reception booklet for interns

Post on 19-Aug-2015






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Reception booklet for interns

Welcome to France !

(Table of Contents) Key Information


General Expectations

Applying for a visa in France

Arriving in France


Personal insurance and health insurance


Opening your bank account

Booking your plane

Your internship

Preparation for our internship

Social Security

Company policies


Relevé de Carrière

Living in France

“Parlez-vous Français?’

Obtaining a mobile phone

Paris et la France!

French gourmet food


French Habits

Travelling in France


Must-see places


(Key information)


Welcome to France ! AIESEC France is very happy to welcome you to one of most

beautiful countries in the world !

In this booklet you will find all necessary information to help you settle in France as

smoothly as possible and make your experience unique.

In order to prepare your arrival, please read carefully all sections of this booklet:

certain pieces of information are crucial for you to know and prepare in advance.

We wish you all the best for your internship and look forward to meeting you soon in

the City of Lights!

Best regards,

Member Committee AIESEC France


General expectations

The internships that are provided to you by AIESEC France are of high quality and for this,

there are certain elements that we expect all our interns to fulfill, just as there are

expectations that you might have from AIESEC France.

What does AIESEC France provide for you?

Before arrival

o Preparation for your internship (expectation setting, company information…)

o Providing all necessary information for your stay in France

o Support in legal process (CIS, Immigration office approval, Visa)

o Connection with the intern’s group in France

After arrival

o Pick-up at the airport (if you provide us with your flight information at least 5

days in advance)

o Support in opening a bank account and opening a phone line in France

o Support to provide accommodation opportunities through our intern’s network

o Connect with the AIESEC France network through conferences, events, study

tours, parties…

What can AIESEC France not do for you?

Be always available to answer emails and phone calls: please bear in mind that

there are many interns here in France to manage and that you are not alone;

Find a permanent accommodation corresponding to all your expectations:

accommodation is hard to find, especially in Paris, and you need to be very proactive

in this matter. AIESEC France will support you in your research as best as possible

but it is up to you to do the necessary research to find a flat.

What does AIESEC France expect from you ?

Be professional: this internship is an opportunity provided by

AIESEC for your personal and professional development. You

should always show a professional behavior and attitude during your

internship, towards the company and also towards AIESEC France.

This means that you need to respect working hours, show

appropriate conduct (in terms of clothing, behavior, work

environment), be committed to your work and be respectful of your

colleagues. If there is any issue, we are fully available to discuss and

figure out a solution with you as quickly as possible.

Be proactive: please make sure that you provide all documents

asked & that you take initiatives to make this process go as fast as

possible (such as contacting your university, setting up meetings at

the Embassy/Consulate, translating all documents in French as

requested…). This will make everything easier for all parties and will

ensure your fast arrival.

Be open-minded: processes in France may take time and may

require many documents. It is important to be patient and to try to

understand this other culture, especially in terms of administrative

requirements, as you will be living in the country for several months.

Please do not judge if certain things do not happen in the same way

as in your country.

(Applying for a visa for France)


If you are a resident of the following countries, you do not need a visa to do your internship in

France: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,

Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland,

Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain , Sweden, United Kingdom


If you are not a EU citizen, you need a visa to do your internship in France: you should apply

for a “carte de séjour” (long term visa for student) from the Consulate/Embassy of the

country in which you are living. The cost for a long term visa is around 99€.

AIESEC France will send you an invitation letter for your visa stating your reasons for


You will then receive a temporary visa, valid for 3 months once you enter France. In these 3

months, you will have to go to send to the Immigration

office (OFII) with:

- The immigration certificate (OFII) delivered by

the French consulate/embassy where you

obtained your visa

- Copy of your French visa on your passport

The immigration office will then organize a medical visit

for you on a determined date to validate your stay in

France for the whole duration of your internship. During

your meeting with the immigration office, you will have to

provide the following elements:

- Passport with visa for France

- Proof of lodging (provided by AIESEC France)

- Passport-sized picture (respecting the strict regulations: no smiling, no hat, no

glasses, white background, 3.5*4.5cm)

This procedure will cost you 58€ and needs to be paid by fiscal stamps (available in any

tobacco shop in France).

