reconnaissance into locations edited

Post on 25-May-2015






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Reconnaissance into Locations

For my music magazine ‘Ultimately Pop’, I have chosen to use a plain background for my front cover, rather than a location. By taking my image on a plain background, the image will look more professional. It will also allow the FAPs and sell-lines that feature on the Front Cover to be more eye-catching and easier to see on the page. Whereas if I chose a rural background such as a park, the background would make the less visible and harder to read. My front cover would be much more effective by featuring a plain background. My front cover to be more eye-catching and vibrant. It will also allow me to edit the background to a bright and vibrant colour to make it stand out from other pop magazines. This is because a plain background is common in pop front covers, as shown on the previous examples. This will allow my magazines to follow the general conventions of pop music magazines, but still stand out on the shelves, and look like a professional music magazine.

Front Cover Location

The images used on my contents page will be set in indoor locations, such as in front of coloured walls or just inside a house. This is because most images in pop contents pages feature on bright backgrounds that make them stand out. Any images that are taken with items in the background, will be blurred. This allows the image to more attention grabbing and the artist will instantly grab the audiences eye. It will instantly force the audience to focus on the artist in the image. Whereas, the main image on the contents page will be taken on a plain background as it will feature the same artist as the front cover. The background will create a look of being taken inside a studio. This will make the images and the magazine as a whole look professional.

Contents Page Location

My double page spread will feature different locations. This is very common in pop magazine double page spreads. Like all the main images in my magazine, they main image of the double page spread will be on a plain background. This will allow me to edit the background and add the appropriate effects. It will also make the image look professional. This will also allow me to maintain the symbiotic link between the three pieces as the images will be in similar locations. Usually in double page spread articles, there are multiple images and my piece shall be no different. The smaller images will be taken in outdoor locations, creating the idea of the artist at concerts and meet and greets with her fans. I will also feature a smaller image of the artist in the ‘studio’ doing a fun pose looking happy and as if she is having the time of her life. This is because this is a common feature of pop double page spreads and will allow my magazine to look professional and like a real pop music magazine.

Double Page Spread Location

Analysis of Locations•The images on the previous slides show similar locations to the ones I am planning to use for my music magazine. The majority of the images will be taken on plain backgrounds, like the image of Little Mix. This makes the image look as if it has been taken in a professional studio. This creates a very high standard look to the magazine and makes the images pop. It will also give the overall magazine a more professional feel. The plain white background also allows the whole focus to be on the artists themselves. It makes the artists stand out against the plain background and makes the image more effective. •The smaller feature images on the contents page and the double page spread will be taken in outdoor locations. For example, one of the images will be taken in a park, like the image of Taylor Swift. This will allow the image and the artist to relate to the target audience. This is because the target audience would be likely to go to the park to hang out with their friends. It also will make the double page spread look more professional as it is a common feature to have smaller related images of the artist in different locations, and a caption to explain why they are there.•I am also planning to have an image on the double page spread of a ‘meet and greet’ with the artists fans. This image will also be taken in an outdoor location, such as a car park, as this is a common place for artists to meet their fans. For example, many ‘directioners’ wait outside studios that One Direction are in so that they can meet them.. This will also show the target audience that the artist likes to stop and see meet their fans, which will make the TA like them even more.•Another location that could be used is any indoor location that looks as if it has a stage. This will create the look of the artist performing at a concert for their fans. Also, an indoor sofa area could be used to look like the artist is on a chat show. This will show that the artist is laidback and likes to go on shows to further reach out to their fans.

• The main location that I will use for the images across my three pieces is a white background. This allows the artist to be the focus of the image and creates a high-standard and professional feel to my magazine.

• For the FAPs on my Front Cover and Contents Page, I will use a plain coloured wall inside my house to take the images. This ensures that there are no unwanted objects in the frame and allows me to control the lighting used. It also allows the costume of the artist to contrast with the plain colour of the wall and makes the overall image very vibrant. I will also use the white screen for some of the images

• The final location that I will definitely be using is a Car Park setting. This will be for the smaller image that breaks up the text on the Double Page Spread and accompanies the main image. I chose this location as it informs the reader that the Leanne makes time to meet her fans. It will also link in with a section of the content in the article that features how Leanne always makes time for them. This will allow the audience to relate to her more and respect her.

Final Locations

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