced the receipt of the foOowing oon-

^jtrtbutuns: Mrs, C S. Bodine,

; O c c o q u m g n u i c h . M m a ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ g ° « ^ ' * * * ^ tJljPnipfri S Brsncfay

-BeHAaven Biapdiy membeni Stone Hoose Auxili­ary. 27 members; Ladie^. Me­morial Asfndatiato- Auxiliary,'' 18 mcBibetB; Bacon ~ Race—Auxifi-ary, 11 mraobers, and" Jenn^ Dean . Braneb (ci40Eed), 19 manboB. .

The total mea^andiip of tbe chapter is 976. ^ '

Mr. McDonald aatoaneedtte J4>p(Hn6n Bt of the following coinmittees: PbUicity« Mis. T. E. Haines. Mr. R ^ B ^ O r ^ aiid TfiM Mary'T ji'i%fn; S^peife

^ ^„ „ , ^^s, Mr. Geo. G. Tyler, Mr. lliost to an aniount consideraUy ill ex-«iM:^^jm^ ^ Liofimdltcv. Banieg"Gnm^ «<•* vf ito qnots; —rr— "

s l ^ ; and Usta -and Estimates, Mir L. Frank FWtie, Mr. 6 . R«y-mood Batel^e aad Mr. C C Iiiwi;biiiaiir Be». H.' Qr TKar

' iPsD, he his company so intcnatod in bripinc her er, it would be not only ptoatnrc

Hat he would, make a point of bat tiicir dnty to asrist one of at aome nieeting iriiere Unde Saaa'a branre Man cTWi

, i.iut if tBT nwly men on his way. The shot nor ! ^Shortly sfer leaTmg

WadiingtMi tmtf was passed around by one cS the noble pn-

liflBi inrf '"^'^^ ""T-T** "'^ ^«p-

hehs elsewhere. him was iktt idaeaitj of

white people akx^with her de- tone was erinsing t b M s ^ the ^are to bendit ho* own people, reabas of Morpheoa. When tbe

Thoc had b«n a steady pro- BosVs mate piped the watdi on cessioB to Bostoti of agcnte for deck ^ 8 bds . oar navigator

tbe ovil war, and Dr. Hale npdn tbe rocks" slong tte rond-' ' ' " Dear Falls ClnaA.

him at least two suite of onder-c^tidac one suit c^ oater cleth-ing in good conifitien, a swoter, a stout pair of shoes, three extra pair of serlra, and twobath. eh, as he win be kaitt in dvOian dothas during the first thrae weeks until he esn be sappiied with

Wan leaders of againrt mntilattoa of equipment

n i e . n a b a - of yon you win be adviasd of ia the

il trM.

was Aided to the ceutial eum~ mftliee and othCT are to be announced'later,

Mrs. A. H. HJsrreQ, supervise of surgical dressings, repmrted tbe riupoMnt ot a box contam-£«g 180 twelve by twenty-fonr-imdk abaqrbeut padsj and anoth­e r btnr^eirly TCntyificzdi^ mentjfrs. Bainfl also~stated:

meul 4f. soixipal supplies. Hie enrolfanoit of Bseon Raee

3chod in the Juniw Bad Grass wss ixeiNnlad by Mrs. C R. C.

Work. Baeen Baee is the fourth

contributions was a generous bundle contrib-uted by the pdpTBToTIK'NokaP ville Bcho<d through their teach­er. Miss Lucile Markt' ^ Mr. W. C. Wagener reported

fo» the Committee on Civilian Relief, which on account of the war has become one of the most important committees of the or-ganization. Following this re­port, ofl .motion, the executive committee was petitioned to en­large the committee by the addi­tion of two Home Service sec­tions.

The secretary made a report on behalf of the executive com­mittee of the chapter which held a meeting earlier in the evening, appointing Mrs. A. A. fiooff as a member of that body, to suc­ceed Mrs. J. F. Burks,rand grant­ing letters. ;ofrecogn|ttoil to Dumfries Bram^ and Stone House Ausdliaryr- • ^ . "

The pumfries Branch has etected-Jbe jfidkwing officers: Mr. L. E. Merchant, chairman; M ^ J t Ci JWatMs, ti«»uter; and Mn. Easteou^ EeyB, tary. —' • , — ^ - • : •

The o^ers of Stone House Auxiliary are: Mrs. H. L. Hun-


An Schools Asked by Governor to Qfaserxe Ma^ t to U to ^ ScU Thrift Stampai

sdMots dUigate ttair to,(|e liMV tiuBgs ^.-(il-TD $aye syi

chaise of a'^Mttfttrpot," which <CoBthped im Page F!¥(£T~^


to Third Lihcr^ Leon 119,750 In Excess sf

Qns<s Latter X f t f c

Zhe peofie of Prince Williaa have a rii^t to fed ^rood-of the fact that theur county nas s u ^ BCrifaedto-ttietblradB^&Xaitt

The campaign w«a carried on with much eameji^^ess'and-our dtizom reqMNHled iibcnny:

(By Mia* E. H. Oaboara)

^>ecial prociamatioas have been sent out by the Governor of Virginia, the State Superinten­dent of Education and the War, Savings Committee for Virginia, urging all schools in the state to observe a "School Thrift Week." Virginia's quota of sales of War Savings Stamps is yet consider­ably below what the stete has been asked tojreach, so this »p-peal has been made to all the school boys and girls in the stete to make a special drive for the sale of the Thrift Stamp* this week. May Ri l .

The two literary, sodeties of the ffigh Sdiool that omducted such a successful sale of the stamps in February las^ have organized themsdvea into two war savings societies, and have entered Into ancrther selling eaa-test for the waek. These war savinggs socjette, whkh are hoy iag formed very gsnaafly hi the



(2) to refrain frsni saiy openditdns; (S) to Sk. cowiage thrift end aconoaay in flte ho^ie oaaununitgr* an-cnre o^hor members; (4) to in­vest M WarSa^ngs or Thrift Stamps laid te~«o(Mnpas othora.. tp 4P SO.

adwMl Wmr iW«fa,yi ff r ilfii I l y bnymg Thrift or War Snfh i^ Stamps, a»d the friotda of the

patriotie ssrvic*, but wOl be «i*^ ipg very nnl he^ to the bofa and girla aginr such a^ eanBDoit plm fostering eeoBomy.

TheBoy and Giri Seouta sf both th» high and graded snlwals we tbe Stan—, and bqya aad in both the Soout 'van

PubUe mwaiftigs; st-wtnca v^ tors of jK>te:n>ade patriotie ad-

with music and otter f^ms of entertaimnent int^^ ^leraed, WOK ,^idd; the Giri Scoute and Boy Siepiite made raids upon, the pmrses (tf •'iPnig viethns and gave tiiem bonds in exdiMige. The campaigners

l y 4htfr vidua! effurta^ md it is said, that


CABD o r THANKS Wf 4grilT to CTPTTfH t^ WT

many friends aad relatives oar jl^vtitudeTar fhc& inuy had met hundreds of them,

no one dse had apekoi^with so' His ammunition u d strong] and l o j n ^ to our family modi affection for ho* home box containing $570:00 bad been the dckness and death white people, nor related to him commandeered by the pirates, little son, snd espedally so many Incidents of mutual leaving him to steer his kmdy.Annie Lee, iriiose devotioD helpfulness and kindness as she'eourse back to his berth aboard shan ever cheriah. stoted had occurred within herlthe Mayflower. lb*, and Mrs. D. A. BUSUKY.

of-Gi^iai'piu, was sbent to be edled iiLfay bis omumitee for

his ~ saies~wwld ** *'*" **** suppiy-dotted. This gcntle-JBO. is too modest to ha^e his

tB~P|lBt. Whereas it was not thought

one bundled per eent'adMMl in|that oar ooaaty dtifsns would not subserBbe bberaUy for the bonds if tbe iaqMrtanee gf it was brought to-thMrnistantMn, stin the leaders in the cam-pai^, Sev. Westwood HuteU-


the eounty, the ether three be­ing' CsAhai]dB, DuBufiiep aad Stoae neuss. Tike Maaassaa school. whiA has tbe faffgeit

tenMeTirTwailBg ite goal 4(Sh

eaa get crsdit for ^Mr both

The ^ i ^ t b District Athlietie wishes to'invite sll who athletics Jo nuattnckand fidd tidd at two o'dedt I noon df Satarday, Ifi^'ll^ Jtouad AtUetkr^Wd.

* » : > • • ,T?5

Jknnd BiB.. AJexandria, GBf-ton, ^Al^e, Wytentou and Ma­nassas luive aaiKKniced thefr en­trance into the oMet and sdnols win doul"


Rayaend be ^ffeeted^t Bethd j of'.

and the youag people aheady are planning to assist their sen-

the preparation of u

fefar the town

grsa^ crsdit for tbdr uatixiBg -ingjwg peaplej

The assodatioa wiD ribbons to iadividaal aad a sflver a4> to the 1 ning iht hi^>est maAet «f pointsrr^bs Jgpdked Beit. Sw^ t -

—John T. Currie. Chief Gun­ner's Mate, U. a Navy, wm be in Manassas several days bggjn-aing' May IStb, for ihe porpoae of gfviig a prdiminary exanu-BatioB to applicante for »ilist-

C»SrHa:val Raaerve —Bcgisteced-nMn may

t b e y )jMal Atod


wwlh it

THE MAii>o«*^^JJttIBNAL, MANASSAS, YIBGDJIA ' ^ ^ ^ ^ ' • ' ' I I I . i > .



EattiMitod « i

Witb" tbe "countFy -Mtimatea fuel shortage m coaT ^^^J^J.^^^'^f^ of 75,000,000 toM for next win- * e"»» " « " « worKew.

for some days been in confer-ences discussing ttie out look^d debatiag methods ancT meaiijs'of maeting it. Conservation meas­ures afe now being .mapped out by Dr. Harry A. Garfield in an effort to solve what promises to prove a most serious situation. Officials of the fuel administra­tion were recently in New York ciity oonferring with the local fuel administratbr and with the state administrator, which will be called upon to require all lesser industrial plants to con­serve fuel to their utmost. Simi­lar action is to be taken in other large cities, such as Pittsburg, Philadelphia, Buffalo, Baltimore and Richmond. Also in Atlanta, Savannah and New Orleans.

In the New England states the government has suggested that quantities of Jire wood be cut and gathered agamst a pos­sible^ coid* famine. . Simihir re­quests are to go out to otbersec-tions of the coontry. A call has been issued to the American So­ciety of Ifechanieal Engineers, the American Society of Electri­cal EngiawHTS, tlie American So* ciety of iEtning Eugiceecsrand the American Socfefy of CSvil Engineers to raOy to t in aid Of the head of the ccmaervatfam di-

of tSie Federal Fuel Ad-

u therefore ameag^he moat vi-taf necMsitiea, paitkolarly with anatitm-at war.




itmpUoa Vlr.

Richmond, Va., Blay 8.—The heiOth^ workera of Virginia have adopted a notable slogan in the great campaign gradually tak­ing form against tuberculosis, the state's most fatal disease. The slogan is "No Unsupervised Consumption by 1923.'*

This is a big joh that these earnest and enthusiastic work­ers have cut out for themselves but they rely upon an aroused public to give the camue of healtb and life ample moral fiild finan­cial support, for ten thousand or more lives have been sacrificed to the great white plague in Vir­ginia in the past three yeai^, alone, according to tW returns made to the Virginia Bureau-of Vital Statistics.