Once this procedure is done, you will need to go to the

Préfecture (Préfecture de Police for Paris) to get your visa card

(carte de séjour). To obtain this card, you need the following


- Copy of birth certificate translated in French

- Copy of passport with copy of visa for France

- 3 Passport-sized picture (respecting the strict

regulations: no smiling, no hat, no glasses, white

background, 3.5*4.5 cm)

- Proof of lodging (provided by AIESEC France)

- Medical certificate given by Immigration service (OFII)

- CIS (convention de stage) approved by Direccte

(support provided by AIESEC France for this


To obtain the carte de séjour, this will cost you 19€ to be paid in fiscal stamps (available in

any tobacco shop in France).

In total, the procedure to get your long term visa will cost: 58 (medical appointment) + 19 (for

the carte de séjour) = 77€

In order to prevent any issue , please make sure you have several photocopies of each


(Arriving in France)


Finding a flat in France, especially in Paris, can be very difficult and time-consuming. Rent is

usually very expensive (for example 450€ for a 10m2 apartment with shared bathroom) so

you need to be very proactive to find a flat. Flats are less expensive in the suburbs of

Paris but not all suburbs are conveniently located and/or safe so some offers can be

deceiving in that sense.

Paris has a modern metro system which goes all around the city; however, as Paris is a big

ciy, it is common to have 45 to 60 minutes of transportation every morning. (so 1.5 to 2h


There are different possibilities in terms of accommodation in Paris:

- Sharing a flat with several people: is the best option as

it is cheaper and you can share a flat with other interns here

in Paris;

- Having your own flat: is generally more expensive. For

this, you need to have many documents prepared as

landlords are very selective regarding their tenants.

- Living in a French family: is a good way of discovering

French culture and integrating yourself in the country but it is

often expensive (generally 800€ per month) and there can be

more constraints (in terms of living hours, rules…)

How to find a flat?

Searching a flat in can be very difficult because all students who will come to study in Paris

starting September are doing the same so there is a lot of competition. Here are some

website where you can find ads for flats:

Please start looking at flats as soon as you have finished reading this booklet, as this

procedure takes time. Also, many landlords require several documents to prove your income

and financial guarantees, such as:

- 3 months rent (2 month as financial guarantee called “caution” and 1 month advance)

- Copy of ID

- Copy of CIS

- Proof of income from the last 3 months or of someone in your family which acts as

financial guarantor

- Proof of housing (given by AIESEC France)

- Copy of residence card

- Copy of financial guarantor’s ID

- Work certificate of financial guarantor

- Income taxes of last 3 months of financial guarantor

To secure a flat, you generally need to be in Paris. For this reason, please don’t ask us to

call the landlord before your arrival because it is useless to call if you are not in Paris. The

problem is not the date of availability of the flat; it is merely a necessity that the people who

want to rent the flat have to be present. As accommodation is a bit difficult to find in Paris

and that there are many applicants, landlords can be very selective in their choice. They

want people who have financial securities & who seem serious, which is why they want to

meet potential tenants before choosing.

Also, please keep in mind that as you need to pay the caution to secure the flat, this sum can

reach up to 2000€ (depending on the rent), which means that you need to have enough

money in your account when you arrive in France. You will get back the 2 months of

caution when you leave the flat, unless you have damaged the property.

In order to help you in this process, feel free to ask the person responsible of your arrival to

help you contacting landlords, especially if the landlord does not speak English!

Please also be careful: there are sometimes deceitful people who post ads. If you are not

sure about an ad, please contact the person responsible for your arrival so he/she can help

you sorting out the information and making sure it is not a false ad.

Another way of finding a flat is through:

The interns’ group: as interns come and go through Paris, you might be able to

replace an intern leaving. Check the Facebook group or send emails to the National

trainee team to see what opportunities are currently available

CNOUS ( ): is a government institution for students and has ads

for accommodation. It can be a good place to start your research. On the website

you’ll find other type of useful information for students.

