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Version ControlRefrigerant Charge CalculatorVersion ControlVERSIONDATECHANGEv1_11/23/07Final version of development spreadsheetv1_21/29/07Extra sheet protection and version control addedv1_32/7/07High definition DTI / Defra logo addedv1_47/14/07Altered range of values for evaporator and condenser. "Medium" level macro security.

IntroductionREFRIGERANT CHARGE CALCULATORGuidance on Impact of the Fluorinated Gas Regulationfor Users of Stationary Refrigeration, Air-conditioning and Heat PumpPrepared for DTI / Defra by Enviros Consulting LtdVersion 1.1 January 2007


This "Refrigerant Charge Calculator" spreadsheet has been prepared to help estimate the amount of refrigerant in a refrigeration or air-conditioning plant. This information is required to confirm compliance with the new EU F-Gas Regulation. The spreadsheet accompanies Defra Guidance on the F-Gas Regulation. The following documents provide detailed information about the Regulation:

a) Defra Guidance: EC Regulation No 842/2006 on certain fluorinated greenhouse gases available from b) Supplementary Guidance for Refrigeration, Air-conditioning and Heat Pump Users available from www.website_address

The best way to establish the amount of refrigerant in the system is to use data supplied by the manufacturer:

Many refrigeration systems, especially small ones, have a Name Plate showing the amount of refrigerant. Alternatively, you may have a record of the amount of refrigerant in the documentation supplied when the system was installed or commissioned.

If you cannot find information of this kind you could refer to 5 simple rules of thumb to estimate refrigerant charge. These are outlined in the Supplementary Guidance referred to above.

This spreadsheet provides a way of obtaining a reasonable estimate of the amount of refrigerant in a plant. This can only be done if you provide certain essential information about each plant. It is recommended that you collect the data before you start completing the spreadsheet (although you can save your data part way through data entry and continue later if you prefer).

The spreadsheet has been set up to store data for up to 4 different refrigeration systems. If you need to investigate more than 4 systems you could simply save the spreadsheet with a different name and start again. There is a Clear All Data button on the Data Entry Tab that allows you to start again with an empty spreadsheet.

To navigate through this spreadsheet you can either press the grey buttons to jump to the page you want, or click on the spreadsheet tabs at the bottom of the screen e.g. "Data_entry", in order to move to a different page.


It should be noted that this spreadsheet only provides an approximate estimate of the amount of refrigerant in a system. To estimate the amount of refrigerant in the evaporator and condenser the calculations use representative average data for each type of heat exchanger. However, the actual heat exchangers used in your systems may contain a greater or smaller amount of refrigerant. Also, to keep the data entry simple we have assumed a fairly simple configuration of system. The spreadsheet is intended as a screening tool to assess the size thresholds in the F-Gas Regulation. If you need an accurate assessment of refrigerant charge this spreadsheet is not suitable you will need to have the system appraised by a suitable expert.


Press the button below for details on how this spreadsheet calculatres system charge.SOME USEFUL RULES OF THUMB

In the absence of manufacturers data you will need to make an estimate of the refrigerant quantity. There are five simple rules of thumb that can help:

Rule 1: Small hermetic systems fitted with a domestic 240 Volt 13 Amp plug will be well below the 6 kg limit. This is a very important rule as it applies to millions of small systems. All domestic refrigerators and freezers fall into this category. So do many systems used in small shops (e.g. ice cream display cabinets, bottle coolers, small chilled or frozen food cabinets etc,) in pubs / restaurants (e.g. in-line drink coolers, ice makers etc.), in offices (e.g. vending machines) and in other types of building.

Rule 2: Most split systems will be above the 3 kg limit. A split system is one with at least 2 major components located in different locations, connected by refrigerant pipework that is fitted by an installation contractor. For example, an air-conditioning system with a cooling unit inside a room and a condensing unit (consisting of various components including a compressor and a condenser) that is located remotely, usually outside the building. The components are interconnected by 2 refrigerant pipes, often made of copper. One or both of the pipes will be covered in insulation. Split systems are used for many refrigeration applications (e.g. cold stores, larger retail systems for supermarkets and large shops, industrial applications and air-conditioning in many types of building). The majority of split systems will use at least 3 kg of refrigerant.Exceptions to Rule 2: Very small split systems that are close coupled e.g. an air-conditioning system serving a small room where the indoor and outdoor units are less than 5 metres apart could be below 3 kg. If a small split system is operated via a 240 Volt 13 Amp plug (see Rule 1), then it is more likely that the system has less than 3 kg but only if the units are close coupled.

Rule 3: Most air-conditioning water chillers will be above the 3 kg limit. Water chillers for air-conditioning are usually factory built units where the components are located together in a fairly compact layout. They usually provide quite a large cooling duty and will be well over the 3 kg limit.Exceptions to Rule 3: Very small water chillers, e.g. with a cooling duty below 15 kW might be below the 3 kg limit. Also, small units could be hermetically sealed, in which case the 6 kg threshold applies a hermetically sealed water chiller providing less than 30 kW cooling might be below the 6 kg limit.

Rule 4: A crude approximation is that the compressor motor kW equals the kg of refrigerant. For example, a system with a 5 kW compressor motor might contain about 5 kg. This is only an approximation the actual refrigerant charge depends on many different factors. However, it can be a useful screening test e.g. a system with a 1 kW compressor motor is less likely to be above the 3 kg limit.

Rule 5: Any system with a liquid storage vessel will contain more than 3 kg. Some systems are fitted with a high pressure liquid receiver which is located under the condenser. They are usually quite large vessels containing well over 3 kg. Other types of storage vessel are also used in other locations e.g. an evaporator surge drum or an intercooler for a 2-stage plant. Again these will contain well over 3 kg.LIST OF INPUT DATA

System name (user defined name) You can enter any text to describe your system.

Refrigerant (choose from drop down list)You can select one of 25 refrigerants from the drop down list. The 7 most common refrigerants are at the top of the list, followed by more unusual ones.

Temperature of main cooling load (enter a number in degrees celcius e.g. -20oC)This should be the lowest temperature that you are cooling to. For example if you a cooling a liquid from 30oC to 5 oC then enter 5 in this field. If you cooling a building using chilled water at 8oC, then enter 8.

Do you know the size of the system in terms of kW cooling duty?Simply enter Yes or No. If you say Yes, a new question will appear asking for the cooling duty in kW. If you say No, a new question will appear asking for the compressor power in kW.

Please state the kW cooling duty of the systemEnter the design cooling load of the system, in kW

If cooling duty is not available, you will be prompted enter compressor motor power in kWEnter the total compressor motor power of the system, in kW. If there is more than one compressor please ensure you enter the value of all the motor powers summed together. Please note that the results from this spreadsheet will be inaccurate for 2 stage systems.

Type of evaporator (choose from drop down list)You must select 1 of 3 evaporator types:(1) Finned air cooler this type of evaporator is used for the majority of air cooling applications.(2) Shell and Tube liquid cooler this type of heat exchanger is common for water chillers and other types of liquid cooler. Please note, if you select this option you will be asked an extra question about the type of shell and tube cooler.(3) Plate Liquid Cooler this is a modern type of heat exchanger sometimes used for water chilling or for cooling other liquids.

Type of shell and tube cooler (choose from list)You must select 1 of 2 shell and tube cooler types:(1) DX shell & tube the refrigerant flows through the tubes of the heat exchanger and the liquid being cooled flows through the shell.(2) Flooded shell & tube the liquid being cooled flows through the tubes of the heat exchanger and the refrigerant evaporates in the shell.

