references and maps for hydrology section of hydrology ... · collection of information. including...

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References and Maps for Hydrology Section ofHydrology, Biology, and Noise Calculation Package for


Portions of Corridors/Routes Passingover Designated Groundwater Basins

I I~

Enclosure 3

Dig-itized Maps of-N~evada Hydrographic Areas(from UJSGS) Overlain :with Heavy-Haul Routes

These Maps accompany the section of the Hydrology, Biology,and Noise Calcu-lati~on Package called:

Portions of Corrdr/outes Passing overDesignated Groundwater Basins

- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -7

References for Hydrology Section of Hydrology,Biology, and Noise Calculation Package for


Portions of Corridors/Routes Passing overDesignated Groundwater Basins

Calculation Package References

The calculation package for "Portions of Corridors/Routes Passing Over DesignatedGroundwater Basins" (March 15, 1999), cites the following reference as a typical sourcefor the map of the State of Nevada's hydrographic areas:

Bauer et al. 1996, Water Resources Data, Nevada Water Year 1995, WDRNV-95-1, U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Department of the Interior, Carson City, Nevada.

Attached are the cover page and the Report Documentation Page from this referencefollowed by the specific pages cited in the calculation package.


. ;,._: . " "''I, �,

Water Resources DataNevadaWater Year 1995

U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WATER-DATA REPORT NV-95-1Prepared in cooperation with the State of Nevadaand with other agencies


Public raporting burden for this collection of Information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, Including the time for revlewing Instructlons, searching exsttng data sources.gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of Intormation. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of thiscollection of information. Including sugOesUons for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services. Directorate for Infornattlon Operations and Reports, 1215 JeffersonDavis Highway. Suite 1204, Arlington, VA 22202-4302. and to the Office of Management and Budget. Paperwork Reduction Project (0704-0188). Washington. DC 20503.


I July 31, 1996 Annual--October 1, 1994 to September 30, 19954. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5. FUNDING NUMBERS

Water Resources Data--Nevada, Water Year 1995


David J. Bauer, Barbie J. Foster, Joseph D. Joyner and Robert A. Swanson


United States Geological Survey, Water Resources Division REPORT NUMBER

333 West Nye Lane, Room 205 USGS-WRD-NV-95-1Carson City, NV 89706


United States Geological Survey, Water Resources Division AGENCY REPORT NUMBER

333 West Nye Lane, Room 205 USGS/WRD/HD-96/40035Carson City, NV 89706


Prepared in cooperation with Federal, State and local agencies.


No restrictions on distribution. This report may be purchased from:

National Technical Information ServiceSpringfield, VA 22161

13. ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 words)

Water resources data published herein for the 1995 water year comprise the following records:

o Water discharge for 178 gaging stations on streams, canals and drains.o Discharge for 113 peak-flow stations and miscellaneous sites, and 46 springs.o Stage and contents for 22 lakes and reservoirs.o Water-quality data for 171 stream, lake, canal, spring, precipitation, and drain sites, and 111 wells.o Precipitation totals for 58 stations.o Water levels for 17 continuous record wells, and 1022 observation wells.

Additional water-data, collected at various sites that are not part of the systematic data-collection program, are pub-lished as miscellaneous measurements. These data represent that part of the National Water Data System operatedby the U.S. Geological Survey and cooperating State and Federal agencies in Nevada.


*Nevada, *Hydrologic data, *Ground water, Chemical Analysis, Sediments, Water 752temperatures, Sampling sites, Water levels, Water analysis. 16. PRICE CODE



NSN 7540-01-2S0-5500 Stalndard Form 298 (Rev. 2-89)Prescribed by ANSI Std 239-18298-102


.NORTnS-Wo R=Grl'N

I. Pueblo V2. Coner.rinal Lake V3. Gndley Lake V4. Virgin VS. Sage Hren V.

6. Guano V.7. Swan Lake V.S. Massacre Lake V.9. Long V.10. Macy Flat11. Coleman V.12. Mosquito V.13. Warner V.14. Surprise V.15. Boulder V16. Duck Lake V.


17. Pilgrim Flat18. Painter Flat19. Dry V.20. Sano V.21. Smoke Creek Deser.22. San Ermidio Desert23. Granite Basin24. Hualapai Flat25. High Rock Lake V.25. Mud Meadow27. Summit Lake V.2L. Black Rock Desert29. Pine Forest V.30. Kings River V.

(A) Rio King Subarea(B) Sod House Subarea

31. Deser V.32. Silver State V.33. Quinn River V.

(A) Orovada Subarea(B) McDermiti Subarea


34. Little Owybee River Area35. South Fork Owyhee River Area36. Independence V.37. Owyhee River Area38. Bruneau River Area39. larbidge River Area40. Salmon Falls Creek Area41. Goose Creek Area


42. Marys River Area43. Starr V. Area44. North Fork Area4S. Lanmoille V.46. South Fork Area47. Huntington V.48. Dixie Creek --

Tennile Creek Area49. Elko Segment50. Susie Creek Area51. Maggie Creek Area52. Marys Creek Area53. Pine V.54. Crescent V.55. Carnco Lake V.56. Upper Reese River V.57. Antelope V.56. Middle Reese River V.59. Lower Reese River V.60. Whirlwind V.61. Boulder Fla62. Rock Creek V.63. Willow Creek V.64. Clovers Area65. Pumpernickel V.66. Kelly Creek Area67. Little Humboldt V.6S. Hardscrabble Area69. Paradise V.70. Winemucca Segment71. Grass V.72. Imlay Area73. Lovelock V.