Cité universitaire de Paris ( is a student campus where students

from all over the world live & socialize. The cost of rooms is from approximately 350

euros per month up, depending on the size of the room. You will have to fill in a

questionnaire stating you are a student applying for the first time. You can either

apply for a room or for a specific hall of residence

Realtor agencies: you can get good offers through agencies but usually the

agency asks for a fee of 500€

For the first week, you will be hosted either in the MC flat or with someone

from the LCs in Paris. If you have friends living in Paris, we recommend you

to get into contact with them and see if they can host you. Please be

prepared not to find a flat in a few days only, but start this in advance

process (checking ads, possibilities…).

After 1 week of hosting in France, a financial compensation will be asked if

you still live in the MC flat. This again is to make sure that you are proactive

in your research to find a flat.


Never give money to anyone without having a contract signed and if possible get the keys at the same moment.

Request a copy of the Landlord's ID.

Be very skeptical about offers too good to be true: if you find a big place at a cheap price and in a good location, it’s very likely to be a scam.

Request a list of the state of the place and list all problems like door handles, painting etc., so that at the end of your contract, the landlord can't make you responsible for previous problems with the place.

Be careful about landlords that don't accept CAF requests: either it can be a scam or the landlord is not declaring the income to the authorities. In this case he/she will normally refuse to give you any attestation letter necessary for your Carte de Séjour or other.

How to get subsidies to pay for your flat?

CAF (Caisse d’Assurance Familliale) is a subsidy you can get to cover part of your rent. This

is quite helpful to have since rent in France is quite expensive. To get this subsidy, you

should fill out application forms specifically for students, which you can find on the following

website ( Together with the application form you will also have to provide the

following documents:


Copy of your Convention de Stage

Passport/ID photocopy

Rent papers

Birth certificate translated in French

Electricity, telephone or water bill of your new apartment (the original one).

The application form will also need to be signed by your landlord so you will need to agree

with him/her in advance about this.

Personal Insurance (responsabilité civile) and

health insurance

As you may know, France is one of the most developed countries in terms of social security

and medical insurance. As an intern, you will obtain a social security number once your

company has claimed a Social Security card for you. This process can take up to several


In the meantime, each trainee should have their own health

insurance. Social security will only cover a percentage of the

medical costs so it is better to have your own health insurance

from your country of residence.

If you intend on visiting different European countries or going

skiing, make sure your health insurance covers these different


Once you are in France, you will have to get an insurance called Responsabilité Civile

(personal liability insurance). Some procedures, such as Campus France, require you to

have your Responsabilité Civile contract before you enter France. Please check with the

different visa authorities when you provide for this document. This insurance is liable in

case you cause damage to someone or something when in France. You can obtain this

insurance through any French insurance company of French Bank, but your health insurance

may already cover this aspect so please also check with your health insurance


Here are some links to find out more about the Responsabilité Civile:

For a complete insurance, which covers also responsabilité civile:

For home insurance only, which covers also responsabilité civile:







The best solution for transportation is the « Pass

Navigo » which allows you unlimited travelling in Paris

according to the zones to which you subscribe (bus,

metro, RER) :

When you arrive, if you have few days left in the week

you can get a weekly ticket. But after you have two

options: Weekly Pass (Monday-Sunday) or Monthly Pass

(1rst – 31rst of each month). We advise you to take a

monthly pass as it is cheaper.

How to apply for a “Pass Navigo”

Firstly, you need to check in which zone your company is located (from 1 to 6) because this

will also affect the price.

In order to apply, you need to bring:

one passport-sized photo for your Pass

RIB (Bank Account Proof in France)

Generally, most companies reimburse you 50% of the Pass Navigo: this you will have to

check with your HR manager when you start your internship.

Travelling around Paris

The company in charge of all public transportation in Paris is RATP. The “Metro” runs from

6AM to midnight generally, except on Fridays & Saturdays, where it closed at 2AM. Night

buses are then available so you can get home safely no matter what time!

You can find maps, tourist information, timelines… on the RATP website:

You can therefore check directly how much time it takes from your flat to your office!

