reception roundup. - the old school henstead · 2017. 6. 23. · we encourage family, friends and...

Post on 04-Aug-2021






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Calendar for next week

Monday 26 June Summer Show Rehearsals Begin Tuesday 27 June 2.00 Nursery Sports Day Wednesday 28 June 2.00 Sports Day followed by the Opening of the Sports Pavilion 4.00 Tea followed by Parents & Staff v Pupils Cricket Match Friday 30 June 12:45 Tennis Club

Dates for your diary Wednesday 5 July Summer Shows Thursday 6 July 9.00 Year 6 Leavers‘ Assembly Summer Shows Friday 7 July Speech Day Monday 10 - Friday 14 July Holiday Club (sign-up at the office)

Newsletter Summer Term 2017 Issue 8 23 June 2017

Message from the HeadmasterOn behalf of The Old School Henstead, may I warmly welcome you to to our Open Morning and to our Summer Fayre. It is an opportunity for all the members of our school community, pupils, families, staff, friends and guests, to see the school in operation and get a feel for the learning opportunities that take place at this school every day. We hope and trust that the weather will hold for the afternoon - there will be something for everyone, from the Year Six celebrating the successful conclusion of the journey here, to the smallest new arrival, one Ernie. Have a great day! Mr McKinney

Open Morning Tomorrow.Our Open Morning takes place tomorrow Saturday 24 June. Pupils’ registration will take place at 9.30. We encourage family, friends and other visitors to arrive between 9.45 and 10.00 so that they may choose their options for the morning.

It is also an opportunity for parents and grandparents to join their children in school for the morning. We appreciate your support in spreading the word.

The Open Morning will be followed by our Summer Fayre from 12 noon to 3pm, with lots of fun stalls, activities, competitions and prizes. We hope you will join us.


Reception children have enjoyed learning all about safety at the seaside this week. We had fun discussing and doing activities based around water safety and taking care in the sun. The children particularly impressed us this week with their amazing independent story writing.

Tuesday was a great experience for the children - their first swimming gala. Great swimming and team work!

On Thursday we spent the afternoon in Year 1 getting to know our new teacher Mrs Loader. The children are very excited and ready for their transition in September.

Friday was a lovely treat for the children, which helped to reinforce their learning over the last term. Our day started with a drive along Southwold harbour to look at the fishing boats.

Morning snack was had in the dunes, where we discovered a ‘folding Whale’ which had been created out of an old boat for the Southwold Arts Festival. The artist happened to be there and she introduced herself to the children and explained all about her creation and how it is intended to help raise awareness to protect creatures living in the sea.

Our day continued with a visit to the Alfred Corry lifeboat museum, where we were treated to a fantastic look back in local history. A massive thank you to Jonathan and Ann Hunt who looked after us so well. This was followed by a quick look at the current lifeboat.

Next in town we walked past the lighthouse, church and brewery, en route for the park and lunch. Suitably refreshed, we headed for the beach for our sandcastle competition. This was a great display of team work and leadership skills within the Reception class. We met the lifeguards on duty and saw the flags and signs we had been learning about in class.

The day was finished off with a walk along Southwold pier and of course an ice cream! Well done Reception - your behaviour was impeccable. It was delightful to see how much fun and learning took place in one day.

Mrs Scriven & Mrs Dakin

Reception Roundup.


Game, set and match.

The Old School Henstead Tennis Club

Our tennis club got off to a great start today, under the direction of our wonderful new Heads-Up Tennis coaches, Ben Thompson and Ollie Bailey. Pupils were put through their paces with some great drills and games, including the Andy Murray Challenge!

The next session will be held at 12:45 next Friday.

Our After School Tennis Club will start from September, with details available closer to the date.

We look forward to an exciting tennis season ahead.

Exchanging Experiences.On Wednesday, Year One wrote a letter to the Reception children, telling them all about life in Year One. 

They shared their learning experiences and looked through each other's work.

There was also an opportunity to ask lots of questions.

The Reception children are now looking forward to being big Year Ones.

Ms Thomson

Image: Drone Survey Group Limited


Pirates on board.

Nursery opened its doors on Monday morning to a shipload of pirates!

The scurvy crew took part in a range of pirate activities. They sailed their pirate tractor on the Seven Seas, they embarked on a treasure hunt to dig up their pieces of eight and created their very own pirate maps.

After all their pirate duties they had fun paddling in the sea (paddling pools) to cool off. Good work buccaneers!

Miss O'Mara & Miss Butcher

Nursery News.


It’s Showtime.

The senior summer show (years 4-6) Dazzle will be performed on Wednesday afternoon at 2pm and Thursday evening at 7pm. Approximately 1hr 45min running time including an interval.

The junior summer show Spinerelli Cappuccelli will be performed on Wednesday evening at 6.30pm and Thursday afternoon at 2pm. Approximately 45min running time.

Tickets will be on sale from Wednesday 28th June. Kindly drop in your booking form with payment in an envelope to the office. Ticket orders will be processed and issued by Mrs Dakin.

Junior show tickets are priced at £4 and senior show £5. Tickets will be sold on a first come first served basis. However, front row seats will be given priority to Year 3 and Year 6 parents whose children have the leading roles.

Refreshments will be available at all performances, thanks to our wonderful PTFA.