(A) Oreana Subarea74. White Plains


75. Bradys Hot Springs Area76. Fernley Area77. Fireball V.78. Granite Springs V.79. Kunziva V.


S0. Wrinnemucca Lake V.I1. Pvrantid Lake V.62. Dodge Flat83. Tracy Segment84. Warm Springs V.

85. Spanish Springs V.86. Sun V.87 Tntckee Meacows88. Pleasant V

89 Washoe V.90. Lake Tahoe Basin91. Truckee Canyon Segment


92. Lemmon V.(A) Wessern Part(B) Eastern Par

93. Antelope V.94. Bedell Flat95. Dry V.96. Newcomb Lake V.97. Honey Lake V.98. Skedaddle Creek V.99. Red Rock V.100. Cold Spring V.

(A) Long V.


101. Carson Desert(A) Packard V.

102. Churchill V.103. Dayon V.104. Eagle V.105. Carson Valley


106. Antelope V.107. Smith V.108. Mason V.109. East Walker Area110. WalkerLake V.

(A) Schurz Subarea(B) Lake Subarea(C) Whisky Flat -

Hawthorne Subarea



111. Alkali V. (Minernl).(A) Northern Part(B) Southerna Part

112. MonoV.113. Humoon V.114. Teels Mrsh V.115. Adobe V.116. Queen V.117. Fish Lake V.116. Columbus Sat Marsh V.119. Rhodes SaltMarsh V.120. Garfield Flat121. Soda Spring V.

(A) Eastero Part(B) Westcr Part

122. Gabbs V.123. Rawhide Flats124. Fairview V.125. Stingaree V.126. Cowkick V.127. Eastgate V. Ares126. Dixie V.129. Buena Vsta V.130. Pleasant V.131. Buffalo V.132. Jersey V.133. Edwards Creek V.134. Smtid Creek V.13S. Ione V.136. Monte Cristo V.137. Big Smoky V.

(A) Tonopah Flat(B) Northern Par

' 38. Grass V.139. KobehV140. Monitor V.

(A) Nonrtern Pane(B) Southern Pe

141. Ralston V.142. Alkali Spring V. (Esmeralda)143. Clayton V.144. Lida V.145. Stonewall Flat146. Sarcobhazs Flat147. Gold Flat146. Cactus Flat149. StoneCabin V.I50. Little Fish Lake V.151. Antelope V. (Eureka & Nye)152. Stevens Basin153. Diamond V.154. Newark V.155. Linle Srokv V.

(A) Northern Part(B) Central Part(C) Southern Pan

156. Hot Creek V.157. Kawich V.156. Enigract V.

(A) Groom Lake V.(B) Papoose LuCe V

i59. Yucca Flat160 F-nchman Flat.61. idiar. Springs V.162. Pahrump, V.163. Mesquite V (Sandy V.)164. Ivanpah V.

(A) Northern Past(B) Southern Pail

165. lean Lake V.166. Hidden V. (Scuth)167. Eldorado V.168. Three L aks V. (Northern Part)169. iLkapoo V. Ctckaboo V.)

(A) Northern Part(B) Southern Pan

170. Penoyer V. (Sand Spring V.)i71. Coal V.172. Garden V.173. Railroad V.

(A) Southern Part(B) Northern Pat

174. lakes V.175. Long V.176. Ruby V.177. CioverV.I78. Butte V.

(A) Northern Part (Round V.)(B) Southern Part

179. Steptoe V.I10. Cave V.161. Dry Lake V.12. Deinamar V.163. Lake V.164. Spring V.185. Tippelt V.166. Antelope V. (VWite Pine & Elko)

(A) Southern Part(B) Northern Pant

I 7. Goshutc V.166. Independence V. (Pequop V.)


189. Thousand Springs V.(A) Herill Siding-Bmsh Ceek Area(B) Toano-Rock Spring Area(C) Rocky Butte Area(D) .Montello-Criueaden Creek Area

(Momello V.)190. Grouse Creek V.191. Pilot Creek V.192. Great Salt Lake Desert193. Deep Creek V.194. Pleasant V.195. Snake V.196. H-amiln V.