At the moment this branch of health activity, which is under the direct supervision of the Vir­ginia Anti-Tubersulosis. Associ-atinn, >*flf ^ i""g problem on the hearts of its workers^ There have beien letumed from t^e army training camps three hun­dred and twenty-five Virginia e o l d i ^ who have been found af­fected with titibercukMis.

ied to hosiiital saoatwia treid;-m«it at the hands <^ the Federal go»ymfw«it bat ttg largar part

i n Fooo unmismTiii I

took th* of KimlTiM^ VI

Mr. •vttNil la a >PT>tor».

to fjuiomtk M. m. WMto

>• Ma


Vis ion ministration, P. B. Nc^es. The societies have rallied to tb6 BVip-port of the gDvenanent in the crisis and '^^ facfrtaaed > t»-lief that tiwy witt Ae Able' to guarantee a v^^'J&f ^VSlWBf,-000 by strict superviak«iib>«II of ffie s' try, inchidrag evSa aooae of^hoik operating war induatnes. •

Within the laift few dsys<^-ders have gone out to d n e amuug the lesHer iudiiatries-^ cut down thor use of odali to the last minimum^ The ' Hailiroad Administration i» g r a d o j ^ sap-

kr ta* rmt klmfw\kiti»m to MlM of whMtt A o v 'to d M U n canwttoi% a n aoM M l o v l u . to-wft:

Hmmimr. M C ^ I F * ^ ^"^ • o n floor, • 4 » i « corn •Ureh, terW > • « , MUad oaU. <tofi«ti. i4e«. H e * S p v , bnckvbwt flovi^ potato l o w , *wBot potato flovr, -sor boan flov, totortU Ooitir aa4 •taal. "Othor ^<o4Mto of a ateUar wmr

tor*" ara aot to ta i a c l s M t» aalaa to doalora or eoaaoman. That latl-tudalla aUovad otiy ia Ktlea to bak^ •ra.

Any ooonno^tty which H by B«««ra nclBsivWy one ct the commodltlea namad in Ute oBclal list of aabatl-tataat and nit a mixture ot any klad or daaoripUon,nfiKt t>« iOW •« a -wlI•«^ Soar anbatltato, irh«thor la bulk, !» packa«e fonn. ac nnd«r a prlTata labrt or trado-mark. It in ru entiraty it ia not by aatwa oo« of tb* ooonnoditiea pn a»» U»t. R aiay not ba aaod at a sttbatltute vltliia the meainlnK ol tha Food AdmtniatimUon ralea.

Bnt there .ar« lBnnner«l>I« braadi pf cereal feoda and tha TooA AOadur latraUott doaa aot nndartako to famili­arise ttaelf with the. InSreffienU eoa-taiiiad ta thAm aidaaa tb« Heanaea Mbmito a atataMaM of tha exact ta.-credlenU wiU Clto ftaroaiitAiaa thefb-M aad tha froeaba at M^vtltctarf, Worn n c a M a a awdi-a atataaaaat of » partloiiSar aaraal food, a raliy wiU b « a a « aa to irSattair «r S A Chid


Ifli I B I


Fnrrt in War,

FJDRST And Firtt in th^




of them, murt rely upon otibfir agencies. Manynsf them lue in the incipioit stage ot. t|ie dis-


ease and the "a^ can ** «*wdi^^dlS ^ to the state and tlieir familiea^'^ - — -with px«peF^mescal «are. the itms&t-of the Sit»sti(ai is that many win. ignore the wanunr

pljdng more cars, bnt HA C « K sideVatiim win not in it«eif b^ sufficient to meet the issue, Some idea of the .vastnesa-of-the propoaiti<m of wiMJying f a d to the industriw" 6t the United Statefr^nay be gathered froi» the latest estimate atoig this line, wiiicB iltues the coal need

000,000 tiHis. the railroads

ctffr«ft yenrid; T80^ tt^siwpcd thatyctteally^evcry Attd> even with sstppiyiog their

this supq^ wffi faS TMOOiMO tons short —~^ ":—^—-=

F. Byrd, who is kept in _ touch with c(»ditiona through­out the entire .country by his frequent confeieuues at WariF ington, is very ^uoett in his ap­peal to the Virpoia consumers that. So fur "as ia.poa-

nfmracr months. Senate^ Byrd fThfle in nonsense an alannist, is sm-grularly emphatic in the exi»«s-<;ion of his conviction thst-Sefi-ous fuel ctoditiraa are ahead for citizens of this and other Aatiea who. pna^rnno gptHny JB thdr winter supiriy of fud ooal ontfl the last minute. He slso be-heves that-it wffl prove the part

givest-tiieui aiiU wlU bOt leek aC^ tentioa.:;.'.;'

These m«i h&ve been com­municated with 'fnm- tiie office of the Anji! ciation,.but up to titis time but a small pereentasge of y^itics bas been recetvedT

I9 ptdeX'to give adequate and immediate attmtion to all of tbese cases; many dF which inS

is proposed to organize at once in atf of Uie cuuuLiea ef flie 1 Home ..flei vice the . American Red Threurt these loeai

one of these eases may be reach-' ed Witt mefficail ctaie and

best ^^^ice fedend ^maab fetr nnruBg intention aad education. Real progresa in tte

tnbeiculOSiB camiDt

lieeaaaea aratJoaa

to M O aaefa fttn-wtMl l a « r M M M M S i

U4th |«mla«i|i-

or —fcatlftaa la oalT avbatitntoa

^Ibb^r WBiuaMBSt.a»A unit wtr ' MmL

First in Strength, Pirtt to Supdhr Your Wants and First for die interests of Its Patrons

If yoa have Bcrer had aa Accemt 4MM today. Use this Bank

with OB

H e Nationid Bank of Manassas "A Bank Whn« AB T our Neli^dxin Bank."

mtm m] .J

Tb0 Fire InMiraiiCe biis^ cotMkicted by llie late W. N. I MCoinl) wjH be coBtimied

State Fuel Adbainistrator K r | } ^ ontO the many tfaoosands of close

fdbl^ Lliey purchase ttejjijiiulwUftnaiHgWPmiH a suuite atf infac^ supply dUTln'g ' l&K '" "' tktt to others.

Oflike eases of tubercaktsis in Virgima, numbering at least twenty thousand a id probrtiy far exrwding that nnnd)», bat

I l ie government through its various states and focal fuel ad­ministrations, is determined to

of wisdom, no less than the.pwtr tena&Bta^themiOBt dewBy s a d ] & - » • of patriotism, for eitizeaa m ro- g Mtt metrfleBS fbe of ral sections to supply ttea^ j e t uue which selves wfA wood in ptiec "of cosl,

- wheuevei this is fesaiHe.—^

see that aQ waste in fuel is from this, time on cut Out, both afti large _and small industrial planto. Fuel is to be allowed domestic conaumers along re­stricted and scientific lines. This is an sgrt of electricity and of stearr.. nc/ of which can be generaifi without

Hie Joonal—|L00 fuel. Coa]iandw<»lhit

disease foeii im wuier medieat' and nursing care and edocatios Botoofy totfa«;«ad that ^adi ia-dtviauai soSerer mSy hi iMQtSi to improred health and uhiniatc recovery, bat that he may be f a n ^ t how to keep hiaueif

a small pn^mrtioB n^ ander jm-prtlbtiij two thou-

st the those oader torts:


crated teeigy sad eommco 11 dBstUiUj

has been oflca pointsd-sot, ly diagposis aad ttaatu>eiit wfll

d«iith rate, whfle a ^atetaalie -^F^em c^

medical, and nursing attaitjoa and edDcatisa wffl go further than anything else to arrest the spread of the



The Manassas Journal Q M s l i ^ S6»t,gtt«BtioM and Answers I Tlie aamt QocstoM wifli An-

frop the LAudoan BUrtw wider ewers slightly altered, in accord-giptioQ, "A Few P faited ~ grapla.'' ^

SdbmiptiM,^tJft k l e v i i i npce

Friday, Mlty 19, 191S

K ,»


lOn May 20, 191V juHt one year Ago, Col E. B. White, now

''or hoT?! .??:/:^-;i Breaidart dectai? -;—— -

Four years. Can he succeed himself? "~ There is no constitutional pro­

vision. Both Washins ton and Jefferson refuaed a third term, thuff setting a precedent that has never beoi broken. - For Jiow long a term. is the governor of Virginia elected?

Four years. * Can he succeed himself? He cannot under the constitu­

tion of Virginia. For how long a. term are con­

gressmen elected 7* For, two years. Why^did Washington and Jef­

ferson refuse a third term? Why did the f ramers of the Vir-ginia Constitution write into it the provision fEat no govenfor


^^^^ Presiden

Four years-Can he succeed himsdf? There is no constitutional pro-

visi<Hi. Both Washington sud Jefferson refused a thirl t'"*a, thus sett ing^ preeedoit tht i has never been Mroken.

For how long a term )s the governor of Virginia deetad?

Four years. Can he succeed^ himself? He-cannot under the constitu­

tion of Virginia. For how long a term are con­

gressmen electedT For two years.

partm«|i|^^ the government. R^resentatives in the Legisla­ture bodies catmot be- removed by .newspapers or any other power but by the'people, or the ttoooiB^iod legiilativa iwdies which such representatives may

Ekoes Mr. Carlin formulate or has he ever drawn any of the important administration war measures?

What did he do? Does he deserve another term

alter having served ten years for doing what 96 per cent of the members did in supporting Mr. Wilson's policies?

We would suppose that the President consults, first and above all, members.of the vari­ous committees of eongress intq whose hands the desired legisla­tion is to be placfd^ and we

rorcwoyeare. ^—- dou^t not that our representa-Why did Washington and Jef- "tave has been consulted and his

a candidate for Congress iroxa this district, appeared before tiie Committee on A^culture, of the House of Representatives at Washington*

Col. Whit« appeared for the paivos« of diacHsaing the pn^x>-dtioB to-put a minimum jgice, or a' jwminmin guarantee of pnAt, OD the prpddets of tiie farmer eoi^W/i^U' took the f[twad that^aay aet g£ men wh<r

•ha4 the iwwer to ftz prices vonld nndoubteffly do so— *to tlwdauggr peiot.'* —^^—

J\ut read C«ii_ Wldte'? © ^ uttened j^asB&^s&S^

BiA^ a I sud before, anybody wbo has the power to do .^ as

' th fe genti^npn—Vvia. not «c-coring tiiem of citing im^asrbv I aaitdUng yon tiw power Hb^ l u t V e ^ W I ^ ^

could succeed himself, and why was the'piDvision inserted in the Fede^ ^ons^^tiqi limiting the term of offic^l^ a Congress­man to two years?

To preserve the principles of democracy. Long tenure of W-fice is characteristic of auto­cratic Germtiay. Freqoait change of repnaentativea js the f qtmd^&>n ujKm wfaieii democ­racy is builde<L

tve F^raaceandEmi^d hes­i ta te to mmise chspsres in vrai Hu. iiiyiio«t < tetttB sind at a

ferson refuse a- third term? Why did thOsframers of the Vir­ginia Constiidtion write into it iEe Iproviuon that no governor could succeed himself, and why was tlie provifdon inserted in the Federal Constitution limiting the term of office of a'-C<«gres»-man te two years? ' Washinigton had served the

Colony of Virginia in tiie Fr«ich and bulian Wur, aaS later ii Oe-kmial Ccmvoitions and Con­gresses; he had givfn his ser­vices to the Colonies in the long drawnout Bevoltttiwa; lie was

_ "TJMy have not. Does Mr. Oaitiat lorBs ydate cnr

has he ever drawn any of the important admiiaistration war mgasgrea? If he baa we have nev!^ heard of it.

y i ^ f did ^ A>? ' : :

thesemen have. Whep X was in the itnoB. bosiness in St. Louis, it was before the interstate com-ipafw. art: wMt tmiMted into }xw. aod «epal ra^C

-oced of those

Idm^or^lis? iTUue. Does he deserve another terra

after having served 10 jrears for wMTSe pel- cent ex tia

tiien Presidtfit -of the United States lor eight,years, i ^ re^ tired loar a weil earned and weU •eeded rest Alsottmaybere-ntfoked tliat the ^Monait iical feem «f govenuaant waa lav-oi«a by mliiy l i that UiBer«a4 Warikhigtk»i himfl^.b«d been apinoadied in vegtJri io the ae-cQitanQe Jt>y him of a kiugly cnmsB. ToSma9a}B$9» SDch no-tiiffiB, ffiK* tn speHay idea that

aiteriiained aspiratiBna of

advice sought when the occasion demanded, but if each of the several hundred members of congress were to attempt, indi­vidually, to formulate and draw up-all important measures, some confusion would be the result.