Type of condenser (choose from drop down list)You must select 1 of 4 condenser types:(1) Air Cooled Condenser this type of condenser is common for small and medium sized systems. Air is blown over a finned coil to reject heat from the condensing refrigerant in the tubes of the condenser.(2) Water Cooled Shell and Tube Condenser this type of condenser is common for large systems. Refrigerant condenses in the shell of the heat exchanger, being cooled by water flowing through the tubes.(3) Water Cooled Plate Condenser this is a modern type of condenser in which refrigerant condenses inside a plate heat exchanger cooled by water.(4) Evaporative Condenser this type of condenser is common for large systems. Refrigerant condenses in steel coil, being cooled by water sprayed the coil which is being cooled by a blast of air.

Type of compressor (choose from drop down list)Please select which type of compressors are used in this system.

Is this a hermetically sealed system A hermetically sealed system is usually a small factory built unit with a hermetically sealed compressor and all welded or brazed connections. A common example of a hermetically sealed system is a domestic refrigerator.

The exact definition used in the Regulation is: a system in which all refrigerant containing parts are made tight by welding, brazing or a similar permanent connection which may include capped valves and capped service ports that allow proper repair or disposal and which have a tested leakage rate of less than 3 grams per year under a pressure of at least a quarter of the maximum allowable pressure.

Liquid line dimensions: diameter (mm / inches) The liquid line is the pipe that transfers liquid refrigerant from the condenser to the expansion valve. You should measure the outside diameter of this pipe and select the value from a drop down list that shows standard sizes in both mm and inches. On small plants the liquid line usually will be between 10mm and 20mm in diameter. For larger plants the liquid line could be up to 50mm in diameter.

Liquid line dimensions: length (m)You must also estimate the length of the liquid line from the condenser to the expansion valve. A good approximation will be sufficient. The length must be entered in metres.

Do you have a high pressure liquid receiver?A high pressure liquid receiver is a cylindrical vessel located beneath the condenser that is partially filled with liquid refrigerant.

HP liquid receiver (a cylindrical vessel): vessel diameter (mm)Enter the approximate diameter of the liquid receiver in mm.

HP liquid receiver (a cylindrical vessel): length (mm)Enter the approximate length of the liquid receiver in mm.

HP liquid receiver (a cylindrical vessel): orientation (horizontal or vertical)All liquid receivers are cylindrical in shape. Most are oriented horizontally i.e. the cylinders long axis is horizontal. Some liquid receivers are oriented vertically.

Do you know the depth of liquid in the liquid receiver?If you know the depth please state Yes and you will be prompted for a value. If you do not know the depth we will use a default value of 30%.

If known, enter the approximate depth of liquid refrigerant in mmPlease measure the depth of liquid from the bottom of the vessel. Enter the value in mm.

Do you have a low pressure receiver or surge drum?A low pressure receiver or surge drum is a cylindrical vessel located after the expansion valve on certain types of flooded system (e.g. in large industrial plants such as cold stores or blast freezers). It is partially filled with liquid refrigerant.

NB Questions listed above for the HP receiver on vessel dimensions and orientation are also repeated of the LP receiver.CALCULATION METHODOLOGY

This spreadsheet tool splits a refrigeration system into a number of component parts and then calculates the quantity of refrigerant in each part. These parts are as follows:

Liquid line. The user is prompted for actual data for the diameter and length of the liquid line. The density of the liquid refrigerant at a default condensing temperature of 30oC is looked up in a data table. The liquid line volume is calculated from the input data and then the mass of liquid is estimated using the density value.

High pressure liquid receiver. The user is prompted for actual data for the diameter and length of the liquid receiver and the orientation of the vessel (it is assumed the vessel is a cylinder, either in a horizontal or vertical configuration). The density of the liquid refrigerant at a default condensing temperature of 30oC is looked up in a data table. The receiver vessel volume is calculated from the input data. The user has an option of entering a liquid depth. This is used to calculate the volume of liquid in the vessel and then the mass of liquid is estimated using the density value. If the depth is not known we use a default depth of 30% of the height of the vessel.

Low pressure receiver. The calculations are similar to those for the high pressure receiver, except that the density is based on a user entered cooling temperature level.

Evaporator. The user selects which type of evaporator is used. For each type of evaporator we use a refrigerant coefficient expressed in kg of refrigerant per kW of heat exchanger duty. High and low values of each coefficient have been estimated - these represent the typical design variations that exist for each heat exchanger type. The values used are as follows (low / high values):Finned Air cooler 0.2 to 0.35 kg/kWDX shell and tube 0.15 to 0.25 kg/kWFlooded shell and tube 0.4 to 0.7 kg/kWPlate liquid cooler 0.3 to 0.5 kg/kWThe user is able to enter either a cooling duty or, alternatively, the compressor power. If the cooling duty is entered this is used directly in the calculation. If the compressor power is entered then we estimate the COP of the system based upon the user entered cooling temperature. A Carnot COP based on a condensing temperature of 35oC and evaporating temperature 10oC lower than the cooling temperature is calculated and then a Carnot Ratio of 60% is applied.

Condenser. The user selects which type of condenser is used. For each type of condenser we use a refrigerant coefficient expressed in kg of refrigerant per kW of heat exchanger duty. High and low values of each coefficient have been estimated - these represent the typical design variations that exist for each heat exchanger type. The values used are as follows (low / high values):Air cooled 0.1 to 0.17 kg/kWWater cooled shell and tube 0.15 to 0.25 kg/kWWater cooled plate 0.15 to 0.25 kg/kWEvaporative 0.2 to 0.35 kg/kWThe condenser duty is the evaporator duty plus the compressor power (calculated using the estimated COP as described above).

Compressor. The user selects which type of compressor is used. For each type of compressor we use a refrigerant coefficient expressed in kg of refrigerant per kW of compressor power. The values used are as follows:Scroll 0.02 kg/kWReciprocating 0.05 kg/kWScrew 0.075 kg/kWCentrifugal 0.01 kg/kWThe compressor power is the user entered value or is calculated using the estimated COP as described above.Excel Settings and Excel VersionsWhen you open the F-Gas Calculator, in the Macro pop up box, you must choose to Enable the macros to be able to run the tool. The Macro security settings within your version of Excel will need to be set to Medium. Please note that due to the nature of the programming in the F-Gas Calculator, this software is not compatible with Excel '97, but it is compatible with all the more recent versions of Excel.CLICK HERE FOR DATA ENTRYCLICK HERE FOR INTRODUCTORY HELPCLICK HERE TO SEE RULES OF THUMBCLICK HERE TO SEE A LIST OF INPUT DATACLICK TO GO BACK TO INTRODUCTORY HELPCLICK HERE FOR DATA ENTRYCLICK TO GO BACK TO INTRODUCTORY HELPCLICK HERE FOR DATA ENTRYCALCULATION METHODCLICK TO GO BACK TO INTRODUCTORY HELPCLICK HERE FOR DATA ENTRY