197. Escalante Desert


198. Dry V.199. Rose V.200. Eagle V.201. Sn .ngV..02. Patterson V.'03. Panaca V.204. Clover V.205. Lower Meadow Valley Wash206. Kane Springs V.207. White River V.208. Pahroc V.209. Pairanagat V.210. Coyote Spring V.211. Three Lakcs V. (Southern Pan)'212. Las Vegas V.213. Colorado V.214. Plute V.215. BlaCk Mountains Area216. Garnet V. (Dry Lake V.)217. Hidden V. (North)'218. California Wash219. Muddy River Springs Area (Upper Moapa V)220. Lower Moapa V.221. TuleDesert222. Virgin River V.223. Gold Bune Area224. Greasewood Basin

*Nonconn iburing part of theColorado River Basin


225. Mercury V.226. Rock V.227. Fortymile Canyon

(A) Jackass Flats(B) Buckboard Mesa

22S. Oasis V.229. Crater Flat230. Amargosa Desert231. Grapevine Canyon232. Oriental Wash

1, r7



? 1200 118C 1160 1140





0 So 100 150 MILES

0 50 100 150 KILOMETERS

Figure 29. Observation wells and selected springs listed in this report.



Calculation Package References

The calculation package for "Portions of Corridors/Routes Passing Over DesignatedGroundwater Basins" (March 15, 1999), describes the source of the hydrographic areasdesignations as being the Nevada Division of Water Planning's home page(, and specifically the Nevada Hydrographic RegionIndex Map that can be accessed from that page. Attached are the regional pages printedfrom the web site. The four regions (4- Humboldt River Basin, 10- Central Region, 13-Colorado River Basin, and 14- Death Valley Basin) represent those that would be crossedby one or more of the rail or heavy-haul routes. Within each regional printout are thehydrographic areas found within the region and whether each area is designated or not.


[41 Humboldt River Basin". 4 'we cia4

Ver1, r hcd *9


141 Humboldt River Basin-Covers over 16,843 square miles (10,779,520 acres) in parts of eightcounties-Elko, White Pine, EurLeka, Humboldt, Lander, Nyc, Pershing, amnd Churchill-and the largeststream (Humboldt River) wholly within Nevada. This basin contains 34 h'ydrographic areas and one sub-area._ydr a c Areas and Sub-Areas:.. .. . ..... _ ___-_H~ydrographlic Areas and Sub-Areas: ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

I II] 1 121- 1 131 1 L4] 1 [51 1 [6]

Area IS .A6f6§---IA-re-tVSi-ib --A re a--N affie- Coiffinli&s- City(i6§)---- D -.42 1,0737 66,72( Marys River Area , Elko Wells, D~eeth ye43 332 212,48( Starr Valley Eliko Ilalleck, DJeeth Yes44 1II( 710,40 North Fork Area IMlko North IFork, Ialleck 7e--43 -25, 164,M Lamoille Valley EL'ko Lamoille, Elko Yes4( 9 63,36( South Fork Area EI ko Lamnoille, Jiggs Ye

i 7X, HU3,6 l-untington Valley E MIko, White line .iggs Ye_ 4 g39 Dixie Creek Area-T enil n e Creek Area Fiko Elko, Spring Valley Yes

3T 1 EUU, Ilko Segment lI-lko Ilko YEU 223 142,'72( .Susie Creek Area LElko (Carlin Ye

- -1 39( 253,44 Maggie Creek Area v E'lko, EIureka 'arlin 7 e5i2 61 -:3',(4 Marys Creek Area ., lIko, Eureka Palisade, Carlin YE

Pine Valley - -ureka Carlim e5Z 4 73 481,28(, Crescent Valley , lureka, Lander I- eowawe, Crescent Valley Y5' 376 24U,641 Carico Lake Valley J Inder_ Austi-n, C:resccnt Valley N

5(-, 718,32 UJpper Reese River Valley / L a(lTcr, Nyc Austin Ye; 457 2RT'3,2 Antelope Valley ' ' ,,-_Lander Austin T E

58 319 204,16( Middle Reese River Valley L _Iander Austin es5' 5Xt 376,32( Lower Reese Rliver Valley E iureka, Lander Austin, lone 1o

()( 'JI 6(),16( Whlirlwind Valley v I'ureka, lan-(er 13eowawe, D~unphy Ye61 5T , 3oulder llat v lEureka, I an(ler, Elko 13eowawe, B3attle Mountainm Yes

44i 2X4,16( lock Creek Valley ,I'lko, Lander 3attle Mountain 16:; 4(' 5,20t illow Cree 17'ko Midas 07Th '72( 46U,( Clovers Area Elko, Iluinboldt, Landei Battle Mountain65 2'9 1 P1,6( 'umpernickel Valley -u lruboldt, lershing Golconda, Valmy o6( 3()1 19_2,6_4_ Kelley Creek Valley --__v Elko, Humboldt Golconda6" Th< (z4 ,( Little I lumbold(t Vallcy *' Ilko, Ilumboldt Paradise Valley N

6B 16 TIJ8UIW llardscrabble Area Paradise Valley NT

Paradise Valley v I lumboldt Paradise Valley, Winnenmucca Ye7l1 435 s 2 78,40 ir1innerucca Segment v Humboldt Winnemucca, (iolcondla Ye-sI 1 5'2( s32,u0 Grass Vallcy Humboldt, 1cirshing Wininemucca Ye