Other transportation methods:

Another nice way of discovering the city is with the Velib, the

free bike system in Paris. Bikes are available all around the

city and the system is pretty simple to use: you rent a bike and

the first 30 minutes are free (and you can get to many places

in Paris in 30 minutes!). Once the 30 minutes are over, you are

charged every 30 minutes. But you can put down a bike before

the 30 minutes have passed, wait for a couple minutes and

take a new bike for 30 minutes!

You can either buy an annual subscription for 50€ a year

You can also “rent” a bike each time you wish for 1€ for 24h of use.

Opening up your bank account

We have a partnership with Société Générale Flandre (next to the MC office in 19ème

arrondissement) that gives you 30 EUROS for free and other benefits (in case of over-

payment for example)

Generally you need to have the following documents to open a bank account:

Original of convention de stage (just to show them)

Photocopy of convention de stage

Your passport

A photocopy of your passport details

A photocopy of your visa to enter France (if you are Non-EU) & carte

de séjour

Proof of lodging (given by AIESEC France)

Last telephone, water or electricity bill of the place you are living in

Some money to open your bank account

Once you opened your bank account, you will receive a RIB (Relevé d’Identité Bancaire),

which is a document containing all the details of your bank account. You can then proceed to

get your carte de séjour if you are from a Non-EU country (EU citizens do not need any carte

de séjour)

We advise you to make a photocopy of your RIB and keep it with you at all times, because

this document is often asked for. For example, a telephone company will ask you for your

RIB if you wish to obtain a mobile contract in France as most payments are done directly by

transfer in France.

Booking your plane

As soon as you have received confirmation of your start date and approved status from your

convention de stage, please send us the following information:-

- Flight date

- Flight number & arrival time (AM or PM)

- Airport and terminal of arrival in Paris:

It is important to send this information at least 1 week before arrival so we can make sure

that someone is there to pick you up and take you to your accommodation.

Please also try to arrive at reasonable hours (not before 8AM or after 10PM) so the person

responsible of your arrival won’t have too much difficulty in coming to the airport.

If you arrive at Charles de Gaulle Etoile or Orly, a ticket to the center of Paris costs around

9€ and takes around 45min. If you arrive at Beauvais airport, which is generally cheaper but

further away from Paris, you will have to take a bus

for 1.5h and it costs 15€.

(Your internship)

Preparation for your internship

When preparing all documents for your arrival in France, please make sure you have copies

of all your documents, just in case.

AIESEC France and the company coordinator (if there is one) are your main contacts.

Please do not contact the manager directly, unless requested, as this might create

miscommunications between AIESEC France and the company.

Again, please make sure you always demonstrate a professional attitude towards all

parties before, during and after your internship.

Social Security

As an intern, your company will declare you to URSSAF, which is the organization taking

care of social security in France. Your company will declare you as their intern but if you

want to benefit from French Social Security, you need to obtain a Social Security number.

For this, you should go to the CPAM (Caisse Primaire d'Assurance Maladie) and obtain a

form called E301. Once you have filled it in, your company needs to sign it. As soon as you

get your first pay slip, you can go back to the CPAM and get your Social Security number.

For more information go to

To have more information for about what social security covers in France and what how to

prepare for different possibilities (going to the hospital, accident…), you can check the

following website:

Company policies

Salary If you are working in Paris then the minimum amount of money at hand at the end of the

month should be 900€. This is the NET amount, which means that the company does not

deduct any charges or taxes from this amount. You should always get minimum €900 at

hand at the end of the month unless you receive in kind benefits such as ticket restaurants,

50% reimbursement on Pass Navigo, etc. If you are outside of Paris then your salary should

be a minimum of 750€ net, as life is generally more expensive in Paris than in other


Holidays/Days off

It is in your interest that at the start of your traineeship you

get a confirmation from your company concerning their

policies for holidays and days off for interns. This varies

greatly from one company to another. Public holidays are

non-working days (such as May 8th , July 14th, August 15th,

November 11th…) and then for other holidays it depends on

the company. There are certain internships where you don’t

get any holidays at all: this really depends on the company

policies. AIESEC cannot set this as a requirement so it is up

to you to verify this and negotiate if possible with your HR

responsible once you are settled in France.