Mr. Cisrlin voted with the ma­jority. If the maiority was right, why not? Any sensible man will gladly drift with the tide, if the current leads in the right direqtion; but only a fool wifl attempt to breast it, when by so doing he finds himsdf spending his ittrenftb to reach an~tindesired^ gloaL Ajboording to tiie Mirror, i « e aK Imony mm in congrem to the ext«st of



n if yon can not boy a boni, boy'a llrUt Stamp. Save asd tha i flw win pM be

seper Glmrioas and decisive as the

viet<»7 of ib. Cartel ^ Aogu^ will hn. and_ft,wjai Jto come to pass, we -venture the prediction that Mr: Wilson wiU write just as able a message to catftxvM when the next sQadkin oonvenes as he has ia the past, iuMt tSRfflfahUalwUuu bffls fa

a»d special » * ^ . * » « h d « ^^J'^J^ ^ ™ « ' " « * g iven^^enSUtoafav- -n^P»>*f ' d*d ««i supporting Mr. S«J few. I happened tobc one WMs<m-spohcie.>?^-

favored f^. I was! .JJ't«t|UL /mybo^^ operating over the Big Four and ^^^ U ^ t e. hut it takes pluck

wJae for him to accept another tesm as Cauef Esecutie.

jte regard to Jefferson, his aecr ondrt^m was of a stormy laar turil p<iEi^fftii^airwgriEa«^ ter, and passion- ran idf^^ Mr. Jeffers^ left office very gawA

the Chesi«>eake 4 Ohio RalU. roads teNewpwrt Neys from St.

over tlie Missoiii^ and Kanaas It Texas to GalveatxHu

Those .rates waraJiot

to toeast the current.. Is there anything to the acgu-

in«rit>h«t thin <a nnf tiyt ffm|K»r

Bdtjrt Jif the

, paas^ and as we do not figora i W t Mr. White's vote wiB be re-

coj^dMr^- Ciulin's vote wiU be just aspatnotac as ever.

•We vtntuie a turther prrdic

f i t is wefl to rtaaanber that weather wU 8oea_ be h<ve aad ihM

f Protect yoaradf iy N y ^ ye«r amrt at aiy SANITAkY MABVXT. Fttei

-^IBprrqptyhwg, It irfflbfyiiMjiliiii! to

yott caft be snnred.

disgusted with politws. He sdr dam afterward went far from hilh<*»e in Virpnia, a»d in his epita^ he did Aot even motion the fact of his Sieving been Pregr

j time to-aaahe A changft? _ Mr. Wilsiii ban pvpr rtf>-

. Thoaerstes ware not given IMH^—, ~ ~ / ^ v. > ., v ^ many; they w ^ g i v « » ^ a > ^ « l ^ i ^ C I p x l ^ f < ^ few. Thoee lew had some very j ™ a l ^ ^ "» "^ program or nke diwMn at thf dub, .fcrnt tlMre was no condanatioa. •fltere was a geaieral ^ t t e ifiytHiny ahnnt wfast OU«ht to"15e made on thoae prodnets,

it out and

I «m tdlinir y n that mysetf . I am just like mdat people, htd jUhve are a whcde lot of peevle batter than I am, but I have nev-

Bumy UMB who had the the

shaiwng the admiiiiBtraave jpoU-des, the pikers have not reeord-ed it. Sad as his defeat m Aa-gust <i IIberand wiB laeyltaMy e<ane Ut pass, we venture.the

that Mr Wnaon inTl

, to make a price 1hh« they bwu^t'w Ihe thing iiiey add who did not otiliae that pmu to the fdl exteat of tha^r

U p l ^ ^ t h e * —CeL Whita aajpa

the *^v<wed few" who gIveB apecmi rates by the Big


tion that itjmy reaolutimi i s lei«d to investigate in the inter-eat of tiife pemfe, any trust handling the foodstuff^ that the peoide must have, Mr. Carlin. if a member of the ctrnmuttee, will not hesitate to use all his in-"ffuCTwMi"te haveit rqxwted out

HSPWNfe-J^XyiTB^AR • N O I L - ^ ^ FOE

Yrfiinrnt ffa^fr ij^ T^n-g»en^ ^*TOfyy -^ ."'^'^^ .."^^ artt tiie i omSt toc ior , Mr. Cwiin is a mwi "ol a>e tatiyes is _

upon which democracy is bufld-ed. Frequent dectiaan '<rf rq> resenti^ves may be, so fbit the r^esentative-in office may be bruughi before the poopts in rw-. ^ i»«* ftf*. dectwate may dde whethar ly haw b g e ^ g f F

write just aa able a message to Congreas when the next seadon oonvenea aa IK has tn thepaat, that the adminiatrataon tMBs for jbefcni the the proper eondaift aT the War wis be cioFr«ct draw aaal fuar ed and that Mr. ynHtfa votas will be ioat as pidariotk aa Mr. Ovifai'a.

Be TMitnrie a fuithar _ tkm that tf any reaalutica k of-f tine l o e ^ to iBvaatii^^ any Imst

ful to to trust The repreaeo-tative of the ei^th Viriinia dis-txie^ Hon. C 6. OlriiB, haa becB

people every pm^ yedv Ameehla tot.dBe4«w.^aid|^ ^^^^ nnm iad about. His

CMMhiet, whik h» this BcgimcBt.

tt»mHiiny the loodstufFs thst the peqfle most have and hi whldi

are interartad. Mr. White if -imam iCoL White Made Wg

waa a favorite of the Biff Four aad the Chaaapeake * OMorSafl-road Oa>«HMaa. It la

to midBe ai9 agahiat Col WhIta. iatha CM. WMtt.

We wonder if Cd. White still a favorite of the Big Four aJdtteXJhuapaali t Ohia Maw road Companies.—Calpeper Kx-

tohv«it 4adb|y aad without

people liH- the pec^e,". and >e 1 ^ b« deetod "V peopfe."

Subject: Private J o ^ Thomas CSarke. ' '' ' < ~^ 4^¥«nr letter di^ed Aiinl 3d.

Thomas Clarl» has been refer­red to me for attention and, I as­sure you .that your SMI was sent

UMV h«»» apfwiad Ua,cfladKt hy ielui nhig-hMs.

Have Fnaee and ha8it«tad to

M X they were hi tiw

nodat ot war? ' We of the eighth

Gaytais, Sltth iBfantiT. M. A. Adjafaat-'

stood diatrkt of l^qWa wB ^\ not attaaapt to criti-

T ^ i or diract.tha poUey of Eof-;wehavehiob<i<

our own, but wa know aC BO ie< l9 eaaaaaf a m y

aadnatvy dBeati, Md to


IGnnkfriBe, Va., May 8, 191&. We are pubfiddfe^ throui^

the MaiiaMas papers for the ben­efit of our kfiad friends who have not haea aliasut^aiitded in drculatiag a fal4 assertioa jdbout oar aon. Private John T. Claite's eooduet ^riiile at Ca^p Lee, and who is new in France.

We hope the following letter

STOP! LOOK: LISTEN! Avoid pledging your vote pre-

mattirdy to, 80-c»lUd larmtf candidates. Camouflage is much in vogue }u4rioow.Study the tft- ^ j , ^ j ^ Captain, 8. J. RiqaaeBd, qatioR car fVjHy—then you W»lt4_„T, « ^ ^ . ^ i , «»,vinr* Mr


f We are showing this season, we t h i ^ the most up-to-date line of LADDEST. MISSES' ANB CHILDBENT} FUMPSr OXFORDS AND. BOOTS we hafa a » i shewn. f We have them hiidl the and in the 1 aaMHis hrands pw^ «a J. Ai K. rnrni 3clby awknt firr W T - , * » UwmlOar

_ * P*Hyan»a lor Miseee airf tta*P5;_-lOUKBABUAlNTABLKSAIiKFUIir CGMKQfJKX^ AffB 6BT TOIJB&:


the Ledhnf Slao- • a .

exeeBat and, cannot imder-illaSt the eanae of sncit

Toura veiy truly, A J. fcy

Qyin i i l f


b ^ make the rijfht choice. I win thorou^y

BBSrr SEED POTAT(»S WOiffEY CAN " e &WWB. It irp i y

teas. If they wer Htt f&r aaai. w* ^mM mmti'. hfcra te i»t MaiaMiyaa awi Wtetaaa


e n * CIW PEAS ABP M W <>a f k a j | .

cr¥ Headquartera 1.

JlBlh-IaflHitiT^ N, A Camp Lee, Va.,

-AprilJ^ 1S1&:_ From: The Adlirikltmsa^ •»•

fantry, N. A. -ttt: Iba. C B. Oarka,



UMk 8am tkaA aasM^ 7aiL.hav« ttter hk Mg |ah *^w


MaaaasHk Vfaskia "BvacytUiv aei Earth to fiat'


BRIEF LOCAL NEW^ -•Mr. aricf-Mrs. Albert I aw-

reoce have fHuebased « Twd from Mr. W. R. Mrfiny

. ^ M r , Robert Lee «^ Gree"-lAive.^Wa«hmgton Star. MiS w ^ J*» a c c e p t « h = « - w t i o ^ Q ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ , v ^ ^ ^ jj. . ^

—Miss Mabel C. Latimer at­tained the distinction, o i being the. first pwson to sing "The Star-SpaBf^ed Banner" in the CmigreMimuil Libi ai y, she sang at a recent liberty loan

with Messrs. tiibba & Giddings

—^Mrs- Nelson Beniiett has just rieceived » card from Ker son, Corporal Waine Bennett of his safe arrival in France.

—Mr. Simpson Buckley left last Tuesday for Jacksonville, Fla,, where he will en^r the training camp at tiie Army Re-* mount Station,

—:Mr. Albert Lawrence had the onmrtunity to chase a sup­posed burglar from his home be­fore icaidng it togo-to Saturday niji^t.

—^The building recently occu­pied by the Manassas Produce Co. has been purchaaad by New . man it Trusler>for use as an ad­ditional salesroom.

—^The many friends of Pri­vate John L. Hynson will regret to hear of his illness at Camp Lee, where he hfiB been confined to the hospital for the past two weeks.

—The regular monthly meet­ing of the Woman's Auxiliary of Trinity Church will be held at the residence- of Mrs. L. JE. Beachley's Tuesday, May 14, at 3 o'clock. ". '

—Mr. B, M. Weir; while load­ing a truck of the Manassas-Washington Rural E g r e s s , sns-tained a disIoeati<m <ft the knee. Mr. W'-'r }B tihhi tnht n ^ irifh the aid of crq^elMB.

—Rev. Hugh T. Stei^iaiafa of Washington will ddivar an address at Nokesv^a, I t o i i a y nigfa( at 8 oVtoiki, g n d r tta pices of NokMTiDe .Braaeh of the American Red Crpu.

nassas. .

-< —A marriage license was is­sued at the clerk's office here Wednesday to Corporal Allen E. Johnson, U. S. M. C. of Spring­field, 111., and Miss Ethel M. Foy of Wilmington, N. C. The wed­ding will take place af Quantico May 11th, the Rev. Edwin B. Nives, Chaplain,. oMciating.

—On Sunday, May 5. a little daughter was bom in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cross.

—Mr. Kari Anstin h ^ fi^eafid: in the luuin foimerly

used as a dining room in the Reid restaurant.

ii£S^> r* '

—Mr. R. O. Bibb, Chief of Scouts, reports that' the Boy Scouts of Manassas sold ninety-five Ldba:tyBMM|B amounting to 112,700. Seven boys won war service emblems. Their names, with number of bonds sold by each, are: Walter Sanders, 10; Allison Hooff, IS; Leon Waters, 13; Richard Morris, 11; Marion Rice, 10; William Brown, jr., 10; >Carroll Sanders, 10.