___771 4__,4__Im lay Area Imlay, Humboldt, Mill C(ity Ys7 563' 4U6-,4) Lovelock Valley - Pershing yc lPatch, Lovelock s

98 9E 62,72( Lovelock Valley/Oreana Sub-Area Churchill, Pershing Lovelock, 1'oulon ITO-1T64 1 U4,6( hite Plains C Churchill, P'ershin1g ,Lovelock, 1Fernley 'e

Ita 1 6,X4'I U,779,52U Square miles/acres

Nevada Hydrologic Regions, Areas, and Sub-Areas Table Notes:A Ilydrographic Region or Basin is defined as a geographic area drained by a single major stream or an area consisting of a drainagesystem comprised of streams and often natural or man-made lakes. Also referred to as Drainage Basin, Watershed, or Waterbasin. TheU.S. Geological Survey and the Nevada Division of Water Resources, Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, have dividedthe state into discrete hydrologic units for water planning and management purposes. These have been. identified as 232 Hydrographic (256 areas and sub-areas, combined) within 14 major I-lyc. jraphic Regions or Biasins. The hydrographic areas and sub-ai,..stypically consist of a valley drainage system.[11 Nevada Hydrographic Area/Sub-Area number (1-232; Hlydrographic Sub-Areas designated A, 13, C, etc.).[2] and [3] 1-lydrographic Area/Sub-Area surface areas in square miles and acres, respectively.[4] Nevada Area or Sub-Area (valley) name.[5] Nevada Counties wholly or partially included, listed by principal county first.[6] Nearest principal city or cities.[7] Des. = Designated Groundwater Basin (Area or Sub-Area). Designated Groundwater Basins are hydrographic areas or sub-areas wherepermitted ground water rights approach or exceed the estimated average annual recharge (i.e., the perennial yield of the basin) and thewater resources are lbeing depleted or require additional administration. Under such conditions, and, in the interest of public welfare, theNevada State Engineer, Division of Water Resources, lDepartment of Conservation and Natural Resources, is authorized by statute(Nevada Revised Statute 534.120) and directed to designate a groundwater basin and declare preferred uses (e.g., municipal and industrial,(lomestic supply, agriculture, etc.). T[he State Engineer has additional authority in the administration of the water resources within adesignated ground water basin. Designated groundwater basins are also referred to as Adininister-ed Groundwvater- Basins.

Source: Office of thle State Engineer, Nevada Division of Water Resources, Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.

.- ~~~~.Return to the NDWP Nevada Hyvdrographiic R~egion Imidex MAP

or return to the Nevada Division of Water Planning Homce Page

For further information onl Nevada's Hydrographic Regions; Areas, and Sub-Areas, contact

Nevada Division of Water PlanningDepartment of Conservation and Natural Resources

1550 East College Parkway, Suite 142Carson City, NV 8971 0

Telephone: (702) 687-3600FAX: (702) 687-1288

Internet Homne Page: litti)://www.state.inv.uis/lcn r/dw pInternet E3-mail: plmortoim(


NEVADA DIVISION OF WATER PLANNING.. [ 10] .I .---------- .Cen ra. .Re g.

1010 Central RegionVertr," h Jc 1 e

W. -/-k £Ne 41A

1101 Central Region-By far the largest hydrograplhic region in Nevada covering 46,783 square miles(29,941,120 acres) in 13 counties-Nye, Elko, 'White Pine, Lincoln, Clark, Hlumuboldt, Pershing, Churchill,Lander, Eureka, Lyon, Mineral, and Esmeralda. This region includes 78 valleys (Ihydrograplhic areas), 10 ofwhich are divided into two sub-areas and one into three sub-areas.

Hydrographic Areas and Sub-Areas:

III l- [21 [31]- --[ 41 ] _ .. 1[6J 'I [71Area Sqii.ii. Acres Area/Sub-Area Name Counties City(ies) De.TTA 11 11,52( Alkali Valley/Nortlherii Part v Mineral I-lawthior ne No

[T111 65 , Alkali Valley/Southern Part ' Mineral lawthorne FIT2 T , Mono Valley Mineral Iawthorne 1F

113 97 62,08 I-luntoon Valley _Mineral _awthorne No114 323 2(6,72( IFeels Marsh Valley Mineral Mina, B3enton Station Ho1m 15 I , Adobe Valley , inieral Benton Station, Mina NTH --- 6-Q ueen Valley -l7smeralca, Mineral Fish Lake Valley, Bienton Statiol oT7 '706 451 ,84 Fish Lake Valley E bsmeralda l'ish lake Valley, D)yer Ye

-TF 37 236,0 Columbus Salt Marsh Valley - s Emseralda, Mineral IFish Lake Valley, Mina 1oTU 1,3 Rhodes Salt Marsh Valley ~ ' Mineral Mina o

