reakfast lu raigentinny primary school · starting in p1, filter the news and message sections to...

Post on 11-Oct-2020






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READY STEADY SCHOOL In the next few weeks there are lots of simple ways you can help your child get ready for school. • Encouraging your child to dress and

undress themselves ready for PE days • Change their shoes and hang up their

jacket • Go to the toilet, flush and wash their

hands independently • Practise cutting up food and eating

with cutlery • Act confidently and responsibly Look out for the letters in their name on signs and in print. At school we teach the small or lower case letters of the alphabet first and they learn the sounds and names. Then we teach the capital letters. For example: AA: • the name is ‘A’ as in acorn • the sound is ‘a’ as in apple Sharing a storybook and having fun with nursery rhymes and songs will all help to prepare your child for reading.

BREAKFAST CLUB We have a Breakfast Club which opens from 8.00 am each day for £1. Children are given cereal, toast and fruit juice and are supervised until 8.45 am. This does not need to be pre-booked.

Craigentinny Primary School Loganlea Drive, Edinburgh EH7 6LR Tel: 0131 661 2749 Web: Twitter: @CraigentinnyPS

Craigentinny Primary School

We hope your child will be very happy and successful here


We hope you find this booklet helpful. Please

do not hesitate to ask a member of staff if you

are unsure about any of the things

mentioned in it.

We are happy to help.


Craigentinny Primary School will follow

Scottish Government guidance on the

numbers of children that can attend our

setting in August 2020. This may mean that

our school will not be able to operate at full

capacity. We may therefore, need to

implement social distancing measures to limit

the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19). This

will be a blended model of home learning and

learning in school.

Information on start dates, times and

implications to follow. Please continue to

check our school website, twitter and

download our school app. You can download

the app by searching for School App for

Parents in your app store. Search for

Craigentinny Primary School. In order that

you see information relating to your child

starting in P1, filter the News and Message

sections to show only Moving to P1.

Welcome to Craigentinny Primary School

Head Teacher

Stephanie Dean

Acting Depute Head


Lisa Murray

Class Teachers

To be confirmed

Welfare Assistant

Yvonne Notman

Office Staff

Dawn Kelly

Carole McMillan

Business Manager

Andrew Fair 7


Reading, Writing and Number Work are our priorities. Every day your child will be learning new skills and finding out new things. They will be encouraged to ask questions, discuss topics, work with the teacher or other staff members, work in small groups or work independently.

Listening carefully and being wide awake will be vital.

Please ensure that your child is ready for a busy day by making sure they have had a good night’s sleep and a nourishing breakfast. Tidying Up and being responsible for their own belongings are also important skills that children will be encouraged to develop in Primary 1. You can help by practising at home and making sure all your child’s belongings are clearly marked with their name.

PARTNERSHIP WITH PARENTS At Craigentinny Primary School we work in partnership with parents and carers to support your child’s learning and development. During the school year there will be lots of opportunities for you to come into school to find out about what your child is doing in Primary 1 and how you can support and encourage them at home. Please check your child’s school bag at the end of each day for letters and information about these events.

Your child will also bring home a purple diary each day. This will keep you informed of any reading and other homework that needs done and of any other news. Please sign it daily to let the class teacher know that you have read it.


UNIFORM We are really proud of our school and we ask that the children wear their school uniform every day. What to wear

• Grey skirt or trousers • White shirt/blouse • Maroon and gold tie • White polo shirt with/without school

badge • Grey knitwear • Checked summer dress • Black footwear • Maroon sweatshirt with school badge • Maroon fleece jacket with school

badge • Shorts, T-shirt and gym shoes in a gym

bag • Indoor shoes – soft soled/ gym shoes

Please clearly mark all your child’s clothes and footwear with your child’s name. Remember names on labels wash off and labels fall off, so please check them regularly.

Please Note: Football colours are not


Where to order

You can order sweatshirts, fleece jackets and white polo shirts (with our school badge embroidered in gold) from My Clothing /ues, (Type, Craigentinny into the search box). They also have gym kitbags for sale. These can be ordered ready for the new term.



School starts at 8.45 am.

Children will be out in the playground until

this time so please don’t bring them too

early. When the second bell rings the class

teacher will collect the children from their

lines at the side entrance.

Please ensure that your child is on time.

It’s always better if they come in with their

friends and you don’t want your child to miss

anything important. If your child is late for

any reason please report to the school office

where you will be asked to sign your child in

and give a reason for their being late.


The times of the school day


Monday - Thursday

8.45 am - 12.05 pm

1.00 pm - 2.55 pm


8.45 am - 12.00 pm


On the first day of absence

please telephone the school

before 9.30 am a choose

option 1:

0131 661 2749

Please leave a message on

the answering machine, if

possible giving an estimated

length of absence.

Your child’s health and safety

is of paramount importance

to all of us. It is crucial that

we know where your child is

and why.


Break Time

Playtime is from 10.30 am until 10.45 am

each morning and there is a 10 minute break

on one afternoon for Primary 1 and 2.

Children are supervised outside by Pupil

Support Assistants and there are toys and

games provided. The Craigie Crew (older

pupils trained in friendship games) are also

on duty every day.

Children should not bring toys from home as

loss or damage to these can cause upset.

Please make sure they are dressed suitably

with appropriate clothing if the weather is


In very bad weather the children are

supervised indoors at break and lunchtimes.


Snack Time

Children can have a snack

during morning break. They

may bring in a small, healthy

snack and bottled water. No

fizzy drinks are allowed and

we discourage sweets.

A milk letter will be sent

home to inform you of dates,

prices and how to order and

pay. Children whose parents

are in receipt of Income

Support can claim assistance

with the costs of milk.

Forms are available from the

school office.


Lunch Time

Primary 1 children have their lunch at 12.05

pm. Meals consist of a main dish and a

choice of soup or dessert. Vegetarians are

catered for. A menu will be sent home

before children attend for the full day.

Ordering Lunch.

All Primary 1 — Primary 3 pupils now receive

free school meals. Lunches can be ordered

online via the ParentPay website. Lunches

must be ordered by midnight on Wednesday

for the following week (see online services


You may prefer to provide a packed lunch for

your child. A healthy lunch is very

important so please do not send fizzy drinks

or sweets in as part of the lunch. Lunch

boxes should be named.

All children are supervised in the dinner hall

by members of the Senior Management

Team and Pupil Support Assistants.

End of Day

School ends at 2.55 pm

(Monday—Thursday) & 12.00

noon on Fridays.

Please be on time to collect

your child.

If you are in any way delayed

please phone to let us know.

This will save your child

becoming upset or worried. If

someone other than yourself

is collecting your child, please

inform the class teacher at the

start of the day in person, by

phone (0131 661 2749) or via a


The class teacher will dismiss

the children from the side door

where they must be collected

by a known adult. This

ensures the safety of all our


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