—The Governor of Virginia has called for a special election to be held July 2 to fiill the va­cancy in congress caused by the death of Representative Wil­liam A. Jones of the first dis­trict. The candidate chosen at this election will serve for the ^ratiorf of the unexpired term. while the regular primary in August wiU name. th6 democratic ekoiee for the D estterm^

___ x^RWrson, nephew of Mrs. B. T. H. Hodge, has won a commission in' the aviation corps at Wichita Falls, Texas. —

—Miss Florence Lion has ac­cepted a position with the U. S. Shipping Board. Her duties will probably necessitate taking up her residence in Philadelphia.

—A merry evening was spent last Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Hill Brown, when Miss Garnet Brown was the hostess to her friends, the jun­ior members of Manassas' social set. Dancing and games were the features, followed by re­freshments.

Mr. John Nejion and Mr. Jas. £ . Nelson were Manassas visi­tors Saturday and Sunday.

Mr. Rnht. Ariamsoajfaa hcrfc Sunday at the home of his mother, Mrs. Annie Adamson.

"kr. Maloolni S: Kelley of Har-risburg, Pa., is spending this w e ^ with his brother and sister Rev. and Miss Kelley' at the manse.

Mrs. Mildred Akers and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Akers spent Sunday with.Mrs. Akers' daugfa' ter, Mrs. W. H. Gulick, lA Au rora Heists, D. C. "


Hon. C- C. Cariin was a Bfa nassas visitor Wednesday even­ing. ,

Mr. Howard Akers visited his mother, Mrs. Mildred Akers, Sunday.

Mr. T. P. Hutton of Govans, Md., Nyas^j^ Manassas visitor MondayT r^

Mr- Geo. C. Round, jr., has beeiiat the home of his parents receAtly.

Mrs. F. Norvell Larldn and -1 little daughter .Frances, will

make their home in Manassas, when Swvt. Larkin joins ibe ex-peditionaiT lorce in France,

. Mrs. Nannie Dosh of Wash­ington was the guest this week of her niece, Mrs. Geo. Leith. Mrs. Dosh will be remembered as the popular hostess of the Strickler House of some years ago, which later became one of the Eastern College group of buildings.



Sirs. Kate Hynson was in Ma nassas several days during tiie preset week.

^^Miss RthH Evans and a>ef--=.;:]|&g; Harry Roanoke, is visiting the home of ha &ther-in-law^ Mr. Levi Fla-

—We nntr nitk jitoasaw the. announcemeiat tliat ¥in^taeiA Hunton Cox of Manaaaaa, asd Alexander S. HaU of N^aesvilH have qualified f<»* comndsBtRlS in the U. i>. Reserve COrpe.

—Dr: R M. Ha&unond, irtio came heie Suqday ttitfa k aanjr torium in Mainland, 'where he has been undergoing treatment, is improving. HA i s - a t ^ e home of Mr. R. L. Byrd an Cebter. street:— _ . .—•—i—^—

Rev. Edgar Z. Pence, pastor of the Lutheran Church, were mar­ried at-^M^heme-^ the -ferideH^ paraits, 1&. and Mn. J. R. E>V8n8, at noon on Wednesday, Rev. M. L. Peace, faUier of tiie groom, offidatfng. - Mr. and M n . Pence left .after, i h e e e s c m a q r for a trip ^iroagfa the Valley of

will m>irA ti»iighomg^^^ |at thfi hwnf rtf Mr and E. RaaaddL

Mrs. Margaret Whittington of Remington was the gncjst of Mr8»--^B«naaid-^Triauaa;r ^his

antcxtaiiiBaent which prrauses to Jtie an interesting occasion will takd'place at East^ em Coflege tomorrow, Saturday fiyeoihg,_at 8 O'dock^-ibt-the

—Mr. James T. Breen, au old resident of tliis county, died at his home near Gainesville, of Bright's diseaa^, at' the age of 72. Thedec^amid iasurvived^by his ^ife, five daughtCTS and five sons. ' ^.——- •X"

Woman's Auxiliary, the ReV. j : J. Chapman


of Kyoto, Japtia^ wiiULoicL a nnsBiTOBary-aervtee a% Trinity Church Toesd^./ttiy 14, at 8 pvm. AH are conhally invited.

—All members of the Ordtf Fraternal AnMrkana

h&as&t ot-thevRedtSbss Soci ety. The admission will be 20 cents^ TlvB jnogram, wludi We are nnnhlfi to pnWisli in <1<~ tau tnis week; will embrace many inter^ting • ni]anbers» among tiiem several ^8<^ dan­ces, reacfinga, vocal and instnit mental^ musical numbera and a skett^,. "Eitiira- or Eyther," in wlB(4t


Ttte fourth district •conven­tion, U. D. C, will hold its an­nual meeting here Tuesday and Wednesday, y 21 and 22.

On the evenmg of the 21st there will be a special program rendered at the coorthbotie at S d'cteck,

Hon. C. C. Cariin will be pres-Flilfer^r of] em and make an addretti:

is that a man shall be jndged by Us effldancy, bjr

what h« aceeatpUahea, and not by what he daipw

he can do. Not i^waya bat oaaally Jiia ability to

aceompUah ia judged by the care he OBaa In eoa-

serving Us iatomp, Ua aceaaudatiea. TUa h$ak

'Cordially wdooves aecoonfa of eani<at*Bfien, mm

who realixe thay cooM aceoH iah BMra if tiuy o ^ Bad a atari.

The Peoples National Bank OF MANASSAS, VA.

Our Slogan: "It is a pleaaurd to serve you.**


— 8H1BKBY » MaamB, Prvp.'— SyriiAri BdUiiW, KtiOmf'* (Hd Stud


Bev«irtai(, SeMriag Mid <AlUriac •£ Lsdiw* -Md -GertlMMa'ii Gsr- -

•Mto>- UidAi' W«ck •

coge to the4ejegatas and otfaer4T«Y cinAJi?s^^n PRBSSENG

Also there win be addrieaaes of wd-

ihteres^mg featozeaT TIte pablK ia oMrdiaUy tiivited

aaid espeeiaBy all ccmfederate vetrawis.

ifak R. Le Boy Byrd,

Ifr. Fnselr Sfattpaon and


IGss Maiy Larkin win leave by metw tommrow fo^ an ex-tmded visit

rOBsand mental-diseases.. Stdaty | 2 2 ^

1* raooth, with Hboard and lanir-4ry. Address S-Lord Sanita-Ham, Stanf<»^ Cona. 50-4*1

many of 4he y6aBg"TS^ diw> and twntlpfmm nf tli» r^y. l e ^ win take iMurt.

—^Miss Dorothy Johnsoii and Burchen Leachman were -the representatives from har*r, Widr. neaday at Herndon, in a reading ggntftrt hftwppn thp Manssssa High School and Uie HewaM

Undpr the anspir. if thr e f t e ^ u f I t e l ^ S r ^ "»~«CK waui ui me aenooi or ex- the home nfliw i M i i l n Mr » preaaion, Manassas pabiie sehsol S ^ J ^ ^ » ^ S ^ ™ S : system, acetotpanied them. f t " . JoliB K. Uottael, StuHtty.

t -=The fiijm.of SMpp « Co., _ compoaed for the-moet p a r T ^ the local umi, h»vo boagiit the tim' ba isn a large tnwt

quested to be at tite lodge haU in Btoagjag^iHiay, l i iy i z p g 1-9:3v a; m.', to attend the Mot^

•ers Day service ct^4lM^ & - I t Church. J. M. BELL, Sec'y.

—The older naidenta of l l » . nassas and vicinity wffl-learn with regret of the death at C^ariottesv^ of Ifr. Chariea Baxter, fMrmerty a prantocBt business man of tiku place. Mr. Baxter had iMrthday.

—Rev. A. Stuart Gibaoa. who has him by Trinity Church, Msnassaa, and St.-Anne's Chapel, expeete^Jo dayX~H* win taktt 4Jiaeig~gf|tf the worit the 16th inat.

—Special Mothers* Day ser­vice. on Sudley circuit, M. (liarch South, wiU be held foilows: Next Sunday at 11 a. .71.. Sjdley; 3 p. ra., Fairview; third Sunday, 11 a. m., fiainaa vill*: ^ p. m.. Bristow. Rev. C K. Millicaa these

^ , . ^, of law! te Gale's di^oet and tetend ahip-ping palp wood fima Bristow.

peper county.

Mrl and Mrs. and «on Bexkd^, . and Mrs. B. F. Matthew wine Manaaass vis­itors Taeaday. ; ;. -

Mrs. G.B..Cocke o f ^ t e r * - . burg i r the guest qffaer parents; Mt^ and. MfBr^. E ,

Recording Secretary.



•aaaeaaaaooaeaaeaeeaasMii eoooooooooooooooooooooooo*:


Ginnm mmi Fwitfcww CTwlwd Warit

A Trial wm CMTiM* T M TiMt W«

If fmretilywKAtbirl^SWS of the eeonty The Joonal «iB

tar~t[ ftirwimluiir.inady^wBr

The worth tt









Mrs. Besae SUOt,' who haa visiting rdaKivea and

^imds in AteMadm, rRfairnfd yesterday to her limne bete..

Mr. W. H. Hottel of the Wash ington Post staff, was a gwwt «t

a i S t THERE IS|N ilOTipN


i ^ g w a , 1 nd FMha Waa^jr^t



A Fafiy Skory that wfli tbriB aB


• ^ £ 0 ; 3 ; HQBSR FEED

mat vxica HORSE FEED - ; CaiAeKED fXMtN GRAINS





Mrs. Jr E.jB(»TdI, niio spmt winter with Mid, and Mrs.


W. A. N e w n n at FVart CaaweH, N. C., haa ntamad to here.

Geaia. hithatwMfeafaaaya^.

laaa S:U. «t fe airi tc Axym

"MADAM BO-PEEP* She's a darii«, dashing giri. She

dwB g o w n ; b«t she aha ridca and swikcB a aix-ahaotcr > • ! Bkc the wenderfri Bffl Hart Ami m Cnaedy. "TOs Wld^r'a Might." Matiace 3:15.


Hie Flower of FLOURS Tiy it-^you w3F want imMre

Fann MiMUnety Sold at At^riK:tiTe Pricet




Nanassas Feed, Supply and U e m e n t Co. I EVERYTHING FOR THE FARM- _ |




The music pupiU of Hebron Seminary gave a miiaicale on Fiiday uiiflii whieh WM mudh enjoyed by the iuge audience

,,jp«-paeijt. The^ all showed fine

plished teacher.'^isB Pence. Presiding Elder Bond preach­

ed at the Methodist Chapel Sun­day night.

Mr. Abington and family of Warrenton have moved into the village into the property va­cated by the Rev. Mr. Me8aic|(.

Mr. Shadman of Washington has purchased "Broadlands," j^ fine estate formerly owned by the Adamsons of England. He will improve and beautify it.

Mrs. Daisy Crumpacker and three children of Roanoke, are visiting her parents, Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Early.

Miss Franzeska Jonas and Genevieve Chapin of Falls Church spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Jonas.

Mr. Clyde Bbdine has gone to New York for more machines, returning overland.

' Mr. and Mrs. Allen Bodine of Warrenton recently vi^ted Mrs. Bodine's parents here.

Manassas last Saturday itigfat. —Thwe will be a meeting for the Red X ross drive one night



An entertainment will be givoi at Forest Rill Satui'day night bef^BBBg at 8 o eloek. An interesting program is bebig prepared, ihe jurincipal feature of whiehwUlbe;

A comedy in tfro actSt^'Not a JCaiin the Home." - —r— - - -

Caat of characters—^Mrs. Bings, Miss Beatrice Abell: Misjl Ryder, Mr. Rainey; Jraafe Riy, Miss iEH:ta TlQMScott; .^int Be­linda, WvBB Gertie Tqpscott; Kaie; aa Irish girt. Miss Myrtle

A ddbkte—Resolve^, That the

Itte "fiinfchise. ^Afflr m a t i v e apeaken: Mr. Reobcii BotHto* son and Ifiss^ Myrtle Merrell. NegatJWB'apeakers: Mr. ftOa^ i^nton.

