reg 15 digital learning resources

Post on 22-Jan-2018






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21st Century Learning Background Knowledge

As our world becomes increasingly digital, it is readily apparent that appropriate preparation for life, learning and work beyond school will require the systemic use of tools for learning that are aligned with these expectations. The implications for teaching and learning are numerous and profound. 1. What would you offer as warm (what you liked) and cool (what you disagreed with) feedback on this resource?

- Warm

- Cool 2. What additional inquiry questions does this content raise for you as an educator/parent? 3. What are the implications/recommendations you would identify as appropriate for Region 15 from what you have learned from this source?

21st Century Learning Information Links (VIDEO – 1 min) Think about the Information Diet - an author that draws a comparison between how we have consumed food in an era of fast food with the way we are consuming information in an information age. The one minute video clip tells the story.

(VIDEO – 4 ½ minutes) Mitch Resnick video from MIT– here the head of the MIT Media Lab argues that technology is best used as a tool for production and creativity, not the delivery of information. (VIDEO – 11 minutes) Ken Robinson – This RSA Animated talk has been viewed online almost 9 million times – it focuses on changing the paradigm of education to address the changing nature of life, learning and work in an information age.

(VIDEO – 2 minutes) This resource is from a non-profit dedicated to helping teachers reimagine what their classrooms could look like in a digitally supported environment that focuses on student needs rather than traditional organizational constructs. (VIDEO – 4 minutes) This resource is from the MacArthur Foundation and encourages us to think differently about the students we teach.

(VIDEO – 12 minutes) This is a speech from a high school sophomore (junior now) from New Haven who participated in our Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences and produced a mobile device app that got national attention and recognition. This is the best evidence of the application of 21st century skills.;search%3Apuglisi

(TEXT) Very interesting article from the Chronicle of Higher Education about how the grass is greener on the other side of the fence – the Chinese chase greater creativity, we chase better test scores (TEXT) This article from Lawrence Summers – Harvard President – about the changes – or lack of changes – needed at the university level driven by 21st century skills.

(TEXT) Digital Is... it’s the end of the world as we know it. Resources related to the question about how the information age is impacting cognition and habits of mind. (TEXT) A summary of what challenges lay ahead for school reformers intent on realigning our practice with the challenges of 21st century skills and learning.

(TEXT) A summary of what indicators are most important for creating an engaged learning environment to support 21st century skills. How many of these 10 are present in your classroom?

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