Data_entryREFRIGERANT CHARGE CALCULATORDATA ENTRYContact name (type name in box)Site name (type site in box)Please choose how many systems you wish to enter data for (select from 1 to 4)02Once you have entered data for each system, press this button to see the results12SYSTEM 1 DETAILS3kW cooling known?System name (user defined name)4YesRefrigerant (choose from drop down list)NoSelect refrigerantTemperature of main cooling load in degrees celcius e.g. -20oCSelect refrigerant1Do you know the size of the system in terms of kW cooling duty?R134AHermetically sealed?kW cooling known?Please state the kW cooling duty of the systemR22YesInstead of cooling duty, enter compressor motor power in kWR404ANoDepth known?Type of evaporator (choose from drop down list)R407CSelect diameterSelect evaporator1YesSelect evaporatorType of shell and tube cooler (choose from list)R408A1/4 in 6mmFinned air cooler2Select if shell & tube cooler1NoSelect if shell & tube coolerType of condenser (choose from drop down list)R410A3/8 in 10mmShell and tube liquid cooler3DX shell and tube2Select condenser1Select condenserType of compressor (choose from drop down list)Ammonia1/2 in 12mmPlate liquid cooler4Flooded shell and tube3.0Air cooled2Select compressor1HP receiver?1Select compressorIs this a hermetically sealed system?R1235/8 in 15mmWater cooled shell and tube3Scroll2Yes2Hermetically sealed?Liquid line dimensions: select nominal diameterR152A3/4 in 18mmWater cooled plate4Reciprocating3No3Select diameterLiquid line dimensions: length (m)R401A1 in 25mmEvaporative5Screw4Do you have a high pressure liquid receiver?R401B1 1/2in 36mmCentrifugal5HP receiver?HP liquid receiver (a cylindrical vessel): vessel diameter (mm)R401C2 in 50mmHP liquid receiver (a cylindrical vessel): length (mm)R402AIntercooler?1LP receiver / surge drum?1HP liquid receiver: orientation (horizontal or vertical)R402BYes2Yes2Orientation HP?Do you know the depth of liquid in the liquid receiver?R403ANo3No3Depth known?Enter the approximate depth of liquid refrigerant in mmR403BDo you have a low pressure receiver or surge drum?R406ALP receiver / surge drum?LP receiver/drum: diameter (mm)R407ALP receiver/drum: length (mm)R407BLP receiver/drum: orientation (horizontal or vertical)R409AOrientation IC?1Orientation LP/SD?1Orientation HP?1Orientation LP/SD?Do you know the depth of liquid in the liquid receiver?R411BHorizontal2Horizontal2Horizontal2Depth known?Enter the approximate depth of liquid refrigerant in mmR423AVertical3Vertical3Vertical3To Clear all system 1 data entered so far, press this buttonR413AOnce you have entered data for each system, press this button to see the resultsR417ASYSTEM 2 DETAILSR422AkW cooling known?System name (user defined name)YesRefrigerant (choose from drop down list)NoSelect refrigerantTemperature of main cooling load in degrees celcius e.g. -20oCSelect refrigerant1Do you know the size of the system in terms of kW cooling duty?R134AHermetically sealed?kW cooling known?Please state the kW cooling duty of the systemR22YesInstead of cooling duty, enter compressor motor power in kWR404ANoDepth known?Type of evaporator (choose from drop down list)R407CSelect diameterSelect evaporator1YesSelect evaporatorType of shell and tube cooler (choose from list)R408A1/4 in 6mmFinned air cooler2Select if shell & Tube cooler1NoSelect if shell & tube coolerType of condenser (choose from drop down list)R410A3/8 in 10mmShell and tube liquid cooler3DX shell and tube2Select condenser1Select condenserType of compressor (choose from drop down list)Ammonia1/2 in 12mmPlate liquid cooler4Flooded shell and tube3.0Air cooled2Select compressor1HP receiver?1Select compressorIs this a hermetically sealed system?R1235/8 in 15mmWater cooled shell and tube3Scroll2Yes2Hermetically sealed?Liquid line dimensions: diameter (mm)R152A3/4 in 18mmWater cooled plate4Reciprocating3No3Select diameterLiquid line dimensions: length (m)R401A1 in 25mmEvaporative5Screw4Do you have a high pressure liquid receiver?R401B1 1/2in 36mmCentrifugal5HP receiver?HP liquid receiver (a cylindrical vessel): vessel diameter (mm)R401C2 in 50mmHP liquid receiver (a cylindrical vessel): length (mm)R402AIntercooler?1LP receiver / surge drum?1HP liquid receiver: orientation (horizontal or vertical)R402BYes2Yes2Orientation HP?Do you know the depth of liquid in the liquid receiver?R403ANo3No3Depth known?Enter the approximate depth of liquid refrigerant in mmR403BDo you have a low pressure receiver or surge drum?R406ALP receiver / surge drum?LP receiver/drum: diameter (mm)R407ALP receiver/drum: length (mm)R407BLP receiver/drum: orientation (horizontal or vertical)R409AOrientation IC?1Orientation LP/SD?1Orientation HP?1Orientation LP/SD?Do you know the depth of liquid in the liquid receiver?R411BHorizontal2Horizontal2Horizontal2Depth known?Enter the approximate depth of liquid refrigerant in mmR423AVertical3Vertical3Vertical3To Clear all system 2 data entered so far, press this buttonR413AOnce you have entered data for each system, press this button to see the resultsR417ASYSTEM 3 DETAILS3kW cooling known?System name (user defined name)4YesRefrigerant (choose from drop down list)NoSelect refrigerantTemperature of main cooling load in degrees celcius e.g. -20oCSelect refrigerant1Do you know the size of the system in terms of kW cooling duty?R134AHermetically sealed?kW cooling known?Please state the kW cooling duty of the systemR22YesInstead of cooling duty, enter compressor motor power in kWR404ANoDepth known?Type of evaporator (choose from drop down list)R407CSelect diameterSelect evaporator1YesSelect evaporatorType of shell and tube cooler (choose from list)R408A1/4 in 6mmFinned air cooler2Select if shell & tube cooler1NoSelect if shell & tube coolerType of condenser (choose from drop down list)R410A3/8 in 10mmShell and tube liquid cooler3DX shell and tube2Select condenser1Select condenserType of compressor (choose from drop down list)Ammonia1/2 in 12mmPlate liquid cooler4Flooded shell and tube3.0Air cooled2Select compressor1HP receiver?1Select compressorIs this a hermetically sealed system?R1235/8 in 15mmWater cooled shell and tube3Scroll2Yes2Hermetically sealed?Liquid line dimensions: select nominal diameterR152A3/4 in 18mmWater cooled plate4Reciprocating3No3Select diameterLiquid line dimensions: length (m)R401A1 in 25mmEvaporative5Screw4Do you have a high pressure liquid receiver?R401B1 1/2in 36mmCentrifugal5HP receiver?HP liquid receiver (a cylindrical vessel): vessel diameter (mm)R401C2 in 50mmHP liquid receiver (a cylindrical vessel): length (mm)R402AIntercooler?1LP receiver / surge drum?1HP liquid receiver: orientation (horizontal or vertical)R402BYes2Yes2Orientation HP?Do you know the depth of liquid in the liquid receiver?R403ANo3No3Depth known?Enter the approximate depth of liquid refrigerant in mmR403BDo you have a low pressure receiver or surge drum?R406ALP receiver / surge drum?LP receiver/drum: diameter (mm)R407ALP receiver/drum: length (mm)R407BLP receiver/drum: orientation (horizontal or vertical)R409AOrientation IC?1Orientation LP/SD?1Orientation HP?1Orientation LP/SD?Do you know the depth of liquid in the liquid receiver?R411BHorizontal2Horizontal2Horizontal2Depth known?Enter the approximate depth of liquid refrigerant in mmR423AVertical3Vertical3Vertical3To Clear all system 3 data entered so far, press this buttonR413AOnce you have entered data for each system, press this button to see the resultsR417ASYSTEM 4 DETAILS3kW cooling known?System name (user defined name)4YesRefrigerant (choose from drop down list)NoSelect refrigerantTemperature of main cooling load in degrees celcius e.g. -20oCSelect refrigerant1Do you know the size of the system in terms of kW cooling duty?R134AHermetically sealed?kW cooling known?Please state the kW cooling duty of the systemR22YesInstead of cooling duty, enter compressor motor power in kWR404ANoDepth known?Type of evaporator (choose from drop down list)R407CSelect diameterSelect evaporator1YesSelect evaporatorType of shell and tube cooler (choose from list)R408A1/4 in 6mmFinned air cooler2Select if shell & tube cooler1NoSelect if shell & tube coolerType of condenser (choose from drop down list)R410A3/8 in 10mmShell and tube liquid cooler3DX shell and tube2Select condenser1Select condenserType of compressor (choose from drop down list)Ammonia1/2 in 12mmPlate liquid cooler4Flooded shell and tube3.0Air cooled2Select compressor1HP receiver?1Select compressorIs this a hermetically sealed system?R1235/8 in 15mmWater cooled shell and tube3Scroll2Yes2Hermetically sealed?Liquid line dimensions: select nominal diameterR152A3/4 in 18mmWater cooled plate4Reciprocating3No3Select diameterLiquid line dimensions: length (m)R401A1 in 25mmEvaporative5Screw4Do you have a high pressure liquid receiver?R401B1 1/2in 36mmCentrifugal5HP receiver?HP liquid receiver (a cylindrical vessel): vessel diameter (mm)R401C2 in 50mmHP liquid receiver (a cylindrical vessel): length (mm)R402AIntercooler?1LP receiver / surge drum?1HP liquid receiver: orientation (horizontal or vertical)R402BYes2Yes2Orientation HP?Do you know the depth of liquid in the liquid receiver?R403ANo3No3Depth known?Enter the approximate depth of liquid refrigerant in mmR403BDo you have a low pressure receiver or surge drum?R406ALP receiver / surge drum?LP receiver/drum: diameter (mm)R407ALP receiver/drum: length (mm)R407BLP receiver/drum: orientation (horizontal or vertical)R409AOrientation IC?1Orientation LP/SD?1Orientation HP?1Orientation LP/SD?Do you know the depth of liquid in the liquid receiver?R411BHorizontal2Horizontal2Horizontal2Depth known?Enter the approximate depth of liquid refrigerant in mmR423AVertical3Vertical3Vertical3To Clear all system 4 data entered so far, press this buttonR413AOnce you have entered data for each system, press this button to see the resultsR417A

