recognizing about the important of internet for college student

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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Finding 1Identify the business that you plan to set and list your reasons for wanting to

go for the business?

Recognizing about the important of human to express their feelings, I have an idea to

develop a florist and gift shop, ‘Delivering Smiles’. I will establish my business on January

2010 and start the operation on March 2010. This shop will sells much kind of flowers and

gifts. My products will include flowers, chocolates, cookies, candies, teddy bear and gift

basket. Afterward, I also plan to offer a full-service retail florist providing decorative planning

for weddings and conventions, birthday, anniversary, valentine and etc.

Designs by Delivering Smiles strive to be one Malaysia’s most innovative and unique

florists and gifts. My approach to floral design is pure and natural and it

explores not only the character of flowers, individually and in combinations, but also the

aesthetic relationship between flowers and the setting. I am determined to continue and

enhance the tradition of flowers and gifts through innovative design, aggressive marketing,

and most importantly, quality products and service.

My shop will be located at 1st Floor – F/035, Suria KLCC, Kuala Lumpur and can be

contact at 03-61869348 or fax number 03-61849348. I also conducted my business through

websites. Our address is but it is still under constructions.

Finding 21st Floor – F/035, Suria KLCC, Kuala LumpurTel: +603 6186 9348, +603 6187 9348 Fax: +603 6184

What service or product that you plan to sell and state the goals for your

business? Why those goals should be considered as important things?

Delivering Smiles business hours are from 10:30 AM to 9.00 PM, Monday through

Friday, and from 10:30 AM to 10:00 PM on Saturdays and Sunday (service). However, I will

routinely keep the store open past normal closing hours if there are customers in the shop.

The service that I will provide is run by fully expertise workers. Having the service run by the

very good staff would give the customers a different idea in their mind. We supplement

regular staff with part-time help as needed for major holidays such as Hari Raya, Christmas,

Valentine's Day, Sweetest Day, and Secretaries' Week, and for local events.

The flowers (product) that I will provide involve with several types such as rose, lily,

orchids and come with several of colors such as red, yellow, blue, purple, pink and etc. I will

also provide the unique and glasses vase for the customers with any purchase of flowers.

I will also offer gift items which are moderately price items such as, teddy bears, gift

basket, and many impulse items and it will intrigue customers from the front display window.

The goals for my business are to have my own field of flower garden. Furthermore, I

have to find a professional worker that will take care of my garden neatly and responsibly so

that the quality of my flower will be the best. I will use all the imported tools to take care of

my flower because it have more quality product that can make my flower grow more beauty

and last longer. Besides, I want to attract more customers because the flowers that I will sell

are rarely found in other normal florist.

God’s willing, if my business grows rapidly; I want to expand my business throughout

this country and the popular cities such as New York and Singapore.


1st Floor – F/035, Suria KLCC, Kuala LumpurTel: +603 6186 9348, +603 6187 9348 Fax: +603 6184

1st Floor – F/035, Suria KLCC, Kuala LumpurTel: +603 6186 9348, +603 6187 9348 Fax: +603 6184

Finding 3

Once entering to the new business, one of the most important things to

establish is the organization structure of the business. Decide your type

of structure, illustrate it and give reasons why do you choose to structure

your organization in that way.

In my business, the departmentalization will be divided according to groups, function

or activities. So, I would choose the Functional Departmentalization structure for my

business. I have already made an illustration of my future business organization structure. I

choose it because many service and manufacturing companies, especially smaller ones,

uses this type to develop department according to group’s functions or activities. Such firms

typically have production, marketing and sales, human resources and accounting and

finance departments and I have decided to choose this structure.


DESIGNATION RESPONSIBILTIESMA Reviewing and adopting the strategic plan for the

company.1st Floor – F/035, Suria KLCC, Kuala LumpurTel: +603 6186 9348, +603 6187 9348 Fax: +603 6184














Overseeing the operation of the business to evaluate whether the business is properly managed.


To make sure financial, marketing, administration and operation management is effective and efficient.

To manage all the management function which is planning and controlling the business is efficiency and effectively.


To help General Manager in managing the problem that related to administration of the company.

To prepare working paper and present it at the company’s general meeting.


Responsible to evaluate, making sales and marketing forecast in order to fulfill the existing demand.

Create good relationship with customers.


To prepare annual business budget and financial report of the company.

To ensure that the financial cash flows of the company is efficiency.

To control the spending money and business account of the company.

CLERKS Responsible to make a record of sales and purchases transaction.

WORKERS Responsible to assist in daily transaction at shop.

DRIVERS Responsible to carry and sent the product ordered by customers.

Finding 4What are the internal and external factors that might affect your business?


Internal factors consist of product, place, promotion, employee and price. Firstly, if I

use high quality fertilizer I do not need to take care all my flowers all the time. Secondly, I

1st Floor – F/035, Suria KLCC, Kuala LumpurTel: +603 6186 9348, +603 6187 9348 Fax: +603 6184

must find a better place so that my flowers will not be damage by direct sun. Then, the

promotion, if I make a good promotion at the right time, there must be somebody that will

interest and automatically will increase the number of my customer. If the promotion is poor I

will have a difficulty to attract the customer. At Delivering Smiles, I will offer a variety of

flowers which to choose.

These flowers will be shown to the client upon pick up of the proofs, and the client

will be given a phemplate which illustrates these finishes to compliment a variety of flower

images. These finishes are used on the beautiful portraits that are displayed in my shop.

Lastly, is for the employee, I will take the full skill and experience employee that will give a

good service for the customer. Besides, with the spirit of my motto “Delivering Smiles” I will

assume all my employee to give a full smile service. I also will put the reasonable and

affordable price to make sure it is suitable for the customer.

The external affect that might affect this business are customer, supplier,

competitors, government and politics. With interested recurring customer will give benefit in

this business as there is no decreasing number of customers than having unhappy

customers that might bring my business down. If I have supplier that supply good quality

equipment can increase the quality of services in my business but somehow there must be a

negative feedback such as late delivery flowers. Then about the competitors, at Delivering

Smiles, we care about our community. I will only use international suppliers who have a

reputation for excellence and timeliness; thus, I add back to the economy of the area. If we

have a stable politics also will makes my business much effective because there is no

problem or fight among the people. If I have politic problems there might be some argument

occur between the people that may affect this business because there must be a part of

people that did not agree in some part of issue.


Business essential text book


Mdm. Kamariah Bt Abdullah

1st Floor – F/035, Suria KLCC, Kuala LumpurTel: +603 6186 9348, +603 6187 9348 Fax: +603 6184

1st Floor – F/035, Suria KLCC, Kuala LumpurTel: +603 6186 9348, +603 6187 9348 Fax: +603 6184

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