red poppies and west winds! early spring 2005… click with your mouse to view the next slide

Post on 18-Jan-2016






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Red Poppies and west winds!

Early spring 2005…

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After a very wet turkish winter …

…not only irrigated with water…

With, amongst other things



wifi, power cuts and one mast down

A farewell to Tyfoun

(Thanks to Roger and Anne for their message of life…Welcome to junior for the summer! We’re impatientlywaiting!)

And alternately grey and bright blue days…

We eventually left our wintering harbour leaving behind many peoplewe met and will hopefully meetagain somewhere, that becamelike a winter family we got used to see around…

Heading for Rhodes – under a shower of hail !- with Let it be on our side and Gwenvidig expecting us there.

As a goodbye, we spent a few days in Rhodes with Jo&Michel, who have during this winter been

our partners in music nights, emotions and pizzas!

We sailed a few days more with Stéphanie & Matthieu: music exchanges, apiculture lessons, some climbing

and spinnaker races…it all felt like a summer holliday after a long winter!

First stopovers with Gwenvidig and very merciful winds: Symi & Nyssiros, …a volcanic island

The last day with Stéphanie & Matthieu, spent between sulphur, craters, green, wild flowers, and

the story of the life of bees…

Surrounded by an explosion of fragrances and colours

After that started for us a long wait for favourable winds to head west…but as soon as Gwenvidig had gone

the winds blew with medium to strong force from the west-southwest and only changed to blow with strong gale force

from the southeast. No other choice than to adapt the program – the wind decides, not us!- so we took the Corinth Canal option,

disappointed to miss the southern Peloponnese.

Made routePlanned route

Disappointed at the idea of going through known places again … but soon amazed by the view of these unknown, spring-like,

fresh and green Cyclades covered with flowers …

Nyssiros, Naxos, Syros and last but not least Kythnos…

Just to put us back in our place, because we thought we were blasé and fed up with Greece and its islands, they decided to astound us with colours and landscapes, preserved villages and low season peacefulness.

Once again, the bike appeared to be best way to discover…

…amongst other things, an old mule path, apparently unknown even to most of the inhabitants of Kythnos themselves,

considering the number of people we asked and the time needed to find it!

Another unusual yet daily view in Kythnos, a ballet of cargo ships and ferries in a bay barely large enough to

welcome even only one of them…

The cargo leaves as the first ferry enters the bay

A never-ending dance of mastodons filled with Athenians, the most frequent visitors on this islands where international tourism hardly comes.

The first ferry has just about enough time to vomit its passengers…before the next ferry enters the bay

In surroudings where the sea and the sky seem to have come to an agreement so that even ferries would look beautiful

These were the first images and discoveries of Miss Terre and crew in the early spring. We hope you have

enjoyed it as much as we have …

and that this was only a preview of what is coming, heading west!

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