For all tax related matter, please consult the following website:

Tax details are specific for each country so we cannot answer every case, but if there is a

particular matter you wish to settle, we will help you as much as possible.

Relevé de Carrière

In order to recognize your internship as a working experience which can contribute to your

pension fund in your home country, you should ask for the “relevé de carrière”. This

document will state that you have worked in France for X months and received Y euros for

your work.

You should ask for this document BEFORE leaving France. Once you have obtained it,

keep it for your retirement days with your salary slips as proof of work experience. When you

will apply for retirement pension, the administration of your country will be able to have all the

information necessary to prove your work experience in France.

The “relevé de carrière” is broken down per trimester and is given for the previous year, so

you might have to recontact the French administration when you are back home to obtain the

full report of your internship.

To obtain this document:

If you are a EU-citizen: write a letter stating that you want to obtain your relevé de

carrière at “Caisse Primaire d’Assurance Maladie – Retraite”, and do not forget to

include your Name, Surname, Address in France and Social Security Number. You

can find more information on the following website:


If you are a non-EU citizen: you should call the administration first to see what the

procedure is, as it varies according to the country and agreements.

(Living in France)

Parlez-vous français?

If you would like to improve your level of French or even start learning French while staying

in the country, the City Hall of Paris proposes French classes for reasonable prices. For

more information, please consult the following website: http://www.cours-municipal-d-

Here you may also find other opportunities to learn French:

Obtaining a mobile phone

Currently, our 3 main telephone operators have developed an online system which allows

you to have unlimited calls in France and to 40 different countries, unlimited texts and

Internet for 19.99€ a month. This is really a great opportunity because this system does not

require you to subscribe for a certain period of time: you can just get a SIM card for a couple

of months and then cancel it, no stress!

The 2 recommended operators are:



We also advise you to bring your own phone, desimlocked (ie unblocked) so you only have

to pay the cost of the contract and not the phone (especially if you already have

smartphones). These contracts are pretty cheap but the phone prices are high to

compensate so it’s better to bring your own phone with you.

Paris et la France!

Paris - known as the city of love, the place of luxury, the home of the Eiffel

Tower - is the land of baguettes, smelly cheese and a fantastic glass of

wine in the middle of the day. It is one of the most popular cities in the

world as it hosts several million visitors per year. It is even said that during

the summer there are more visitors than Parisians in the city!

Paris is an enchanting city to be in, regardless of the time of year: the

increasingly cosmopolitan character of Paris reinforced it as one of the

great metropolises of the world. It is also a grand, evocative and stimulating

place to visit. It is one of the most romantic cities in the world, if not the most

romantic city ever.

The history of Paris spans over 2,500 years, during which time the city grew

from a small Gallic settlement to the multicultural capital of a modern European

state, and one of the world's major cities.

The French revolution ensured the development of a certain spirit of thought,

now a particular western mentality, and a strong sense for the individual

prevails. It has also paved the way for an inventive and creative spirit in the

arts, architecture, literature and music which enhanced the development of

science and technology.

The name Paris derives from that of its inhabitants, the Gaulish tribe known as

the Parisii. The city was called Lutetia (more fully, Lutetia Parisiorum, "Lutetia

of the Parisii"), during the first- to sixth-century Roman occupation; but during

the reign of Julian the Apostate (360–363) the city was renamed Paris.

On the cutting edge of fashion, Paris is also a great place to enjoy not only

haute couture and gourmet cuisine, but to experience the throbbing nightlife

and intense cultural aspects the city has to offer.

As the famous touristic attraction, Paris has a plethora of museums and

touristic attractions that can be found throughout the city. Some, like the

Louvre, are hard to miss with not just the mile long entrance queue, but also its

beautiful palace setting housing the world famous Mona Lisa.

The city abounds with numerous museums — Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael,

Monet, Rodin, Delacroix and Picasso are all represented here. Then there is

the architecturally defying Centre Georges Pompidou where the structure of

the building has been turned inside out. This national museum is the place to

go for lovers of modern art.