AddriMfff by S^erintendeat Cfaaa. U. McDonald.'i^gj;^

jBMa and Miss Gnce ^iMaiom. After the program r^resh-

morta wiy be sbld»

rium. Notice of date wjll be given by the laat of the week.

Rev. W. i . Naff and. family, with Mrs. Southard and Miss G. F. Marshall, motored to Wash­ington last Friday.

One day this week Mr. Naff set out for Occoquan but had to return on account of motor trouble. -i

Sunday Mr. Roger Cross and Mr. Fristoe had a near-collision —neaf enough to ffighteq the occupants of both automobiles.

Young Peoples meeting pext Sunday night in the Prert)yte-rian Church.


There was a Red Cross meet­ing held in the Junior Hall Tues­day evening. May 7, at 8 o'clock. There were quite a good many in attendance and some new mem­bers added.

Mr. and Mrs. G .Raymond Bat-cliff (g and ^ o children, Jack and Rose, of Manassas, spent Sun­day with Mr. Ratcliffe's father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ratciiffe.

Mrs. Frank Graffau and Mrs. Eastman Keys and two children, Margaret and Catherine, are pending this week in Baltimore.

Itr. Jesse Rainy 'and sister, B(yrtle,>8pent Sunday evoaffig af Forest Hill and Quanticd.

Mr. Warfield Brawner and Ried Waters made^afly^rtriplsher. to Alexandria (m Monday

l b . wB liEs. WiUis Si88<», R^ff^ateCT and WHbor Brawn-e» spent Sunday last in W*eh-ington, making the trip by mo­tor, and were accompanied back to Dumfries Sonday eveniBg

'K la Eeya. ^tm Gi^JtaamemiJtateUffe-rf

MffwfWMM* is nteuSSSSt&B wedt in Dumfries. -^—

MsB. C«eQrge Ratdiffe, who has 'beeD^vcar^ is impn>vinir<

Mr. Ernest R ^ . w h o is.em-


United Brethrea to Enjojr Maay 7 mam^^r^KtWWWWK ^ ^ ^ a 1 » l ^ V * ^ ^

Mothers Day program at As-bury U. B. Church, Sunday, May l2, at 11 o'clock a. m. .

Hymn No, 70S-M3hoir. ' Prayer by Rev. J. Halpenny. Song, Home, Sweet Hofne—

Choir. Recitation, When Mother's

Sick—Ahna BeU. Song, To Mother Be True-

Choir. . Exerpise and Song, A Tribi|te

—Four Children. Recitation, Whose Little Giri

—Ethel Breeden. Solo, Mother o'Mine—^Birs H.

U. Roop. Reeitation, Mvthwr W^h-

Madelene McCoy. Solo, Just Before the Battle,

Mother. •> Exercise, A Gvland for Broth­

er—Six Children. » ReacUng, Lights and Shadows

of the Little Brown Church. Song, The Church iti the Wild-

wood—Choir. Recitation, Where's Mother—t

Lynn Messick. Exercise, Three Links—^Two

Girls. 'llecitati(»i, A Tiny Tot—Anna

Messidc. .' Song, America.

Song, Mothei^s Religira^— Choir."

Pastor's Tribute to Mother. Offering—bistrumcaital Mu-

sic-^Frofs. Meibui reir and Mo-

Song, In the jUiq>er-GiRteit-Choir. ' "—-



Iiloyed at Cajnp Hurai*r«^ ntunepous^trrei^^

_ Th^ iTftTPat. Hill aduioL close Wednesday, May 15-

speai~i few' ^ ^ of last his family here. ' _

and Mrs. Walter Keya jMrs. Manure Reid, Reid Waters

'-•- jaBd-^^ilsoB Meandumt sp&Bi ^:;JlR«hty"A AleMgidi^ aawte^? ^ the tripTby motor.

noon^ indnding jggtatioa^ dia-l o g c ^ and a stwry-telling cc»

On. Friday evenasm Mrs. A. E, tlie>jMat«w4o.

membora <^ the Woaum's pfari*^ tian Tenipaance Uni(m and t h ^

Roofing 1 ^ roof tliat cofM* w i ^ all conditSona. Sparks, ttatdn, p u n , acids or fumes Jisre no cffeA on s Ctria^-uedtooi. Rust cannot comxte Cirtam-md. The heat of the tun cann6t cause it to meb or rtio. Ctrttdn-tHd\ai the ability to recist every form of roof­ing attack, and the durability to give year after year o l weather proof |Krvice, with little or no matotenaoce coet. C^rtotx-zW offers every practical roofing advaa-tage wfth a minimum roofing investment. ln«T€fy tuwii, cHy indtectioB yon will find Ctrtow-Jtorf.Ever^ wbne Cntlon-An^ u chosen fuf buU iB£i(rfsUtyp^sjHltiM^~

far f—tii—, ro—d fc—lii, tAnnamn, > M M * » •mm*' fct«n«,fcp»Ji.fOT«twrfWI«a».«tor—.irttaadfasi.«*«.

In artutic red or green ihiii^e*. Ctruau-unt U very popular ior tcwdenee*. C««T>at—d g, 10 or-t g y—>». a«n ai dlag >a Ifchtoaaa.

C*ruin-4tul cotu l«it Una any otlMr type (d loaf—fint ca«r and laying coM low, and •riiintenanca pmetkallr aotUag^ CiiHia imil ii mmt tnmtmkai thaa oidiBaiy nul bccaaas it cMr at awrv m U^ and-hita aradl longer

BUSINESS -9tn Caato^a FbiL^awrtie*—

Lost.—Tan belly-hand fat eiil'iead hanwa, gan's old stand and comcar. Kindly retam qal office. ^ 51-1*


Cornwell Supply Co MANASSAS

-7rfii ated< '==Sfi,0Q8-««daofpulp wood, ffighest cash price paid on ddiTery;nieasuranait8 taken

— ^wm wacooa^-Xiiseiiajaxallbc^. fern ^vat sdL E. R. Cornier. 61

For Sale, -t— Five -year- old ti^Brgfwmrood edt; nohad halltft}

khsd diiiNMed and broken to work: X, this office. 51-2*

iittJa«BiQiLg proitpim wiiH>e^ti^—^jy;^ Randi Mi Brawner and] ^ by the difldren m tne after-

on Center street, wh«) the An-nuaTDues Social took idace.

Amid beautiful flowers and potted plants in the tastefully decorated-' parlors', four new m e n b ^ w o e rec^mi^ an older ones renewed their, fdedges.

The reBtdt of" a novd scheme Jack Keys «)ent Satuiiflay tn^t! foflaising mtmey for^the War

patrons -fJiSt An


jnd Rirndgy in WanhiTifffftiT Mr. Tljeodore Harris of Wash-

£Eigtwenifient~Saturilay and S»a»» di^ M DiinEMeiB and was adsont-' papied bade to Washington by MB mother. Mrs. Bettie Harris. \,p^, ^ ^ .»». »»«K«*d. w«a

f T l f t ^ p,.««^i. nf th«. Red

LV*' • —

Ooas had an extra jueetng Mtmday afternoop to ftmiiBh, pack and send away ten oiuifott Idta. this-bmg our share f the <mehlmaHa3aBB^SBd^n>Br*Mr' faxehivtcr.

Rev. W. L. Naff prtsiehed Sunday at 11 a. m. aiid 8 p. m. Bi the Bwtist Chuch. He had a

atioa flmidaiy

nii^t: Among the SjEmday yiatttHrs

Jrom Waahiagtgfijwa* Mr. and

Foitl. and 1I«SK»;G. A. Hal and Irvin QoiJgX- ^ . ^

• n . GwKfa Boftey/wko jBcently lawmred tnm a severe caae « measawi n ^ had a wea iMaMff>d_fra— fomhaad

Mr. C. L. Detwiler had the miafortane to catch hia ihifler in

in sacil a a insnnre . ^ ^ - | = ^ . . ^ ^ » . to rtrt g g tiie and^trf it; fMtonately, it is his k i t and the midde finger.

Haycock haa fuRy recov-

Ttmd'of the society waarepwtcd. Eadi mendMir c<»i&ibated the jUDdMMmt rec^ved frem tte aate of ail tihe eiOEB gathered SitTi**'' home on tiie four Sondaya m

Mr. and Mrs. Eniegl Reid andj ^ , — • . . ehJldwai moturwl to Baltimnrpt ^ deMrttful.and entertainiag lait FrUay and q[)ent tiae day. Urogram, begn^iing with pirayer.,

Mrs. D. C. Chne and daugbter iOda, were Sondar eveninrcaB-era at Mrs. George Ratchge's and Mrs Maymie H t t d ' s . ^ :. Mrs. Georce Khig. who has baen viidtiBC hi WaAhigloa for

a» ' WaAieeday.

The following names ctMaopoae' the tot of BModMn <tf the' Cat-

- ^

harpht Braa^ of41w RadC^oas:

Mrs. W. H. BolTinaa, Mr. Ed-Smtth. Kr. S. A. Mo«,

J. H; Akaia, Mr.-QMenea Igni , Mrs. <nM«Be» Ljwa, MIS. A. W. Smith, Mr. Mode Smith, Mr. Edward QMe, Mr. Beoji-i^ie Wood, Mrs. E v e ^ Wood, MBS R. Peari Sandns, Miss {lath Aken,-Misa Mazy AkoCb^ g a . G . A.Miadtey^Mr.B.Lyng ftobotson, Mr. John T. Patton, Mr. Jamea McIntosh,_ sr., Mr.

' Mr. C. P. Slivth-K^ iMMM. «» Mr. Fred Groves, Mr. James ' ^ r F % ««y>»ngh had a sale i gaislip, ^ . WiB Broww. Mr

^ h i s * hoo«dH>ld goods Satnrdsy | ftgdc^gE^n S t ^ ^ B ^ before removing to Oarendoo; aon, Mr. L- Je" Pattie, jr. Mr

daosfatar. Mia. Bob W. Atlee Wood, Mr. NovdJohn-^ ^ BOB, Mr. Luther Mcintosh. Mr.

of Balti»iE. H. Senseney. Mrs. Palmer


with his Davis.

H J J T L ^ J i « h e J S u i ^ ' l t o - ^ t h , Mrs. Blanch 41, ««»v.Mre. John Detwiler, for a short time, i Makome McCuen, ""

- anri Mrs Detwiler went to Patattr,Mr.<We Pes. Mr. a R.

scripture^ readiiW and aofny. cn-

Among the nantf>ei» .oijoyed were:

Scripluivt C. Boond

Doet^-^fn. LCWM.

Solo—Mrs. Roop. ^ Redtation—Mrs. Hixson. Redtatkn-^fia. Hodge. Bedt i t tn i -Aa . BatMDT

Mr. Kdky.






For Rent.—Flat on Main street; four nxHus and batii; new^ papered; d e ^ c Hghts, Rent $l0.6Q par,month. Appfy to R. F"SprinkeI." . 51-tf

^ bushete homfiHBtwn- Whippoorvrill Cow iWs, perfeict seed, $8.90 per bu. W. U Steere: .

Duroc ToF

Registered LUustntOT" sale.

prices on m^cation. & KIMe, ManasiugLS,~Ts.

^ude ptga stn^T Conner Sl-tf

For Roit or Lease.—IK^ rent or lease for five' years a good. eoimtgy store igonertv Inrsted

Sdl the Cfaampioir Cream

at Sowego, Fauquier county. Virgimav Rent reasenaMe.' iP^ terma, etc., «s^j to E. P. Wash-iiutton, Sowego, Va. 50

Bgga for Settisg. $L00 for 15,

Boek chidBena. J. J. ComMr, Va. _ _ ^ » t t

-Hooaefar d w « .

