reconciling work and family ferrara, 11.06.2014 silvia borelli, president of equal opportunity...

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Reconciling work and family

Ferrara, 11.06.2014

Silvia Borelli, President of Equal Opportunity Committee (CP) –


• First project in 2012: 5 places available, 8 places activated

• Second project in 2013: 8 places available, 4 places activated

What is telework?

• Telework is a form of organising and/or performing work, using information technology, in the context of an employment contract/ relationship, where work, which could also be performed at the employer’s premises, is carried out away from those premises on a regular basis (European Agreement on Telework 2002)

Who can be a teleworker in Unife?

• Administrative staff only• Full-time employees with at least one year of seniority

that perform a teleworkable activity and ask to telework• Teleworkable activities are determined by the heads of

office according to some criteria (e.g. activities that do not imply contact with others or frequent meetings with colleagues, activities whose results can be easily measured)

• Telework must not decrease the quality of the service

How does the teleworker work in Unife?

• The head of office has to approve the teleworker’s request and his/her project

• Maximum weekly duration of telework: 3 days• Maximum duration of the telework: 6 months

renewable once for another 6 months • Weekly working time: 36 hours• Periodical reports by the head of office and of

the teleworker

Priority in the access to telework in Unife

• Disabled worker : 4 to 8 points (depending on the type of disability)

• Worker assisting a disabled person: 4 to 7 points (depending on the type of disability)

• Parent : 1 to 3 points (depending on the child’s age; 1 point in case of single parent)

• Worker living far from the University: 0,5 to 1,5 point (depending on the distance)

• The score is determined every year by a Commission


• Possibility to transform extra-time in daily leave (art. 27 National Collective Agreement for Public University)

• Different daily and weekly working time schemes (e.g. 5 days with 2 to 5 working afternoon; 6 day week; shift work)

• Multiperiodal working time• Possibility to start working half an hour earlier or

to stop working half an hour later

Parental Leave

• Paid leave (18 hours per year) in case of urgent family reason; only workers with an open-ended contract (art. 30 § 2)

• Unpaid short leave (36 hours per year) (art. 34)• Fully paid maternal leave (art. 31 § 2)• Fully paid parental leave (30 days) (art. 31 § 4)• Fully paid leave in case of child’s sickness (30 days)

(art. 31 § 5)

«Children in the Office with Mum and Dad»

• First edition: 24.5.2013, 60 participants• Second edition: 23.5.2014, 80 participants

• Event promoted by Corriere della Sera, aimed to bring the children into the parent’s office to favour the reconciliation of work and family

Summer Center for Children

• Since 2013 • Discount for professors, researchers, students

or administrative staff in the Summer Center organised in the University Sport Center


• Since 2014• 10 additional places in the public kindergarden

reserved to the students (PhD students included), researchers (temporary researchers included), professor and administrative staff (precarious workers included)

• No residence condition is required


• Selection managed by the Town hall, according to the national and regional regulation (priority access guaranteed to disadvantaged families, e.g. single parent)

• Up to 500 € per month are paid by Unife for the monthly fee

• The monthly fee is calculated according to the family income (an indicator called ISEE)

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