(jartield Flat Mineral Mhina, Hawthorne o(Y2A 124 157,44 ioda Springs Valley/li'astern l'art , Mineral Luning, Mina es213 13( X33,20( Soda Springs Valley/Western Part ,Mineral Luniig, I lawthorne E

1, T27' , = ( .iabbs Valley ' Churchill, Mineral, Nye iabbs ye-S,2 1-45-,2 Rawhide Flats Churchill, Mineral, Lyon Schurz, IFallon oF

124 1 I2,4V( Fairview Valley v Churchill, Mineral F~renciman, lallon, I 'astgate Ye1T 4 27,52( 'tingaree Valley Churchill 'renchiman, Eastgate

____11(_7(),4U(_'OWk;Ck Valley _ _ __urc_____ _ lrenchlman, Eastgate; TE 13XZ4( 4'astgateValley___________________ Iastgate es

128 1,305 833,92( Dixie Valley ~v Thurchill, Lander, lPershilng )ixie Valley, l'allon Ye12'474,XX(3Ueta Vista Valley * , hCurchill, Pershing t nionville, Iovelock YS

H3 -2g5 1X2,4U( Pleasant Valley Pershing Iixie Valley, Winneniucca1 1 322,56( 13u~1aWo Valley k/ I-ILimboldt, Pershing, Landei attle ountain, Winneiucca qo132 14X 908U( ersey Valley v Lander, Pershing ie Valley, Battle Mountain Y

T-133 416 266,24( edwards Creek Valley iChurcill, Lane astgate, AUStill No______________________________Lander, Nyc Austin, Lsgt--3 724X mith C:reek Ladl y Utllastgate~ 1

46( 2'34,4U(lone Valley M ineral, Nye G-ab s, lone13 2 4 11,76( onte Cristo Valley E lsmeralda, Mineral Mina, I onopah

[37; 1,6() IU25,'2( 3ig Smoky Valley/ l'onopah lFlat ., 14'smeralda, Mineral, Nye I onopah, Manhattan[T7rf 51,32 , 3ig Smoky Valley/Northiern P'art ,ander, Nye Rlound Mountain, AustiY

59 3 3X Urass Valley .. lurcka, Lander Austin N139 868 555,52( obel Valley E ureka, Lander I ureka __

14()A X52M onitor Valley/Northern Part E' eureka, Lander, Nye Austin No1 4Ull 325, 7 6( Monitor Valley/Southern part ye Round Mountain, I onopah No--1 971 Ttalston Valley _smeralda, Nye Io niopa W Yes

3 2U),32( Alkali Spring Valley .' 1'smeralda, Nye Goldfield, I onopah N143 555 35,2(( layton Valley .. lismeralda Silverpeak No144 5 342,4()( Lida Valley v/ ismeralda, Nye a (Ifield145 381 *243,4( Stonewall Flat Nye (;o ( ield .No

Xl,__ 51)TV6XW Sarcobatus Flat ,,. j~smcralda, Nyc rcottys Junction, Beatty ies

i4 --'684 -437-76qG61d F15t --- -- IN6148 4U3 257792I Cactus F lat Nye (ioldlield, Warm Springs No14! SX698 : 5,40( Stone Cabin Valley ,Nye 'onopah , Warm Spri-gs YesTT T434 277,76( L.ittle Fish LakRe Valley .N ye E'ureka, Warm Springs MO

T31 444 ,I Antelope Valley E lureka, Nye _ _ure__a_ _f_

152 T1 IU,8 'tevens Basin oureka Eureka No153 752 481,28 Jiamond Valley , liko, Eureka Elureka, Austin YeT~ 1 512,64( Newark Valley vWite ine I'urea No155A 591 , ,ittIc Smoky Valley/Northeril 'art 7E Iureka, Nye, White line EIureka NY

I55B 5V 36,4X Little Smoky Valley/Central Part , Nye Juckwater, Eiureka NT155C 5 326,4( Little Smoky Valley/Soutlheri l'arl*t Nye D-uIuckwater, Eureka N

1 TU3 ,3 663 1 H-lot Creek > Nye Warm plrinlgs NTi 2 (35(1 , Kawich Valley /' Nyc Warm Springs No

158A 663 424,32 EI'migrant Valley/Uroom Lake Valley Lincoln, Nye I'empiute N-SE566,56(J , iEmigrant Valley/lapoose Vallcy v Lincoln, Nye Indian Springs, Mcrcurly 1

51 '35 ,2) 'Yucca Flat V" Nye Mercury 1-16( 46' Z' renchman Flat v Clark, Lincoln, Nye Mercury No-61 655 19, 20 Incdian Springs Valley v lark, Lincoln, Nye ndian Sprrings Ws

T6 -- 5U4,36( Pahruimp Valley . Clark M'alirump, Las Vegas YE763 --2:3i 13T50,4T Mesquite Valley (Sandy Valley) Clark ioodsprings, Las Vegas Ye

64161,927 Ivanpali Valley/Northern lart ' Clark Roach, Searclilight YE16413 46,72(J Ivanpah Valley/Southern Part C _'lark 'lean, R(oach, (ioodsprings Ye