If museums are not what interest all visitors, there are many other attractions to

keep tourists amused for hours, days, and even weeks! Of course, there is the

renowned Eiffel Tower which lights up every hour after 6pm. Walking along

Pont Neuf, visitors will be astonished by the beauty of the sparkling tower as

the Seine runs rapidly underneath their feet.

Close by is also the cathedral of Notre Dame. The gothic masterpiece is a

popular religious tourist attraction, and so is the spectacular Sainte Chapelle

which is famous for its awe-inducing stained-glass windows. Built in thirteenth

century, Sainte Chapelle represents one of the most complete examples of the

stained-glass window art of the time.

Another impressive place of worship is the Sacre Coeur. Sitting on top of

Montmartre, it is not so much the building that induces wonder, but rather, the

view from the top. The basilica looks over the whole of Paris and this is one of best views of

Paris. The area Montmarte itself is famous for its artistic atmosphere. You can find many

painters, singers in the streets and it full of lovely cafés and restaurants.

There is also a great cultural life in theaters

and operas. The choice is famously vast:

Opéra Garnier, Théâtre du Châtelet and the

national theatres are some of the best-known

in France, but don’t miss the smaller theatres

where you can also find great plays and

comedies: there is always something going on

in Paris!

Paris’ towers, churches, palaces, archways,

bridges and fountains are renowned worldwide for its splendor and beauty. These monuments

relate two thousand years of the capital’s glorious past.

Nightlife in Paris

The City of Lights’ nightlife is sure to have something for everyone: discos, nightclubs and

bars of all kinds and in all districts of the city strive to attract people looking to have a good

time and hoping to enjoy the night.

Techno, house, garage and latino are the popular sounds at discos and clubs at the moment.

Admission prices vary from 0€ to 50€ and up! Cocktails prices start from 10€ but are usually

around 15€. Clubs open around midnight and tend not to close until dawn.

Popular areas include Champs Elysées (pretty chic area with high prices), Montmartre (very

crowded during summer) and Bastille, which is full of clubs and bars. The younger crowds

tend to head to Oberkampf, which is becoming increasingly fashionable.

The opera, the theatre or cafés where live music is being played are just some of the quieter

night outing options. Good music venues are found in the Pigalle area, which has a

reputation of its own with the Moulin Rouge right in the middle. Another great place for cafés

in the evenings is the Marais district.

French gourmet food

France is the country of food! French gastronomy has

an international reputation but we also like simple

products: it’s the country of wine, bread and cheese.

France is the first producer of wine in the world with 63

000 000 hectolitres per year. The most famous are :

Bordeaux (Médoc, Graves, Saint-Emilion,

Pomerol, Sauterne, Montbazillac);

Bourgogne (Chablis, Côte de nuit, Côte de

Beaune, Beaujolais)


Côte du Rhône,

Côte de Provence, Muscadet…

A glass of wine is really appreciated at any meal and goes very well with bread and cheese

of course! French people eat around 167 g. every day of bread and 3.48 million tons are

produced every year.

It’s not a real meal for a French if he doesn’t have some bread! France produces also 365

different types of cheese made from cow, goat or sheep milk.

Budget National museums and monuments are for free for EU residents under 26 (it means that

those with carte de séjour also apply for this). You generally just have to present your carte

de séjour or European ID at the front desk and they will give you a free entrance ticket. Often

this benefit applies only for permanent expositions.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of some common prices in Paris

Beer (Restaurant or bar): 5-6 €

Wine (Supermarket): from 2€ and up ( a good bottle is generally at 4€)

Cigarettes: 6 € a pack

Coffee (cup): 2 to 3.5 €

Eggs (one dozen): 2.5 €

Haircut: 25 € for men, 30 € for women (short hair) but depending on the area it can

go up to 60 €

Baguette (bread): 80 cents - 1 €

Cinema: 8-10 €; 13 € for 3D but you can find offers for students

Newspaper: 1 €

Internet (an hour): 4 €

Restaurant: around 15 € for a main course

Breakfast: 5 €

Lunch: around 10-12 €

Dinner: around 12-15 €

Sandwich: 4 - 6 €

McDonald’s meal: 6 – 7 €

Pizza: 8-11 €

Bus ticket: 1.5 €

Laundry: 3,50 to 4 € for a normal load + 1 Euro for 10 minutes for the dryer

Stamp for Letter: 58 cents

French habits

Non verbal communication

o Making eye contact is a statement of equality in France. It is recognition of the

other person’s identity. Refusing to make eye contact gives you distance.

