recommended antenatal &post natal exercises

Post on 04-Nov-2014



Health & Medicine



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  • 1. Prof. M.C. Bansal MBBS.,MS. FICOG ., MICOG. Ex . Principal & controller Jhalawar Medical College & Hospital & M.G.M.C & Hospital . Sitapura ., Jaipur .

2. General advice Avoid wrong postures during standing and sitting. Pregnant woman should do regular non-strenuous exercises. Deep & slow breathing with expansion of chest and abdomen wall will increase oxygen perfusion in the lungs, thereby providing plenty of oxygen to the fetus and the mother. Yoga techniques like Anulom-Vilom, bhramari , Pranayam etc. will help a lot her and her baby in giving mental and physical relaxation. 3. General advise- Swimming for half an hour is the best exercise for a pregnant women if she knows swimming safely. Other than exercise sitting , standing , lifting and sleeping in right posture will protect her from backache , leg cramps and muscle pulling. Forthcoming pictures will help the women to do exercises on her own. 4. Instructions while doing exercise Put on suitable comfortable cloths & shoes. Warm up the body by brisk walking for ten minutes on carpet. Take proper positions ( sitting , lying down or standing), take deep breath , do limbs/ arms/ head or back movements as per mode of exercise. Maintain this posture and hold breath for 10 ten counts. Return back to original position. 5. Instructions while doing exercise-- Repeat the same posture with opposite side of limb/ arm and head alternatively. Perform each exercise (posture as shown in forth coming slides) for ten times. Stop doing exercise in case you feel exhausted or short of breath. After completion of exercise lie down on your back and relax for ten minutes (Shavian) . It is advisable to start these exercises under the guidance of physiotherapist/ obstetrician for first two or three days than you may do on your own at your residence. For further reading please log on to----------- 6. When not to do exercise ?? If you are suffering from blood pressure , low haemoglobin (anaemia) , lung or heart disease, disc prolapse, bleeding per vagina in cases of previous/ present miscarriage and bleeding in later half of the pregnancy. In doubt always better to consult your obtetrician. 7. Leg raising in supine position 8. Hip raising in supine position 9. Lower Limbs raising and head raising in supine position 10. Different exercises in lying down and sitting position 11. Upper leg raising in lateral position 12. Side bending 13. Right posture to sleep 14. Leg raising in prone position 15. Leg raising in prone position 16. Abdomen blowing in and out in knee wrist position 17. Deep abdomino-thoracic breathing 18. Do up and down thigh movements after sitting in position shown 19. Deep respiration while raising the hands till ten counts 20. Shoulder movement 21. Back bending with stretched hand support in sitting position 22. Side bending in sitting position 23. Forward bending to touch toes with extended leg 24. Crossing hands in sitting position 25. Abdominal twist 26. Forward bending in sitting position 27. Forward bending to touch toes with extended knee 28. Back stretching 29. Hand raising with deep inspiration till ten counts 30. Knee bending in standing position 31. Hand raising with both legs apart 32. Hand stretching, head twist with stretched legs in standing position 33. Overhead hand stretching with legs apart

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