165 9( -&61,441 ean Lake Valley .C'lark .lean, (Goodsprings 'E16( 21,76(JHI-idden Valley Clark _lenderson, Jean e

NZ; 3: 5 Y,7U J I 'ldoradlo Valley ./_lark Bi3oulder City, Searcllight Es168 29b 1U,72( I'ihree Lakes Valley-Northlern l'art v _lark, Lincoln ndian Springs 1O

n;6A 6U' 3 X,48I Fikapoo Valley/Northern -art .' Lincoln I-liko, ' empiute OTT)9B 3 5 S,74T I'hikapoo Valley/Southern Part Clark, Lincoln Alamo, Indian Springs No

M --- 7ff -44X,( U 'Penoyer Valley (Sand Spring Vallcy). Lincoln, Nyc -liko, Warnm Springs 's171 OU 294,40CtCoal Vallcye.. Licolil , NycNI'cmpiule Fempiu.te 0

172 4 31 5, (Garden Valley _,incoln, Nye _Sunnyside, I empiute NY-- T -731 :U,' Railroad Valley/Southern Part , , incoln, Nye Icempiulte, Warm Springs NY 1

17 l-,J73'l,:6 Railroad Valley/Northiern Part Lincon, Nye, While Pine urrant, uckwater N1422_( _ _ _ _ _lakes Valley _ _White l'ine _ Ely, Eureka

17' 65] 4,64( Long Valley .lko, White Pline Ely, Eureka T6Y1_Z_ 647,56( _uby Valley ,, llko, White Pine Elko, Ruby Valley Ye

_46 ' 29_6,96_C _lover Valley . _I__o Wells, Ruby Valley YE78A 2741 173,44( 3utte Valley/Northern Part - :lko Currie, Ruby Valley To-

17813179 472,'36( Butte Valley/Southern Part , Elko, White Pine Cherry- reek, Ely NT179 1,942 1,42,X8( Steptoe Valley t Elko, White Pine Iy, (Cherry Creek s180 231,62 t ' ave Val.ley v iincoln, White Pine Sunnyside, Preston NTO

_____ _________ lDry Lake Valley __, _ _ __coli_ 'aliente, 'ioc ic -O

18I --3831 .- 245,1 2qDclafrar Valley vl Lincoln' --' CAliefite, Ifiko No183 557 356,4X( Lake Valley Lincoln, White Pine Lly, ioche Ye

7W9-1,661 1,063,W Spring Valley lincoln, Whlite Pine ly, lakeroT -X 345 , T ippett Valley White Pline rippett NoX6A 125 X(U),(( Antelope Valley/Southern Part E lflko, White Pine Wendover, Ely o

1i86l3 7 172,80 ntelope Valley/Northern Part v EIko, White Pine Wendover, Ely oIX, 954 61 (oshute Valley v lElko Oasis, , falter esITn X7562 3 5'3 Independence Valley (1'equop Valley; lilko Wells, Oasis YE

lot a 47T6,3 , , S quare miles/acres

Nevada Hydrologic Regions, Areas, and Sub-Areas Table Notes:A Hydrograp1hic Region or Basin is defined as a geographic area drained by a single major stream or an area consisting of a drainagesystem comprised of streams and often natural or man-made lakes. Also referred to as Drainage Basin, Watershed, or Waterbasin. '[heU.S. Geological Survey and the Nevada Division of Water Resources, Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, have dividedthe state into discrete hydrologic units for water planning and management purposes. These have been identified as 232 IlydIrograplicAreas (256 areas and sub-areas, combined) within 14 major Hlydrographic Regions or Basins. The hydrographic areas and sub-areastypically consist of a valley drainage system.[I] Nevada Hydrographic Area/Sub-Area number (1-232; Hydrographic Sub-Areas designated A, 13, C, etc.).[2] and [3] 1-lydrographic Area/Sub-Area surface areas in square miles and acres, respectively.[4] Nevada Area or Sub-Area (valley) name.[5] Nevada Counties wholly or partially included, listed by principal county first.[6] Nearest principal city or cities.[7] Des. = Designated Groundwater Basin (Area or Sub-Area). Designated Groundwater Basins are hydrographic areas or sub-areas wherepermitted ground water rights approach or exceed the estimated average annual recharge (i.e., the perennial yield of the basin) and thewater resources are being depleted or require additional administration. Under such conditions, and, in the interest of public welfare, theNevada State Engineer, Division of Water Resources, Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, is authorized by statute(Nevada Revised Statute 534.120) and directed to designate a groundwater basin and declare preferred uses (e.g., municipal and industrial,domestic supply, agriculture, etc.). The State Engineer has additional authority in the administration of the water resources within adesignated ground water basin. Designated groundwater basins are also referred to as Administered Groundwater Basins.

Source: Office of the State Engineer, Nevada Division of Water Resources, Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.