Charge calculationClear system 1 dataClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClear system 2 dataCharge calculationCharge calculationClear system 3 dataClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpCharge calculationClear system 4 dataClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpClick for helpCharge calculation

Charge ResultsREFRIGERANT CHARGE CALCULATORRESULTSSYSTEMS TO SHOWTable 1: Charge CalculationsNote - a high and a low refrigerant estimate is calculated for each systemAmount of refrigerant in system (kg)TOTAL (kg)Refrigerant split (kg)2System numberSystem NameEvaporatorCondenserCompressorLiquid lineVesselsSystem charge high & low estimateHFC chargeHCFC chargeOtherHermeticSystem 1 high estimate00.0 kg0.0 kg0.0 kg0.0 kg0.0 kg0.0 kg0.0 kg0.0 kg0.0 kgHermetically sealed?System 1 low estimate00.0 kg0.0 kg0.0 kg0.0 kg0.0 kg0.0 kg0.0 kg0.0 kg0.0 kgHermetically sealed?System 2 high estimate00.0 kg0.0 kg0.0 kg0.0 kg0.0 kg0.0 kg0.0 kg0.0 kg0.0 kgHermetically sealed?System 2 low estimate00.0 kg0.0 kg0.0 kg0.0 kg0.0 kg0.0 kg0.0 kg0.0 kg0.0 kgHermetically sealed?System 3 high estimate00.0 kg0.0 kg0.0 kg0.0 kg0.0 kg0.0 kg0.0 kg0.0 kg0.0 kgHermetically sealed?System 3 low estimate00.0 kg0.0 kg0.0 kg0.0 kg0.0 kg0.0 kg0.0 kg0.0 kg0.0 kgHermetically sealed?System 4 high estimate00.0 kg0.0 kg0.0 kg0.0 kg0.0 kg0.0 kg0.0 kg0.0 kg0.0 kgHermetically sealed?System 4 low estimate00.0 kg0.0 kg0.0 kg0.0 kg0.0 kg0.0 kg0.0 kg0.0 kg0.0 kgHermetically sealed?Table 2: Regulatory StatusNote - status is given seperately for the high and low estimate for each systemSystem number and estimateSystem nameRefrigerant nameRefrigerant typeGuidance statement on F-gas regulation and on the Ozone Regulation if relevantSystem 1 high estimate0Select refrigerant000.0System 1 low estimate0Select refrigerant000.0System 2 high estimate0Select refrigerant000.0System 2 low estimate0Select refrigerant000.0System 3 high estimate0Select refrigerant000.0System 3 low estimate0Select refrigerant000.0System 4 high estimate0Select refrigerant000.0System 4 low estimate0Select refrigerant000.0Kg refrigGuidanceHFCs0F-GAS REGULATION. This plant does not contain any HFCs, so does not need to comply with any aspect of the F-Gas Regulation3 300F-GAS REGULATION. This plant contains >300 kg of HFC refrigerant. You need to comply with all obligations listed below. In particular you must carry out leak tests on a quarterly basis and you must keep appropriate records. You must also fit a permanent automatic leak detection system. Press the F-gas guidance button above for more informationNo HCFCs0 HCFCsOZONE REGULATION. This plant does not contain any HCFCs, so it does not need to comply with any aspect of the Ozone Regulation.HCFCs & HFC3 HCFCsOZONE REGULATION. In addition to HFCs, the refrigerant blend used in this plant also contains HCFCs. This plant contains more than 3 kg of HCFC refrigerant and requires annual leak checking under the Ozone Regulation. HCFCs will be phased out between the end of 2009 and 2014 you may need to consider replacing the refrigerant used in this plant. Press the HCFC guidance button for more informationHCFC only3 HCFCsOZONE REGULATION. This plant contains more than 3 kg of HCFC refrigerant and requires annual leak checking under the Ozone Regulation. HCFCs will be phased out between the end of 2009 and 2014 you may need to consider replacing the refrigerant used in this plant. Press the HCFC guidance button for more informationREFRIGERANT TYPE LOOK UP TABLERefrigR134APure HFCCommonR22Pure HCFCR404ABlend of HFCsCommonR407CBlend of HFCsCommonR408ABlend of HFCs and HCFCsCommonR409ABlend of HFCs and HCFCsCommonR410ABlend of HFCsCommonR402ABlend of HFCs and HCFCsPossibleR402BBlend of HFCs and HCFCsPossibleR507Blend of HFCsPossibleR152APure HFCPossibleR401ABlend of HFCs and HCFCsPossibleR401BBlend of HFCs and HCFCsPossibleR401CBlend of HFCs and HCFCsPossibleR406ABlend of HFCs and HCFCsPossibleR407ABlend of HFCsPossibleR407BBlend of HFCsPossibleR410BBlend of HFCsPossibleR508ABlend of HFCsPossibleR508BBlend of HFCsPossibleAmmoniaAmmonia (no HFCs or HCFCs)R123Pure HCFCR403ABlend of HFC, HCFC & OtherR403BBlend of HFC, HCFC & OtherR411BBlend of HFC, HCFC & OtherR413ABlend of HFC, HCFC & OtherR416AR417ABlend of HFCs and HCsR422ABlend of HFCs and HCsR423APure HFCR23Pure HFCUnusual


