redd+ and green economy

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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What is REDD+?

From UN-REDD website:

“REDD is a mechanism to create an incentive for developing countries to protect, better manage and wisely use their forest resources, contributing to the global fight against climate change. REDD strategies aim to make forests more valuable standing than they would be cut down, by creating a financial value for the carbon stored in trees. Once this carbon is assessed and quantified, the final phase of REDD involves developed countries paying developing countries carbon offsets for their standing forests. REDD is a cutting-edge forestry initiative that aims at tipping the economic balance in favors of sustainable management of forests so that their formidable economic, environmental and social goods and services benefit countries, communities, biodiversity and forest users while also contributing to important reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.”

Background of REDD+

In 2005 the REDD+ Plan (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation/ sustainable forest management and enhancement of forest carbon stocks) was shaped within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. This Plan is one of the most significant international tools for climate change mitigation.

REDD+ purposes to grow a set of plans and programs

Point out the causes of forest degradation/ deforestation.

Encourage social and economic growth, and promote the maintenance and the maintainable management of natural means and to grow carbon stocks.

Decreasing emissions from forest degradation and deforestation

Sustainable controlling of forests.Improvement of forest carbon sinks

Difficulties with REDD+:

Forests being basins for CO2 is scientifically imprecise.Trees absolutely absorb Carbon dioxide still they are

only short-term holders of it.It would proceeds a very long time to re-grow wholly

forests.It impartially gives some countries or contaminators

which have cash to pay for carbon credits (balances) an reason or “justification” to carry on polluting.

Native individuals who live in forests, indigenous leaders, representatives, overseas companies interested in natural capitals or native businesses might all have clashes of interest

Difficulties with REDD+:

Market-based solutions:

Market-based solutions:

Market-based solutions:

Green Economy:

Green economy means a sustainable society and economy with no carbon emissions and a globe where all energy is resulting from renewable sources which are naturally replaced. A green economy strictly relates the triple bottom line of individual planet and earnings across all firms at the microeconomic and all over the whole economy at the macroeconomic level.

Green Economy:

REDD+ and Green Economy:

REDD+ and Green Economy:

Basically REDD+, is investment concentrating on enhancing natural resources, and offers chance to allow states to travel towards recognizing green development.

The predictable effects of a natural capital managed investment plan, of which REDD+ is also be a member, and primarily a catalyst.

Shifting stress from physical to natural center, REDD+ investment situation is new to bring better and long-lasting outcomes for growth, equity and jobs as a whole

Most emerging states reasonably view the utilization of their natural capital as a pathway to progress

REDD+ is a worldwide effort to therapy ‘market failure’ in addition to the assistances of forest degradation and deforestation to climate modification.

REDD+ and Green Economy:

Extra ecosystem facilities, in addition to avoiding radiations or restoring carbon, would supply an economic worth for provisioning, traditional or adaptable service.

REDD+ funds can leveraged to bring other monies that can bring or recognize economic worth from these additional ecosystem facilities.

They support maintaining the forests while given that a stable income cause that would inspire additional sponsoring.

Thus REDD+ would transport not only straight monies in forests but it also support to inferior thresholds for more investments into ecosystem facilities and the maintenance of biodiversity.


Increase community awareness and create the circumstance for the commonly helpful relationship between Green Economy and REDD+.

Improve an investment plan to abstract development from those segments having great employment producing potential.

Emphasis on segments which need lesser investments for the similar level of production. Investments that create use of ecological substructure, rather than substituting it with physical substructure would sort more sense.

Progress better signs to monitor investments for green growth. Mainstreaming the assistances of ecosystem facilities through better signs, like ‘GDP of the Poor’, into growth strategy and national plans would aid in scheming more operative and efficient plans particularly in primacy areas (e.g. poverty relief).


Improve financial movements from the private segment. Private segment investments are compulsory to aid modification to a green growth.

Enlarge the opportunity of the REDD+ program. As countries growth and develop national plan to report drivers of forest degradation and deforestation, the connections with the other parts and subjects within national growth planning become obvious.

Confirm that procedures linked to Green Economy and REDDD+ is based on wide stakeholder discussions.

Implementation of REDD+ program:

Designing REDD+ The economic and political Implementation

of REDD+And last but not least access to the Impact of


Implementation of REDD+ program:

At the  United Nations Conference of Development and Environment (the Earth Summit), held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, the concept of SFM first time proposed for helping the Implementation of REDD+ at ground, local, sub-national and national level. SFM is "a dynamic and evolving concept aims to maintain and enhance the economic, social and environmental value of all types of forests, for the benefit of present and future generations" [UNFF, 2007]. 

Economic and Environmental benefits of REDD+:

It is helpful for human welfare and well being.

It helps to mitigate climate change

Economic and Environmental benefits of REDD+:

REDD+ help to in soil conservation.

It provides micro-climatic benefits.

Economic and Environmental benefits of REDD+:

It emphasis on the conservation of forests.

It provides recreational areas

Economic and Environmental benefits of REDD+:

Forests provide temperature cooling.

Conservation of forest biodiversity and wildlife habitat.

Economic and Environmental benefits of REDD+:

Economic and Environmental benefits of REDD+:

REDD+ contribute in mitigation and adaptation for climate change. Mitigation in the reduction of GHG emission and adaptation in human and natural systems.

The large stock of forests through REDD+ provide natural filtration of water.

Forests also provide a mental health.It prevents us from floods.The city of population 1 million people or more is

1-3 warmer than their surroundings. REDD+ reduces “heat island effect”.

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