Return to the NDWP Nevada IIydrographic Region Index Mai

or return to the Nevada Division of Water Planning Home Page

For further information on Nevada's H-lydrographic Regions, Areas, and Sub-Areas, contact

Nevada Division of Water PlanningDepartment of Conservation and Natural Resources

1550 East College Parkway, Suite 142Carson City, NV 89710

Telephone: (702) 687-3600

FAX: (702) 687-1288Internet Home Page:

Internet E-mail: liorton(i)


206~n I,


[131 Colorado River Basinver, A;c,/ ,/ /

,/. - p4

W, Ict A7

1131 Colorado River Basin-Covers 12,376 square miles (7,920,640 acres) including parts of Clark, Lincoln,Nye, and White Pine counties and is dlivided into 27 hydrographie areas.

Hy(drographic Areas and Sub-Areas:

~I II I L2] [ 3] [4] 1 [5] [6]I['/]Irca q. i. cres rea/ub-Arca Natne ountics iuty Ics Pes.

'-'1 981 113 '72')32QDfY"ValIC'_y_ v... jLifi&6lfi___ plifiAa� Iliodid- NoT9 1T2 7,68( Rose Valley -- LincoIn I'ioche, Ursille

2(1 5') 33,2X E agTe Valley v Lincoln [Pioche, Ursine2 2 ' IX3,6 S'prilng Valley v .incoln I'ioche, Ursine No202 41 , 'atterson Valley . .Iincoln I'ioche

=U3 -7P 213376( I'anaca Valley L incoln 'anaca, 1ioche7(04 364 232,'6( Clover Valley '- Aflicoln Caliente No2M 3-97' 626,56( Iower Meadow Valley Wash / Clark, l.incoln Caliente, Moapa Yes

'7 234 3 Kane Springs Valley V LiCO__l_ Caliente, Moapa2M(1T,6) 1,)02X,4X1 WIhite RTiver Valley , Lincoln, Nye, White Pine 'reston, Sunnyside No2U8 5( 'ahroc Valley v IjnCOII1, Nye I-liko, Sunnyside No

-2U9 76 4912 Paliranagat Valley _ _ __Il __ _ [ Hiko, Alamo No1T 65' 4~2U,4XI (oyote Springs Valley -^ Clark, Lincoln Mloapa, Alamo Yes

211 311 199,04( IFlree Lakes Valley-Southern l'aI4 Clark Indian Springs Ye,2T1 T3> 1 ,56x 1,U()(),'J6( Las Vegas Valley v CClark I. as Vegas, Hlenderson Yes3D 56'A 3U,3t Colorado Rtiver Valley , Clark Laughlin, Bioulder City Yes

T1X 332 216,38'iute Valley - Clark Searchlight Yes215 63U 4()3,2()( Bllack Mountains Area ., Clark B~oulder City, Overton Ye-21T 1 T5- 399,X84 (Garnet Valley Clark North Las Vegas, MoapaNo217 X( 51,21J lHidden Valley C lark North Las Vegas, MoapC NY

71CX TE ; Salilbrnia Washl _Clark Moapa No5 4 1( )IMuddy River Springs Area Clark, Lincoln loapa, Overton Cs

2Yt o~r I 612(8C Lower Moapa Valley C 'lark, ,incoln Logandale, O)verton Cs221 T97 F22~T51 lule DIesert L incoln Caliente, Mesquite N

22 9(), 5X() Virgin Rtiver Valley v Clark, Lincoln Mesquite, Blunkecrville Ye7231 533 341,12( (bold Butte Area C 'lark UJverton, Logandale No[Z4 1 )T 6,_T 2( 'ireasewood Area 'lark l3unkervillc, OvertonI NY

Iot_ 12,37( J/,2,64(i Square miles/acres

Nevada Hydrologic Regions, Areas, and Sub-Areas lable Notes:A I-Iydrograplhic Region or Basin is defined as a geographic area drained by a single major stream or an area consisting of a drainagesystem comprised of streams and often natural or man-made lakes. Also referred to as l)rainage Basin, Watershed, or Waterbasin. TheU.S. Geological Survey and the Nevada 1)ivision of Water Resources, Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, have dividedthe state into discrete hydrologic units for water planning and management purposes. These have been identified as 232 HydrographicAreas (256 areas and sub-areas, combined) within 14 major Hlydrographic Regions or Basins. The hydrographic areas and sub-areastypically consist of a valley drainage system.[ I ] Nevada Hlydrographic Area/Sub-Area number (1-232; I-lydrographic Sub-Areas designated A, 13, C, etc.).[2] and [3] I-lydrographic Area/Sub-Area surface areas in square miles and acres, respectively.[4] Nevada Area or Sub-Area (valley) name.[5] Nevada Counties wholly or partially included, listed by principal county first.[6] Nearest principal city or cities.[7] Des. = Designated Groundwater Basin (Area or Sub-Area). Designated Groundvater Basins are hydrographic areas or sub-areas where

permitted ground water rights approach or exceed the estimated average annual recharge (i.e., the perennial yield of the basin) and thewater resources are being depleted or require aclditional administration. Under such conditions, and, in the interest of public welfare, theNevada State Engineer, )ivision of Water Resources, Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, is authorizedl by statute(Nevada Revised Statute 534.120) and directed to (lesignate a groundwater basin and declare preferred uses (c.g., municipal and industrial,domestic supply, agriculture, etc.). IThe State Engineer has additional authority in the administration of the water resources within adesignated ground water basin. Designated groundwater basins are also referred to as Administered Grouwdwvater Basins.