o French people have a medium physical distance with each other and the

southern you go, the more they are used to touching each other while



o French people kiss on the cheek to greet each other; they can kiss 2, 3 or 4

times according to the region!

o In a business environment, you shake hands: kissing would be seen as too

intimate and not business-like

(Travelling in France)


The best way to travel in France is to take the train. With the TGV,

Marseille in only 3 hours away !

If you wish to travel often around France, we advise you to take a

“Carte 12-25” which gives you from 25% to 50% reduction on all

train tickets. This is very convenient if you intend on taking the train

more than 2 times during your stay. The card costs 49€ and can be

obtained at any SNCF agency:


Must-see places

Côte d’Azur (French Riviera) : Nice & Marseille

The Côte d'Azur, often known in English as the French

Riviera, is the Mediterranean coastline of the southeast corner

of France, also including the sovereign state of Monaco. There

is no official boundary, but it is usually considered to extend

from the Italian border in the east to Saint Tropez, Hyères,

Toulon or Cassis in the west. The French Riviera is a major

yachting and cruising area with several marinas along its

coast. As a tourist centre it benefits from 300 days

of sunshine per year, 115 kilometres (71 mi) of

coastline and beaches, 18 golf courses, 14 ski

resorts and 3,000 restaurants

Transportation from Paris to Nice :

approximately 120€ return for 6h train

Transportation from Paris to Marseille:

approximately 100€ return for 3h train

Presence of 2 Local Committees : LC

Marseille and LC Nice


Bordeaux is a port city on the Garonne River in the Gironde

department in southwestern France. Bordeaux is the

world's major wine industry capital. Bordeaux wine has

been produced in the region since the 8th century. The

historic part of the city is on the UNESCO World Heritage

List as "an outstanding urban and architectural ensemble"

of the 18th century. Bordeaux is classified "City of Art and

History". The city is home to 362 monuments historiques

(only Paris has more in France) with some buildings dating

back to roman times.

Transportation from Paris : approximately 120€ return for 3h train

Presence of 1 Local Committee : LC Bordeaux


Reims, founded by the Gauls, became a

major city during the period of the Roman

Empire. Reims played a prominent

ceremonial role in French monarchical

history as the traditional site of the crowning

of the kings of France. The Cathedral of

Reims (damaged by the Germans during the

First World War but restored since) played

the same role in France as Westminster

Abbey has in the United Kingdom. Reims,

along with Épernay and Ay, functions as one

of the centres of champagne production. Many of the largest champagne-producing

houses, known as les grandes marques, have their headquarters in Reims, and most

open for tasting and tours. Champagne ages in the many caves and tunnels under

Reims, which form a sort of maze below the city. Carved from chalk, some of these

passages date back to Roman times.

Transportation from Paris : approximately 50€ return for 1h train

Presence of 1 Local Committee : LC Reims

Strasbourg :

Strasbourg is the capital and principal city of the Alsace

region in eastern France and is the official seat of the

European Parliament. The city and the region of Alsace are

historically German-speaking, explaining the city's

Germanic name. Strasbourg's historic city centre, the

Grande Île (Grand Island), was classified a World Heritage

site by UNESCO in 1988, the first time such an honour was

placed on an entire city centre. Strasbourg is fused into the

Franco-German culture and although violently disputed

throughout history, has been a bridge of unity between

France and Germany for centuries, especially through the University of Strasbourg,

currently the largest in France, and the coexistence of Catholic and Protestant


Transportation from Paris : approximately 100€ return for 2.5h train ride

Presence of 1 Local Committee : LC Strasbourg

Lyon :