...the sun beat down. The weary desert traveller gazed forlornly at the shimmering illusion of a cooling lake rising from the sand... That is how Year One must have been feeling on Monday afternoon as they made their ice cream 'stage props' for the junior summer show. The desire to lick their creations had to be overcome as they enthusiastically applied paint and glue to paper cones and tissue balls.Let's hope the real thing awaited them at home!

Mr Butcher

Proper Ice Cream.


SPORTS ROUND UPCricket & Rounders


What a beautiful day for a fixture! On Friday afternoon we took 17 pupils to Hethersett Old Hall School for an U11 and U9 mixed rounders fixture. The U11s started off strong in batting, making the opposition work hard. The U11s then focused on their fielding, with the aim of getting out as many players as possible. Jack and Savile showed a high level of team work as they stumped out a number of players at first base, winning 15:10. The U11s took responsibility for their own performance and had a team talk before heading into the second game. They continued to show what they were really capable of, making some outstanding rounders, catches and stump outs. With Lily as captain, she lead the team to their second victory of the day, with her excellent bowling and fast reactions. with a score of 18:13.

Although our batting wasn’t the U9s strong point in the first match, Ebony (captain) organised the team and ensured that they were ready and alert for fielding. Hethersett did not hesitate and wacked the ball all over the place. This gave us lots of opportunity to practise our throwing and catching skills but overall allowed us to demonstrate our teamwork, winning 48 : 42. After a refreshing drink and an encouraging team talk, the U9s walked into the second match with confidence and batted with

excellence and power. Again our fielding was up to scratch getting 4 outs, lead us to victory 74:50.

Well done to all the boys and girls on an outstanding fixture, and thank you to the parents and family members who came and supported us.

Mrs Jensen


On Wednesday the U9 Rounders and U11 Cricket teams headed for an afternoon of fixtures at Riddlesworth Hall.

We are delighted to report that our cricket team was able to show the depth of their skills, with Jack starting with a succession of boundaries. To keep the game interesting the strategy was adjusted, resulting in a final score of:

Henstead 178 for 0; Riddlesworth 57 all out.

An outstanding performance for the team.

Similarly the rounders team was leading the way before the match was converted into a friendly session, with no relevant scores to report.

Mr Hunter & Mrs Jensen


Club Corner.

Junior fun races kicked off our Swimming Gala with a splash. The children used woggles, floats and their blowing skills to flip a floating disc! This was an exciting start to the gala and thoroughly enjoyed by all. Congratulations to Yare for winning the junior fun races. A super effort from everyone. Well done!

Then it was time for the seniors to step up and showcase their swimming talents. Harry S won the first backstroke race for Deben house, this was then followed by another Deben win by Isabelle, whilst Louis brought the points home for Yare. In the breast stroke we saw impressive wins from Joe, Lily and Alex. Front crawl was dominated by Orwell with Harvey, Emily and Matthew all taking the lead.

Tilly showcased a wonderful butterfly stroke gaining yet more points for Orwell.

The swimming gala was brought to a close with the house medley and freestyle relay races. Deben performed fantastically coming in a close second but Orwell took the lead and were the outstanding house at this year’s gala.

Some brilliant swimming from all pupils. You should feel proud of your achievements in the water. It was lovely to see The Old School Henstead families at the pool side. Thank you for your support.

Mrs Dakin

Swimming Gala.

Final ScoreFinal ScoreFinal Score1st Orwell 46

2nd Deben 40

3rd Waveney 35

4th Yare 33



To celebrate the grand opening of our new sports pavilion, we will serve afternoon tea, followed by a family cricket match, after the Sports Day programme. We would be grateful for any food contributions (see sign-up sheets outside classrooms.)

We are excited to welcome Helen Nicholson Photography to both the nursery and the whole school sports days this year.

Helen will have an online gallery for parents to view and purchase photographs from the events: with password protection as communicated on the PTFA flyers..

All orders must be placed by Monday 3 July to ensure delivery to school before the end of term.

We were delighted to welcome Alison Sparksman from the Alzheimer’s Society to our assembly on Monday morning, to receive a cheque for £731.40 from Daisy. Ms Sparksman explained to the school how the money would be used to help make a difference to people with Alzheimer’s.



New Opening Times

Mondays 8.15-9.15

Thursdays 3.15-4.15

Tea & Cricket Sports Day Photographs Daisy’s Fundraising

Club Corner. Mascot Awards.

PTFA News Extra

Summer Fayre Saturday 24 June 12:00-3:00pm, following the Open Morning. Posters Please help spread the word. We would be grateful for any filled sweet jars, tombola prizes and cakes.

Summer Party Saturday 8 July. Book your tickets now. Forms have gone out in bags.

Mascots were awarded to the pupils best demonstrating our school value for this half term - Excellence:

Reception: Robyn for excellence in her independent story writing.

Year1: Amélie for excellent handwriting.

Year 2: Johnny for striving for excellence in everything he does.

Year 3: Ayla for settling excellently into her new school.

Year 4: Matilda for being an excellent backstop during our rounders fixture and making some outstanding throws to second base, resulting in stumping the opposition out on numerous occasions.

Year 5: Alex for continuing to show excellence across all subjects and a deep interest in learning about EVERYTHING!

Year 6: Tilly for excellence in pastoral care.

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