Ffere Inaurane*—If yen aia afraid of Motoai Uj um a n Mim <

Cdoat Iftc the faicreMiu oU FRtea, tiT oar MotoaL Tttcq

S I^DAK "Mllfl'lNG

CROSS 09 vxa

t r

Continued frbra Page One-) to reedve contributions of

sakaUe odds and eB«ls of jew-etay, silver, coina, Mitogn^ let-ten, I«rie-a4ine, ddna, team or copper ntensfla, htees iu>d em-

sr We




teeth. It was snggasted that the coDeetkn be made thipogh the JBrniM' Bed Crom fifadea. The first contribatioaa received are a silver cop and a silver medal won ht athletic con­tests hy Mr. J. Hendley Jtdrason. Mr. JghBHn is soooto enter the army and has given theae treaa-

to the Bed Cnea. Mim UUsB V. GiBbert. eoua-

ty hone demonstration agent, madeaa i ipeal on behalf of the

P^fNavy. l/aMino of Jfae.^lBitfid

the tniMpotji sftd fomg move-

for _ de^broyo* .iriiieh are abroad. On motion, the

White and BirmT P^mouth' in«*t wasjMd^-J bj Iht t h y BedB» & € . ^ n i « e and Bromivta-. Leghorn^ eggs |B JO H JO Ptf 18 ~" IICTS. Harvey





Bills amounting to about |150 were preaented by the Finance Committee—and uideied paid^ Among the items were twelve

All bills owing to the firm of i bolts of gauze for surgical dress-Maddox k Byrd are now due.»ings, $66, and wod, $31.06. Bease caU at Peoples National L —»• Bank and make payment to ^ j L. Byrd.

a«atevftZ# A%z • % if if p^cur


Every Gonan or Aastram the United l^ years tA aseoduUi^ Xa hk sototdy toyal, ahovM be aa a potratial 4nr«

Be on the akft

ing for granted. aJertnesB may aave tlw yoor son, yolar hnshand or brother. .. Th^enemy is engaged in

ing war in tUs eoantry, in mitting news to Bofin and ^11 failiiig weD aahMAboirt tSe HM monde of

Whenevo* any or diaioyal word notice rommtmiceta st

to yoot


meat of Jastice.



80 The Jonrnai—$1—ami ««rtii fti SlrkKr Chetot Mmts onlr




FOR OYSTERS AND SALADS Eleanor Robson Belmont, Home From Europe,

T«U» ol Her Unbounded l| aith In th6 Red CroM.


thkt thU WKS the txMt method ot serv Ing the aoldlen and saUon. We are wa(tnx ao ecooonilc war. Th^etore the Bureat and OM^ effectfTe way to help U throngh the ectabllsbed chan-nelg aeiectad for that purpoae by the government.

The naln work of the Amertcah Bed Croas, how«r«r, la, x>f eoarae, carried on ta Praace. Zbe poUcy of thoae beadl&s this «r«(k la to back. op the Treach In tbatr Dwa efforta and tO' help them develop alOOf their own Hoes, not to root oat iiVencti inatlto-tlons and transplant American ootm. Whether we work. then. In canteSta^ in warehoDses, Is dlgpeDsaries, for X>ollus or for refugees. In Paris or in

Deed sympathetic listeners. Some'One to admire h;s wife's pietare, some onp to laogfa over- the- haby'a iateM_irt|9t of Kcnlns, B«De~<Sie~lS~Yellt titt thai the oldeat boy la the iniaj|e of 'hi*' handsome—father—thlS-Ja—as real a need tn the polln'ft life as Salad or aonpi In faet tih»- preapeee ^ dieM-

good' ilMil olteWi aay the mant* mf the army la diatinctly higher whMCT« the casteana an . 'Fhia cwaaM'icre4(: rifsiry aBMag'ttM caBMsK wort^at.

"Bach WW wsnta her etBtam to'lie tlt beat and Boat fopnlar in tfceaawfce.

rhli, rtirfVt pcriMal •rrr'^p

ELEANOR ROBSOM iLie derasuited dlstricia, ft>r 'the «hil-dren or for the aged. It la alwayk.oo :iie same plan of

P'rr'nch If they hare any. orgaalsatiaa or ^an. — . '

Poilus Like OaratarivMMi Salad.

gratifying ways af he4>ing the aen. To see those poOna enjoying the Snt delicacies they hare had for da rksia a ~s6ur-8«tlsfying sight T&* IttlUMralHr French maintalB eaMeena nfctia tMy dispense soap, hot eoAea and eeeo*. t»-barco. cHoc<:>lst«. «&. IHH. Jftt-k*al=' < n Red Ooaa eaateeas aeTre real _ dinners at cost or oaider. The poliB»*gl«» O* * ^ h « « ' • * * * ' " I***"*'**^' are loordinatety test «t «yatefs and. salad: wheo they can oMer a plate of oysters or a diah of aalad tn an American eaateenjthey an-n» as children. We have all xaatccaa la the Prencb zone for the'PnMfe army —FYance la. of v^nes. tn one Itae of eesMOlcathj* canteen we serre from 4J0BO ta 8,000 men a day, the railroad statlaaa <ST l>» bsneOt <<

f erred to some Othaa aatttwit »r gateg hone oo a fartswgk iaaaai

huts used for this purpose •re little alleys marked "Paris," "DlJon." or "Uy-ous." Thetie little alleys are laid out wltb bunks filled with sleeping liieu IT a~ponu Is going to Paris. B*" himself down In the Parts bank,'

V V-7-BKX-I left for Europe a few \ 1 / months ago I had no cast-W Iron roTerence for the Red

Cros8._ When I returned from Baropr t hroight home with me onbomided belief IB lUe^uigul'^tlot'-I had seen enongh-tff s^ke me realiaej'in the kniiwlcdgf ibjii be will be called

in tlqie for the Paris tralBr In some of the canteei^ the llghta

hare to be dimmed on account of aero­planes. Often the lights are covered with colored musitu shieldti which make a rosy glow that is very home-tike. Ctee of the cauleens Has been decorated by snnte oCtbe best camou-Bage artists In France, who have takoi greet delight in covering the walls and even' the celling with their pktnnML VhK canteen* arc tpn day %ad ntirht for the beoeOt of 4rr men kt tfte Ms Junction polnta.

Do Mar* TIMUI Faad IMfl. The woTjen la the canteena do more

than feed the men. liowever, imp4r. tant as that la. J^nlliis leaving their fuTnlllea are naturally depressed and

to the aoWlers Ote Red Ooaa to deter a kind of John tk« Bapltiat wmk. wlH

We have fifteen acattared throng ilaiilctv

where war has been or is l lk^. to be Prance had~inobIlt»d .tti,000 of he 2t,000 physici^bs. leaving about 8,00( tat tile'.irttole «f'civilian Tfuace--SometliiiH yoii will Qnil oi)k oM docto' taking care of aeveral villayea wltt no means nf transitnrtation except m-easlonaJl£_^B aged, overworked hor»>' Here la • chance for the Hwl Omw t« step in and help. There laa ayndJcari

ahiaiciansjo ,wliich^ the Red Crt>*! iaw>ll*s to gud out if a certain vtlTag' haaaniedical adviser: if not we estal>

fyntl*^ "od .operatft-tt i l givet aectloB kn>°hd the'center. _

' BatMng a Unuirjr. A Red Ooaa docnv and name go o«i

The canteen iimk la oneivf the iiitia|_ -eeimtariy tO' «e vwi ge>^a^wair^actwwc Bach rllloc^ ts iaConned when they aiji comiiv •o that' «U wb«t want Medloa adyice •or treatascM can sMet toK tluti 4ii WW. mint Snrt save nmieee—arv caUf Of to the doctor, the doctor goea t« hln-The nnrata taiiy among e«h^ thlnii* Aower baths tsr babiesi ' In nany re

Ittea, bathing- la a luxury, ao the anpei-kdtloo has grow* up that It Sa daiii

!«ow since the mathtin' ar jjBg-t that their chU^ en wil


Shoukl be Counted Among the Summer Necesaties

ff Itoee wko stay at home cam, wijoy their guaunw TacatiMi by •ndinir copifMrt sod plMmWi hi POfch Boeken and Crajiiiet Sets

$1.95 —SEWING R0CKEB8 for woien wwple fnuoe, natural taiah, slat back aad woven donUe scat of rattan. Prieod at.a^rr.,, . — —

—BOCfegW made of aui>Ie, nleciy vamMiod nWk natnnri wood finish; seat is dooUe wereil rattan, broad. * A Q f ^

knnrcst. Can be for.poreh wt lawn. Now.

—BSmA. %|JAUTY auXHlBT SETS—Brcfybo^ Iftes to

lAiy crp^(ae|^ I I I B mAtsmO^WJ^jiiiSii^ 8 boOil, wJ«M(V • n t —d jnafamctien Ail Bae^«J »• T - * - ^ ^ T B O X * VlwWi Q W HV^V I^^r • aa-w* • « • • • a • • •

Otben to $8.9S

KAiOPSMiieaeni nxiott

« . B . . 17 at 11 «. m.

8 a d s f « , l L « . j h . .

days, S p. M. 5S«!«WviQ»T-Fb«t Sunday. • p: m.'.

HltAklhiuIaj. 11 a. a . . llriatW* thU'd aad fififc S o d a n .

• d t i f t daya^-S p. m.

Woetof PUat SwiMiy, 8 p. :

ba netOwr kfllc4 nor Injared. hat m the cnatrary beaeatad by haika to* «ti9 4» laok fsrward is ikcBi i

Aftar all rtria bi^riag actlvl^ the Red Omsa aa the otkeriMd*. tm

Theae eaafe—. at> aear| mMltle IB .saltt of the dradgarr aaO tragedy. I aipatiad the .wark hsiaJit



FarSaai M a y tliat tratfc ahi


I v^^^a ^^^W ^^P ^^^W ^^nae^


I aai^taa aid to haar a lanes. I ma aaaii^am nsAaai v aaaa

Aad death's grini tairais ara raoaal I «an haar 41M haplaas call. And I «an aarva Ihaai while I Rva; I thank Oad that thrawflhRaN I


PRESBYTERIAN Minasaas Presbyterian Chorch, Sav.

Alford Kallay, pastor. Bunday—.Sunday School at ^46 a.

m. Subject, "Jesus Faeea the Ooaa." -'^i^ristian Endeavor at 7:30 p. m.

Subject, "Ghristii^ Eiideavor Fellow­ship."

Preaching at 8 -p. = « . - Subjact, Parenta' Day." Wednea4a7—Prayer meeting at 8

p. m. Sui^aet, "Unity of tha Chiqc^ Univaraal.''

1 »

Clifton Preabyterian Chuzcb, R«v. AlforH Kflley, pastor.

Sunday School at 10 a. m. Sobjaet aa atateci abova.

I^«aching at tl a. m. Subject aa ntatad abava.

C. E. ]|r«ating at 7:80 p. m!~ Si^ jijet aa atatad above.

LUTVBIUN Bathal iUgMaoHi Ctacdi. B«r. M«

( t f Z. F^noi, pfutoc Stmday—Ponday Sebool at 10

Preaching at 8 p.m. Sarvieaa at the Nokaarilla Lotharaa-

Ctavch Sanday at 11 a. m.


D. O. dark, paatar. Snoday—Sunday School, 9.46 a. m.;.

Biondnc Mryiea, U o'dock; B. Y. P. U., 8:<S; araning aagyfea at 7:S0.

Wadnpodwy Pmyw aaaiiac at 7;W p. m.

