refreshing acute suppurative otitis media

Post on 18-Nov-2015






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Otitis Media Supuratif AkutDr. H. Edi Handoko, Sp. THT-KL (K)Durrotul Ikrimah0910710007Irsyad Robani Wihardi105070106111007


Otitis Media Supuratif AkutDhingra, P., 2007. Disease of Ear, Nose and Throat. In: Disorders of Middle Ear. 4th Edition ed. s.l.:Elsevier, pp. 61-73

EtiologiDhingra, P., 2007. Disease of Ear, Nose and Throat. In: Disorders of Middle Ear. 4th Edition ed. s.l.:Elsevier, pp. 61-73


Ramakrishnan, K., Sparks, R. A. & Berryhill, W. E., 2007. Diagnosis and Treatment of Otitis Media. American Academy of Family Physicians, Volume 76(Number 11), pp. 1651-1658.

Rute InfeksiDhingra, P., 2007. Disease of Ear, Nose and Throat. In: Disorders of Middle Ear. 4th Edition ed. s.l.:Elsevier, pp. 61-73

Faktor PredisposisiDhingra, P., 2007. Disease of Ear, Nose and Throat. In: Disorders of Middle Ear. 4th Edition ed. s.l.:Elsevier, pp. 61-73

PatofisiologiDhingra, P., 2007. Disease of Ear, Nose and Throat. In: Disorders of Middle Ear. 4th Edition ed. s.l.:Elsevier, pp. 61-73

Dhingra, P., 2007. Disease of Ear, Nose and Throat. In: Disorders of Middle Ear. 4th Edition ed. s.l.:Elsevier, pp. 61-73

Kriteria DiagnostikAmerican Academy of Pediatrics Subcommittee on Management of Acute Otitis Media. Diagnosis and management of acute otitis media. Pediatrics 2004;113:1451-65.

Differential Diagnosis

Ramakrishnan, K., Sparks, R. A. & Berryhill, W. E., 2007. Diagnosis and Treatment of Otitis Media. American Academy of Family Physicians, Volume 76(Number 11), pp. 1651-1658.

Pemeriksaan PenunjangPneumatic OtoscopyTympanometry

Ramakrishnan, K., Sparks, R. A. & Berryhill, W. E., 2007. Diagnosis and Treatment of Otitis Media. American Academy of Family Physicians, Volume 76(Number 11), pp. 1651-1658.

TatalaksanaAntibiotikDecongestant Nasal DropsOral Nasal DecongestantAnalgetik antipiretikEar toiletDry Local HeatMyringotomyDhingra, P., 2007. Disease of Ear, Nose and Throat. In: Disorders of Middle Ear. 4th Edition ed. s.l.:Elsevier, pp. 61-73

Antibiotik hingga 10 hari

2. Ephedrine nose drops (1 % in adults and 0.5% in children)3. Pseudoephedrine (Sudafed) 30 mg twice daily or a combination of decongestant and antihistaminic (Triominic)7. (a) drum is bulging and there is acute pain, (b) there is an incomplete resolution despite antibiotics when drum remains full with persistent conductive deafness, (C) there is persistent effusion beyond 12 weeks.


KomplikasiDhingra, P., 2007. Disease of Ear, Nose and Throat. In: Disorders of Middle Ear. 4th Edition ed. s.l.:Elsevier, pp. 61-73

PrognosisBradley-Stevenson C, O'Neill P, Roberts T. Otitis mediain children (acute). BMJ Clin Evid 2007;12:301.


Dhingra, P., 2007. Disease of Ear, Nose and Throat. In: Disorders of Middle Ear. 4th Edition ed. s.l.:Elsevier, pp. 61-73


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