F Gas GuidanceREFRIGERANT CHARGE CALCULATOREU F-Gas Regulation - Summary Guidance for Refrigeration SystemsThe Guidance below is a brief summary of key aspects of the F-Gas Regulation. For more detailed advice refer to:a) Defra Guidance: EC Regulation No 842/2006 on certain fluorinated greenhouse gases available from Supplementary Guidance for Refrigeration, Air-conditioning and Heat Pump Users available from

DETAILS OF THE OBLIGATIONS IN THE NEW REGULATIONThe obligations in the new Regulation for stationary refrigeration plants with more than 3 kg of HFC refrigerant come into force on July 4th 2007 and are as follows:

a) General obligation to prevent leakage. Using all measures which are technically feasible and do not entail disproportionate cost operators must: (a) prevent leakage of HFC refrigerants and (b) as soon as possible repair any detected leakage.

b) Regular Leak Testing. Plants must be checked for leakage by certified personnel on a regular basis. Checked for leakage means that the equipment or system is examined for leakage using direct or indirect measuring methods, focusing on those parts of the equipment or system most likely to leak. The frequency of testing depends on refrigerant charge: Plants with 3 kg to 30 kg must be checked annually. Plants with 30 kg to 300 kg must be checked once every 6 months. Plants with more than 300 kg must be tested once every 3 months.Plants must be rechecked within one month after a leak has been repaired to ensure that the repair has been effective.Plants with more than 300 kg must be fitted with a leakage detection system, which is defined as: a calibrated mechanical, electrical or electronic device for detecting leakage of refrigerants which, on detection, alerts the operator. The detection system must be checked at least once a year to ensure proper functioning.For any plant fitted with a leakage detection system, the frequency of leak checking can be halved, although an annual check remains the minimum frequency.

c) Maintaining Records. Records must be kept about each system with more than 3 kg of HFC refrigerant. The records must include: The quantity and type of HFC refrigerants installed in each system Any quantities of refrigerant added The quantity of refrigerant recovered during servicing, maintenance and final disposal. Other relevant information including the identification of the company or technician who performed the servicing or maintenance, as well as the dates and results of leakage checks and leakage detection system checks. These records shall be made available on request to the competent authority and to the Commission.

d) Gas Recovery. If refrigerant needs to be removed from a system (e.g. to gain access to part of a system for maintenance or during system decommissioning at the end of life) it must be properly recovered by certified personnel. After recovery the refrigerant can be reused or sent for reclamation or destruction.

e) Use of Adequately qualified staff. Personnel carrying out leak testing, gas recovery, installation and maintenance must have a suitable refrigerant handling qualification.

f) Labelling. Any new system placed on the market must be fitted with a label clearly stating the type and quantity of HFC refrigerant used.

Stationary HFC refrigeration systems with less than 3 kg of refrigerant and mobile systems (e.g. car air-conditioning and transport refrigeration) do not need to comply with (b) and (c) above. However, all the other items i.e. (a), (d), (e) and (f) apply to all types of HFC refrigeration system.HERMETICALLY SEALED SYSTEMS

Definition of a hermetically sealed system"In a hermetically sealed system all refrigerant containing parts are made tight by welding, brazing or a similar permanent connection which may include capped valves and capped service ports that allow proper repair or disposal and which have a tested leakage rate of less than 3 grams per year under a pressure of at least a quarter of the maximum allowable pressure".

Details of the Obligations in the New RegulationThe guidance for hermetically sealed systems is the same as above, except for the following points:

b) Regular Leak Testing. The frequency of testing a hermetically sealed system depends on refrigerant charge: Hermetically sealed systems with 3 kg to 6 kg of HFC refrigerant are exempt from the obligation to carry out regular leak tests. Systems with 6 kg to 30 kg must be checked annually. Systems with 30 kg to 300 kg must be checked once every 6 months. Systems with more than 300 kg must be tested once every 3 months.Systems must be rechecked within one month after a leak has been repaired to ensure that the repair has been effective.Systems with more than 300 kg must be fitted with a leakage detection system, which is defined as: a calibrated mechanical, electrical or electronic device for detecting leakage of refrigerants which, on detection, alerts the operator. The detection system must be checked at least once a year to ensure proper functioning.For any plant fitted with a leakage detection system, the frequency of leak checking can be halved, although an annual check remains the minimum frequency.

Rule of thumbSmall hermetic systems fitted with a domestic 240 Volt 13 Amp plug will be well below the 6 kg limit. This is a very important rule as it applies to millions of small systems. All domestic refrigerators and freezers fall into this category. So do many systems used in small shops (e.g. ice cream display cabinets, bottle coolers, small chilled or frozen food cabinets etc,) in pubs / restaurants (e.g. in-line drink coolers, ice makers etc.), in offices (e.g. vending machines) and in other types of building.Click here to return to results pageClick here to return to data entry pageClick here to return to results pageClick here to return to data entry page

HCFC GuidanceREFRIGERANT CHARGE CALCULATOREU Ozone Regulation - Summary Guidance for Refrigeration SystemsThe Guidance below is a brief summary of key aspects of the Ozone Regulation. For more detailed advice refer to:a) Guidance on new EC Regulation No 2037/2000 on substances that deplete the ozone layer available from Refrigeration and air conditioning: CFC and HCFC phase out - advice on alternatives and guidelines - also available from the same DTI website


For operators of refrigeration and air-conditioning systems, there are two key clauses that are already in effect. These are:a) The use of CFCs for plant maintenance was banned in 2000. Effectively this meant that all industrial plant using CFCs had to be replaced by the end of 2000b) The use of HCFCs (including R22) in new refrigeration systems was banned between 2000 and 2004 (the exact date was dependant on the type of application - most systems were affected by 2001). This means that most R22 refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment currently in use is at least 5 years old.

Five further clauses in the Regulation affect the use of existing HCFC systems. These are:c) Use of virgin HCFCs for maintenance will be banned from December 31st 2009. d) The quantity of virgin HCFCs that can be sold in the EU is restricted. For example, in 2008 the amount available for sale will only be 25% of that available in 2001. e) Use of recycled HCFCs for maintenance will be banned from December 31st 2014. This date is subject to a review to be completed in 2008. This means that recycled HCFCs may be phased out earlier than the end of 2014.f) Operators of HCFC refrigeration systems must take all precautionary measures practicable to prevent leakages. Any system containing more than 3 kg of HCFC refrigerant must be checked annually for leakage, by suitably qualified personnel. Any HCFC refrigerant removed from a system during maintenance or at end of life must be properly recovered for re-use, recycling or destruction.