Bar. BanMtt Gftealey's. BaDahavn, faortb Sooday. U a. a . WoaAoM^ MaoBd and fcutUi BBB>

days,Sp. m. flat«;h«r Mnaarial, aaebod 8aD|ii^

U ai. m. and 7 ^ p. m. Oak D«K tUxd Sundiv, IT «. BL,

a^d Ihpt Sonday, 79M p. o». AAqm, fcat Saaday, 11 o a. aad

r^TaDiuai. PBrnniYB BuypTOT

^«aiti« fMm Gtarc^ Sdar T. JL Halliai, t^^lils -

SoEvieaa a*«ry faara Snaday at U >• a M a d tta Bataidaf jeaitadtaK a*

• CATHOtalC m Sfinb^ JQtXaoOe ChoRh. Msa.

Fatiiar mHittm <3iO. paatar. aa.ak, flntaaa tided 9^B>

«lay« tfaanwil mmA 4 ,|"| [|| nili>da|> gl

'^tme^ Bdaday Sdboai at

, Prtiarhing ev«!ry £ w d 6 p. n .

rEpfoilhJ^^goe at 7:w p. m. BticUialJirevery Sunday at S p: m. %»flay, ftrat Soaday a t » p. au,

tfaiid: Soqday at 11 a. Bi.


., . •MTazaloftheaMddtawUck ^jtwaca tUi fUl and wfatar t y


^ctor 8L Ce.

KxtraetioB of Taath


Btuldiiig, ManaMsk. Ta.

iroAY, M- 10, 4M»

NOW •B^.' a i t *

THE BsAff AfiBnB JOtji KiAciif MAyAWwAt^ T U H H J U A :jffl;.E.,i;'ij ..=5=



9 9


BLACKLECOIDS • M a n * flieaaiaato.



UMd tad •BdAfMtt w e r y w h w tt«t black-leg U kaowB.

Can • • na tor «ire»-l a n daacribiiic die Aa-•aaa aafl taUing b v v l e pnwtMt H*

The mgr make, two Uades of snas STOW when one does now: Buy the oeleteated MacF-nesium Lime from Leesburs

BOld in Loudoun and F^ rfax for the past twenty-live yean, and out produced them all, and the reason for it i& because it con­tains Magnesium and Oxide < Iron in rifl^t proportion to Cal­cium Carbonate, and the United States AKricultunii Dei>artmeot in Year Book 19(H. page 161. states that Magnesium is abso-lutehr necessary to plaAt growth and nothing dse will take its place. Send orders to Comwell Supply Co,, Manassas, Va.; A. S. Robertson, WellinjBfton, Va.; M. Rollins, Bristow, Va., or direct to as and same w31 have prompt at-


kesborg lime Co*, h e B.V. WHITE.

blCSfPultin^ Them In One s Month May Cobvey Dfacaac. .

"TQchmond, Va^ May 8.—Th3 State department pf Health was rec^itly abk tQ announce a gn^ ifying induction in the incidence of abd casualties from Q rtain children's diseases following, the ^•mp«ijpi if li qpfthed in the fall

1 J. flOTTLE M A N A S S A S . VA.

mUTAftT TRADnNG HOWABD WmarON. Bathifaa ,

Uuiwaitif, Va>

of 1916 against the putting of the fingers, pencils, apd other substances. in the mouth by sthool children!

That typhoid fever is often contracted by this same habit is very clearly brought out in a dis­cussion of the subject in the De­partment's War Manual of Pub­lic Health. It treats of the mat­ter in the following fashion:

"Now and then a case of ty­phoid fever occurs under cir­cumstances that baffle' physi­cians. Flies, food water and direct contact may be eliminated as possible means of infection. The ordinary precautions have alt be«n tak^i^^yet the man has typhoid and it is vital to know how he contracted it.

"Quite often the simplest an­swer is the one'most overlooked. The. man very probably got the disease by handling infected filth an4 by later putting his hands iAto his mouth. - This is-80 common a performance, where iSIth is scattered widdy, that it must be reckoned one of the ;mgjt_ljna|K)rtaut factors in the

past 2 o'clock, ijD time to (^nnect with all the lines going South-ahlrWestr''"""'

W. B. BROCKETT, December 8, 1864. Agent. The Targe letters displaying

the slogans, "Only Safe and Cet-tain Line," and "No Detentjon from Ice," have reference to the fact thi^tb take the tndns of the rival line it was necessary to travel by boat from Alexandria to Aquia Creek, and thence to Richmond, th«i the gateway for ail travel between Washington and the Souths sette.

•Aleyandria Gs-


PnUication Firil of How'tp-Keep Wdl Information.


80MS c a

/pATRtOnSM /ICONPMY worcU-Act - P o m T»H<« Buy Wow— - l

- i 1

m Koehan-

The "Virginia War Manual of Public Health," the Stete Health Department's summer editipn of its bulletin, has come from the hands of the printer.

It is packed from cover to cover with, information as to methods to be followed in re­ducing the activities of disease germs such as commonly affiict the people of Virginia^ and of mastering the/menace's of the disease-bearing insect* pests.

A postal card to the State Dje-partment of Health. will bring a copy of this valuable publi­cation promptly to any inter­ested person, and if the'good ad-\ice is followed the simple ex-pedients deacribed in this book-

I Home Dressed andi Western Meats I

I Beef, Lamb, Veal and Pork |


_ ^ igaaead ot ^ h o i d . A ,.™^ -, die,* tool, a;pfc)w-"7aqyM»e^-a|^^'^

let are goieiaUy adopts it will jgm\r0 * faTya -iinntlffinlitiig far.

score of things. that a man

MaAfe. Grarite ant a l °*y ^ « " « J f ^ ^ ^ * " " ^ • " that contains the germ -of dia-

Eiois of GoMtarf I fwm


-KKStn- rM.»Ja»M» (iii7l!wSBinxu)i

touches in the course ofTa ^ty have been scMled-vnth filth

m preserving the Bvea and -health of the people of Virginia

ease. As lonST w niR> Are care­less in putting thor dirty hands iB-their mpuths, fii»e is danger.

"Yet tmare ia a .rule of fete-alrrmBt w



Cash Paid for Country Produce and live Stock

this year.


v^fiion point m aa tiatoxy itietf—« nile t ^ t haa the {^^Ufm at divine law




IMCILES FGRSAL^ Alw^B^om 1€0 toaOOhoad

• of hwraes and mules of all ^oa^^wptMwiw for aale ^ my

DntSCTOK*-«.X,.BOOTBB. V ~ e.K V&JU'IBI4>. , , WATBftKonarav ^ B.a»Bx,jK.


men wash thar hands before they eat their food.—Brtended

Under i^d by virtue of a cer­tain decree entered on the first d^y of May. 1»18. by the Circuit

Conner s Market ^ GOWM6«-BWLDIfiG WftAWA8SAS« V ^ v T

8. by tlH Wlfiam Cbimtyi Court of ftnsee-

Virsiaia, ia the chancar suit Iherdn depending under tiie 4iftyi«» ar^aMu^fm «»t a\» vs. W. J.

Si.'i^7.ff"(M5ra £5faing-<aag^a^ ^ to AH ac^ that ising-ia nrn's •"•iMAj^tp* hands into eontaefr with hifr

moutii, tbia rule would suffice to prevent mtieh of the typhoid

pointed will off^ toe sale at pid>-lie auction to the highest Inddo", as authur^jid and directed ^y

MONDAT. JUNE 3, 1918, (that being ^ e first day of the

Keep^ your hands front your month as iboeh as possible; never put thfM~to your toouth wlthfflSt waaMng them tlAr-Ii« and betag sitarte ncasr Hoiv

- Aiighly; ni Ver eat without TO^-ggyow^hands.

and Insaranee buHineaii, wehere-fay Bolieit an properjj^fMr-Bate ^md reftiMgt flioae ' ^irty tolm file ihmitpQSr. -• • •

W« iinMte to «eel Mrfy «llk aA

gMBaeaae sim-lie but vital ruleB.~

Onagc vd Akxaairiir^tafi la lite BMIT Fiflkfc

The SouUiern News Bdietin BrtstlB i n iijiwHiUjigi

eid advcrttemort wWch gives a s| [ikinig picture ortTallroad coaditiwis o€ mcty-foor years atro. The Oraiwe, aid JOexm-

m., tn^ront ot the courthouse- m the town <^ Manassas, aforesaid eomaty ted state; all that eer tain tract or vtLt&i of .la&d, ty

tpn s in Coles District, afoitsaid county and state, on the War- ^ remton-Stafford Springs road, and adjoining tne lauds uf C1UK=

— f Hondea, Watter Fritt«- and

AM. W. Bidey et ux, by deed of October 12, 1906, of record m tli« MiaVn ftffift*; nf aforesaid coimty in deed book 6$, page 39( , ADd containing about


lbrt4<qadB haO^ ja iTbgiBta a^d la now part tk the Soathov's ^ ^^ Wadangtoa^yisiaa* over wUeh ^ftM, tttlia WW uymate wi modeni **

-deitUe~tnidt pmtected- bf


I CM^A aittaw..— ^ , -—



fOK W i l l PAFIR

pricsd up

Send for catalogue and partie jJetalOaniwiiwill Isit

. ^ ,_a9—BO brsakage. No wraDDinaariaJ eUiMr necswary

BDURAIARnNCO F St and 1214-lS G S t ,

the i»toiaatfc Uock a i i ^ Antiquated wootMmnt-

efectric system. ing engine with a fanncl shsped

I smokestack, a baggage A coadi About tiw siae of the c»-booseiMm ia ose n a ^ dp a pas-

train jB.J£S4_aiLi>howa >7 the pietare. The


TEMCB^ Onahalf' cash and one-half tw^ve montiis from day of sale for which deferred payment the pordiaser is-t«rex-eeute latawBt bftuing^te, the uajmait.of whidi iMyHte att-

l^t aajr tiaw befMc ma-^ . Titie to be retained jm-

til the piHThasf meney ia pAid

_ILjniOIlNTON PAVIES, Commissioner of Sate.

W. D. GBJBEN, Auctfoneer. - " I. HGEO. G. TYIJIK, Clerk of

the Court aforesaid, do hereby certify thst h0ad,irlth miproved

ity, haa hswi miimti'^

Wboi you think of pondiasii^ a ^atcfa, *J^* * ^ -or brooch niTi;nrflth<*r jpwelry, nmwrnbgr l ^ H -

iportiDK goods Ime yffl be foBl iBBe^ «t ~ " *" "^—



' OcaageftAlexaMhriaJLR. Only Sale and Certain Line! H o Detention fftn lee!!

required by the afwesaid decras forsde. 60 6B0. G. TYLER, Clerk.



MaiiassasTransfertoM W. 8. ATHit, Pruprirtot.

Ban*f*i FiimlUiiv and mO

C|ty,~«l« a. B., «a4he anival «< Hmrtarrtroat vcy paasMf 11 i t» where tiiey can bxeakfast tit TT **** «•*" ftf.Ae Oran— 4 Alexandria Sailroad, and anife St fiordfltwirat ty " o*<'iogk-

'j The traina of the'"Vlrginia Centra] Railroad eoanect atGer-donsviDe, and will convey paa-sengers to Richmond, Char-k>ttesvilie and Staunton; reach-

*t^ng~tJ» foiuiei -plser-by

aeeept no other. We also hare a iiieeQUiCIt lAJtH COUNTER where ftm can wtisfy year appetite. VtM UBS of confectionery


Msna«wsw, Ta. Carpcateriag and Palatiag

A l Werk Gaaraateed

BBnat and Bi^cfing Material OF ALL fUNDS.

r:Mo^UlN A L E X A N D R I A . VA



BOSS UNTNOt, aslBiiiltli. ¥•!