Source: Office of the State EIngineer, Nevada Division of Water Resources, Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.

Return to the NDWP Nevada Hlydrograipilic Region Index Map

or return to the Nevada Division of Water Planiing Ihonc PaMe

iFor furiiher inforliiatio6 on Nevada's Hlydrographic Regions, Areas, and Sub-Areas, contact

Nevada Dlivision of Water P'laniniggDepartment of Conservation and Natural Resources

1550 East College Parkway, Suite 142Carson City, NV 89710

Telephone: (702) 687-3600FAX: (702) 687-1288

Internet Ilome Page: E-mail: glio rton(&g ov niail.state.inv.tis


[14] Death Valley Basin

VE,,-kv- (KrO /6 CIOJWIWI 1 4 1-p.ea' C.61-1


1141 Death Valley Basin-Covers 2,593 square miles (1,659,520 acres) of Nyc and Esincralda countiesincluding eight hydrographic areas, one of which has been (divide(l into two sub-areas.

Hydrographic Areas and Sub-Areas:

I [1J J I21 1 131 I [ 4J I [5] I [6] 1[7J]|Area |Sq. mi. Acres |Area/Sub-Area Name |(ounties |city(ies) |Les.

110_ 70,40qierrcury Valley_ jy -' jldian Spriiigs j 'o226 82 _ 52,4X( Rock Valley ye Amargosa Valley No

27A 7 787561 ortylimile Canyoni/.Jackass l-lats ye ,tathrop Wells - o227B 2 534 6( IFortyinlie Canyon/Buckboard Mesa Nye Lathrop Wells ?o

42 6 246T0it Oasis Valley N ye lBeatty Ye22' 1I 116,48( Crater Flat v Nye Lathrop Wells, LBeatty No

L73i~ 99 573,44( Amargosa Desert Nye IBeatty, Lathrop Wells Y7s21 -- T 3,M Grapevine Canyon , ismeralda, Nye Scottys Junctionl No

72W YW MM 1 Oriental Wasi EIsmeralda Lida, (ioldpomlit N°liotal 2,59 Tf 37( Square miles/acres

Nevada Hydrologic Regions, Areas, and Sub-Areas Table Notes:A Hyidrographic Region or Basin is (defined as a geographic area drained by a single major stream or an area consisting of a drainagesystem comprised of streams and often natural or man-tmade lakes. Also referred to as Drainage Basin, Watershed, or Waterbasin. TheU.S. Geological Survey and the Nevada l)ivision of Water Resources, Department of Conservation and Natural Rcsources, 11ave (ividedthe state into discrete hydrologic units for waler planning and management purposes. These have been identifiedl as 232 Ily(drograplultiAreas (256 areas and sub-areas, combined) within 14 major Hlydrographic Regions or Basins. The hydrographic areas and sub-areastypically consist of a valley drainage system.[I] Nevada Ilydrographic Area/Sub-Area number (1-232; Ilydrographic Sub-Areas designated A, B, C, etc.).[2] and 13] I-lydrographic Area/Sub-Area surface areas in square miles and acres, respectively.[41 Nevada Area or Sub-Area (valley) name.[5] Nevada Counties wholly or partially included, listed by principal county first.[6] Nearest principal city or cities.[7] Des. = Designated Groundwater Basin (Area or Sub-Area). Designated Groundlwater Basins are hydrographic areas or sub-areas wherepermitted ground water rights approach or exceed the estimated average annual recharge (i.e., the perennial yield of the basin) and thewater resources are being depleted or require additional administration. Under such conditions, and, in the interest of public welfare, theNevada State Engineer, Division of Water Resources, Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, is authorized by statute(Nevada Revised Statute 534.120) and directed to designate a groundwater basin and declare preferred uses (e.g., municipal and industrial,domestic supply, agriculture, etc.). The State Engineer has additional authority in the administration of the water resources within adesignated ground water basin. Designated groundwater basins are also referred to as Administered Groundiviater Basins.

Source: Office of the State Engineer, Nevada l)ivision of Water Resources, Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.

Return to the NDWP Nevada Hyvdrograpihic Region Index Map

or return to the Nevada Division of Water Planining Home Pagc

For further information on Nevada's IIlydrographic Regions, Areas, and Sub-Areas, contact

Nevada l)ivision of Water PlanninigDepartment of Conservation and Natural Resources

1550 East College Parkway, Suite 142Carson City, NV 89710

Telephone: (702) 687-3600FAX: (702) 687-1288

Internet Home Page: littp:// E-mail: ghorton(

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