Lyon is a city in east-central France in the Rhône-Alpes

region, situated between Paris and Marseille. The city is

known for its historical and architectural landmarks and

is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Lyon was historically

known as an important area for the production and

weaving of silk and in modern times has developed a

reputation as the capital of gastronomy in France. It has

a significant role in the history of cinema due to Auguste

and Louis Lumière who invented the cinematographe in

Lyon. The city is also known for its famous light festival

'Fete des Lumieres' which occurs every 8 December

and lasts for four days, that earned Lyon the title of

Capital of Lights

Transportation from Paris : approximately 60€ return for 2h train ride

Biarritz :

Biarritz is a city which lies on the Bay of Biscay, on the Atlantic coast, in south-

western France. It is a luxurious seaside town and is popular with tourists and surfers.

The town lies in Basque territory, and Basque flags and symbols are prevalent

throughout Biarritz. It is located near to Bayonne: Bayonne has the longest tradition

of bull-fighting in France and there is a ring beyond the walls of Grand Bayonne. The

season runs between July and September. Bull-fighting is

part of the five-day Fêtes de Bayonne which starts on the

first Wednesday of August and attracts people from across

the Basque Country and beyond. Parades, music, dance,

fireworks, food and drink all feature in the celebrations

Transportation from Paris : approximately

100€ return for 5h train ride


Lille is a city in northern France (French

Flanders). It is the principal city of the Lille

Métropole, the fourth-largest metropolitan area in

the country behind those of Paris, Lyon and

Marseille. Lille is situated on the Deûle River, near France's border with Belgium. Lille

features an array of architectural styles with various amounts of Flemish influence:

these architectural attributes, many uncommon in France, help make Lille a transition

in France to neighboring Belgium, as well as nearby Netherlands and England

Transportation from Paris : approximately 50€ return for 1h train ride

Presence of 1 Local Committee : LC Lille

Tours :

Tours stands on the lower reaches of the river Loire, between Orléans and the

Atlantic coast. Touraine, the region around Tours, is known

for its wines, the alleged perfection (as perceived by some

speakers) of its local spoken French, and the Battle of

Tours in 732. The Loire Valley is referred to as the Cradle

of the French Language, and the Garden of France due to

the abundance of vineyards, fruit orchards (such as

cherries), and artichoke and asparagus fields, which line

the banks of the river. The valley includes historic towns

such as Amboise, Angers, Blois, Chinon, Nantes, Orléans,

Saumur, and Tours. In 2000, UNESCO added the central

part of the Loire River valley to its list of World Heritage


Transportation from Paris : approximately 50€ return for 1.5h train ride

Grenoble :

Grenoble is a city in southeastern France, at the foot

of the French Alps. The proximity of the mountains

has led to the city being known as the "Capital of the

Alps." Grenoble's history goes back more than 2,000

years, and it has been the capital of the Dauphiné

since the 11th century. It experienced a period of

economic expansion in the nineteenth and 20th

centuries, symbolized by the holding of the X

Olympic Winter Games in 1968. The city is now a

significant scientific centre in Europe

Transportation from Paris : approximately

100€ return for 4h train ride

Presence of 1 Local Committee : LC Strasbourg

Mont Saint Michel (Normandie):

Mont Saint-Michel is a rocky tidal island and a commune in Normandy, France. It is

located approximately one kilometre (just over half a mile) off the country's north-

western coast, at the mouth of the Couesnon River near Avranches. The population

of the island is 41, as of 2006. The island has been a strategic point holding

fortifications since ancient times, and since the 8th century AD it became the seat of

the Saint-Michel monastery, from which it draws the name. The Mont-Saint-Michel

and its bay are part of the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites.[1] More than

3,000,000 people visit it each year

Transportation from Paris : approximately 75€ return for 4h train ride


Laurence Dumont

Member Committee President and Incoming Exchange

Kasia Chareza

Member Committee Vice President Talent Management


Fanni Szasznadasy

Member Committee Vice President Finance

April Ong Mae Vaño

Member Committee Vice President Outgoing Exchange


Alina Boaca

Member Committee Vice President Organisation Development

Bryan Corbion

Member Committee Vice President Business Development

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