If 7 fine emlnraces Stiq^ and Fahcy Groceries

Qoeensware, T!n and &ufcmelware




lira. H. R. BncK i* spea^a^ this week at the home of aister, Mrs. T. E. Garnett

Kr. and I fn . James Hulfiah <d •AlezaBdria vere the- weA-gadj Suesta of Min £Uitii H d i a k ] ~ | M r a .

last week. Mr. Morgan in an JBtendew rt*t*H •*»•» the iwya of Camp Lee were more than eatbusia^tk: ora- the gpoepeeiai gohati bo Fraaee in the Terjr mar

{future. . A young dau^ter of Mr. i s d in. Fred Bafley died aUt the

Mias Caroline Tykflr hi«^ »-{ErederickrfHir* Bo^ltal <m fcraed from f^ofi Bkdr. Pla., .A^nl 28 of tyiAoid fever. The aceompanifld hy »fiin« ^ettae bodjr w»« KnrJ.jf "t t^ Cbtery EiU

i aad Maatar Nor> aad mterment waa in the famiijr «<dajr i « Bafiantine. boT7ii>g (rouiid near 4he j Kr. Fefix K k m i n ^ ^ i e E ^ eatir hctfne.


eoiMi High School, the

Lffliaa H«tnhiaon, who member «f the Girl SetHitt fanassag, won the distixr-flf aeUinx twenty Liberty

clouble the number re­fer the award of the

Farmers are . bucy getting tbeir ground prepared to plaat •com; scuoe haveaiready pifitml Ganless kick &M. ' ,

The long distance tel^hone isompaay is adding m e n wires to ita hnea.

Eider Gwiaad faeU^servic^ j^t Graoivood Baiitiat C h n d i Sat-

aiid Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hinton talieri «B Mr. Aif^fflo Cidvert Soeday. Mr. Calvert, who has been sick for soQte "time, i s no better.

The HianieviBe leagae is go­ing to have its regulai; meeting on Saturday, Ma^ 11^ Afl mwp )W.-Lr-Naff b t t y g g reg»»e«tod to be iiraatnl! as'tiBpcHtaat boaiBeas is to be trap—eted. after whk-h the

fitmncialty. clear of

The sum of; expenses was

Misiifci MiTtifi M&rrtM. fi^ f4o.0e clear of expenses was: trict AbelJ, Gertie and' EVta "^^^ •lapstot; and Arzuilah Dunn, aiid .. Services H-iH be coBdiMted at Messrs. Piex ben Abdl, Joseph Antioch Sunday morning at the Dunn and Emory AUrll luotored. usual hoar, by the jiaatpr. Rev.(to Quanutu 'Ihursaay . tvexuag

in Mr. Dunn't. itnd Mr. Al>eU's ISie Community l^nagne will |ears. They upeni a very enjoy

hold ita "May Day" nuwting Fjri- able evening.

refofMi ton to


m a «f ] tioa Boada, paired badge of honor.

Mrs. Sarah Moonie Gin, wife of Mr. Robert Gill, died at her hotae near this village on Tue9-fcy evening. Her funeral took piaee on Thursday, the inter-moit b^ng in a family burying lot' near 'Il}orougiifar&

Mr. Simpson Buckley has left for government service at the Beraount Camp, Jacksonville, Fla. His mother, Mrs. M.- E. Buckley, had a sale of her house-i —. hold effects <» Saturday and wiB^ ^ °^ Milford. spent Sunday with live with her daoghters in Wash- ^^' *^ ^ " ^ ^- ^- HeBAiy. ingt<ai. Mr. Buckley is the third' ^ - f*""* Gibb «f Chevy

jof hw famflr "with the cotors," Chaae, Md., ^ ^ t the week-cad Mr. Thorn Williamscm, MSss'** *T*e Grove."

Anne Walke Williamson, Mrs. Roswel Bmird and fittlei B«sweO have joined th$ faafly a*. * ^ i r -ley" for the

. ukat hranrh,

Mias Elsie Dulin ^>ent several days this week, with hi^ sister, Mrs. J. C. Fullerton, of Calver-tOB.

Mrs. M. M. Washington, Missies Sallie Cooke, Elsie Dulin, K a ^ ' -Geekerilk mad Hek» -ThoratOD attemj|ed the Potomac Presbytery at Leesburg last week.

Mrs. O. R. Dennis spesA Sun­day with Mrs. Park Denniis Mid Mrs. M. B. Leach.

Mrs. Qu«aee M ^ i ^ of <2Kaii. tieo spent the week-cod with her p»ents , Mr. and Mra. E. A. Tayka-.

Mr. and Mrs. M i l t ^ Redbnoed


Alexander &oai

a fewmoatha with

Mn. C E. Ciar^ aad R^ireni Windsor wen c i f len ^ the home of Mrs. Carne Curtis on Saturday aftoaoon.

Mr. Raymoad Cutis was in Fredericksburg on Saturd^j; toi visit his mother who is sick.

Mrs. W. T. Greene and If easrs. Norman and!John Greene vis­ited Mrs*. Grebe's daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. P. E. CUrke, on last Thursday".

Mr. and Mrs. Lather Maam-der of Washington visited his nratha'.lffiL E. J. Afexandov t»r Sunday. "

Mr. and Mrs. C. E. OaAe,

eve an kt eteffil festival, the proceeds to go to the B^hd ^ « t a r (tf jtte Red Croaa. Goaw out aad he^ a



Misses Elsie and Boweaia USad-sor and ICss Arcelia I>aae ^<6rt

Mr. Addiaon L. Bond of Vi­enna w*g"» recent guest of Mw. J. P./&nith. Jir. Sopd has ea-listed in the Naval Reserve Corps and expects to enter the fiervice shortly.

Miss Mary Louise Baetw was a Manissas viator on Fxniay last

Messrs. Willis Foley

day evoiing, May 17,' beipx^Mg m a u'tiutk, at WaterfaB 8eheei. Pubbc cordially fiivited. Ice cream wffi be sold.

Amanda, the twelve-ycar-oU daughter of

Mrs. J. £ . Tapscott and daugfa. tet, Gertie, were in Dunfries Saturday on business.

Quite a number exp6ct to at-

H«uj ^ndgatt. *!?*** ^^"^"^^ "^f^ " ^ '_l" ^.jj__ _ , ' ; r lnavai Friday eventnjf. Mr. )ea8« RaOey and sister.

Myrtle, visted ICss Beattiea Abeil Sunday.

Sunday Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Dunn and daughter, D(Hx>thy»_ visited Mrs. J. H. Cato of Slaf-

^ J ^ ^ ^^^^^.^^^^^TMrT Bidi«4 And««« ha.

neighborhood, £ed on flmzaday last, oi tttbeiTukiaia.' Intcimmt at Otive Branch SUnrd^y aftcRUMO.


Frank Pickett of Ai mfi v vis­ited thdr hooie here the past wewt-eiid: • : ;

of WaahingtoB qient the week-aid with Mrs. King's mother, Mrs. ( ^ ^ . BtBML- Thty IliUlflP^

and I ed h<Mne Sunday.

for the hot foor aMmtilB, ning January, 1918, is nfwrted as foIk>w8: SasiRal nqiji Kfr:-^ 236 bed akirte, 2S «ea£oft ht^ (not med.) gniftiny nwrat ers, 44; aoefca, 42 pairs; hdzoet, 1; mniBer; 1. SiBgieal dreiss-ings, 5,073. All the knftted work, thtee buxea of hoapitaa^ bed shirts, imd twn boaEea <^ surgical -i^^MBUPlit—hase-heea! shipped. Ifce.

•?** ^^7 "«* ^- Orumheller, I callers of Mr. and Mrs. P^ E. Clarke Sunday. -Mr. W. H. Alexander, wife

and tiiree fittte b o ^ td In£aa Head. Md, visited hia m^ho-

Mr. Tom Boxwefi s|ieot wev-enl daiya tUa w«ek with Bev. J. R. €ook a t ' * n e Mame."

Rev. Barnett Grimsl^ of I b -tiaraae apart Smdar

Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Oarke and

Mr. C. S. Shirley of Washing-Um, was a recent guest at "Oak-sfaade."

Mr. B. M. Bridwdl, sr., of N<dcesvi])e visited at Ttopolar Hill" reoestly.

ITie play. "The Village SchooJ-mana." given by members of the I««gne, at Waterfafl School, op Toeaday aad ,Thuraday evenings of last weeic,-'waa wefl 'and was a

Mrs. Charles Abell aad chil­dren aad Mrs. E. L. Aaderaon

porchased another fine honw. -Mr.JPIhrwr C<»-Pwall ii


day. IGw Myrtle Merrell of Jopim

q;>eBt Pdday n t h Miaa Beatnee AbeB.

Mias Edith Conivell visited at the hnne of ^ r s . S. G. Bettis Sund^.

Mrs. Craaenberry aad dangh-ter. Mary CSaheth, BiHy, visited Mrs. aad

ing in Washington this week. Mr. Eknory Abell and

Myrtle Merrdl were in Quantiea

Mtflses Gertie and Etta Tapa-oott are visiting their sister, Mrs. Susie DuvaUs of Waahi^-iaa, this week,

Mr. R. S. AbeS was in Ooeo-Quaa Tuesday on basineaa.

Mr. JL L. AndersoB has bought a fine cow and calf £ram Mt. B . G.W.K«yB«f JoidiB.

Mr«. Ida Abefi viaaed «t the home el

== X

Hf.f4iied M

ton ^lent Saadi^ bdiDK httt at "9Ca ^S^RDC ^BGPC*

Mr, Babeii hee po«tian as d a k for HiUbs IE Gidifittgs at M«»»Bfrfran

Mrs. J. a FaBerton ofT^aetv^ too la vBiti^^lar mother, M W if niiiia, at'^Graad Viaw,

Mr. and Mris. H. W. Wood have moved to their

pur^ased from HiSwlqMciers-at presoit imtes eadli saoatfer eoafa about $2.gO; aoein fLOO a pair; shirts, SOoesteach. 3lie work



has beenSooe by eonparattv^^ f^w, and hot £pQai the ^Mmd-ance of leisure, bat y *faiy» tak­en from the boay rontme of home duties.

On account of very limhed fi. nances it ha# noi, been pnwjMp to order large ffiipKffi at a *n—. and there has delay in having ord«s far wwrti filled, so our iButtaaT have accomplished as vmJt'H''****y would have done. We are to state that HaymatlBet is i v t becoming a Red CbiMa eeater, and it IB hmw t OISI Ihi u m i '

l i t h e ham _fb^ E:-P. MoRii tJUB I left a faie giri. DL S l d w ^ of Waahiag

It the ton town.

Mr. Barry Lee cf q m t Saadaty at Us. Hernuti«e."

Mas H e ^ Thonitai h u ic-^nned after a leaglhy visk to Miaa KiSEt^^^rilfe. . _ _


ties of the increased


months. m flie irrt i n r ^

c m e g g y m y j

Mr Wa. Ck'ua, OB the skdc liat the nrach

'] . Private aad Mrs. E a ^ > f

On Satoiii^. A«i9 2B, Mrs. * " ^ • * ' Harry Maddox was lately bom-ed i ^ the od with log to, near lafiaa lived -OB^* * lew-heara.-body was nearty cremated.

Mrs. MaddoK wai( the ter of Mr.JL E. Marsan at thia

last w e ^ Baa Vyxtfe

c^Ier at fhe tSSmSSx Tutadmr

I t t . ' ^ ^

feel sore Aat m oiir fine ctf I

hard tfciA is'io'foiL.': "-;: .'- -

Popfin^ aMcoton.


mas Kate Bryant ef Stafed was the gae^ of he


danght^, iQda. night with her. a W. KeyL

Private Cfanr Uufd «C

aaafarloaghajidia a Sear aays wnh

«f tUa

thehoMeef ta hi

tat a tew dagrs. ^ Nellie Bryant ei DariC

of the Neir YbriK Mufcdt in Goat^m a l ^ HjgkColQfs

_ j „ - . — j ^


covery. Mxa. £L £ .

Washingtoa buaaneaa.

Mr. Emery Morgaa of Gamp Lee. Va.. visited

Mr. B v s a Keys ia

this attend the

VTHKT, May 1«L

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Crww a Qfteg trip to Aecatak

H jfa uid Low JOB SHOES

1^ to 3 $U»

41»e QoaMty Shop ^ Manastaj^ V b ^ k

top related