Recommendations to users of R22 and Other HCFCs1. Start planning for HCFC Phase Out now. This will ensure you have time to consider the most appropriate options and will enable you to minimise the cost implications. It will also give you time to properly budget for any investments required. 2. Ensure you are complying with the leakage and recovery obligations (see (f) above).Click here to return to results pageClick here to return to data entry page

RG CalcsSystem 1System 2System 3System 4INPUT DATACATEGORYUNITDATA ENTERED / SELECTEDINPUT DATACATEGORYUNITDATA ENTERED / SELECTEDINPUT DATACATEGORYUNITDATA ENTERED / SELECTEDINPUT DATACATEGORYUNITDATA ENTERED / SELECTEDRefrigerantSelect refrigerantRefrigerantSelect refrigerantRefrigerantSelect refrigerantRefrigerantSelect refrigerantApplication TypeNAApplication TypeNAApplication TypeNAApplication TypeNACooling Tempdeg C0Cooling Tempdeg C0Cooling Tempdeg C0Cooling Tempdeg C0Duty Yes/NokW cooling known?Duty Yes/NokW cooling known?Duty Yes/NokW cooling known?Duty Yes/NokW cooling known?DutykW0DutykW0DutykW0DutykW0PowerkW0PowerkW0PowerkW0PowerkW0Evaporator TypeSelect evaporatorEvaporator TypeSelect evaporatorEvaporator TypeSelect evaporatorEvaporator TypeSelect evaporatorS&T Evap TypeSelect if shell & tube coolerS&T Evap TypeSelect if shell & tube coolerS&T Evap TypeSelect if shell & tube coolerS&T Evap TypeSelect if shell & tube coolerCondenser TypeSelect condenserCondenser TypeSelect condenserCondenser TypeSelect condenserCondenser TypeSelect condenserCompressor TypeSelect compressorCompressor TypeSelect compressorCompressor TypeSelect compressorCompressor TypeSelect compressorHermetically sealed?Hermetically sealed?Hermetically sealed?Hermetically sealed?Hermetically sealed?Hermetically sealed?Hermetically sealed?Hermetically sealed?Liquid line diametermm0Liquid line diametermm0Liquid line diametermm0Liquid line diametermm0Liquid line lengthmm0Liquid line lengthmm0Liquid line lengthmm0Liquid line lengthmm0HP Vessel Yes/NoHP receiver?HP Vessel Yes/NoHP receiver?HP Vessel Yes/NoHP receiver?HP Vessel Yes/NoHP receiver?HP Diametermm0HP Diametermm0HP Diametermm0HP Diametermm0HP Lengthmm0HP Lengthmm0HP Lengthmm0HP Lengthmm0HP OrientationOrientation HP?HP OrientationOrientation HP?HP OrientationOrientation HP?HP OrientationOrientation HP?HP Depth known?Depth known?HP Depth known?Depth known?HP Depth known?Depth known?HP Depth known?Depth known?HP Liquid Depthmm0HP Liquid Depthmm0HP Liquid Depthmm0HP Liquid Depthmm0LP Vessel Yes/NoLP receiver / surge drum?LP Vessel Yes/NoLP receiver / surge drum?LP Vessel Yes/NoLP receiver / surge drum?LP Vessel Yes/NoLP receiver / surge drum?LP Diametermm0LP Diametermm0LP Diametermm0LP Diametermm0LP Lengthmm0LP Lengthmm0LP Lengthmm0LP Lengthmm0LP OrientationOrientation LP/SD?LP OrientationOrientation LP/SD?LP OrientationOrientation LP/SD?LP OrientationOrientation LP/SD?LP Depth knownDepth known?LP Depth knownDepth known?LP Depth knownDepth known?LP Depth knownDepth known?LP Liquid Depthmm0LP Liquid Depthmm0LP Liquid Depthmm0LP Liquid Depthmm0IP Vessel Yes/NoNOIntercooler deleted from sheetIP Vessel Yes/NoNOIntercooler deleted from sheetIP Vessel Yes/NoNOIntercooler deleted from sheetIP Vessel Yes/NoNOIntercooler deleted from sheetIP Diametermm00IP Diametermm00IP Diametermm00IP Diametermm00IP Lengthmm0IP Lengthmm0IP Lengthmm0IP Lengthmm0IP Orientation0IP Orientation0IP Orientation0IP Orientation0IP Depth known0IP Depth known0IP Depth known0IP Depth known0IP Liquid Depthmm0IP Liquid Depthmm0IP Liquid Depthmm0IP Liquid Depthmm0NB "IP vessel" = Intermediate pressure vessel = IntercoolerNB "IP vessel" = Intermediate pressure vessel = IntercoolerNB "IP vessel" = Intermediate pressure vessel = IntercoolerNB "IP vessel" = Intermediate pressure vessel = IntercoolerDensity CalculationDensity CalculationDensity CalculationDensity CalculationHP densityLook up refrigerant at 30 deg C0.0HP densityLook up refrigerant at 30 deg C0.0HP densityLook up refrigerant at 30 deg C0.0HP densityLook up refrigerant at 30 deg C0.0Use this value for Liquid line and HP vesselUse this value for Liquid line and HP vesselUse this value for Liquid line and HP vesselUse this value for Liquid line and HP vesselLP densityLook up refrigerant density at -300.0LP densityLook up refrigerant density at -300.0LP densityLook up refrigerant density at -300.0LP densityLook up refrigerant density at -300.0Look up refrigerant density at 00.0Look up refrigerant density at 00.0Look up refrigerant density at 00.0Look up refrigerant density at 00.0Interpolate using Cooling temp0.0Interpolate using Cooling temp0.0Interpolate using Cooling temp0.0Interpolate using Cooling temp0.0Use this value for LP and IP vesselsUse this value for LP and IP vesselsUse this value for LP and IP vesselsUse this value for LP and IP vesselsLiquid line and vesselsLiquid line and vesselsLiquid line and vesselsLiquid line and vesselsLiquid lineVolume (completely full of liquid)0m3Liquid lineVolume (completely full of liquid)0m3Liquid lineVolume (completely full of liquid)0m3Liquid lineVolume (completely full of liquid)0m3Mass = vol * densityLiquid line mass0.00kgDepth of vertical HP vessel (mm)0Mass = vol * densityLiquid line mass0.00kgDepth of vertical HP vessel (mm)0Mass = vol * densityLiquid line mass0.00kgDepth of vertical HP vessel (mm)0Mass = vol * densityLiquid line mass0.00kgDepth of vertical HP vessel (mm)0Depth of liquid in vert HP vessel (mm)0Depth of liquid in vert HP vessel (mm)0Depth of liquid in vert HP vessel (mm)0Depth of liquid in vert HP vessel (mm)0HP VesselVertical vessel (30% of height is liquid)Volume0m3Depth of refrigerant in vertical vessel (%)30%HP VesselVertical vessel (30% of height is liquid)Volume0m3Depth of refrigerant in vertical vessel (%)30%HP VesselVertical vessel (30% of height is liquid)Volume0m3Depth of refrigerant in vertical vessel (%)30%HP VesselVertical vessel (30% of height is liquid)Volume0m3Depth of refrigerant in vertical vessel (%)30%Mass0.00kgMass0.00kgMass0.00kgMass0.00kgDepth of liquid in horizontal vessel (mm)0Depth of liquid in horizontal vessel (mm)0Depth of liquid in horizontal vessel (mm)0Depth of liquid in horizontal vessel (mm)0Horizontal vessel (30% of diameter is liquid)Volume0m3Radius of horizontal vessel (mm)0Horizontal vessel (30% of diameter is liquid)Volume0m3Radius of horizontal vessel (mm)0Horizontal vessel (30% of diameter is liquid)Volume0m3Radius of horizontal vessel (mm)0Horizontal vessel (30% of diameter is liquid)Volume0m3Radius of horizontal vessel (mm)0Mass0.00kgDepth of refrigerant in horizontal vessel (% of height)30%Mass0.00kgDepth of refrigerant in horizontal vessel (% of height)30%Mass0.00kgDepth of refrigerant in horizontal vessel (% of height)30%Mass0.00kgDepth of refrigerant in horizontal vessel (% of height)30%Depth of refrigerant in horizontal vessel (mm)0Depth of refrigerant in horizontal vessel (mm)0Depth of refrigerant in horizontal vessel (mm)0Depth of refrigerant in horizontal vessel (mm)0If test to select which orientation is applicableHP Vessel Mass0.00kgArea of horizontal vessel (mm2)0If test to select which orientation is applicableHP Vessel Mass0.00kgArea of horizontal vessel (mm2)0If test to select which orientation is applicableHP Vessel Mass0.00kgArea of horizontal vessel (mm2)0If test to select which orientation is applicableHP Vessel Mass0.00kgArea of horizontal vessel (mm2)000000. of refrigerant in horizontal vessel (mm2)0Area of refrigerant in horizontal vessel (mm2)0Area of refrigerant in horizontal vessel (mm2)0Area of refrigerant in horizontal vessel (mm2)0Depth of vertical LP vessel (mm)0Depth of vertical LP vessel (mm)0Depth of vertical LP vessel (mm)0Depth of vertical LP vessel (mm)0Depth of liquid in vert LP vessel (mm)0Depth of liquid in vert LP vessel (mm)0Depth of liquid in vert LP vessel (mm)0Depth of liquid in vert LP vessel (mm)0LP VesselVertical vessel (30% of height is liquid)Volume0m3Depth of refrigerant in vertical vessel (%)30%LP VesselVertical vessel (30% of height is liquid)Volume0m3Depth of refrigerant in vertical vessel (%)30%LP VesselVertical vessel (30% of height is liquid)Volume0m3Depth of refrigerant in vertical vessel (%)30%LP VesselVertical vessel (30% of height is liquid)Volume0m3Depth of refrigerant in vertical vessel (%)30%Mass0.00kgMass0.00kgMass0.00kgMass0.00kgDepth of liquid in horizontal vessel (mm)0Depth of liquid in horizontal vessel (mm)0Depth of liquid in horizontal vessel (mm)0Depth of liquid in horizontal vessel (mm)0Horizontal vessel (30% of diameter is liquid)Volume0m3Radius of horizontal vessel (mm)0Horizontal vessel (30% of diameter is liquid)Volume0m3Radius of horizontal vessel (mm)0Horizontal vessel (30% of diameter is liquid)Volume0m3Radius of horizontal vessel (mm)0Horizontal vessel (30% of diameter is liquid)Volume0m3Radius of horizontal vessel (mm)0Mass0.00kgDepth of refrigerant in horizontal vessel (% of height)30%Mass0.00kgDepth of refrigerant in horizontal vessel (% of height)30%Mass0.00kgDepth of refrigerant in horizontal vessel (% of height)30%Mass0.00kgDepth of refrigerant in horizontal vessel (% of height)30%Depth of refrigerant in horizontal vessel (mm)0Depth of refrigerant in horizontal vessel (mm)0Depth of refrigerant in horizontal vessel (mm)0Depth of refrigerant in horizontal vessel (mm)0If test to select which orientation is applicableLP Vessel Mass0.00kgArea of horizontal vessel (mm2)0If test to select which orientation is applicableLP Vessel Mass0.00kgArea of horizontal vessel (mm2)0If test to select which orientation is applicableLP Vessel Mass0.00kgArea of horizontal vessel (mm2)0If test to select which orientation is applicableLP Vessel Mass0.00kgArea of horizontal vessel (mm2)000000. of refrigerant in horizontal vessel (mm2)0Area of refrigerant in horizontal vessel (mm2)0Area of refrigerant in horizontal vessel (mm2)0Area of refrigerant in horizontal vessel (mm2)0Depth of vertical IP vessel (mm)0Depth of vertical IP vessel (mm)0Depth of vertical IP vessel (mm)0Depth of vertical IP vessel (mm)0Depth of liquid in vert IP vessel (mm)0Depth of liquid in vert IP vessel (mm)0Depth of liquid in vert IP vessel (mm)0Depth of liquid in vert IP vessel (mm)0IP VesselVertical vessel (30% of height is liquid)Volume0m3Depth of refrigerant in vertical vessel (%)0%IP VesselVertical vessel (30% of height is liquid)Volume0m3Depth of refrigerant in vertical vessel (%)0%IP VesselVertical vessel (30% of height is liquid)Volume0m3Depth of refrigerant in vertical vessel (%)0%IP VesselVertical vessel (30% of height is liquid)Volume0m3Depth of refrigerant in vertical vessel (%)0%Mass0.00kgMass0.00kgMass0.00kgMass0.00kgDepth of liquid in horizontal vessel (mm)0Depth of liquid in horizontal vessel (mm)0Depth of liquid in horizontal vessel (mm)0Depth of liquid in horizontal vessel (mm)0Horizontal vessel (30% of diameter is liquid)Volume0m3Radius of horizontal vessel (mm)0Horizontal vessel (30% of diameter is liquid)Volume0m3Radius of horizontal vessel (mm)0Horizontal vessel (30% of diameter is liquid)Volume0m3Radius of horizontal vessel (mm)0Horizontal vessel (30% of diameter is liquid)Volume0m3Radius of horizontal vessel (mm)0Mass0.00kgDepth of refrigerant in horizontal vessel (% of height)0%Mass0.00kgDepth of refrigerant in horizontal vessel (% of height)0%Mass0.00kgDepth of refrigerant in horizontal vessel (% of height)0%Mass0.00kgDepth of refrigerant in horizontal vessel (% of height)0%Depth of refrigerant in horizontal vessel (mm)0Depth of refrigerant in horizontal vessel (mm)0Depth of refrigerant in horizontal vessel (mm)0Depth of refrigerant in horizontal vessel (mm)0If test to select which orientation is applicableIP Vessel Mass0.00kgArea of horizontal vessel (mm2)0If test to select which orientation is applicableIP Vessel Mass0.00kgArea of horizontal vessel (mm2)0If test to select which orientation is applicableIP Vessel Mass0.00kgArea of horizontal vessel (mm2)0If test to select which orientation is applicableIP Vessel Mass0.00kgArea of horizontal vessel (mm2)0Made this equal to zero as Intercooler now deleted from sheetMade equal to zero as Intercooler now deleted from sheetMade this equal to zero as Intercooler now deleted from sheetMade this equal to zero as Intercooler now deleted from sheet00000. of refrigerant in horizontal vessel (mm2)0Area of refrigerant in horizontal vessel (mm2)0Area of refrigerant in horizontal vessel (mm2)0Area of refrigerant in horizontal vessel (mm2)0If test for each vessel typeHP0If test for each vessel typeHP0If test for each vessel typeHP0If test for each vessel typeHP0LP0LP0LP0LP0IP0IP0IP0IP0Total vessels0.0kgTotal vessels0.0kgTotal vessels0.0kgTotal vessels0.0kgEvaporator chargeEvaporator chargeEvaporator chargeEvaporator chargeEvaporator charge optionsEvaporator charge optionsEvaporator charge optionsEvaporator charge optionsEvaporator typeSelect evaporatorEvaporator typeSelect evaporatorEvaporator typeSelect evaporatorEvaporator typeSelect evaporatorIf test for S&TSelect evaporatorIf test for S&TSelect evaporatorIf test for S&TSelect evaporatorIf test for S&TSelect evaporatorCooling Temp0LOW estimateHIGH estimateCooling Temp0LOW estimateHIGH estimateCooling Temp0LOW estimateHIGH estimateCooling Temp0LOW estimateHIGH estimateDuty yes/nokW cooling known?Finned air cooler0.20.35kg/kWDuty yes/nokW cooling known?Finned air cooler0.20.35kg/kWDuty yes/nokW cooling known?Finned air cooler0.20.35kg/kWDuty yes/nokW cooling known?Finned air cooler0.20.35kg/kWDuty kW0Shell and tube liquid coolerDuty kW0Shell and tube liquid coolerDuty kW0Shell and tube liquid coolerDuty kW0Shell and tube liquid coolerPower kW0DX shell and tube0.150.25kg/kWPower kW0DX shell and tube0.150.25kg/kWPower kW0DX shell and tube0.150.25kg/kWPower kW0DX shell and tube0.150.25kg/kWApprox COP3.5Calculated from Carnot COP at Cooling tempFlooded shell and tube0.40.7kg/kWApprox COP3.5Calculated from Carnot COP at Cooling tempFlooded shell and tube0.40.7kg/kWApprox COP3.5Calculated from Carnot COP at Cooling tempFlooded shell and tube0.40.7kg/kWApprox COP3.5Calculated from Carnot COP at Cooling tempFlooded shell and tube0.40.7kg/kWIf test for duty0.0Either duty or duty * COPPlate liquid cooler0.30.5kg/kWIf test for duty0.0Either duty or duty * COPPlate liquid cooler0.30.5kg/kWIf test for duty0.0Either duty or duty * COPPlate liquid cooler0.30.5kg/kWIf test for duty0.0Either duty or duty * COPPlate liquid cooler0.30.5kg/kW(high) If test for kg/kWnot found(high) If test for kg/kWnot found(high) If test for kg/kWnot found(high) If test for kg/kWnot found(low) If test for kg/kWnot found(low) If test for kg/kWnot found(low) If test for kg/kWnot found(low) If test for kg/kWnot foundLOWHIGHLOWHIGHLOWHIGHLOWHIGHEvaporator mass0.00.0kgEvaporator mass00.0kgEvaporator mass0.00.0kgEvaporator mass0.00.0kgCondenser chargeCondenser chargeCondenser chargeCondenser chargeCondenser charge optionsCondenser charge optionsCondenser charge optionsCondenser charge optionsCondenser typeSelect condenserLOW estimateHIGH estimateCondenser typeSelect condenserLOW estimateHIGH estimateCondenser typeSelect condenserLOW estimateHIGH estimateCondenser typeSelect condenserLOW estimateHIGH estimateCondenser duty0.0Evap duty + motor powerAir cooled0.10.17kg/kWCondenser duty0.0Evap duty + motor powerAir cooled0.10.17kg/kWCondenser duty0.0Evap duty + motor powerAir cooled0.10.17kg/kWCondenser duty0.0Evap duty + motor powerAir cooled0.10.17kg/kW(high) If test for kg/kWnot foundWater cooled shell and tube0.150.25kg/kW(high) If test for kg/kWnot foundWater cooled shell and tube0.150.25kg/kW(high) If test for kg/kWnot foundWater cooled shell and tube0.150.25kg/kW(high) If test for kg/kWnot foundWater cooled shell and tube0.150.25kg/kW(low) If test for kg/kWnot foundWater cooled plate0.150.25kg/kW(low) If test for kg/kWnot foundWater cooled plate0.150.25kg/kW(low) If test for kg/kWnot foundWater cooled plate0.150.25kg/kW(low) If test for kg/kWnot foundWater cooled plate0.150.25kg/kWLOWHIGHEvaporative0.20.35kg/kWLOWHIGHEvaporative0.20.35kg/kWLOWHIGHEvaporative0.20.35kg/kWLOWHIGHEvaporative0.20.35kg/kWCondenser mass00.0kgCondenser mass00.0kgCondenser mass00.0kgCondenser mass00.0kgCompressor chargeCompressor chargeCompressor chargeCompressor chargeCompressor charge optionsCompressor charge optionsCompressor charge optionsCompressor charge optionsCompressor typeSelect compressorCompressor typeSelect compressorCompressor typeSelect compressorCompressor typeSelect compressorCompressor power0Evap duty / COPScroll0.02kg/kWCompressor power0Evap duty / COPScroll0.02kg/kWCompressor power0Evap duty / COPScroll0.02kg/kWCompressor power0Evap duty / COPScroll0.02kg/kWIf test for kg/kWnot foundReciprocating0.05kg/kWIf test for kg/kWnot foundReciprocating0.05kg/kWIf test for kg/kWnot foundReciprocating0.05kg/kWIf test for kg/kWnot foundReciprocating0.05kg/kWCompressor mass0kgScrew0.075kg/kWCompressor mass0kgScrew0.075kg/kWCompressor mass0kgScrew0.075kg/kWCompressor mass0kgScrew0.075kg/kWCentrifugal0.01kg/kWCentrifugal0.01kg/kWCentrifugal0.01kg/kWCentrifugal0.01kg/kWCharge SummaryLow estimateHigh estimateCharge SummaryLOWHIGHCharge SummaryLow estimateHigh estimateCharge SummaryLow estimateHigh estimateEvaporator00.0Evaporator00.0Evaporator00.0Evaporator00.0Condenser00.0Condenser00.0Condenser00.0Condenser00.0Compressor0.00.0Compressor0.00.0Compressor0.00.0Compressor0.00.0Liquid line0.00.0Liquid line0.00.0Liquid line0.00.0Liquid line0.00.0Vessels0.00.0Vessels0.00.0Vessels0.00.0Vessels0.00.0Total0.00.0Total00.0Total0.00.0Total0.00.0Charge split %HFC0Charge split %HFC0Charge split %HFC0Charge split %HFC0HCFC0HCFC0HCFC0HCFC0Other0Other0Other0Other0LOWHIGHLOWHIGHLOWHIGHLOWHIGHCharge split kgHFC0.00.0Charge split kgHFC0.00.0Charge split kgHFC0.00.0Charge split kgHFC0.00.0HCFC0.00.0HCFC0.00.0HCFC0.00.0HCFC0.00.0Other0.00.0Other0.00.0Other0.00.0Other0.00.0Total0.00.0Total0.00.0Total0.00.0Total0.00.0

CalcsCALCULATION DATA TABLESREFRIG DENSITY LOOK UP TABLEDensity (dm3/kg) saturated liquidDensity (kg/m3) saturated liquid1Select Refrigerant-30oC0oC30oC-30oC0oC30oCHFCHCFCOther2R134A0.720.770.84138912951188100003R220.720.780.85138012851174010004R404A0.810.901.0512311115955100005R407C0.740.810.90134412331113100006R408A0.800.870.96125311561041534707R410A0.760.840.98131311901019100008Ammonia1.481.571.68678639595001009R1230.630.660.691592152414510100010R152A0.981.041.1310219588861000011R401A0.730.780.851366127711761387012R401B0.740.790.861351126311621189013R401C0.740.790.861351126311621585014R402A0.730.790.891379126411266038215R402B0.720.790.881389127311343860216R403A0.750.810.891341124011202075517R403B0.740.800.891353125111303956518R406A0.770.820.90129712141111096419R407A0.760.830.921316120810901000020R407B0.720.780.871389127511501000021R409A0.730.790.881370126411380100022R411B0.720.780.85138012851174594123R413A0.730.790.88136112591136970324R416A??25R417A0.740.800.89135212501129970326R422A0.750.810.90133712361116970327R423A0.670.720.801504139012551000028R5070.790.870.9812631155102210000

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